// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_manager.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility.h" #include "content/common/accessibility_messages.h" using webkit_glue::WebAccessibility; BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibilityFactory::Create() { return BrowserAccessibility::Create(); } // Start child IDs at -1 and decrement each time, because clients use // child IDs of 1, 2, 3, ... to access the children of an object by // index, so we use negative IDs to clearly distinguish between indices // and unique IDs. // static int32 BrowserAccessibilityManager::next_child_id_ = -1; #if (defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)) || defined(USE_AURA) // There's no OS-specific implementation of BrowserAccessibilityManager // on Unix, so just instantiate the base class. // static BrowserAccessibilityManager* BrowserAccessibilityManager::Create( gfx::NativeView parent_view, const WebAccessibility& src, BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate, BrowserAccessibilityFactory* factory) { return new BrowserAccessibilityManager( parent_view, src, delegate, factory); } #endif // static BrowserAccessibilityManager* BrowserAccessibilityManager::CreateEmptyDocument( gfx::NativeView parent_view, WebAccessibility::State state, BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate, BrowserAccessibilityFactory* factory) { // Use empty document to process notifications webkit_glue::WebAccessibility empty_document; empty_document.id = 0; empty_document.role = WebAccessibility::ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA; empty_document.state = state; return BrowserAccessibilityManager::Create( parent_view, empty_document, delegate, factory); } BrowserAccessibilityManager::BrowserAccessibilityManager( gfx::NativeView parent_view, const WebAccessibility& src, BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate, BrowserAccessibilityFactory* factory) : parent_view_(parent_view), delegate_(delegate), factory_(factory), focus_(NULL) { root_ = CreateAccessibilityTree(NULL, src, 0, false); if (!focus_) SetFocus(root_, false); } // static int32 BrowserAccessibilityManager::GetNextChildID() { // Get the next child ID, and wrap around when we get near the end // of a 32-bit integer range. It's okay to wrap around; we just want // to avoid it as long as possible because clients may cache the ID of // an object for a while to determine if they've seen it before. next_child_id_--; if (next_child_id_ == -2000000000) next_child_id_ = -1; return next_child_id_; } BrowserAccessibilityManager::~BrowserAccessibilityManager() { // Clients could still hold references to some nodes of the tree, so // calling InternalReleaseReference will make sure that as many nodes // as possible are released now, and remaining nodes are marked as // inactive so that calls to any methods on them will fail gracefully. focus_->InternalReleaseReference(false); root_->InternalReleaseReference(true); } BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibilityManager::GetRoot() { return root_; } BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibilityManager::GetFromChildID( int32 child_id) { base::hash_map<int32, BrowserAccessibility*>::iterator iter = child_id_map_.find(child_id); if (iter != child_id_map_.end()) { return iter->second; } else { return NULL; } } BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibilityManager::GetFromRendererID( int32 renderer_id) { base::hash_map<int32, int32>::iterator iter = renderer_id_to_child_id_map_.find(renderer_id); if (iter == renderer_id_to_child_id_map_.end()) return NULL; int32 child_id = iter->second; return GetFromChildID(child_id); } void BrowserAccessibilityManager::GotFocus() { if (!focus_) return; NotifyAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityNotificationFocusChanged, focus_); } void BrowserAccessibilityManager::Remove(int32 child_id, int32 renderer_id) { child_id_map_.erase(child_id); // TODO(ctguil): Investigate if hit. We should never have a newer entry. DCHECK(renderer_id_to_child_id_map_[renderer_id] == child_id); // Make sure we don't overwrite a newer entry (see UpdateNode for a possible // corner case). if (renderer_id_to_child_id_map_[renderer_id] == child_id) renderer_id_to_child_id_map_.erase(renderer_id); } void BrowserAccessibilityManager::OnAccessibilityNotifications( const std::vector<AccessibilityHostMsg_NotificationParams>& params) { for (uint32 index = 0; index < params.size(); index++) { const AccessibilityHostMsg_NotificationParams& param = params[index]; // Update the tree. UpdateNode(param.acc_tree, param.includes_children); // Find the node corresponding to the id that's the target of the // notification (which may not be the root of the update tree). base::hash_map<int32, int32>::iterator iter = renderer_id_to_child_id_map_.find(param.id); if (iter == renderer_id_to_child_id_map_.end()) { continue; } int32 child_id = iter->second; BrowserAccessibility* node = GetFromChildID(child_id); if (!node) { NOTREACHED(); continue; } int notification_type = param.notification_type; if (notification_type == AccessibilityNotificationFocusChanged) { SetFocus(node, false); // Don't send a native focus event if the window itself doesn't // have focus. if (delegate_ && !delegate_->HasFocus()) continue; } // Send the notification event to the operating system. NotifyAccessibilityEvent(notification_type, node); // Set initial focus when a page is loaded. if (notification_type == AccessibilityNotificationLoadComplete) { if (!focus_) SetFocus(root_, false); if (!delegate_ || delegate_->HasFocus()) NotifyAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityNotificationFocusChanged, focus_); } } } gfx::NativeView BrowserAccessibilityManager::GetParentView() { return parent_view_; } BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibilityManager::GetFocus( BrowserAccessibility* root) { if (focus_ && (!root || focus_->IsDescendantOf(root))) return focus_; return NULL; } void BrowserAccessibilityManager::SetFocus( BrowserAccessibility* node, bool notify) { if (focus_ != node) { if (focus_) focus_->InternalReleaseReference(false); focus_ = node; if (focus_) focus_->InternalAddReference(); } if (notify && node && delegate_) delegate_->SetAccessibilityFocus(node->renderer_id()); } void BrowserAccessibilityManager::DoDefaultAction( const BrowserAccessibility& node) { if (delegate_) delegate_->AccessibilityDoDefaultAction(node.renderer_id()); } void BrowserAccessibilityManager::ScrollToMakeVisible( const BrowserAccessibility& node, gfx::Rect subfocus) { if (delegate_) { delegate_->AccessibilityScrollToMakeVisible(node.renderer_id(), subfocus); } } void BrowserAccessibilityManager::ScrollToPoint( const BrowserAccessibility& node, gfx::Point point) { if (delegate_) { delegate_->AccessibilityScrollToPoint(node.renderer_id(), point); } } void BrowserAccessibilityManager::SetTextSelection( const BrowserAccessibility& node, int start_offset, int end_offset) { if (delegate_) { delegate_->AccessibilitySetTextSelection( node.renderer_id(), start_offset, end_offset); } } gfx::Rect BrowserAccessibilityManager::GetViewBounds() { if (delegate_) return delegate_->GetViewBounds(); return gfx::Rect(); } void BrowserAccessibilityManager::UpdateNode( const WebAccessibility& src, bool include_children) { BrowserAccessibility* current = NULL; // Look for the node to replace. Either we're replacing the whole tree // (role is ROOT_WEB_AREA) or we look it up based on its renderer ID. if (src.role == WebAccessibility::ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA) { current = root_; } else { base::hash_map<int32, int32>::iterator iter = renderer_id_to_child_id_map_.find(src.id); if (iter != renderer_id_to_child_id_map_.end()) { int32 child_id = iter->second; current = GetFromChildID(child_id); } } // If we can't find the node to replace, we're out of sync with the // renderer (this would be a bug). DCHECK(current); if (!current) return; // If this update is just for a single node (|include_children| is false), // modify |current| directly and return - no tree changes are needed. if (!include_children) { DCHECK_EQ(0U, src.children.size()); current->PreInitialize( this, current->parent(), current->child_id(), current->index_in_parent(), src); current->PostInitialize(); return; } BrowserAccessibility* current_parent = current->parent(); int current_index_in_parent = current->index_in_parent(); // Detach all of the nodes in the old tree and get a single flat vector // of all node pointers. std::vector<BrowserAccessibility*> old_tree_nodes; current->DetachTree(&old_tree_nodes); // Build a new tree, reusing old nodes if possible. Each node that's // reused will have its reference count incremented by one. current = CreateAccessibilityTree( current_parent, src, current_index_in_parent, true); // Decrement the reference count of all nodes in the old tree, which will // delete any nodes no longer needed. for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(old_tree_nodes.size()); i++) old_tree_nodes[i]->InternalReleaseReference(false); // If the only reference to the focused node is focus_ itself, then the // focused node is no longer in the tree, so set the focus to the root. if (focus_ && focus_->ref_count() == 1) { SetFocus(root_, false); if (delegate_ && delegate_->HasFocus()) NotifyAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityNotificationBlur, focus_); } } BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibilityManager::CreateAccessibilityTree( BrowserAccessibility* parent, const WebAccessibility& src, int index_in_parent, bool send_show_events) { BrowserAccessibility* instance = NULL; int32 child_id = 0; bool children_can_send_show_events = send_show_events; base::hash_map<int32, int32>::iterator iter = renderer_id_to_child_id_map_.find(src.id); // If a BrowserAccessibility instance for this ID already exists, add a // new reference to it and retrieve its children vector. if (iter != renderer_id_to_child_id_map_.end()) { child_id = iter->second; instance = GetFromChildID(child_id); } // If the node has changed roles, don't reuse a BrowserAccessibility // object, that could confuse a screen reader. // TODO(dtseng): Investigate when this gets hit; See crbug.com/93095. DCHECK(!instance || instance->role() == src.role); // If we're reusing a node, it should already be detached from a parent // and any children. If not, that means we have a serious bug somewhere, // like the same child is reachable from two places in the same tree. if (instance && (instance->parent() != NULL || instance->child_count() > 0)) { NOTREACHED(); instance = NULL; } if (instance) { // If we're reusing a node, update its parent and increment its // reference count. instance->UpdateParent(parent, index_in_parent); instance->InternalAddReference(); send_show_events = false; } else { // Otherwise, create a new instance. instance = factory_->Create(); child_id = GetNextChildID(); children_can_send_show_events = false; } instance->PreInitialize(this, parent, child_id, index_in_parent, src); child_id_map_[child_id] = instance; renderer_id_to_child_id_map_[src.id] = child_id; if ((src.state >> WebAccessibility::STATE_FOCUSED) & 1) SetFocus(instance, false); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(src.children.size()); ++i) { BrowserAccessibility* child = CreateAccessibilityTree( instance, src.children[i], i, children_can_send_show_events); instance->AddChild(child); } if (src.role == WebAccessibility::ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA) root_ = instance; // Note: the purpose of send_show_events and children_can_send_show_events // is so that we send a single ObjectShow event for the root of a subtree // that just appeared for the first time, but not on any descendant of // that subtree. if (send_show_events) NotifyAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityNotificationObjectShow, instance); instance->PostInitialize(); return instance; }