// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_BROWSER_ACCESSIBILITY_BROWSER_ACCESSIBILITY_WIN_H_ #define CONTENT_BROWSER_ACCESSIBILITY_BROWSER_ACCESSIBILITY_WIN_H_ #include <atlbase.h> #include <atlcom.h> #include <oleacc.h> #include <UIAutomationCore.h> #include <vector> #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility.h" #include "content/common/content_export.h" #include "third_party/iaccessible2/ia2_api_all.h" #include "third_party/isimpledom/ISimpleDOMDocument.h" #include "third_party/isimpledom/ISimpleDOMNode.h" #include "third_party/isimpledom/ISimpleDOMText.h" namespace ui { enum TextBoundaryDirection; enum TextBoundaryType; } namespace content { class BrowserAccessibilityRelation; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BrowserAccessibilityWin // // Class implementing the windows accessible interface for the Browser-Renderer // communication of accessibility information, providing accessibility // to be used by screen readers and other assistive technology (AT). // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class __declspec(uuid("562072fe-3390-43b1-9e2c-dd4118f5ac79")) BrowserAccessibilityWin : public BrowserAccessibility, public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>, public IDispatchImpl<IAccessible2, &IID_IAccessible2, &LIBID_IAccessible2Lib>, public IAccessibleApplication, public IAccessibleHyperlink, public IAccessibleHypertext, public IAccessibleImage, public IAccessibleTable, public IAccessibleTable2, public IAccessibleTableCell, public IAccessibleValue, public IServiceProvider, public ISimpleDOMDocument, public ISimpleDOMNode, public ISimpleDOMText, public IAccessibleEx, public IRawElementProviderSimple { public: BEGIN_COM_MAP(BrowserAccessibilityWin) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IDispatch, IAccessible2) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IAccessible, IAccessible2) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IAccessibleText, IAccessibleHypertext) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IAccessible2) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IAccessibleApplication) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IAccessibleHyperlink) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IAccessibleHypertext) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IAccessibleImage) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IAccessibleTable) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IAccessibleTable2) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IAccessibleTableCell) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IAccessibleValue) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IServiceProvider) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISimpleDOMDocument) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISimpleDOMNode) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISimpleDOMText) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IAccessibleEx) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IRawElementProviderSimple) END_COM_MAP() // Represents a non-static text node in IAccessibleHypertext. This character // is embedded in the response to IAccessibleText::get_text, indicating the // position where a non-static text child object appears. CONTENT_EXPORT static const base::char16 kEmbeddedCharacter[]; // Mappings from roles and states to human readable strings. Initialize // with |InitializeStringMaps|. static std::map<int32, base::string16> role_string_map; static std::map<int32, base::string16> state_string_map; CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserAccessibilityWin(); CONTENT_EXPORT virtual ~BrowserAccessibilityWin(); // The Windows-specific unique ID, used as the child ID for MSAA methods // like NotifyWinEvent, and as the unique ID for IAccessible2 and ISimpleDOM. LONG unique_id_win() const { return unique_id_win_; } // // BrowserAccessibility methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT virtual void OnDataChanged() OVERRIDE; CONTENT_EXPORT virtual void OnUpdateFinished() OVERRIDE; CONTENT_EXPORT virtual void NativeAddReference() OVERRIDE; CONTENT_EXPORT virtual void NativeReleaseReference() OVERRIDE; CONTENT_EXPORT virtual bool IsNative() const OVERRIDE; CONTENT_EXPORT virtual void OnLocationChanged() const OVERRIDE; // // IAccessible methods. // // Performs the default action on a given object. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP accDoDefaultAction(VARIANT var_id); // Retrieves the child element or child object at a given point on the screen. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP accHitTest(LONG x_left, LONG y_top, VARIANT* child); // Retrieves the specified object's current screen location. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP accLocation(LONG* x_left, LONG* y_top, LONG* width, LONG* height, VARIANT var_id); // Traverses to another UI element and retrieves the object. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP accNavigate(LONG nav_dir, VARIANT start, VARIANT* end); // Retrieves an IDispatch interface pointer for the specified child. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accChild(VARIANT var_child, IDispatch** disp_child); // Retrieves the number of accessible children. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accChildCount(LONG* child_count); // Retrieves a string that describes the object's default action. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accDefaultAction(VARIANT var_id, BSTR* default_action); // Retrieves the object's description. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accDescription(VARIANT var_id, BSTR* desc); // Retrieves the object that has the keyboard focus. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accFocus(VARIANT* focus_child); // Retrieves the help information associated with the object. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accHelp(VARIANT var_id, BSTR* heflp); // Retrieves the specified object's shortcut. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accKeyboardShortcut(VARIANT var_id, BSTR* access_key); // Retrieves the name of the specified object. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accName(VARIANT var_id, BSTR* name); // Retrieves the IDispatch interface of the object's parent. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accParent(IDispatch** disp_parent); // Retrieves information describing the role of the specified object. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accRole(VARIANT var_id, VARIANT* role); // Retrieves the current state of the specified object. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accState(VARIANT var_id, VARIANT* state); // Returns the value associated with the object. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accValue(VARIANT var_id, BSTR* value); // Make an object take focus or extend the selection. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP accSelect(LONG flags_sel, VARIANT var_id); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accHelpTopic(BSTR* help_file, VARIANT var_id, LONG* topic_id); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accSelection(VARIANT* selected); // Deprecated methods, not implemented. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP put_accName(VARIANT var_id, BSTR put_name) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP put_accValue(VARIANT var_id, BSTR put_val) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // IAccessible2 methods. // // Returns role from a longer list of possible roles. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP role(LONG* role); // Returns the state bitmask from a larger set of possible states. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_states(AccessibleStates* states); // Returns the attributes specific to this IAccessible2 object, // such as a cell's formula. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_attributes(BSTR* attributes); // Get the unique ID of this object so that the client knows if it's // been encountered previously. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_uniqueID(LONG* unique_id); // Get the window handle of the enclosing window. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_windowHandle(HWND* window_handle); // Get this object's index in its parent object. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_indexInParent(LONG* index_in_parent); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nRelations(LONG* n_relations); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_relation(LONG relation_index, IAccessibleRelation** relation); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_relations(LONG max_relations, IAccessibleRelation** relations, LONG* n_relations); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP scrollTo(enum IA2ScrollType scroll_type); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP scrollToPoint( enum IA2CoordinateType coordinate_type, LONG x, LONG y); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_groupPosition(LONG* group_level, LONG* similar_items_in_group, LONG* position_in_group); // // IAccessibleEx methods not implemented. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_extendedRole(BSTR* extended_role) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_localizedExtendedRole( BSTR* localized_extended_role) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nExtendedStates(LONG* n_extended_states) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_extendedStates(LONG max_extended_states, BSTR** extended_states, LONG* n_extended_states) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_localizedExtendedStates( LONG max_localized_extended_states, BSTR** localized_extended_states, LONG* n_localized_extended_states) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_locale(IA2Locale* locale) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // IAccessibleApplication methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_appName(BSTR* app_name); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_appVersion(BSTR* app_version); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_toolkitName(BSTR* toolkit_name); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_toolkitVersion(BSTR* toolkit_version); // // IAccessibleImage methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_description(BSTR* description); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_imagePosition( enum IA2CoordinateType coordinate_type, LONG* x, LONG* y); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_imageSize(LONG* height, LONG* width); // // IAccessibleTable methods. // // get_description - also used by IAccessibleImage CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_accessibleAt(long row, long column, IUnknown** accessible); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_caption(IUnknown** accessible); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_childIndex(long row_index, long column_index, long* cell_index); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_columnDescription(long column, BSTR* description); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_columnExtentAt(long row, long column, long* n_columns_spanned); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_columnHeader( IAccessibleTable** accessible_table, long* starting_row_index); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_columnIndex(long cell_index, long* column_index); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nColumns(long* column_count); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nRows(long* row_count); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nSelectedChildren(long* cell_count); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nSelectedColumns(long* column_count); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nSelectedRows(long *row_count); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_rowDescription(long row, BSTR* description); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_rowExtentAt(long row, long column, long* n_rows_spanned); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_rowHeader(IAccessibleTable** accessible_table, long* starting_column_index); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_rowIndex(long cell_index, long* row_index); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_selectedChildren(long max_children, long** children, long* n_children); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_selectedColumns(long max_columns, long** columns, long* n_columns); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_selectedRows(long max_rows, long** rows, long* n_rows); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_summary(IUnknown** accessible); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_isColumnSelected(long column, boolean* is_selected); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_isRowSelected(long row, boolean* is_selected); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_isSelected(long row, long column, boolean* is_selected); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(long index, long* row, long* column, long* row_extents, long* column_extents, boolean* is_selected); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP selectRow(long row) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP selectColumn(long column) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP unselectRow(long row) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP unselectColumn(long column) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_modelChange( IA2TableModelChange* model_change) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // IAccessibleTable2 methods. // // (Most of these are duplicates of IAccessibleTable methods, only the // unique ones are included here.) // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_cellAt(long row, long column, IUnknown** cell); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nSelectedCells(long* cell_count); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_selectedCells(IUnknown*** cells, long* n_selected_cells); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_selectedColumns(long** columns, long* n_columns); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_selectedRows(long** rows, long* n_rows); // // IAccessibleTableCell methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_columnExtent(long* n_columns_spanned); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_columnHeaderCells( IUnknown*** cell_accessibles, long* n_column_header_cells); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_columnIndex(long* column_index); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_rowExtent(long* n_rows_spanned); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_rowHeaderCells(IUnknown*** cell_accessibles, long* n_row_header_cells); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_rowIndex(long* row_index); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_isSelected(boolean* is_selected); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_rowColumnExtents(long* row, long* column, long* row_extents, long* column_extents, boolean* is_selected); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_table(IUnknown** table); // // IAccessibleText methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nCharacters(LONG* n_characters); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_caretOffset(LONG* offset); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_characterExtents( LONG offset, enum IA2CoordinateType coord_type, LONG* out_x, LONG* out_y, LONG* out_width, LONG* out_height); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nSelections(LONG* n_selections); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_selection(LONG selection_index, LONG* start_offset, LONG* end_offset); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_text(LONG start_offset, LONG end_offset, BSTR* text); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_textAtOffset( LONG offset, enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundary_type, LONG* start_offset, LONG* end_offset, BSTR* text); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_textBeforeOffset( LONG offset, enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundary_type, LONG* start_offset, LONG* end_offset, BSTR* text); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_textAfterOffset( LONG offset, enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundary_type, LONG* start_offset, LONG* end_offset, BSTR* text); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_newText(IA2TextSegment* new_text); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_oldText(IA2TextSegment* old_text); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_offsetAtPoint( LONG x, LONG y, enum IA2CoordinateType coord_type, LONG* offset); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP scrollSubstringTo( LONG start_index, LONG end_index, enum IA2ScrollType scroll_type); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP scrollSubstringToPoint( LONG start_index, LONG end_index, enum IA2CoordinateType coordinate_type, LONG x, LONG y); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP addSelection(LONG start_offset, LONG end_offset); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP removeSelection(LONG selection_index); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP setCaretOffset(LONG offset); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP setSelection(LONG selection_index, LONG start_offset, LONG end_offset); // IAccessibleText methods not implemented. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_attributes(LONG offset, LONG* start_offset, LONG* end_offset, BSTR* text_attributes) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // IAccessibleHypertext methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nHyperlinks(long* hyperlink_count); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_hyperlink(long index, IAccessibleHyperlink** hyperlink); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_hyperlinkIndex(long char_index, long* hyperlink_index); // IAccessibleHyperlink not implemented. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_anchor(long index, VARIANT* anchor) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_anchorTarget(long index, VARIANT* anchor_target) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_startIndex( long* index) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_endIndex( long* index) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_valid(boolean* valid) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // IAccessibleAction not implemented. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP nActions(long* n_actions) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP doAction(long action_index) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_description(long action_index, BSTR* description) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_keyBinding(long action_index, long n_max_bindings, BSTR** key_bindings, long* n_bindings) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_name(long action_index, BSTR* name) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_localizedName(long action_index, BSTR* localized_name) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // IAccessibleValue methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_currentValue(VARIANT* value); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_minimumValue(VARIANT* value); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_maximumValue(VARIANT* value); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP setCurrentValue(VARIANT new_value); // // ISimpleDOMDocument methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_URL(BSTR* url); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_title(BSTR* title); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_mimeType(BSTR* mime_type); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_docType(BSTR* doc_type); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nameSpaceURIForID(short name_space_id, BSTR* name_space_uri) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP put_alternateViewMediaTypes( BSTR* comma_separated_media_types) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // ISimpleDOMNode methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nodeInfo(BSTR* node_name, short* name_space_id, BSTR* node_value, unsigned int* num_children, unsigned int* unique_id, unsigned short* node_type); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_attributes(unsigned short max_attribs, BSTR* attrib_names, short* name_space_id, BSTR* attrib_values, unsigned short* num_attribs); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_attributesForNames( unsigned short num_attribs, BSTR* attrib_names, short* name_space_id, BSTR* attrib_values); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_computedStyle( unsigned short max_style_properties, boolean use_alternate_view, BSTR *style_properties, BSTR *style_values, unsigned short *num_style_properties); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_computedStyleForProperties( unsigned short num_style_properties, boolean use_alternate_view, BSTR* style_properties, BSTR* style_values); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP scrollTo(boolean placeTopLeft); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_parentNode(ISimpleDOMNode** node); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_firstChild(ISimpleDOMNode** node); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_lastChild(ISimpleDOMNode** node); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_previousSibling(ISimpleDOMNode** node); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_nextSibling(ISimpleDOMNode** node); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_childAt(unsigned int child_index, ISimpleDOMNode** node); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_innerHTML(BSTR* innerHTML) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_localInterface(void** local_interface) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_language(BSTR* language) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // ISimpleDOMText methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_domText(BSTR* dom_text); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_clippedSubstringBounds( unsigned int start_index, unsigned int end_index, int* out_x, int* out_y, int* out_width, int* out_height); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_unclippedSubstringBounds( unsigned int start_index, unsigned int end_index, int* out_x, int* out_y, int* out_width, int* out_height); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP scrollToSubstring(unsigned int start_index, unsigned int end_index); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_fontFamily(BSTR *font_family) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // IServiceProvider methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP QueryService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void** object); // IAccessibleEx methods not implemented. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP GetObjectForChild(long child_id, IAccessibleEx** ret) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP GetIAccessiblePair(IAccessible** acc, long* child_id) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP GetRuntimeId(SAFEARRAY** runtime_id) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP ConvertReturnedElement( IRawElementProviderSimple* element, IAccessibleEx** acc) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // IRawElementProviderSimple methods. // // The GetPatternProvider/GetPropertyValue methods need to be implemented for // the on-screen keyboard to show up in Windows 8 metro. CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP GetPatternProvider(PATTERNID id, IUnknown** provider); CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP GetPropertyValue(PROPERTYID id, VARIANT* ret); // // IRawElementProviderSimple methods not implemented // CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_ProviderOptions(enum ProviderOptions* ret) { return E_NOTIMPL; } CONTENT_EXPORT STDMETHODIMP get_HostRawElementProvider( IRawElementProviderSimple** provider) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // CComObjectRootEx methods. // CONTENT_EXPORT HRESULT WINAPI InternalQueryInterface( void* this_ptr, const _ATL_INTMAP_ENTRY* entries, REFIID iid, void** object); // Accessors. int32 ia_role() const { return ia_role_; } int32 ia_state() const { return ia_state_; } const base::string16& role_name() const { return role_name_; } int32 ia2_role() const { return ia2_role_; } int32 ia2_state() const { return ia2_state_; } const std::vector<base::string16>& ia2_attributes() const { return ia2_attributes_; } private: // Add one to the reference count and return the same object. Always // use this method when returning a BrowserAccessibilityWin object as // an output parameter to a COM interface, never use it otherwise. BrowserAccessibilityWin* NewReference(); // Many MSAA methods take a var_id parameter indicating that the operation // should be performed on a particular child ID, rather than this object. // This method tries to figure out the target object from |var_id| and // returns a pointer to the target object if it exists, otherwise NULL. // Does not return a new reference. BrowserAccessibilityWin* GetTargetFromChildID(const VARIANT& var_id); // Initialize the role and state metadata from the role enum and state // bitmasks defined in ui::AXNodeData. void InitRoleAndState(); // Retrieve the value of an attribute from the string attribute map and // if found and nonempty, allocate a new BSTR (with SysAllocString) // and return S_OK. If not found or empty, return S_FALSE. HRESULT GetStringAttributeAsBstr( ui::AXStringAttribute attribute, BSTR* value_bstr); // If the string attribute |attribute| is present, add its value as an // IAccessible2 attribute with the name |ia2_attr|. void StringAttributeToIA2(ui::AXStringAttribute attribute, const char* ia2_attr); // If the bool attribute |attribute| is present, add its value as an // IAccessible2 attribute with the name |ia2_attr|. void BoolAttributeToIA2(ui::AXBoolAttribute attribute, const char* ia2_attr); // If the int attribute |attribute| is present, add its value as an // IAccessible2 attribute with the name |ia2_attr|. void IntAttributeToIA2(ui::AXIntAttribute attribute, const char* ia2_attr); // Get the value text, which might come from the floating-point // value for some roles. base::string16 GetValueText(); // Get the text of this node for the purposes of IAccessibleText - it may // be the name, it may be the value, etc. depending on the role. base::string16 TextForIAccessibleText(); // If offset is a member of IA2TextSpecialOffsets this function updates the // value of offset and returns, otherwise offset remains unchanged. void HandleSpecialTextOffset(const base::string16& text, LONG* offset); // Convert from a IA2TextBoundaryType to a ui::TextBoundaryType. ui::TextBoundaryType IA2TextBoundaryToTextBoundary(IA2TextBoundaryType type); // Search forwards (direction == 1) or backwards (direction == -1) // from the given offset until the given boundary is found, and // return the offset of that boundary. LONG FindBoundary(const base::string16& text, IA2TextBoundaryType ia2_boundary, LONG start_offset, ui::TextBoundaryDirection direction); // Return a pointer to the object corresponding to the given id, // does not make a new reference. BrowserAccessibilityWin* GetFromID(int32 id); // Windows-specific unique ID (unique within the browser process), // used for get_accChild, NotifyWinEvent, and as the unique ID for // IAccessible2 and ISimpleDOM. LONG unique_id_win_; // IAccessible role and state. int32 ia_role_; int32 ia_state_; base::string16 role_name_; // IAccessible2 role and state. int32 ia2_role_; int32 ia2_state_; // IAccessible2 attributes. std::vector<base::string16> ia2_attributes_; // True in Initialize when the object is first created, and false // subsequent times. bool first_time_; // The previous text, before the last update to this object. base::string16 previous_text_; // The old text to return in IAccessibleText::get_oldText - this is like // previous_text_ except that it's NOT updated when the object // is initialized again but the text doesn't change. base::string16 old_text_; // The previous state, used to see if there was a state change. int32 old_ia_state_; // Relationships between this node and other nodes. std::vector<BrowserAccessibilityRelation*> relations_; // The text of this node including embedded hyperlink characters. base::string16 hypertext_; // Maps the |hypertext_| embedded character offset to an index in // |hyperlinks_|. std::map<int32, int32> hyperlink_offset_to_index_; // Collection of non-static text child indicies, each of which corresponds to // a hyperlink. std::vector<int32> hyperlinks_; // The previous scroll position, so we can tell if this object scrolled. int previous_scroll_x_; int previous_scroll_y_; // The next unique id to use. static LONG next_unique_id_win_; // Give BrowserAccessibility::Create access to our constructor. friend class BrowserAccessibility; friend class BrowserAccessibilityRelation; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BrowserAccessibilityWin); }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_BROWSER_ACCESSIBILITY_BROWSER_ACCESSIBILITY_WIN_H_