// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/android/edge_effect.h" #include "cc/layers/layer.h" #include "cc/layers/ui_resource_layer.h" #include "ui/base/android/system_ui_resource_manager.h" namespace content { namespace { // Time it will take the effect to fully recede in ms const int kRecedeTimeMs = 1000; // Time it will take before a pulled glow begins receding in ms const int kPullTimeMs = 167; // Time it will take in ms for a pulled glow to decay before release const int kPullDecayTimeMs = 1000; const float kMaxAlpha = 1.f; const float kHeldEdgeScaleY = .5f; const float kMaxGlowHeight = 4.f; const float kPullGlowBegin = 1.f; const float kPullEdgeBegin = 0.6f; // Min/max velocity that will be absorbed const float kMinVelocity = 100.f; const float kMaxVelocity = 10000.f; const float kEpsilon = 0.001f; const float kGlowHeightWidthRatio = 0.25f; // How much dragging should effect the height of the edge image. // Number determined by user testing. const int kPullDistanceEdgeFactor = 7; // How much dragging should effect the height of the glow image. // Number determined by user testing. const int kPullDistanceGlowFactor = 7; const float kPullDistanceAlphaGlowFactor = 1.1f; const int kVelocityEdgeFactor = 8; const int kVelocityGlowFactor = 12; const float kEdgeHeightAtMdpi = 12.f; const float kGlowHeightAtMdpi = 128.f; template T Lerp(T a, T b, T t) { return a + (b - a) * t; } template T Clamp(T value, T low, T high) { return value < low ? low : (value > high ? high : value); } template T Damp(T input, T factor) { T result; if (factor == 1) { result = 1 - (1 - input) * (1 - input); } else { result = 1 - std::pow(1 - input, 2 * factor); } return result; } } // namespace class EdgeEffect::EffectLayer { public: EffectLayer(ui::SystemUIResourceManager::ResourceType resource_type, ui::SystemUIResourceManager* resource_manager) : ui_resource_layer_(cc::UIResourceLayer::Create()), resource_type_(resource_type), resource_manager_(resource_manager) {} ~EffectLayer() { ui_resource_layer_->RemoveFromParent(); } void SetParent(cc::Layer* parent) { if (ui_resource_layer_->parent() != parent) parent->AddChild(ui_resource_layer_); ui_resource_layer_->SetUIResourceId( resource_manager_->GetUIResourceId(resource_type_)); } void Disable() { ui_resource_layer_->SetIsDrawable(false); } void Update(const gfx::Size& size, const gfx::Transform& transform, float opacity) { ui_resource_layer_->SetUIResourceId( resource_manager_->GetUIResourceId(resource_type_)); ui_resource_layer_->SetIsDrawable(true); ui_resource_layer_->SetTransformOrigin( gfx::Point3F(size.width() * 0.5f, 0, 0)); ui_resource_layer_->SetTransform(transform); ui_resource_layer_->SetBounds(size); ui_resource_layer_->SetOpacity(Clamp(opacity, 0.f, 1.f)); } scoped_refptr ui_resource_layer_; ui::SystemUIResourceManager::ResourceType resource_type_; ui::SystemUIResourceManager* resource_manager_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EffectLayer); }; EdgeEffect::EdgeEffect(ui::SystemUIResourceManager* resource_manager, float device_scale_factor) : edge_(new EffectLayer(ui::SystemUIResourceManager::OVERSCROLL_EDGE, resource_manager)), glow_(new EffectLayer(ui::SystemUIResourceManager::OVERSCROLL_GLOW, resource_manager)), base_edge_height_(kEdgeHeightAtMdpi * device_scale_factor), base_glow_height_(kGlowHeightAtMdpi * device_scale_factor), edge_alpha_(0), edge_scale_y_(0), glow_alpha_(0), glow_scale_y_(0), edge_alpha_start_(0), edge_alpha_finish_(0), edge_scale_y_start_(0), edge_scale_y_finish_(0), glow_alpha_start_(0), glow_alpha_finish_(0), glow_scale_y_start_(0), glow_scale_y_finish_(0), state_(STATE_IDLE), pull_distance_(0) { } EdgeEffect::~EdgeEffect() { } bool EdgeEffect::IsFinished() const { return state_ == STATE_IDLE; } void EdgeEffect::Finish() { edge_->Disable(); glow_->Disable(); pull_distance_ = 0; state_ = STATE_IDLE; } void EdgeEffect::Pull(base::TimeTicks current_time, float delta_distance, float displacement) { if (state_ == STATE_PULL_DECAY && current_time - start_time_ < duration_) { return; } if (state_ != STATE_PULL) { glow_scale_y_ = kPullGlowBegin; } state_ = STATE_PULL; start_time_ = current_time; duration_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kPullTimeMs); float abs_delta_distance = std::abs(delta_distance); pull_distance_ += delta_distance; float distance = std::abs(pull_distance_); edge_alpha_ = edge_alpha_start_ = Clamp(distance, kPullEdgeBegin, kMaxAlpha); edge_scale_y_ = edge_scale_y_start_ = Clamp(distance * kPullDistanceEdgeFactor, kHeldEdgeScaleY, 1.f); glow_alpha_ = glow_alpha_start_ = std::min(kMaxAlpha, glow_alpha_ + abs_delta_distance * kPullDistanceAlphaGlowFactor); float glow_change = abs_delta_distance; if (delta_distance > 0 && pull_distance_ < 0) glow_change = -glow_change; if (pull_distance_ == 0) glow_scale_y_ = 0; // Do not allow glow to get larger than kMaxGlowHeight. glow_scale_y_ = glow_scale_y_start_ = Clamp(glow_scale_y_ + glow_change * kPullDistanceGlowFactor, 0.f, kMaxGlowHeight); edge_alpha_finish_ = edge_alpha_; edge_scale_y_finish_ = edge_scale_y_; glow_alpha_finish_ = glow_alpha_; glow_scale_y_finish_ = glow_scale_y_; } void EdgeEffect::Release(base::TimeTicks current_time) { pull_distance_ = 0; if (state_ != STATE_PULL && state_ != STATE_PULL_DECAY) return; state_ = STATE_RECEDE; edge_alpha_start_ = edge_alpha_; edge_scale_y_start_ = edge_scale_y_; glow_alpha_start_ = glow_alpha_; glow_scale_y_start_ = glow_scale_y_; edge_alpha_finish_ = 0.f; edge_scale_y_finish_ = 0.f; glow_alpha_finish_ = 0.f; glow_scale_y_finish_ = 0.f; start_time_ = current_time; duration_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kRecedeTimeMs); } void EdgeEffect::Absorb(base::TimeTicks current_time, float velocity) { state_ = STATE_ABSORB; velocity = Clamp(std::abs(velocity), kMinVelocity, kMaxVelocity); start_time_ = current_time; // This should never be less than 1 millisecond. duration_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0.15f + (velocity * 0.02f)); // The edge should always be at least partially visible, regardless // of velocity. edge_alpha_start_ = 0.f; edge_scale_y_ = edge_scale_y_start_ = 0.f; // The glow depends more on the velocity, and therefore starts out // nearly invisible. glow_alpha_start_ = 0.3f; glow_scale_y_start_ = 0.f; // Factor the velocity by 8. Testing on device shows this works best to // reflect the strength of the user's scrolling. edge_alpha_finish_ = Clamp(velocity * kVelocityEdgeFactor, 0.f, 1.f); // Edge should never get larger than the size of its asset. edge_scale_y_finish_ = Clamp(velocity * kVelocityEdgeFactor, kHeldEdgeScaleY, 1.f); // Growth for the size of the glow should be quadratic to properly // respond // to a user's scrolling speed. The faster the scrolling speed, the more // intense the effect should be for both the size and the saturation. glow_scale_y_finish_ = std::min(0.025f + (velocity * (velocity / 100) * 0.00015f), 1.75f); // Alpha should change for the glow as well as size. glow_alpha_finish_ = Clamp( glow_alpha_start_, velocity * kVelocityGlowFactor * .00001f, kMaxAlpha); } bool EdgeEffect::Update(base::TimeTicks current_time) { if (IsFinished()) return false; const double dt = (current_time - start_time_).InMilliseconds(); const double t = std::min(dt / duration_.InMilliseconds(), 1.); const float interp = static_cast(Damp(t, 1.)); edge_alpha_ = Lerp(edge_alpha_start_, edge_alpha_finish_, interp); edge_scale_y_ = Lerp(edge_scale_y_start_, edge_scale_y_finish_, interp); glow_alpha_ = Lerp(glow_alpha_start_, glow_alpha_finish_, interp); glow_scale_y_ = Lerp(glow_scale_y_start_, glow_scale_y_finish_, interp); if (t >= 1.f - kEpsilon) { switch (state_) { case STATE_ABSORB: state_ = STATE_RECEDE; start_time_ = current_time; duration_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kRecedeTimeMs); edge_alpha_start_ = edge_alpha_; edge_scale_y_start_ = edge_scale_y_; glow_alpha_start_ = glow_alpha_; glow_scale_y_start_ = glow_scale_y_; // After absorb, the glow and edge should fade to nothing. edge_alpha_finish_ = 0.f; edge_scale_y_finish_ = 0.f; glow_alpha_finish_ = 0.f; glow_scale_y_finish_ = 0.f; break; case STATE_PULL: state_ = STATE_PULL_DECAY; start_time_ = current_time; duration_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kPullDecayTimeMs); edge_alpha_start_ = edge_alpha_; edge_scale_y_start_ = edge_scale_y_; glow_alpha_start_ = glow_alpha_; glow_scale_y_start_ = glow_scale_y_; // After pull, the glow and edge should fade to nothing. edge_alpha_finish_ = 0.f; edge_scale_y_finish_ = 0.f; glow_alpha_finish_ = 0.f; glow_scale_y_finish_ = 0.f; break; case STATE_PULL_DECAY: { // When receding, we want edge to decrease more slowly // than the glow. const float factor = glow_scale_y_finish_ ? 1 / (glow_scale_y_finish_ * glow_scale_y_finish_) : std::numeric_limits::max(); edge_scale_y_ = edge_scale_y_start_ + (edge_scale_y_finish_ - edge_scale_y_start_) * interp * factor; state_ = STATE_RECEDE; } break; case STATE_RECEDE: Finish(); break; default: break; } } if (state_ == STATE_RECEDE && glow_scale_y_ <= 0 && edge_scale_y_ <= 0) Finish(); return !IsFinished(); } void EdgeEffect::ApplyToLayers(const gfx::SizeF& size, const gfx::Transform& transform) { if (IsFinished()) return; // An empty window size, while meaningless, is also relatively harmless, and // will simply prevent any drawing of the layers. if (size.IsEmpty()) { edge_->Disable(); glow_->Disable(); return; } // Glow const int scaled_glow_height = static_cast( std::min(base_glow_height_ * glow_scale_y_ * kGlowHeightWidthRatio * 0.6f, base_glow_height_ * kMaxGlowHeight) + 0.5f); const gfx::Size glow_size(size.width(), scaled_glow_height); glow_->Update(glow_size, transform, glow_alpha_); // Edge const int scaled_edge_height = static_cast(base_edge_height_ * edge_scale_y_); const gfx::Size edge_size(size.width(), scaled_edge_height); edge_->Update(edge_size, transform, edge_alpha_); } void EdgeEffect::SetParent(cc::Layer* parent) { edge_->SetParent(parent); glow_->SetParent(parent); } // static void EdgeEffect::PreloadResources( ui::SystemUIResourceManager* resource_manager) { DCHECK(resource_manager); resource_manager->PreloadResource( ui::SystemUIResourceManager::OVERSCROLL_EDGE); resource_manager->PreloadResource( ui::SystemUIResourceManager::OVERSCROLL_GLOW); } } // namespace content