// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/cert_store.h" #include #include #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host_impl.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h" template struct MatchSecond { explicit MatchSecond(const T& t) : value(t) {} template bool operator()(const Pair& p) const { return (value == p.second); } T value; }; // static CertStore* CertStore::GetInstance() { return Singleton::get(); } CertStore::CertStore() : next_cert_id_(1) { // We watch for RenderProcess termination, as this is how we clear // certificates for now. // TODO(jcampan): we should be listening to events such as resource cached/ // removed from cache, and remove the cert when we know it // is not used anymore. registrar_.Add(this, content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_TERMINATED, content::NotificationService::AllBrowserContextsAndSources()); registrar_.Add(this, content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_CLOSED, content::NotificationService::AllBrowserContextsAndSources()); } CertStore::~CertStore() { } int CertStore::StoreCert(net::X509Certificate* cert, int process_id) { DCHECK(cert); base::AutoLock auto_lock(cert_lock_); int cert_id; // Do we already know this cert? ReverseCertMap::iterator cert_iter = cert_to_id_.find(cert); if (cert_iter == cert_to_id_.end()) { cert_id = next_cert_id_++; // We use 0 as an invalid cert_id value. In the unlikely event that // next_cert_id_ wraps around, we reset it to 1. if (next_cert_id_ == 0) next_cert_id_ = 1; cert->AddRef(); id_to_cert_[cert_id] = cert; cert_to_id_[cert] = cert_id; } else { cert_id = cert_iter->second; } // Let's update process_id_to_cert_id_. std::pair process_ids = process_id_to_cert_id_.equal_range(process_id); if (std::find_if(process_ids.first, process_ids.second, MatchSecond(cert_id)) == process_ids.second) { process_id_to_cert_id_.insert(std::make_pair(process_id, cert_id)); } // And cert_id_to_process_id_. std::pair cert_ids = cert_id_to_process_id_.equal_range(cert_id); if (std::find_if(cert_ids.first, cert_ids.second, MatchSecond(process_id)) == cert_ids.second) { cert_id_to_process_id_.insert(std::make_pair(cert_id, process_id)); } return cert_id; } bool CertStore::RetrieveCert(int cert_id, scoped_refptr* cert) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(cert_lock_); CertMap::iterator iter = id_to_cert_.find(cert_id); if (iter == id_to_cert_.end()) return false; if (cert) *cert = iter->second; return true; } void CertStore::RemoveCertInternal(int cert_id) { CertMap::iterator cert_iter = id_to_cert_.find(cert_id); DCHECK(cert_iter != id_to_cert_.end()); ReverseCertMap::iterator id_iter = cert_to_id_.find(cert_iter->second); DCHECK(id_iter != cert_to_id_.end()); cert_to_id_.erase(id_iter); cert_iter->second->Release(); id_to_cert_.erase(cert_iter); } void CertStore::RemoveCertsForRenderProcesHost(int process_id) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(cert_lock_); // We iterate through all the cert ids for that process. std::pair process_ids = process_id_to_cert_id_.equal_range(process_id); for (IDMap::iterator ids_iter = process_ids.first; ids_iter != process_ids.second; ++ids_iter) { int cert_id = ids_iter->second; // Find all the processes referring to this cert id in // cert_id_to_process_id_, then locate the process being removed within // that range. std::pair cert_ids = cert_id_to_process_id_.equal_range(cert_id); IDMap::iterator proc_iter = std::find_if(cert_ids.first, cert_ids.second, MatchSecond(process_id)); DCHECK(proc_iter != cert_ids.second); // Before removing, determine if no other processes refer to the current // cert id. If |proc_iter| (the current process) is the lower bound of // processes containing the current cert id and if |next_proc_iter| is the // upper bound (the first process that does not), then only one process, // the one being removed, refers to the cert id. IDMap::iterator next_proc_iter = proc_iter; ++next_proc_iter; bool last_process_for_cert_id = (proc_iter == cert_ids.first && next_proc_iter == cert_ids.second); cert_id_to_process_id_.erase(proc_iter); if (last_process_for_cert_id) { // The current cert id is not referenced by any other processes, so // remove it from id_to_cert_ and cert_to_id_. RemoveCertInternal(cert_id); } } if (process_ids.first != process_ids.second) process_id_to_cert_id_.erase(process_ids.first, process_ids.second); } void CertStore::Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK(type == content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_TERMINATED || type == content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_CLOSED); content::RenderProcessHost* rph = content::Source(source).ptr(); DCHECK(rph); RemoveCertsForRenderProcesHost(rph->GetID()); }