// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "content/browser/loader/resource_dispatcher_host_impl.h" #include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h" #include "content/public/browser/resource_dispatcher_host_delegate.h" #include "content/public/browser/resource_throttle.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h" #include "content/public/test/content_browser_test.h" #include "content/public/test/content_browser_test_utils.h" #include "content/public/test/test_navigation_observer.h" #include "content/shell/browser/shell.h" #include "content/shell/browser/shell_content_browser_client.h" #include "content/shell/browser/shell_resource_dispatcher_host_delegate.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h" #include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h" #include "url/gurl.h" namespace content { // Tracks a single request for a specified URL, and allows waiting until the // request is destroyed, and then inspecting whether it completed successfully. class TrackingResourceDispatcherHostDelegate : public ShellResourceDispatcherHostDelegate { public: TrackingResourceDispatcherHostDelegate() : throttle_created_(false) { } void RequestBeginning(net::URLRequest* request, ResourceContext* resource_context, AppCacheService* appcache_service, ResourceType resource_type, ScopedVector* throttles) override { CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); ShellResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::RequestBeginning( request, resource_context, appcache_service, resource_type, throttles); // Expect only a single request for the tracked url. ASSERT_FALSE(throttle_created_); // If this is a request for the tracked URL, add a throttle to track it. if (request->url() == tracked_url_) throttles->push_back(new TrackingThrottle(request, this)); } // Starts tracking a URL. The request for previously tracked URL, if any, // must have been made and deleted before calling this function. void SetTrackedURL(const GURL& tracked_url) { CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); // Should not currently be tracking any URL. ASSERT_FALSE(run_loop_); // Create a RunLoop that will be stopped once the request for the tracked // URL has been destroyed, to allow tracking the URL while also waiting for // other events. run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop()); BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &TrackingResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::SetTrackedURLOnIOThread, base::Unretained(this), tracked_url)); } // Waits until the tracked URL has been requests, and the request for it has // been destroyed. bool WaitForTrackedURLAndGetCompleted() { CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); run_loop_->Run(); run_loop_.reset(); return tracked_request_completed_; } private: // ResourceThrottle attached to request for the tracked URL. On destruction, // passes the final URLRequestStatus back to the delegate. class TrackingThrottle : public ResourceThrottle { public: TrackingThrottle(net::URLRequest* request, TrackingResourceDispatcherHostDelegate* tracker) : request_(request), tracker_(tracker) { } ~TrackingThrottle() override { // If the request is deleted without being cancelled, its status will // indicate it succeeded, so have to check if the request is still pending // as well. tracker_->OnTrackedRequestDestroyed( !request_->is_pending() && request_->status().is_success()); } // ResourceThrottle implementation: const char* GetNameForLogging() const override { return "TrackingThrottle"; } private: net::URLRequest* request_; TrackingResourceDispatcherHostDelegate* tracker_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TrackingThrottle); }; void SetTrackedURLOnIOThread(const GURL& tracked_url) { CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); throttle_created_ = false; tracked_url_ = tracked_url; } void OnTrackedRequestDestroyed(bool completed) { CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); tracked_request_completed_ = completed; tracked_url_ = GURL(); BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, run_loop_->QuitClosure()); } // These live on the IO thread. GURL tracked_url_; bool throttle_created_; // This is created and destroyed on the UI thread, but stopped on the IO // thread. scoped_ptr run_loop_; // Set on the IO thread while |run_loop_| is non-NULL, read on the UI thread // after deleting run_loop_. bool tracked_request_completed_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TrackingResourceDispatcherHostDelegate); }; // WebContentsDelegate that fails to open a URL when there's a request that // needs to be transferred between renderers. class NoTransferRequestDelegate : public WebContentsDelegate { public: NoTransferRequestDelegate() {} WebContents* OpenURLFromTab(WebContents* source, const OpenURLParams& params) override { bool is_transfer = (params.transferred_global_request_id != GlobalRequestID()); if (is_transfer) return NULL; NavigationController::LoadURLParams load_url_params(params.url); load_url_params.referrer = params.referrer; load_url_params.frame_tree_node_id = params.frame_tree_node_id; load_url_params.transition_type = params.transition; load_url_params.extra_headers = params.extra_headers; load_url_params.should_replace_current_entry = params.should_replace_current_entry; load_url_params.is_renderer_initiated = true; source->GetController().LoadURLWithParams(load_url_params); return source; } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NoTransferRequestDelegate); }; class CrossSiteTransferTest : public ContentBrowserTest { public: CrossSiteTransferTest() : old_delegate_(NULL) { } // ContentBrowserTest implementation: void SetUpOnMainThread() override { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &CrossSiteTransferTest::InjectResourceDisptcherHostDelegate, base::Unretained(this))); host_resolver()->AddRule("*", ""); ASSERT_TRUE(embedded_test_server()->InitializeAndWaitUntilReady()); content::SetupCrossSiteRedirector(embedded_test_server()); } void TearDownOnMainThread() override { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &CrossSiteTransferTest::RestoreResourceDisptcherHostDelegate, base::Unretained(this))); } protected: void NavigateToURLContentInitiated(Shell* window, const GURL& url, bool should_replace_current_entry, bool should_wait_for_navigation) { std::string script; if (should_replace_current_entry) script = base::StringPrintf("location.replace('%s')", url.spec().c_str()); else script = base::StringPrintf("location.href = '%s'", url.spec().c_str()); TestNavigationObserver load_observer(shell()->web_contents(), 1); bool result = ExecuteScript(window->web_contents(), script); EXPECT_TRUE(result); if (should_wait_for_navigation) load_observer.Wait(); } void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override { IsolateAllSitesForTesting(command_line); } void InjectResourceDisptcherHostDelegate() { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::IO); old_delegate_ = ResourceDispatcherHostImpl::Get()->delegate(); ResourceDispatcherHostImpl::Get()->SetDelegate(&tracking_delegate_); } void RestoreResourceDisptcherHostDelegate() { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::IO); ResourceDispatcherHostImpl::Get()->SetDelegate(old_delegate_); old_delegate_ = NULL; } TrackingResourceDispatcherHostDelegate& tracking_delegate() { return tracking_delegate_; } private: TrackingResourceDispatcherHostDelegate tracking_delegate_; ResourceDispatcherHostDelegate* old_delegate_; }; // The following tests crash in the ThreadSanitizer runtime, // http://crbug.com/356758. #if defined(THREAD_SANITIZER) #define MAYBE_ReplaceEntryCrossProcessThenTransfer \ DISABLED_ReplaceEntryCrossProcessThenTransfer #define MAYBE_ReplaceEntryCrossProcessTwice \ DISABLED_ReplaceEntryCrossProcessTwice #else #define MAYBE_ReplaceEntryCrossProcessThenTransfer \ ReplaceEntryCrossProcessThenTransfer #define MAYBE_ReplaceEntryCrossProcessTwice ReplaceEntryCrossProcessTwice #endif // Tests that the |should_replace_current_entry| flag persists correctly across // request transfers that began with a cross-process navigation. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(CrossSiteTransferTest, MAYBE_ReplaceEntryCrossProcessThenTransfer) { const NavigationController& controller = shell()->web_contents()->GetController(); // Navigate to a starting URL, so there is a history entry to replace. GURL url1 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/site_isolation/blank.html?1"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url1); // Force all future navigations to transfer. Note that this includes same-site // navigiations which may cause double process swaps (via OpenURL and then via // transfer). This test intentionally exercises that case. ShellContentBrowserClient::SetSwapProcessesForRedirect(true); // Navigate to a page on A.com with entry replacement. This navigation is // cross-site, so the renderer will send it to the browser via OpenURL to give // to a new process. It will then be transferred into yet another process due // to the call above. GURL url2 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("A.com", "/site_isolation/blank.html?2"); // Used to make sure the request for url2 succeeds, and there was only one of // them. tracking_delegate().SetTrackedURL(url2); NavigateToURLContentInitiated(shell(), url2, true, true); // There should be one history entry. url2 should have replaced url1. EXPECT_TRUE(controller.GetPendingEntry() == NULL); EXPECT_EQ(1, controller.GetEntryCount()); EXPECT_EQ(0, controller.GetCurrentEntryIndex()); EXPECT_EQ(url2, controller.GetEntryAtIndex(0)->GetURL()); // Make sure the request succeeded. EXPECT_TRUE(tracking_delegate().WaitForTrackedURLAndGetCompleted()); // Now navigate as before to a page on B.com, but normally (without // replacement). This will still perform a double process-swap as above, via // OpenURL and then transfer. GURL url3 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("B.com", "/site_isolation/blank.html?3"); // Used to make sure the request for url3 succeeds, and there was only one of // them. tracking_delegate().SetTrackedURL(url3); NavigateToURLContentInitiated(shell(), url3, false, true); // There should be two history entries. url2 should have replaced url1. url2 // should not have replaced url3. EXPECT_TRUE(controller.GetPendingEntry() == NULL); EXPECT_EQ(2, controller.GetEntryCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, controller.GetCurrentEntryIndex()); EXPECT_EQ(url2, controller.GetEntryAtIndex(0)->GetURL()); EXPECT_EQ(url3, controller.GetEntryAtIndex(1)->GetURL()); // Make sure the request succeeded. EXPECT_TRUE(tracking_delegate().WaitForTrackedURLAndGetCompleted()); } // Tests that the |should_replace_current_entry| flag persists correctly across // request transfers that began with a content-initiated in-process // navigation. This test is the same as the test above, except transfering from // in-process. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(CrossSiteTransferTest, ReplaceEntryInProcessThenTranfers) { const NavigationController& controller = shell()->web_contents()->GetController(); // Navigate to a starting URL, so there is a history entry to replace. GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/site_isolation/blank.html?1"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url); // Force all future navigations to transfer. Note that this includes same-site // navigiations which may cause double process swaps (via OpenURL and then via // transfer). All navigations in this test are same-site, so it only swaps // processes via request transfer. ShellContentBrowserClient::SetSwapProcessesForRedirect(true); // Navigate in-process with entry replacement. It will then be transferred // into a new one due to the call above. GURL url2 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/site_isolation/blank.html?2"); NavigateToURLContentInitiated(shell(), url2, true, true); // There should be one history entry. url2 should have replaced url1. EXPECT_TRUE(controller.GetPendingEntry() == NULL); EXPECT_EQ(1, controller.GetEntryCount()); EXPECT_EQ(0, controller.GetCurrentEntryIndex()); EXPECT_EQ(url2, controller.GetEntryAtIndex(0)->GetURL()); // Now navigate as before, but without replacement. GURL url3 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/site_isolation/blank.html?3"); NavigateToURLContentInitiated(shell(), url3, false, true); // There should be two history entries. url2 should have replaced url1. url2 // should not have replaced url3. EXPECT_TRUE(controller.GetPendingEntry() == NULL); EXPECT_EQ(2, controller.GetEntryCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, controller.GetCurrentEntryIndex()); EXPECT_EQ(url2, controller.GetEntryAtIndex(0)->GetURL()); EXPECT_EQ(url3, controller.GetEntryAtIndex(1)->GetURL()); } // Tests that the |should_replace_current_entry| flag persists correctly across // request transfers that cross processes twice from renderer policy. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(CrossSiteTransferTest, MAYBE_ReplaceEntryCrossProcessTwice) { const NavigationController& controller = shell()->web_contents()->GetController(); // Navigate to a starting URL, so there is a history entry to replace. GURL url1 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/site_isolation/blank.html?1"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url1); // Navigate to a page on A.com which redirects to B.com with entry // replacement. This will switch processes via OpenURL twice. First to A.com, // and second in response to the server redirect to B.com. The second swap is // also renderer-initiated via OpenURL because decidePolicyForNavigation is // currently applied on redirects. GURL::Replacements replace_host; GURL url2b = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("B.com", "/site_isolation/blank.html?2"); GURL url2a = embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "A.com", "/cross-site/" + url2b.host() + url2b.PathForRequest()); NavigateToURLContentInitiated(shell(), url2a, true, true); // There should be one history entry. url2b should have replaced url1. EXPECT_TRUE(controller.GetPendingEntry() == NULL); EXPECT_EQ(1, controller.GetEntryCount()); EXPECT_EQ(0, controller.GetCurrentEntryIndex()); EXPECT_EQ(url2b, controller.GetEntryAtIndex(0)->GetURL()); // Now repeat without replacement. GURL url3b = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("B.com", "/site_isolation/blank.html?3"); GURL url3a = embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "A.com", "/cross-site/" + url3b.host() + url3b.PathForRequest()); NavigateToURLContentInitiated(shell(), url3a, false, true); // There should be two history entries. url2b should have replaced url1. url2b // should not have replaced url3b. EXPECT_TRUE(controller.GetPendingEntry() == NULL); EXPECT_EQ(2, controller.GetEntryCount()); EXPECT_EQ(1, controller.GetCurrentEntryIndex()); EXPECT_EQ(url2b, controller.GetEntryAtIndex(0)->GetURL()); EXPECT_EQ(url3b, controller.GetEntryAtIndex(1)->GetURL()); } // Tests that the request is destroyed when a cross process navigation is // cancelled. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(CrossSiteTransferTest, NoLeakOnCrossSiteCancel) { const NavigationController& controller = shell()->web_contents()->GetController(); // Navigate to a starting URL, so there is a history entry to replace. GURL url1 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/site_isolation/blank.html?1"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url1); // Force all future navigations to transfer. ShellContentBrowserClient::SetSwapProcessesForRedirect(true); NoTransferRequestDelegate no_transfer_request_delegate; WebContentsDelegate* old_delegate = shell()->web_contents()->GetDelegate(); shell()->web_contents()->SetDelegate(&no_transfer_request_delegate); // Navigate to a page on A.com with entry replacement. This navigation is // cross-site, so the renderer will send it to the browser via OpenURL to give // to a new process. It will then be transferred into yet another process due // to the call above. GURL url2 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("A.com", "/site_isolation/blank.html?2"); // Used to make sure the second request is cancelled, and there is only one // request for url2. tracking_delegate().SetTrackedURL(url2); // Don't wait for the navigation to complete, since that never happens in // this case. NavigateToURLContentInitiated(shell(), url2, false, false); // There should be one history entry, with url1. EXPECT_EQ(1, controller.GetEntryCount()); EXPECT_EQ(0, controller.GetCurrentEntryIndex()); EXPECT_EQ(url1, controller.GetEntryAtIndex(0)->GetURL()); // Make sure the request for url2 did not complete. EXPECT_FALSE(tracking_delegate().WaitForTrackedURLAndGetCompleted()); shell()->web_contents()->SetDelegate(old_delegate); } } // namespace content