// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOAD_ITEM_IMPL_H_ #define CONTENT_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOAD_ITEM_IMPL_H_ #pragma once #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/observer_list.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_net_log_parameters.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_request_handle.h" #include "content/common/content_export.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_id.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_item.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_log.h" // See download_item.h for usage. class CONTENT_EXPORT DownloadItemImpl : public content::DownloadItem { public: // Delegate is defined in DownloadItemImpl (rather than DownloadItem) // as it's relevant to the class implementation (class methods need to // call into it) and doesn't have anything to do with its interface. // Despite this, the delegate methods take DownloadItems as arguments // (rather than DownloadItemImpls) so that classes that inherit from it // can be used with DownloadItem mocks rather than being tied to // DownloadItemImpls. class CONTENT_EXPORT Delegate { public: Delegate(); virtual ~Delegate(); // Used for catching use-after-free errors. void Attach(); void Detach(); // Tests if a file type should be opened automatically. virtual bool ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension(const FilePath& path) = 0; // Allows the delegate to override the opening of a download. If it returns // true then it's reponsible for opening the item. virtual bool ShouldOpenDownload(DownloadItem* download) = 0; // Checks whether a downloaded file still exists and updates the // file's state if the file is already removed. // The check may or may not result in a later asynchronous call // to OnDownloadedFileRemoved(). virtual void CheckForFileRemoval(DownloadItem* download_item) = 0; // If all pre-requisites have been met, complete download processing. // TODO(rdsmith): Move into DownloadItem. virtual void MaybeCompleteDownload(DownloadItem* download) = 0; // For contextual issues like language and prefs. virtual content::BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() const = 0; // Handle any delegate portions of a state change operation on the // DownloadItem. virtual void DownloadCancelled(DownloadItem* download) = 0; virtual void DownloadCompleted(DownloadItem* download) = 0; virtual void DownloadOpened(DownloadItem* download) = 0; virtual void DownloadRemoved(DownloadItem* download) = 0; // Assert consistent state for delgate object at various transitions. virtual void AssertStateConsistent(DownloadItem* download) const = 0; private: // For "Outlives attached DownloadItemImpl" invariant assertion. int count_; }; // Note that it is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that a // DownloadItemImpl::Delegate passed to a DownloadItemImpl constructor // outlives the DownloadItemImpl. // Constructing from persistent store: // |bound_net_log| is constructed externally for our use. DownloadItemImpl(Delegate* delegate, content::DownloadId download_id, const content::DownloadPersistentStoreInfo& info, const net::BoundNetLog& bound_net_log); // Constructing for a regular download. // Takes ownership of the object pointed to by |request_handle|. // |bound_net_log| is constructed externally for our use. DownloadItemImpl(Delegate* delegate, const DownloadCreateInfo& info, DownloadRequestHandleInterface* request_handle, bool is_otr, const net::BoundNetLog& bound_net_log); // Constructing for the "Save Page As..." feature: // |bound_net_log| is constructed externally for our use. DownloadItemImpl(Delegate* delegate, const FilePath& path, const GURL& url, bool is_otr, content::DownloadId download_id, const net::BoundNetLog& bound_net_log); virtual ~DownloadItemImpl(); // Overridden from DownloadItem. virtual void AddObserver(DownloadItem::Observer* observer) OVERRIDE; virtual void RemoveObserver(DownloadItem::Observer* observer) OVERRIDE; virtual void UpdateObservers() OVERRIDE; virtual bool CanShowInFolder() OVERRIDE; virtual bool CanOpenDownload() OVERRIDE; virtual bool ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension() OVERRIDE; virtual void OpenDownload() OVERRIDE; virtual void ShowDownloadInShell() OVERRIDE; virtual void DangerousDownloadValidated() OVERRIDE; virtual void UpdateProgress(int64 bytes_so_far, int64 bytes_per_sec, const std::string& hash_state) OVERRIDE; virtual void Cancel(bool user_cancel) OVERRIDE; virtual void MarkAsComplete() OVERRIDE; virtual void DelayedDownloadOpened() OVERRIDE; virtual void OnAllDataSaved( int64 size, const std::string& final_hash) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnDownloadedFileRemoved() OVERRIDE; virtual void MaybeCompleteDownload() OVERRIDE; virtual void Interrupted(int64 size, const std::string& hash_state, content::DownloadInterruptReason reason) OVERRIDE; virtual void Delete(DeleteReason reason) OVERRIDE; virtual void Remove() OVERRIDE; virtual bool TimeRemaining(base::TimeDelta* remaining) const OVERRIDE; virtual int64 CurrentSpeed() const OVERRIDE; virtual int PercentComplete() const OVERRIDE; virtual void OnPathDetermined(const FilePath& path) OVERRIDE; virtual bool AllDataSaved() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetFileCheckResults(const DownloadStateInfo& state) OVERRIDE; virtual void Rename(const FilePath& full_path) OVERRIDE; virtual void TogglePause() OVERRIDE; virtual void OnDownloadCompleting(DownloadFileManager* file_manager) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnDownloadRenamedToFinalName(const FilePath& full_path) OVERRIDE; virtual bool MatchesQuery(const string16& query) const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsPartialDownload() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsInProgress() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsCancelled() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsInterrupted() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsComplete() const OVERRIDE; virtual DownloadState GetState() const OVERRIDE; virtual const FilePath& GetFullPath() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetPathUniquifier(int uniquifier) OVERRIDE; virtual const GURL& GetURL() const OVERRIDE; virtual const std::vector& GetUrlChain() const OVERRIDE; virtual const GURL& GetOriginalUrl() const OVERRIDE; virtual const GURL& GetReferrerUrl() const OVERRIDE; virtual std::string GetSuggestedFilename() const OVERRIDE; virtual std::string GetContentDisposition() const OVERRIDE; virtual std::string GetMimeType() const OVERRIDE; virtual std::string GetOriginalMimeType() const OVERRIDE; virtual std::string GetReferrerCharset() const OVERRIDE; virtual std::string GetRemoteAddress() const OVERRIDE; virtual int64 GetTotalBytes() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetTotalBytes(int64 total_bytes) OVERRIDE; virtual const std::string& GetHash() const OVERRIDE; virtual int64 GetReceivedBytes() const OVERRIDE; virtual const std::string& GetHashState() const OVERRIDE; virtual int32 GetId() const OVERRIDE; virtual content::DownloadId GetGlobalId() const OVERRIDE; virtual base::Time GetStartTime() const OVERRIDE; virtual base::Time GetEndTime() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetIsPersisted() OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsPersisted() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetDbHandle(int64 handle) OVERRIDE; virtual int64 GetDbHandle() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsPaused() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetOpenWhenComplete() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetOpenWhenComplete(bool open) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetFileExternallyRemoved() const OVERRIDE; virtual SafetyState GetSafetyState() const OVERRIDE; virtual content::DownloadDangerType GetDangerType() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetDangerType(content::DownloadDangerType danger_type) OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsDangerous() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetAutoOpened() OVERRIDE; virtual const FilePath& GetTargetName() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool PromptUserForSaveLocation() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsOtr() const OVERRIDE; virtual const FilePath& GetSuggestedPath() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsTemporary() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetIsTemporary(bool temporary) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetOpened(bool opened) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetOpened() const OVERRIDE; virtual const std::string& GetLastModifiedTime() const OVERRIDE; virtual const std::string& GetETag() const OVERRIDE; virtual content::DownloadInterruptReason GetLastReason() const OVERRIDE; virtual content::DownloadPersistentStoreInfo GetPersistentStoreInfo() const OVERRIDE; virtual DownloadStateInfo GetStateInfo() const OVERRIDE; virtual content::BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() const OVERRIDE; virtual content::WebContents* GetWebContents() const OVERRIDE; virtual FilePath GetTargetFilePath() const OVERRIDE; virtual FilePath GetFileNameToReportUser() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetDisplayName(const FilePath& name) OVERRIDE; virtual FilePath GetUserVerifiedFilePath() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool NeedsRename() const OVERRIDE; virtual void OffThreadCancel(DownloadFileManager* file_manager) OVERRIDE; virtual std::string DebugString(bool verbose) const OVERRIDE; virtual void MockDownloadOpenForTesting() OVERRIDE; virtual ExternalData* GetExternalData(const void* key) OVERRIDE; virtual const ExternalData* GetExternalData(const void* key) const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetExternalData(const void* key, ExternalData* data) OVERRIDE; private: // Construction common to all constructors. |active| should be true for new // downloads and false for downloads from the history. // |download_type| indicates to the net log system what kind of download // this is. void Init(bool active, download_net_logs::DownloadType download_type); // Internal helper for maintaining consistent received and total sizes, and // hash state. void UpdateProgress(int64 bytes_so_far, const std::string& hash_state); // Internal helper for maintaining consistent received and total sizes, and // setting the final hash. // Should only be called from |OnAllDataSaved|. void ProgressComplete(int64 bytes_so_far, const std::string& final_hash); // Called when the entire download operation (including renaming etc) // is completed. void Completed(); // Call to transition state; all state transitions should go through this. void TransitionTo(DownloadState new_state); // Called when safety_state_ should be recomputed from is_dangerous_file // and is_dangerous_url. void UpdateSafetyState(); // Helper function to recompute |state_info_.target_name| when // it may have changed. (If it's non-null it should be left alone, // otherwise updated from |full_path_|.) void UpdateTarget(); // State information used by the download manager. DownloadStateInfo state_info_; // Display name for the download if different from the target filename. FilePath display_name_; // The handle to the request information. Used for operations outside the // download system. scoped_ptr request_handle_; // Download ID assigned by DownloadResourceHandler. content::DownloadId download_id_; // Full path to the downloaded or downloading file. FilePath full_path_; // The chain of redirects that leading up to and including the final URL. std::vector url_chain_; // The URL of the page that initiated the download. GURL referrer_url_; // Filename suggestion from DownloadSaveInfo. It could, among others, be the // suggested filename in 'download' attribute of an anchor. Details: // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#downloading-hyperlinks std::string suggested_filename_; // Information from the request. // Content-disposition field from the header. std::string content_disposition_; // Mime-type from the header. Subject to change. std::string mime_type_; // The value of the content type header sent with the downloaded item. It // may be different from |mime_type_|, which may be set based on heuristics // which may look at the file extension and first few bytes of the file. std::string original_mime_type_; // The charset of the referring page where the download request comes from. // It's used to construct a suggested filename. std::string referrer_charset_; // The remote IP address where the download was fetched from. Copied from // DownloadCreateInfo::remote_address. std::string remote_address_; // Total bytes expected. int64 total_bytes_; // Current received bytes. int64 received_bytes_; // Current speed. Calculated by the DownloadFile. int64 bytes_per_sec_; // Sha256 hash of the content. This might be empty either because // the download isn't done yet or because the hash isn't needed // (ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate::GenerateFileHash() returned false). std::string hash_; // A blob containing the state of the hash algorithm. Only valid while the // download is in progress. std::string hash_state_; // Server's time stamp for the file. std::string last_modified_time_; // Server's ETAG for the file. std::string etag_; // Last reason. content::DownloadInterruptReason last_reason_; // Start time for recording statistics. base::TimeTicks start_tick_; // The current state of this download. DownloadState state_; // The views of this item in the download shelf and download contents. ObserverList observers_; // Time the download was started. base::Time start_time_; // Time the download completed. base::Time end_time_; // Our persistent store handle. int64 db_handle_; // Our delegate. Delegate* delegate_; // In progress downloads may be paused by the user, we note it here. bool is_paused_; // A flag for indicating if the download should be opened at completion. bool open_when_complete_; // A flag for indicating if the downloaded file is externally removed. bool file_externally_removed_; // Indicates if the download is considered potentially safe or dangerous // (executable files are typically considered dangerous). SafetyState safety_state_; // True if the download was auto-opened. We set this rather than using // an observer as it's frequently possible for the download to be auto opened // before the observer is added. bool auto_opened_; bool is_persisted_; // True if the download was initiated in an incognito window. bool is_otr_; // True if the item was downloaded temporarily. bool is_temporary_; // True if we've saved all the data for the download. bool all_data_saved_; // Did the user open the item either directly or indirectly (such as by // setting always open files of this type)? The shelf also sets this field // when the user closes the shelf before the item has been opened but should // be treated as though the user opened it. bool opened_; // Do we actually open downloads when requested? For testing purposes only. bool open_enabled_; // Did the delegate delay calling Complete on this download? bool delegate_delayed_complete_; // External Data storage. All objects in the store // are owned by the DownloadItemImpl. std::map external_data_map_; // Net log to use for this download. const net::BoundNetLog bound_net_log_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DownloadItemImpl); }; #endif // CONTENT_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOAD_ITEM_IMPL_H_