// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/download/download_manager_impl.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/debug/alias.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_create_info.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_file_manager.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_item_impl.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_stats.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/resource_dispatcher_host_impl.h" #include "content/browser/web_contents/web_contents_impl.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_interrupt_reasons.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_manager_delegate.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_persistent_store_info.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h" #include "net/base/upload_data.h" // TODO(benjhayden): Change this to DCHECK when we have more debugging // information from the next dev cycle, before the next stable/beta branch is // cut, in order to prevent unnecessary crashes on those channels. If we still // don't have root cause before the dev cycle after the next stable/beta // releases, uncomment it out to re-enable debugging checks. Whenever this macro // is toggled, the corresponding macro in download_database.cc should also // be toggled. When 96627 is fixed, this macro and all its usages can be // deleted or permanently changed to DCHECK as appropriate. #define CHECK_96627 CHECK using content::BrowserThread; using content::DownloadId; using content::DownloadItem; using content::DownloadPersistentStoreInfo; using content::ResourceDispatcherHostImpl; using content::WebContents; namespace { // Param structs exist because base::Bind can only handle 6 args. struct URLParams { URLParams(const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer, int64 post_id, bool cache) : url_(url), referrer_(referrer), post_id_(post_id), prefer_cache_(cache) {} GURL url_; GURL referrer_; int64 post_id_; bool prefer_cache_; }; struct RenderParams { RenderParams(int rpi, int rvi) : render_process_id_(rpi), render_view_id_(rvi) {} int render_process_id_; int render_view_id_; }; void BeginDownload( const URLParams& url_params, const content::DownloadSaveInfo& save_info, ResourceDispatcherHostImpl* resource_dispatcher_host, const RenderParams& render_params, content::ResourceContext* context, const content::DownloadManager::OnStartedCallback& callback) { scoped_ptr request( new net::URLRequest(url_params.url_, resource_dispatcher_host)); request->set_referrer(url_params.referrer_.spec()); if (url_params.post_id_ >= 0) { // The POST in this case does not have an actual body, and only works // when retrieving data from cache. This is done because we don't want // to do a re-POST without user consent, and currently don't have a good // plan on how to display the UI for that. DCHECK(url_params.prefer_cache_); request->set_method("POST"); scoped_refptr upload_data = new net::UploadData(); upload_data->set_identifier(url_params.post_id_); request->set_upload(upload_data); } resource_dispatcher_host->BeginDownload( request.Pass(), context, render_params.render_process_id_, render_params.render_view_id_, url_params.prefer_cache_, save_info, callback); } class MapValueIteratorAdapter { public: explicit MapValueIteratorAdapter( base::hash_map::const_iterator iter) : iter_(iter) { } ~MapValueIteratorAdapter() {} DownloadItem* operator*() { return iter_->second; } MapValueIteratorAdapter& operator++() { ++iter_; return *this; } bool operator!=(const MapValueIteratorAdapter& that) const { return iter_ != that.iter_; } private: base::hash_map::const_iterator iter_; // Allow copy and assign. }; void EnsureNoPendingDownloadsOnFile(scoped_refptr dfm, bool* result) { if (dfm->NumberOfActiveDownloads()) *result = false; BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, MessageLoop::QuitClosure()); } void EnsureNoPendingDownloadJobsOnIO(bool* result) { scoped_refptr download_file_manager = ResourceDispatcherHostImpl::Get()->download_file_manager(); BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&EnsureNoPendingDownloadsOnFile, download_file_manager, result)); } } // namespace namespace content { // static DownloadManager* DownloadManager::Create( content::DownloadManagerDelegate* delegate, net::NetLog* net_log) { return new DownloadManagerImpl(delegate, net_log); } bool DownloadManager::EnsureNoPendingDownloadsForTesting() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); bool result = true; BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&EnsureNoPendingDownloadJobsOnIO, &result)); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); return result; } } // namespace content DownloadManagerImpl::DownloadManagerImpl( content::DownloadManagerDelegate* delegate, net::NetLog* net_log) : shutdown_needed_(false), browser_context_(NULL), file_manager_(NULL), delegate_(delegate), largest_db_handle_in_history_(DownloadItem::kUninitializedHandle), net_log_(net_log) { } DownloadManagerImpl::~DownloadManagerImpl() { DCHECK(!shutdown_needed_); } DownloadId DownloadManagerImpl::GetNextId() { return delegate_->GetNextId(); } bool DownloadManagerImpl::ShouldOpenDownload(DownloadItem* item) { return delegate_->ShouldOpenDownload(item); } bool DownloadManagerImpl::ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension(const FilePath& path) { return delegate_->ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension(path); } void DownloadManagerImpl::Shutdown() { VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " shutdown_needed_ = " << shutdown_needed_; if (!shutdown_needed_) return; shutdown_needed_ = false; FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, ManagerGoingDown(this)); // TODO(benjhayden): Consider clearing observers_. if (file_manager_) { BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DownloadFileManager::OnDownloadManagerShutdown, file_manager_, make_scoped_refptr(this))); } AssertContainersConsistent(); // Go through all downloads in downloads_. Dangerous ones we need to // remove on disk, and in progress ones we need to cancel. for (DownloadSet::iterator it = downloads_.begin(); it != downloads_.end();) { DownloadItem* download = *it; // Save iterator from potential erases in this set done by called code. // Iterators after an erasure point are still valid for lists and // associative containers such as sets. it++; if (download->GetSafetyState() == DownloadItem::DANGEROUS && download->IsPartialDownload()) { // The user hasn't accepted it, so we need to remove it // from the disk. This may or may not result in it being // removed from the DownloadManager queues and deleted // (specifically, DownloadManager::DownloadRemoved only // removes and deletes it if it's known to the history service) // so the only thing we know after calling this function is that // the download was deleted if-and-only-if it was removed // from all queues. download->Delete(DownloadItem::DELETE_DUE_TO_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN); } else if (download->IsPartialDownload()) { download->Cancel(false); delegate_->UpdateItemInPersistentStore(download); } } // At this point, all dangerous downloads have had their files removed // and all in progress downloads have been cancelled. We can now delete // anything left. // Copy downloads_ to separate container so as not to set off checks // in DownloadItem destruction. DownloadSet downloads_to_delete; downloads_to_delete.swap(downloads_); in_progress_.clear(); active_downloads_.clear(); history_downloads_.clear(); STLDeleteElements(&downloads_to_delete); // We'll have nothing more to report to the observers after this point. observers_.Clear(); DCHECK(save_page_downloads_.empty()); file_manager_ = NULL; delegate_->Shutdown(); } void DownloadManagerImpl::GetTemporaryDownloads( const FilePath& dir_path, DownloadVector* result) { DCHECK(result); for (DownloadMap::iterator it = history_downloads_.begin(); it != history_downloads_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->IsTemporary() && (dir_path.empty() || it->second->GetFullPath().DirName() == dir_path)) result->push_back(it->second); } } void DownloadManagerImpl::GetAllDownloads( const FilePath& dir_path, DownloadVector* result) { DCHECK(result); for (DownloadMap::iterator it = history_downloads_.begin(); it != history_downloads_.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second->IsTemporary() && (dir_path.empty() || it->second->GetFullPath().DirName() == dir_path)) result->push_back(it->second); } } void DownloadManagerImpl::SearchDownloads(const string16& query, DownloadVector* result) { string16 query_lower(base::i18n::ToLower(query)); for (DownloadMap::iterator it = history_downloads_.begin(); it != history_downloads_.end(); ++it) { DownloadItem* download_item = it->second; if (download_item->IsTemporary()) continue; // Display Incognito downloads only in Incognito window, and vice versa. // The Incognito Downloads page will get the list of non-Incognito downloads // from its parent profile. if (browser_context_->IsOffTheRecord() != download_item->IsOtr()) continue; if (download_item->MatchesQuery(query_lower)) result->push_back(download_item); } } // Query the history service for information about all persisted downloads. bool DownloadManagerImpl::Init(content::BrowserContext* browser_context) { DCHECK(browser_context); DCHECK(!shutdown_needed_) << "DownloadManager already initialized."; shutdown_needed_ = true; browser_context_ = browser_context; // In test mode, there may be no ResourceDispatcherHostImpl. In this case // it's safe to avoid setting |file_manager_| because we only call a small // set of functions, none of which need it. ResourceDispatcherHostImpl* rdh = ResourceDispatcherHostImpl::Get(); if (rdh) { file_manager_ = rdh->download_file_manager(); DCHECK(file_manager_); } return true; } // We have received a message from DownloadFileManager about a new download. void DownloadManagerImpl::StartDownload(int32 download_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); if (delegate_->ShouldStartDownload(download_id)) RestartDownload(download_id); } void DownloadManagerImpl::CheckForHistoryFilesRemoval() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); for (DownloadMap::iterator it = history_downloads_.begin(); it != history_downloads_.end(); ++it) { CheckForFileRemoval(it->second); } } void DownloadManagerImpl::CheckForFileRemoval(DownloadItem* download_item) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); if (download_item->IsComplete() && !download_item->GetFileExternallyRemoved()) { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DownloadManagerImpl::CheckForFileRemovalOnFileThread, this, download_item->GetDbHandle(), download_item->GetTargetFilePath())); } } void DownloadManagerImpl::CheckForFileRemovalOnFileThread( int64 db_handle, const FilePath& path) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); if (!file_util::PathExists(path)) { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DownloadManagerImpl::OnFileRemovalDetected, this, db_handle)); } } void DownloadManagerImpl::OnFileRemovalDetected(int64 db_handle) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DownloadMap::iterator it = history_downloads_.find(db_handle); if (it != history_downloads_.end()) { DownloadItem* download_item = it->second; download_item->OnDownloadedFileRemoved(); } } void DownloadManagerImpl::RestartDownload(int32 download_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(download_id); if (!download) return; VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " download = " << download->DebugString(true); FilePath suggested_path = download->GetSuggestedPath(); if (download->PromptUserForSaveLocation()) { // We must ask the user for the place to put the download. WebContents* contents = download->GetWebContents(); FilePath target_path; // If |download| is a potentially dangerous file, then |suggested_path| // contains the intermediate name instead of the final download // filename. The latter is GetTargetName(). if (download->GetDangerType() != content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_NOT_DANGEROUS) target_path = suggested_path.DirName().Append(download->GetTargetName()); else target_path = suggested_path; delegate_->ChooseDownloadPath(contents, target_path, download_id); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, SelectFileDialogDisplayed(this, download_id)); } else { // No prompting for download, just continue with the suggested name. ContinueDownloadWithPath(download, suggested_path); } } content::BrowserContext* DownloadManagerImpl::GetBrowserContext() const { return browser_context_; } FilePath DownloadManagerImpl::LastDownloadPath() { return last_download_path_; } net::BoundNetLog DownloadManagerImpl::CreateDownloadItem( DownloadCreateInfo* info, const DownloadRequestHandle& request_handle) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); net::BoundNetLog bound_net_log = net::BoundNetLog::Make(net_log_, net::NetLog::SOURCE_DOWNLOAD); DownloadItem* download = new DownloadItemImpl( this, *info, new DownloadRequestHandle(request_handle), browser_context_->IsOffTheRecord(), bound_net_log); int32 download_id = info->download_id.local(); DCHECK(!ContainsKey(in_progress_, download_id)); CHECK_96627(!ContainsKey(active_downloads_, download_id)); downloads_.insert(download); active_downloads_[download_id] = download; return bound_net_log; } DownloadItem* DownloadManagerImpl::CreateSavePackageDownloadItem( const FilePath& main_file_path, const GURL& page_url, bool is_otr, DownloadItem::Observer* observer) { net::BoundNetLog bound_net_log = net::BoundNetLog::Make(net_log_, net::NetLog::SOURCE_DOWNLOAD); DownloadItem* download = new DownloadItemImpl( this, main_file_path, page_url, is_otr, GetNextId(), bound_net_log); download->AddObserver(observer); DCHECK(!ContainsKey(save_page_downloads_, download->GetId())); downloads_.insert(download); save_page_downloads_[download->GetId()] = download; // Will notify the observer in the callback. delegate_->AddItemToPersistentStore(download); return download; } // For non-safe downloads with no prompting, |chosen_file| is the intermediate // path for saving the in-progress download. The final target filename for these // is |download->GetTargetName()|. For all other downloads (non-safe downloads // for which we have prompted for a save location, and all safe downloads), // |chosen_file| is the final target download path. void DownloadManagerImpl::ContinueDownloadWithPath( DownloadItem* download, const FilePath& chosen_file) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DCHECK(download); int32 download_id = download->GetId(); // NOTE(ahendrickson) Eventually |active_downloads_| will replace // |in_progress_|, but we don't want to change the semantics yet. DCHECK(!ContainsKey(in_progress_, download_id)); DCHECK(ContainsKey(downloads_, download)); DCHECK(ContainsKey(active_downloads_, download_id)); // Make sure the initial file name is set only once. DCHECK(download->GetFullPath().empty()); download->OnPathDetermined(chosen_file); VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " download = " << download->DebugString(true); in_progress_[download_id] = download; // Rename to intermediate name. FilePath download_path; if (download->GetDangerType() != content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_NOT_DANGEROUS) { if (download->PromptUserForSaveLocation()) { // When we prompt the user, we overwrite the FullPath with what the user // wanted to use. Construct a file path using the previously determined // intermediate filename and the new path. // TODO(asanka): This can trample an in-progress download in the new // target directory if it was using the same intermediate name. FilePath file_name = download->GetSuggestedPath().BaseName(); download_path = download->GetFullPath().DirName().Append(file_name); } else { // The download's name is already set to an intermediate name, so no need // to override. download_path = download->GetFullPath(); } } else { // The download is a safe download. We need to rename it to its // intermediate path. The final name after user confirmation will be set // from DownloadItem::OnDownloadCompleting. download_path = delegate_->GetIntermediatePath(download->GetFullPath()); } BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DownloadFileManager::RenameInProgressDownloadFile, file_manager_, download->GetGlobalId(), download_path)); download->Rename(download_path); delegate_->AddItemToPersistentStore(download); } void DownloadManagerImpl::UpdateDownload(int32 download_id, int64 bytes_so_far, int64 bytes_per_sec, const std::string& hash_state) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DownloadMap::iterator it = active_downloads_.find(download_id); if (it != active_downloads_.end()) { DownloadItem* download = it->second; if (download->IsInProgress()) { download->UpdateProgress(bytes_so_far, bytes_per_sec, hash_state); delegate_->UpdateItemInPersistentStore(download); } } } void DownloadManagerImpl::OnResponseCompleted(int32 download_id, int64 size, const std::string& hash) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " download_id = " << download_id << " size = " << size; DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); // If it's not in active_downloads_, that means it was cancelled; just // ignore the notification. if (active_downloads_.count(download_id) == 0) return; DownloadItem* download = active_downloads_[download_id]; download->OnAllDataSaved(size, hash); download->MaybeCompleteDownload(); } void DownloadManagerImpl::AssertStateConsistent(DownloadItem* download) const { // TODO(rdsmith): Change to DCHECK after http://crbug.com/96627 resolved. if (download->GetState() == DownloadItem::REMOVING) { CHECK(!ContainsKey(downloads_, download)); CHECK(!ContainsKey(active_downloads_, download->GetId())); CHECK(!ContainsKey(in_progress_, download->GetId())); CHECK(!ContainsKey(history_downloads_, download->GetDbHandle())); return; } // Should be in downloads_ if we're not REMOVING. CHECK(ContainsKey(downloads_, download)); // Check history_downloads_ consistency. if (download->IsPersisted()) { CHECK(ContainsKey(history_downloads_, download->GetDbHandle())); } else { for (DownloadMap::const_iterator it = history_downloads_.begin(); it != history_downloads_.end(); ++it) { CHECK_96627(it->second != download); } } int64 state = download->GetState(); base::debug::Alias(&state); if (ContainsKey(active_downloads_, download->GetId())) { if (download->IsPersisted()) CHECK_EQ(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS, download->GetState()); if (DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS != download->GetState()) CHECK_EQ(DownloadItem::kUninitializedHandle, download->GetDbHandle()); } if (DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS == download->GetState()) CHECK(ContainsKey(active_downloads_, download->GetId())); } bool DownloadManagerImpl::IsDownloadReadyForCompletion(DownloadItem* download) { // If we don't have all the data, the download is not ready for // completion. if (!download->AllDataSaved()) return false; // If the download is dangerous, but not yet validated, it's not ready for // completion. if (download->GetSafetyState() == DownloadItem::DANGEROUS) return false; // If the download isn't active (e.g. has been cancelled) it's not // ready for completion. if (active_downloads_.count(download->GetId()) == 0) return false; // If the download hasn't been inserted into the history system // (which occurs strictly after file name determination, intermediate // file rename, and UI display) then it's not ready for completion. if (!download->IsPersisted()) return false; return true; } void DownloadManagerImpl::MaybeCompleteDownload(DownloadItem* download) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " download = " << download->DebugString(false); if (!IsDownloadReadyForCompletion(download)) return; // TODO(rdsmith): DCHECK that we only pass through this point // once per download. The natural way to do this is by a state // transition on the DownloadItem. // Confirm we're in the proper set of states to be here; // in in_progress_, have all data, have a history handle, (validated or safe). DCHECK_NE(DownloadItem::DANGEROUS, download->GetSafetyState()); DCHECK_EQ(1u, in_progress_.count(download->GetId())); DCHECK(download->AllDataSaved()); DCHECK(download->IsPersisted()); DCHECK_EQ(1u, history_downloads_.count(download->GetDbHandle())); // Give the delegate a chance to override. if (!delegate_->ShouldCompleteDownload(download)) return; VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " executing: download = " << download->DebugString(false); // Remove the id from in_progress in_progress_.erase(download->GetId()); delegate_->UpdateItemInPersistentStore(download); // Finish the download. download->OnDownloadCompleting(file_manager_); } void DownloadManagerImpl::DownloadCompleted(DownloadItem* download) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DCHECK(download); delegate_->UpdateItemInPersistentStore(download); active_downloads_.erase(download->GetId()); AssertStateConsistent(download); } void DownloadManagerImpl::OnDownloadRenamedToFinalName( int download_id, const FilePath& full_path, int uniquifier) { VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " download_id = " << download_id << " full_path = \"" << full_path.value() << "\"" << " uniquifier = " << uniquifier; DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DownloadItem* item = GetDownloadItem(download_id); if (!item) return; if (item->GetDangerType() == content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_NOT_DANGEROUS || item->PromptUserForSaveLocation()) { DCHECK_EQ(0, uniquifier) << "We should not uniquify user supplied filenames or safe filenames " "that have already been uniquified."; } BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DownloadFileManager::CompleteDownload, file_manager_, item->GetGlobalId())); if (uniquifier) item->SetPathUniquifier(uniquifier); item->OnDownloadRenamedToFinalName(full_path); delegate_->UpdatePathForItemInPersistentStore(item, full_path); } void DownloadManagerImpl::CancelDownload(int32 download_id) { DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownload(download_id); // A cancel at the right time could remove the download from the // |active_downloads_| map before we get here. if (!download) return; download->Cancel(true); } void DownloadManagerImpl::DownloadCancelled(DownloadItem* download) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " download = " << download->DebugString(true); RemoveFromActiveList(download); // This function is called from the DownloadItem, so DI state // should already have been updated. AssertStateConsistent(download); if (file_manager_) download->OffThreadCancel(file_manager_); } void DownloadManagerImpl::OnDownloadInterrupted( int32 download_id, int64 size, const std::string& hash_state, content::DownloadInterruptReason reason) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownload(download_id); if (!download) return; VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " reason " << InterruptReasonDebugString(reason) << " at offset " << download->GetReceivedBytes() << " size = " << size << " download = " << download->DebugString(true); RemoveFromActiveList(download); download->Interrupted(size, hash_state, reason); download->OffThreadCancel(file_manager_); } DownloadItem* DownloadManagerImpl::GetActiveDownload(int32 download_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DownloadMap::iterator it = active_downloads_.find(download_id); if (it == active_downloads_.end()) return NULL; DownloadItem* download = it->second; DCHECK(download); DCHECK_EQ(download_id, download->GetId()); return download; } void DownloadManagerImpl::RemoveFromActiveList(DownloadItem* download) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DCHECK(download); // Clean up will happen when the history system create callback runs if we // don't have a valid db_handle yet. if (download->IsPersisted()) { in_progress_.erase(download->GetId()); active_downloads_.erase(download->GetId()); delegate_->UpdateItemInPersistentStore(download); } } bool DownloadManagerImpl::GenerateFileHash() { return delegate_->GenerateFileHash(); } content::DownloadManagerDelegate* DownloadManagerImpl::delegate() const { return delegate_; } void DownloadManagerImpl::SetDownloadManagerDelegate( content::DownloadManagerDelegate* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; } int DownloadManagerImpl::RemoveDownloadItems( const DownloadVector& pending_deletes) { if (pending_deletes.empty()) return 0; // Delete from internal maps. for (DownloadVector::const_iterator it = pending_deletes.begin(); it != pending_deletes.end(); ++it) { DownloadItem* download = *it; DCHECK(download); history_downloads_.erase(download->GetDbHandle()); save_page_downloads_.erase(download->GetId()); downloads_.erase(download); } // Tell observers to refresh their views. NotifyModelChanged(); // Delete the download items themselves. const int num_deleted = static_cast(pending_deletes.size()); STLDeleteContainerPointers(pending_deletes.begin(), pending_deletes.end()); return num_deleted; } void DownloadManagerImpl::DownloadRemoved(DownloadItem* download) { if (history_downloads_.find(download->GetDbHandle()) == history_downloads_.end()) return; // Make history update. delegate_->RemoveItemFromPersistentStore(download); // Remove from our tables and delete. int downloads_count = RemoveDownloadItems(DownloadVector(1, download)); DCHECK_EQ(1, downloads_count); } int DownloadManagerImpl::RemoveDownloadsBetween(base::Time remove_begin, base::Time remove_end) { delegate_->RemoveItemsFromPersistentStoreBetween(remove_begin, remove_end); // All downloads visible to the user will be in the history, // so scan that map. DownloadVector pending_deletes; for (DownloadMap::const_iterator it = history_downloads_.begin(); it != history_downloads_.end(); ++it) { DownloadItem* download = it->second; if (download->GetStartTime() >= remove_begin && (remove_end.is_null() || download->GetStartTime() < remove_end) && (download->IsComplete() || download->IsCancelled())) { AssertStateConsistent(download); pending_deletes.push_back(download); } } return RemoveDownloadItems(pending_deletes); } int DownloadManagerImpl::RemoveDownloads(base::Time remove_begin) { return RemoveDownloadsBetween(remove_begin, base::Time()); } int DownloadManagerImpl::RemoveAllDownloads() { download_stats::RecordClearAllSize(history_downloads_.size()); // The null times make the date range unbounded. return RemoveDownloadsBetween(base::Time(), base::Time()); } // Initiate a download of a specific URL. We send the request to the // ResourceDispatcherHost, and let it send us responses like a regular // download. void DownloadManagerImpl::DownloadUrl( const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer, const std::string& referrer_charset, bool prefer_cache, int64 post_id, const content::DownloadSaveInfo& save_info, WebContents* web_contents, const OnStartedCallback& callback) { ResourceDispatcherHostImpl* resource_dispatcher_host = ResourceDispatcherHostImpl::Get(); DCHECK(resource_dispatcher_host); // We send a pointer to content::ResourceContext, instead of the usual // reference, so that a copy of the object isn't made. // base::Bind can't handle 7 args, so we use URLParams and RenderParams. BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &BeginDownload, URLParams(url, referrer, post_id, prefer_cache), save_info, resource_dispatcher_host, RenderParams(web_contents->GetRenderProcessHost()->GetID(), web_contents->GetRenderViewHost()->GetRoutingID()), web_contents->GetBrowserContext()->GetResourceContext(), callback)); } void DownloadManagerImpl::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); // TODO: It is the responsibility of the observers to query the // DownloadManager. Remove the following call from here and update all // observers. observer->ModelChanged(this); } void DownloadManagerImpl::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void DownloadManagerImpl::FileSelected(const FilePath& path, int32 download_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(download_id); if (!download) return; VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " path = \"" << path.value() << "\"" << " download = " << download->DebugString(true); // Retain the last directory that was picked by the user. Exclude temporary // downloads since the path likely points at the location of a temporary file. if (download->PromptUserForSaveLocation() && !download->IsTemporary()) last_download_path_ = path.DirName(); // Make sure the initial file name is set only once. ContinueDownloadWithPath(download, path); } void DownloadManagerImpl::FileSelectionCanceled(int32 download_id) { // The user didn't pick a place to save the file, so need to cancel the // download that's already in progress to the temporary location. DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(download_id); if (!download) return; VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " download = " << download->DebugString(true); download->Cancel(true); } // Operations posted to us from the history service ---------------------------- // The history service has retrieved all download entries. 'entries' contains // 'DownloadPersistentStoreInfo's in sorted order (by ascending start_time). void DownloadManagerImpl::OnPersistentStoreQueryComplete( std::vector* entries) { // TODO(rdsmith): Remove this and related logic when // http://crbug.com/96627 is fixed. largest_db_handle_in_history_ = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < entries->size(); ++i) { int64 db_handle = entries->at(i).db_handle; base::debug::Alias(&db_handle); CHECK_96627(!ContainsKey(history_downloads_, db_handle)); net::BoundNetLog bound_net_log = net::BoundNetLog::Make(net_log_, net::NetLog::SOURCE_DOWNLOAD); DownloadItem* download = new DownloadItemImpl( this, GetNextId(), entries->at(i), bound_net_log); downloads_.insert(download); history_downloads_[download->GetDbHandle()] = download; VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << i << ">" << " download = " << download->DebugString(true); if (download->GetDbHandle() > largest_db_handle_in_history_) largest_db_handle_in_history_ = download->GetDbHandle(); } NotifyModelChanged(); CheckForHistoryFilesRemoval(); } void DownloadManagerImpl::AddDownloadItemToHistory(DownloadItem* download, int64 db_handle) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); // TODO(rdsmith): Convert to DCHECK() when http://crbug.com/96627 // is fixed. CHECK_NE(DownloadItem::kUninitializedHandle, db_handle); download_stats::RecordHistorySize(history_downloads_.size()); DCHECK(!download->IsPersisted()); download->SetDbHandle(db_handle); download->SetIsPersisted(); // TODO(rdsmith): Convert to DCHECK() when http://crbug.com/96627 // is fixed. CHECK_96627(!ContainsKey(history_downloads_, download->GetDbHandle())); history_downloads_[download->GetDbHandle()] = download; // Show in the appropriate browser UI. // This includes buttons to save or cancel, for a dangerous download. ShowDownloadInBrowser(download); // Inform interested objects about the new download. NotifyModelChanged(); } void DownloadManagerImpl::OnItemAddedToPersistentStore(int32 download_id, int64 db_handle) { if (save_page_downloads_.count(download_id)) { OnSavePageItemAddedToPersistentStore(download_id, db_handle); } else if (active_downloads_.count(download_id)) { OnDownloadItemAddedToPersistentStore(download_id, db_handle); } // It's valid that we don't find a matching item, i.e. on shutdown. } // Once the new DownloadItem's creation info has been committed to the history // service, we associate the DownloadItem with the db handle, update our // 'history_downloads_' map and inform observers. void DownloadManagerImpl::OnDownloadItemAddedToPersistentStore( int32 download_id, int64 db_handle) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(download_id); if (!download) return; VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " db_handle = " << db_handle << " download_id = " << download_id << " download = " << download->DebugString(true); // TODO(rdsmith): Remove after http://crbug.com/96627 resolved. int64 largest_handle = largest_db_handle_in_history_; base::debug::Alias(&largest_handle); int32 matching_item_download_id = (ContainsKey(history_downloads_, db_handle) ? history_downloads_[db_handle]->GetId() : 0); base::debug::Alias(&matching_item_download_id); CHECK_96627(!ContainsKey(history_downloads_, db_handle)); AddDownloadItemToHistory(download, db_handle); // If the download is still in progress, try to complete it. // // Otherwise, download has been cancelled or interrupted before we've // received the DB handle. We post one final message to the history // service so that it can be properly in sync with the DownloadItem's // completion status, and also inform any observers so that they get // more than just the start notification. if (download->IsInProgress()) { MaybeCompleteDownload(download); } else { // TODO(rdsmith): Convert to DCHECK() when http://crbug.com/96627 // is fixed. CHECK(download->IsCancelled()) << " download = " << download->DebugString(true); in_progress_.erase(download_id); active_downloads_.erase(download_id); delegate_->UpdateItemInPersistentStore(download); download->UpdateObservers(); } } void DownloadManagerImpl::ShowDownloadInBrowser(DownloadItem* download) { // The 'contents' may no longer exist if the user closed the contents before // we get this start completion event. WebContents* content = download->GetWebContents(); // If the contents no longer exists, we ask the embedder to suggest another // contents. if (!content) content = delegate_->GetAlternativeWebContentsToNotifyForDownload(); if (content && content->GetDelegate()) content->GetDelegate()->OnStartDownload(content, download); } int DownloadManagerImpl::InProgressCount() const { // Don't use in_progress_.count() because Cancel() leaves items in // in_progress_ if they haven't made it into the persistent store yet. // Need to actually look at each item's state. int count = 0; for (DownloadMap::const_iterator it = in_progress_.begin(); it != in_progress_.end(); ++it) { DownloadItem* item = it->second; if (item->IsInProgress()) ++count; } return count; } // Clears the last download path, used to initialize "save as" dialogs. void DownloadManagerImpl::ClearLastDownloadPath() { last_download_path_ = FilePath(); } void DownloadManagerImpl::NotifyModelChanged() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, ModelChanged(this)); } DownloadItem* DownloadManagerImpl::GetDownloadItem(int download_id) { // The |history_downloads_| map is indexed by the download's db_handle, // not its id, so we have to iterate. for (DownloadMap::iterator it = history_downloads_.begin(); it != history_downloads_.end(); ++it) { DownloadItem* item = it->second; if (item->GetId() == download_id) return item; } return NULL; } DownloadItem* DownloadManagerImpl::GetActiveDownloadItem(int download_id) { if (ContainsKey(active_downloads_, download_id)) return active_downloads_[download_id]; return NULL; } // Confirm that everything in all maps is also in |downloads_|, and that // everything in |downloads_| is also in some other map. void DownloadManagerImpl::AssertContainersConsistent() const { #if !defined(NDEBUG) // Turn everything into sets. const DownloadMap* input_maps[] = {&active_downloads_, &history_downloads_, &save_page_downloads_}; DownloadSet active_set, history_set, save_page_set; DownloadSet* all_sets[] = {&active_set, &history_set, &save_page_set}; DCHECK_EQ(ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(input_maps), ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(all_sets)); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(input_maps); i++) { for (DownloadMap::const_iterator it = input_maps[i]->begin(); it != input_maps[i]->end(); ++it) { all_sets[i]->insert(&*it->second); } } // Check if each set is fully present in downloads, and create a union. DownloadSet downloads_union; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(all_sets)); i++) { DownloadSet remainder; std::insert_iterator insert_it(remainder, remainder.begin()); std::set_difference(all_sets[i]->begin(), all_sets[i]->end(), downloads_.begin(), downloads_.end(), insert_it); DCHECK(remainder.empty()); std::insert_iterator insert_union(downloads_union, downloads_union.end()); std::set_union(downloads_union.begin(), downloads_union.end(), all_sets[i]->begin(), all_sets[i]->end(), insert_union); } // Is everything in downloads_ present in one of the other sets? DownloadSet remainder; std::insert_iterator insert_remainder(remainder, remainder.begin()); std::set_difference(downloads_.begin(), downloads_.end(), downloads_union.begin(), downloads_union.end(), insert_remainder); DCHECK(remainder.empty()); #endif } // SavePackage will call SavePageDownloadFinished upon completion/cancellation. // The history callback will call OnSavePageItemAddedToPersistentStore. // If the download finishes before the history callback, // OnSavePageItemAddedToPersistentStore calls SavePageDownloadFinished, ensuring // that the history event is update regardless of the order in which these two // events complete. // If something removes the download item from the download manager (Remove, // Shutdown) the result will be that the SavePage system will not be able to // properly update the download item (which no longer exists) or the download // history, but the action will complete properly anyway. This may lead to the // history entry being wrong on a reload of chrome (specifically in the case of // Initiation -> History Callback -> Removal -> Completion), but there's no way // to solve that without canceling on Remove (which would then update the DB). void DownloadManagerImpl::OnSavePageItemAddedToPersistentStore( int32 download_id, int64 db_handle) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DownloadMap::const_iterator it = save_page_downloads_.find(download_id); // This can happen if the download manager is shutting down and all maps // have been cleared. if (it == save_page_downloads_.end()) return; DownloadItem* download = it->second; if (!download) { NOTREACHED(); return; } // TODO(rdsmith): Remove after http://crbug.com/96627 resolved. int64 largest_handle = largest_db_handle_in_history_; base::debug::Alias(&largest_handle); CHECK_96627(!ContainsKey(history_downloads_, db_handle)); AddDownloadItemToHistory(download, db_handle); // Finalize this download if it finished before the history callback. if (!download->IsInProgress()) SavePageDownloadFinished(download); } void DownloadManagerImpl::SavePageDownloadFinished(DownloadItem* download) { if (download->IsPersisted()) { delegate_->UpdateItemInPersistentStore(download); DCHECK(ContainsKey(save_page_downloads_, download->GetId())); save_page_downloads_.erase(download->GetId()); if (download->IsComplete()) content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( content::NOTIFICATION_SAVE_PACKAGE_SUCCESSFULLY_FINISHED, content::Source(this), content::Details(download)); } } void DownloadManagerImpl::DownloadOpened(DownloadItem* download) { delegate_->UpdateItemInPersistentStore(download); int num_unopened = 0; for (DownloadMap::iterator it = history_downloads_.begin(); it != history_downloads_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->IsComplete() && !it->second->GetOpened()) ++num_unopened; } download_stats::RecordOpensOutstanding(num_unopened); } void DownloadManagerImpl::SetFileManagerForTesting( DownloadFileManager* file_manager) { file_manager_ = file_manager; }