// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/download/download_resource_handler.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/metrics/stats_counters.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_buffer.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_create_info.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_file_manager.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_interrupt_reasons_impl.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_manager_impl.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_request_handle.h" #include "content/browser/download/download_stats.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/resource_dispatcher_host_impl.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/resource_request_info_impl.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_interrupt_reasons.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_item.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_manager_delegate.h" #include "content/public/common/resource_response.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h" using content::BrowserThread; using content::DownloadId; using content::DownloadItem; using content::DownloadManager; using content::ResourceDispatcherHostImpl; using content::ResourceRequestInfoImpl; namespace { void CallStartedCBOnUIThread( const DownloadResourceHandler::OnStartedCallback& started_cb, DownloadId id, net::Error error) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); if (started_cb.is_null()) return; started_cb.Run(id, error); } } // namespace DownloadResourceHandler::DownloadResourceHandler( int render_process_host_id, int render_view_id, int request_id, const GURL& url, DownloadFileManager* download_file_manager, net::URLRequest* request, const DownloadResourceHandler::OnStartedCallback& started_cb, const content::DownloadSaveInfo& save_info) : download_id_(DownloadId::Invalid()), global_id_(render_process_host_id, request_id), render_view_id_(render_view_id), content_length_(0), download_file_manager_(download_file_manager), request_(request), started_cb_(started_cb), save_info_(save_info), buffer_(new content::DownloadBuffer), is_paused_(false), last_buffer_size_(0), bytes_read_(0) { download_stats::RecordDownloadCount(download_stats::UNTHROTTLED_COUNT); } bool DownloadResourceHandler::OnUploadProgress(int request_id, uint64 position, uint64 size) { return true; } // Not needed, as this event handler ought to be the final resource. bool DownloadResourceHandler::OnRequestRedirected( int request_id, const GURL& url, content::ResourceResponse* response, bool* defer) { return true; } // Send the download creation information to the download thread. bool DownloadResourceHandler::OnResponseStarted( int request_id, content::ResourceResponse* response) { VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << DebugString() << " request_id = " << request_id; download_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); if (request_->url().scheme() == "data") { CallStartedCB(download_id_, net::ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME); return false; } // If it's a download, we don't want to poison the cache with it. request_->StopCaching(); std::string content_disposition; request_->GetResponseHeaderByName("content-disposition", &content_disposition); set_content_disposition(content_disposition); set_content_length(response->content_length); const ResourceRequestInfoImpl* request_info = ResourceRequestInfoImpl::ForRequest(request_); // Deleted in DownloadManager. scoped_ptr info(new DownloadCreateInfo( base::Time::Now(), 0, content_length_, DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS, request_->net_log(), request_info->has_user_gesture(), request_info->transition_type())); info->url_chain = request_->url_chain(); info->referrer_url = GURL(request_->referrer()); info->start_time = base::Time::Now(); info->received_bytes = save_info_.offset; info->total_bytes = content_length_; info->state = DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS; info->has_user_gesture = request_info->has_user_gesture(); info->content_disposition = content_disposition_; info->mime_type = response->mime_type; info->remote_address = request_->GetSocketAddress().host(); download_stats::RecordDownloadMimeType(info->mime_type); DownloadRequestHandle request_handle(global_id_.child_id, render_view_id_, global_id_.request_id); // Get the last modified time and etag. const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers = request_->response_headers(); if (headers) { std::string last_modified_hdr; std::string etag; if (headers->EnumerateHeader(NULL, "Last-Modified", &last_modified_hdr)) info->last_modified = last_modified_hdr; if (headers->EnumerateHeader(NULL, "ETag", &etag)) info->etag = etag; } std::string content_type_header; if (!response->headers || !response->headers->GetMimeType(&content_type_header)) content_type_header = ""; info->original_mime_type = content_type_header; if (!response->headers || !response->headers->EnumerateHeader(NULL, "Accept-Ranges", &accept_ranges_)) { accept_ranges_ = ""; } info->prompt_user_for_save_location = save_info_.prompt_for_save_location && save_info_.file_path.empty(); info->referrer_charset = request_->context()->referrer_charset(); info->save_info = save_info_; BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DownloadResourceHandler::StartOnUIThread, this, base::Passed(&info), request_handle)); // We can't start saving the data before we create the file on disk and have a // download id. The request will be un-paused in // DownloadFileManager::CreateDownloadFile. ResourceDispatcherHostImpl::Get()->PauseRequest(global_id_.child_id, global_id_.request_id, true); return true; } void DownloadResourceHandler::CallStartedCB(DownloadId id, net::Error error) { if (started_cb_.is_null()) return; BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&CallStartedCBOnUIThread, started_cb_, id, error)); started_cb_.Reset(); } bool DownloadResourceHandler::OnWillStart(int request_id, const GURL& url, bool* defer) { return true; } // Create a new buffer, which will be handed to the download thread for file // writing and deletion. bool DownloadResourceHandler::OnWillRead(int request_id, net::IOBuffer** buf, int* buf_size, int min_size) { DCHECK(buf && buf_size); if (!read_buffer_) { *buf_size = min_size < 0 ? kReadBufSize : min_size; last_buffer_size_ = *buf_size; read_buffer_ = new net::IOBuffer(*buf_size); } *buf = read_buffer_.get(); return true; } // Pass the buffer to the download file writer. bool DownloadResourceHandler::OnReadCompleted(int request_id, int* bytes_read) { base::TimeTicks now(base::TimeTicks::Now()); if (!last_read_time_.is_null()) { double seconds_since_last_read = (now - last_read_time_).InSecondsF(); if (now == last_read_time_) // Use 1/10 ms as a "very small number" so that we avoid // divide-by-zero error and still record a very high potential bandwidth. seconds_since_last_read = 0.00001; double actual_bandwidth = (*bytes_read)/seconds_since_last_read; double potential_bandwidth = last_buffer_size_/seconds_since_last_read; download_stats::RecordBandwidth(actual_bandwidth, potential_bandwidth); } last_read_time_ = now; if (!*bytes_read) return true; bytes_read_ += *bytes_read; DCHECK(read_buffer_); // Swap the data. net::IOBuffer* io_buffer = NULL; read_buffer_.swap(&io_buffer); size_t vector_size = buffer_->AddData(io_buffer, *bytes_read); bool need_update = (vector_size == 1); // Buffer was empty. // We are passing ownership of this buffer to the download file manager. if (need_update) { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DownloadFileManager::UpdateDownload, download_file_manager_, download_id_, buffer_)); } // We schedule a pause outside of the read loop if there is too much file // writing work to do. if (vector_size > kLoadsToWrite) StartPauseTimer(); return true; } bool DownloadResourceHandler::OnResponseCompleted( int request_id, const net::URLRequestStatus& status, const std::string& security_info) { VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << DebugString() << " request_id = " << request_id << " status.status() = " << status.status() << " status.error() = " << status.error(); int response = status.is_success() ? request_->GetResponseCode() : 0; if (download_id_.IsValid()) { OnResponseCompletedInternal(request_id, status, security_info, response); } else { // We got cancelled before the task which sets the id ran on the IO thread. // Wait for it. BrowserThread::PostTaskAndReply( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&base::DoNothing), base::Bind(&DownloadResourceHandler::OnResponseCompletedInternal, this, request_id, status, security_info, response)); } // Can't trust request_ being value after this point. request_ = NULL; return true; } void DownloadResourceHandler::OnResponseCompletedInternal( int request_id, const net::URLRequestStatus& status, const std::string& security_info, int response_code) { // NOTE: |request_| may be a dangling pointer at this point. VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " request_id = " << request_id << " status.status() = " << status.status() << " status.error() = " << status.error(); net::Error error_code = net::OK; if (status.status() == net::URLRequestStatus::FAILED) error_code = static_cast(status.error()); // Normal case. // ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH and ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING are // allowed since a number of servers in the wild close the connection too // early by mistake. Other browsers - IE9, Firefox 11.0, and Safari 5.1.4 - // treat downloads as complete in both cases, so we follow their lead. if (error_code == net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH || error_code == net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING) { error_code = net::OK; } content::DownloadInterruptReason reason = content::ConvertNetErrorToInterruptReason( error_code, content::DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_FROM_NETWORK); if ((status.status() == net::URLRequestStatus::CANCELED) && (status.error() == net::ERR_ABORTED)) { // TODO(ahendrickson) -- Find a better set of codes to use here, as // CANCELED/ERR_ABORTED can occur for reasons other than user cancel. reason = content::DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_USER_CANCELED; } if (status.is_success()) { if (response_code >= 400) { switch(response_code) { case 404: // File Not Found. reason = content::DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_SERVER_BAD_CONTENT; break; case 416: // Range Not Satisfiable. reason = content::DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_SERVER_NO_RANGE; break; case 412: // Precondition Failed. reason = content::DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_SERVER_PRECONDITION; break; default: reason = content::DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_SERVER_FAILED; break; } } } download_stats::RecordAcceptsRanges(accept_ranges_, bytes_read_); // If the callback was already run on the UI thread, this will be a noop. CallStartedCB(download_id_, error_code); // We transfer ownership to |DownloadFileManager| to delete |buffer_|, // so that any functions queued up on the FILE thread are executed // before deletion. BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DownloadFileManager::OnResponseCompleted, download_file_manager_, download_id_, reason, security_info)); buffer_ = NULL; // The buffer is longer needed by |DownloadResourceHandler|. read_buffer_ = NULL; } void DownloadResourceHandler::OnRequestClosed() { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("SB2.DownloadDuration", base::TimeTicks::Now() - download_start_time_); } void DownloadResourceHandler::StartOnUIThread( scoped_ptr info, const DownloadRequestHandle& handle) { DownloadManager* download_manager = handle.GetDownloadManager(); if (!download_manager) { // NULL in unittests or if the page closed right after starting the // download. CallStartedCB(download_id_, net::ERR_ACCESS_DENIED); return; } DownloadId download_id = download_manager->delegate()->GetNextId(); info->download_id = download_id; BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DownloadResourceHandler::set_download_id, this, info->download_id)); // It's safe to continue on with download initiation before we have // confirmation that that download_id_ has been set on the IO thread, as any // messages generated by the UI thread that affect the IO thread will be // behind the message posted above. download_file_manager_->StartDownload(info.release(), handle); CallStartedCB(download_id, net::OK); } void DownloadResourceHandler::set_download_id(content::DownloadId id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); download_id_ = id; } // If the content-length header is not present (or contains something other // than numbers), the incoming content_length is -1 (unknown size). // Set the content length to 0 to indicate unknown size to DownloadManager. void DownloadResourceHandler::set_content_length(const int64& content_length) { content_length_ = 0; if (content_length > 0) content_length_ = content_length; } void DownloadResourceHandler::set_content_disposition( const std::string& content_disposition) { content_disposition_ = content_disposition; } void DownloadResourceHandler::CheckWriteProgress() { if (!buffer_.get()) return; // The download completed while we were waiting to run. size_t contents_size = buffer_->size(); bool should_pause = contents_size > kLoadsToWrite; // We'll come back later and see if it's okay to unpause the request. if (should_pause) StartPauseTimer(); if (is_paused_ != should_pause) { ResourceDispatcherHostImpl::Get()->PauseRequest(global_id_.child_id, global_id_.request_id, should_pause); is_paused_ = should_pause; } } DownloadResourceHandler::~DownloadResourceHandler() { // This won't do anything if the callback was called before. // If it goes through, it will likely be because OnWillStart() returned // false somewhere in the chain of resource handlers. CallStartedCB(download_id_, net::ERR_ACCESS_DENIED); } void DownloadResourceHandler::StartPauseTimer() { if (!pause_timer_.IsRunning()) pause_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kThrottleTimeMs), this, &DownloadResourceHandler::CheckWriteProgress); } std::string DownloadResourceHandler::DebugString() const { return base::StringPrintf("{" " url_ = " "\"%s\"" " download_id_ = " "%d" " global_id_ = {" " child_id = " "%d" " request_id = " "%d" " }" " render_view_id_ = " "%d" " save_info_.file_path = \"%" PRFilePath "\"" " }", request_ ? request_->url().spec().c_str() : "", download_id_.local(), global_id_.child_id, global_id_.request_id, render_view_id_, save_info_.file_path.value().c_str()); }