// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree.h" #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree_node.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigator.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_factory.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_impl.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_proxy_host.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_factory.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h" #include "content/common/input_messages.h" #include "content/common/site_isolation_policy.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebSandboxFlags.h" namespace content { namespace { // Helper function to collect SiteInstances involved in rendering a single // FrameTree (which is a subset of SiteInstances in main frame's proxy_hosts_ // because of openers). std::set CollectSiteInstances(FrameTree* tree) { std::set instances; for (FrameTreeNode* node : tree->Nodes()) instances.insert(node->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); return instances; } } // namespace FrameTree::NodeIterator::NodeIterator(const NodeIterator& other) = default; FrameTree::NodeIterator::~NodeIterator() {} FrameTree::NodeIterator& FrameTree::NodeIterator::operator++() { for (size_t i = 0; i < current_node_->child_count(); ++i) { FrameTreeNode* child = current_node_->child_at(i); if (child == node_to_skip_) continue; queue_.push(child); } if (!queue_.empty()) { current_node_ = queue_.front(); queue_.pop(); } else { current_node_ = nullptr; } return *this; } bool FrameTree::NodeIterator::operator==(const NodeIterator& rhs) const { return current_node_ == rhs.current_node_; } FrameTree::NodeIterator::NodeIterator(FrameTreeNode* starting_node, FrameTreeNode* node_to_skip) : current_node_(starting_node != node_to_skip ? starting_node : nullptr), node_to_skip_(node_to_skip) {} FrameTree::NodeIterator FrameTree::NodeRange::begin() { return NodeIterator(root_, node_to_skip_); } FrameTree::NodeIterator FrameTree::NodeRange::end() { return NodeIterator(nullptr, nullptr); } FrameTree::NodeRange::NodeRange(FrameTreeNode* root, FrameTreeNode* node_to_skip) : root_(root), node_to_skip_(node_to_skip) {} FrameTree::ConstNodeIterator::ConstNodeIterator( const ConstNodeIterator& other) = default; FrameTree::ConstNodeIterator::~ConstNodeIterator() {} FrameTree::ConstNodeIterator& FrameTree::ConstNodeIterator::operator++() { for (size_t i = 0; i < current_node_->child_count(); ++i) { const FrameTreeNode* child = current_node_->child_at(i); queue_.push(child); } if (!queue_.empty()) { current_node_ = queue_.front(); queue_.pop(); } else { current_node_ = nullptr; } return *this; } bool FrameTree::ConstNodeIterator::operator==( const ConstNodeIterator& rhs) const { return current_node_ == rhs.current_node_; } FrameTree::ConstNodeIterator::ConstNodeIterator( const FrameTreeNode* starting_node) : current_node_(starting_node) {} FrameTree::ConstNodeIterator FrameTree::ConstNodeRange::begin() { return ConstNodeIterator(root_); } FrameTree::ConstNodeIterator FrameTree::ConstNodeRange::end() { return ConstNodeIterator(nullptr); } FrameTree::ConstNodeRange::ConstNodeRange(const FrameTreeNode* root) : root_(root) {} FrameTree::FrameTree(Navigator* navigator, RenderFrameHostDelegate* render_frame_delegate, RenderViewHostDelegate* render_view_delegate, RenderWidgetHostDelegate* render_widget_delegate, RenderFrameHostManager::Delegate* manager_delegate) : render_frame_delegate_(render_frame_delegate), render_view_delegate_(render_view_delegate), render_widget_delegate_(render_widget_delegate), manager_delegate_(manager_delegate), root_(new FrameTreeNode(this, navigator, render_frame_delegate, render_view_delegate, render_widget_delegate, manager_delegate, // The top-level frame must always be in a // document scope. blink::WebTreeScopeType::Document, std::string(), std::string(), blink::WebFrameOwnerProperties())), focused_frame_tree_node_id_(-1), load_progress_(0.0) {} FrameTree::~FrameTree() { delete root_; root_ = nullptr; } FrameTreeNode* FrameTree::FindByID(int frame_tree_node_id) { for (FrameTreeNode* node : Nodes()) { if (node->frame_tree_node_id() == frame_tree_node_id) return node; } return nullptr; } FrameTreeNode* FrameTree::FindByRoutingID(int process_id, int routing_id) { RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host = RenderFrameHostImpl::FromID(process_id, routing_id); if (render_frame_host) { FrameTreeNode* result = render_frame_host->frame_tree_node(); if (this == result->frame_tree()) return result; } RenderFrameProxyHost* render_frame_proxy_host = RenderFrameProxyHost::FromID(process_id, routing_id); if (render_frame_proxy_host) { FrameTreeNode* result = render_frame_proxy_host->frame_tree_node(); if (this == result->frame_tree()) return result; } return nullptr; } FrameTreeNode* FrameTree::FindByName(const std::string& name) { if (name.empty()) return root_; for (FrameTreeNode* node : Nodes()) { if (node->frame_name() == name) return node; } return nullptr; } FrameTree::NodeRange FrameTree::Nodes() { return NodesExcept(nullptr); } FrameTree::NodeRange FrameTree::SubtreeNodes(FrameTreeNode* subtree_root) { return NodeRange(subtree_root, nullptr); } FrameTree::NodeRange FrameTree::NodesExcept(FrameTreeNode* node_to_skip) { return NodeRange(root_, node_to_skip); } FrameTree::ConstNodeRange FrameTree::ConstNodes() const { return ConstNodeRange(root_); } bool FrameTree::AddFrame( FrameTreeNode* parent, int process_id, int new_routing_id, blink::WebTreeScopeType scope, const std::string& frame_name, const std::string& frame_unique_name, blink::WebSandboxFlags sandbox_flags, const blink::WebFrameOwnerProperties& frame_owner_properties) { CHECK_NE(new_routing_id, MSG_ROUTING_NONE); // A child frame always starts with an initial empty document, which means // it is in the same SiteInstance as the parent frame. Ensure that the process // which requested a child frame to be added is the same as the process of the // parent node. if (parent->current_frame_host()->GetProcess()->GetID() != process_id) return false; // AddChild is what creates the RenderFrameHost. FrameTreeNode* added_node = parent->AddChild( make_scoped_ptr(new FrameTreeNode( this, parent->navigator(), render_frame_delegate_, render_view_delegate_, render_widget_delegate_, manager_delegate_, scope, frame_name, frame_unique_name, frame_owner_properties)), process_id, new_routing_id); // Set sandbox flags and make them effective immediately, since initial // sandbox flags should apply to the initial empty document in the frame. added_node->SetPendingSandboxFlags(sandbox_flags); added_node->CommitPendingSandboxFlags(); // Now that the new node is part of the FrameTree and has a RenderFrameHost, // we can announce the creation of the initial RenderFrame which already // exists in the renderer process. added_node->current_frame_host()->SetRenderFrameCreated(true); return true; } void FrameTree::RemoveFrame(FrameTreeNode* child) { FrameTreeNode* parent = child->parent(); if (!parent) { NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected RemoveFrame call for main frame."; return; } parent->RemoveChild(child); } void FrameTree::CreateProxiesForSiteInstance( FrameTreeNode* source, SiteInstance* site_instance) { // Create the RenderFrameProxyHost for the new SiteInstance. if (!source || !source->IsMainFrame()) { RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host = GetRenderViewHost(site_instance); if (!render_view_host) { root()->render_manager()->CreateRenderFrameProxy(site_instance); } else { root()->render_manager()->EnsureRenderViewInitialized(render_view_host, site_instance); } } // Proxies are created in the FrameTree in response to a node navigating to a // new SiteInstance. Since |source|'s navigation will replace the currently // loaded document, the entire subtree under |source| will be removed. for (FrameTreeNode* node : NodesExcept(source)) { // If a new frame is created in the current SiteInstance, other frames in // that SiteInstance don't need a proxy for the new frame. SiteInstance* current_instance = node->render_manager()->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); if (current_instance != site_instance) node->render_manager()->CreateRenderFrameProxy(site_instance); } } RenderFrameHostImpl* FrameTree::GetMainFrame() const { return root_->current_frame_host(); } FrameTreeNode* FrameTree::GetFocusedFrame() { return FindByID(focused_frame_tree_node_id_); } void FrameTree::SetFocusedFrame(FrameTreeNode* node, SiteInstance* source) { if (node == GetFocusedFrame()) return; std::set frame_tree_site_instances = CollectSiteInstances(this); SiteInstance* current_instance = node->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); // Update the focused frame in all other SiteInstances. If focus changes to // a cross-process frame, this allows the old focused frame's renderer // process to clear focus from that frame and fire blur events. It also // ensures that the latest focused frame is available in all renderers to // compute document.activeElement. // // We do not notify the |source| SiteInstance because it already knows the // new focused frame (since it initiated the focus change), and we notify the // new focused frame's SiteInstance (if it differs from |source|) separately // below. for (const auto& instance : frame_tree_site_instances) { if (instance != source && instance != current_instance) { DCHECK(SiteIsolationPolicy::AreCrossProcessFramesPossible()); RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = node->render_manager()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(instance); proxy->SetFocusedFrame(); } } // If |node| was focused from a cross-process frame (i.e., via // window.focus()), tell its RenderFrame that it should focus. if (current_instance != source) node->current_frame_host()->SetFocusedFrame(); focused_frame_tree_node_id_ = node->frame_tree_node_id(); node->DidFocus(); // The accessibility tree data for the root of the frame tree keeps // track of the focused frame too, so update that every time the // focused frame changes. root()->current_frame_host()->UpdateAXTreeData(); } void FrameTree::SetFrameRemoveListener( const base::Callback& on_frame_removed) { on_frame_removed_ = on_frame_removed; } RenderViewHostImpl* FrameTree::CreateRenderViewHost( SiteInstance* site_instance, int32_t routing_id, int32_t main_frame_routing_id, bool swapped_out, bool hidden) { RenderViewHostMap::iterator iter = render_view_host_map_.find(site_instance->GetId()); if (iter != render_view_host_map_.end()) { // If a RenderViewHost is pending deletion for this |site_instance|, it // shouldn't be reused, so put it in the map of RenderViewHosts pending // shutdown. Otherwise, return the existing RenderViewHost for the // SiteInstance. Note that if swapped-out is forbidden, the // RenderViewHost's main frame has already been cleared, so we cannot rely // on checking whether the main frame is pending deletion. if (iter->second->is_pending_deletion()) { render_view_host_pending_shutdown_map_.insert( std::make_pair(site_instance->GetId(), iter->second)); render_view_host_map_.erase(iter); } else { return iter->second; } } RenderViewHostImpl* rvh = static_cast(RenderViewHostFactory::Create( site_instance, render_view_delegate_, render_widget_delegate_, routing_id, main_frame_routing_id, swapped_out, hidden)); render_view_host_map_[site_instance->GetId()] = rvh; return rvh; } RenderViewHostImpl* FrameTree::GetRenderViewHost(SiteInstance* site_instance) { RenderViewHostMap::iterator iter = render_view_host_map_.find(site_instance->GetId()); if (iter == render_view_host_map_.end()) return nullptr; return iter->second; } void FrameTree::AddRenderViewHostRef(RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host) { SiteInstance* site_instance = render_view_host->GetSiteInstance(); RenderViewHostMap::iterator iter = render_view_host_map_.find(site_instance->GetId()); CHECK(iter != render_view_host_map_.end()); CHECK(iter->second == render_view_host); iter->second->increment_ref_count(); } void FrameTree::ReleaseRenderViewHostRef(RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host) { SiteInstance* site_instance = render_view_host->GetSiteInstance(); int32_t site_instance_id = site_instance->GetId(); RenderViewHostMap::iterator iter = render_view_host_map_.find(site_instance_id); if (iter != render_view_host_map_.end() && iter->second == render_view_host) { // Decrement the refcount and shutdown the RenderViewHost if no one else is // using it. CHECK_GT(iter->second->ref_count(), 0); iter->second->decrement_ref_count(); if (iter->second->ref_count() == 0) { iter->second->ShutdownAndDestroy(); render_view_host_map_.erase(iter); } } else { // The RenderViewHost should be in the list of RenderViewHosts pending // shutdown. bool render_view_host_found = false; std::pair result = render_view_host_pending_shutdown_map_.equal_range(site_instance_id); for (RenderViewHostMultiMap::iterator multi_iter = result.first; multi_iter != result.second; ++multi_iter) { if (multi_iter->second != render_view_host) continue; render_view_host_found = true; // Decrement the refcount and shutdown the RenderViewHost if no one else // is using it. CHECK_GT(render_view_host->ref_count(), 0); render_view_host->decrement_ref_count(); if (render_view_host->ref_count() == 0) { render_view_host->ShutdownAndDestroy(); render_view_host_pending_shutdown_map_.erase(multi_iter); } break; } CHECK(render_view_host_found); } } void FrameTree::FrameRemoved(FrameTreeNode* frame) { if (frame->frame_tree_node_id() == focused_frame_tree_node_id_) focused_frame_tree_node_id_ = -1; // No notification for the root frame. if (!frame->parent()) { CHECK_EQ(frame, root_); return; } // Notify observers of the frame removal. if (!on_frame_removed_.is_null()) on_frame_removed_.Run(frame->current_frame_host()); } void FrameTree::UpdateLoadProgress() { double progress = 0.0; int frame_count = 0; for (FrameTreeNode* node : Nodes()) { // Ignore the current frame if it has not started loading. if (!node->has_started_loading()) continue; // Collect progress. progress += node->loading_progress(); frame_count++; } if (frame_count != 0) progress /= frame_count; if (progress <= load_progress_) return; load_progress_ = progress; // Notify the WebContents. root_->navigator()->GetDelegate()->DidChangeLoadProgress(); } void FrameTree::ResetLoadProgress() { for (FrameTreeNode* node : Nodes()) node->reset_loading_progress(); load_progress_ = 0.0; } bool FrameTree::IsLoading() const { for (const FrameTreeNode* node : ConstNodes()) { if (node->IsLoading()) return true; } return false; } void FrameTree::ReplicatePageFocus(bool is_focused) { std::set frame_tree_site_instances = CollectSiteInstances(this); // Send the focus update to main frame's proxies in all SiteInstances of // other frames in this FrameTree. Note that the main frame might also know // about proxies in SiteInstances for frames in a different FrameTree (e.g., // for window.open), so we can't just iterate over its proxy_hosts_ in // RenderFrameHostManager. for (const auto& instance : frame_tree_site_instances) SetPageFocus(instance, is_focused); } void FrameTree::SetPageFocus(SiteInstance* instance, bool is_focused) { RenderFrameHostManager* root_manager = root_->render_manager(); // This is only used to set page-level focus in cross-process subframes, and // requests to set focus in main frame's SiteInstance are ignored. if (instance != root_manager->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()) { RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = root_manager->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(instance); proxy->Send(new InputMsg_SetFocus(proxy->GetRoutingID(), is_focused)); } } } // namespace content