// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_controller_impl.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/debug/trace_event.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" // Temporary #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "cc/base/switches.h" #include "content/browser/browser_url_handler_impl.h" #include "content/browser/dom_storage/dom_storage_context_wrapper.h" #include "content/browser/dom_storage/session_storage_namespace_impl.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/debug_urls.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/interstitial_page_impl.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_entry_impl.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_entry_screenshot_manager.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h" // Temporary #include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h" #include "content/common/frame_messages.h" #include "content/common/view_messages.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h" #include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h" #include "content/public/browser/invalidate_type.h" #include "content/public/browser/navigation_details.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h" #include "content/public/browser/storage_partition.h" #include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h" #include "content/public/common/content_client.h" #include "content/public/common/content_constants.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h" #include "url/url_constants.h" namespace content { namespace { // Invoked when entries have been pruned, or removed. For example, if the // current entries are [google, digg, yahoo], with the current entry google, // and the user types in cnet, then digg and yahoo are pruned. void NotifyPrunedEntries(NavigationControllerImpl* nav_controller, bool from_front, int count) { PrunedDetails details; details.from_front = from_front; details.count = count; NotificationService::current()->Notify( NOTIFICATION_NAV_LIST_PRUNED, Source(nav_controller), Details(&details)); } // Ensure the given NavigationEntry has a valid state, so that WebKit does not // get confused if we navigate back to it. // // An empty state is treated as a new navigation by WebKit, which would mean // losing the navigation entries and generating a new navigation entry after // this one. We don't want that. To avoid this we create a valid state which // WebKit will not treat as a new navigation. void SetPageStateIfEmpty(NavigationEntryImpl* entry) { if (!entry->GetPageState().IsValid()) entry->SetPageState(PageState::CreateFromURL(entry->GetURL())); } NavigationEntryImpl::RestoreType ControllerRestoreTypeToEntryType( NavigationController::RestoreType type) { switch (type) { case NavigationController::RESTORE_CURRENT_SESSION: return NavigationEntryImpl::RESTORE_CURRENT_SESSION; case NavigationController::RESTORE_LAST_SESSION_EXITED_CLEANLY: return NavigationEntryImpl::RESTORE_LAST_SESSION_EXITED_CLEANLY; case NavigationController::RESTORE_LAST_SESSION_CRASHED: return NavigationEntryImpl::RESTORE_LAST_SESSION_CRASHED; } NOTREACHED(); return NavigationEntryImpl::RESTORE_CURRENT_SESSION; } // Configure all the NavigationEntries in entries for restore. This resets // the transition type to reload and makes sure the content state isn't empty. void ConfigureEntriesForRestore( std::vector >* entries, NavigationController::RestoreType type) { for (size_t i = 0; i < entries->size(); ++i) { // Use a transition type of reload so that we don't incorrectly increase // the typed count. (*entries)[i]->SetTransitionType(ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD); (*entries)[i]->set_restore_type(ControllerRestoreTypeToEntryType(type)); // NOTE(darin): This code is only needed for backwards compat. SetPageStateIfEmpty((*entries)[i].get()); } } // There are two general cases where a navigation is in page: // 1. A fragment navigation, in which the url is kept the same except for the // reference fragment. // 2. A history API navigation (pushState and replaceState). This case is // always in-page, but the urls are not guaranteed to match excluding the // fragment. The relevant spec allows pushState/replaceState to any URL on // the same origin. // However, due to reloads, even identical urls are *not* guaranteed to be // in-page navigations, we have to trust the renderer almost entirely. // The one thing we do know is that cross-origin navigations will *never* be // in-page. Therefore, trust the renderer if the URLs are on the same origin, // and assume the renderer is malicious if a cross-origin navigation claims to // be in-page. bool AreURLsInPageNavigation(const GURL& existing_url, const GURL& new_url, bool renderer_says_in_page, RenderFrameHost* rfh) { WebPreferences prefs = rfh->GetRenderViewHost()->GetWebkitPreferences(); bool is_same_origin = existing_url.is_empty() || // TODO(japhet): We should only permit navigations // originating from about:blank to be in-page if the // about:blank is the first document that frame loaded. // We don't have sufficient information to identify // that case at the moment, so always allow about:blank // for now. existing_url == GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL) || existing_url.GetOrigin() == new_url.GetOrigin() || !prefs.web_security_enabled; if (!is_same_origin && renderer_says_in_page) rfh->GetProcess()->ReceivedBadMessage(); return is_same_origin && renderer_says_in_page; } // Determines whether or not we should be carrying over a user agent override // between two NavigationEntries. bool ShouldKeepOverride(const NavigationEntry* last_entry) { return last_entry && last_entry->GetIsOverridingUserAgent(); } } // namespace // NavigationControllerImpl ---------------------------------------------------- const size_t kMaxEntryCountForTestingNotSet = static_cast(-1); // static size_t NavigationControllerImpl::max_entry_count_for_testing_ = kMaxEntryCountForTestingNotSet; // Should Reload check for post data? The default is true, but is set to false // when testing. static bool g_check_for_repost = true; // static NavigationEntry* NavigationController::CreateNavigationEntry( const GURL& url, const Referrer& referrer, ui::PageTransition transition, bool is_renderer_initiated, const std::string& extra_headers, BrowserContext* browser_context) { // Allow the browser URL handler to rewrite the URL. This will, for example, // remove "view-source:" from the beginning of the URL to get the URL that // will actually be loaded. This real URL won't be shown to the user, just // used internally. GURL loaded_url(url); bool reverse_on_redirect = false; BrowserURLHandlerImpl::GetInstance()->RewriteURLIfNecessary( &loaded_url, browser_context, &reverse_on_redirect); NavigationEntryImpl* entry = new NavigationEntryImpl( NULL, // The site instance for tabs is sent on navigation // (WebContents::GetSiteInstance). -1, loaded_url, referrer, base::string16(), transition, is_renderer_initiated); entry->SetVirtualURL(url); entry->set_user_typed_url(url); entry->set_update_virtual_url_with_url(reverse_on_redirect); entry->set_extra_headers(extra_headers); return entry; } // static void NavigationController::DisablePromptOnRepost() { g_check_for_repost = false; } base::Time NavigationControllerImpl::TimeSmoother::GetSmoothedTime( base::Time t) { // If |t| is between the water marks, we're in a run of duplicates // or just getting out of it, so increase the high-water mark to get // a time that probably hasn't been used before and return it. if (low_water_mark_ <= t && t <= high_water_mark_) { high_water_mark_ += base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1); return high_water_mark_; } // Otherwise, we're clear of the last duplicate run, so reset the // water marks. low_water_mark_ = high_water_mark_ = t; return t; } NavigationControllerImpl::NavigationControllerImpl( NavigationControllerDelegate* delegate, BrowserContext* browser_context) : browser_context_(browser_context), pending_entry_(NULL), last_committed_entry_index_(-1), pending_entry_index_(-1), transient_entry_index_(-1), delegate_(delegate), max_restored_page_id_(-1), ssl_manager_(this), needs_reload_(false), is_initial_navigation_(true), in_navigate_to_pending_entry_(false), pending_reload_(NO_RELOAD), get_timestamp_callback_(base::Bind(&base::Time::Now)), screenshot_manager_(new NavigationEntryScreenshotManager(this)) { DCHECK(browser_context_); } NavigationControllerImpl::~NavigationControllerImpl() { DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); } WebContents* NavigationControllerImpl::GetWebContents() const { return delegate_->GetWebContents(); } BrowserContext* NavigationControllerImpl::GetBrowserContext() const { return browser_context_; } void NavigationControllerImpl::SetBrowserContext( BrowserContext* browser_context) { browser_context_ = browser_context; } void NavigationControllerImpl::Restore( int selected_navigation, RestoreType type, std::vector* entries) { // Verify that this controller is unused and that the input is valid. DCHECK(GetEntryCount() == 0 && !GetPendingEntry()); DCHECK(selected_navigation >= 0 && selected_navigation < static_cast(entries->size())); needs_reload_ = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < entries->size(); ++i) { NavigationEntryImpl* entry = NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry((*entries)[i]); entries_.push_back(linked_ptr(entry)); } entries->clear(); // And finish the restore. FinishRestore(selected_navigation, type); } void NavigationControllerImpl::Reload(bool check_for_repost) { ReloadInternal(check_for_repost, RELOAD); } void NavigationControllerImpl::ReloadIgnoringCache(bool check_for_repost) { ReloadInternal(check_for_repost, RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE); } void NavigationControllerImpl::ReloadOriginalRequestURL(bool check_for_repost) { ReloadInternal(check_for_repost, RELOAD_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URL); } void NavigationControllerImpl::ReloadInternal(bool check_for_repost, ReloadType reload_type) { if (transient_entry_index_ != -1) { // If an interstitial is showing, treat a reload as a navigation to the // transient entry's URL. NavigationEntryImpl* transient_entry = NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(GetTransientEntry()); if (!transient_entry) return; LoadURL(transient_entry->GetURL(), Referrer(), ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD, transient_entry->extra_headers()); return; } NavigationEntryImpl* entry = NULL; int current_index = -1; // If we are reloading the initial navigation, just use the current // pending entry. Otherwise look up the current entry. if (IsInitialNavigation() && pending_entry_) { entry = pending_entry_; // The pending entry might be in entries_ (e.g., after a Clone), so we // should also update the current_index. current_index = pending_entry_index_; } else { DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); current_index = GetCurrentEntryIndex(); if (current_index != -1) { entry = NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry( GetEntryAtIndex(current_index)); } } // If we are no where, then we can't reload. TODO(darin): We should add a // CanReload method. if (!entry) return; if (reload_type == NavigationControllerImpl::RELOAD_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URL && entry->GetOriginalRequestURL().is_valid() && !entry->GetHasPostData()) { // We may have been redirected when navigating to the current URL. // Use the URL the user originally intended to visit, if it's valid and if a // POST wasn't involved; the latter case avoids issues with sending data to // the wrong page. entry->SetURL(entry->GetOriginalRequestURL()); entry->SetReferrer(Referrer()); } if (g_check_for_repost && check_for_repost && entry->GetHasPostData()) { // The user is asking to reload a page with POST data. Prompt to make sure // they really want to do this. If they do, the dialog will call us back // with check_for_repost = false. delegate_->NotifyBeforeFormRepostWarningShow(); pending_reload_ = reload_type; delegate_->ActivateAndShowRepostFormWarningDialog(); } else { if (!IsInitialNavigation()) DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); // If we are reloading an entry that no longer belongs to the current // site instance (for example, refreshing a page for just installed app), // the reload must happen in a new process. // The new entry must have a new page_id and site instance, so it behaves // as new navigation (which happens to clear forward history). // Tabs that are discarded due to low memory conditions may not have a site // instance, and should not be treated as a cross-site reload. SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance = entry->site_instance(); // Permit reloading guests without further checks. bool is_isolated_guest = site_instance && site_instance->HasProcess() && site_instance->GetProcess()->IsIsolatedGuest(); if (!is_isolated_guest && site_instance && site_instance->HasWrongProcessForURL(entry->GetURL())) { // Create a navigation entry that resembles the current one, but do not // copy page id, site instance, content state, or timestamp. NavigationEntryImpl* nav_entry = NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry( CreateNavigationEntry( entry->GetURL(), entry->GetReferrer(), entry->GetTransitionType(), false, entry->extra_headers(), browser_context_)); // Mark the reload type as NO_RELOAD, so navigation will not be considered // a reload in the renderer. reload_type = NavigationController::NO_RELOAD; nav_entry->set_should_replace_entry(true); pending_entry_ = nav_entry; } else { pending_entry_ = entry; pending_entry_index_ = current_index; // The title of the page being reloaded might have been removed in the // meanwhile, so we need to revert to the default title upon reload and // invalidate the previously cached title (SetTitle will do both). // See Chromium issue 96041. pending_entry_->SetTitle(base::string16()); pending_entry_->SetTransitionType(ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD); } NavigateToPendingEntry(reload_type); } } void NavigationControllerImpl::CancelPendingReload() { DCHECK(pending_reload_ != NO_RELOAD); pending_reload_ = NO_RELOAD; } void NavigationControllerImpl::ContinuePendingReload() { if (pending_reload_ == NO_RELOAD) { NOTREACHED(); } else { ReloadInternal(false, pending_reload_); pending_reload_ = NO_RELOAD; } } bool NavigationControllerImpl::IsInitialNavigation() const { return is_initial_navigation_; } NavigationEntryImpl* NavigationControllerImpl::GetEntryWithPageID( SiteInstance* instance, int32 page_id) const { int index = GetEntryIndexWithPageID(instance, page_id); return (index != -1) ? entries_[index].get() : NULL; } void NavigationControllerImpl::LoadEntry(NavigationEntryImpl* entry) { // When navigating to a new page, we don't know for sure if we will actually // end up leaving the current page. The new page load could for example // result in a download or a 'no content' response (e.g., a mailto: URL). SetPendingEntry(entry); NavigateToPendingEntry(NO_RELOAD); } void NavigationControllerImpl::SetPendingEntry(NavigationEntryImpl* entry) { DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); pending_entry_ = entry; NotificationService::current()->Notify( NOTIFICATION_NAV_ENTRY_PENDING, Source(this), Details(entry)); } NavigationEntry* NavigationControllerImpl::GetActiveEntry() const { if (transient_entry_index_ != -1) return entries_[transient_entry_index_].get(); if (pending_entry_) return pending_entry_; return GetLastCommittedEntry(); } NavigationEntry* NavigationControllerImpl::GetVisibleEntry() const { if (transient_entry_index_ != -1) return entries_[transient_entry_index_].get(); // The pending entry is safe to return for new (non-history), browser- // initiated navigations. Most renderer-initiated navigations should not // show the pending entry, to prevent URL spoof attacks. // // We make an exception for renderer-initiated navigations in new tabs, as // long as no other page has tried to access the initial empty document in // the new tab. If another page modifies this blank page, a URL spoof is // possible, so we must stop showing the pending entry. bool safe_to_show_pending = pending_entry_ && // Require a new navigation. pending_entry_->GetPageID() == -1 && // Require either browser-initiated or an unmodified new tab. (!pending_entry_->is_renderer_initiated() || IsUnmodifiedBlankTab()); // Also allow showing the pending entry for history navigations in a new tab, // such as Ctrl+Back. In this case, no existing page is visible and no one // can script the new tab before it commits. if (!safe_to_show_pending && pending_entry_ && pending_entry_->GetPageID() != -1 && IsInitialNavigation() && !pending_entry_->is_renderer_initiated()) safe_to_show_pending = true; if (safe_to_show_pending) return pending_entry_; return GetLastCommittedEntry(); } int NavigationControllerImpl::GetCurrentEntryIndex() const { if (transient_entry_index_ != -1) return transient_entry_index_; if (pending_entry_index_ != -1) return pending_entry_index_; return last_committed_entry_index_; } NavigationEntry* NavigationControllerImpl::GetLastCommittedEntry() const { if (last_committed_entry_index_ == -1) return NULL; return entries_[last_committed_entry_index_].get(); } bool NavigationControllerImpl::CanViewSource() const { const std::string& mime_type = delegate_->GetContentsMimeType(); bool is_viewable_mime_type = net::IsSupportedNonImageMimeType(mime_type) && !net::IsSupportedMediaMimeType(mime_type); NavigationEntry* visible_entry = GetVisibleEntry(); return visible_entry && !visible_entry->IsViewSourceMode() && is_viewable_mime_type && !delegate_->GetInterstitialPage(); } int NavigationControllerImpl::GetLastCommittedEntryIndex() const { return last_committed_entry_index_; } int NavigationControllerImpl::GetEntryCount() const { DCHECK(entries_.size() <= max_entry_count()); return static_cast(entries_.size()); } NavigationEntry* NavigationControllerImpl::GetEntryAtIndex( int index) const { return entries_.at(index).get(); } NavigationEntry* NavigationControllerImpl::GetEntryAtOffset( int offset) const { int index = GetIndexForOffset(offset); if (index < 0 || index >= GetEntryCount()) return NULL; return entries_[index].get(); } int NavigationControllerImpl::GetIndexForOffset(int offset) const { return GetCurrentEntryIndex() + offset; } void NavigationControllerImpl::TakeScreenshot() { screenshot_manager_->TakeScreenshot(); } void NavigationControllerImpl::SetScreenshotManager( NavigationEntryScreenshotManager* manager) { screenshot_manager_.reset(manager ? manager : new NavigationEntryScreenshotManager(this)); } bool NavigationControllerImpl::CanGoBack() const { return entries_.size() > 1 && GetCurrentEntryIndex() > 0; } bool NavigationControllerImpl::CanGoForward() const { int index = GetCurrentEntryIndex(); return index >= 0 && index < (static_cast(entries_.size()) - 1); } bool NavigationControllerImpl::CanGoToOffset(int offset) const { int index = GetIndexForOffset(offset); return index >= 0 && index < GetEntryCount(); } void NavigationControllerImpl::GoBack() { if (!CanGoBack()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } // Base the navigation on where we are now... int current_index = GetCurrentEntryIndex(); DiscardNonCommittedEntries(); pending_entry_index_ = current_index - 1; entries_[pending_entry_index_]->SetTransitionType( ui::PageTransitionFromInt( entries_[pending_entry_index_]->GetTransitionType() | ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK)); NavigateToPendingEntry(NO_RELOAD); } void NavigationControllerImpl::GoForward() { if (!CanGoForward()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } bool transient = (transient_entry_index_ != -1); // Base the navigation on where we are now... int current_index = GetCurrentEntryIndex(); DiscardNonCommittedEntries(); pending_entry_index_ = current_index; // If there was a transient entry, we removed it making the current index // the next page. if (!transient) pending_entry_index_++; entries_[pending_entry_index_]->SetTransitionType( ui::PageTransitionFromInt( entries_[pending_entry_index_]->GetTransitionType() | ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK)); NavigateToPendingEntry(NO_RELOAD); } void NavigationControllerImpl::GoToIndex(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= static_cast(entries_.size())) { NOTREACHED(); return; } if (transient_entry_index_ != -1) { if (index == transient_entry_index_) { // Nothing to do when navigating to the transient. return; } if (index > transient_entry_index_) { // Removing the transient is goint to shift all entries by 1. index--; } } DiscardNonCommittedEntries(); pending_entry_index_ = index; entries_[pending_entry_index_]->SetTransitionType( ui::PageTransitionFromInt( entries_[pending_entry_index_]->GetTransitionType() | ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK)); NavigateToPendingEntry(NO_RELOAD); } void NavigationControllerImpl::GoToOffset(int offset) { if (!CanGoToOffset(offset)) return; GoToIndex(GetIndexForOffset(offset)); } bool NavigationControllerImpl::RemoveEntryAtIndex(int index) { if (index == last_committed_entry_index_ || index == pending_entry_index_) return false; RemoveEntryAtIndexInternal(index); return true; } void NavigationControllerImpl::UpdateVirtualURLToURL( NavigationEntryImpl* entry, const GURL& new_url) { GURL new_virtual_url(new_url); if (BrowserURLHandlerImpl::GetInstance()->ReverseURLRewrite( &new_virtual_url, entry->GetVirtualURL(), browser_context_)) { entry->SetVirtualURL(new_virtual_url); } } void NavigationControllerImpl::LoadURL( const GURL& url, const Referrer& referrer, ui::PageTransition transition, const std::string& extra_headers) { LoadURLParams params(url); params.referrer = referrer; params.transition_type = transition; params.extra_headers = extra_headers; LoadURLWithParams(params); } void NavigationControllerImpl::LoadURLWithParams(const LoadURLParams& params) { TRACE_EVENT1("browser,navigation", "NavigationControllerImpl::LoadURLWithParams", "url", params.url.possibly_invalid_spec()); if (HandleDebugURL(params.url, params.transition_type)) { // If Telemetry is running, allow the URL load to proceed as if it's // unhandled, otherwise Telemetry can't tell if Navigation completed. if (!CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( cc::switches::kEnableGpuBenchmarking)) return; } // Any renderer-side debug URLs or javascript: URLs should be ignored if the // renderer process is not live, unless it is the initial navigation of the // tab. if (IsRendererDebugURL(params.url)) { // TODO(creis): Find the RVH for the correct frame. if (!delegate_->GetRenderViewHost()->IsRenderViewLive() && !IsInitialNavigation()) return; } // Checks based on params.load_type. switch (params.load_type) { case LOAD_TYPE_DEFAULT: break; case LOAD_TYPE_BROWSER_INITIATED_HTTP_POST: if (!params.url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpScheme) && !params.url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpsScheme)) { NOTREACHED() << "Http post load must use http(s) scheme."; return; } break; case LOAD_TYPE_DATA: if (!params.url.SchemeIs(url::kDataScheme)) { NOTREACHED() << "Data load must use data scheme."; return; } break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; }; // The user initiated a load, we don't need to reload anymore. needs_reload_ = false; bool override = false; switch (params.override_user_agent) { case UA_OVERRIDE_INHERIT: override = ShouldKeepOverride(GetLastCommittedEntry()); break; case UA_OVERRIDE_TRUE: override = true; break; case UA_OVERRIDE_FALSE: override = false; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } NavigationEntryImpl* entry = NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry( CreateNavigationEntry( params.url, params.referrer, params.transition_type, params.is_renderer_initiated, params.extra_headers, browser_context_)); if (params.frame_tree_node_id != -1) entry->set_frame_tree_node_id(params.frame_tree_node_id); if (params.redirect_chain.size() > 0) entry->SetRedirectChain(params.redirect_chain); if (params.should_replace_current_entry) entry->set_should_replace_entry(true); entry->set_should_clear_history_list(params.should_clear_history_list); entry->SetIsOverridingUserAgent(override); entry->set_transferred_global_request_id( params.transferred_global_request_id); entry->SetFrameToNavigate(params.frame_name); switch (params.load_type) { case LOAD_TYPE_DEFAULT: break; case LOAD_TYPE_BROWSER_INITIATED_HTTP_POST: entry->SetHasPostData(true); entry->SetBrowserInitiatedPostData( params.browser_initiated_post_data.get()); break; case LOAD_TYPE_DATA: entry->SetBaseURLForDataURL(params.base_url_for_data_url); entry->SetVirtualURL(params.virtual_url_for_data_url); entry->SetCanLoadLocalResources(params.can_load_local_resources); break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; }; LoadEntry(entry); } bool NavigationControllerImpl::RendererDidNavigate( RenderFrameHost* rfh, const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params, LoadCommittedDetails* details) { is_initial_navigation_ = false; // Save the previous state before we clobber it. if (GetLastCommittedEntry()) { details->previous_url = GetLastCommittedEntry()->GetURL(); details->previous_entry_index = GetLastCommittedEntryIndex(); } else { details->previous_url = GURL(); details->previous_entry_index = -1; } // If we have a pending entry at this point, it should have a SiteInstance. // Restored entries start out with a null SiteInstance, but we should have // assigned one in NavigateToPendingEntry. DCHECK(pending_entry_index_ == -1 || pending_entry_->site_instance()); // If we are doing a cross-site reload, we need to replace the existing // navigation entry, not add another entry to the history. This has the side // effect of removing forward browsing history, if such existed. // Or if we are doing a cross-site redirect navigation, // we will do a similar thing. details->did_replace_entry = pending_entry_ && pending_entry_->should_replace_entry(); // Do navigation-type specific actions. These will make and commit an entry. details->type = ClassifyNavigation(rfh, params); // is_in_page must be computed before the entry gets committed. details->is_in_page = AreURLsInPageNavigation(rfh->GetLastCommittedURL(), params.url, params.was_within_same_page, rfh); switch (details->type) { case NAVIGATION_TYPE_NEW_PAGE: RendererDidNavigateToNewPage(rfh, params, details->did_replace_entry); break; case NAVIGATION_TYPE_EXISTING_PAGE: RendererDidNavigateToExistingPage(rfh, params); break; case NAVIGATION_TYPE_SAME_PAGE: RendererDidNavigateToSamePage(rfh, params); break; case NAVIGATION_TYPE_IN_PAGE: RendererDidNavigateInPage(rfh, params, &details->did_replace_entry); break; case NAVIGATION_TYPE_NEW_SUBFRAME: RendererDidNavigateNewSubframe(rfh, params); break; case NAVIGATION_TYPE_AUTO_SUBFRAME: if (!RendererDidNavigateAutoSubframe(rfh, params)) return false; break; case NAVIGATION_TYPE_NAV_IGNORE: // If a pending navigation was in progress, this canceled it. We should // discard it and make sure it is removed from the URL bar. After that, // there is nothing we can do with this navigation, so we just return to // the caller that nothing has happened. if (pending_entry_) { DiscardNonCommittedEntries(); delegate_->NotifyNavigationStateChanged(INVALIDATE_TYPE_URL); } return false; default: NOTREACHED(); } // At this point, we know that the navigation has just completed, so // record the time. // // TODO(akalin): Use "sane time" as described in // http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/sane-time . base::Time timestamp = time_smoother_.GetSmoothedTime(get_timestamp_callback_.Run()); DVLOG(1) << "Navigation finished at (smoothed) timestamp " << timestamp.ToInternalValue(); // We should not have a pending entry anymore. Clear it again in case any // error cases above forgot to do so. DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); // All committed entries should have nonempty content state so WebKit doesn't // get confused when we go back to them (see the function for details). DCHECK(params.page_state.IsValid()); NavigationEntryImpl* active_entry = NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(GetLastCommittedEntry()); active_entry->SetTimestamp(timestamp); active_entry->SetHttpStatusCode(params.http_status_code); active_entry->SetPageState(params.page_state); active_entry->SetRedirectChain(params.redirects); // Use histogram to track memory impact of redirect chain because it's now // not cleared for committed entries. size_t redirect_chain_size = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < params.redirects.size(); ++i) { redirect_chain_size += params.redirects[i].spec().length(); } UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Navigation.RedirectChainSize", redirect_chain_size); // Once it is committed, we no longer need to track several pieces of state on // the entry. active_entry->ResetForCommit(); // The active entry's SiteInstance should match our SiteInstance. // TODO(creis): This check won't pass for subframes until we create entries // for subframe navigations. if (ui::PageTransitionIsMainFrame(params.transition)) CHECK(active_entry->site_instance() == rfh->GetSiteInstance()); // Remember the bindings the renderer process has at this point, so that // we do not grant this entry additional bindings if we come back to it. active_entry->SetBindings( static_cast(rfh)->GetEnabledBindings()); // Now prep the rest of the details for the notification and broadcast. details->entry = active_entry; details->is_main_frame = ui::PageTransitionIsMainFrame(params.transition); details->serialized_security_info = params.security_info; details->http_status_code = params.http_status_code; NotifyNavigationEntryCommitted(details); return true; } NavigationType NavigationControllerImpl::ClassifyNavigation( RenderFrameHost* rfh, const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params) const { if (params.page_id == -1) { // TODO(nasko, creis): An out-of-process child frame has no way of // knowing the page_id of its parent, so it is passing back -1. The // semantics here should be re-evaluated during session history refactor // (see http://crbug.com/236848). For now, we assume this means the // child frame loaded and proceed. Note that this may do the wrong thing // for cross-process AUTO_SUBFRAME navigations. if (rfh->IsCrossProcessSubframe()) return NAVIGATION_TYPE_NEW_SUBFRAME; // The renderer generates the page IDs, and so if it gives us the invalid // page ID (-1) we know it didn't actually navigate. This happens in a few // cases: // // - If a page makes a popup navigated to about blank, and then writes // stuff like a subframe navigated to a real page. We'll get the commit // for the subframe, but there won't be any commit for the outer page. // // - We were also getting these for failed loads (for example, bug 21849). // The guess is that we get a "load commit" for the alternate error page, // but that doesn't affect the page ID, so we get the "old" one, which // could be invalid. This can also happen for a cross-site transition // that causes us to swap processes. Then the error page load will be in // a new process with no page IDs ever assigned (and hence a -1 value), // yet the navigation controller still might have previous pages in its // list. // // In these cases, there's nothing we can do with them, so ignore. return NAVIGATION_TYPE_NAV_IGNORE; } if (params.page_id > delegate_->GetMaxPageIDForSiteInstance( rfh->GetSiteInstance())) { // Greater page IDs than we've ever seen before are new pages. We may or may // not have a pending entry for the page, and this may or may not be the // main frame. if (ui::PageTransitionIsMainFrame(params.transition)) return NAVIGATION_TYPE_NEW_PAGE; // When this is a new subframe navigation, we should have a committed page // for which it's a suframe in. This may not be the case when an iframe is // navigated on a popup navigated to about:blank (the iframe would be // written into the popup by script on the main page). For these cases, // there isn't any navigation stuff we can do, so just ignore it. if (!GetLastCommittedEntry()) return NAVIGATION_TYPE_NAV_IGNORE; // Valid subframe navigation. return NAVIGATION_TYPE_NEW_SUBFRAME; } // We only clear the session history when navigating to a new page. DCHECK(!params.history_list_was_cleared); // Now we know that the notification is for an existing page. Find that entry. int existing_entry_index = GetEntryIndexWithPageID( rfh->GetSiteInstance(), params.page_id); if (existing_entry_index == -1) { // The page was not found. It could have been pruned because of the limit on // back/forward entries (not likely since we'll usually tell it to navigate // to such entries). It could also mean that the renderer is smoking crack. NOTREACHED(); // Because the unknown entry has committed, we risk showing the wrong URL in // release builds. Instead, we'll kill the renderer process to be safe. LOG(ERROR) << "terminating renderer for bad navigation: " << params.url; RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("BadMessageTerminate_NC")); // Temporary code so we can get more information. Format: // http://url/foo.html#page1#max3#frame1#ids:2_Nx,1_1x,3_2 std::string temp = params.url.spec(); temp.append("#page"); temp.append(base::IntToString(params.page_id)); temp.append("#max"); temp.append(base::IntToString(delegate_->GetMaxPageID())); temp.append("#frame"); temp.append(base::IntToString(rfh->GetRoutingID())); temp.append("#ids"); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(entries_.size()); ++i) { // Append entry metadata (e.g., 3_7x): // 3: page_id // 7: SiteInstance ID, or N for null // x: appended if not from the current SiteInstance temp.append(base::IntToString(entries_[i]->GetPageID())); temp.append("_"); if (entries_[i]->site_instance()) temp.append(base::IntToString(entries_[i]->site_instance()->GetId())); else temp.append("N"); if (entries_[i]->site_instance() != rfh->GetSiteInstance()) temp.append("x"); temp.append(","); } GURL url(temp); static_cast(rfh)->render_view_host()->Send( new ViewMsg_TempCrashWithData(url)); return NAVIGATION_TYPE_NAV_IGNORE; } NavigationEntryImpl* existing_entry = entries_[existing_entry_index].get(); if (!ui::PageTransitionIsMainFrame(params.transition)) { // All manual subframes would get new IDs and were handled above, so we // know this is auto. Since the current page was found in the navigation // entry list, we're guaranteed to have a last committed entry. DCHECK(GetLastCommittedEntry()); return NAVIGATION_TYPE_AUTO_SUBFRAME; } // Anything below here we know is a main frame navigation. if (pending_entry_ && !pending_entry_->is_renderer_initiated() && existing_entry != pending_entry_ && pending_entry_->GetPageID() == -1 && existing_entry == GetLastCommittedEntry()) { // In this case, we have a pending entry for a URL but WebCore didn't do a // new navigation. This happens when you press enter in the URL bar to // reload. We will create a pending entry, but WebKit will convert it to // a reload since it's the same page and not create a new entry for it // (the user doesn't want to have a new back/forward entry when they do // this). If this matches the last committed entry, we want to just ignore // the pending entry and go back to where we were (the "existing entry"). return NAVIGATION_TYPE_SAME_PAGE; } // Any toplevel navigations with the same base (minus the reference fragment) // are in-page navigations. We weeded out subframe navigations above. Most of // the time this doesn't matter since WebKit doesn't tell us about subframe // navigations that don't actually navigate, but it can happen when there is // an encoding override (it always sends a navigation request). if (AreURLsInPageNavigation(existing_entry->GetURL(), params.url, params.was_within_same_page, rfh)) { return NAVIGATION_TYPE_IN_PAGE; } // Since we weeded out "new" navigations above, we know this is an existing // (back/forward) navigation. return NAVIGATION_TYPE_EXISTING_PAGE; } void NavigationControllerImpl::RendererDidNavigateToNewPage( RenderFrameHost* rfh, const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params, bool replace_entry) { NavigationEntryImpl* new_entry; bool update_virtual_url; // Only make a copy of the pending entry if it is appropriate for the new page // that was just loaded. We verify this at a coarse grain by checking that // the SiteInstance hasn't been assigned to something else. if (pending_entry_ && (!pending_entry_->site_instance() || pending_entry_->site_instance() == rfh->GetSiteInstance())) { new_entry = new NavigationEntryImpl(*pending_entry_); // Don't use the page type from the pending entry. Some interstitial page // may have set the type to interstitial. Once we commit, however, the page // type must always be normal. new_entry->set_page_type(PAGE_TYPE_NORMAL); update_virtual_url = new_entry->update_virtual_url_with_url(); } else { new_entry = new NavigationEntryImpl; // Find out whether the new entry needs to update its virtual URL on URL // change and set up the entry accordingly. This is needed to correctly // update the virtual URL when replaceState is called after a pushState. GURL url = params.url; bool needs_update = false; BrowserURLHandlerImpl::GetInstance()->RewriteURLIfNecessary( &url, browser_context_, &needs_update); new_entry->set_update_virtual_url_with_url(needs_update); // When navigating to a new page, give the browser URL handler a chance to // update the virtual URL based on the new URL. For example, this is needed // to show chrome://bookmarks/#1 when the bookmarks webui extension changes // the URL. update_virtual_url = needs_update; } if (params.url_is_unreachable) new_entry->set_page_type(PAGE_TYPE_ERROR); new_entry->SetURL(params.url); if (update_virtual_url) UpdateVirtualURLToURL(new_entry, params.url); new_entry->SetReferrer(params.referrer); new_entry->SetPageID(params.page_id); new_entry->SetTransitionType(params.transition); new_entry->set_site_instance( static_cast(rfh->GetSiteInstance())); new_entry->SetHasPostData(params.is_post); new_entry->SetPostID(params.post_id); new_entry->SetOriginalRequestURL(params.original_request_url); new_entry->SetIsOverridingUserAgent(params.is_overriding_user_agent); // history.pushState() is classified as a navigation to a new page, but // sets was_within_same_page to true. In this case, we already have the // title and favicon available, so set them immediately. if (params.was_within_same_page && GetLastCommittedEntry()) { new_entry->SetTitle(GetLastCommittedEntry()->GetTitle()); new_entry->GetFavicon() = GetLastCommittedEntry()->GetFavicon(); } DCHECK(!params.history_list_was_cleared || !replace_entry); // The browser requested to clear the session history when it initiated the // navigation. Now we know that the renderer has updated its state accordingly // and it is safe to also clear the browser side history. if (params.history_list_was_cleared) { DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); entries_.clear(); last_committed_entry_index_ = -1; } InsertOrReplaceEntry(new_entry, replace_entry); } void NavigationControllerImpl::RendererDidNavigateToExistingPage( RenderFrameHost* rfh, const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params) { // We should only get here for main frame navigations. DCHECK(ui::PageTransitionIsMainFrame(params.transition)); // This is a back/forward navigation. The existing page for the ID is // guaranteed to exist by ClassifyNavigation, and we just need to update it // with new information from the renderer. int entry_index = GetEntryIndexWithPageID(rfh->GetSiteInstance(), params.page_id); DCHECK(entry_index >= 0 && entry_index < static_cast(entries_.size())); NavigationEntryImpl* entry = entries_[entry_index].get(); // The URL may have changed due to redirects. entry->SetURL(params.url); entry->SetReferrer(params.referrer); if (entry->update_virtual_url_with_url()) UpdateVirtualURLToURL(entry, params.url); // The redirected to page should not inherit the favicon from the previous // page. if (ui::PageTransitionIsRedirect(params.transition)) entry->GetFavicon() = FaviconStatus(); // The site instance will normally be the same except during session restore, // when no site instance will be assigned. DCHECK(entry->site_instance() == NULL || entry->site_instance() == rfh->GetSiteInstance()); entry->set_site_instance( static_cast(rfh->GetSiteInstance())); entry->SetHasPostData(params.is_post); entry->SetPostID(params.post_id); // The entry we found in the list might be pending if the user hit // back/forward/reload. This load should commit it (since it's already in the // list, we can just discard the pending pointer). We should also discard the // pending entry if it corresponds to a different navigation, since that one // is now likely canceled. If it is not canceled, we will treat it as a new // navigation when it arrives, which is also ok. // // Note that we need to use the "internal" version since we don't want to // actually change any other state, just kill the pointer. DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); // If a transient entry was removed, the indices might have changed, so we // have to query the entry index again. last_committed_entry_index_ = GetEntryIndexWithPageID(rfh->GetSiteInstance(), params.page_id); } void NavigationControllerImpl::RendererDidNavigateToSamePage( RenderFrameHost* rfh, const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params) { // This mode implies we have a pending entry that's the same as an existing // entry for this page ID. This entry is guaranteed to exist by // ClassifyNavigation. All we need to do is update the existing entry. NavigationEntryImpl* existing_entry = GetEntryWithPageID( rfh->GetSiteInstance(), params.page_id); // We assign the entry's unique ID to be that of the new one. Since this is // always the result of a user action, we want to dismiss infobars, etc. like // a regular user-initiated navigation. existing_entry->set_unique_id(pending_entry_->GetUniqueID()); // The URL may have changed due to redirects. if (existing_entry->update_virtual_url_with_url()) UpdateVirtualURLToURL(existing_entry, params.url); existing_entry->SetURL(params.url); existing_entry->SetReferrer(params.referrer); // The page may have been requested with a different HTTP method. existing_entry->SetHasPostData(params.is_post); existing_entry->SetPostID(params.post_id); DiscardNonCommittedEntries(); } void NavigationControllerImpl::RendererDidNavigateInPage( RenderFrameHost* rfh, const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params, bool* did_replace_entry) { DCHECK(ui::PageTransitionIsMainFrame(params.transition)) << "WebKit should only tell us about in-page navs for the main frame."; // We're guaranteed to have an entry for this one. NavigationEntryImpl* existing_entry = GetEntryWithPageID( rfh->GetSiteInstance(), params.page_id); // Reference fragment navigation. We're guaranteed to have the last_committed // entry and it will be the same page as the new navigation (minus the // reference fragments, of course). We'll update the URL of the existing // entry without pruning the forward history. existing_entry->SetURL(params.url); if (existing_entry->update_virtual_url_with_url()) UpdateVirtualURLToURL(existing_entry, params.url); existing_entry->SetHasPostData(params.is_post); existing_entry->SetPostID(params.post_id); // This replaces the existing entry since the page ID didn't change. *did_replace_entry = true; DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); // If a transient entry was removed, the indices might have changed, so we // have to query the entry index again. last_committed_entry_index_ = GetEntryIndexWithPageID(rfh->GetSiteInstance(), params.page_id); } void NavigationControllerImpl::RendererDidNavigateNewSubframe( RenderFrameHost* rfh, const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params) { if (ui::PageTransitionCoreTypeIs(params.transition, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_SUBFRAME)) { // This is not user-initiated. Ignore. DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); return; } // Manual subframe navigations just get the current entry cloned so the user // can go back or forward to it. The actual subframe information will be // stored in the page state for each of those entries. This happens out of // band with the actual navigations. DCHECK(GetLastCommittedEntry()) << "ClassifyNavigation should guarantee " << "that a last committed entry exists."; NavigationEntryImpl* new_entry = new NavigationEntryImpl( *NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(GetLastCommittedEntry())); new_entry->SetPageID(params.page_id); InsertOrReplaceEntry(new_entry, false); } bool NavigationControllerImpl::RendererDidNavigateAutoSubframe( RenderFrameHost* rfh, const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params) { // We're guaranteed to have a previously committed entry, and we now need to // handle navigation inside of a subframe in it without creating a new entry. DCHECK(GetLastCommittedEntry()); // Handle the case where we're navigating back/forward to a previous subframe // navigation entry. This is case "2." in NAV_AUTO_SUBFRAME comment in the // header file. In case "1." this will be a NOP. int entry_index = GetEntryIndexWithPageID( rfh->GetSiteInstance(), params.page_id); if (entry_index < 0 || entry_index >= static_cast(entries_.size())) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } // Update the current navigation entry in case we're going back/forward. if (entry_index != last_committed_entry_index_) { last_committed_entry_index_ = entry_index; DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); return true; } // We do not need to discard the pending entry in this case, since we will // not generate commit notifications for this auto-subframe navigation. return false; } int NavigationControllerImpl::GetIndexOfEntry( const NavigationEntryImpl* entry) const { const NavigationEntries::const_iterator i(std::find( entries_.begin(), entries_.end(), entry)); return (i == entries_.end()) ? -1 : static_cast(i - entries_.begin()); } bool NavigationControllerImpl::IsURLInPageNavigation( const GURL& url, bool renderer_says_in_page, RenderFrameHost* rfh) const { NavigationEntry* last_committed = GetLastCommittedEntry(); return last_committed && AreURLsInPageNavigation( last_committed->GetURL(), url, renderer_says_in_page, rfh); } void NavigationControllerImpl::CopyStateFrom( const NavigationController& temp) { const NavigationControllerImpl& source = static_cast(temp); // Verify that we look new. DCHECK(GetEntryCount() == 0 && !GetPendingEntry()); if (source.GetEntryCount() == 0) return; // Nothing new to do. needs_reload_ = true; InsertEntriesFrom(source, source.GetEntryCount()); for (SessionStorageNamespaceMap::const_iterator it = source.session_storage_namespace_map_.begin(); it != source.session_storage_namespace_map_.end(); ++it) { SessionStorageNamespaceImpl* source_namespace = static_cast(it->second.get()); session_storage_namespace_map_[it->first] = source_namespace->Clone(); } FinishRestore(source.last_committed_entry_index_, RESTORE_CURRENT_SESSION); // Copy the max page id map from the old tab to the new tab. This ensures // that new and existing navigations in the tab's current SiteInstances // are identified properly. delegate_->CopyMaxPageIDsFrom(source.delegate()->GetWebContents()); } void NavigationControllerImpl::CopyStateFromAndPrune( NavigationController* temp, bool replace_entry) { // It is up to callers to check the invariants before calling this. CHECK(CanPruneAllButLastCommitted()); NavigationControllerImpl* source = static_cast(temp); // The SiteInstance and page_id of the last committed entry needs to be // remembered at this point, in case there is only one committed entry // and it is pruned. We use a scoped_refptr to ensure the SiteInstance // can't be freed during this time period. NavigationEntryImpl* last_committed = NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(GetLastCommittedEntry()); scoped_refptr site_instance( last_committed->site_instance()); int32 minimum_page_id = last_committed->GetPageID(); int32 max_page_id = delegate_->GetMaxPageIDForSiteInstance(site_instance.get()); // Remove all the entries leaving the active entry. PruneAllButLastCommittedInternal(); // We now have one entry, possibly with a new pending entry. Ensure that // adding the entries from source won't put us over the limit. DCHECK_EQ(1, GetEntryCount()); if (!replace_entry) source->PruneOldestEntryIfFull(); // Insert the entries from source. Don't use source->GetCurrentEntryIndex as // we don't want to copy over the transient entry. Ignore any pending entry, // since it has not committed in source. int max_source_index = source->last_committed_entry_index_; if (max_source_index == -1) max_source_index = source->GetEntryCount(); else max_source_index++; // Ignore the source's current entry if merging with replacement. // TODO(davidben): This should preserve entries forward of the current // too. http://crbug.com/317872 if (replace_entry && max_source_index > 0) max_source_index--; InsertEntriesFrom(*source, max_source_index); // Adjust indices such that the last entry and pending are at the end now. last_committed_entry_index_ = GetEntryCount() - 1; delegate_->SetHistoryLengthAndPrune(site_instance.get(), max_source_index, minimum_page_id); // Copy the max page id map from the old tab to the new tab. This ensures // that new and existing navigations in the tab's current SiteInstances // are identified properly. delegate_->CopyMaxPageIDsFrom(source->delegate()->GetWebContents()); max_restored_page_id_ = source->max_restored_page_id_; // If there is a last committed entry, be sure to include it in the new // max page ID map. if (max_page_id > -1) { delegate_->UpdateMaxPageIDForSiteInstance(site_instance.get(), max_page_id); } } bool NavigationControllerImpl::CanPruneAllButLastCommitted() { // If there is no last committed entry, we cannot prune. Even if there is a // pending entry, it may not commit, leaving this WebContents blank, despite // possibly giving it new entries via CopyStateFromAndPrune. if (last_committed_entry_index_ == -1) return false; // We cannot prune if there is a pending entry at an existing entry index. // It may not commit, so we have to keep the last committed entry, and thus // there is no sensible place to keep the pending entry. It is ok to have // a new pending entry, which can optionally commit as a new navigation. if (pending_entry_index_ != -1) return false; // We should not prune if we are currently showing a transient entry. if (transient_entry_index_ != -1) return false; return true; } void NavigationControllerImpl::PruneAllButLastCommitted() { PruneAllButLastCommittedInternal(); // We should still have a last committed entry. DCHECK_NE(-1, last_committed_entry_index_); // We pass 0 instead of GetEntryCount() for the history_length parameter of // SetHistoryLengthAndPrune, because it will create history_length additional // history entries. // TODO(jochen): This API is confusing and we should clean it up. // http://crbug.com/178491 NavigationEntryImpl* entry = NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(GetVisibleEntry()); delegate_->SetHistoryLengthAndPrune( entry->site_instance(), 0, entry->GetPageID()); } void NavigationControllerImpl::PruneAllButLastCommittedInternal() { // It is up to callers to check the invariants before calling this. CHECK(CanPruneAllButLastCommitted()); // Erase all entries but the last committed entry. There may still be a // new pending entry after this. entries_.erase(entries_.begin(), entries_.begin() + last_committed_entry_index_); entries_.erase(entries_.begin() + 1, entries_.end()); last_committed_entry_index_ = 0; } void NavigationControllerImpl::ClearAllScreenshots() { screenshot_manager_->ClearAllScreenshots(); } void NavigationControllerImpl::SetSessionStorageNamespace( const std::string& partition_id, SessionStorageNamespace* session_storage_namespace) { if (!session_storage_namespace) return; // We can't overwrite an existing SessionStorage without violating spec. // Attempts to do so may give a tab access to another tab's session storage // so die hard on an error. bool successful_insert = session_storage_namespace_map_.insert( make_pair(partition_id, static_cast( session_storage_namespace))) .second; CHECK(successful_insert) << "Cannot replace existing SessionStorageNamespace"; } void NavigationControllerImpl::SetMaxRestoredPageID(int32 max_id) { max_restored_page_id_ = max_id; } int32 NavigationControllerImpl::GetMaxRestoredPageID() const { return max_restored_page_id_; } bool NavigationControllerImpl::IsUnmodifiedBlankTab() const { return IsInitialNavigation() && !GetLastCommittedEntry() && !delegate_->HasAccessedInitialDocument(); } SessionStorageNamespace* NavigationControllerImpl::GetSessionStorageNamespace(SiteInstance* instance) { std::string partition_id; if (instance) { // TODO(ajwong): When GetDefaultSessionStorageNamespace() goes away, remove // this if statement so |instance| must not be NULL. partition_id = GetContentClient()->browser()->GetStoragePartitionIdForSite( browser_context_, instance->GetSiteURL()); } SessionStorageNamespaceMap::const_iterator it = session_storage_namespace_map_.find(partition_id); if (it != session_storage_namespace_map_.end()) return it->second.get(); // Create one if no one has accessed session storage for this partition yet. // // TODO(ajwong): Should this use the |partition_id| directly rather than // re-lookup via |instance|? http://crbug.com/142685 StoragePartition* partition = BrowserContext::GetStoragePartition(browser_context_, instance); SessionStorageNamespaceImpl* session_storage_namespace = new SessionStorageNamespaceImpl( static_cast( partition->GetDOMStorageContext())); session_storage_namespace_map_[partition_id] = session_storage_namespace; return session_storage_namespace; } SessionStorageNamespace* NavigationControllerImpl::GetDefaultSessionStorageNamespace() { // TODO(ajwong): Remove if statement in GetSessionStorageNamespace(). return GetSessionStorageNamespace(NULL); } const SessionStorageNamespaceMap& NavigationControllerImpl::GetSessionStorageNamespaceMap() const { return session_storage_namespace_map_; } bool NavigationControllerImpl::NeedsReload() const { return needs_reload_; } void NavigationControllerImpl::SetNeedsReload() { needs_reload_ = true; } void NavigationControllerImpl::RemoveEntryAtIndexInternal(int index) { DCHECK(index < GetEntryCount()); DCHECK(index != last_committed_entry_index_); DiscardNonCommittedEntries(); entries_.erase(entries_.begin() + index); if (last_committed_entry_index_ > index) last_committed_entry_index_--; } void NavigationControllerImpl::DiscardNonCommittedEntries() { bool transient = transient_entry_index_ != -1; DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); // If there was a transient entry, invalidate everything so the new active // entry state is shown. if (transient) { delegate_->NotifyNavigationStateChanged(INVALIDATE_TYPE_ALL); } } NavigationEntry* NavigationControllerImpl::GetPendingEntry() const { return pending_entry_; } int NavigationControllerImpl::GetPendingEntryIndex() const { return pending_entry_index_; } void NavigationControllerImpl::InsertOrReplaceEntry(NavigationEntryImpl* entry, bool replace) { DCHECK(entry->GetTransitionType() != ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_SUBFRAME); // Copy the pending entry's unique ID to the committed entry. // I don't know if pending_entry_index_ can be other than -1 here. const NavigationEntryImpl* const pending_entry = (pending_entry_index_ == -1) ? pending_entry_ : entries_[pending_entry_index_].get(); if (pending_entry) entry->set_unique_id(pending_entry->GetUniqueID()); DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); int current_size = static_cast(entries_.size()); if (current_size > 0) { // Prune any entries which are in front of the current entry. // Also prune the current entry if we are to replace the current entry. // last_committed_entry_index_ must be updated here since calls to // NotifyPrunedEntries() below may re-enter and we must make sure // last_committed_entry_index_ is not left in an invalid state. if (replace) --last_committed_entry_index_; int num_pruned = 0; while (last_committed_entry_index_ < (current_size - 1)) { num_pruned++; entries_.pop_back(); current_size--; } if (num_pruned > 0) // Only notify if we did prune something. NotifyPrunedEntries(this, false, num_pruned); } PruneOldestEntryIfFull(); entries_.push_back(linked_ptr(entry)); last_committed_entry_index_ = static_cast(entries_.size()) - 1; // This is a new page ID, so we need everybody to know about it. delegate_->UpdateMaxPageID(entry->GetPageID()); } void NavigationControllerImpl::PruneOldestEntryIfFull() { if (entries_.size() >= max_entry_count()) { DCHECK_EQ(max_entry_count(), entries_.size()); DCHECK_GT(last_committed_entry_index_, 0); RemoveEntryAtIndex(0); NotifyPrunedEntries(this, true, 1); } } void NavigationControllerImpl::NavigateToPendingEntry(ReloadType reload_type) { needs_reload_ = false; // If we were navigating to a slow-to-commit page, and the user performs // a session history navigation to the last committed page, RenderViewHost // will force the throbber to start, but WebKit will essentially ignore the // navigation, and won't send a message to stop the throbber. To prevent this // from happening, we drop the navigation here and stop the slow-to-commit // page from loading (which would normally happen during the navigation). if (pending_entry_index_ != -1 && pending_entry_index_ == last_committed_entry_index_ && (entries_[pending_entry_index_]->restore_type() == NavigationEntryImpl::RESTORE_NONE) && (entries_[pending_entry_index_]->GetTransitionType() & ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK)) { delegate_->Stop(); // If an interstitial page is showing, we want to close it to get back // to what was showing before. if (delegate_->GetInterstitialPage()) delegate_->GetInterstitialPage()->DontProceed(); DiscardNonCommittedEntries(); return; } // If an interstitial page is showing, the previous renderer is blocked and // cannot make new requests. Unblock (and disable) it to allow this // navigation to succeed. The interstitial will stay visible until the // resulting DidNavigate. if (delegate_->GetInterstitialPage()) { static_cast(delegate_->GetInterstitialPage())-> CancelForNavigation(); } // For session history navigations only the pending_entry_index_ is set. if (!pending_entry_) { DCHECK_NE(pending_entry_index_, -1); pending_entry_ = entries_[pending_entry_index_].get(); } // This call does not support re-entrancy. See http://crbug.com/347742. CHECK(!in_navigate_to_pending_entry_); in_navigate_to_pending_entry_ = true; bool success = delegate_->NavigateToPendingEntry(reload_type); in_navigate_to_pending_entry_ = false; if (!success) DiscardNonCommittedEntries(); // If the entry is being restored and doesn't have a SiteInstance yet, fill // it in now that we know. This allows us to find the entry when it commits. if (pending_entry_ && !pending_entry_->site_instance() && pending_entry_->restore_type() != NavigationEntryImpl::RESTORE_NONE) { pending_entry_->set_site_instance(static_cast( delegate_->GetPendingSiteInstance())); pending_entry_->set_restore_type(NavigationEntryImpl::RESTORE_NONE); } } void NavigationControllerImpl::NotifyNavigationEntryCommitted( LoadCommittedDetails* details) { details->entry = GetLastCommittedEntry(); // We need to notify the ssl_manager_ before the web_contents_ so the // location bar will have up-to-date information about the security style // when it wants to draw. See http://crbug.com/11157 ssl_manager_.DidCommitProvisionalLoad(*details); delegate_->NotifyNavigationStateChanged(INVALIDATE_TYPE_ALL); delegate_->NotifyNavigationEntryCommitted(*details); // TODO(avi): Remove. http://crbug.com/170921 NotificationDetails notification_details = Details(details); NotificationService::current()->Notify( NOTIFICATION_NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED, Source(this), notification_details); } // static size_t NavigationControllerImpl::max_entry_count() { if (max_entry_count_for_testing_ != kMaxEntryCountForTestingNotSet) return max_entry_count_for_testing_; return kMaxSessionHistoryEntries; } void NavigationControllerImpl::SetActive(bool is_active) { if (is_active && needs_reload_) LoadIfNecessary(); } void NavigationControllerImpl::LoadIfNecessary() { if (!needs_reload_) return; // Calling Reload() results in ignoring state, and not loading. // Explicitly use NavigateToPendingEntry so that the renderer uses the // cached state. pending_entry_index_ = last_committed_entry_index_; NavigateToPendingEntry(NO_RELOAD); } void NavigationControllerImpl::NotifyEntryChanged(const NavigationEntry* entry, int index) { EntryChangedDetails det; det.changed_entry = entry; det.index = index; NotificationService::current()->Notify( NOTIFICATION_NAV_ENTRY_CHANGED, Source(this), Details(&det)); } void NavigationControllerImpl::FinishRestore(int selected_index, RestoreType type) { DCHECK(selected_index >= 0 && selected_index < GetEntryCount()); ConfigureEntriesForRestore(&entries_, type); SetMaxRestoredPageID(static_cast(GetEntryCount())); last_committed_entry_index_ = selected_index; } void NavigationControllerImpl::DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal() { DiscardPendingEntry(); DiscardTransientEntry(); } void NavigationControllerImpl::DiscardPendingEntry() { // It is not safe to call DiscardPendingEntry while NavigateToEntry is in // progress, since this will cause a use-after-free. (We only allow this // when the tab is being destroyed for shutdown, since it won't return to // NavigateToEntry in that case.) http://crbug.com/347742. CHECK(!in_navigate_to_pending_entry_ || delegate_->IsBeingDestroyed()); if (pending_entry_index_ == -1) delete pending_entry_; pending_entry_ = NULL; pending_entry_index_ = -1; } void NavigationControllerImpl::DiscardTransientEntry() { if (transient_entry_index_ == -1) return; entries_.erase(entries_.begin() + transient_entry_index_); if (last_committed_entry_index_ > transient_entry_index_) last_committed_entry_index_--; transient_entry_index_ = -1; } int NavigationControllerImpl::GetEntryIndexWithPageID( SiteInstance* instance, int32 page_id) const { for (int i = static_cast(entries_.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if ((entries_[i]->site_instance() == instance) && (entries_[i]->GetPageID() == page_id)) return i; } return -1; } NavigationEntry* NavigationControllerImpl::GetTransientEntry() const { if (transient_entry_index_ == -1) return NULL; return entries_[transient_entry_index_].get(); } void NavigationControllerImpl::SetTransientEntry(NavigationEntry* entry) { // Discard any current transient entry, we can only have one at a time. int index = 0; if (last_committed_entry_index_ != -1) index = last_committed_entry_index_ + 1; DiscardTransientEntry(); entries_.insert( entries_.begin() + index, linked_ptr( NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(entry))); transient_entry_index_ = index; delegate_->NotifyNavigationStateChanged(INVALIDATE_TYPE_ALL); } void NavigationControllerImpl::InsertEntriesFrom( const NavigationControllerImpl& source, int max_index) { DCHECK_LE(max_index, source.GetEntryCount()); size_t insert_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < max_index; i++) { // When cloning a tab, copy all entries except interstitial pages if (source.entries_[i].get()->GetPageType() != PAGE_TYPE_INTERSTITIAL) { entries_.insert(entries_.begin() + insert_index++, linked_ptr( new NavigationEntryImpl(*source.entries_[i]))); } } } void NavigationControllerImpl::SetGetTimestampCallbackForTest( const base::Callback& get_timestamp_callback) { get_timestamp_callback_ = get_timestamp_callback; } } // namespace content