// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import #include "content/browser/frame_host/popup_menu_helper_mac.h" #include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h" #import "base/mac/scoped_sending_event.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_impl.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_mac.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/webmenurunner_mac.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h" #import "ui/base/cocoa/base_view.h" namespace content { namespace { bool g_allow_showing_popup_menus = true; } // namespace PopupMenuHelper::PopupMenuHelper(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host) : render_frame_host_(static_cast(render_frame_host)), menu_runner_(nil), popup_was_hidden_(false) { notification_registrar_.Add( this, NOTIFICATION_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_DESTROYED, Source(render_frame_host->GetRenderViewHost())); } void PopupMenuHelper::ShowPopupMenu( const gfx::Rect& bounds, int item_height, double item_font_size, int selected_item, const std::vector& items, bool right_aligned, bool allow_multiple_selection) { // Only single selection list boxes show a popup on Mac. DCHECK(!allow_multiple_selection); if (!g_allow_showing_popup_menus) return; // Retain the Cocoa view for the duration of the pop-up so that it can't be // dealloced if my Destroy() method is called while the pop-up's up (which // would in turn delete me, causing a crash once the -runMenuInView // call returns. That's what was happening in ). RenderWidgetHostViewMac* rwhvm = static_cast(GetRenderWidgetHostView()); base::scoped_nsobject cocoa_view( [rwhvm->cocoa_view() retain]); // Display the menu. menu_runner_ = [[WebMenuRunner alloc] initWithItems:items fontSize:item_font_size rightAligned:right_aligned]; { // Make sure events can be pumped while the menu is up. base::MessageLoop::ScopedNestableTaskAllower allow( base::MessageLoop::current()); // One of the events that could be pumped is |window.close()|. // User-initiated event-tracking loops protect against this by // setting flags in -[CrApplication sendEvent:], but since // web-content menus are initiated by IPC message the setup has to // be done manually. base::mac::ScopedSendingEvent sending_event_scoper; // Now run a SYNCHRONOUS NESTED EVENT LOOP until the pop-up is finished. [menu_runner_ runMenuInView:cocoa_view withBounds:[cocoa_view flipRectToNSRect:bounds] initialIndex:selected_item]; } if (!render_frame_host_) { // Bad news, the RenderFrameHost got deleted while we were off running the // menu. Nothing to do. [menu_runner_ release]; menu_runner_ = nil; return; } if (!popup_was_hidden_) { if ([menu_runner_ menuItemWasChosen]) { render_frame_host_->DidSelectPopupMenuItem( [menu_runner_ indexOfSelectedItem]); } else { render_frame_host_->DidCancelPopupMenu(); } } [menu_runner_ release]; menu_runner_ = nil; } void PopupMenuHelper::Hide() { if (menu_runner_) [menu_runner_ hide]; popup_was_hidden_ = true; } // static void PopupMenuHelper::DontShowPopupMenuForTesting() { g_allow_showing_popup_menus = false; } RenderWidgetHostViewMac* PopupMenuHelper::GetRenderWidgetHostView() const { return static_cast( render_frame_host_->GetRenderViewHost()->GetView()); } void PopupMenuHelper::Observe(int type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK(type == NOTIFICATION_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_DESTROYED); DCHECK_EQ(Source(source).ptr(), render_frame_host_->GetRenderViewHost()); render_frame_host_ = NULL; } } // namespace content