// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/gamepad/platform_data_fetcher_win.h" #include "base/debug/trace_event.h" #include "content/common/gamepad_messages.h" #include "content/common/gamepad_hardware_buffer.h" #include #pragma comment(lib, "delayimp.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "xinput.lib") namespace content { using namespace WebKit; namespace { // See http://goo.gl/5VSJR. These are not available in all versions of the // header, but they can be returned from the driver, so we define our own // versions here. static const BYTE kDeviceSubTypeGamepad = 1; static const BYTE kDeviceSubTypeWheel = 2; static const BYTE kDeviceSubTypeArcadeStick = 3; static const BYTE kDeviceSubTypeFlightStick = 4; static const BYTE kDeviceSubTypeDancePad = 5; static const BYTE kDeviceSubTypeGuitar = 6; static const BYTE kDeviceSubTypeGuitarAlternate = 7; static const BYTE kDeviceSubTypeDrumKit = 8; static const BYTE kDeviceSubTypeGuitarBass = 11; static const BYTE kDeviceSubTypeArcadePad = 19; float NormalizeAxis(SHORT value) { return ((value + 32768.f) / 32767.5f) - 1.f; } const WebUChar* const GamepadSubTypeName(BYTE sub_type) { switch (sub_type) { case kDeviceSubTypeGamepad: return L"GAMEPAD"; case kDeviceSubTypeWheel: return L"WHEEL"; case kDeviceSubTypeArcadeStick: return L"ARCADE_STICK"; case kDeviceSubTypeFlightStick: return L"FLIGHT_STICK"; case kDeviceSubTypeDancePad: return L"DANCE_PAD"; case kDeviceSubTypeGuitar: return L"GUITAR"; case kDeviceSubTypeGuitarAlternate: return L"GUITAR_ALTERNATE"; case kDeviceSubTypeDrumKit: return L"DRUM_KIT"; case kDeviceSubTypeGuitarBass: return L"GUITAR_BASS"; case kDeviceSubTypeArcadePad: return L"ARCADE_PAD"; default: return L""; } } // Trap only the exceptions that DELAYLOAD can throw, otherwise rethrow. // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1c9e046h(v=VS.90).aspx. LONG WINAPI DelayLoadDllExceptionFilter(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExcPointers) { LONG disposition = EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; switch (pExcPointers->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode) { case VcppException(ERROR_SEVERITY_ERROR, ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND): case VcppException(ERROR_SEVERITY_ERROR, ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND): break; default: // Exception is not related to delay loading. disposition = EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; break; } return disposition; } bool EnableXInput() { // We have specified DELAYLOAD for xinput1_3.dll. If the DLL is not // installed (XP w/o DirectX redist installed), we disable functionality. __try { XInputEnable(true); } __except(DelayLoadDllExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { return false; } return true; } } // namespace GamepadPlatformDataFetcherWin::GamepadPlatformDataFetcherWin() : xinput_available_(EnableXInput()) { } void GamepadPlatformDataFetcherWin::GetGamepadData(WebGamepads* pads, bool devices_changed_hint) { TRACE_EVENT0("GAMEPAD", "GetGamepadData"); // If there's no XInput DLL on the system, early out so that we don't // call any other XInput functions. if (!xinput_available_) { pads->length = 0; return; } pads->length = WebGamepads::itemsLengthCap; // If we got notification that system devices have been updated, then // run GetCapabilities to update the connected status and the device // identifier. It can be slow to do to both GetCapabilities and // GetState on unconnected devices, so we want to avoid a 2-5ms pause // here by only doing this when the devices are updated (despite // documentation claiming it's OK to call it any time). if (devices_changed_hint) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < WebGamepads::itemsLengthCap; ++i) { WebGamepad& pad = pads->items[i]; TRACE_EVENT1("GAMEPAD", "GetCapabilities", "id", i); XINPUT_CAPABILITIES caps; DWORD res = XInputGetCapabilities(i, XINPUT_FLAG_GAMEPAD, &caps); if (res == ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED) { pad.connected = false; } else { pad.connected = true; base::swprintf(pad.id, WebGamepad::idLengthCap, L"Xbox 360 Controller (XInput STANDARD %ls)", GamepadSubTypeName(caps.SubType)); } } } // We've updated the connection state if necessary, now update the actual // data for the devices that are connected. for (unsigned i = 0; i < WebGamepads::itemsLengthCap; ++i) { WebGamepad& pad = pads->items[i]; // We rely on device_changed and GetCapabilities to tell us that // something's been connected, but we will mark as disconnected if // GetState returns that we've lost the pad. if (!pad.connected) continue; XINPUT_STATE state; memset(&state, 0, sizeof(XINPUT_STATE)); TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN1("GAMEPAD", "XInputGetState", "id", i); DWORD dwResult = XInputGetState(i, &state); TRACE_EVENT_END1("GAMEPAD", "XInputGetState", "id", i); if (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pad.timestamp = state.dwPacketNumber; pad.buttonsLength = 0; #define ADD(b) pad.buttons[pad.buttonsLength++] = \ ((state.Gamepad.wButtons & (b)) ? 1.0 : 0.0); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER); pad.buttons[pad.buttonsLength++] = state.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger / 255.0; pad.buttons[pad.buttonsLength++] = state.Gamepad.bRightTrigger / 255.0; ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT); ADD(XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT); #undef ADD pad.axesLength = 0; // XInput are +up/+right, -down/-left, we want -up/-left. pad.axes[pad.axesLength++] = NormalizeAxis(state.Gamepad.sThumbLX); pad.axes[pad.axesLength++] = -NormalizeAxis(state.Gamepad.sThumbLY); pad.axes[pad.axesLength++] = NormalizeAxis(state.Gamepad.sThumbRX); pad.axes[pad.axesLength++] = -NormalizeAxis(state.Gamepad.sThumbRY); } else { pad.connected = false; } } } } // namespace content