// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/geolocation/network_location_request.h" #include #include #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/json/json_writer.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "content/common/geoposition.h" #include "content/common/net/url_fetcher_impl.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h" namespace { const size_t kMaxRequestLength = 2048; const char kAccessTokenString[] = "access_token"; const char kLocationString[] = "location"; const char kLatitudeString[] = "lat"; const char kLongitudeString[] = "lng"; const char kAccuracyString[] = "accuracy"; const char kStatusString[] = "status"; const char kStatusOKString[] = "OK"; // Local functions // Creates the request url to send to the server. GURL FormRequestURL(const std::string& url, const string16& access_token, const WifiData& wifi_data, const base::Time& timestamp); // Parsers the server response. void GetLocationFromResponse(bool http_post_result, int status_code, const std::string& response_body, const base::Time& timestamp, const GURL& server_url, Geoposition* position, string16* access_token); // Parses the server response body. Returns true if parsing was successful. // Sets |*position| to the parsed location if a valid fix was received, // otherwise leaves it unchanged (i.e. IsInitialized() == false). bool ParseServerResponse(const std::string& response_body, const base::Time& timestamp, Geoposition* position, string16* access_token); void AddWifiData(const WifiData& wifi_data, int age_milliseconds, std::vector* params); } // namespace int NetworkLocationRequest::url_fetcher_id_for_tests = 0; NetworkLocationRequest::NetworkLocationRequest( net::URLRequestContextGetter* context, const GURL& url, ListenerInterface* listener) : url_context_(context), listener_(listener), url_(url) { DCHECK(listener); } NetworkLocationRequest::~NetworkLocationRequest() { } bool NetworkLocationRequest::MakeRequest(const string16& access_token, const RadioData& radio_data, const WifiData& wifi_data, const base::Time& timestamp) { if (url_fetcher_ != NULL) { DVLOG(1) << "NetworkLocationRequest : Cancelling pending request"; url_fetcher_.reset(); } radio_data_ = radio_data; wifi_data_ = wifi_data; timestamp_ = timestamp; GURL request_url = FormRequestURL(url_.spec(), access_token, wifi_data, timestamp_); url_fetcher_.reset(URLFetcherImpl::Create( url_fetcher_id_for_tests, request_url, URLFetcherImpl::GET, this)); url_fetcher_->SetRequestContext(url_context_); url_fetcher_->SetLoadFlags( net::LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE | net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE | net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES | net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_COOKIES | net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_AUTH_DATA); url_fetcher_->Start(); return true; } void NetworkLocationRequest::OnURLFetchComplete( const content::URLFetcher* source) { DCHECK_EQ(url_fetcher_.get(), source); net::URLRequestStatus status = source->GetStatus(); int response_code = source->GetResponseCode(); Geoposition position; string16 access_token; std::string data; source->GetResponseAsString(&data); GetLocationFromResponse(status.is_success(), response_code, data, timestamp_, source->GetURL(), &position, &access_token); const bool server_error = !status.is_success() || (response_code >= 500 && response_code < 600); url_fetcher_.reset(); DCHECK(listener_); DVLOG(1) << "NetworkLocationRequest::Run() : Calling listener with position."; listener_->LocationResponseAvailable(position, server_error, access_token, radio_data_, wifi_data_); } // Local functions. namespace { struct AccessPointLess { bool operator()(const AccessPointData* ap1, const AccessPointData* ap2) const { return ap2->radio_signal_strength < ap1->radio_signal_strength; } }; GURL FormRequestURL(const std::string& url, const string16& access_token, const WifiData& wifi_data, const base::Time& timestamp) { int age = kint32min; // Invalid so AddInteger() will ignore. if (!timestamp.is_null()) { // Convert absolute timestamps into a relative age. int64 delta_ms = (base::Time::Now() - timestamp).InMilliseconds(); if (delta_ms >= 0 && delta_ms < kint32max) age = static_cast(delta_ms); } std::vector params; #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) params.push_back("browser=googlechrome"); #else params.push_back("browser=chromium"); #endif params.push_back("sensor=true"); if (!access_token.empty()) params.push_back("token=" + UTF16ToUTF8(access_token)); AddWifiData(wifi_data, age, ¶ms); std::string request_string = url + '?' + JoinString(params, '&'); if (request_string.length() > kMaxRequestLength) { size_t last_param_pos = request_string.find_last_of('&', kMaxRequestLength); CHECK_NE(std::string::npos, last_param_pos); request_string.erase(last_param_pos); } return GURL(request_string); } void AddString(const std::string& property_name, const std::string& value, std::string* wifi_params) { DCHECK(wifi_params); if (!value.empty()) { if (!wifi_params->empty()) *wifi_params += '|'; *wifi_params += property_name; *wifi_params += value; } } void AddInteger(const std::string& property_name, int value, std::string* wifi_params) { DCHECK(wifi_params); if (value != kint32min) { if (!wifi_params->empty()) *wifi_params += '|'; *wifi_params += property_name; *wifi_params += base::IntToString(value); } } void AddWifiData(const WifiData& wifi_data, int age_milliseconds, std::vector* params) { DCHECK(params); if (wifi_data.access_point_data.empty()) return; typedef std::multiset AccessPointSet; AccessPointSet access_points_by_signal_strength; for (WifiData::AccessPointDataSet::const_iterator iter = wifi_data.access_point_data.begin(); iter != wifi_data.access_point_data.end(); ++iter) { access_points_by_signal_strength.insert(&(*iter)); } for (AccessPointSet::iterator iter = access_points_by_signal_strength.begin(); iter != access_points_by_signal_strength.end(); ++iter) { std::string wifi_params; AddString("mac:", UTF16ToUTF8((*iter)->mac_address), &wifi_params); AddInteger("ss:", (*iter)->radio_signal_strength, &wifi_params); AddInteger("age:", age_milliseconds, &wifi_params); AddInteger("chan:", (*iter)->channel, &wifi_params); AddInteger("snr:", (*iter)->signal_to_noise, &wifi_params); std::string ssid = UTF16ToUTF8((*iter)->ssid); // Backslash characters in the ssid need backslash-escaping to avoid // escaping a following wifi parameter separator. ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&ssid, 0, "\\", "\\\\"); // Pipe characters in the ssid need backslash-escaping to avoid being // interpreted as the wifi parameter separator. ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&ssid, 0, "|", "\\|"); AddString("ssid:", ssid, &wifi_params); params->push_back( "wifi=" + net::EscapeQueryParamValue(wifi_params, false)); } } void FormatPositionError(const GURL& server_url, const std::string& message, Geoposition* position) { position->error_code = Geoposition::ERROR_CODE_POSITION_UNAVAILABLE; position->error_message = "Network location provider at '"; position->error_message += server_url.possibly_invalid_spec(); position->error_message += "' : "; position->error_message += message; position->error_message += "."; VLOG(1) << "NetworkLocationRequest::GetLocationFromResponse() : " << position->error_message; } void GetLocationFromResponse(bool http_post_result, int status_code, const std::string& response_body, const base::Time& timestamp, const GURL& server_url, Geoposition* position, string16* access_token) { DCHECK(position); DCHECK(access_token); // HttpPost can fail for a number of reasons. Most likely this is because // we're offline, or there was no response. if (!http_post_result) { FormatPositionError(server_url, "No response received", position); return; } if (status_code != 200) { // HTTP OK. std::string message = "Returned error code "; message += base::IntToString(status_code); FormatPositionError(server_url, message, position); return; } // We use the timestamp from the device data that was used to generate // this position fix. if (!ParseServerResponse(response_body, timestamp, position, access_token)) { // We failed to parse the repsonse. FormatPositionError(server_url, "Response was malformed", position); return; } // The response was successfully parsed, but it may not be a valid // position fix. if (!position->IsValidFix()) { FormatPositionError(server_url, "Did not provide a good position fix", position); return; } } // Numeric values without a decimal point have type integer and IsDouble() will // return false. This is convenience function for detecting integer or floating // point numeric values. Note that isIntegral() includes boolean values, which // is not what we want. bool GetAsDouble(const DictionaryValue& object, const std::string& property_name, double* out) { DCHECK(out); Value* value = NULL; if (!object.Get(property_name, &value)) return false; int value_as_int; DCHECK(value); if (value->GetAsInteger(&value_as_int)) { *out = value_as_int; return true; } return value->GetAsDouble(out); } bool ParseServerResponse(const std::string& response_body, const base::Time& timestamp, Geoposition* position, string16* access_token) { DCHECK(position); DCHECK(!position->IsInitialized()); DCHECK(access_token); DCHECK(!timestamp.is_null()); if (response_body.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "ParseServerResponse() : Response was empty."; return false; } DVLOG(1) << "ParseServerResponse() : Parsing response " << response_body; // Parse the response, ignoring comments. std::string error_msg; scoped_ptr response_value(base::JSONReader::ReadAndReturnError( response_body, base::JSON_PARSE_RFC, NULL, &error_msg)); if (response_value == NULL) { LOG(WARNING) << "ParseServerResponse() : JSONReader failed : " << error_msg; return false; } if (!response_value->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) { VLOG(1) << "ParseServerResponse() : Unexpected response type " << response_value->GetType(); return false; } const DictionaryValue* response_object = static_cast(response_value.get()); // Check the status code. Value* status_value = NULL; if (!response_object->Get(kStatusString, &status_value)) { VLOG(1) << "ParseServerResponse() : Missing status attribute."; // The status attribute is required. return false; } DCHECK(status_value); if (!status_value->IsType(Value::TYPE_STRING)) { VLOG(1) << "ParseServerResponse() : Unexpected status type " << status_value->GetType(); // The status attribute is required to be a string. return false; } StringValue* status_object = static_cast(status_value); std::string status; if (!status_object->GetAsString(&status)) { VLOG(1) << "ParseServerResponse() : Error parsing the status value."; return false; } if (status != kStatusOKString) { VLOG(1) << "ParseServerResponse() : Request failed with status " << status; return false; } // Get the access token, if any. response_object->GetString(kAccessTokenString, access_token); // Get the location Value* location_value = NULL; if (!response_object->Get(kLocationString, &location_value)) { VLOG(1) << "ParseServerResponse() : Missing location attribute."; // GLS returns a response with no location property to represent // no fix available; return true to indicate successful parse. return true; } DCHECK(location_value); if (!location_value->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) { if (!location_value->IsType(Value::TYPE_NULL)) { VLOG(1) << "ParseServerResponse() : Unexpected location type " << location_value->GetType(); // If the network provider was unable to provide a position fix, it should // return a HTTP 200, with "location" : null. Otherwise it's an error. return false; } return true; // Successfully parsed response containing no fix. } DictionaryValue* location_object = static_cast(location_value); // latitude and longitude fields are always required. double latitude, longitude; if (!GetAsDouble(*location_object, kLatitudeString, &latitude) || !GetAsDouble(*location_object, kLongitudeString, &longitude)) { VLOG(1) << "ParseServerResponse() : location lacks lat and/or long."; return false; } // All error paths covered: now start actually modifying postion. position->latitude = latitude; position->longitude = longitude; position->timestamp = timestamp; // Other fields are optional. GetAsDouble(*response_object, kAccuracyString, &position->accuracy); return true; } } // namespace