// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/gpu/gpu_blacklist.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/string_piece.h" #include "base/string_split.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/sys_info.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "base/version.h" #include "content/common/gpu/gpu_info.h" namespace { // Encode a date as Version, where [0] is year, [1] is month, and [2] is day. Version* GetDateFromString(const std::string& date_string) { // TODO(zmo): verify if in Windows registry, driver dates are always in the // format of "mm-dd-yyyy". std::vector pieces; base::SplitString(date_string, '-', &pieces); if (pieces.size() != 3) return NULL; std::string date_as_version_string = pieces[2]; for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { date_as_version_string += "."; date_as_version_string += pieces[i]; } return Version::GetVersionFromString(date_as_version_string); } } // namespace anonymous GpuBlacklist::VersionInfo::VersionInfo(const std::string& version_op, const std::string& version_string, const std::string& version_string2) { op_ = StringToOp(version_op); if (op_ == kUnknown || op_ == kAny) return; version_.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(version_string)); if (version_.get() == NULL) { op_ = kUnknown; return; } if (op_ == kBetween) { version2_.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(version_string2)); if (version2_.get() == NULL) op_ = kUnknown; } } GpuBlacklist::VersionInfo::~VersionInfo() { } bool GpuBlacklist::VersionInfo::Contains(const Version& version) const { if (op_ == kUnknown) return false; if (op_ == kAny) return true; if (op_ == kEQ) { // Handles cases where 10.6 is considered as containing 10.6.*. const std::vector& components_reference = version_->components(); const std::vector& components = version.components(); for (size_t i = 0; i < components_reference.size(); ++i) { if (i >= components.size() && components_reference[i] != 0) return false; if (components[i] != components_reference[i]) return false; } return true; } int relation = version.CompareTo(*version_); if (op_ == kEQ) return (relation == 0); else if (op_ == kLT) return (relation < 0); else if (op_ == kLE) return (relation <= 0); else if (op_ == kGT) return (relation > 0); else if (op_ == kGE) return (relation >= 0); // op_ == kBetween if (relation < 0) return false; return version.CompareTo(*version2_) <= 0; } bool GpuBlacklist::VersionInfo::IsValid() const { return op_ != kUnknown; } GpuBlacklist::VersionInfo::Op GpuBlacklist::VersionInfo::StringToOp( const std::string& version_op) { if (version_op == "=") return kEQ; else if (version_op == "<") return kLT; else if (version_op == "<=") return kLE; else if (version_op == ">") return kGT; else if (version_op == ">=") return kGE; else if (version_op == "any") return kAny; else if (version_op == "between") return kBetween; return kUnknown; } GpuBlacklist::OsInfo::OsInfo(const std::string& os, const std::string& version_op, const std::string& version_string, const std::string& version_string2) { type_ = StringToOsType(os); if (type_ != kOsUnknown) { version_info_.reset( new VersionInfo(version_op, version_string, version_string2)); } } GpuBlacklist::OsInfo::~OsInfo() {} bool GpuBlacklist::OsInfo::Contains(OsType type, const Version& version) const { if (!IsValid()) return false; if (type_ != type && type_ != kOsAny) return false; return version_info_->Contains(version); } bool GpuBlacklist::OsInfo::IsValid() const { return type_ != kOsUnknown && version_info_->IsValid(); } GpuBlacklist::OsType GpuBlacklist::OsInfo::type() const { return type_; } GpuBlacklist::OsType GpuBlacklist::OsInfo::StringToOsType( const std::string& os) { if (os == "win") return kOsWin; else if (os == "macosx") return kOsMacosx; else if (os == "linux") return kOsLinux; else if (os == "chromeos") return kOsChromeOS; else if (os == "any") return kOsAny; return kOsUnknown; } GpuBlacklist::StringInfo::StringInfo(const std::string& string_op, const std::string& string_value) { op_ = StringToOp(string_op); value_ = StringToLowerASCII(string_value); } bool GpuBlacklist::StringInfo::Contains(const std::string& value) const { std::string my_value = StringToLowerASCII(value); switch (op_) { case kContains: return strstr(my_value.c_str(), value_.c_str()) != NULL; case kBeginWith: return StartsWithASCII(my_value, value_, false); case kEndWith: return EndsWith(my_value, value_, false); case kEQ: return value_ == my_value; default: return false; } } bool GpuBlacklist::StringInfo::IsValid() const { return op_ != kUnknown; } GpuBlacklist::StringInfo::Op GpuBlacklist::StringInfo::StringToOp( const std::string& string_op) { if (string_op == "=") return kEQ; else if (string_op == "contains") return kContains; else if (string_op == "beginwith") return kBeginWith; else if (string_op == "endwith") return kEndWith; return kUnknown; } // static GpuBlacklist::ScopedGpuBlacklistEntry GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::GetGpuBlacklistEntryFromValue( DictionaryValue* value, bool top_level) { DCHECK(value); ScopedGpuBlacklistEntry entry(new GpuBlacklistEntry()); size_t dictionary_entry_count = 0; if (top_level) { uint32 id; if (!value->GetInteger("id", reinterpret_cast(&id)) || !entry->SetId(id)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed id entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } dictionary_entry_count++; bool disabled; if (value->GetBoolean("disabled", &disabled)) { entry->SetDisabled(disabled); dictionary_entry_count++; } } std::string description; if (value->GetString("description", &description)) { entry->description_ = description; dictionary_entry_count++; } else { entry->description_ = "The GPU is unavailable for an unexplained reason."; } ListValue* cr_bugs; if (value->GetList("cr_bugs", &cr_bugs)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cr_bugs->GetSize(); ++i) { int bug_id; if (cr_bugs->GetInteger(i, &bug_id)) { entry->cr_bugs_.push_back(bug_id); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed cr_bugs entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } } dictionary_entry_count++; } ListValue* webkit_bugs; if (value->GetList("webkit_bugs", &webkit_bugs)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < webkit_bugs->GetSize(); ++i) { int bug_id; if (webkit_bugs->GetInteger(i, &bug_id)) { entry->webkit_bugs_.push_back(bug_id); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed webkit_bugs entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } } dictionary_entry_count++; } DictionaryValue* os_value = NULL; if (value->GetDictionary("os", &os_value)) { std::string os_type; std::string os_version_op = "any"; std::string os_version_string; std::string os_version_string2; os_value->GetString("type", &os_type); DictionaryValue* os_version_value = NULL; if (os_value->GetDictionary("version", &os_version_value)) { os_version_value->GetString("op", &os_version_op); os_version_value->GetString("number", &os_version_string); os_version_value->GetString("number2", &os_version_string2); } if (!entry->SetOsInfo(os_type, os_version_op, os_version_string, os_version_string2)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed os entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } dictionary_entry_count++; } std::string vendor_id; if (value->GetString("vendor_id", &vendor_id)) { if (!entry->SetVendorId(vendor_id)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed vendor_id entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } dictionary_entry_count++; } ListValue* device_id_list; if (value->GetList("device_id", &device_id_list)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < device_id_list->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string device_id; if (!device_id_list->GetString(i, &device_id) || !entry->AddDeviceId(device_id)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed device_id entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } } dictionary_entry_count++; } DictionaryValue* driver_vendor_value = NULL; if (value->GetDictionary("driver_vendor", &driver_vendor_value)) { std::string vendor_op; std::string vendor_value; driver_vendor_value->GetString("op", &vendor_op); driver_vendor_value->GetString("value", &vendor_value); if (!entry->SetDriverVendorInfo(vendor_op, vendor_value)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed driver_vendor entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } dictionary_entry_count++; } DictionaryValue* driver_version_value = NULL; if (value->GetDictionary("driver_version", &driver_version_value)) { std::string driver_version_op = "any"; std::string driver_version_string; std::string driver_version_string2; driver_version_value->GetString("op", &driver_version_op); driver_version_value->GetString("number", &driver_version_string); driver_version_value->GetString("number2", &driver_version_string2); if (!entry->SetDriverVersionInfo(driver_version_op, driver_version_string, driver_version_string2)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed driver_version entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } dictionary_entry_count++; } DictionaryValue* driver_date_value = NULL; if (value->GetDictionary("driver_date", &driver_date_value)) { std::string driver_date_op = "any"; std::string driver_date_string; std::string driver_date_string2; driver_date_value->GetString("op", &driver_date_op); driver_date_value->GetString("number", &driver_date_string); driver_date_value->GetString("number2", &driver_date_string2); if (!entry->SetDriverDateInfo(driver_date_op, driver_date_string, driver_date_string2)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed driver_date entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } dictionary_entry_count++; } DictionaryValue* gl_vendor_value = NULL; if (value->GetDictionary("gl_vendor", &gl_vendor_value)) { std::string vendor_op; std::string vendor_value; gl_vendor_value->GetString("op", &vendor_op); gl_vendor_value->GetString("value", &vendor_value); if (!entry->SetGLVendorInfo(vendor_op, vendor_value)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed gl_vendor entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } dictionary_entry_count++; } DictionaryValue* gl_renderer_value = NULL; if (value->GetDictionary("gl_renderer", &gl_renderer_value)) { std::string renderer_op; std::string renderer_value; gl_renderer_value->GetString("op", &renderer_op); gl_renderer_value->GetString("value", &renderer_value); if (!entry->SetGLRendererInfo(renderer_op, renderer_value)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed gl_renderer entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } dictionary_entry_count++; } if (top_level) { ListValue* blacklist_value = NULL; if (!value->GetList("blacklist", &blacklist_value)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed blacklist entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } std::vector blacklist; for (size_t i = 0; i < blacklist_value->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string feature; if (blacklist_value->GetString(i, &feature)) { blacklist.push_back(feature); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed blacklist entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } } if (!entry->SetBlacklistedFeatures(blacklist)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed blacklist entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } dictionary_entry_count++; } if (top_level) { ListValue* exception_list_value = NULL; if (value->GetList("exceptions", &exception_list_value)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < exception_list_value->GetSize(); ++i) { DictionaryValue* exception_value = NULL; if (!exception_list_value->GetDictionary(i, &exception_value)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed exceptions entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } ScopedGpuBlacklistEntry exception( GetGpuBlacklistEntryFromValue(exception_value, false)); if (exception == NULL) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed exceptions entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } if (exception->contains_unknown_fields_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Exception with unknown fields " << entry->id(); entry->contains_unknown_fields_ = true; } else { entry->AddException(exception); } } dictionary_entry_count++; } DictionaryValue* browser_version_value = NULL; // browser_version is processed in LoadGpuBlacklist(). if (value->GetDictionary("browser_version", &browser_version_value)) dictionary_entry_count++; } ListValue* channel_list_value = NULL; if (value->GetList("browser_channels", &channel_list_value)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < channel_list_value->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string channel_value; if (!channel_list_value->GetString(i, &channel_value)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed browser_channels entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } BrowserChannel channel = StringToBrowserChannel(channel_value); if (channel == kUnknown) { LOG(WARNING) << "Malformed browser_channels entry " << entry->id(); return NULL; } entry->AddBrowserChannel(channel); } dictionary_entry_count++; } if (value->size() != dictionary_entry_count) { LOG(WARNING) << "Entry with unknown fields " << entry->id(); entry->contains_unknown_fields_ = true; } return entry; } GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::GpuBlacklistEntry() : id_(0), disabled_(false), vendor_id_(0), contains_unknown_fields_(false), contains_unknown_features_(false) { } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::SetId(uint32 id) { if (id != 0) { id_ = id; return true; } return false; } void GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::SetDisabled(bool disabled) { disabled_ = disabled; } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::SetOsInfo( const std::string& os, const std::string& version_op, const std::string& version_string, const std::string& version_string2) { os_info_.reset(new OsInfo(os, version_op, version_string, version_string2)); return os_info_->IsValid(); } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::SetVendorId( const std::string& vendor_id_string) { vendor_id_ = 0; return base::HexStringToInt(vendor_id_string, reinterpret_cast(&vendor_id_)); } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::AddDeviceId( const std::string& device_id_string) { uint32 device_id = 0; if (base::HexStringToInt(device_id_string, reinterpret_cast(&device_id))) { device_id_list_.push_back(device_id); return true; } return false; } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::SetDriverVendorInfo( const std::string& vendor_op, const std::string& vendor_value) { driver_vendor_info_.reset( new StringInfo(vendor_op, vendor_value)); return driver_vendor_info_->IsValid(); } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::SetDriverVersionInfo( const std::string& version_op, const std::string& version_string, const std::string& version_string2) { driver_version_info_.reset( new VersionInfo(version_op, version_string, version_string2)); return driver_version_info_->IsValid(); } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::SetDriverDateInfo( const std::string& date_op, const std::string& date_string, const std::string& date_string2) { driver_date_info_.reset( new VersionInfo(date_op, date_string, date_string2)); return driver_date_info_->IsValid(); } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::SetGLVendorInfo( const std::string& vendor_op, const std::string& vendor_value) { gl_vendor_info_.reset( new StringInfo(vendor_op, vendor_value)); return gl_vendor_info_->IsValid(); } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::SetGLRendererInfo( const std::string& renderer_op, const std::string& renderer_value) { gl_renderer_info_.reset( new StringInfo(renderer_op, renderer_value)); return gl_renderer_info_->IsValid(); } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::SetBlacklistedFeatures( const std::vector& blacklisted_features) { size_t size = blacklisted_features.size(); if (size == 0) return false; uint32 flags = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { GpuFeatureFlags::GpuFeatureType type = GpuFeatureFlags::StringToGpuFeatureType(blacklisted_features[i]); switch (type) { case GpuFeatureFlags::kGpuFeatureAccelerated2dCanvas: case GpuFeatureFlags::kGpuFeatureAcceleratedCompositing: case GpuFeatureFlags::kGpuFeatureWebgl: case GpuFeatureFlags::kGpuFeatureMultisampling: case GpuFeatureFlags::kGpuFeatureAll: flags |= type; break; case GpuFeatureFlags::kGpuFeatureUnknown: contains_unknown_features_ = true; break; } } feature_flags_.reset(new GpuFeatureFlags()); feature_flags_->set_flags(flags); return true; } void GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::AddException( ScopedGpuBlacklistEntry exception) { exceptions_.push_back(exception); } void GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::AddBrowserChannel( BrowserChannel channel) { DCHECK(channel != kUnknown); browser_channels_.push_back(channel); } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::Contains( OsType os_type, const Version& os_version, BrowserChannel channel, const GPUInfo& gpu_info) const { DCHECK(os_type != kOsAny); if (os_info_.get() != NULL && !os_info_->Contains(os_type, os_version)) return false; if (vendor_id_ != 0 && vendor_id_ != gpu_info.vendor_id) return false; if (device_id_list_.size() > 0) { bool found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < device_id_list_.size(); ++i) { if (device_id_list_[i] == gpu_info.device_id) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) return false; } if (driver_vendor_info_.get() != NULL && !driver_vendor_info_->Contains(gpu_info.driver_vendor)) return false; if (driver_version_info_.get() != NULL) { scoped_ptr driver_version( Version::GetVersionFromString(gpu_info.driver_version)); if (driver_version.get() == NULL || !driver_version_info_->Contains(*driver_version)) return false; } if (driver_date_info_.get() != NULL) { scoped_ptr driver_date(GetDateFromString(gpu_info.driver_date)); if (driver_date.get() == NULL || !driver_date_info_->Contains(*driver_date)) return false; } if (gl_vendor_info_.get() != NULL && !gl_vendor_info_->Contains(gpu_info.gl_vendor)) return false; if (gl_renderer_info_.get() != NULL && !gl_renderer_info_->Contains(gpu_info.gl_renderer)) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < exceptions_.size(); ++i) { if (exceptions_[i]->Contains(os_type, os_version, channel, gpu_info)) return false; } bool rt = true; if (browser_channels_.size() > 0) { rt = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < browser_channels_.size(); ++i) { if (browser_channels_[i] == channel) { rt = true; break; } } } return rt; } GpuBlacklist::OsType GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::GetOsType() const { if (os_info_.get() == NULL) return kOsAny; return os_info_->type(); } uint32 GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::id() const { return id_; } bool GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::disabled() const { return disabled_; } GpuFeatureFlags GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklistEntry::GetGpuFeatureFlags() const { return *feature_flags_; } GpuBlacklist::GpuBlacklist(const std::string& browser_info_string) : max_entry_id_(0), contains_unknown_fields_(false) { SetBrowserInfo(browser_info_string); } GpuBlacklist::~GpuBlacklist() { Clear(); } bool GpuBlacklist::LoadGpuBlacklist( const std::string& json_context, GpuBlacklist::OsFilter os_filter) { scoped_ptr root; root.reset(base::JSONReader::Read(json_context, false)); if (root.get() == NULL || !root->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) return false; DictionaryValue* root_dictionary = static_cast(root.get()); DCHECK(root_dictionary); return LoadGpuBlacklist(*root_dictionary, os_filter); } bool GpuBlacklist::LoadGpuBlacklist( const DictionaryValue& parsed_json, GpuBlacklist::OsFilter os_filter) { std::vector entries; std::string version_string; parsed_json.GetString("version", &version_string); version_.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(version_string)); if (version_.get() == NULL) return false; ListValue* list = NULL; if (!parsed_json.GetList("entries", &list)) return false; uint32 max_entry_id = 0; bool contains_unknown_fields = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < list->GetSize(); ++i) { DictionaryValue* list_item = NULL; bool valid = list->GetDictionary(i, &list_item); if (!valid || list_item == NULL) return false; // Check browser version compatibility: if the entry is not for the // current browser version, don't process it. BrowserVersionSupport browser_version_support = IsEntrySupportedByCurrentBrowserVersion(list_item); if (browser_version_support == kMalformed) return false; if (browser_version_support == kUnsupported) continue; DCHECK(browser_version_support == kSupported); ScopedGpuBlacklistEntry entry( GpuBlacklistEntry::GetGpuBlacklistEntryFromValue(list_item, true)); if (entry == NULL) return false; if (entry->id() > max_entry_id) max_entry_id = entry->id(); // If an unknown field is encountered, skip the entry; if an unknown // feature is encountered, ignore the feature, but keep the entry. if (entry->contains_unknown_fields()) { contains_unknown_fields = true; continue; } if (entry->contains_unknown_features()) contains_unknown_fields = true; entries.push_back(entry); } Clear(); OsType my_os = GetOsType(); for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) { OsType entry_os = entries[i]->GetOsType(); if (os_filter == GpuBlacklist::kAllOs || entry_os == kOsAny || entry_os == my_os) blacklist_.push_back(entries[i]); } max_entry_id_ = max_entry_id; contains_unknown_fields_ = contains_unknown_fields; return true; } GpuFeatureFlags GpuBlacklist::DetermineGpuFeatureFlags( GpuBlacklist::OsType os, Version* os_version, const GPUInfo& gpu_info) { active_entries_.clear(); GpuFeatureFlags flags; if (os == kOsAny) os = GetOsType(); scoped_ptr my_os_version; if (os_version == NULL) { std::string version_string = base::SysInfo::OperatingSystemVersion(); size_t pos = version_string.find_first_not_of("0123456789."); if (pos != std::string::npos) version_string = version_string.substr(0, pos); my_os_version.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(version_string)); os_version = my_os_version.get(); } DCHECK(os_version != NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < blacklist_.size(); ++i) { if (blacklist_[i]->Contains(os, *os_version, browser_channel_, gpu_info)) { if (!blacklist_[i]->disabled()) flags.Combine(blacklist_[i]->GetGpuFeatureFlags()); active_entries_.push_back(blacklist_[i]); } } return flags; } void GpuBlacklist::GetGpuFeatureFlagEntries( GpuFeatureFlags::GpuFeatureType feature, std::vector& entry_ids, bool disabled) const { entry_ids.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < active_entries_.size(); ++i) { if (((feature & active_entries_[i]->GetGpuFeatureFlags().flags()) != 0) && disabled == active_entries_[i]->disabled()) entry_ids.push_back(active_entries_[i]->id()); } } void GpuBlacklist::GetBlacklistReasons(ListValue* problem_list) const { DCHECK(problem_list); for (size_t i = 0; i < active_entries_.size(); ++i) { GpuBlacklistEntry* entry = active_entries_[i]; if (entry->disabled()) continue; DictionaryValue* problem = new DictionaryValue(); problem->SetString("description", entry->description()); ListValue* cr_bugs = new ListValue(); for (size_t j = 0; j < entry->cr_bugs().size(); ++j) cr_bugs->Append(Value::CreateIntegerValue(entry->cr_bugs()[j])); problem->Set("crBugs", cr_bugs); ListValue* webkit_bugs = new ListValue(); for (size_t j = 0; j < entry->webkit_bugs().size(); ++j) { webkit_bugs->Append(Value::CreateIntegerValue( entry->webkit_bugs()[j])); } problem->Set("webkitBugs", webkit_bugs); problem_list->Append(problem); } } size_t GpuBlacklist::num_entries() const { return blacklist_.size(); } uint32 GpuBlacklist::max_entry_id() const { return max_entry_id_; } bool GpuBlacklist::GetVersion(uint16* major, uint16* minor) const { DCHECK(major && minor); *major = 0; *minor = 0; if (version_.get() == NULL) return false; const std::vector& components_reference = version_->components(); if (components_reference.size() != 2) return false; *major = components_reference[0]; *minor = components_reference[1]; return true; } bool GpuBlacklist::GetVersion( const DictionaryValue& parsed_json, uint16* major, uint16* minor) { DCHECK(major && minor); *major = 0; *minor = 0; std::string version_string; if (!parsed_json.GetString("version", &version_string)) return false; scoped_ptr version(Version::GetVersionFromString(version_string)); if (version.get() == NULL) return false; const std::vector& components_reference = version->components(); if (components_reference.size() != 2) return false; *major = components_reference[0]; *minor = components_reference[1]; return true; } GpuBlacklist::OsType GpuBlacklist::GetOsType() { #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) return kOsChromeOS; #elif defined(OS_WIN) return kOsWin; #elif defined(OS_LINUX) return kOsLinux; #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) return kOsMacosx; #else return kOsUnknown; #endif } void GpuBlacklist::Clear() { blacklist_.clear(); active_entries_.clear(); max_entry_id_ = 0; contains_unknown_fields_ = false; } GpuBlacklist::BrowserVersionSupport GpuBlacklist::IsEntrySupportedByCurrentBrowserVersion( DictionaryValue* value) { DCHECK(value); DictionaryValue* browser_version_value = NULL; if (value->GetDictionary("browser_version", &browser_version_value)) { std::string version_op = "any"; std::string version_string; std::string version_string2; browser_version_value->GetString("op", &version_op); browser_version_value->GetString("number", &version_string); browser_version_value->GetString("number2", &version_string2); scoped_ptr browser_version_info; browser_version_info.reset( new VersionInfo(version_op, version_string, version_string2)); if (!browser_version_info->IsValid()) return kMalformed; if (browser_version_info->Contains(*browser_version_)) return kSupported; return kUnsupported; } return kSupported; } void GpuBlacklist::SetBrowserInfo(const std::string& browser_info_string) { std::vector pieces; base::SplitString(browser_info_string, ' ', &pieces); if (pieces.size() != 2) { pieces.resize(2); pieces[0] = "0"; pieces[1] = "unknown"; } browser_version_.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(pieces[0])); DCHECK(browser_version_.get() != NULL); browser_channel_ = StringToBrowserChannel(pieces[1]); } // static GpuBlacklist::BrowserChannel GpuBlacklist::StringToBrowserChannel( const std::string& value) { if (value == "stable") return kStable; if (value == "beta") return kBeta; if (value == "dev") return kDev; if (value == "canary") return kCanary; return kUnknown; }