// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/histogram_internals_request_job.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/metrics/statistics_recorder.h" #include "content/browser/histogram_synchronizer.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" namespace content { HistogramInternalsRequestJob::HistogramInternalsRequestJob( net::URLRequest* request, net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate) : net::URLRequestSimpleJob(request, network_delegate) { const std::string& spec = request->url().possibly_invalid_spec(); const url_parse::Parsed& parsed = request->url().parsed_for_possibly_invalid_spec(); // + 1 to skip the slash at the beginning of the path. int offset = parsed.CountCharactersBefore(url_parse::Parsed::PATH, false) + 1; if (offset < static_cast(spec.size())) path_.assign(spec.substr(offset)); } void AboutHistogram(std::string* data, const std::string& path) { #ifndef NDEBUG // We only rush the acquisition of Histogram meta-data (meta-histograms) in // Debug mode, so that developers don't damage our data that we upload to UMA // (in official builds). base::StatisticsRecorder::CollectHistogramStats("Browser"); #endif content::HistogramSynchronizer::FetchHistograms(); std::string unescaped_query; std::string unescaped_title("About Histograms"); if (!path.empty()) { unescaped_query = net::UnescapeURLComponent(path, net::UnescapeRule::NORMAL); unescaped_title += " - " + unescaped_query; } data->append("\n\n\n"); data->append( ""); data->append(""); data->append(net::EscapeForHTML(unescaped_title)); data->append("\n"); data->append(""); // Display any stats for which we sent off requests the last time. data->append("

Stats as of last page load;"); data->append("reload to get stats as of this page load.

\n"); data->append("\n"); base::StatisticsRecorder::WriteHTMLGraph(unescaped_query, data); } int HistogramInternalsRequestJob::GetData( std::string* mime_type, std::string* charset, std::string* data, const net::CompletionCallback& callback) const { mime_type->assign("text/html"); charset->assign("UTF8"); data->clear(); AboutHistogram(data, path_); return net::OK; } } // namespace content