// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_BROWSER_INDEXED_DB_INDEXED_DB_BACKING_STORE_H_ #define CONTENT_BROWSER_INDEXED_DB_INDEXED_DB_BACKING_STORE_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db.h" #include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_active_blob_registry.h" #include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_blob_info.h" #include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_leveldb_coding.h" #include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_metadata.h" #include "content/browser/indexed_db/leveldb/leveldb_iterator.h" #include "content/browser/indexed_db/leveldb/leveldb_transaction.h" #include "content/common/content_export.h" #include "content/common/indexed_db/indexed_db_key.h" #include "content/common/indexed_db/indexed_db_key_path.h" #include "content/common/indexed_db/indexed_db_key_range.h" #include "storage/browser/blob/blob_data_handle.h" #include "third_party/leveldatabase/src/include/leveldb/status.h" #include "url/gurl.h" namespace base { class SequencedTaskRunner; } namespace storage { class FileWriterDelegate; } namespace net { class URLRequestContext; } namespace content { class IndexedDBFactory; class LevelDBComparator; class LevelDBDatabase; class LevelDBFactory; struct IndexedDBValue; class CONTENT_EXPORT IndexedDBBackingStore : public base::RefCounted { public: class CONTENT_EXPORT Comparator : public LevelDBComparator { public: int Compare(const base::StringPiece& a, const base::StringPiece& b) const override; const char* Name() const override; }; class CONTENT_EXPORT RecordIdentifier { public: RecordIdentifier(const std::string& primary_key, int64 version); RecordIdentifier(); ~RecordIdentifier(); const std::string& primary_key() const { return primary_key_; } int64 version() const { return version_; } void Reset(const std::string& primary_key, int64 version) { primary_key_ = primary_key; version_ = version; } private: // TODO(jsbell): Make it more clear that this is the *encoded* version of // the key. std::string primary_key_; int64 version_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RecordIdentifier); }; class BlobWriteCallback : public base::RefCounted { public: virtual void Run(bool succeeded) = 0; protected: friend class base::RefCounted; virtual ~BlobWriteCallback() {} }; class BlobChangeRecord { public: BlobChangeRecord(const std::string& key, int64 object_store_id); ~BlobChangeRecord(); const std::string& key() const { return key_; } int64 object_store_id() const { return object_store_id_; } void SetBlobInfo(std::vector* blob_info); std::vector& mutable_blob_info() { return blob_info_; } const std::vector& blob_info() const { return blob_info_; } void SetHandles(ScopedVector* handles); scoped_ptr Clone() const; private: std::string key_; int64 object_store_id_; std::vector blob_info_; ScopedVector handles_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BlobChangeRecord); }; typedef std::map BlobChangeMap; class CONTENT_EXPORT Transaction { public: explicit Transaction(IndexedDBBackingStore* backing_store); virtual ~Transaction(); virtual void Begin(); // CommitPhaseOne determines what blobs (if any) need to be written to disk // and updates the primary blob journal, and kicks off the async writing // of the blob files. In case of crash/rollback, the journal indicates what // files should be cleaned up. // The callback will be called eventually on success or failure, or // immediately if phase one is complete due to lack of any blobs to write. virtual leveldb::Status CommitPhaseOne(scoped_refptr); // CommitPhaseTwo is called once the blob files (if any) have been written // to disk, and commits the actual transaction to the backing store, // including blob journal updates, then deletes any blob files deleted // by the transaction and not referenced by running scripts. virtual leveldb::Status CommitPhaseTwo(); virtual void Rollback(); void Reset() { backing_store_ = NULL; transaction_ = NULL; } leveldb::Status PutBlobInfoIfNeeded( int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, const std::string& object_store_data_key, std::vector*, ScopedVector* handles); void PutBlobInfo(int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, const std::string& object_store_data_key, std::vector*, ScopedVector* handles); LevelDBTransaction* transaction() { return transaction_.get(); } leveldb::Status GetBlobInfoForRecord( int64 database_id, const std::string& object_store_data_key, IndexedDBValue* value); // This holds a BlobEntryKey and the encoded IndexedDBBlobInfo vector stored // under that key. typedef std::vector > BlobEntryKeyValuePairVec; class CONTENT_EXPORT WriteDescriptor { public: WriteDescriptor(const GURL& url, int64_t key, int64_t size, base::Time last_modified); WriteDescriptor(const base::FilePath& path, int64_t key, int64_t size, base::Time last_modified); WriteDescriptor(const WriteDescriptor& other); ~WriteDescriptor(); WriteDescriptor& operator=(const WriteDescriptor& other); bool is_file() const { return is_file_; } const GURL& url() const { DCHECK(!is_file_); return url_; } const base::FilePath& file_path() const { DCHECK(is_file_); return file_path_; } int64_t key() const { return key_; } int64_t size() const { return size_; } base::Time last_modified() const { return last_modified_; } private: bool is_file_; GURL url_; base::FilePath file_path_; int64_t key_; int64_t size_; base::Time last_modified_; }; class ChainedBlobWriter : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: virtual void set_delegate( scoped_ptr delegate) = 0; // TODO(ericu): Add a reason in the event of failure. virtual void ReportWriteCompletion(bool succeeded, int64 bytes_written) = 0; virtual void Abort() = 0; protected: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; virtual ~ChainedBlobWriter() {} }; class ChainedBlobWriterImpl; typedef std::vector WriteDescriptorVec; private: class BlobWriteCallbackWrapper; // Called by CommitPhaseOne: Identifies the blob entries to write and adds // them to the primary blob journal directly (i.e. not as part of the // transaction). Populates blobs_to_write_. leveldb::Status HandleBlobPreTransaction( BlobEntryKeyValuePairVec* new_blob_entries, WriteDescriptorVec* new_files_to_write); // Called by CommitPhaseOne: Populates blob_files_to_remove_ by // determining which blobs are deleted as part of the transaction, and // adds blob entry cleanup operations to the transaction. Returns true on // success, false on failure. bool CollectBlobFilesToRemove(); // Called by CommitPhaseOne: Kicks off the asynchronous writes of blobs // identified in HandleBlobPreTransaction. The callback will be called // eventually on success or failure. void WriteNewBlobs(BlobEntryKeyValuePairVec* new_blob_entries, WriteDescriptorVec* new_files_to_write, scoped_refptr callback); // Called by CommitPhaseTwo: Partition blob references in blobs_to_remove_ // into live (active references) and dead (no references). void PartitionBlobsToRemove(BlobJournalType* dead_blobs, BlobJournalType* live_blobs) const; IndexedDBBackingStore* backing_store_; scoped_refptr transaction_; BlobChangeMap blob_change_map_; BlobChangeMap incognito_blob_map_; int64 database_id_; // List of blob files being newly written as part of this transaction. // These will be added to the primary blob journal prior to commit, then // removed after a sucessful commit. BlobJournalType blobs_to_write_; // List of blob files being deleted as part of this transaction. These will // be added to either the primary or live blob journal as appropriate // following a successful commit. BlobJournalType blobs_to_remove_; scoped_refptr chained_blob_writer_; // Set to true between CommitPhaseOne and CommitPhaseTwo/Rollback, to // indicate that the committing_transaction_count_ on the backing store // has been bumped, and journal cleaning should be deferred. bool committing_; }; class Cursor { public: enum IteratorState { READY = 0, SEEK }; virtual ~Cursor(); struct CursorOptions { CursorOptions(); ~CursorOptions(); int64 database_id; int64 object_store_id; int64 index_id; std::string low_key; bool low_open; std::string high_key; bool high_open; bool forward; bool unique; }; const IndexedDBKey& key() const { return *current_key_; } bool Continue(leveldb::Status* s) { return Continue(NULL, NULL, SEEK, s); } bool Continue(const IndexedDBKey* key, IteratorState state, leveldb::Status* s) { return Continue(key, NULL, state, s); } bool Continue(const IndexedDBKey* key, const IndexedDBKey* primary_key, IteratorState state, leveldb::Status*); bool Advance(uint32 count, leveldb::Status*); bool FirstSeek(leveldb::Status*); virtual Cursor* Clone() = 0; virtual const IndexedDBKey& primary_key() const; virtual IndexedDBValue* value() = 0; virtual const RecordIdentifier& record_identifier() const; virtual bool LoadCurrentRow(leveldb::Status* s) = 0; protected: Cursor(scoped_refptr backing_store, Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, const CursorOptions& cursor_options); explicit Cursor(const IndexedDBBackingStore::Cursor* other); virtual std::string EncodeKey(const IndexedDBKey& key) = 0; virtual std::string EncodeKey(const IndexedDBKey& key, const IndexedDBKey& primary_key) = 0; bool IsPastBounds() const; bool HaveEnteredRange() const; IndexedDBBackingStore* backing_store_; Transaction* transaction_; int64 database_id_; const CursorOptions cursor_options_; scoped_ptr iterator_; scoped_ptr current_key_; IndexedDBBackingStore::RecordIdentifier record_identifier_; private: // For cursors with direction Next or NextNoDuplicate. bool ContinueNext(const IndexedDBKey* key, const IndexedDBKey* primary_key, IteratorState state, leveldb::Status*); // For cursors with direction Prev or PrevNoDuplicate. The PrevNoDuplicate // case has additional complexity of not being symmetric with // NextNoDuplicate. bool ContinuePrevious(const IndexedDBKey* key, const IndexedDBKey* primary_key, IteratorState state, leveldb::Status*); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Cursor); }; const GURL& origin_url() const { return origin_url_; } IndexedDBFactory* factory() const { return indexed_db_factory_; } base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner() const { return task_runner_.get(); } base::OneShotTimer* close_timer() { return &close_timer_; } IndexedDBActiveBlobRegistry* active_blob_registry() { return &active_blob_registry_; } static scoped_refptr Open( IndexedDBFactory* indexed_db_factory, const GURL& origin_url, const base::FilePath& path_base, net::URLRequestContext* request_context, blink::WebIDBDataLoss* data_loss, std::string* data_loss_message, bool* disk_full, base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner, bool clean_journal, leveldb::Status* status); static scoped_refptr Open( IndexedDBFactory* indexed_db_factory, const GURL& origin_url, const base::FilePath& path_base, net::URLRequestContext* request_context, blink::WebIDBDataLoss* data_loss, std::string* data_loss_message, bool* disk_full, LevelDBFactory* leveldb_factory, base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner, bool clean_journal, leveldb::Status* status); static scoped_refptr OpenInMemory( const GURL& origin_url, base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner, leveldb::Status* status); static scoped_refptr OpenInMemory( const GURL& origin_url, LevelDBFactory* leveldb_factory, base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner, leveldb::Status* status); void GrantChildProcessPermissions(int child_process_id); // Compact is public for testing. virtual void Compact(); virtual std::vector GetDatabaseNames(leveldb::Status*); virtual leveldb::Status GetIDBDatabaseMetaData( const base::string16& name, IndexedDBDatabaseMetadata* metadata, bool* success) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status CreateIDBDatabaseMetaData( const base::string16& name, const base::string16& version, int64 int_version, int64* row_id); virtual bool UpdateIDBDatabaseIntVersion( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 row_id, int64 int_version); virtual leveldb::Status DeleteDatabase(const base::string16& name); // Assumes caller has already closed the backing store. static leveldb::Status DestroyBackingStore(const base::FilePath& path_base, const GURL& origin_url); static bool RecordCorruptionInfo(const base::FilePath& path_base, const GURL& origin_url, const std::string& message); leveldb::Status GetObjectStores( int64 database_id, IndexedDBDatabaseMetadata::ObjectStoreMap* map) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status CreateObjectStore( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, const base::string16& name, const IndexedDBKeyPath& key_path, bool auto_increment); virtual leveldb::Status DeleteObjectStore( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status GetRecord( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, const IndexedDBKey& key, IndexedDBValue* record) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status PutRecord( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, const IndexedDBKey& key, IndexedDBValue* value, ScopedVector* handles, RecordIdentifier* record) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status ClearObjectStore( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status DeleteRecord( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, const RecordIdentifier& record) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status DeleteRange( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, const IndexedDBKeyRange&) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status GetKeyGeneratorCurrentNumber( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64* current_number) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status MaybeUpdateKeyGeneratorCurrentNumber( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 new_state, bool check_current) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status KeyExistsInObjectStore( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, const IndexedDBKey& key, RecordIdentifier* found_record_identifier, bool* found) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status CreateIndex( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 index_id, const base::string16& name, const IndexedDBKeyPath& key_path, bool is_unique, bool is_multi_entry) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status DeleteIndex( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 index_id) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status PutIndexDataForRecord( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 index_id, const IndexedDBKey& key, const RecordIdentifier& record) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status GetPrimaryKeyViaIndex( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 index_id, const IndexedDBKey& key, scoped_ptr* primary_key) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual leveldb::Status KeyExistsInIndex( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 index_id, const IndexedDBKey& key, scoped_ptr* found_primary_key, bool* exists) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; // Public for IndexedDBActiveBlobRegistry::ReleaseBlobRef. virtual void ReportBlobUnused(int64 database_id, int64 blob_key); base::FilePath GetBlobFileName(int64 database_id, int64 key) const; virtual scoped_ptr OpenObjectStoreKeyCursor( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, const IndexedDBKeyRange& key_range, blink::WebIDBCursorDirection, leveldb::Status*); virtual scoped_ptr OpenObjectStoreCursor( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, const IndexedDBKeyRange& key_range, blink::WebIDBCursorDirection, leveldb::Status*); virtual scoped_ptr OpenIndexKeyCursor( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 index_id, const IndexedDBKeyRange& key_range, blink::WebIDBCursorDirection, leveldb::Status*); virtual scoped_ptr OpenIndexCursor( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 index_id, const IndexedDBKeyRange& key_range, blink::WebIDBCursorDirection, leveldb::Status*); protected: friend class base::RefCounted; IndexedDBBackingStore(IndexedDBFactory* indexed_db_factory, const GURL& origin_url, const base::FilePath& blob_path, net::URLRequestContext* request_context, scoped_ptr db, scoped_ptr comparator, base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner); virtual ~IndexedDBBackingStore(); bool is_incognito() const { return !indexed_db_factory_; } leveldb::Status SetUpMetadata(); virtual bool WriteBlobFile( int64 database_id, const Transaction::WriteDescriptor& descriptor, Transaction::ChainedBlobWriter* chained_blob_writer); // Remove the referenced file on disk. virtual bool RemoveBlobFile(int64 database_id, int64 key) const; // Schedule a call to CleanPrimaryJournalIgnoreReturn() via // an owned timer. If this object is destroyed, the timer // will automatically be cancelled. virtual void StartJournalCleaningTimer(); // Attempt to clean the primary journal. This will remove // any referenced files and delete the journal entry. If any // transaction is currently committing this will be deferred // via StartJournalCleaningTimer(). void CleanPrimaryJournalIgnoreReturn(); private: static scoped_refptr Create( IndexedDBFactory* indexed_db_factory, const GURL& origin_url, const base::FilePath& blob_path, net::URLRequestContext* request_context, scoped_ptr db, scoped_ptr comparator, base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner, leveldb::Status* status); static bool ReadCorruptionInfo(const base::FilePath& path_base, const GURL& origin_url, std::string* message); leveldb::Status FindKeyInIndex( IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction, int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 index_id, const IndexedDBKey& key, std::string* found_encoded_primary_key, bool* found); leveldb::Status GetIndexes(int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, IndexedDBObjectStoreMetadata::IndexMap* map) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; // Remove the blob directory for the specified database and all contained // blob files. bool RemoveBlobDirectory(int64 database_id) const; // Synchronously read the key-specified blob journal entry from the backing // store, delete all referenced blob files, and erase the journal entry. // This must not be used while temporary entries are present e.g. during // a two-stage transaction commit with blobs. leveldb::Status CleanUpBlobJournal(const std::string& level_db_key) const; // Synchronously delete the files and/or directories on disk referenced by // the blob journal. leveldb::Status CleanUpBlobJournalEntries( const BlobJournalType& journal) const; IndexedDBFactory* indexed_db_factory_; const GURL origin_url_; base::FilePath blob_path_; // The origin identifier is a key prefix unique to the origin used in the // leveldb backing store to partition data by origin. It is a normalized // version of the origin URL with a versioning suffix appended, e.g. // "http_localhost_81@1" Since only one origin is stored per backing store // this is redundant but necessary for backwards compatibility; the suffix // provides for future flexibility. const std::string origin_identifier_; net::URLRequestContext* request_context_; scoped_refptr task_runner_; std::set child_process_ids_granted_; BlobChangeMap incognito_blob_map_; base::OneShotTimer journal_cleaning_timer_; scoped_ptr db_; scoped_ptr comparator_; // Whenever blobs are registered in active_blob_registry_, indexed_db_factory_ // will hold a reference to this backing store. IndexedDBActiveBlobRegistry active_blob_registry_; base::OneShotTimer close_timer_; // Incremented whenever a transaction starts committing, decremented when // complete. While > 0, temporary journal entries may exist so out-of-band // journal cleaning must be deferred. size_t committing_transaction_count_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IndexedDBBackingStore); }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_BROWSER_INDEXED_DB_INDEXED_DB_BACKING_STORE_H_