// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/loader/resource_loader.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h" #include "content/browser/loader/doomed_resource_handler.h" #include "content/browser/loader/resource_loader_delegate.h" #include "content/browser/loader/resource_request_info_impl.h" #include "content/browser/ssl/ssl_client_auth_handler.h" #include "content/browser/ssl/ssl_manager.h" #include "content/common/ssl_status_serialization.h" #include "content/public/browser/cert_store.h" #include "content/public/browser/resource_dispatcher_host_login_delegate.h" #include "content/public/browser/site_instance.h" #include "content/public/common/content_client.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "content/public/common/process_type.h" #include "content/public/common/resource_response.h" #include "content/public/common/url_constants.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/ssl/client_cert_store.h" #include "net/ssl/client_cert_store_impl.h" #include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_interceptor.h" using base::TimeDelta; using base::TimeTicks; namespace content { namespace { void PopulateResourceResponse(net::URLRequest* request, ResourceResponse* response) { response->head.error_code = request->status().error(); response->head.request_time = request->request_time(); response->head.response_time = request->response_time(); response->head.headers = request->response_headers(); request->GetCharset(&response->head.charset); response->head.content_length = request->GetExpectedContentSize(); request->GetMimeType(&response->head.mime_type); net::HttpResponseInfo response_info = request->response_info(); response->head.was_fetched_via_spdy = response_info.was_fetched_via_spdy; response->head.was_npn_negotiated = response_info.was_npn_negotiated; response->head.npn_negotiated_protocol = response_info.npn_negotiated_protocol; response->head.connection_info = response_info.connection_info; response->head.was_fetched_via_proxy = request->was_fetched_via_proxy(); response->head.socket_address = request->GetSocketAddress(); appcache::AppCacheInterceptor::GetExtraResponseInfo( request, &response->head.appcache_id, &response->head.appcache_manifest_url); // TODO(mmenke): Figure out if LOAD_ENABLE_LOAD_TIMING is safe to remove. if (request->load_flags() & net::LOAD_ENABLE_LOAD_TIMING) request->GetLoadTimingInfo(&response->head.load_timing); } } // namespace ResourceLoader::ResourceLoader(scoped_ptr request, scoped_ptr handler, ResourceLoaderDelegate* delegate) : weak_ptr_factory_(this) { scoped_ptr client_cert_store; #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL) client_cert_store.reset(new net::ClientCertStoreImpl()); #endif Init(request.Pass(), handler.Pass(), delegate, client_cert_store.Pass()); } ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() { if (login_delegate_.get()) login_delegate_->OnRequestCancelled(); if (ssl_client_auth_handler_.get()) ssl_client_auth_handler_->OnRequestCancelled(); // Run ResourceHandler destructor before we tear-down the rest of our state // as the ResourceHandler may want to inspect the URLRequest and other state. handler_.reset(); } void ResourceLoader::StartRequest() { if (delegate_->HandleExternalProtocol(this, request_->url())) { CancelAndIgnore(); return; } // Give the handler a chance to delay the URLRequest from being started. bool defer_start = false; if (!handler_->OnWillStart(GetRequestInfo()->GetRequestID(), request_->url(), &defer_start)) { Cancel(); return; } if (defer_start) { deferred_stage_ = DEFERRED_START; } else { StartRequestInternal(); } } void ResourceLoader::CancelRequest(bool from_renderer) { CancelRequestInternal(net::ERR_ABORTED, from_renderer); } void ResourceLoader::CancelAndIgnore() { ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo(); info->set_was_ignored_by_handler(true); CancelRequest(false); } void ResourceLoader::CancelWithError(int error_code) { CancelRequestInternal(error_code, false); } void ResourceLoader::ReportUploadProgress() { ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo(); if (waiting_for_upload_progress_ack_) return; // Send one progress event at a time. net::UploadProgress progress = request_->GetUploadProgress(); if (!progress.size()) return; // Nothing to upload. if (progress.position() == last_upload_position_) return; // No progress made since last time. const uint64 kHalfPercentIncrements = 200; const TimeDelta kOneSecond = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000); uint64 amt_since_last = progress.position() - last_upload_position_; TimeDelta time_since_last = TimeTicks::Now() - last_upload_ticks_; bool is_finished = (progress.size() == progress.position()); bool enough_new_progress = (amt_since_last > (progress.size() / kHalfPercentIncrements)); bool too_much_time_passed = time_since_last > kOneSecond; if (is_finished || enough_new_progress || too_much_time_passed) { if (request_->load_flags() & net::LOAD_ENABLE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS) { handler_->OnUploadProgress( info->GetRequestID(), progress.position(), progress.size()); waiting_for_upload_progress_ack_ = true; } last_upload_ticks_ = TimeTicks::Now(); last_upload_position_ = progress.position(); } } void ResourceLoader::MarkAsTransferring() { is_transferring_ = true; // When an URLRequest is transferred to a new RenderViewHost, its // ResourceHandler should not receive any notifications because it may depend // on the state of the old RVH. We set a ResourceHandler that only allows // canceling requests, because on shutdown of the RDH all pending requests // are canceled. The RVH of requests that are being transferred may be gone // by that time. In CompleteTransfer, the ResoureHandlers are substituted // again. handler_.reset(new DoomedResourceHandler(handler_.Pass())); } void ResourceLoader::WillCompleteTransfer() { handler_.reset(); } void ResourceLoader::CompleteTransfer(scoped_ptr new_handler) { DCHECK_EQ(DEFERRED_REDIRECT, deferred_stage_); DCHECK(!handler_.get()); handler_ = new_handler.Pass(); handler_->SetController(this); is_transferring_ = false; Resume(); } ResourceRequestInfoImpl* ResourceLoader::GetRequestInfo() { return ResourceRequestInfoImpl::ForRequest(request_.get()); } void ResourceLoader::ClearLoginDelegate() { login_delegate_ = NULL; } void ResourceLoader::ClearSSLClientAuthHandler() { ssl_client_auth_handler_ = NULL; } void ResourceLoader::OnUploadProgressACK() { waiting_for_upload_progress_ack_ = false; } ResourceLoader::ResourceLoader( scoped_ptr request, scoped_ptr handler, ResourceLoaderDelegate* delegate, scoped_ptr client_cert_store) : weak_ptr_factory_(this) { Init(request.Pass(), handler.Pass(), delegate, client_cert_store.Pass()); } void ResourceLoader::Init(scoped_ptr request, scoped_ptr handler, ResourceLoaderDelegate* delegate, scoped_ptr client_cert_store) { deferred_stage_ = DEFERRED_NONE; request_ = request.Pass(); handler_ = handler.Pass(); delegate_ = delegate; last_upload_position_ = 0; waiting_for_upload_progress_ack_ = false; is_transferring_ = false; client_cert_store_ = client_cert_store.Pass(); request_->set_delegate(this); handler_->SetController(this); } void ResourceLoader::OnReceivedRedirect(net::URLRequest* unused, const GURL& new_url, bool* defer) { DCHECK_EQ(request_.get(), unused); VLOG(1) << "OnReceivedRedirect: " << request_->url().spec(); DCHECK(request_->status().is_success()); ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo(); if (info->process_type() != PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN && !ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance()-> CanRequestURL(info->GetChildID(), new_url)) { VLOG(1) << "Denied unauthorized request for " << new_url.possibly_invalid_spec(); // Tell the renderer that this request was disallowed. Cancel(); return; } delegate_->DidReceiveRedirect(this, new_url); if (delegate_->HandleExternalProtocol(this, new_url)) { // The request is complete so we can remove it. CancelAndIgnore(); return; } scoped_refptr response(new ResourceResponse()); PopulateResourceResponse(request_.get(), response.get()); if (!handler_->OnRequestRedirected( info->GetRequestID(), new_url, response.get(), defer)) { Cancel(); } else if (*defer) { deferred_stage_ = DEFERRED_REDIRECT; // Follow redirect when resumed. } } void ResourceLoader::OnAuthRequired(net::URLRequest* unused, net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info) { DCHECK_EQ(request_.get(), unused); if (request_->load_flags() & net::LOAD_DO_NOT_PROMPT_FOR_LOGIN) { request_->CancelAuth(); return; } if (!delegate_->AcceptAuthRequest(this, auth_info)) { request_->CancelAuth(); return; } // Create a login dialog on the UI thread to get authentication data, or pull // from cache and continue on the IO thread. DCHECK(!login_delegate_.get()) << "OnAuthRequired called with login_delegate pending"; login_delegate_ = delegate_->CreateLoginDelegate(this, auth_info); if (!login_delegate_.get()) request_->CancelAuth(); } void ResourceLoader::OnCertificateRequested( net::URLRequest* unused, net::SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_info) { DCHECK_EQ(request_.get(), unused); if (!delegate_->AcceptSSLClientCertificateRequest(this, cert_info)) { request_->Cancel(); return; } #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL) client_cert_store_->GetClientCerts(*cert_info, &cert_info->client_certs); if (cert_info->client_certs.empty()) { // No need to query the user if there are no certs to choose from. request_->ContinueWithCertificate(NULL); return; } #endif DCHECK(!ssl_client_auth_handler_.get()) << "OnCertificateRequested called with ssl_client_auth_handler pending"; ssl_client_auth_handler_ = new SSLClientAuthHandler(request_.get(), cert_info); ssl_client_auth_handler_->SelectCertificate(); } void ResourceLoader::OnSSLCertificateError(net::URLRequest* request, const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info, bool fatal) { ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo(); int render_process_id; int render_view_id; if (!info->GetAssociatedRenderView(&render_process_id, &render_view_id)) NOTREACHED(); SSLManager::OnSSLCertificateError( weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), info->GetGlobalRequestID(), info->GetResourceType(), request_->url(), render_process_id, render_view_id, ssl_info, fatal); } void ResourceLoader::OnResponseStarted(net::URLRequest* unused) { DCHECK_EQ(request_.get(), unused); VLOG(1) << "OnResponseStarted: " << request_->url().spec(); // The CanLoadPage check should take place after any server redirects have // finished, at the point in time that we know a page will commit in the // renderer process. ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo(); ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl* policy = ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance(); if (!policy->CanLoadPage(info->GetChildID(), request_->url(), info->GetResourceType())) { Cancel(); return; } if (!request_->status().is_success()) { ResponseCompleted(); return; } // We want to send a final upload progress message prior to sending the // response complete message even if we're waiting for an ack to to a // previous upload progress message. waiting_for_upload_progress_ack_ = false; ReportUploadProgress(); CompleteResponseStarted(); if (is_deferred()) return; if (request_->status().is_success()) { StartReading(false); // Read the first chunk. } else { ResponseCompleted(); } } void ResourceLoader::OnReadCompleted(net::URLRequest* unused, int bytes_read) { DCHECK_EQ(request_.get(), unused); VLOG(1) << "OnReadCompleted: \"" << request_->url().spec() << "\"" << " bytes_read = " << bytes_read; // bytes_read == -1 always implies an error. if (bytes_read == -1 || !request_->status().is_success()) { ResponseCompleted(); return; } CompleteRead(bytes_read); if (is_deferred()) return; if (request_->status().is_success() && bytes_read > 0) { StartReading(true); // Read the next chunk. } else { ResponseCompleted(); } } void ResourceLoader::CancelSSLRequest(const GlobalRequestID& id, int error, const net::SSLInfo* ssl_info) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); // The request can be NULL if it was cancelled by the renderer (as the // request of the user navigating to a new page from the location bar). if (!request_->is_pending()) return; DVLOG(1) << "CancelSSLRequest() url: " << request_->url().spec(); if (ssl_info) { request_->CancelWithSSLError(error, *ssl_info); } else { request_->CancelWithError(error); } } void ResourceLoader::ContinueSSLRequest(const GlobalRequestID& id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DVLOG(1) << "ContinueSSLRequest() url: " << request_->url().spec(); request_->ContinueDespiteLastError(); } void ResourceLoader::Resume() { DCHECK(!is_transferring_); DeferredStage stage = deferred_stage_; deferred_stage_ = DEFERRED_NONE; switch (stage) { case DEFERRED_NONE: NOTREACHED(); break; case DEFERRED_START: StartRequestInternal(); break; case DEFERRED_REDIRECT: request_->FollowDeferredRedirect(); break; case DEFERRED_READ: base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ResourceLoader::ResumeReading, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); break; case DEFERRED_FINISH: // Delay self-destruction since we don't know how we were reached. base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ResourceLoader::CallDidFinishLoading, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); break; } } void ResourceLoader::Cancel() { CancelRequest(false); } void ResourceLoader::StartRequestInternal() { DCHECK(!request_->is_pending()); request_->Start(); delegate_->DidStartRequest(this); } void ResourceLoader::CancelRequestInternal(int error, bool from_renderer) { VLOG(1) << "CancelRequestInternal: " << request_->url().spec(); ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo(); // WebKit will send us a cancel for downloads since it no longer handles // them. In this case, ignore the cancel since we handle downloads in the // browser. if (from_renderer && (info->is_download() || info->is_stream())) return; // TODO(darin): Perhaps we should really be looking to see if the status is // IO_PENDING? bool was_pending = request_->is_pending(); if (login_delegate_.get()) { login_delegate_->OnRequestCancelled(); login_delegate_ = NULL; } if (ssl_client_auth_handler_.get()) { ssl_client_auth_handler_->OnRequestCancelled(); ssl_client_auth_handler_ = NULL; } request_->CancelWithError(error); if (!was_pending) { // If the request isn't in flight, then we won't get an asynchronous // notification from the request, so we have to signal ourselves to finish // this request. base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ResourceLoader::ResponseCompleted, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } } void ResourceLoader::CompleteResponseStarted() { ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo(); scoped_refptr response(new ResourceResponse()); PopulateResourceResponse(request_.get(), response.get()); // The --site-per-process flag enables an out-of-process iframes // prototype. It works by changing the MIME type of cross-site subframe // responses to a Chrome specific one. This new type causes the subframe // to be replaced by a tag with the same URL, which results in // using a renderer in a different process. // // For prototyping purposes, we will use a small hack to ensure same site // iframes are not changed. We can compare the URL for the subframe // request with the referrer. If the two don't match, then it should be a // cross-site iframe. // Also, we don't do the MIME type change for chrome:// URLs, as those // require different privileges and are not allowed in regular renderers. // // The usage of SiteInstance::IsSameWebSite is safe on the IO thread, // if the browser_context parameter is NULL. This does not work for hosted // apps, but should be fine for prototyping. // TODO(nasko): Once the SiteInstance check is fixed, ensure we do the // right thing here. http://crbug.com/160576 const CommandLine& command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kSitePerProcess) && GetRequestInfo()->GetResourceType() == ResourceType::SUB_FRAME && response->head.mime_type == "text/html" && !request_->url().SchemeIs(chrome::kChromeUIScheme) && !SiteInstance::IsSameWebSite(NULL, request_->url(), GURL(request_->referrer()))) { response->head.mime_type = "application/browser-plugin"; } if (request_->ssl_info().cert.get()) { int cert_id = CertStore::GetInstance()->StoreCert( request_->ssl_info().cert.get(), info->GetChildID()); response->head.security_info = SerializeSecurityInfo( cert_id, request_->ssl_info().cert_status, request_->ssl_info().security_bits, request_->ssl_info().connection_status); } else { // We should not have any SSL state. DCHECK(!request_->ssl_info().cert_status && request_->ssl_info().security_bits == -1 && !request_->ssl_info().connection_status); } delegate_->DidReceiveResponse(this); bool defer = false; if (!handler_->OnResponseStarted( info->GetRequestID(), response.get(), &defer)) { Cancel(); } else if (defer) { deferred_stage_ = DEFERRED_READ; // Read first chunk when resumed. } } void ResourceLoader::StartReading(bool is_continuation) { int bytes_read = 0; ReadMore(&bytes_read); // If IO is pending, wait for the URLRequest to call OnReadCompleted. if (request_->status().is_io_pending()) return; if (!is_continuation || bytes_read <= 0) { OnReadCompleted(request_.get(), bytes_read); } else { // Else, trigger OnReadCompleted asynchronously to avoid starving the IO // thread in case the URLRequest can provide data synchronously. base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ResourceLoader::OnReadCompleted, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), request_.get(), bytes_read)); } } void ResourceLoader::ResumeReading() { DCHECK(!is_deferred()); if (request_->status().is_success()) { StartReading(false); // Read the next chunk (OK to complete synchronously). } else { ResponseCompleted(); } } void ResourceLoader::ReadMore(int* bytes_read) { ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo(); DCHECK(!is_deferred()); net::IOBuffer* buf; int buf_size; if (!handler_->OnWillRead(info->GetRequestID(), &buf, &buf_size, -1)) { Cancel(); return; } DCHECK(buf); DCHECK(buf_size > 0); request_->Read(buf, buf_size, bytes_read); // No need to check the return value here as we'll detect errors by // inspecting the URLRequest's status. } void ResourceLoader::CompleteRead(int bytes_read) { DCHECK(bytes_read >= 0); DCHECK(request_->status().is_success()); ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo(); bool defer = false; if (!handler_->OnReadCompleted(info->GetRequestID(), bytes_read, &defer)) { Cancel(); } else if (defer) { deferred_stage_ = DEFERRED_READ; // Read next chunk when resumed. } } void ResourceLoader::ResponseCompleted() { VLOG(1) << "ResponseCompleted: " << request_->url().spec(); ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo(); std::string security_info; const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info = request_->ssl_info(); if (ssl_info.cert.get() != NULL) { int cert_id = CertStore::GetInstance()->StoreCert(ssl_info.cert.get(), info->GetChildID()); security_info = SerializeSecurityInfo( cert_id, ssl_info.cert_status, ssl_info.security_bits, ssl_info.connection_status); } if (handler_->OnResponseCompleted(info->GetRequestID(), request_->status(), security_info)) { // This will result in our destruction. CallDidFinishLoading(); } else { // The handler is not ready to die yet. We will call DidFinishLoading when // we resume. deferred_stage_ = DEFERRED_FINISH; } } void ResourceLoader::CallDidFinishLoading() { delegate_->DidFinishLoading(this); } } // namespace content