// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h" #include "content/shell/shell.h" #include "content/test/content_browser_test.h" #include "content/test/content_browser_test_utils.h" #include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h" using std::string; namespace content { struct SsrcEntry { string GetSsrcAttributeString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "a=ssrc:" << id; std::map::const_iterator iter; for (iter = properties.begin(); iter != properties.end(); ++iter) { ss << " " << iter->first << ":" << iter->second; } return ss.str(); } string GetAsJSON() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "{"; std::map::const_iterator iter; for (iter = properties.begin(); iter != properties.end(); ++iter) { if (iter != properties.begin()) ss << ","; ss << "\"" << iter->first << "\":\"" << iter->second << "\""; } ss << "}"; return ss.str(); } string id; std::map properties; }; struct EventEntry { string type; string value; }; struct StatsUnit { string GetString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "{timestamp:" << timestamp << ", values:["; std::map::const_iterator iter; for (iter = values.begin(); iter != values.end(); ++iter) { ss << "'" << iter->first << "','" << iter->second << "',"; } ss << "]}"; return ss.str(); } int64 timestamp; std::map values; }; struct StatsEntry { string type; string id; StatsUnit stats; }; typedef std::map > StatsMap; class PeerConnectionEntry { public: PeerConnectionEntry(int pid, int lid) : pid_(pid), lid_(lid) {} void AddEvent(const string& type, const string& value) { EventEntry entry = {type, value}; events_.push_back(entry); } string getIdString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << pid_ << "-" << lid_; return ss.str(); } string getLogIdString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << pid_ << "-" << lid_ << "-update-log"; return ss.str(); } string getAllUpdateString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "{pid:" << pid_ << ", lid:" << lid_ << ", log:["; for (size_t i = 0; i < events_.size(); ++i) { ss << "{type:'" << events_[i].type << "', value:'" << events_[i].value << "'},"; } ss << "]}"; return ss.str(); } int pid_; int lid_; std::vector events_; // This is a record of the history of stats value reported for each stats // report id (e.g. ssrc-1234) for each stats name (e.g. framerate). // It a 2-D map with each map entry is a vector of reported values. // It is used to verify the graph data series. std::map stats_; }; static const int64 FAKE_TIME_STAMP = 3600000; class WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest: public ContentBrowserTest { public: WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest() {} virtual ~WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest() {} virtual void SetUpOnMainThread() OVERRIDE { // We need fake devices in this test since we want to run on naked VMs. We // assume these switches are set by default in content_browsertests. ASSERT_TRUE(CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStream)); ASSERT_TRUE(CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kUseFakeUIForMediaStream)); } protected: bool ExecuteJavascript(const string& javascript) { return ExecuteScript(shell()->web_contents(), javascript); } void ExpectTitle(const std::string& expected_title) const { string16 expected_title16(ASCIIToUTF16(expected_title)); TitleWatcher title_watcher(shell()->web_contents(), expected_title16); EXPECT_EQ(expected_title16, title_watcher.WaitAndGetTitle()); } // Execute the javascript of addPeerConnection. void ExecuteAddPeerConnectionJs(const PeerConnectionEntry& pc) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "{pid:" << pc.pid_ <<", lid:" << pc.lid_ << ", " << "url:'u', servers:'s', constraints:'c'}"; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteJavascript("addPeerConnection(" + ss.str() + ");")); } // Execute the javascript of removePeerConnection. void ExecuteRemovePeerConnectionJs(const PeerConnectionEntry& pc) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "{pid:" << pc.pid_ <<", lid:" << pc.lid_ << "}"; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteJavascript("removePeerConnection(" + ss.str() + ");")); } // Verifies that the DOM element with id |id| exists. void VerifyElementWithId(const string& id) { bool result = false; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send($('" + id + "') != null);", &result)); EXPECT_TRUE(result); } // Verifies that the DOM element with id |id| does not exist. void VerifyNoElementWithId(const string& id) { bool result = false; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send($('" + id + "') == null);", &result)); EXPECT_TRUE(result); } // Verifies that DOM for |pc| is correctly created with the right content. void VerifyPeerConnectionEntry(const PeerConnectionEntry& pc) { VerifyElementWithId(pc.getIdString()); if (pc.events_.size() == 0) return; string log_id = pc.getLogIdString(); VerifyElementWithId(log_id); string result; for (size_t i = 0; i < pc.events_.size(); ++i) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "var row = $('" << log_id << "').rows[" << (i + 1) << "];" "var cell = row.lastChild;" "window.domAutomationController.send(cell.firstChild.textContent);"; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( shell()->web_contents(), ss.str(), &result)); EXPECT_EQ(pc.events_[i].type + pc.events_[i].value, result); } } // Executes the javascript of updatePeerConnection and verifies the result. void ExecuteAndVerifyUpdatePeerConnection( PeerConnectionEntry& pc, const string& type, const string& value) { pc.AddEvent(type, value); std::stringstream ss; ss << "{pid:" << pc.pid_ <<", lid:" << pc.lid_ << ", type:'" << type << "', value:'" << value << "'}"; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteJavascript("updatePeerConnection(" + ss.str() + ")")); VerifyPeerConnectionEntry(pc); } // Execute addStats and verifies that the stats table has the right content. void ExecuteAndVerifyAddStats( PeerConnectionEntry& pc, const string& type, const string& id, StatsUnit& stats) { StatsEntry entry = {type, id, stats}; // Adds each new value to the map of stats history. std::map::iterator iter; for (iter = stats.values.begin(); iter != stats.values.end(); iter++) { pc.stats_[id][iter->first].push_back(iter->second); } std::stringstream ss; ss << "{pid:" << pc.pid_ << ", lid:" << pc.lid_ << "," "reports:[" << "{id:'" << id << "', type:'" << type << "', " "stats:" << stats.GetString() << "}]}"; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteJavascript("addStats(" + ss.str() + ")")); VerifyStatsTable(pc, entry); } // Verifies that the stats table has the right content. void VerifyStatsTable(const PeerConnectionEntry& pc, const StatsEntry& report) { string table_id = pc.getIdString() + "-table-" + report.id; VerifyElementWithId(table_id); std::map::const_iterator iter; for (iter = report.stats.values.begin(); iter != report.stats.values.end(); iter++) { VerifyStatsTableRow(table_id, iter->first, iter->second); } } // Verifies that the row named as |name| of the stats table |table_id| has // the correct content as |name| : |value|. void VerifyStatsTableRow(const string& table_id, const string& name, const string& value) { VerifyElementWithId(table_id + "-" + name); string result; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( shell()->web_contents(), "var row = $('" + table_id + "-" + name + "');" "var name = row.cells[0].textContent;" "var value = row.cells[1].textContent;" "window.domAutomationController.send(name + ':' + value)", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(name + ":" + value, result); } // Verifies that the graph data series consistent with pc.stats_. void VerifyStatsGraph(const PeerConnectionEntry& pc) { std::map::const_iterator stream_iter; for (stream_iter = pc.stats_.begin(); stream_iter != pc.stats_.end(); stream_iter++) { StatsMap::const_iterator stats_iter; for (stats_iter = stream_iter->second.begin(); stats_iter != stream_iter->second.end(); stats_iter++) { string graph_id = stream_iter->first + "-" + stats_iter->first; for (size_t i = 0; i < stats_iter->second.size(); ++i) { float number; std::stringstream stream(stats_iter->second[i]); stream >> number; if (stream.fail()) continue; VerifyGraphDataPoint( pc.getIdString(), graph_id, i, stats_iter->second[i]); } } } } // Verifies that the graph data point at index |index| has value |value|. void VerifyGraphDataPoint(const string& pc_id, const string& graph_id, int index, const string& value) { bool result = false; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "graphViews['" + pc_id + "-" + graph_id + "'] != null)", &result)); EXPECT_TRUE(result); std::stringstream ss; ss << "var dp = peerConnectionDataStore['" << pc_id << "']" ".getDataSeries('" << graph_id << "').dataPoints_[" << index << "];" "window.domAutomationController.send(dp.value.toString())"; string actual_value; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( shell()->web_contents(), ss.str(), &actual_value)); EXPECT_EQ(value, actual_value); } // Get the JSON string of the ssrc info from the page. string GetSsrcInfo(const string& ssrc_id) { string result; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(JSON.stringify(" "ssrcInfoManager.streamInfoContainer_['" + ssrc_id + "']))", &result)); return result; } int GetSsrcInfoBlockCount(Shell* shell) { int count = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( shell->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "document.getElementsByClassName(" "ssrcInfoManager.SSRC_INFO_BLOCK_CLASS).length);", &count)); return count; } // Verifies |dump| contains |peer_connection_number| peer connection dumps, // each containing |update_number| updates and |stats_number| stats tables. void VerifyPageDumpStructure(base::Value* dump, int peer_connection_number, int update_number, int stats_number) { EXPECT_NE((base::Value*)NULL, dump); EXPECT_EQ(base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY, dump->GetType()); base::DictionaryValue* dict_dump = static_cast(dump); EXPECT_EQ((size_t) peer_connection_number, dict_dump->size()); base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*dict_dump); for (; !it.IsAtEnd(); it.Advance()) { base::Value* value = NULL; dict_dump->Get(it.key(), &value); EXPECT_EQ(base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY, value->GetType()); base::DictionaryValue* pc_dump = static_cast(value); EXPECT_TRUE(pc_dump->HasKey("updateLog")); EXPECT_TRUE(pc_dump->HasKey("stats")); // Verifies the number of updates. pc_dump->Get("updateLog", &value); EXPECT_EQ(base::Value::TYPE_LIST, value->GetType()); base::ListValue* list = static_cast(value); EXPECT_EQ((size_t) update_number, list->GetSize()); // Verifies the number of stats tables. pc_dump->Get("stats", &value); EXPECT_EQ(base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY, value->GetType()); base::DictionaryValue* dict = static_cast(value); EXPECT_EQ((size_t) stats_number, dict->size()); } } // Verifies |dump| contains the correct statsTable and statsDataSeries for // |pc|. void VerifyStatsDump(base::Value* dump, const PeerConnectionEntry& pc, const string& report_type, const string& report_id, const StatsUnit& stats) { EXPECT_NE((base::Value*)NULL, dump); EXPECT_EQ(base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY, dump->GetType()); base::DictionaryValue* dict_dump = static_cast(dump); base::Value* value = NULL; dict_dump->Get(pc.getIdString(), &value); base::DictionaryValue* pc_dump = static_cast(value); // Verifies there is one data series per stats name. value = NULL; pc_dump->Get("stats", &value); EXPECT_EQ(base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY, value->GetType()); base::DictionaryValue* dataSeries = static_cast(value); EXPECT_EQ(stats.values.size(), dataSeries->size()); } }; IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest, AddAndRemovePeerConnection) { GURL url("chrome://webrtc-internals"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url); // Add two PeerConnections and then remove them. PeerConnectionEntry pc_1(1, 0); ExecuteAddPeerConnectionJs(pc_1); VerifyPeerConnectionEntry(pc_1); PeerConnectionEntry pc_2(2, 1); ExecuteAddPeerConnectionJs(pc_2); VerifyPeerConnectionEntry(pc_2); ExecuteRemovePeerConnectionJs(pc_1); VerifyNoElementWithId(pc_1.getIdString()); VerifyPeerConnectionEntry(pc_2); ExecuteRemovePeerConnectionJs(pc_2); VerifyNoElementWithId(pc_2.getIdString()); } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest, UpdateAllPeerConnections) { GURL url("chrome://webrtc-internals"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url); PeerConnectionEntry pc_0(1, 0); pc_0.AddEvent("e1", "v1"); pc_0.AddEvent("e2", "v2"); PeerConnectionEntry pc_1(1, 1); pc_1.AddEvent("e3", "v3"); pc_1.AddEvent("e4", "v4"); string pc_array = "[" + pc_0.getAllUpdateString() + ", " + pc_1.getAllUpdateString() + "]"; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteJavascript("updateAllPeerConnections(" + pc_array + ");")); VerifyPeerConnectionEntry(pc_0); VerifyPeerConnectionEntry(pc_1); } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest, UpdatePeerConnection) { GURL url("chrome://webrtc-internals"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url); // Add one PeerConnection and send one update. PeerConnectionEntry pc_1(1, 0); ExecuteAddPeerConnectionJs(pc_1); ExecuteAndVerifyUpdatePeerConnection(pc_1, "e1", "v1"); // Add another PeerConnection and send two updates. PeerConnectionEntry pc_2(1, 1); ExecuteAddPeerConnectionJs(pc_2); SsrcEntry ssrc1, ssrc2; ssrc1.id = "ssrcid1"; ssrc1.properties["msid"] = "mymsid"; ssrc2.id = "ssrcid2"; ssrc2.properties["label"] = "mylabel"; ssrc2.properties["cname"] = "mycname"; ExecuteAndVerifyUpdatePeerConnection(pc_2, "setRemoteDescription", ssrc1.GetSsrcAttributeString()); ExecuteAndVerifyUpdatePeerConnection(pc_2, "setLocalDescription", ssrc2.GetSsrcAttributeString()); EXPECT_EQ(ssrc1.GetAsJSON(), GetSsrcInfo(ssrc1.id)); EXPECT_EQ(ssrc2.GetAsJSON(), GetSsrcInfo(ssrc2.id)); StatsUnit stats = {FAKE_TIME_STAMP}; stats.values["ssrc"] = ssrc1.id; ExecuteAndVerifyAddStats(pc_2, "ssrc", "dummyId", stats); EXPECT_GT(GetSsrcInfoBlockCount(shell()), 0); } // Tests that adding random named stats updates the dataSeries and graphs. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest, AddStats) { GURL url("chrome://webrtc-internals"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url); PeerConnectionEntry pc(1, 0); ExecuteAddPeerConnectionJs(pc); const string type = "ssrc"; const string id = "ssrc-1234"; StatsUnit stats = {FAKE_TIME_STAMP}; stats.values["trackId"] = "abcd"; stats.values["bitrate"] = "2000"; stats.values["framerate"] = "30"; // Add new stats and verify the stats table and graphs. ExecuteAndVerifyAddStats(pc, type, id, stats); VerifyStatsGraph(pc); // Update existing stats and verify the stats table and graphs. stats.values["bitrate"] = "2001"; stats.values["framerate"] = "31"; ExecuteAndVerifyAddStats(pc, type, id, stats); VerifyStatsGraph(pc); } // Tests that the bandwidth estimation values are drawn on a single graph. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest, BweCompoundGraph) { GURL url("chrome://webrtc-internals"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url); PeerConnectionEntry pc(1, 0); ExecuteAddPeerConnectionJs(pc); StatsUnit stats = {FAKE_TIME_STAMP}; stats.values["googAvailableSendBandwidth"] = "1000000"; stats.values["googTargetEncBitrate"] = "1000"; stats.values["googActualEncBitrate"] = "1000000"; stats.values["googRetransmitBitrate"] = "10"; stats.values["googTransmitBitrate"] = "1000000"; const string stats_type = "bwe"; const string stats_id = "videobwe"; ExecuteAndVerifyAddStats(pc, stats_type, stats_id, stats); string graph_id = pc.getIdString() + "-" + stats_id + "-bweCompound"; bool result = false; // Verify that the bweCompound graph exists. ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " graphViews['" + graph_id + "'] != null)", &result)); EXPECT_TRUE(result); // Verify that the bweCompound graph contains multiple dataSeries. int count = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " graphViews['" + graph_id + "'].getDataSeriesCount())", &count)); EXPECT_EQ((int)stats.values.size(), count); } // Tests that the total packet/byte count is converted to count per second, // and the converted data is drawn. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest, ConvertedGraphs) { GURL url("chrome://webrtc-internals"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url); PeerConnectionEntry pc(1, 0); ExecuteAddPeerConnectionJs(pc); const string stats_type = "s"; const string stats_id = "1"; const int num_converted_stats = 4; const string stats_names[] = {"packetsSent", "bytesSent", "packetsReceived", "bytesReceived"}; const string converted_names[] = {"packetsSentPerSecond", "bitsSentPerSecond", "packetsReceivedPerSecond", "bitsReceivedPerSecond"}; const string first_value = "1000"; const string second_value = "2000"; const string converted_values[] = {"1000", "8000", "1000", "8000"}; // Send the first data point. StatsUnit stats = {FAKE_TIME_STAMP}; for (int i = 0; i < num_converted_stats; ++i) stats.values[stats_names[i]] = first_value; ExecuteAndVerifyAddStats(pc, stats_type, stats_id, stats); // Send the second data point at 1000ms after the first data point. stats.timestamp += 1000; for (int i = 0; i < num_converted_stats; ++i) stats.values[stats_names[i]] = second_value; ExecuteAndVerifyAddStats(pc, stats_type, stats_id, stats); // Verifies the graph data matches converted_values. for (int i = 0; i < num_converted_stats; ++i) { VerifyGraphDataPoint(pc.getIdString(), stats_id + "-" + converted_names[i], 1, converted_values[i]); } } #if defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) && defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) // Timing out on ARM linux bot: http://crbug.com/238490 #define MAYBE_WithRealPeerConnectionCall DISABLED_WithRealPeerConnectionCall #else #define MAYBE_WithRealPeerConnectionCall WithRealPeerConnectionCall #endif // Sanity check of the page content under a real PeerConnection call. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest, MAYBE_WithRealPeerConnectionCall) { // Start a peerconnection call in the first window. ASSERT_TRUE(embedded_test_server()->InitializeAndWaitUntilReady()); GURL url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/media/peerconnection-call.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), url); ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteJavascript("call({video:true});")); ExpectTitle("OK"); // Open webrtc-internals in the second window. GURL url2("chrome://webrtc-internals"); Shell* shell2 = CreateBrowser(); NavigateToURL(shell2, url2); const int NUMBER_OF_PEER_CONNECTIONS = 2; // Verifies the number of peerconnections. int count = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( shell2->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "$('peer-connections-list').getElementsByTagName('li').length);", &count)); EXPECT_EQ(NUMBER_OF_PEER_CONNECTIONS, count); // Verifies the the event tables. ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( shell2->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send($('peer-connections-list')" ".getElementsByClassName('update-log-table').length);", &count)); EXPECT_EQ(NUMBER_OF_PEER_CONNECTIONS, count); ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( shell2->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send($('peer-connections-list')" ".getElementsByClassName('update-log-table')[0].rows.length);", &count)); EXPECT_GT(count, 1); ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( shell2->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send($('peer-connections-list')" ".getElementsByClassName('update-log-table')[1].rows.length);", &count)); EXPECT_GT(count, 1); // Wait until the stats table containers are created. count = 0; while (count != NUMBER_OF_PEER_CONNECTIONS) { ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( shell2->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "$('peer-connections-list').getElementsByClassName(" "'stats-table-container').length);", &count)); } // Verifies each stats table having more than one rows. bool result = false; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( shell2->web_contents(), "var tableContainers = $('peer-connections-list')" ".getElementsByClassName('stats-table-container');" "var result = true;" "for (var i = 0; i < tableContainers.length && result; ++i) {" "var tables = tableContainers[i].getElementsByTagName('table');" "for (var j = 0; j < tables.length && result; ++j) {" "result = (tables[j].rows.length > 1);" "}" "if (!result) {" "console.log(tableContainers[i].innerHTML);" "}" "}" "window.domAutomationController.send(result);", &result)); EXPECT_TRUE(result); count = GetSsrcInfoBlockCount(shell2); EXPECT_GT(count, 0); } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WebRTCInternalsBrowserTest, CreatePageDump) { GURL url("chrome://webrtc-internals"); NavigateToURL(shell(), url); PeerConnectionEntry pc_0(1, 0); pc_0.AddEvent("e1", "v1"); pc_0.AddEvent("e2", "v2"); PeerConnectionEntry pc_1(1, 1); pc_1.AddEvent("e3", "v3"); pc_1.AddEvent("e4", "v4"); string pc_array = "[" + pc_0.getAllUpdateString() + ", " + pc_1.getAllUpdateString() + "]"; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteJavascript("updateAllPeerConnections(" + pc_array + ");")); // Verifies the peer connection data store can be created without stats. string dump_json; ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "JSON.stringify(peerConnectionDataStore));", &dump_json)); scoped_ptr dump; dump.reset(base::JSONReader::Read(dump_json)); VerifyPageDumpStructure(dump.get(), 2 /*peer_connection_number*/, 2 /*update_number*/, 0 /*stats_number*/); // Adds a stats report. const string type = "dummy"; const string id = "1234"; StatsUnit stats = { FAKE_TIME_STAMP }; stats.values["bitrate"] = "2000"; stats.values["framerate"] = "30"; ExecuteAndVerifyAddStats(pc_0, type, id, stats); ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "JSON.stringify(peerConnectionDataStore));", &dump_json)); dump.reset(base::JSONReader::Read(dump_json)); VerifyStatsDump(dump.get(), pc_0, type, id, stats); } } // namespace content