// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/plugin_data_remover_impl.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/version.h" #include "content/browser/plugin_process_host.h" #include "content/browser/plugin_service_impl.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/pepper_file_message_filter.h" #include "content/common/child_process_host_impl.h" #include "content/common/plugin_messages.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/common/pepper_plugin_info.h" #include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_messages.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_group.h" namespace content { namespace { const char kFlashMimeType[] = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; // The minimum Flash Player version that implements NPP_ClearSiteData. const char kMinFlashVersion[] = "10.3"; const int64 kRemovalTimeoutMs = 10000; const uint64 kClearAllData = 0; } // namespace // static PluginDataRemover* PluginDataRemover::Create(BrowserContext* browser_context) { return new PluginDataRemoverImpl(browser_context); } // static bool PluginDataRemover::IsSupported(webkit::WebPluginInfo* plugin) { bool allow_wildcard = false; std::vector plugins; PluginService::GetInstance()->GetPluginInfoArray( GURL(), kFlashMimeType, allow_wildcard, &plugins, NULL); std::vector::iterator plugin_it = plugins.begin(); if (plugin_it == plugins.end()) return false; scoped_ptr version( webkit::npapi::PluginGroup::CreateVersionFromString(plugin_it->version)); scoped_ptr min_version( Version::GetVersionFromString(kMinFlashVersion)); bool rv = version.get() && min_version->CompareTo(*version) == -1; if (rv) *plugin = *plugin_it; return rv; } class PluginDataRemoverImpl::Context : public PluginProcessHost::Client, public PpapiPluginProcessHost::BrokerClient, public IPC::Channel::Listener, public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: Context(base::Time begin_time, BrowserContext* browser_context) : event_(new base::WaitableEvent(true, false)), begin_time_(begin_time), is_removing_(false), browser_context_path_(browser_context->GetPath()), resource_context_(browser_context->GetResourceContext()), channel_(NULL) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); } virtual ~Context() { } void Init(const std::string& mime_type) { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Context::InitOnIOThread, this, mime_type)); BrowserThread::PostDelayedTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Context::OnTimeout, this), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kRemovalTimeoutMs)); } void InitOnIOThread(const std::string& mime_type) { PluginServiceImpl* plugin_service = PluginServiceImpl::GetInstance(); // Get the plugin file path. std::vector plugins; plugin_service->GetPluginInfoArray( GURL(), mime_type, false, &plugins, NULL); FilePath plugin_path; if (!plugins.empty()) // May be empty for some tests. plugin_path = plugins[0].path; DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); remove_start_time_ = base::Time::Now(); is_removing_ = true; // Balanced in On[Ppapi]ChannelOpened or OnError. Exactly one them will // eventually be called, so we need to keep this object around until then. AddRef(); PepperPluginInfo* pepper_info = plugin_service->GetRegisteredPpapiPluginInfo(plugin_path); if (pepper_info) { plugin_name_ = pepper_info->name; // Use the broker since we run this function outside the sandbox. plugin_service->OpenChannelToPpapiBroker(plugin_path, this); } else { plugin_service->OpenChannelToNpapiPlugin( 0, 0, GURL(), GURL(), mime_type, this); } } // Called when a timeout happens in order not to block the client // indefinitely. void OnTimeout() { LOG_IF(ERROR, is_removing_) << "Timed out"; SignalDone(); } // PluginProcessHost::Client methods. virtual int ID() OVERRIDE { // Generate a unique identifier for this PluginProcessHostClient. return ChildProcessHostImpl::GenerateChildProcessUniqueId(); } virtual bool OffTheRecord() OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual ResourceContext* GetResourceContext() OVERRIDE { return resource_context_; } virtual void SetPluginInfo(const webkit::WebPluginInfo& info) OVERRIDE { } virtual void OnFoundPluginProcessHost(PluginProcessHost* host) OVERRIDE { } virtual void OnSentPluginChannelRequest() OVERRIDE { } virtual void OnChannelOpened(const IPC::ChannelHandle& handle) OVERRIDE { ConnectToChannel(handle, false); // Balancing the AddRef call. Release(); } virtual void OnError() OVERRIDE { LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't open plugin channel"; SignalDone(); // Balancing the AddRef call. Release(); } // PpapiPluginProcessHost::BrokerClient implementation. virtual void GetPpapiChannelInfo(base::ProcessHandle* renderer_handle, int* renderer_id) OVERRIDE { *renderer_id = 0; } virtual void OnPpapiChannelOpened( base::ProcessHandle plugin_process_handle, const IPC::ChannelHandle& channel_handle, int /* child_id */) OVERRIDE { if (plugin_process_handle != base::kNullProcessHandle) ConnectToChannel(channel_handle, true); // Balancing the AddRef call. Release(); } // IPC::Channel::Listener methods. virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE { IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(Context, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_ClearSiteDataResult, OnClearSiteDataResult) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PpapiHostMsg_ClearSiteDataResult, OnClearSiteDataResult) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED_ERROR() IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() return true; } virtual void OnChannelError() OVERRIDE { if (is_removing_) { NOTREACHED() << "Channel error"; SignalDone(); } } base::WaitableEvent* event() { return event_.get(); } private: // Connects the client side of a newly opened plug-in channel. void ConnectToChannel(const IPC::ChannelHandle& handle, bool is_ppapi) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); // If we timed out, don't bother connecting. if (!is_removing_) return; DCHECK(!channel_.get()); channel_.reset(new IPC::Channel(handle, IPC::Channel::MODE_CLIENT, this)); if (!channel_->Connect()) { NOTREACHED() << "Couldn't connect to plugin"; SignalDone(); return; } uint64 max_age = begin_time_.is_null() ? std::numeric_limits::max() : (base::Time::Now() - begin_time_).InSeconds(); IPC::Message* msg; if (is_ppapi) { FilePath profile_path = PepperFileMessageFilter::GetDataDirName(browser_context_path_); // TODO(vtl): This "duplicates" logic in webkit/plugins/ppapi/file_path.cc // (which prepends the plugin name to the relative part of the path // instead, with the absolute, profile-dependent part being enforced by // the browser). #if defined(OS_WIN) FilePath plugin_data_path = profile_path.Append(FilePath(UTF8ToUTF16(plugin_name_))); #else FilePath plugin_data_path = profile_path.Append(FilePath(plugin_name_)); #endif msg = new PpapiMsg_ClearSiteData(plugin_data_path, std::string(), kClearAllData, max_age); } else { msg = new PluginMsg_ClearSiteData(std::string(), kClearAllData, max_age); } if (!channel_->Send(msg)) { NOTREACHED() << "Couldn't send ClearSiteData message"; SignalDone(); return; } } // Handles the *HostMsg_ClearSiteDataResult message. void OnClearSiteDataResult(bool success) { LOG_IF(ERROR, !success) << "ClearSiteData returned error"; UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("ClearPluginData.time", base::Time::Now() - remove_start_time_); SignalDone(); } // Signals that we are finished with removing data (successful or not). This // method is safe to call multiple times. void SignalDone() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); if (!is_removing_) return; is_removing_ = false; event_->Signal(); } scoped_ptr event_; // The point in time when we start removing data. base::Time remove_start_time_; // The point in time from which on we remove data. base::Time begin_time_; bool is_removing_; // Path for the current profile. Must be retrieved on the UI thread from the // browser context when we start so we can use it later on the I/O thread. FilePath browser_context_path_; // The resource context for the profile. Use only on the I/O thread. ResourceContext* resource_context_; // The name of the plugin. Use only on the I/O thread. std::string plugin_name_; // The channel is NULL until we have opened a connection to the plug-in // process. scoped_ptr channel_; }; PluginDataRemoverImpl::PluginDataRemoverImpl(BrowserContext* browser_context) : mime_type_(kFlashMimeType), browser_context_(browser_context) { } PluginDataRemoverImpl::~PluginDataRemoverImpl() { } base::WaitableEvent* PluginDataRemoverImpl::StartRemoving( base::Time begin_time) { DCHECK(!context_.get()); context_ = new Context(begin_time, browser_context_); context_->Init(mime_type_); return context_->event(); } } // namespace content