// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/media_stream_manager.h" #include <list> #include <vector> #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/power_monitor/power_monitor.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/threading/thread.h" #include "content/browser/browser_main_loop.h" #include "content/browser/media/capture/web_contents_capture_util.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_device_manager.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/device_request_message_filter.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/media_capture_devices_impl.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/media_stream_requester.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/media_stream_ui_proxy.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/video_capture_manager.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host_impl.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h" #include "content/public/browser/media_device_id.h" #include "content/public/browser/media_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/media_request_state.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "content/public/common/media_stream_request.h" #include "media/audio/audio_manager_base.h" #include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h" #include "media/base/channel_layout.h" #include "url/gurl.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h" #endif namespace content { // Forward declaration of DeviceMonitorMac and its only useable method. class DeviceMonitorMac { public: void StartMonitoring(); }; namespace { // Creates a random label used to identify requests. std::string RandomLabel() { // An earlier PeerConnection spec, // http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/webrtc.html, specified the // MediaStream::label alphabet as containing 36 characters from // range: U+0021, U+0023 to U+0027, U+002A to U+002B, U+002D to U+002E, // U+0030 to U+0039, U+0041 to U+005A, U+005E to U+007E. // Here we use a safe subset. static const char kAlphabet[] = "0123456789" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; std::string label(36, ' '); for (size_t i = 0; i < label.size(); ++i) { int random_char = base::RandGenerator(sizeof(kAlphabet) - 1); label[i] = kAlphabet[random_char]; } return label; } void ParseStreamType(const StreamOptions& options, MediaStreamType* audio_type, MediaStreamType* video_type) { *audio_type = MEDIA_NO_SERVICE; *video_type = MEDIA_NO_SERVICE; if (options.audio_requested) { std::string audio_stream_source; bool mandatory = false; if (options.GetFirstAudioConstraintByName(kMediaStreamSource, &audio_stream_source, &mandatory)) { DCHECK(mandatory); // This is tab or screen capture. if (audio_stream_source == kMediaStreamSourceTab) { *audio_type = content::MEDIA_TAB_AUDIO_CAPTURE; } else if (audio_stream_source == kMediaStreamSourceSystem) { *audio_type = content::MEDIA_LOOPBACK_AUDIO_CAPTURE; } } else { // This is normal audio device capture. *audio_type = MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE; } } if (options.video_requested) { std::string video_stream_source; bool mandatory = false; if (options.GetFirstVideoConstraintByName(kMediaStreamSource, &video_stream_source, &mandatory)) { DCHECK(mandatory); // This is tab or screen capture. if (video_stream_source == kMediaStreamSourceTab) { *video_type = content::MEDIA_TAB_VIDEO_CAPTURE; } else if (video_stream_source == kMediaStreamSourceScreen) { *video_type = content::MEDIA_DESKTOP_VIDEO_CAPTURE; } else if (video_stream_source == kMediaStreamSourceDesktop) { *video_type = content::MEDIA_DESKTOP_VIDEO_CAPTURE; } } else { // This is normal video device capture. *video_type = MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; } } } // Private helper method for SendMessageToNativeLog() that obtains the global // MediaStreamManager instance on the UI thread before sending |message| to the // webrtcLoggingPrivate API. void DoAddLogMessage(const std::string& message) { // Must be on the UI thread to access BrowserMainLoop. DCHECK(content::BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(content::BrowserThread::UI)); // May be null in tests. // TODO(vrk): Handle this more elegantly by having native log messages become // no-ops until MediaStreamManager is aware that a renderer process has // started logging. crbug.com/333894 if (content::BrowserMainLoop::GetInstance()) { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::AddLogMessageOnIOThread, base::Unretained(content::BrowserMainLoop::GetInstance() ->media_stream_manager()), message)); } } // Private helper method to generate a string for the log message that lists the // human readable names of |devices|. std::string GetLogMessageString(MediaStreamType stream_type, const StreamDeviceInfoArray& devices) { std::string output_string = base::StringPrintf("Getting devices for stream type %d:\n", stream_type); if (devices.empty()) { output_string += "No devices found."; } else { for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::const_iterator it = devices.begin(); it != devices.end(); ++it) { output_string += " " + it->device.name + "\n"; } } return output_string; } // Needed for MediaStreamManager::GenerateStream below. std::string ReturnEmptySalt() { return std::string(); } } // namespace // MediaStreamManager::DeviceRequest represents a request to either enumerate // available devices or open one or more devices. // TODO(perkj): MediaStreamManager still needs refactoring. I propose we create // several subclasses of DeviceRequest and move some of the responsibility of // the MediaStreamManager to the subclasses to get rid of the way too many if // statements in MediaStreamManager. class MediaStreamManager::DeviceRequest { public: DeviceRequest(MediaStreamRequester* requester, int requesting_process_id, int requesting_view_id, int page_request_id, const GURL& security_origin, bool user_gesture, MediaStreamRequestType request_type, const StreamOptions& options, const ResourceContext::SaltCallback& salt_callback) : requester(requester), requesting_process_id(requesting_process_id), requesting_view_id(requesting_view_id), page_request_id(page_request_id), security_origin(security_origin), user_gesture(user_gesture), request_type(request_type), options(options), salt_callback(salt_callback), state_(NUM_MEDIA_TYPES, MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_NOT_REQUESTED), audio_type_(MEDIA_NO_SERVICE), video_type_(MEDIA_NO_SERVICE) { } ~DeviceRequest() {} void SetAudioType(MediaStreamType audio_type) { DCHECK(IsAudioMediaType(audio_type) || audio_type == MEDIA_NO_SERVICE); audio_type_ = audio_type; } MediaStreamType audio_type() const { return audio_type_; } void SetVideoType(MediaStreamType video_type) { DCHECK(IsVideoMediaType(video_type) || video_type == MEDIA_NO_SERVICE); video_type_ = video_type; } MediaStreamType video_type() const { return video_type_; } // Creates a MediaStreamRequest object that is used by this request when UI // is asked for permission and device selection. void CreateUIRequest(const std::string& requested_audio_device_id, const std::string& requested_video_device_id) { DCHECK(!ui_request_); ui_request_.reset(new MediaStreamRequest(requesting_process_id, requesting_view_id, page_request_id, security_origin, user_gesture, request_type, requested_audio_device_id, requested_video_device_id, audio_type_, video_type_)); } // Creates a tab capture specific MediaStreamRequest object that is used by // this request when UI is asked for permission and device selection. void CreateTabCatureUIRequest(int target_render_process_id, int target_render_view_id, const std::string& tab_capture_id) { DCHECK(!ui_request_); ui_request_.reset(new MediaStreamRequest(target_render_process_id, target_render_view_id, page_request_id, security_origin, user_gesture, request_type, "", "", audio_type_, video_type_)); ui_request_->tab_capture_device_id = tab_capture_id; } const MediaStreamRequest* UIRequest() const { return ui_request_.get(); } // Update the request state and notify observers. void SetState(MediaStreamType stream_type, MediaRequestState new_state) { if (stream_type == NUM_MEDIA_TYPES) { for (int i = MEDIA_NO_SERVICE + 1; i < NUM_MEDIA_TYPES; ++i) { const MediaStreamType stream_type = static_cast<MediaStreamType>(i); state_[stream_type] = new_state; } } else { state_[stream_type] = new_state; } MediaObserver* media_observer = GetContentClient()->browser()->GetMediaObserver(); if (!media_observer) return; // If |ui_request_| doesn't exist, it means that the request has not yet // been setup fully and there are no valid observers. if (!ui_request_) return; // If we appended a device_id scheme, we want to remove it when notifying // observers which may be in different modules since this scheme is only // used internally within the content module. std::string device_id = WebContentsCaptureUtil::StripWebContentsDeviceScheme( ui_request_->tab_capture_device_id); media_observer->OnMediaRequestStateChanged( ui_request_->render_process_id, ui_request_->render_view_id, ui_request_->page_request_id, ui_request_->security_origin, MediaStreamDevice(stream_type, device_id, device_id), new_state); } MediaRequestState state(MediaStreamType stream_type) const { return state_[stream_type]; } MediaStreamRequester* const requester; // Can be NULL. // The render process id that requested this stream to be generated and that // will receive a handle to the MediaStream. This may be different from // MediaStreamRequest::render_process_id which in the tab capture case // specifies the target renderer from which audio and video is captured. const int requesting_process_id; // The render view id that requested this stream to be generated and that // will receive a handle to the MediaStream. This may be different from // MediaStreamRequest::render_view_id which in the tab capture case // specifies the target renderer from which audio and video is captured. const int requesting_view_id; // An ID the render view provided to identify this request. const int page_request_id; const GURL security_origin; const bool user_gesture; const MediaStreamRequestType request_type; const StreamOptions options; ResourceContext::SaltCallback salt_callback; StreamDeviceInfoArray devices; // Callback to the requester which audio/video devices have been selected. // It can be null if the requester has no interest to know the result. // Currently it is only used by |DEVICE_ACCESS| type. MediaStreamManager::MediaRequestResponseCallback callback; scoped_ptr<MediaStreamUIProxy> ui_proxy; private: std::vector<MediaRequestState> state_; scoped_ptr<MediaStreamRequest> ui_request_; MediaStreamType audio_type_; MediaStreamType video_type_; }; MediaStreamManager::EnumerationCache::EnumerationCache() : valid(false) { } MediaStreamManager::EnumerationCache::~EnumerationCache() { } MediaStreamManager::MediaStreamManager() : audio_manager_(NULL), monitoring_started_(false), io_loop_(NULL), use_fake_ui_(false) {} MediaStreamManager::MediaStreamManager(media::AudioManager* audio_manager) : audio_manager_(audio_manager), monitoring_started_(false), io_loop_(NULL), use_fake_ui_(false) { DCHECK(audio_manager_); memset(active_enumeration_ref_count_, 0, sizeof(active_enumeration_ref_count_)); // Some unit tests create the MSM in the IO thread and assumes the // initialization is done synchronously. if (BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)) { InitializeDeviceManagersOnIOThread(); } else { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::InitializeDeviceManagersOnIOThread, base::Unretained(this))); } base::PowerMonitor* power_monitor = base::PowerMonitor::Get(); // BrowserMainLoop always creates the PowerMonitor instance before creating // MediaStreamManager, but power_monitor may be NULL in unit tests. if (power_monitor) power_monitor->AddObserver(this); } MediaStreamManager::~MediaStreamManager() { DVLOG(1) << "~MediaStreamManager"; DCHECK(requests_.empty()); DCHECK(!device_task_runner_); base::PowerMonitor* power_monitor = base::PowerMonitor::Get(); // The PowerMonitor instance owned by BrowserMainLoops always outlives the // MediaStreamManager, but it may be NULL in unit tests. if (power_monitor) power_monitor->RemoveObserver(this); } VideoCaptureManager* MediaStreamManager::video_capture_manager() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DCHECK(video_capture_manager_.get()); return video_capture_manager_.get(); } AudioInputDeviceManager* MediaStreamManager::audio_input_device_manager() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DCHECK(audio_input_device_manager_.get()); return audio_input_device_manager_.get(); } std::string MediaStreamManager::MakeMediaAccessRequest( int render_process_id, int render_view_id, int page_request_id, const StreamOptions& options, const GURL& security_origin, const MediaRequestResponseCallback& callback) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); // TODO(perkj): The argument list with NULL parameters to DeviceRequest // suggests that this is the wrong design. Can this be refactored? DeviceRequest* request = new DeviceRequest(NULL, render_process_id, render_view_id, page_request_id, security_origin, false, // user gesture MEDIA_DEVICE_ACCESS, options, base::Bind(&ReturnEmptySalt)); const std::string& label = AddRequest(request); request->callback = callback; // Post a task and handle the request asynchronously. The reason is that the // requester won't have a label for the request until this function returns // and thus can not handle a response. Using base::Unretained is safe since // MediaStreamManager is deleted on the UI thread, after the IO thread has // been stopped. BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::SetupRequest, base::Unretained(this), label)); return label; } void MediaStreamManager::GenerateStream(MediaStreamRequester* requester, int render_process_id, int render_view_id, const ResourceContext::SaltCallback& sc, int page_request_id, const StreamOptions& options, const GURL& security_origin, bool user_gesture) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DVLOG(1) << "GenerateStream()"; if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kUseFakeUIForMediaStream)) { UseFakeUI(scoped_ptr<FakeMediaStreamUIProxy>()); } DeviceRequest* request = new DeviceRequest(requester, render_process_id, render_view_id, page_request_id, security_origin, user_gesture, MEDIA_GENERATE_STREAM, options, sc); const std::string& label = AddRequest(request); // Post a task and handle the request asynchronously. The reason is that the // requester won't have a label for the request until this function returns // and thus can not handle a response. Using base::Unretained is safe since // MediaStreamManager is deleted on the UI thread, after the IO thread has // been stopped. BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::SetupRequest, base::Unretained(this), label)); } void MediaStreamManager::CancelRequest(int render_process_id, int render_view_id, int page_request_id) { for (DeviceRequests::const_iterator request_it = requests_.begin(); request_it != requests_.end(); ++request_it) { const DeviceRequest* request = request_it->second; if (request->requesting_process_id == render_process_id && request->requesting_view_id == render_view_id && request->page_request_id == page_request_id) { CancelRequest(request_it->first); return; } } NOTREACHED(); } void MediaStreamManager::CancelRequest(const std::string& label) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DVLOG(1) << "CancelRequest({label = " << label << "})"; DeviceRequest* request = FindRequest(label); if (!request) { // The request does not exist. LOG(ERROR) << "The request with label = " << label << " does not exist."; return; } if (request->request_type == MEDIA_ENUMERATE_DEVICES) { // It isn't an ideal use of "CancelRequest" to make it a requirement // for enumeration requests to be deleted via "CancelRequest" _after_ // the request has been successfully fulfilled. // See note in FinalizeEnumerateDevices for a recommendation on how // we should refactor this. DeleteRequest(label); return; } // This is a request for opening one or more devices. for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::iterator device_it = request->devices.begin(); device_it != request->devices.end(); ++device_it) { MediaRequestState state = request->state(device_it->device.type); // If we have not yet requested the device to be opened - just ignore it. if (state != MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_OPENING && state != MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_DONE) { continue; } // Stop the opening/opened devices of the requests. CloseDevice(device_it->device.type, device_it->session_id); } // Cancel the request if still pending at UI side. request->SetState(NUM_MEDIA_TYPES, MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_CLOSING); DeleteRequest(label); } void MediaStreamManager::CancelAllRequests(int render_process_id) { DeviceRequests::iterator request_it = requests_.begin(); while (request_it != requests_.end()) { if (request_it->second->requesting_process_id != render_process_id) { ++request_it; continue; } std::string label = request_it->first; ++request_it; CancelRequest(label); } } void MediaStreamManager::StopStreamDevice(int render_process_id, int render_view_id, const std::string& device_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DVLOG(1) << "StopStreamDevice({render_view_id = " << render_view_id << "} " << ", {device_id = " << device_id << "})"; // Find the first request for this |render_process_id| and |render_view_id| // of type MEDIA_GENERATE_STREAM that has requested to use |device_id| and // stop it. for (DeviceRequests::iterator request_it = requests_.begin(); request_it != requests_.end(); ++request_it) { DeviceRequest* request = request_it->second; if (request->requesting_process_id != render_process_id || request->requesting_view_id != render_view_id || request->request_type != MEDIA_GENERATE_STREAM) { continue; } StreamDeviceInfoArray& devices = request->devices; for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::iterator device_it = devices.begin(); device_it != devices.end(); ++device_it) { if (device_it->device.id == device_id) { StopDevice(device_it->device.type, device_it->session_id); return; } } } } void MediaStreamManager::StopDevice(MediaStreamType type, int session_id) { DVLOG(1) << "StopDevice" << "{type = " << type << "}" << "{session_id = " << session_id << "}"; DeviceRequests::iterator request_it = requests_.begin(); while (request_it != requests_.end()) { DeviceRequest* request = request_it->second; StreamDeviceInfoArray* devices = &request->devices; if (devices->empty()) { // There is no device in use yet by this request. ++request_it; continue; } StreamDeviceInfoArray::iterator device_it = devices->begin(); while (device_it != devices->end()) { if (device_it->device.type != type || device_it->session_id != session_id) { ++device_it; continue; } if (request->state(type) == MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_DONE) CloseDevice(type, session_id); device_it = devices->erase(device_it); } // If this request doesn't have any active devices after a device // has been stopped above, remove the request. Note that the request is // only deleted if a device as been removed from |devices|. if (devices->empty()) { std::string label = request_it->first; ++request_it; DeleteRequest(label); } else { ++request_it; } } } void MediaStreamManager::CloseDevice(MediaStreamType type, int session_id) { DVLOG(1) << "CloseDevice(" << "{type = " << type << "} " << "{session_id = " << session_id << "})"; GetDeviceManager(type)->Close(session_id); for (DeviceRequests::iterator request_it = requests_.begin(); request_it != requests_.end() ; ++request_it) { StreamDeviceInfoArray* devices = &request_it->second->devices; for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::iterator device_it = devices->begin(); device_it != devices->end(); ++device_it) { if (device_it->session_id == session_id && device_it->device.type == type) { // Notify observers that this device is being closed. // Note that only one device per type can be opened. request_it->second->SetState(type, MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_CLOSING); } } } } std::string MediaStreamManager::EnumerateDevices( MediaStreamRequester* requester, int render_process_id, int render_view_id, const ResourceContext::SaltCallback& sc, int page_request_id, MediaStreamType type, const GURL& security_origin) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DCHECK(requester); DCHECK(type == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE || type == MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE); DeviceRequest* request = new DeviceRequest(requester, render_process_id, render_view_id, page_request_id, security_origin, false, // user gesture MEDIA_ENUMERATE_DEVICES, StreamOptions(), sc); if (IsAudioMediaType(type)) request->SetAudioType(type); else if (IsVideoMediaType(type)) request->SetVideoType(type); const std::string& label = AddRequest(request); // Post a task and handle the request asynchronously. The reason is that the // requester won't have a label for the request until this function returns // and thus can not handle a response. Using base::Unretained is safe since // MediaStreamManager is deleted on the UI thread, after the IO thread has // been stopped. BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::DoEnumerateDevices, base::Unretained(this), label)); return label; } void MediaStreamManager::DoEnumerateDevices(const std::string& label) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DeviceRequest* request = FindRequest(label); if (!request) return; // This can happen if the request has been canceled. MediaStreamType type; EnumerationCache* cache; if (request->audio_type() == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE) { DCHECK_EQ(MEDIA_NO_SERVICE, request->video_type()); type = MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE; cache = &audio_enumeration_cache_; } else { DCHECK_EQ(MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE, request->video_type()); type = MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; cache = &video_enumeration_cache_; } if (!EnumerationRequired(cache, type)) { // Cached device list of this type exists. Just send it out. request->SetState(type, MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_REQUESTED); request->devices = cache->devices; FinalizeEnumerateDevices(label, request); } else { StartEnumeration(request); } DVLOG(1) << "Enumerate Devices ({label = " << label << "})"; } void MediaStreamManager::OpenDevice(MediaStreamRequester* requester, int render_process_id, int render_view_id, const ResourceContext::SaltCallback& sc, int page_request_id, const std::string& device_id, MediaStreamType type, const GURL& security_origin) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DCHECK(type == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE || type == MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE); DVLOG(1) << "OpenDevice ({page_request_id = " << page_request_id << "})"; StreamOptions options; if (IsAudioMediaType(type)) { options.audio_requested = true; options.mandatory_audio.push_back( StreamOptions::Constraint(kMediaStreamSourceInfoId, device_id)); } else if (IsVideoMediaType(type)) { options.video_requested = true; options.mandatory_video.push_back( StreamOptions::Constraint(kMediaStreamSourceInfoId, device_id)); } else { NOTREACHED(); } DeviceRequest* request = new DeviceRequest(requester, render_process_id, render_view_id, page_request_id, security_origin, false, // user gesture MEDIA_OPEN_DEVICE, options, sc); const std::string& label = AddRequest(request); // Post a task and handle the request asynchronously. The reason is that the // requester won't have a label for the request until this function returns // and thus can not handle a response. Using base::Unretained is safe since // MediaStreamManager is deleted on the UI thread, after the IO thread has // been stopped. BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::SetupRequest, base::Unretained(this), label)); } void MediaStreamManager::EnsureDeviceMonitorStarted() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); StartMonitoring(); } void MediaStreamManager::StopRemovedDevices( const StreamDeviceInfoArray& old_devices, const StreamDeviceInfoArray& new_devices) { DVLOG(1) << "StopRemovedDevices(" << "{#old_devices = " << old_devices.size() << "} " << "{#new_devices = " << new_devices.size() << "})"; for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::const_iterator old_dev_it = old_devices.begin(); old_dev_it != old_devices.end(); ++old_dev_it) { bool device_found = false; StreamDeviceInfoArray::const_iterator new_dev_it = new_devices.begin(); for (; new_dev_it != new_devices.end(); ++new_dev_it) { if (old_dev_it->device.id == new_dev_it->device.id) { device_found = true; break; } } if (!device_found) { // A device has been removed. We need to check if it is used by a // MediaStream and in that case cleanup and notify the render process. StopRemovedDevice(old_dev_it->device); } } } void MediaStreamManager::StopRemovedDevice(const MediaStreamDevice& device) { std::vector<int> session_ids; for (DeviceRequests::const_iterator it = requests_.begin(); it != requests_.end() ; ++it) { const DeviceRequest* request = it->second; for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::const_iterator device_it = request->devices.begin(); device_it != request->devices.end(); ++device_it) { std::string source_id = content::GetHMACForMediaDeviceID( request->salt_callback, request->security_origin, device.id); if (device_it->device.id == source_id && device_it->device.type == device.type) { session_ids.push_back(device_it->session_id); if (it->second->requester) { it->second->requester->DeviceStopped( it->second->requesting_view_id, it->first, *device_it); } } } } for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = session_ids.begin(); it != session_ids.end(); ++it) { StopDevice(device.type, *it); } } void MediaStreamManager::StartMonitoring() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); if (monitoring_started_) return; if (!base::SystemMonitor::Get()) return; monitoring_started_ = true; base::SystemMonitor::Get()->AddDevicesChangedObserver(this); // Enumerate both the audio and video devices to cache the device lists // and send them to media observer. ++active_enumeration_ref_count_[MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE]; audio_input_device_manager_->EnumerateDevices(MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE); ++active_enumeration_ref_count_[MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE]; video_capture_manager_->EnumerateDevices(MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::StartMonitoringOnUIThread, base::Unretained(this))); #endif } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void MediaStreamManager::StartMonitoringOnUIThread() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); BrowserMainLoop* browser_main_loop = content::BrowserMainLoop::GetInstance(); if (browser_main_loop) browser_main_loop->device_monitor_mac()->StartMonitoring(); } #endif void MediaStreamManager::StopMonitoring() { DCHECK_EQ(base::MessageLoop::current(), io_loop_); if (monitoring_started_) { base::SystemMonitor::Get()->RemoveDevicesChangedObserver(this); monitoring_started_ = false; ClearEnumerationCache(&audio_enumeration_cache_); ClearEnumerationCache(&video_enumeration_cache_); } } bool MediaStreamManager::GetRequestedDeviceCaptureId( const DeviceRequest* request, MediaStreamType type, std::string* device_id) const { DCHECK(type == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE || type == MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE); const StreamOptions::Constraints* mandatory = (type == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE) ? &request->options.mandatory_audio : &request->options.mandatory_video; const StreamOptions::Constraints* optional = (type == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE) ? &request->options.optional_audio : &request->options.optional_video; std::vector<std::string> source_ids; StreamOptions::GetConstraintsByName(*mandatory, kMediaStreamSourceInfoId, &source_ids); if (source_ids.size() > 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Only one mandatory " << kMediaStreamSourceInfoId << " is supported."; return false; } // If a specific device has been requested we need to find the real device // id. if (source_ids.size() == 1 && !TranslateSourceIdToDeviceId(type, request->salt_callback, request->security_origin, source_ids[0], device_id)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid mandatory " << kMediaStreamSourceInfoId << " = " << source_ids[0] << "."; return false; } // Check for optional audio sourceIDs. if (device_id->empty()) { StreamOptions::GetConstraintsByName(*optional, kMediaStreamSourceInfoId, &source_ids); // Find the first sourceID that translates to device. Note that only one // device per type can call to GenerateStream is ever opened. for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = source_ids.begin(); it != source_ids.end(); ++it) { if (TranslateSourceIdToDeviceId(type, request->salt_callback, request->security_origin, *it, device_id)) { break; } } } return true; } void MediaStreamManager::TranslateDeviceIdToSourceId( DeviceRequest* request, MediaStreamDevice* device) { if (request->audio_type() == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE || request->video_type() == MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE) { device->id = content::GetHMACForMediaDeviceID( request->salt_callback, request->security_origin, device->id); } } bool MediaStreamManager::TranslateSourceIdToDeviceId( MediaStreamType stream_type, const ResourceContext::SaltCallback& sc, const GURL& security_origin, const std::string& source_id, std::string* device_id) const { DCHECK(stream_type == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE || stream_type == MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE); // The source_id can be empty if the constraint is set but empty. if (source_id.empty()) return false; const EnumerationCache* cache = stream_type == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE ? &audio_enumeration_cache_ : &video_enumeration_cache_; // If device monitoring hasn't started, the |device_guid| is not valid. if (!cache->valid) return false; for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::const_iterator it = cache->devices.begin(); it != cache->devices.end(); ++it) { if (content::DoesMediaDeviceIDMatchHMAC(sc, security_origin, source_id, it->device.id)) { *device_id = it->device.id; return true; } } return false; } void MediaStreamManager::ClearEnumerationCache(EnumerationCache* cache) { DCHECK_EQ(base::MessageLoop::current(), io_loop_); cache->valid = false; } bool MediaStreamManager::EnumerationRequired(EnumerationCache* cache, MediaStreamType stream_type) { DCHECK_EQ(base::MessageLoop::current(), io_loop_); if (stream_type == MEDIA_NO_SERVICE) return false; DCHECK(stream_type == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE || stream_type == MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) // There's no SystemMonitor on Android that notifies us when devices are // added or removed, so we need to populate the cache on every request. // Fortunately, there is an already up-to-date cache in the browser side // audio manager that we can rely on, so the performance impact of // invalidating the cache like this, is minimal. if (stream_type == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE) { // Make sure the cache is marked as invalid so that FinalizeEnumerateDevices // will be called at the end of the enumeration. ClearEnumerationCache(cache); } #endif // If the cache isn't valid, we need to start a full enumeration. return !cache->valid; } void MediaStreamManager::StartEnumeration(DeviceRequest* request) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); // Start monitoring the devices when doing the first enumeration. StartMonitoring(); // Start enumeration for devices of all requested device types. const MediaStreamType streams[] = { request->audio_type(), request->video_type() }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(streams); ++i) { if (streams[i] == MEDIA_NO_SERVICE) continue; request->SetState(streams[i], MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_REQUESTED); DCHECK_GE(active_enumeration_ref_count_[streams[i]], 0); if (active_enumeration_ref_count_[streams[i]] == 0) { ++active_enumeration_ref_count_[streams[i]]; GetDeviceManager(streams[i])->EnumerateDevices(streams[i]); } } } std::string MediaStreamManager::AddRequest(DeviceRequest* request) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); // Create a label for this request and verify it is unique. std::string unique_label; do { unique_label = RandomLabel(); } while (requests_.find(unique_label) != requests_.end()); requests_.insert(std::make_pair(unique_label, request)); return unique_label; } MediaStreamManager::DeviceRequest* MediaStreamManager::FindRequest(const std::string& label) const { DeviceRequests::const_iterator request_it = requests_.find(label); return request_it == requests_.end() ? NULL : request_it->second; } void MediaStreamManager::DeleteRequest(const std::string& label) { DVLOG(1) << "DeleteRequest({label= " << label << "})"; DeviceRequests::iterator it = requests_.find(label); scoped_ptr<DeviceRequest> request(it->second); requests_.erase(it); } void MediaStreamManager::PostRequestToUI(const std::string& label, DeviceRequest* request) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DCHECK(request->UIRequest()); DVLOG(1) << "PostRequestToUI({label= " << label << "})"; const MediaStreamType audio_type = request->audio_type(); const MediaStreamType video_type = request->video_type(); // Post the request to UI and set the state. if (IsAudioMediaType(audio_type)) request->SetState(audio_type, MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_PENDING_APPROVAL); if (IsVideoMediaType(video_type)) request->SetState(video_type, MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_PENDING_APPROVAL); if (use_fake_ui_) { if (!fake_ui_) fake_ui_.reset(new FakeMediaStreamUIProxy()); MediaStreamDevices devices; if (audio_enumeration_cache_.valid) { for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::const_iterator it = audio_enumeration_cache_.devices.begin(); it != audio_enumeration_cache_.devices.end(); ++it) { devices.push_back(it->device); } } if (video_enumeration_cache_.valid) { for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::const_iterator it = video_enumeration_cache_.devices.begin(); it != video_enumeration_cache_.devices.end(); ++it) { devices.push_back(it->device); } } fake_ui_->SetAvailableDevices(devices); request->ui_proxy = fake_ui_.Pass(); } else { request->ui_proxy = MediaStreamUIProxy::Create(); } request->ui_proxy->RequestAccess( *request->UIRequest(), base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::HandleAccessRequestResponse, base::Unretained(this), label)); } void MediaStreamManager::SetupRequest(const std::string& label) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DeviceRequest* request = FindRequest(label); if (!request) { DVLOG(1) << "SetupRequest label " << label << " doesn't exist!!"; return; // This can happen if the request has been canceled. } if (!request->security_origin.is_valid()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid security origin. " << request->security_origin; FinalizeRequestFailed(label, request, MEDIA_DEVICE_INVALID_SECURITY_ORIGIN); return; } MediaStreamType audio_type = MEDIA_NO_SERVICE; MediaStreamType video_type = MEDIA_NO_SERVICE; ParseStreamType(request->options, &audio_type, &video_type); request->SetAudioType(audio_type); request->SetVideoType(video_type); bool is_web_contents_capture = audio_type == MEDIA_TAB_AUDIO_CAPTURE || video_type == MEDIA_TAB_VIDEO_CAPTURE; if (is_web_contents_capture && !SetupTabCaptureRequest(request)) { FinalizeRequestFailed(label, request, MEDIA_DEVICE_TAB_CAPTURE_FAILURE); return; } bool is_screen_capture = video_type == MEDIA_DESKTOP_VIDEO_CAPTURE; if (is_screen_capture && !SetupScreenCaptureRequest(request)) { FinalizeRequestFailed(label, request, MEDIA_DEVICE_SCREEN_CAPTURE_FAILURE); return; } if (!is_web_contents_capture && !is_screen_capture) { if (EnumerationRequired(&audio_enumeration_cache_, audio_type) || EnumerationRequired(&video_enumeration_cache_, video_type)) { // Enumerate the devices if there is no valid device lists to be used. StartEnumeration(request); return; } else { // Cache is valid, so log the cached devices for MediaStream requests. if (request->request_type == MEDIA_GENERATE_STREAM) { std::string log_message("Using cached devices for request.\n"); if (audio_type != MEDIA_NO_SERVICE) { log_message += GetLogMessageString(audio_type, audio_enumeration_cache_.devices); } if (video_type != MEDIA_NO_SERVICE) { log_message += GetLogMessageString(video_type, video_enumeration_cache_.devices); } SendMessageToNativeLog(log_message); } } if (!SetupDeviceCaptureRequest(request)) { FinalizeRequestFailed(label, request, MEDIA_DEVICE_NO_HARDWARE); return; } } PostRequestToUI(label, request); } bool MediaStreamManager::SetupDeviceCaptureRequest(DeviceRequest* request) { DCHECK((request->audio_type() == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE || request->audio_type() == MEDIA_NO_SERVICE) && (request->video_type() == MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE || request->video_type() == MEDIA_NO_SERVICE)); std::string audio_device_id; if (request->options.audio_requested && !GetRequestedDeviceCaptureId(request, request->audio_type(), &audio_device_id)) { return false; } std::string video_device_id; if (request->options.video_requested && !GetRequestedDeviceCaptureId(request, request->video_type(), &video_device_id)) { return false; } request->CreateUIRequest(audio_device_id, video_device_id); DVLOG(3) << "Audio requested " << request->options.audio_requested << " device id = " << audio_device_id << "Video requested " << request->options.video_requested << " device id = " << video_device_id; return true; } bool MediaStreamManager::SetupTabCaptureRequest(DeviceRequest* request) { DCHECK(request->audio_type() == MEDIA_TAB_AUDIO_CAPTURE || request->video_type() == MEDIA_TAB_VIDEO_CAPTURE); std::string capture_device_id; bool mandatory_audio = false; bool mandatory_video = false; if (!request->options.GetFirstAudioConstraintByName(kMediaStreamSourceId, &capture_device_id, &mandatory_audio) && !request->options.GetFirstVideoConstraintByName(kMediaStreamSourceId, &capture_device_id, &mandatory_video)) { return false; } DCHECK(mandatory_audio || mandatory_video); // Customize options for a WebContents based capture. int target_render_process_id = 0; int target_render_view_id = 0; // TODO(justinlin): Can't plumb audio mirroring using stream type right // now, so plumbing by device_id. Will revisit once it's refactored. // http://crbug.com/163100 std::string tab_capture_device_id = WebContentsCaptureUtil::AppendWebContentsDeviceScheme(capture_device_id); bool has_valid_device_id = WebContentsCaptureUtil::ExtractTabCaptureTarget( tab_capture_device_id, &target_render_process_id, &target_render_view_id); if (!has_valid_device_id || (request->audio_type() != MEDIA_TAB_AUDIO_CAPTURE && request->audio_type() != MEDIA_NO_SERVICE) || (request->video_type() != MEDIA_TAB_VIDEO_CAPTURE && request->video_type() != MEDIA_NO_SERVICE)) { return false; } request->CreateTabCatureUIRequest(target_render_process_id, target_render_view_id, tab_capture_device_id); DVLOG(3) << "SetupTabCaptureRequest " << ", {tab_capture_device_id = " << tab_capture_device_id << "}" << ", {target_render_process_id = " << target_render_process_id << "}" << ", {target_render_view_id = " << target_render_view_id << "}"; return true; } bool MediaStreamManager::SetupScreenCaptureRequest(DeviceRequest* request) { DCHECK(request->audio_type() == MEDIA_LOOPBACK_AUDIO_CAPTURE || request->video_type() == MEDIA_DESKTOP_VIDEO_CAPTURE); // For screen capture we only support two valid combinations: // (1) screen video capture only, or // (2) screen video capture with loopback audio capture. if (request->video_type() != MEDIA_DESKTOP_VIDEO_CAPTURE || (request->audio_type() != MEDIA_NO_SERVICE && request->audio_type() != MEDIA_LOOPBACK_AUDIO_CAPTURE)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid screen capture request."; return false; } std::string video_device_id; if (request->video_type() == MEDIA_DESKTOP_VIDEO_CAPTURE) { std::string video_stream_source; bool mandatory = false; if (!request->options.GetFirstVideoConstraintByName( kMediaStreamSource, &video_stream_source, &mandatory)) { LOG(ERROR) << kMediaStreamSource << " not found."; return false; } DCHECK(mandatory); if (video_stream_source == kMediaStreamSourceDesktop) { if (!request->options.GetFirstVideoConstraintByName( kMediaStreamSourceId, &video_device_id, &mandatory)) { LOG(ERROR) << kMediaStreamSourceId << " not found."; return false; } DCHECK(mandatory); } } request->CreateUIRequest("", video_device_id); return true; } StreamDeviceInfoArray MediaStreamManager::GetDevicesOpenedByRequest( const std::string& label) const { DeviceRequest* request = FindRequest(label); if (!request) return StreamDeviceInfoArray(); return request->devices; } bool MediaStreamManager::FindExistingRequestedDeviceInfo( const DeviceRequest& new_request, const MediaStreamDevice& new_device_info, StreamDeviceInfo* existing_device_info, MediaRequestState* existing_request_state) const { DCHECK(existing_device_info); DCHECK(existing_request_state); std::string source_id = content::GetHMACForMediaDeviceID( new_request.salt_callback, new_request.security_origin, new_device_info.id); for (DeviceRequests::const_iterator it = requests_.begin(); it != requests_.end() ; ++it) { const DeviceRequest* request = it->second; if (request->requesting_process_id == new_request.requesting_process_id && request->requesting_view_id == new_request.requesting_view_id && request->request_type == new_request.request_type) { for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::const_iterator device_it = request->devices.begin(); device_it != request->devices.end(); ++device_it) { if (device_it->device.id == source_id && device_it->device.type == new_device_info.type) { *existing_device_info = *device_it; *existing_request_state = request->state(device_it->device.type); return true; } } } } return false; } void MediaStreamManager::FinalizeGenerateStream(const std::string& label, DeviceRequest* request) { DVLOG(1) << "FinalizeGenerateStream label " << label; const StreamDeviceInfoArray& requested_devices = request->devices; // Partition the array of devices into audio vs video. StreamDeviceInfoArray audio_devices, video_devices; for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::const_iterator device_it = requested_devices.begin(); device_it != requested_devices.end(); ++device_it) { if (IsAudioMediaType(device_it->device.type)) { audio_devices.push_back(*device_it); } else if (IsVideoMediaType(device_it->device.type)) { video_devices.push_back(*device_it); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } request->requester->StreamGenerated( request->requesting_view_id, request->page_request_id, label, audio_devices, video_devices); } void MediaStreamManager::FinalizeRequestFailed( const std::string& label, DeviceRequest* request, content::MediaStreamRequestResult result) { if (request->requester) request->requester->StreamGenerationFailed( request->requesting_view_id, request->page_request_id, result); if (request->request_type == MEDIA_DEVICE_ACCESS && !request->callback.is_null()) { request->callback.Run(MediaStreamDevices(), request->ui_proxy.Pass()); } DeleteRequest(label); } void MediaStreamManager::FinalizeOpenDevice(const std::string& label, DeviceRequest* request) { const StreamDeviceInfoArray& requested_devices = request->devices; request->requester->DeviceOpened(request->requesting_view_id, request->page_request_id, label, requested_devices.front()); } void MediaStreamManager::FinalizeEnumerateDevices(const std::string& label, DeviceRequest* request) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DCHECK_EQ(request->request_type, MEDIA_ENUMERATE_DEVICES); if (request->security_origin.is_valid()) { for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::iterator it = request->devices.begin(); it != request->devices.end(); ++it) { TranslateDeviceIdToSourceId(request, &it->device); } } else { request->devices.clear(); } request->requester->DevicesEnumerated( request->requesting_view_id, request->page_request_id, label, request->devices); // TODO(tommi): // Ideally enumeration requests should be deleted once they have been served // (as any request). However, this implementation mixes requests and // notifications together so enumeration requests are kept open by some // implementations (only Pepper?) and enumerations are done again when // device notifications are fired. // Implementations that just want to request the device list and be done // (e.g. DeviceRequestMessageFilter), they must (confusingly) call // CancelRequest() after the request has been fulfilled. This is not // obvious, not consistent in this class (see e.g. FinalizeMediaAccessRequest) // and can lead to subtle bugs (requests not deleted at all deleted too // early). // // Basically, it is not clear that using requests as an additional layer on // top of device notifications is necessary or good. // // To add to this, MediaStreamManager currently relies on the external // implementations of MediaStreamRequester to delete enumeration requests via // CancelRequest and e.g. DeviceRequestMessageFilter does this. However the // Pepper implementation does not seem to to this at all (and from what I can // see, it is the only implementation that uses an enumeration request as a // notification mechanism). // // We should decouple notifications from enumeration requests and once that // has been done, remove the requirement to call CancelRequest() to delete // enumeration requests and uncomment the following line: // // DeleteRequest(label); } void MediaStreamManager::FinalizeMediaAccessRequest( const std::string& label, DeviceRequest* request, const MediaStreamDevices& devices) { if (!request->callback.is_null()) request->callback.Run(devices, request->ui_proxy.Pass()); // Delete the request since it is done. DeleteRequest(label); } void MediaStreamManager::InitializeDeviceManagersOnIOThread() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); if (device_task_runner_) return; device_task_runner_ = audio_manager_->GetWorkerTaskRunner(); audio_input_device_manager_ = new AudioInputDeviceManager(audio_manager_); audio_input_device_manager_->Register(this, device_task_runner_); video_capture_manager_ = new VideoCaptureManager(); video_capture_manager_->Register(this, device_task_runner_); // We want to be notified of IO message loop destruction to delete the thread // and the device managers. io_loop_ = base::MessageLoop::current(); io_loop_->AddDestructionObserver(this); if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStream)) { DVLOG(1) << "Using fake device"; UseFakeDevice(); } } void MediaStreamManager::Opened(MediaStreamType stream_type, int capture_session_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DVLOG(1) << "Opened({stream_type = " << stream_type << "} " << "{capture_session_id = " << capture_session_id << "})"; // Find the request(s) containing this device and mark it as used. // It can be used in several requests since the same device can be // requested from the same web page. for (DeviceRequests::iterator request_it = requests_.begin(); request_it != requests_.end(); ++request_it) { const std::string& label = request_it->first; DeviceRequest* request = request_it->second; StreamDeviceInfoArray* devices = &(request->devices); for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::iterator device_it = devices->begin(); device_it != devices->end(); ++device_it) { if (device_it->device.type == stream_type && device_it->session_id == capture_session_id) { CHECK(request->state(device_it->device.type) == MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_OPENING); // We've found a matching request. request->SetState(device_it->device.type, MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_DONE); if (IsAudioMediaType(device_it->device.type)) { // Store the native audio parameters in the device struct. // TODO(xians): Handle the tab capture sample rate/channel layout // in AudioInputDeviceManager::Open(). if (device_it->device.type != content::MEDIA_TAB_AUDIO_CAPTURE) { const StreamDeviceInfo* info = audio_input_device_manager_->GetOpenedDeviceInfoById( device_it->session_id); device_it->device.input = info->device.input; device_it->device.matched_output = info->device.matched_output; } } if (RequestDone(*request)) HandleRequestDone(label, request); break; } } } } void MediaStreamManager::HandleRequestDone(const std::string& label, DeviceRequest* request) { DCHECK(RequestDone(*request)); DVLOG(1) << "HandleRequestDone(" << ", {label = " << label << "})"; switch (request->request_type) { case MEDIA_OPEN_DEVICE: FinalizeOpenDevice(label, request); break; case MEDIA_GENERATE_STREAM: { FinalizeGenerateStream(label, request); break; } default: NOTREACHED(); break; } if (request->ui_proxy.get()) { request->ui_proxy->OnStarted( base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::StopMediaStreamFromBrowser, base::Unretained(this), label), base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::OnMediaStreamUIWindowId, base::Unretained(this), request->video_type(), request->devices)); } } void MediaStreamManager::Closed(MediaStreamType stream_type, int capture_session_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); } void MediaStreamManager::DevicesEnumerated( MediaStreamType stream_type, const StreamDeviceInfoArray& devices) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DVLOG(1) << "DevicesEnumerated(" << "{stream_type = " << stream_type << "})" << std::endl; std::string log_message = "New device enumeration result:\n" + GetLogMessageString(stream_type, devices); SendMessageToNativeLog(log_message); // Only cache the device list when the device list has been changed. bool need_update_clients = false; EnumerationCache* cache = stream_type == MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE ? &audio_enumeration_cache_ : &video_enumeration_cache_; if (!cache->valid || devices.size() != cache->devices.size() || !std::equal(devices.begin(), devices.end(), cache->devices.begin(), StreamDeviceInfo::IsEqual)) { StopRemovedDevices(cache->devices, devices); cache->devices = devices; need_update_clients = true; // The device might not be able to be enumerated when it is not warmed up, // for example, when the machine just wakes up from sleep. We set the cache // to be invalid so that the next media request will trigger the // enumeration again. See issue/317673. cache->valid = !devices.empty(); } if (need_update_clients && monitoring_started_) NotifyDevicesChanged(stream_type, devices); // Publish the result for all requests waiting for device list(s). // Find the requests waiting for this device list, store their labels and // release the iterator before calling device settings. We might get a call // back from device_settings that will need to iterate through devices. std::list<std::string> label_list; for (DeviceRequests::iterator it = requests_.begin(); it != requests_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->state(stream_type) == MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_REQUESTED && (it->second->audio_type() == stream_type || it->second->video_type() == stream_type)) { if (it->second->request_type != MEDIA_ENUMERATE_DEVICES) it->second->SetState(stream_type, MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_PENDING_APPROVAL); label_list.push_back(it->first); } } for (std::list<std::string>::iterator it = label_list.begin(); it != label_list.end(); ++it) { DeviceRequest* request = FindRequest(*it); switch (request->request_type) { case MEDIA_ENUMERATE_DEVICES: if (need_update_clients && request->requester) { request->devices = devices; FinalizeEnumerateDevices(*it, request); } break; default: if (request->state(request->audio_type()) == MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_REQUESTED || request->state(request->video_type()) == MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_REQUESTED) { // We are doing enumeration for other type of media, wait until it is // all done before posting the request to UI because UI needs // the device lists to handle the request. break; } if (!SetupDeviceCaptureRequest(request)) { FinalizeRequestFailed(*it, request, MEDIA_DEVICE_NO_HARDWARE); } else { PostRequestToUI(*it, request); } break; } } label_list.clear(); --active_enumeration_ref_count_[stream_type]; DCHECK_GE(active_enumeration_ref_count_[stream_type], 0); } // static void MediaStreamManager::SendMessageToNativeLog(const std::string& message) { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(DoAddLogMessage, message)); } void MediaStreamManager::OnSuspend() { SendMessageToNativeLog("Power state suspended."); } void MediaStreamManager::OnResume() { SendMessageToNativeLog("Power state resumed."); } void MediaStreamManager::AddLogMessageOnIOThread(const std::string& message) { // Get render process ids on the IO thread. DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); // Grab all unique process ids that request a MediaStream or have a // MediaStream running. std::set<int> requesting_process_ids; for (DeviceRequests::const_iterator it = requests_.begin(); it != requests_.end(); ++it) { DeviceRequest* request = it->second; if (request->request_type == MEDIA_GENERATE_STREAM) requesting_process_ids.insert(request->requesting_process_id); } // MediaStreamManager is a singleton in BrowserMainLoop, which owns the UI // thread. MediaStreamManager has the same lifetime as the UI thread, so it is // safe to use base::Unretained. BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MediaStreamManager::AddLogMessageOnUIThread, base::Unretained(this), requesting_process_ids, message)); } void MediaStreamManager::AddLogMessageOnUIThread( const std::set<int>& requesting_process_ids, const std::string& message) { #if defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC) // Must be on the UI thread to access RenderProcessHost from process ID. DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); for (std::set<int>::const_iterator it = requesting_process_ids.begin(); it != requesting_process_ids.end(); ++it) { // Log the message to all renderers that are requesting a MediaStream or // have a MediaStream running. content::RenderProcessHostImpl* render_process_host_impl = static_cast<content::RenderProcessHostImpl*>( content::RenderProcessHost::FromID(*it)); if (render_process_host_impl) render_process_host_impl->WebRtcLogMessage(message); } #endif } void MediaStreamManager::HandleAccessRequestResponse( const std::string& label, const MediaStreamDevices& devices, content::MediaStreamRequestResult result) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DVLOG(1) << "HandleAccessRequestResponse(" << ", {label = " << label << "})"; DeviceRequest* request = FindRequest(label); if (!request) { // The request has been canceled before the UI returned. return; } if (request->request_type == MEDIA_DEVICE_ACCESS) { FinalizeMediaAccessRequest(label, request, devices); return; } // Handle the case when the request was denied. if (result != MEDIA_DEVICE_OK) { FinalizeRequestFailed(label, request, result); return; } DCHECK(!devices.empty()); // Process all newly-accepted devices for this request. bool found_audio = false; bool found_video = false; for (MediaStreamDevices::const_iterator device_it = devices.begin(); device_it != devices.end(); ++device_it) { StreamDeviceInfo device_info; device_info.device = *device_it; // TODO(justinlin): Nicer way to do this? // Re-append the device's id since we lost it when posting request to UI. if (device_info.device.type == content::MEDIA_TAB_VIDEO_CAPTURE || device_info.device.type == content::MEDIA_TAB_AUDIO_CAPTURE) { device_info.device.id = request->UIRequest()->tab_capture_device_id; // Initialize the sample_rate and channel_layout here since for audio // mirroring, we don't go through EnumerateDevices where these are usually // initialized. if (device_info.device.type == content::MEDIA_TAB_AUDIO_CAPTURE) { const media::AudioParameters parameters = audio_manager_->GetDefaultOutputStreamParameters(); int sample_rate = parameters.sample_rate(); // If we weren't able to get the native sampling rate or the sample_rate // is outside the valid range for input devices set reasonable defaults. if (sample_rate <= 0 || sample_rate > 96000) sample_rate = 44100; device_info.device.input.sample_rate = sample_rate; device_info.device.input.channel_layout = media::CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO; } } if (device_info.device.type == request->audio_type()) { found_audio = true; } else if (device_info.device.type == request->video_type()) { found_video = true; } // If this is request for a new MediaStream, a device is only opened once // per render view. This is so that the permission to use a device can be // revoked by a single call to StopStreamDevice regardless of how many // MediaStreams it is being used in. if (request->request_type == MEDIA_GENERATE_STREAM) { MediaRequestState state; if (FindExistingRequestedDeviceInfo(*request, device_info.device, &device_info, &state)) { request->devices.push_back(device_info); request->SetState(device_info.device.type, state); DVLOG(1) << "HandleAccessRequestResponse - device already opened " << ", {label = " << label << "}" << ", device_id = " << device_it->id << "}"; continue; } } device_info.session_id = GetDeviceManager(device_info.device.type)->Open(device_info); TranslateDeviceIdToSourceId(request, &device_info.device); request->devices.push_back(device_info); request->SetState(device_info.device.type, MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_OPENING); DVLOG(1) << "HandleAccessRequestResponse - opening device " << ", {label = " << label << "}" << ", {device_id = " << device_info.device.id << "}" << ", {session_id = " << device_info.session_id << "}"; } // Check whether we've received all stream types requested. if (!found_audio && IsAudioMediaType(request->audio_type())) { request->SetState(request->audio_type(), MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_ERROR); DVLOG(1) << "Set no audio found label " << label; } if (!found_video && IsVideoMediaType(request->video_type())) request->SetState(request->video_type(), MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_ERROR); if (RequestDone(*request)) HandleRequestDone(label, request); } void MediaStreamManager::StopMediaStreamFromBrowser(const std::string& label) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DeviceRequest* request = FindRequest(label); if (!request) return; // Notify renderers that the devices in the stream will be stopped. if (request->requester) { for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::iterator device_it = request->devices.begin(); device_it != request->devices.end(); ++device_it) { request->requester->DeviceStopped(request->requesting_view_id, label, *device_it); } } CancelRequest(label); } void MediaStreamManager::UseFakeDevice() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); video_capture_manager()->UseFakeDevice(); audio_input_device_manager()->UseFakeDevice(); } void MediaStreamManager::UseFakeUI(scoped_ptr<FakeMediaStreamUIProxy> fake_ui) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); use_fake_ui_ = true; fake_ui_ = fake_ui.Pass(); } void MediaStreamManager::WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() { DVLOG(3) << "MediaStreamManager::WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop()"; DCHECK_EQ(base::MessageLoop::current(), io_loop_); DCHECK(requests_.empty()); if (device_task_runner_) { StopMonitoring(); video_capture_manager_->Unregister(); audio_input_device_manager_->Unregister(); device_task_runner_ = NULL; } audio_input_device_manager_ = NULL; video_capture_manager_ = NULL; } void MediaStreamManager::NotifyDevicesChanged( MediaStreamType stream_type, const StreamDeviceInfoArray& devices) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); MediaObserver* media_observer = GetContentClient()->browser()->GetMediaObserver(); if (media_observer == NULL) return; // Map the devices to MediaStreamDevices. MediaStreamDevices new_devices; for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::const_iterator it = devices.begin(); it != devices.end(); ++it) { new_devices.push_back(it->device); } if (IsAudioMediaType(stream_type)) { MediaCaptureDevicesImpl::GetInstance()->OnAudioCaptureDevicesChanged( new_devices); media_observer->OnAudioCaptureDevicesChanged(); } else if (IsVideoMediaType(stream_type)) { MediaCaptureDevicesImpl::GetInstance()->OnVideoCaptureDevicesChanged( new_devices); media_observer->OnVideoCaptureDevicesChanged(); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } bool MediaStreamManager::RequestDone(const DeviceRequest& request) const { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); const bool requested_audio = IsAudioMediaType(request.audio_type()); const bool requested_video = IsVideoMediaType(request.video_type()); const bool audio_done = !requested_audio || request.state(request.audio_type()) == MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_DONE || request.state(request.audio_type()) == MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_ERROR; if (!audio_done) return false; const bool video_done = !requested_video || request.state(request.video_type()) == MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_DONE || request.state(request.video_type()) == MEDIA_REQUEST_STATE_ERROR; if (!video_done) return false; return true; } MediaStreamProvider* MediaStreamManager::GetDeviceManager( MediaStreamType stream_type) { if (IsVideoMediaType(stream_type)) { return video_capture_manager(); } else if (IsAudioMediaType(stream_type)) { return audio_input_device_manager(); } NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } void MediaStreamManager::OnDevicesChanged( base::SystemMonitor::DeviceType device_type) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); // NOTE: This method is only called in response to physical audio/video device // changes (from the operating system). MediaStreamType stream_type; if (device_type == base::SystemMonitor::DEVTYPE_AUDIO_CAPTURE) { stream_type = MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE; } else if (device_type == base::SystemMonitor::DEVTYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE) { stream_type = MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; } else { return; // Uninteresting device change. } // Always do enumeration even though some enumeration is in progress, // because those enumeration commands could be sent before these devices // change. ++active_enumeration_ref_count_[stream_type]; GetDeviceManager(stream_type)->EnumerateDevices(stream_type); } void MediaStreamManager::OnMediaStreamUIWindowId(MediaStreamType video_type, StreamDeviceInfoArray devices, gfx::NativeViewId window_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); if (!window_id) return; // Pass along for desktop capturing. Ignored for other stream types. if (video_type == MEDIA_DESKTOP_VIDEO_CAPTURE) { for (StreamDeviceInfoArray::iterator it = devices.begin(); it != devices.end(); ++it) { if (it->device.type == MEDIA_DESKTOP_VIDEO_CAPTURE) { video_capture_manager_->SetDesktopCaptureWindowId(it->session_id, window_id); break; } } } } } // namespace content