// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/renderer_host/p2p/socket_host_tcp.h" #include "base/sys_byteorder.h" #include "content/common/p2p_messages.h" #include "ipc/ipc_sender.h" #include "jingle/glue/fake_ssl_client_socket.h" #include "jingle/glue/proxy_resolving_client_socket.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/socket/client_socket_factory.h" #include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h" #include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h" #include "net/socket/tcp_client_socket.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h" #include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/asyncpacketsocket.h" namespace { typedef uint16 PacketLength; const int kPacketHeaderSize = sizeof(PacketLength); const int kReadBufferSize = 4096; const int kPacketLengthOffset = 2; const int kTurnChannelDataHeaderSize = 4; const int kRecvSocketBufferSize = 128 * 1024; const int kSendSocketBufferSize = 128 * 1024; bool IsTlsClientSocket(content::P2PSocketType type) { return (type == content::P2P_SOCKET_STUN_TLS_CLIENT || type == content::P2P_SOCKET_TLS_CLIENT); } bool IsPseudoTlsClientSocket(content::P2PSocketType type) { return (type == content::P2P_SOCKET_SSLTCP_CLIENT || type == content::P2P_SOCKET_STUN_SSLTCP_CLIENT); } } // namespace namespace content { P2PSocketHostTcpBase::P2PSocketHostTcpBase( IPC::Sender* message_sender, int socket_id, P2PSocketType type, net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_context) : P2PSocketHost(message_sender, socket_id), write_pending_(false), connected_(false), type_(type), url_context_(url_context) { } P2PSocketHostTcpBase::~P2PSocketHostTcpBase() { if (state_ == STATE_OPEN) { DCHECK(socket_.get()); socket_.reset(); } } bool P2PSocketHostTcpBase::InitAccepted(const net::IPEndPoint& remote_address, net::StreamSocket* socket) { DCHECK(socket); DCHECK_EQ(state_, STATE_UNINITIALIZED); remote_address_.ip_address = remote_address; // TODO(ronghuawu): Add FakeSSLServerSocket. socket_.reset(socket); state_ = STATE_OPEN; DoRead(); return state_ != STATE_ERROR; } bool P2PSocketHostTcpBase::Init(const net::IPEndPoint& local_address, const P2PHostAndIPEndPoint& remote_address) { DCHECK_EQ(state_, STATE_UNINITIALIZED); remote_address_ = remote_address; state_ = STATE_CONNECTING; net::HostPortPair dest_host_port_pair = net::HostPortPair::FromIPEndPoint(remote_address.ip_address); // TODO(mallinath) - We are ignoring local_address altogether. We should // find a way to inject this into ProxyResolvingClientSocket. This could be // a problem on multi-homed host. // The default SSLConfig is good enough for us for now. const net::SSLConfig ssl_config; socket_.reset(new jingle_glue::ProxyResolvingClientSocket( NULL, // Default socket pool provided by the net::Proxy. url_context_, ssl_config, dest_host_port_pair)); int status = socket_->Connect( base::Bind(&P2PSocketHostTcpBase::OnConnected, base::Unretained(this))); if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { // We defer execution of ProcessConnectDone instead of calling it // directly here as the caller may not expect an error/close to // happen here. This is okay, as from the caller's point of view, // the connect always happens asynchronously. base::MessageLoop* message_loop = base::MessageLoop::current(); CHECK(message_loop); message_loop->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&P2PSocketHostTcpBase::OnConnected, base::Unretained(this), status)); } return state_ != STATE_ERROR; } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::OnError() { socket_.reset(); if (state_ == STATE_UNINITIALIZED || state_ == STATE_CONNECTING || state_ == STATE_TLS_CONNECTING || state_ == STATE_OPEN) { message_sender_->Send(new P2PMsg_OnError(id_)); } state_ = STATE_ERROR; } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::OnConnected(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(state_, STATE_CONNECTING); DCHECK_NE(result, net::ERR_IO_PENDING); if (result != net::OK) { OnError(); return; } if (IsTlsClientSocket(type_)) { state_ = STATE_TLS_CONNECTING; StartTls(); } else if (IsPseudoTlsClientSocket(type_)) { scoped_ptr transport_socket = socket_.Pass(); socket_.reset( new jingle_glue::FakeSSLClientSocket(transport_socket.Pass())); state_ = STATE_TLS_CONNECTING; int status = socket_->Connect( base::Bind(&P2PSocketHostTcpBase::ProcessTlsSslConnectDone, base::Unretained(this))); if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { ProcessTlsSslConnectDone(status); } } else { // If we are not doing TLS, we are ready to send data now. // In case of TLS, SignalConnect will be sent only after TLS handshake is // successfull. So no buffering will be done at socket handlers if any // packets sent before that by the application. OnOpen(); } } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::StartTls() { DCHECK_EQ(state_, STATE_TLS_CONNECTING); DCHECK(socket_.get()); scoped_ptr socket_handle( new net::ClientSocketHandle()); socket_handle->SetSocket(socket_.Pass()); net::SSLClientSocketContext context; context.cert_verifier = url_context_->GetURLRequestContext()->cert_verifier(); context.transport_security_state = url_context_->GetURLRequestContext()->transport_security_state(); DCHECK(context.transport_security_state); // Default ssl config. const net::SSLConfig ssl_config; net::HostPortPair dest_host_port_pair = net::HostPortPair::FromIPEndPoint(remote_address_.ip_address); if (!remote_address_.hostname.empty()) dest_host_port_pair.set_host(remote_address_.hostname); net::ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory = net::ClientSocketFactory::GetDefaultFactory(); DCHECK(socket_factory); socket_ = socket_factory->CreateSSLClientSocket( socket_handle.Pass(), dest_host_port_pair, ssl_config, context); int status = socket_->Connect( base::Bind(&P2PSocketHostTcpBase::ProcessTlsSslConnectDone, base::Unretained(this))); if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { ProcessTlsSslConnectDone(status); } } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::ProcessTlsSslConnectDone(int status) { DCHECK_NE(status, net::ERR_IO_PENDING); DCHECK_EQ(state_, STATE_TLS_CONNECTING); if (status != net::OK) { OnError(); return; } OnOpen(); } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::OnOpen() { state_ = STATE_OPEN; // Setting socket send and receive buffer size. if (net::OK != socket_->SetReceiveBufferSize(kRecvSocketBufferSize)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set socket receive buffer size to " << kRecvSocketBufferSize; } if (net::OK != socket_->SetSendBufferSize(kSendSocketBufferSize)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set socket send buffer size to " << kSendSocketBufferSize; } DoSendSocketCreateMsg(); DoRead(); } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::DoSendSocketCreateMsg() { DCHECK(socket_.get()); net::IPEndPoint address; int result = socket_->GetLocalAddress(&address); if (result < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "P2PSocketHostTcpBase::OnConnected: unable to get local" << " address: " << result; OnError(); return; } VLOG(1) << "Local address: " << address.ToString(); // If we are not doing TLS, we are ready to send data now. // In case of TLS SignalConnect will be sent only after TLS handshake is // successfull. So no buffering will be done at socket handlers if any // packets sent before that by the application. message_sender_->Send(new P2PMsg_OnSocketCreated(id_, address)); } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::DoRead() { int result; do { if (!read_buffer_.get()) { read_buffer_ = new net::GrowableIOBuffer(); read_buffer_->SetCapacity(kReadBufferSize); } else if (read_buffer_->RemainingCapacity() < kReadBufferSize) { // Make sure that we always have at least kReadBufferSize of // remaining capacity in the read buffer. Normally all packets // are smaller than kReadBufferSize, so this is not really // required. read_buffer_->SetCapacity(read_buffer_->capacity() + kReadBufferSize - read_buffer_->RemainingCapacity()); } result = socket_->Read( read_buffer_.get(), read_buffer_->RemainingCapacity(), base::Bind(&P2PSocketHostTcp::OnRead, base::Unretained(this))); DidCompleteRead(result); } while (result > 0); } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::OnRead(int result) { DidCompleteRead(result); if (state_ == STATE_OPEN) { DoRead(); } } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::OnPacket(const std::vector& data) { if (!connected_) { P2PSocketHost::StunMessageType type; bool stun = GetStunPacketType(&*data.begin(), data.size(), &type); if (stun && IsRequestOrResponse(type)) { connected_ = true; } else if (!stun || type == STUN_DATA_INDICATION) { LOG(ERROR) << "Received unexpected data packet from " << remote_address_.ip_address.ToString() << " before STUN binding is finished. " << "Terminating connection."; OnError(); return; } } message_sender_->Send(new P2PMsg_OnDataReceived( id_, remote_address_.ip_address, data, base::TimeTicks::Now())); if (dump_incoming_rtp_packet_) DumpRtpPacket(&data[0], data.size(), true); } // Note: dscp is not actually used on TCP sockets as this point, // but may be honored in the future. void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::Send(const net::IPEndPoint& to, const std::vector& data, const talk_base::PacketOptions& options, uint64 packet_id) { if (!socket_) { // The Send message may be sent after the an OnError message was // sent by hasn't been processed the renderer. return; } if (!(to == remote_address_.ip_address)) { // Renderer should use this socket only to send data to |remote_address_|. NOTREACHED(); OnError(); return; } if (!connected_) { P2PSocketHost::StunMessageType type = P2PSocketHost::StunMessageType(); bool stun = GetStunPacketType(&*data.begin(), data.size(), &type); if (!stun || type == STUN_DATA_INDICATION) { LOG(ERROR) << "Page tried to send a data packet to " << to.ToString() << " before STUN binding is finished."; OnError(); return; } } DoSend(to, data, options); } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::WriteOrQueue( scoped_refptr& buffer) { if (write_buffer_.get()) { write_queue_.push(buffer); return; } write_buffer_ = buffer; DoWrite(); } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::DoWrite() { while (write_buffer_.get() && state_ == STATE_OPEN && !write_pending_) { int result = socket_->Write( write_buffer_.get(), write_buffer_->BytesRemaining(), base::Bind(&P2PSocketHostTcp::OnWritten, base::Unretained(this))); HandleWriteResult(result); } } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::OnWritten(int result) { DCHECK(write_pending_); DCHECK_NE(result, net::ERR_IO_PENDING); write_pending_ = false; HandleWriteResult(result); DoWrite(); } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::HandleWriteResult(int result) { DCHECK(write_buffer_.get()); if (result >= 0) { write_buffer_->DidConsume(result); if (write_buffer_->BytesRemaining() == 0) { message_sender_->Send(new P2PMsg_OnSendComplete(id_)); if (write_queue_.empty()) { write_buffer_ = NULL; } else { write_buffer_ = write_queue_.front(); write_queue_.pop(); } } } else if (result == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { write_pending_ = true; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Error when sending data in TCP socket: " << result; OnError(); } } P2PSocketHost* P2PSocketHostTcpBase::AcceptIncomingTcpConnection( const net::IPEndPoint& remote_address, int id) { NOTREACHED(); OnError(); return NULL; } void P2PSocketHostTcpBase::DidCompleteRead(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(state_, STATE_OPEN); if (result == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { return; } else if (result < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error when reading from TCP socket: " << result; OnError(); return; } read_buffer_->set_offset(read_buffer_->offset() + result); char* head = read_buffer_->StartOfBuffer(); // Purely a convenience. int pos = 0; while (pos <= read_buffer_->offset() && state_ == STATE_OPEN) { int consumed = ProcessInput(head + pos, read_buffer_->offset() - pos); if (!consumed) break; pos += consumed; } // We've consumed all complete packets from the buffer; now move any remaining // bytes to the head of the buffer and set offset to reflect this. if (pos && pos <= read_buffer_->offset()) { memmove(head, head + pos, read_buffer_->offset() - pos); read_buffer_->set_offset(read_buffer_->offset() - pos); } } bool P2PSocketHostTcpBase::SetOption(P2PSocketOption option, int value) { DCHECK_EQ(STATE_OPEN, state_); switch (option) { case P2P_SOCKET_OPT_RCVBUF: return socket_->SetReceiveBufferSize(value) == net::OK; case P2P_SOCKET_OPT_SNDBUF: return socket_->SetSendBufferSize(value) == net::OK; case P2P_SOCKET_OPT_DSCP: return false; // For TCP sockets DSCP setting is not available. default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } } P2PSocketHostTcp::P2PSocketHostTcp(IPC::Sender* message_sender, int socket_id, P2PSocketType type, net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_context) : P2PSocketHostTcpBase(message_sender, socket_id, type, url_context) { DCHECK(type == P2P_SOCKET_TCP_CLIENT || type == P2P_SOCKET_SSLTCP_CLIENT || type == P2P_SOCKET_TLS_CLIENT); } P2PSocketHostTcp::~P2PSocketHostTcp() { } int P2PSocketHostTcp::ProcessInput(char* input, int input_len) { if (input_len < kPacketHeaderSize) return 0; int packet_size = base::NetToHost16(*reinterpret_cast(input)); if (input_len < packet_size + kPacketHeaderSize) return 0; int consumed = kPacketHeaderSize; char* cur = input + consumed; std::vector data(cur, cur + packet_size); OnPacket(data); consumed += packet_size; return consumed; } void P2PSocketHostTcp::DoSend(const net::IPEndPoint& to, const std::vector& data, const talk_base::PacketOptions& options) { int size = kPacketHeaderSize + data.size(); scoped_refptr buffer = new net::DrainableIOBuffer(new net::IOBuffer(size), size); *reinterpret_cast(buffer->data()) = base::HostToNet16(data.size()); memcpy(buffer->data() + kPacketHeaderSize, &data[0], data.size()); packet_processing_helpers::ApplyPacketOptions( buffer->data() + kPacketHeaderSize, buffer->BytesRemaining() - kPacketHeaderSize, options, 0); WriteOrQueue(buffer); } // P2PSocketHostStunTcp P2PSocketHostStunTcp::P2PSocketHostStunTcp( IPC::Sender* message_sender, int socket_id, P2PSocketType type, net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_context) : P2PSocketHostTcpBase(message_sender, socket_id, type, url_context) { DCHECK(type == P2P_SOCKET_STUN_TCP_CLIENT || type == P2P_SOCKET_STUN_SSLTCP_CLIENT || type == P2P_SOCKET_STUN_TLS_CLIENT); } P2PSocketHostStunTcp::~P2PSocketHostStunTcp() { } int P2PSocketHostStunTcp::ProcessInput(char* input, int input_len) { if (input_len < kPacketHeaderSize + kPacketLengthOffset) return 0; int pad_bytes; int packet_size = GetExpectedPacketSize( input, input_len, &pad_bytes); if (input_len < packet_size + pad_bytes) return 0; // We have a complete packet. Read through it. int consumed = 0; char* cur = input; std::vector data(cur, cur + packet_size); OnPacket(data); consumed += packet_size; consumed += pad_bytes; return consumed; } void P2PSocketHostStunTcp::DoSend(const net::IPEndPoint& to, const std::vector& data, const talk_base::PacketOptions& options) { // Each packet is expected to have header (STUN/TURN ChannelData), where // header contains message type and and length of message. if (data.size() < kPacketHeaderSize + kPacketLengthOffset) { NOTREACHED(); OnError(); return; } int pad_bytes; size_t expected_len = GetExpectedPacketSize( &data[0], data.size(), &pad_bytes); // Accepts only complete STUN/TURN packets. if (data.size() != expected_len) { NOTREACHED(); OnError(); return; } // Add any pad bytes to the total size. int size = data.size() + pad_bytes; scoped_refptr buffer = new net::DrainableIOBuffer(new net::IOBuffer(size), size); memcpy(buffer->data(), &data[0], data.size()); packet_processing_helpers::ApplyPacketOptions( buffer->data(), data.size(), options, 0); if (pad_bytes) { char padding[4] = {0}; DCHECK_LE(pad_bytes, 4); memcpy(buffer->data() + data.size(), padding, pad_bytes); } WriteOrQueue(buffer); if (dump_outgoing_rtp_packet_) DumpRtpPacket(buffer->data(), data.size(), false); } int P2PSocketHostStunTcp::GetExpectedPacketSize( const char* data, int len, int* pad_bytes) { DCHECK_LE(kTurnChannelDataHeaderSize, len); // Both stun and turn had length at offset 2. int packet_size = base::NetToHost16(*reinterpret_cast( data + kPacketLengthOffset)); // Get packet type (STUN or TURN). uint16 msg_type = base::NetToHost16(*reinterpret_cast(data)); *pad_bytes = 0; // Add heder length to packet length. if ((msg_type & 0xC000) == 0) { packet_size += kStunHeaderSize; } else { packet_size += kTurnChannelDataHeaderSize; // Calculate any padding if present. if (packet_size % 4) *pad_bytes = 4 - packet_size % 4; } return packet_size; } } // namespace content