// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host_browsertest.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/test/ui_test_utils.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host.h" #include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "content/common/test_url_constants.h" RenderProcessHostTest::RenderProcessHostTest() { EnableDOMAutomation(); } int RenderProcessHostTest::RenderProcessHostCount() { RenderProcessHost::iterator hosts = RenderProcessHost::AllHostsIterator(); int count = 0; while (!hosts.IsAtEnd()) { if (hosts.GetCurrentValue()->HasConnection()) count++; hosts.Advance(); } return count; } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(RenderProcessHostTest, ProcessPerTab) { // Set max renderers to 1 to force running out of processes. RenderProcessHost::SetMaxRendererProcessCount(1); CommandLine& parsed_command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); parsed_command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kProcessPerTab); int tab_count = 1; int host_count = 1; #if defined(TOUCH_UI) ++host_count; // For the touch keyboard. #endif // Change the first tab to be the new tab page (TYPE_WEBUI). GURL newtab(chrome::kTestNewTabURL); ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), newtab); EXPECT_EQ(tab_count, browser()->tab_count()); EXPECT_EQ(host_count, RenderProcessHostCount()); // Create a new TYPE_TABBED tab. It should be in its own process. GURL page1("data:text/html,hello world1"); browser()->ShowSingletonTab(page1); if (browser()->tab_count() == tab_count) ui_test_utils::WaitForNewTab(browser()); tab_count++; host_count++; EXPECT_EQ(tab_count, browser()->tab_count()); EXPECT_EQ(host_count, RenderProcessHostCount()); // Create another TYPE_TABBED tab. It should share the previous process. GURL page2("data:text/html,hello world2"); browser()->ShowSingletonTab(page2); if (browser()->tab_count() == tab_count) ui_test_utils::WaitForNewTab(browser()); tab_count++; EXPECT_EQ(tab_count, browser()->tab_count()); EXPECT_EQ(host_count, RenderProcessHostCount()); // Create another new tab. It should share the process with the other WebUI. browser()->NewTab(); if (browser()->tab_count() == tab_count) ui_test_utils::WaitForNewTab(browser()); tab_count++; EXPECT_EQ(tab_count, browser()->tab_count()); EXPECT_EQ(host_count, RenderProcessHostCount()); // Create another new tab. It should share the process with the other WebUI. browser()->NewTab(); if (browser()->tab_count() == tab_count) ui_test_utils::WaitForNewTab(browser()); tab_count++; EXPECT_EQ(tab_count, browser()->tab_count()); EXPECT_EQ(host_count, RenderProcessHostCount()); } // When we hit the max number of renderers, verify that the way we do process // sharing behaves correctly. In particular, this test is verifying that even // when we hit the max process limit, that renderers of each type will wind up // in a process of that type, even if that means creating a new process. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(RenderProcessHostTest, ProcessOverflow) { // Set max renderers to 1 to force running out of processes. RenderProcessHost::SetMaxRendererProcessCount(1); int tab_count = 1; int host_count = 1; TabContents* tab1 = NULL; TabContents* tab2 = NULL; RenderProcessHost* rph1 = NULL; RenderProcessHost* rph2 = NULL; RenderProcessHost* rph3 = NULL; #if defined(TOUCH_UI) ++host_count; // For the touch keyboard. #endif // Change the first tab to be the new tab page (TYPE_WEBUI). GURL newtab(chrome::kTestNewTabURL); ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), newtab); EXPECT_EQ(tab_count, browser()->tab_count()); tab1 = browser()->GetTabContentsAt(tab_count - 1); rph1 = tab1->GetRenderProcessHost(); EXPECT_EQ(tab1->GetURL(), newtab); EXPECT_EQ(host_count, RenderProcessHostCount()); // Create a new TYPE_TABBED tab. It should be in its own process. GURL page1("data:text/html,hello world1"); browser()->ShowSingletonTab(page1); if (browser()->tab_count() == tab_count) ui_test_utils::WaitForNewTab(browser()); tab_count++; host_count++; EXPECT_EQ(tab_count, browser()->tab_count()); tab1 = browser()->GetTabContentsAt(tab_count - 1); rph2 = tab1->GetRenderProcessHost(); EXPECT_EQ(tab1->GetURL(), page1); EXPECT_EQ(host_count, RenderProcessHostCount()); EXPECT_NE(rph1, rph2); // Create another TYPE_TABBED tab. It should share the previous process. GURL page2("data:text/html,hello world2"); browser()->ShowSingletonTab(page2); if (browser()->tab_count() == tab_count) ui_test_utils::WaitForNewTab(browser()); tab_count++; EXPECT_EQ(tab_count, browser()->tab_count()); tab2 = browser()->GetTabContentsAt(tab_count - 1); EXPECT_EQ(tab2->GetURL(), page2); EXPECT_EQ(host_count, RenderProcessHostCount()); EXPECT_EQ(tab2->GetRenderProcessHost(), rph2); // Create another TYPE_WEBUI tab. It should share the process with newtab. // Note: intentionally create this tab after the TYPE_TABBED tabs to exercise // bug 43448 where extension and WebUI tabs could get combined into normal // renderers. GURL history(chrome::kTestHistoryURL); browser()->ShowSingletonTab(history); if (browser()->tab_count() == tab_count) ui_test_utils::WaitForNewTab(browser()); tab_count++; EXPECT_EQ(tab_count, browser()->tab_count()); tab2 = browser()->GetTabContentsAt(tab_count - 1); EXPECT_EQ(tab2->GetURL(), history); EXPECT_EQ(host_count, RenderProcessHostCount()); EXPECT_EQ(tab2->GetRenderProcessHost(), rph1); // Create a TYPE_EXTENSION tab. It should be in its own process. // (the bookmark manager is implemented as an extension) GURL bookmarks(chrome::kTestBookmarksURL); browser()->ShowSingletonTab(bookmarks); if (browser()->tab_count() == tab_count) ui_test_utils::WaitForNewTab(browser()); tab_count++; #if !defined(TOUCH_UI) // The keyboard in touchui already creates an extension process. So this // should not increase the process count. host_count++; #endif EXPECT_EQ(tab_count, browser()->tab_count()); tab1 = browser()->GetTabContentsAt(tab_count - 1); rph3 = tab1->GetRenderProcessHost(); EXPECT_EQ(tab1->GetURL(), bookmarks); EXPECT_EQ(host_count, RenderProcessHostCount()); EXPECT_NE(rph1, rph3); EXPECT_NE(rph2, rph3); }