// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_BROWSER_RENDERER_HOST_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_VIEW_WIN_H_ #define CONTENT_BROWSER_RENDERER_HOST_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_VIEW_WIN_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h" #include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_manager.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_base.h" #include "content/common/content_export.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h" #include "ui/base/gestures/gesture_recognizer.h" #include "ui/base/gestures/gesture_types.h" #include "ui/base/ime/text_input_client.h" #include "ui/base/ime/win/tsf_bridge.h" #include "ui/base/win/extra_sdk_defines.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" #include "ui/gfx/point.h" #include "ui/surface/accelerated_surface_win.h" #include "webkit/common/cursors/webcursor.h" class SkRegion; namespace gfx { class Size; class Rect; } namespace IPC { class Message; } namespace ui { class IMM32Manager; class ViewProp; } namespace WebKit { struct WebScreenInfo; } namespace content { class BackingStore; class RenderWidgetHost; class WebTouchState; typedef CWinTraits RenderWidgetHostHWNDTraits; CONTENT_EXPORT extern const wchar_t kRenderWidgetHostHWNDClass[]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RenderWidgetHostViewWin // // An object representing the "View" of a rendered web page. This object is // responsible for displaying the content of the web page, receiving windows // messages, and containing plugins HWNDs. It is the implementation of the // RenderWidgetHostView that the cross-platform RenderWidgetHost object uses // to display the data. // // Comment excerpted from render_widget_host.h: // // "The lifetime of the RenderWidgetHostHWND is tied to the render process. // If the render process dies, the RenderWidgetHostHWND goes away and all // references to it must become NULL." // // RenderWidgetHostView class hierarchy described in render_widget_host_view.h. class RenderWidgetHostViewWin : public CWindowImpl, public RenderWidgetHostViewBase, public NotificationObserver, public BrowserAccessibilityDelegate, public ui::GestureConsumer, public ui::GestureEventHelper, public ui::TextInputClient { // for Win8/metro TSF support. public: virtual ~RenderWidgetHostViewWin(); CONTENT_EXPORT void CreateWnd(HWND parent); void AcceleratedPaint(HDC dc); DECLARE_WND_CLASS_EX(kRenderWidgetHostHWNDClass, CS_DBLCLKS, 0); BEGIN_MSG_MAP(RenderWidgetHostHWND) MSG_WM_CREATE(OnCreate) MSG_WM_ACTIVATE(OnActivate) MSG_WM_DESTROY(OnDestroy) MSG_WM_PAINT(OnPaint) MSG_WM_NCPAINT(OnNCPaint) MSG_WM_NCHITTEST(OnNCHitTest) MSG_WM_ERASEBKGND(OnEraseBkgnd) MSG_WM_SETCURSOR(OnSetCursor) MSG_WM_SETFOCUS(OnSetFocus) MSG_WM_KILLFOCUS(OnKillFocus) MSG_WM_CAPTURECHANGED(OnCaptureChanged) MSG_WM_CANCELMODE(OnCancelMode) MSG_WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE(OnInputLangChange) MSG_WM_THEMECHANGED(OnThemeChanged) MSG_WM_NOTIFY(OnNotify) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, OnImeSetContext) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION, OnImeStartComposition) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_IME_COMPOSITION, OnImeComposition) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION, OnImeEndComposition) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_IME_REQUEST, OnImeRequest) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MOUSEMOVE, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MOUSELEAVE, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MBUTTONDOWN, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_RBUTTONDOWN, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_LBUTTONUP, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MBUTTONUP, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_RBUTTONUP, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK, OnMouseEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_SYSKEYDOWN, OnKeyEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_SYSKEYUP, OnKeyEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_KEYDOWN, OnKeyEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_KEYUP, OnKeyEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MOUSEWHEEL, OnWheelEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MOUSEHWHEEL, OnWheelEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_HSCROLL, OnWheelEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_VSCROLL, OnWheelEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_CHAR, OnKeyEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_SYSCHAR, OnKeyEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_TOUCH, OnTouchEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_IME_CHAR, OnKeyEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MOUSEACTIVATE, OnMouseActivate) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_GETOBJECT, OnGetObject) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_PARENTNOTIFY, OnParentNotify) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_GESTURE, OnGestureEvent) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MOVE, OnMoveOrSize) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_SIZE, OnMoveOrSize) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE, OnSessionChange) END_MSG_MAP() // RenderWidgetHostView implementation. virtual void InitAsChild(gfx::NativeView parent_view) OVERRIDE; virtual RenderWidgetHost* GetRenderWidgetHost() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetSize(const gfx::Size& size) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& rect) OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::NativeViewId GetNativeViewId() const OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNativeViewAccessible() OVERRIDE; virtual bool HasFocus() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsSurfaceAvailableForCopy() const OVERRIDE; virtual void Show() OVERRIDE; virtual void Hide() OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsShowing() OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::Rect GetViewBounds() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetBackground(const SkBitmap& background) OVERRIDE; // Implementation of RenderWidgetHostViewPort. virtual void InitAsPopup(RenderWidgetHostView* parent_host_view, const gfx::Rect& pos) OVERRIDE; virtual void InitAsFullscreen( RenderWidgetHostView* reference_host_view) OVERRIDE; virtual void WasShown() OVERRIDE; virtual void WasHidden() OVERRIDE; virtual void MovePluginWindows( const gfx::Vector2d& scroll_offset, const std::vector& moves) OVERRIDE; virtual void Focus() OVERRIDE; virtual void Blur() OVERRIDE; virtual void UpdateCursor(const WebCursor& cursor) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading) OVERRIDE; virtual void TextInputTypeChanged(ui::TextInputType type, bool can_compose_inline, ui::TextInputMode input_mode) OVERRIDE; virtual void SelectionBoundsChanged( const ViewHostMsg_SelectionBounds_Params& params) OVERRIDE; virtual void ScrollOffsetChanged() OVERRIDE; virtual void ImeCancelComposition() OVERRIDE; virtual void ImeCompositionRangeChanged( const ui::Range& range, const std::vector& character_bounds) OVERRIDE; virtual void DidUpdateBackingStore( const gfx::Rect& scroll_rect, const gfx::Vector2d& scroll_delta, const std::vector& copy_rects, const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info) OVERRIDE; virtual void RenderProcessGone(base::TerminationStatus status, int error_code) OVERRIDE; virtual bool CanSubscribeFrame() const OVERRIDE; // called by WebContentsImpl before DestroyWindow virtual void WillWmDestroy() OVERRIDE; virtual void Destroy() OVERRIDE; virtual void SetTooltipText(const string16& tooltip_text) OVERRIDE; virtual BackingStore* AllocBackingStore(const gfx::Size& size) OVERRIDE; virtual void CopyFromCompositingSurface( const gfx::Rect& src_subrect, const gfx::Size& dst_size, const base::Callback& callback) OVERRIDE; virtual void CopyFromCompositingSurfaceToVideoFrame( const gfx::Rect& src_subrect, const scoped_refptr& target, const base::Callback& callback) OVERRIDE; virtual bool CanCopyToVideoFrame() const OVERRIDE; virtual void OnAcceleratedCompositingStateChange() OVERRIDE; virtual void ProcessAckedTouchEvent(const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& touch, InputEventAckState ack_result) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetHasHorizontalScrollbar( bool has_horizontal_scrollbar) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetScrollOffsetPinning( bool is_pinned_to_left, bool is_pinned_to_right) OVERRIDE; virtual void GetScreenInfo(WebKit::WebScreenInfo* results) OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::Rect GetBoundsInRootWindow() OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::GLSurfaceHandle GetCompositingSurface() OVERRIDE; virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped( const GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped_Params& params, int gpu_host_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void AcceleratedSurfacePostSubBuffer( const GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfacePostSubBuffer_Params& params, int gpu_host_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceSuspend() OVERRIDE; virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceRelease() OVERRIDE; virtual bool HasAcceleratedSurface(const gfx::Size& desired_size) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnAccessibilityNotifications( const std::vector& params ) OVERRIDE; virtual bool LockMouse() OVERRIDE; virtual void UnlockMouse() OVERRIDE; virtual void SetClickthroughRegion(SkRegion* region) OVERRIDE; // Implementation of NotificationObserver: virtual void Observe(int type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE; // Implementation of BrowserAccessibilityDelegate: virtual void SetAccessibilityFocus(int acc_obj_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void AccessibilityDoDefaultAction(int acc_obj_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void AccessibilityScrollToMakeVisible( int acc_obj_id, gfx::Rect subfocus) OVERRIDE; virtual void AccessibilityScrollToPoint( int acc_obj_id, gfx::Point point) OVERRIDE; virtual void AccessibilitySetTextSelection( int acc_obj_id, int start_offset, int end_offset) OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::Point GetLastTouchEventLocation() const OVERRIDE; virtual void FatalAccessibilityTreeError() OVERRIDE; // Overridden from ui::GestureEventHelper. virtual bool DispatchLongPressGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) OVERRIDE; virtual bool DispatchCancelTouchEvent(ui::TouchEvent* event) OVERRIDE; // Overridden from ui::TextInputClient for Win8/metro TSF support. // Following methods are not used in existing IMM32 related implementation. virtual void SetCompositionText( const ui::CompositionText& composition) OVERRIDE; virtual void ConfirmCompositionText() OVERRIDE; virtual void ClearCompositionText() OVERRIDE; virtual void InsertText(const string16& text) OVERRIDE; virtual void InsertChar(char16 ch, int flags) OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetAttachedWindow() const OVERRIDE; virtual ui::TextInputType GetTextInputType() const OVERRIDE; virtual ui::TextInputMode GetTextInputMode() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool CanComposeInline() const OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::Rect GetCaretBounds() OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetCompositionCharacterBounds(uint32 index, gfx::Rect* rect) OVERRIDE; virtual bool HasCompositionText() OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetTextRange(ui::Range* range) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetCompositionTextRange(ui::Range* range) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetSelectionRange(ui::Range* range) OVERRIDE; virtual bool SetSelectionRange(const ui::Range& range) OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeleteRange(const ui::Range& range) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetTextFromRange(const ui::Range& range, string16* text) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnInputMethodChanged() OVERRIDE; virtual bool ChangeTextDirectionAndLayoutAlignment( base::i18n::TextDirection direction) OVERRIDE; virtual void ExtendSelectionAndDelete(size_t before, size_t after) OVERRIDE; virtual void EnsureCaretInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) OVERRIDE; protected: friend class RenderWidgetHostView; // Should construct only via RenderWidgetHostView::CreateViewForWidget. // // The view will associate itself with the given widget. explicit RenderWidgetHostViewWin(RenderWidgetHost* widget); // Windows Message Handlers LRESULT OnCreate(CREATESTRUCT* create_struct); void OnActivate(UINT, BOOL, HWND); void OnDestroy(); void OnPaint(HDC unused_dc); void OnNCPaint(HRGN update_region); LRESULT OnNCHitTest(const CPoint& pt); LRESULT OnEraseBkgnd(HDC dc); LRESULT OnSetCursor(HWND window, UINT hittest_code, UINT mouse_message_id); void OnSetFocus(HWND window); void OnKillFocus(HWND window); void OnCaptureChanged(HWND window); void OnCancelMode(); void OnInputLangChange(DWORD character_set, HKL input_language_id); void OnThemeChanged(); LRESULT OnNotify(int w_param, NMHDR* header); LRESULT OnImeSetContext( UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); LRESULT OnImeStartComposition( UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); LRESULT OnImeComposition( UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); LRESULT OnImeEndComposition( UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); LRESULT OnImeRequest( UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); LRESULT OnMouseEvent( UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); LRESULT OnKeyEvent( UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); LRESULT OnWheelEvent( UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); LRESULT OnTouchEvent( UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); LRESULT OnMouseActivate(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); // Handle MSAA requests for accessibility information. LRESULT OnGetObject(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); // Handle vertical scrolling. LRESULT OnVScroll(int code, short position, HWND scrollbar_control); // Handle horizontal scrolling. LRESULT OnHScroll(int code, short position, HWND scrollbar_control); LRESULT OnParentNotify(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); // Handle high-level touch events. LRESULT OnGestureEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); LRESULT OnMoveOrSize(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); // Handle transitioning in and out of screensaver mode. LRESULT OnSessionChange(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled); void OnFinalMessage(HWND window); private: FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostViewWinBrowserTest, TextInputTypeChanged); // Updates the display cursor to the current cursor if the cursor is over this // render view. void UpdateCursorIfOverSelf(); // Tells Windows that we want to hear about mouse exit messages. void TrackMouseLeave(bool start_tracking); // Sends a message to the RenderView in the renderer process. bool Send(IPC::Message* message); // Set the tooltip region to the size of the window, creating the tooltip // hwnd if it has not been created yet. void EnsureTooltip(); // Tooltips become invalid when the root ancestor changes. When the View // becomes hidden, this method is called to reset the tooltip. void ResetTooltip(); // Builds and forwards a WebKitGestureEvent to the renderer. bool ForwardGestureEventToRenderer( ui::GestureEvent* gesture); // Process all of the given gestures (passes them on to renderer) void ProcessGestures(ui::GestureRecognizer::Gestures* gestures); // Sends the specified mouse event to the renderer. void ForwardMouseEventToRenderer(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); // Synthesize mouse wheel event. LRESULT SynthesizeMouseWheel(bool is_vertical, int scroll_code, short scroll_position); // Shuts down the render_widget_host_. This is a separate function so we can // invoke it from the message loop. void ShutdownHost(); // Redraws the window synchronously, and any child windows (i.e. plugins) // asynchronously. void Redraw(); // Draw our background over the given HDC in the given |rect|. The background // will be tiled such that it lines up with existing tiles starting from the // origin of |dc|. void DrawBackground(const RECT& rect, CPaintDC* dc); // Clean up the compositor window, if needed. void CleanupCompositorWindow(); // Whether the window should be activated. bool IsActivatable() const; // Do initialization needed by both InitAsPopup() and InitAsFullscreen(). void DoPopupOrFullscreenInit(HWND parent_hwnd, const gfx::Rect& pos, DWORD ex_style); CPoint GetClientCenter() const; // In mouse lock mode, moves the mouse cursor to the center of the view if it // is too close to the border. void MoveCursorToCenterIfNecessary(); void HandleLockedMouseEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); LRESULT OnDocumentFeed(RECONVERTSTRING* reconv); LRESULT OnReconvertString(RECONVERTSTRING* reconv); LRESULT OnQueryCharPosition(IMECHARPOSITION* position); // Sets the appropriate mode for raw-touches or gestures. Currently touch mode // will only take effect on Win7+. void UpdateDesiredTouchMode(); // Configures the enable/disable state of |ime_input_| to match with the // current |text_input_type_|. void UpdateIMEState(); // Returns bounds of the view in pixels. gfx::Rect GetPixelBounds() const; // Sets the appropriate input scope for given |text_input_type| if TSF-aware // is not required. Does nothing if TSF-aware is required (and TSF text store // is responsible for managing input scope). Currently input scope will only // take effect on Vista+. void UpdateInputScopeIfNecessary(ui::TextInputType text_input_type); // Create a BrowserAccessibilityManager with an empty document if it // doesn't already exist. void CreateBrowserAccessibilityManagerIfNeeded(); // The associated Model. While |this| is being Destroyed, // |render_widget_host_| is NULL and the Windows message loop is run one last // time. Message handlers must check for a NULL |render_widget_host_|. RenderWidgetHostImpl* render_widget_host_; // When we are doing accelerated compositing HWND compositor_host_window_; // Presents a texture received from another process to the compositing // window. scoped_ptr accelerated_surface_; // true if the compositor host window must be hidden after the // software renderered view is updated. bool hide_compositor_window_at_next_paint_; // The cursor for the page. This is passed up from the renderer. WebCursor current_cursor_; // Indicates if the page is loading. bool is_loading_; // true if we are currently tracking WM_MOUSEEXIT messages. bool track_mouse_leave_; // Wrapper class for IMM32 APIs. // (See "ui/base/ime/win/imm32_manager.h" for its details.) scoped_ptr imm32_manager_; // Represents whether or not this browser process is receiving status // messages about the focused edit control from a renderer process. bool ime_notification_; // true if Enter was hit when render widget host was in focus. bool capture_enter_key_; // true if the View is not visible. bool is_hidden_; // The touch-state. Its touch-points are updated as necessary. A new // touch-point is added from an TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN message, and a touch-point // is removed from the list on an TOUCHEVENTF_UP message. scoped_ptr touch_state_; // True if we're in the midst of a paint operation and should respond to // DidPaintRect() notifications by merely invalidating. See comments on // render_widget_host_view.h:DidPaintRect(). bool about_to_validate_and_paint_; // true if the View should be closed when its HWND is deactivated (used to // support SELECT popups which are closed when they are deactivated). bool close_on_deactivate_; // Whether Destroy() has been called. Used to detect a crasher // (http://crbug.com/24248) where render_view_host_ has been deleted when // OnFinalMessage is called. bool being_destroyed_; // Tooltips // The text to be shown in the tooltip, supplied by the renderer. string16 tooltip_text_; // The tooltip control hwnd HWND tooltip_hwnd_; // Whether or not a tooltip is currently visible. We use this to track // whether or not we want to force-close the tooltip when we receive mouse // move notifications from the renderer. See comment in OnMsgSetTooltipText. bool tooltip_showing_; // Factory used to safely scope delayed calls to ShutdownHost(). base::WeakPtrFactory weak_factory_; // The time at which this view started displaying white pixels as a result of // not having anything to paint (empty backing store from renderer). This // value returns true for is_null() if we are not recording whiteout times. base::TimeTicks whiteout_start_time_; // The time it took after this view was selected for it to be fully painted. base::TimeTicks web_contents_switch_paint_time_; // Registrar so we can listen to RENDERER_PROCESS_TERMINATED events. NotificationRegistrar registrar_; // Stores the current text input type received by TextInputStateChanged() // method. ui::TextInputType text_input_type_; ui::TextInputMode text_input_mode_; bool can_compose_inline_; ScopedVector props_; // Is the widget fullscreen? bool is_fullscreen_; // Used to record the last position of the mouse. struct { // While the mouse is locked, |unlocked| and |unlocked_global| store the // last known position just as mouse lock was entered. // Relative to the upper-left corner of the view. gfx::Point unlocked; // Relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. gfx::Point unlocked_global; // Only valid while the mouse is locked. gfx::Point locked_global; } last_mouse_position_; // When the mouse cursor is moved to the center of the view by // MoveCursorToCenterIfNecessary(), we ignore the resulting WM_MOUSEMOVE // message. struct { bool pending; // Relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. gfx::Point target; } move_to_center_request_; // In the case of the mouse being moved away from the view and then moved // back, we regard the mouse movement as (0, 0). bool ignore_mouse_movement_; ui::Range composition_range_; // The current composition character bounds. std::vector composition_character_bounds_; // A cached latest caret rectangle sent from renderer. gfx::Rect caret_rect_; // TODO(ananta) // The WM_POINTERDOWN and touch related members should be moved to an // independent class to reduce the clutter. This includes members // pointer_down_context_ and last_touch_location_; // Set to true if we are in the context of a WM_POINTERDOWN message bool pointer_down_context_; // The global x, y coordinates of the last point a touch event was // received, used to determine if it's okay to open the on-screen // keyboard. Reset when the window loses focus. gfx::Point last_touch_location_; // Region in which the view will be transparent to clicks. scoped_ptr transparent_region_; // Are touch events currently enabled? bool touch_events_enabled_; scoped_ptr gesture_recognizer_; // The OS-provided default IAccessible instance for our hwnd. base::win::ScopedComPtr window_iaccessible_; ui::LatencyInfo software_latency_info_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderWidgetHostViewWin); }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_BROWSER_RENDERER_HOST_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_VIEW_WIN_H_