// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/renderer_host/video_capture_controller.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "content/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/browser/media_stream/video_capture_manager.h" #include "media/base/yuv_convert.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "content/common/section_util_win.h" #endif // The number of TransportDIBs VideoCaptureController allocate. static const size_t kNoOfDIBS = 3; VideoCaptureController::VideoCaptureController( const VideoCaptureControllerID& id, base::ProcessHandle render_process, VideoCaptureControllerEventHandler* event_handler) : render_handle_(render_process), report_ready_to_delete_(false), event_handler_(event_handler), id_(id) {} VideoCaptureController::~VideoCaptureController() { // Delete all TransportDIBs. STLDeleteContainerPairSecondPointers(owned_dibs_.begin(), owned_dibs_.end()); } void VideoCaptureController::StartCapture( const media::VideoCaptureParams& params) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); params_ = params; media_stream::VideoCaptureManager* manager = media_stream::VideoCaptureManager::Get(); // Order the manager to start the actual capture. manager->Start(params, this); } void VideoCaptureController::StopCapture(Task* stopped_task) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); media_stream::VideoCaptureManager* manager = media_stream::VideoCaptureManager::Get(); manager->Stop(params_.session_id, NewRunnableMethod(this, &VideoCaptureController::OnDeviceStopped, stopped_task)); } void VideoCaptureController::ReturnTransportDIB(TransportDIB::Handle handle) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); bool ready_to_delete; { base::AutoLock lock(lock_); free_dibs_.push_back(handle); ready_to_delete = (free_dibs_.size() == owned_dibs_.size()); } if (report_ready_to_delete_ && ready_to_delete) { event_handler_->OnReadyToDelete(id_); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implements VideoCaptureDevice::EventHandler. // OnIncomingCapturedFrame is called the thread running the capture device. // I.e.- DirectShow thread on windows and v4l2_thread on Linux. void VideoCaptureController::OnIncomingCapturedFrame(const uint8* data, int length, base::Time timestamp) { TransportDIB::Handle handle; TransportDIB* dib = NULL; // Check if there is a TransportDIB to fill. bool buffer_exist = false; { base::AutoLock lock(lock_); if (!report_ready_to_delete_ && free_dibs_.size() > 0) { handle = free_dibs_.back(); free_dibs_.pop_back(); DIBMap::iterator it = owned_dibs_.find(handle); if (it != owned_dibs_.end()) { dib = it->second; buffer_exist = true; } } } if (!buffer_exist) { return; } if (!dib->Map()) { VLOG(1) << "OnIncomingCapturedFrame - Failed to map handle."; base::AutoLock lock(lock_); free_dibs_.push_back(handle); return; } uint8* target = static_cast(dib->memory()); CHECK(dib->size() >= static_cast (frame_info_.width * frame_info_.height * 3) / 2); // Do color conversion from the camera format to I420. switch (frame_info_.color) { case media::VideoCaptureDevice::kColorUnknown: // Color format not set. break; case media::VideoCaptureDevice::kI420: { memcpy(target, data, (frame_info_.width * frame_info_.height * 3) / 2); break; } case media::VideoCaptureDevice::kYUY2: { uint8* yplane = target; uint8* uplane = target + frame_info_.width * frame_info_.height; uint8* vplane = uplane + (frame_info_.width * frame_info_.height) / 4; media::ConvertYUY2ToYUV(data, yplane, uplane, vplane, frame_info_.width, frame_info_.height); break; } case media::VideoCaptureDevice::kRGB24: { #if defined(OS_WIN) // RGB on Windows start at the bottom line. uint8* yplane = target; uint8* uplane = target + frame_info_.width * frame_info_.height; uint8* vplane = uplane + (frame_info_.width * frame_info_.height) / 4; int ystride = frame_info_.width; int uvstride = frame_info_.width / 2; int rgb_stride = - 3 * frame_info_.width; const uint8* rgb_src = data + 3 * frame_info_.width * (frame_info_.height -1); #else uint8* yplane = target; uint8* uplane = target + frame_info_.width * frame_info_.height; uint8* vplane = uplane + (frame_info_.width * frame_info_.height) / 4; int ystride = frame_info_.width; int uvstride = frame_info_.width / 2; int rgb_stride = 3 * frame_info_.width; const uint8* rgb_src = data; #endif media::ConvertRGB24ToYUV(rgb_src, yplane, uplane, vplane, frame_info_.width, frame_info_.height, rgb_stride, ystride, uvstride); break; } case media::VideoCaptureDevice::kARGB: { uint8* yplane = target; uint8* uplane = target + frame_info_.width * frame_info_.height; uint8* vplane = uplane + (frame_info_.width * frame_info_.height) / 4; media::ConvertRGB32ToYUV(data, yplane, uplane, vplane, frame_info_.width, frame_info_.height, frame_info_.width * 4, frame_info_.width, frame_info_.width / 2); break; } default: NOTREACHED(); } event_handler_->OnBufferReady(id_, handle, timestamp); } void VideoCaptureController::OnError() { event_handler_->OnError(id_); } void VideoCaptureController::OnFrameInfo( const media::VideoCaptureDevice::Capability& info) { DCHECK(owned_dibs_.empty()); bool frames_created = true; const size_t needed_size = (info.width * info.height * 3) / 2; for (size_t i = 0; i < kNoOfDIBS; ++i) { TransportDIB* dib = TransportDIB::Create(needed_size, i); if (!dib) { frames_created = false; break; } // Lock needed since the buffers are used in OnIncomingFrame // and we need to use it there in order to avoid memcpy of complete frames. base::AutoLock lock(lock_); #if defined(OS_WIN) // On Windows we need to get a handle the can be used in the render process. TransportDIB::Handle handle = chrome::GetSectionForProcess( dib->handle(), render_handle_, false); #else TransportDIB::Handle handle = dib->handle(); #endif owned_dibs_.insert(std::make_pair(handle, dib)); free_dibs_.push_back(handle); } frame_info_= info; // Check that all DIBs where created successfully. if (!frames_created) { event_handler_->OnError(id_); } event_handler_->OnFrameInfo(id_, info.width, info.height, info.frame_rate); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Called by VideoCaptureManager when a device have been stopped. // This will report to the event handler that this object is ready to be deleted // if all DIBS have been returned. void VideoCaptureController::OnDeviceStopped(Task* stopped_task) { bool ready_to_delete_now; // Set flag to indicate we need to report when all DIBs have been returned. report_ready_to_delete_ = true; { base::AutoLock lock(lock_); ready_to_delete_now = (free_dibs_.size() == owned_dibs_.size()); } if (ready_to_delete_now) { event_handler_->OnReadyToDelete(id_); } if (stopped_task) { stopped_task->Run(); delete stopped_task; } }