// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_BROWSER_SERVICE_WORKER_SERVICE_WORKER_METRICS_H_ #define CONTENT_BROWSER_SERVICE_WORKER_SERVICE_WORKER_METRICS_H_ #include "base/macros.h" #include "content/browser/service_worker/service_worker_database.h" #include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_types.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/modules/serviceworker/WebServiceWorkerResponseError.h" class GURL; namespace content { class ServiceWorkerMetrics { public: enum ReadResponseResult { READ_OK, READ_HEADERS_ERROR, READ_DATA_ERROR, NUM_READ_RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPES, }; enum WriteResponseResult { WRITE_OK, WRITE_HEADERS_ERROR, WRITE_DATA_ERROR, NUM_WRITE_RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPES, }; enum DiskCacheMigrationResult { MIGRATION_OK, MIGRATION_NOT_NECESSARY, MIGRATION_ERROR_MIGRATION_FAILED, MIGRATION_ERROR_UPDATE_DATABASE, NUM_MIGRATION_RESULT_TYPES, }; enum DeleteAndStartOverResult { DELETE_OK, DELETE_DATABASE_ERROR, DELETE_DISK_CACHE_ERROR, NUM_DELETE_AND_START_OVER_RESULT_TYPES, }; enum URLRequestJobResult { REQUEST_JOB_FALLBACK_RESPONSE, REQUEST_JOB_FALLBACK_FOR_CORS, REQUEST_JOB_HEADERS_ONLY_RESPONSE, REQUEST_JOB_STREAM_RESPONSE, REQUEST_JOB_BLOB_RESPONSE, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_RESPONSE_STATUS_ZERO, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_BAD_BLOB, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_NO_PROVIDER_HOST, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_NO_ACTIVE_VERSION, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_NO_REQUEST, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_FETCH_EVENT_DISPATCH, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_BLOB_READ, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_STREAM_ABORTED, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_KILLED, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_KILLED_WITH_BLOB, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_KILLED_WITH_STREAM, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_DESTROYED, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_DESTROYED_WITH_BLOB, REQUEST_JOB_ERROR_DESTROYED_WITH_STREAM, NUM_REQUEST_JOB_RESULT_TYPES, }; enum StopWorkerStatus { STOP_STATUS_STOPPING, STOP_STATUS_STOPPED, STOP_STATUS_STALLED, STOP_STATUS_STALLED_THEN_STOPPED, NUM_STOP_STATUS_TYPES }; enum EventType { EVENT_TYPE_FETCH, // Add new events to record here. NUM_EVENT_TYPES }; // Used for UMA. Append only. enum class Site { OTHER, NEW_TAB_PAGE, NUM_TYPES }; // Excludes NTP scope from UMA for now as it tends to dominate the stats and // makes the results largely skewed. Some metrics don't follow this policy // and hence don't call this function. static bool ShouldExcludeSiteFromHistogram(Site site); static bool ShouldExcludeURLFromHistogram(const GURL& url); // Used for ServiceWorkerDiskCache. static void CountInitDiskCacheResult(bool result); static void CountReadResponseResult(ReadResponseResult result); static void CountWriteResponseResult(WriteResponseResult result); // Used for ServiceWorkerDatabase. static void CountOpenDatabaseResult(ServiceWorkerDatabase::Status status); static void CountReadDatabaseResult(ServiceWorkerDatabase::Status status); static void CountWriteDatabaseResult(ServiceWorkerDatabase::Status status); static void RecordDestroyDatabaseResult(ServiceWorkerDatabase::Status status); // Used for ServiceWorkerStorage. static void RecordPurgeResourceResult(int net_error); static void RecordDeleteAndStartOverResult(DeleteAndStartOverResult result); static void RecordDiskCacheMigrationResult(DiskCacheMigrationResult result); // Counts the number of page loads controlled by a Service Worker. static void CountControlledPageLoad(const GURL& url); // Records the result of trying to start a worker. |is_installed| indicates // whether the version has been installed. static void RecordStartWorkerStatus(ServiceWorkerStatusCode status, bool is_installed); // Records the time taken to successfully start a worker. |is_installed| // indicates whether the version has been installed. static void RecordStartWorkerTime(const base::TimeDelta& time, bool is_installed); // Records the result of trying to stop a worker. static void RecordStopWorkerStatus(StopWorkerStatus status); // Records the time taken to successfully stop a worker. static void RecordStopWorkerTime(const base::TimeDelta& time); static void RecordActivateEventStatus(ServiceWorkerStatusCode status); static void RecordInstallEventStatus(ServiceWorkerStatusCode status); // Records how much of dispatched events are handled while a Service // Worker is awake (i.e. after it is woken up until it gets stopped). static void RecordEventHandledRatio(EventType event, size_t handled_events, size_t fired_events); // Records the result of dispatching a fetch event to a service worker. static void RecordFetchEventStatus(bool is_main_resource, ServiceWorkerStatusCode status); // Records the amount of time spent handling a fetch event with the given // result. static void RecordFetchEventTime(ServiceWorkerFetchEventResult result, const base::TimeDelta& time); // Records result of a ServiceWorkerURLRequestJob that was forwarded to // the service worker. static void RecordURLRequestJobResult(bool is_main_resource, URLRequestJobResult result); // Records the error code provided when the renderer returns a response with // status zero to a fetch request. static void RecordStatusZeroResponseError( bool is_main_resource, blink::WebServiceWorkerResponseError error); // Records the mode of request that was fallbacked to the network. static void RecordFallbackedRequestMode(FetchRequestMode mode); // Called at the beginning of each ServiceWorkerVersion::Dispatch*Event // function. Records the time elapsed since idle (generally the time since the // previous event ended). static void RecordTimeBetweenEvents(const base::TimeDelta& time); private: DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(ServiceWorkerMetrics); }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_BROWSER_SERVICE_WORKER_SERVICE_WORKER_METRICS_H_