// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/site_instance.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/browser_render_process_host.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "content/browser/browsing_instance.h" #include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_factory.h" #include "net/base/registry_controlled_domain.h" // We treat javascript:, about:crash, about:hang, and about:shorthang as the // same site as any URL since they are actually modifiers on existing pages. static bool IsURLSameAsAnySiteInstance(const GURL& url) { if (!url.is_valid()) return false; return url.SchemeIs(chrome::kJavaScriptScheme) || url.spec() == chrome::kAboutCrashURL || url.spec() == chrome::kAboutKillURL || url.spec() == chrome::kAboutHangURL || url.spec() == chrome::kAboutShorthangURL; } SiteInstance::SiteInstance(BrowsingInstance* browsing_instance) : browsing_instance_(browsing_instance), render_process_host_factory_(NULL), process_(NULL), max_page_id_(-1), has_site_(false) { DCHECK(browsing_instance); registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::RENDERER_PROCESS_TERMINATED, NotificationService::AllSources()); } SiteInstance::~SiteInstance() { // Now that no one is referencing us, we can safely remove ourselves from // the BrowsingInstance. Any future visits to a page from this site // (within the same BrowsingInstance) can safely create a new SiteInstance. if (has_site_) browsing_instance_->UnregisterSiteInstance(this); } bool SiteInstance::HasProcess() const { return (process_ != NULL); } RenderProcessHost* SiteInstance::GetProcess() { // TODO(erikkay) It would be nice to ensure that the renderer type had been // properly set before we get here. The default tab creation case winds up // with no site set at this point, so it will default to TYPE_NORMAL. This // may not be correct, so we'll wind up potentially creating a process that // we then throw away, or worse sharing a process with the wrong process type. // See crbug.com/43448. // Create a new process if ours went away or was reused. if (!process_) { // See if we should reuse an old process if (RenderProcessHost::ShouldTryToUseExistingProcessHost()) process_ = RenderProcessHost::GetExistingProcessHost( browsing_instance_->profile(), GetRendererType()); // Otherwise (or if that fails), create a new one. if (!process_) { if (render_process_host_factory_) { process_ = render_process_host_factory_->CreateRenderProcessHost( browsing_instance_->profile()); } else { process_ = new BrowserRenderProcessHost(browsing_instance_->profile()); } } // Make sure the process starts at the right max_page_id process_->UpdateMaxPageID(max_page_id_); } DCHECK(process_); return process_; } void SiteInstance::SetSite(const GURL& url) { // A SiteInstance's site should not change. // TODO(creis): When following links or script navigations, we can currently // render pages from other sites in this SiteInstance. This will eventually // be fixed, but until then, we should still not set the site of a // SiteInstance more than once. DCHECK(!has_site_); // Remember that this SiteInstance has been used to load a URL, even if the // URL is invalid. has_site_ = true; site_ = GetSiteForURL(browsing_instance_->profile(), url); // Now that we have a site, register it with the BrowsingInstance. This // ensures that we won't create another SiteInstance for this site within // the same BrowsingInstance, because all same-site pages within a // BrowsingInstance can script each other. browsing_instance_->RegisterSiteInstance(this); } bool SiteInstance::HasRelatedSiteInstance(const GURL& url) { return browsing_instance_->HasSiteInstance(url); } SiteInstance* SiteInstance::GetRelatedSiteInstance(const GURL& url) { return browsing_instance_->GetSiteInstanceForURL(url); } /*static*/ SiteInstance* SiteInstance::CreateSiteInstance(Profile* profile) { return new SiteInstance(new BrowsingInstance(profile)); } /*static*/ SiteInstance* SiteInstance::CreateSiteInstanceForURL(Profile* profile, const GURL& url) { // This BrowsingInstance may be deleted if it returns an existing // SiteInstance. scoped_refptr instance(new BrowsingInstance(profile)); return instance->GetSiteInstanceForURL(url); } /*static*/ GURL SiteInstance::GetSiteForURL(Profile* profile, const GURL& real_url) { GURL url = GetEffectiveURL(profile, real_url); // URLs with no host should have an empty site. GURL site; // TODO(creis): For many protocols, we should just treat the scheme as the // site, since there is no host. e.g., file:, about:, chrome: // If the url has a host, then determine the site. if (url.has_host()) { // Only keep the scheme and registered domain as given by GetOrigin. This // may also include a port, which we need to drop. site = url.GetOrigin(); // Remove port, if any. if (site.has_port()) { GURL::Replacements rep; rep.ClearPort(); site = site.ReplaceComponents(rep); } // If this URL has a registered domain, we only want to remember that part. std::string domain = net::RegistryControlledDomainService::GetDomainAndRegistry(url); if (!domain.empty()) { GURL::Replacements rep; rep.SetHostStr(domain); site = site.ReplaceComponents(rep); } } return site; } /*static*/ bool SiteInstance::IsSameWebSite(Profile* profile, const GURL& real_url1, const GURL& real_url2) { GURL url1 = GetEffectiveURL(profile, real_url1); GURL url2 = GetEffectiveURL(profile, real_url2); // We infer web site boundaries based on the registered domain name of the // top-level page and the scheme. We do not pay attention to the port if // one is present, because pages served from different ports can still // access each other if they change their document.domain variable. // Some special URLs will match the site instance of any other URL. This is // done before checking both of them for validity, since we want these URLs // to have the same site instance as even an invalid one. if (IsURLSameAsAnySiteInstance(url1) || IsURLSameAsAnySiteInstance(url2)) return true; // If either URL is invalid, they aren't part of the same site. if (!url1.is_valid() || !url2.is_valid()) return false; // If the schemes differ, they aren't part of the same site. if (url1.scheme() != url2.scheme()) return false; return net::RegistryControlledDomainService::SameDomainOrHost(url1, url2); } /*static*/ GURL SiteInstance::GetEffectiveURL(Profile* profile, const GURL& url) { if (!profile || !profile->GetExtensionService()) return url; const Extension* extension = profile->GetExtensionService()->GetExtensionByWebExtent(url); if (extension) { // If the URL is part of an extension's web extent, convert it to an // extension URL. return extension->GetResourceURL(url.path()); } else { return url; } } /*static*/ RenderProcessHost::Type SiteInstance::RendererTypeForURL(const GURL& url) { if (!url.is_valid()) return RenderProcessHost::TYPE_NORMAL; if (url.SchemeIs(chrome::kExtensionScheme)) return RenderProcessHost::TYPE_EXTENSION; // TODO(erikkay) creis recommends using UseWebUIForURL instead. if (WebUIFactory::HasWebUIScheme(url)) return RenderProcessHost::TYPE_WEBUI; return RenderProcessHost::TYPE_NORMAL; } RenderProcessHost::Type SiteInstance::GetRendererType() { // We may not have a site at this point, which generally means this is a // normal navigation. if (!has_site_) return RenderProcessHost::TYPE_NORMAL; return RendererTypeForURL(site_); } void SiteInstance::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK(type == NotificationType::RENDERER_PROCESS_TERMINATED); RenderProcessHost* rph = Source(source).ptr(); if (rph == process_) process_ = NULL; }