// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/site_per_process_browsertest.h" #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/strings/pattern.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/cross_process_frame_connector.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigator.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_proxy_host.h" #include "content/browser/frame_host/render_widget_host_view_child_frame.h" #include "content/browser/gpu/compositor_util.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_input_event_router.h" #include "content/browser/web_contents/web_contents_impl.h" #include "content/common/frame_messages.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h" #include "content/public/test/content_browser_test_utils.h" #include "content/public/test/test_navigation_observer.h" #include "content/public/test/test_utils.h" #include "content/shell/browser/shell.h" #include "content/test/content_browser_test_utils_internal.h" #include "content/test/test_frame_navigation_observer.h" #include "ipc/ipc_security_test_util.h" #include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h" #include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputEvent.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebSandboxFlags.h" namespace content { namespace { // Helper function to send a postMessage and wait for a reply message. The // |post_message_script| is executed on the |sender_ftn| frame, and the sender // frame is expected to post |reply_status| from the DOMAutomationController // when it receives a reply. void PostMessageAndWaitForReply(FrameTreeNode* sender_ftn, const std::string& post_message_script, const std::string& reply_status) { // Subtle: msg_queue needs to be declared before the ExecuteScript below, or // else it might miss the message of interest. See https://crbug.com/518729. DOMMessageQueue msg_queue; bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( sender_ftn->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" + post_message_script + ");", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); std::string status; while (msg_queue.WaitForMessage(&status)) { if (status == reply_status) break; } } // Helper function to extract and return "window.receivedMessages" from the // |sender_ftn| frame. This variable is used in post_message.html to count the // number of messages received via postMessage by the current window. int GetReceivedMessages(FrameTreeNode* ftn) { int received_messages = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( ftn->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(window.receivedMessages);", &received_messages)); return received_messages; } // Helper function to perform a window.open from the |caller_frame| targeting a // frame with the specified name. void NavigateNamedFrame(const ToRenderFrameHost& caller_frame, const GURL& url, const std::string& name) { bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( caller_frame, "window.domAutomationController.send(" " !!window.open('" + url.spec() + "', '" + name + "'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); } class RedirectNotificationObserver : public NotificationObserver { public: // Register to listen for notifications of the given type from either a // specific source, or from all sources if |source| is // NotificationService::AllSources(). RedirectNotificationObserver(int notification_type, const NotificationSource& source); ~RedirectNotificationObserver() override; // Wait until the specified notification occurs. If the notification was // emitted between the construction of this object and this call then it // returns immediately. void Wait(); // Returns NotificationService::AllSources() if we haven't observed a // notification yet. const NotificationSource& source() const { return source_; } const NotificationDetails& details() const { return details_; } // NotificationObserver: void Observe(int type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) override; private: bool seen_; bool seen_twice_; bool running_; NotificationRegistrar registrar_; NotificationSource source_; NotificationDetails details_; scoped_refptr<MessageLoopRunner> message_loop_runner_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RedirectNotificationObserver); }; RedirectNotificationObserver::RedirectNotificationObserver( int notification_type, const NotificationSource& source) : seen_(false), running_(false), source_(NotificationService::AllSources()) { registrar_.Add(this, notification_type, source); } RedirectNotificationObserver::~RedirectNotificationObserver() {} void RedirectNotificationObserver::Wait() { if (seen_ && seen_twice_) return; running_ = true; message_loop_runner_ = new MessageLoopRunner; message_loop_runner_->Run(); EXPECT_TRUE(seen_); } void RedirectNotificationObserver::Observe( int type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { source_ = source; details_ = details; seen_twice_ = seen_; seen_ = true; if (!running_) return; message_loop_runner_->Quit(); running_ = false; } // This observer keeps track of the number of created RenderFrameHosts. Tests // can use this to ensure that a certain number of child frames has been // created after navigating. class RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver : public WebContentsObserver { public: RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver(WebContents* web_contents, int expected_frame_count) : WebContentsObserver(web_contents), expected_frame_count_(expected_frame_count), frames_created_(0), message_loop_runner_(new MessageLoopRunner) {} ~RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver() override; // Runs a nested message loop and blocks until the expected number of // RenderFrameHosts is created. void Wait(); private: // WebContentsObserver void RenderFrameCreated(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host) override; // The number of RenderFrameHosts to wait for. int expected_frame_count_; // The number of RenderFrameHosts that have been created. int frames_created_; // The MessageLoopRunner used to spin the message loop. scoped_refptr<MessageLoopRunner> message_loop_runner_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver); }; RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver::~RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver() { } void RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver::Wait() { message_loop_runner_->Run(); } void RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver::RenderFrameCreated( RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host) { frames_created_++; if (frames_created_ == expected_frame_count_) { message_loop_runner_->Quit(); } } // A WebContentsDelegate that catches messages sent to the console. class ConsoleObserverDelegate : public WebContentsDelegate { public: ConsoleObserverDelegate(WebContents* web_contents, const std::string& filter) : web_contents_(web_contents), filter_(filter), message_(""), message_loop_runner_(new MessageLoopRunner) {} ~ConsoleObserverDelegate() override {} bool AddMessageToConsole(WebContents* source, int32 level, const base::string16& message, int32 line_no, const base::string16& source_id) override; std::string message() { return message_; } void Wait(); private: WebContents* web_contents_; std::string filter_; std::string message_; // The MessageLoopRunner used to spin the message loop. scoped_refptr<MessageLoopRunner> message_loop_runner_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ConsoleObserverDelegate); }; void ConsoleObserverDelegate::Wait() { message_loop_runner_->Run(); } bool ConsoleObserverDelegate::AddMessageToConsole( WebContents* source, int32 level, const base::string16& message, int32 line_no, const base::string16& source_id) { DCHECK(source == web_contents_); std::string ascii_message = base::UTF16ToASCII(message); if (base::MatchPattern(ascii_message, filter_)) { message_ = ascii_message; message_loop_runner_->Quit(); } return false; } // A BrowserMessageFilter that drops SwapOut ACK messages. class SwapoutACKMessageFilter : public BrowserMessageFilter { public: SwapoutACKMessageFilter() : BrowserMessageFilter(FrameMsgStart) {} protected: ~SwapoutACKMessageFilter() override {} private: // BrowserMessageFilter: bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override { return message.type() == FrameHostMsg_SwapOut_ACK::ID; } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SwapoutACKMessageFilter); }; } // namespace // // SitePerProcessBrowserTest // SitePerProcessBrowserTest::SitePerProcessBrowserTest() { }; std::string SitePerProcessBrowserTest::DepictFrameTree(FrameTreeNode* node) { return visualizer_.DepictFrameTree(node); } void SitePerProcessBrowserTest::SetUpCommandLine( base::CommandLine* command_line) { IsolateAllSitesForTesting(command_line); }; void SitePerProcessBrowserTest::SetUpOnMainThread() { host_resolver()->AddRule("*", ""); ASSERT_TRUE(embedded_test_server()->InitializeAndWaitUntilReady()); SetupCrossSiteRedirector(embedded_test_server()); } // Ensure that navigating subframes in --site-per-process mode works and the // correct documents are committed. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, CrossSiteIframe) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(a,a(a,a(a)))")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Load same-site page into iframe. FrameTreeNode* child = root->child_at(0); GURL http_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(child, http_url); EXPECT_EQ(http_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); { // There should be only one RenderWidgetHost when there are no // cross-process iframes. std::set<RenderWidgetHostView*> views_set = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetRenderWidgetHostViewsInTree(); EXPECT_EQ(1U, views_set.size()); } EXPECT_EQ( " Site A\n" " |--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" " |--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Load cross-site page into iframe. GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/title2.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), url); // Verify that the navigation succeeded and the expected URL was loaded. EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Ensure that we have created a new process for the subframe. ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); SiteInstance* site_instance = child->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); RenderViewHost* rvh = child->current_frame_host()->render_view_host(); RenderProcessHost* rph = child->current_frame_host()->GetProcess(); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetRenderViewHost(), rvh); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), site_instance); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetRenderProcessHost(), rph); { // There should be now two RenderWidgetHosts, one for each process // rendering a frame. std::set<RenderWidgetHostView*> views_set = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetRenderWidgetHostViewsInTree(); EXPECT_EQ(2U, views_set.size()); } RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy_to_parent = child->render_manager()->GetProxyToParent(); EXPECT_TRUE(proxy_to_parent); EXPECT_TRUE(proxy_to_parent->cross_process_frame_connector()); // The out-of-process iframe should have its own RenderWidgetHost, // independent of any RenderViewHost. EXPECT_NE( rvh->GetView(), proxy_to_parent->cross_process_frame_connector()->get_view_for_testing()); EXPECT_TRUE(child->current_frame_host()->GetRenderWidgetHost()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " |--Site A -- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Load another cross-site page into the same iframe. url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/title3.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Check again that a new process is created and is different from the // top level one and the previous one. ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); child = root->child_at(0); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetRenderViewHost(), child->current_frame_host()->render_view_host()); EXPECT_NE(rvh, child->current_frame_host()->render_view_host()); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), child->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); EXPECT_NE(site_instance, child->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetRenderProcessHost(), child->current_frame_host()->GetProcess()); EXPECT_NE(rph, child->current_frame_host()->GetProcess()); { std::set<RenderWidgetHostView*> views_set = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetRenderWidgetHostViewsInTree(); EXPECT_EQ(2U, views_set.size()); } EXPECT_EQ(proxy_to_parent, child->render_manager()->GetProxyToParent()); EXPECT_TRUE(proxy_to_parent->cross_process_frame_connector()); EXPECT_NE( child->current_frame_host()->render_view_host()->GetView(), proxy_to_parent->cross_process_frame_connector()->get_view_for_testing()); EXPECT_TRUE(child->current_frame_host()->GetRenderWidgetHost()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for C\n" " |--Site C ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for C\n" " |--Site A -- proxies for C\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for C\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for C\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " C = http://bar.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); } class RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor { public: RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor(RenderWidgetHost* host) : host_(host), event_received(false) { host_->AddMouseEventCallback( base::Bind(&RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor::MouseEventCallback, base::Unretained(this))); } ~RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor() { host_->RemoveMouseEventCallback( base::Bind(&RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor::MouseEventCallback, base::Unretained(this))); } bool EventWasReceived() { return event_received; } void ResetEventReceived() { event_received = false; } const blink::WebMouseEvent& event() const { return event_; } private: bool MouseEventCallback(const blink::WebMouseEvent& event) { event_received = true; event_ = event; return false; } RenderWidgetHost* host_; bool event_received; blink::WebMouseEvent event_; }; // Test that mouse events are being routed to the correct RenderWidgetHostView // based on coordinates. #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(THREAD_SANITIZER) || defined(OS_LINUX) // Browser process hit testing is not implemented on Android. // https://crbug.com/491334 // Test fails under TSAN, see https://crbug.com/527618 // Test is flaky under Linux, see https://crbug.com/528189 #define MAYBE_SurfaceHitTestTest DISABLED_SurfaceHitTestTest #else #define MAYBE_SurfaceHitTestTest SurfaceHitTestTest #endif IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, MAYBE_SurfaceHitTestTest) { if (!UseSurfacesEnabled()) return; GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "/frame_tree/page_with_positioned_frame.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); ASSERT_EQ(1U, root->child_count()); FrameTreeNode* child_node = root->child_at(0); GURL site_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/title1.html")); EXPECT_EQ(site_url, child_node->current_url()); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), child_node->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); // Create listeners for mouse events. RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor main_frame_monitor( root->current_frame_host()->GetRenderWidgetHost()); RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor child_frame_monitor( child_node->current_frame_host()->GetRenderWidgetHost()); RenderWidgetHostInputEventRouter* router = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetInputEventRouter(); RenderWidgetHostViewBase* root_view = static_cast<RenderWidgetHostViewBase*>( root->current_frame_host()->GetRenderWidgetHost()->GetView()); RenderWidgetHostViewBase* rwhv_child = static_cast<RenderWidgetHostViewBase*>( child_node->current_frame_host()->GetRenderWidgetHost()->GetView()); // We need to wait for a compositor frame from the child frame, at which // point its surface will be created. while (rwhv_child->RendererFrameNumber() <= 0) { // TODO(lazyboy): Find a better way to avoid sleeping like this. See // http://crbug.com/405282 for details. base::RunLoop run_loop; base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, run_loop.QuitClosure(), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10)); run_loop.Run(); } uint32_t cur_render_frame_number = root_view->RendererFrameNumber(); // Target input event to child frame. blink::WebMouseEvent child_event; child_event.type = blink::WebInputEvent::MouseDown; child_event.button = blink::WebPointerProperties::ButtonLeft; child_event.x = 75; child_event.y = 75; child_event.clickCount = 1; router->RouteMouseEvent(root_view, &child_event); if (!child_frame_monitor.EventWasReceived()) { main_frame_monitor.ResetEventReceived(); // This is working around a big synchronization problem. It is very // difficult to know if we have received a compositor frame from the // main frame renderer *after* it received the child frame's surface // ID. Hit testing won't work until this happens. So if the hit test // fails then we wait for another frame to arrive and try again. // TODO(kenrb): We need a better way to do all of this, possibly coming // from http://crbug.com/405282. while (root_view->RendererFrameNumber() <= cur_render_frame_number) { base::RunLoop run_loop; base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, run_loop.QuitClosure(), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10)); run_loop.Run(); } router->RouteMouseEvent(root_view, &child_event); } EXPECT_TRUE(child_frame_monitor.EventWasReceived()); EXPECT_EQ(23, child_frame_monitor.event().x); EXPECT_EQ(23, child_frame_monitor.event().y); EXPECT_FALSE(main_frame_monitor.EventWasReceived()); child_frame_monitor.ResetEventReceived(); main_frame_monitor.ResetEventReceived(); // Target input event to main frame. blink::WebMouseEvent main_event; main_event.type = blink::WebInputEvent::MouseDown; main_event.button = blink::WebPointerProperties::ButtonLeft; main_event.x = 1; main_event.y = 1; main_event.clickCount = 1; // Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is the main_event! router->RouteMouseEvent(root_view, &main_event); EXPECT_FALSE(child_frame_monitor.EventWasReceived()); EXPECT_TRUE(main_frame_monitor.EventWasReceived()); EXPECT_EQ(1, main_frame_monitor.event().x); EXPECT_EQ(1, main_frame_monitor.event().y); } // Tests OOPIF rendering by checking that the RWH of the iframe generates // OnSwapCompositorFrame message. #if defined(OS_ANDROID) // http://crbug.com/471850 #define MAYBE_CompositorFrameSwapped DISABLED_CompositorFrameSwapped #else #define MAYBE_CompositorFrameSwapped CompositorFrameSwapped #endif IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, MAYBE_CompositorFrameSwapped) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(baz)")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); ASSERT_EQ(1U, root->child_count()); FrameTreeNode* child_node = root->child_at(0); GURL site_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "baz.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?baz()")); EXPECT_EQ(site_url, child_node->current_url()); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), child_node->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); RenderWidgetHostViewBase* rwhv_base = static_cast<RenderWidgetHostViewBase*>( child_node->current_frame_host()->GetRenderWidgetHost()->GetView()); // Wait for OnSwapCompositorFrame message. while (rwhv_base->RendererFrameNumber() <= 0) { // TODO(lazyboy): Find a better way to avoid sleeping like this. See // http://crbug.com/405282 for details. base::RunLoop run_loop; base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, run_loop.QuitClosure(), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10)); run_loop.Run(); } } // Ensure that OOPIFs are deleted after navigating to a new main frame. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, CleanupCrossSiteIframe) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(a,a(a,a(a)))")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Load a cross-site page into both iframes. GURL foo_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/title2.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), foo_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(foo_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(1), foo_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(foo_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Ensure that we have created a new process for the subframes. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); int subframe_process_id = root->child_at(0) ->current_frame_host() ->GetSiteInstance() ->GetProcess() ->GetID(); int subframe_rvh_id = root->child_at(0) ->current_frame_host() ->render_view_host() ->GetRoutingID(); EXPECT_TRUE(RenderViewHost::FromID(subframe_process_id, subframe_rvh_id)); // Use Javascript in the parent to remove one of the frames and ensure that // the subframe goes away. EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(shell()->web_contents(), "document.body.removeChild(" "document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[0])")); ASSERT_EQ(1U, root->child_count()); // Load a new same-site page in the top-level frame and ensure the other // subframe goes away. GURL new_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), new_url); ASSERT_EQ(0U, root->child_count()); // Ensure the RVH for the subframe gets cleaned up when the frame goes away. EXPECT_FALSE(RenderViewHost::FromID(subframe_process_id, subframe_rvh_id)); } // Ensure that root frames cannot be detached. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, RestrictFrameDetach) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(a,a(a,a(a)))")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Load cross-site pages into both iframes. GURL foo_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/title2.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), foo_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(foo_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); GURL bar_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/title2.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(1), bar_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(bar_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Ensure that we have created new processes for the subframes. ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); FrameTreeNode* foo_child = root->child_at(0); SiteInstance* foo_site_instance = foo_child->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), foo_site_instance); FrameTreeNode* bar_child = root->child_at(1); SiteInstance* bar_site_instance = bar_child->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), bar_site_instance); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B C\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A C\n" " +--Site C ------- proxies for A B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/\n" " C = http://bar.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Simulate an attempt to detach the root frame from foo_site_instance. This // should kill foo_site_instance's process. RenderFrameProxyHost* foo_mainframe_rfph = root->render_manager()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(foo_site_instance); content::RenderProcessHostWatcher foo_terminated( foo_mainframe_rfph->GetProcess(), content::RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT); FrameHostMsg_Detach evil_msg2(foo_mainframe_rfph->GetRoutingID()); IPC::IpcSecurityTestUtil::PwnMessageReceived( foo_mainframe_rfph->GetProcess()->GetChannel(), evil_msg2); foo_terminated.Wait(); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B C\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A C\n" " +--Site C ------- proxies for A B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/ (no process)\n" " C = http://bar.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, NavigateRemoteFrame) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(a,a(a,a(a)))")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Load same-site page into iframe. FrameTreeNode* child = root->child_at(0); GURL http_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(child, http_url); EXPECT_EQ(http_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); // Load cross-site page into iframe. GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/title2.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Ensure that we have created a new process for the subframe. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " |--Site A -- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); SiteInstance* site_instance = child->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), site_instance); // Emulate the main frame changing the src of the iframe such that it // navigates cross-site. url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/title3.html"); NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "child-0", url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Check again that a new process is created and is different from the // top level one and the previous one. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for C\n" " |--Site C ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for C\n" " |--Site A -- proxies for C\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for C\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for C\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " C = http://bar.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Navigate back to the parent's origin and ensure we return to the // parent's process. NavigateFrameToURL(child, http_url); EXPECT_EQ(http_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), child->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, NavigateRemoteFrameToBlankAndDataURLs) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(a,a(a))")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Load same-site page into iframe. FrameTreeNode* child = root->child_at(0); GURL http_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(child, http_url); EXPECT_EQ(http_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A\n" " |--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Load cross-site page into iframe. GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/title2.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Navigate iframe to a data URL. The navigation happens from a script in the // parent frame, so the data URL should be committed in the same SiteInstance // as the parent frame. GURL data_url("data:text/html,dataurl"); NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "child-0", data_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(data_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Ensure that we have navigated using the top level process. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A\n" " |--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Load cross-site page into iframe. url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/title2.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for C\n" " |--Site C ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for C\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for C\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " C = http://bar.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Navigate iframe to about:blank. The navigation happens from a script in the // parent frame, so it should be committed in the same SiteInstance as the // parent frame. GURL about_blank_url("about:blank"); NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "child-0", about_blank_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(about_blank_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Ensure that we have navigated using the top level process. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A\n" " |--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); } // This test checks that killing a renderer process of a remote frame // and then navigating some other frame to the same SiteInstance of the killed // process works properly. // This can be illustrated as follows, // where 1/2/3 are FrameTreeNode-s and A/B are processes and B* is the killed // B process: // // 1 A A A // / \ -> / \ -> Kill B -> / \ -> Navigate 3 to B -> / \ . // 2 3 B A B* A B* B // // Initially, node1.proxy_hosts_ = {B} // After we kill B, we make sure B stays in node1.proxy_hosts_, then we navigate // 3 to B and we expect that to complete normally. // See http://crbug.com/432107. // // Note that due to http://crbug.com/450681, node2 cannot be re-navigated to // site B and stays in not rendered state. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, NavigateRemoteFrameToKilledProcess) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "foo.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?foo.com(bar.com, foo.com)")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); // Make sure node2 points to the correct cross-site page. GURL site_b_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "bar.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?bar.com()"); FrameTreeNode* node2 = root->child_at(0); EXPECT_EQ(site_b_url, node2->current_url()); // Kill that cross-site renderer. RenderProcessHost* child_process = node2->current_frame_host()->GetProcess(); RenderProcessHostWatcher crash_observer( child_process, RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT); child_process->Shutdown(0, false); crash_observer.Wait(); // Now navigate the second iframe (node3) to the same site as the node2. FrameTreeNode* node3 = root->child_at(1); NavigateFrameToURL(node3, site_b_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(site_b_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); } // This test is similar to // SitePerProcessBrowserTest.NavigateRemoteFrameToKilledProcess with // addition that node2 also has a cross-origin frame to site C. // // 1 A A A // / \ / \ / \ / \ . // 2 3 -> B A -> Kill B -> B* A -> Navigate 3 -> B* B // / / // 4 C // // Initially, node1.proxy_hosts_ = {B, C} // After we kill B, we make sure B stays in node1.proxy_hosts_, but // C gets cleared from node1.proxy_hosts_. // // Note that due to http://crbug.com/450681, node2 cannot be re-navigated to // site B and stays in not rendered state. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, NavigateRemoteFrameToKilledProcessWithSubtree) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(bar(baz), a)")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); GURL site_b_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "bar.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?bar(baz())")); // We can't use a TestNavigationObserver to verify the URL here, // since the frame has children that may have clobbered it in the observer. EXPECT_EQ(site_b_url, root->child_at(0)->current_url()); // Ensure that a new process is created for node2. EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); // Ensure that a new process is *not* created for node3. EXPECT_EQ(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); ASSERT_EQ(1U, root->child_at(0)->child_count()); // Make sure node4 points to the correct cross-site page. FrameTreeNode* node4 = root->child_at(0)->child_at(0); GURL site_c_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "baz.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?baz()")); EXPECT_EQ(site_c_url, node4->current_url()); // |site_instance_c| is expected to go away once we kill |child_process_b| // below, so create a local scope so we can extend the lifetime of // |site_instance_c| with a refptr. { // Initially each frame has proxies for the other sites. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B C\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A C\n" " | +--Site C -- proxies for A B\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B C\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://bar.com/\n" " C = http://baz.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Kill the render process for Site B. RenderProcessHost* child_process_b = root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetProcess(); RenderProcessHostWatcher crash_observer( child_process_b, RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT); child_process_b->Shutdown(0, false); crash_observer.Wait(); // The Site C frame (a child of the crashed Site B frame) should go away, // and there should be no remaining proxies for site C anywhere. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://bar.com/ (no process)", DepictFrameTree(root)); } // Now navigate the second iframe (node3) to Site B also. FrameTreeNode* node3 = root->child_at(1); GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/title1.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(node3, url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://bar.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); } // Verify that killing a cross-site frame's process B and then navigating a // frame to B correctly recreates all proxies in B. // // 1 A A A // / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ . // 2 3 4 -> B A A -> Kill B -> B* A A -> B* B A // // After the last step, the test sends a postMessage from node 3 to node 4, // verifying that a proxy for node 4 has been recreated in process B. This // verifies the fix for https://crbug.com/478892. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, NavigatingToKilledProcessRestoresAllProxies) { // Navigate to a page with three frames: one cross-site and two same-site. GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_three_frames.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " |--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Kill the first subframe's b.com renderer. RenderProcessHost* child_process = root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetProcess(); RenderProcessHostWatcher crash_observer( child_process, RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT); child_process->Shutdown(0, false); crash_observer.Wait(); // Navigate the second subframe to b.com to recreate the b.com process. GURL b_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("b.com", "/post_message.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(1), b_url); // TODO(alexmos): This can be removed once TestFrameNavigationObserver is // fixed to use DidFinishLoad. EXPECT_TRUE( WaitForRenderFrameReady(root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host())); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(b_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host()->IsRenderFrameLive()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Check that third subframe's proxy is available in the b.com process by // sending it a postMessage from second subframe, and waiting for a reply. PostMessageAndWaitForReply(root->child_at(1), "postToSibling('subframe-msg','frame3')", "\"done-frame2\""); } // Verify that proxy creation doesn't recreate a crashed process if no frame // will be created in it. // // 1 A A A // / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ . // 2 3 4 -> B A A -> Kill B -> B* A A -> B* A A // \ . // A // // The test kills process B (node 2), creates a child frame of node 4 in // process A, and then checks that process B isn't resurrected to create a // proxy for the new child frame. See https://crbug.com/476846. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, CreateChildFrameAfterKillingProcess) { // Navigate to a page with three frames: one cross-site and two same-site. GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_three_frames.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " |--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); SiteInstance* b_site_instance = root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); // Kill the first subframe's renderer (B). RenderProcessHost* child_process = root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetProcess(); RenderProcessHostWatcher crash_observer( child_process, RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT); child_process->Shutdown(0, false); crash_observer.Wait(); // Add a new child frame to the third subframe. RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver frame_observer(shell()->web_contents(), 1); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript( root->child_at(2)->current_frame_host(), "document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('iframe'));")); frame_observer.Wait(); // The new frame should have a RenderFrameProxyHost for B, but it should not // be alive, and B should still not have a process (verified by last line of // expected DepictFrameTree output). EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " |--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/ (no process)", DepictFrameTree(root)); FrameTreeNode* grandchild = root->child_at(2)->child_at(0); RenderFrameProxyHost* grandchild_rfph = grandchild->render_manager()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(b_site_instance); EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild_rfph->is_render_frame_proxy_live()); // Navigate the second subframe to b.com to recreate process B. TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); GURL b_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("b.com", "/title1.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(1), b_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(b_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Ensure that the grandchild RenderFrameProxy in B was created when process // B was restored. EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild_rfph->is_render_frame_proxy_live()); } // Verify that creating a child frame after killing and reloading an opener // process doesn't crash. See https://crbug.com/501152. // 1. Navigate to site A. // 2. Open a popup with window.open and navigate it cross-process to site B. // 3. Kill process A for the original tab. // 4. Reload the original tab to resurrect process A. // 5. Add a child frame to the top-level frame in the popup tab B. // In step 5, we try to create proxies for the child frame in all SiteInstances // for which its parent has proxies. This includes A. However, even though // process A is live (step 4), the parent proxy in A is not live (which was // incorrectly assumed previously). This is because step 4 does not resurrect // proxies for popups opened before the crash. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, CreateChildFrameAfterKillingOpener) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/title1.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); SiteInstance* site_instance_a = root->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); // Open a popup and navigate it cross-process to b.com. ShellAddedObserver new_shell_observer; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(root->current_frame_host(), "popup = window.open('about:blank');")); Shell* popup = new_shell_observer.GetShell(); GURL popup_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("b.com", "/title2.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(popup, popup_url)); // Verify that each top-level frame has proxies in the other's SiteInstance. FrameTreeNode* popup_root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(popup->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); EXPECT_EQ( " Site B ------------ proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/", DepictFrameTree(popup_root)); // Kill the first window's renderer (a.com). RenderProcessHost* child_process = root->current_frame_host()->GetProcess(); RenderProcessHostWatcher crash_observer( child_process, RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT); child_process->Shutdown(0, false); crash_observer.Wait(); EXPECT_FALSE(root->current_frame_host()->IsRenderFrameLive()); // The proxy for the popup in a.com should've died. RenderFrameProxyHost* rfph = popup_root->render_manager()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(site_instance_a); EXPECT_FALSE(rfph->is_render_frame_proxy_live()); // Recreate the a.com renderer. EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); EXPECT_TRUE(root->current_frame_host()->IsRenderFrameLive()); // The popup's proxy in a.com should still not be live. Re-navigating the // main window to a.com doesn't reinitialize a.com proxies for popups // previously opened from the main window. EXPECT_FALSE(rfph->is_render_frame_proxy_live()); // Add a new child frame on the popup. RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver frame_observer(popup->web_contents(), 1); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript( popup->web_contents(), "document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('iframe'));")); frame_observer.Wait(); // Both the child frame's and its parent's proxies should still not be live. // The main page can't reach them since it lost reference to the popup after // it crashed, so there is no need to create them. EXPECT_FALSE(rfph->is_render_frame_proxy_live()); RenderFrameProxyHost* child_rfph = popup_root->child_at(0)->render_manager()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost( site_instance_a); EXPECT_TRUE(child_rfph); EXPECT_FALSE(child_rfph->is_render_frame_proxy_live()); } // In A-embed-B-embed-C scenario, verify that killing process B clears proxies // of C from the tree. // // 1 A A // / \ / \ / \ . // 2 3 -> B A -> Kill B -> B* A // / / // 4 C // // node1 is the root. // Initially, both node1.proxy_hosts_ and node3.proxy_hosts_ contain C. // After we kill B, make sure proxies for C are cleared. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, KillingRendererClearsDescendantProxies) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_two_frames_nested.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); GURL site_b_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "bar.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_one_frame.html")); // We can't use a TestNavigationObserver to verify the URL here, // since the frame has children that may have clobbered it in the observer. EXPECT_EQ(site_b_url, root->child_at(0)->current_url()); // Ensure that a new process is created for node2. EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); // Ensure that a new process is *not* created for node3. EXPECT_EQ(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); ASSERT_EQ(1U, root->child_at(0)->child_count()); // Make sure node4 points to the correct cross-site-page. FrameTreeNode* node4 = root->child_at(0)->child_at(0); GURL site_c_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/title1.html")); EXPECT_EQ(site_c_url, node4->current_url()); // |site_instance_c|'s frames and proxies are expected to go away once we kill // |child_process_b| below. scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> site_instance_c = node4->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); // Initially proxies for both B and C will be present in the root. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B C\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A C\n" " | +--Site C -- proxies for A B\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B C\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://bar.com/\n" " C = http://baz.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); EXPECT_GT(site_instance_c->active_frame_count(), 0U); // Kill process B. RenderProcessHost* child_process_b = root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetProcess(); RenderProcessHostWatcher crash_observer( child_process_b, RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT); child_process_b->Shutdown(0, false); crash_observer.Wait(); // Make sure proxy C has gone from root. // Make sure proxy C has gone from node3 as well. // Make sure proxy B stays around in root and node3. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://bar.com/ (no process)", DepictFrameTree(root)); EXPECT_EQ(0U, site_instance_c->active_frame_count()); } // Crash a subframe and ensures its children are cleared from the FrameTree. // See http://crbug.com/338508. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, CrashSubframe) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(b)")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // Check the subframe process. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); FrameTreeNode* child = root->child_at(0); EXPECT_TRUE( child->current_frame_host()->render_view_host()->IsRenderViewLive()); EXPECT_TRUE(child->current_frame_host()->IsRenderFrameLive()); // Crash the subframe process. RenderProcessHost* root_process = root->current_frame_host()->GetProcess(); RenderProcessHost* child_process = child->current_frame_host()->GetProcess(); { RenderProcessHostWatcher crash_observer( child_process, RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT); child_process->Shutdown(0, false); crash_observer.Wait(); } // Ensure that the child frame still exists but has been cleared. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/ (no process)", DepictFrameTree(root)); EXPECT_EQ(1U, root->child_count()); EXPECT_EQ(main_url, root->current_url()); EXPECT_EQ(GURL(), child->current_url()); EXPECT_FALSE( child->current_frame_host()->render_view_host()->IsRenderViewLive()); EXPECT_FALSE(child->current_frame_host()->IsRenderFrameLive()); EXPECT_FALSE(child->current_frame_host()->render_frame_created_); // Now crash the top-level page to clear the child frame. { RenderProcessHostWatcher crash_observer( root_process, RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT); root_process->Shutdown(0, false); crash_observer.Wait(); } EXPECT_EQ(0U, root->child_count()); EXPECT_EQ(GURL(), root->current_url()); } // When a new subframe is added, related SiteInstances that can reach the // subframe should create proxies for it (https://crbug.com/423587). This test // checks that if A embeds B and later adds a new subframe A2, A2 gets a proxy // in B's process. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, CreateProxiesForNewFrames) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "b.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_one_frame.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); ASSERT_EQ(1U, root->child_count()); // Make sure the frame starts out at the correct cross-site URL. EXPECT_EQ(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/title1.html"), root->child_at(0)->current_url()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://b.com/\n" " B = http://baz.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Add a new child frame to the top-level frame. RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver frame_observer(shell()->web_contents(), 1); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " addFrame('data:text/html,foo'));")); frame_observer.Wait(); // The new frame should have a proxy in Site B, for use by the old frame. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://b.com/\n" " B = http://baz.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); } // TODO(nasko): Disable this test until out-of-process iframes is ready and the // security checks are back in place. // TODO(creis): Replace SpawnedTestServer with host_resolver to get test to run // on Android (http://crbug.com/187570). IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, DISABLED_CrossSiteIframeRedirectOnce) { ASSERT_TRUE(test_server()->Start()); net::SpawnedTestServer https_server( net::SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTPS, net::SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost, base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("content/test/data"))); ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.Start()); GURL main_url(test_server()->GetURL("files/site_per_process_main.html")); GURL http_url(test_server()->GetURL("files/title1.html")); GURL https_url(https_server.GetURL("files/title1.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); { // Load cross-site client-redirect page into Iframe. // Should be blocked. GURL client_redirect_https_url(https_server.GetURL( "client-redirect?files/title1.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", client_redirect_https_url)); // DidFailProvisionalLoad when navigating to client_redirect_https_url. EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), client_redirect_https_url); EXPECT_FALSE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } { // Load cross-site server-redirect page into Iframe, // which redirects to same-site page. GURL server_redirect_http_url(https_server.GetURL( "server-redirect?" + http_url.spec())); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", server_redirect_http_url)); EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), http_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } { // Load cross-site server-redirect page into Iframe, // which redirects to cross-site page. GURL server_redirect_http_url(https_server.GetURL( "server-redirect?files/title1.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", server_redirect_http_url)); // DidFailProvisionalLoad when navigating to https_url. EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), https_url); EXPECT_FALSE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } { // Load same-site server-redirect page into Iframe, // which redirects to cross-site page. GURL server_redirect_http_url(test_server()->GetURL( "server-redirect?" + https_url.spec())); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", server_redirect_http_url)); EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), https_url); EXPECT_FALSE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } { // Load same-site client-redirect page into Iframe, // which redirects to cross-site page. GURL client_redirect_http_url(test_server()->GetURL( "client-redirect?" + https_url.spec())); RedirectNotificationObserver load_observer2( NOTIFICATION_LOAD_STOP, Source<NavigationController>( &shell()->web_contents()->GetController())); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", client_redirect_http_url)); // Same-site Client-Redirect Page should be loaded successfully. EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), client_redirect_http_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); // Redirecting to Cross-site Page should be blocked. load_observer2.Wait(); EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), https_url); EXPECT_FALSE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } { // Load same-site server-redirect page into Iframe, // which redirects to same-site page. GURL server_redirect_http_url(test_server()->GetURL( "server-redirect?files/title1.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", server_redirect_http_url)); EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), http_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } { // Load same-site client-redirect page into Iframe, // which redirects to same-site page. GURL client_redirect_http_url(test_server()->GetURL( "client-redirect?" + http_url.spec())); RedirectNotificationObserver load_observer2( NOTIFICATION_LOAD_STOP, Source<NavigationController>( &shell()->web_contents()->GetController())); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", client_redirect_http_url)); // Same-site Client-Redirect Page should be loaded successfully. EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), client_redirect_http_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); // Redirecting to Same-site Page should be loaded successfully. load_observer2.Wait(); EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), http_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } } // TODO(nasko): Disable this test until out-of-process iframes is ready and the // security checks are back in place. // TODO(creis): Replace SpawnedTestServer with host_resolver to get test to run // on Android (http://crbug.com/187570). IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, DISABLED_CrossSiteIframeRedirectTwice) { ASSERT_TRUE(test_server()->Start()); net::SpawnedTestServer https_server( net::SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTPS, net::SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost, base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("content/test/data"))); ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.Start()); GURL main_url(test_server()->GetURL("files/site_per_process_main.html")); GURL http_url(test_server()->GetURL("files/title1.html")); GURL https_url(https_server.GetURL("files/title1.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); { // Load client-redirect page pointing to a cross-site client-redirect page, // which eventually redirects back to same-site page. GURL client_redirect_https_url(https_server.GetURL( "client-redirect?" + http_url.spec())); GURL client_redirect_http_url(test_server()->GetURL( "client-redirect?" + client_redirect_https_url.spec())); // We should wait until second client redirect get cancelled. RedirectNotificationObserver load_observer2( NOTIFICATION_LOAD_STOP, Source<NavigationController>( &shell()->web_contents()->GetController())); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", client_redirect_http_url)); // DidFailProvisionalLoad when navigating to client_redirect_https_url. load_observer2.Wait(); EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), client_redirect_https_url); EXPECT_FALSE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } { // Load server-redirect page pointing to a cross-site server-redirect page, // which eventually redirect back to same-site page. GURL server_redirect_https_url(https_server.GetURL( "server-redirect?" + http_url.spec())); GURL server_redirect_http_url(test_server()->GetURL( "server-redirect?" + server_redirect_https_url.spec())); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", server_redirect_http_url)); EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), http_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } { // Load server-redirect page pointing to a cross-site server-redirect page, // which eventually redirects back to cross-site page. GURL server_redirect_https_url(https_server.GetURL( "server-redirect?" + https_url.spec())); GURL server_redirect_http_url(test_server()->GetURL( "server-redirect?" + server_redirect_https_url.spec())); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", server_redirect_http_url)); // DidFailProvisionalLoad when navigating to https_url. EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), https_url); EXPECT_FALSE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } { // Load server-redirect page pointing to a cross-site client-redirect page, // which eventually redirects back to same-site page. GURL client_redirect_http_url(https_server.GetURL( "client-redirect?" + http_url.spec())); GURL server_redirect_http_url(test_server()->GetURL( "server-redirect?" + client_redirect_http_url.spec())); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", server_redirect_http_url)); // DidFailProvisionalLoad when navigating to client_redirect_http_url. EXPECT_EQ(observer.last_navigation_url(), client_redirect_http_url); EXPECT_FALSE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); } } // Ensure that when navigating a frame cross-process RenderFrameProxyHosts are // created in the FrameTree skipping the subtree of the navigating frame. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, ProxyCreationSkipsSubtree) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(a,a(a,a(a)))")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); EXPECT_TRUE(root->child_at(1) != NULL); EXPECT_EQ(2U, root->child_at(1)->child_count()); { // Load same-site page into iframe. TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); GURL http_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), http_url); EXPECT_EQ(http_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A\n" " |--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" " |--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); } // Create the cross-site URL to navigate to. GURL cross_site_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/frame_tree/title2.html"); // Load cross-site page into the second iframe without waiting for the // navigation to complete. Once LoadURLWithParams returns, we would expect // proxies to have been created in the frame tree, but children of the // navigating frame to still be present. The reason is that we don't run the // message loop, so no IPCs that alter the frame tree can be processed. FrameTreeNode* child = root->child_at(1); SiteInstance* site = NULL; bool browser_side_navigation = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableBrowserSideNavigation); std::string cross_site_rfh_type = browser_side_navigation ? "speculative" : "pending"; { TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); TestFrameNavigationObserver navigation_observer(child); NavigationController::LoadURLParams params(cross_site_url); params.transition_type = PageTransitionFromInt(ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK); params.frame_tree_node_id = child->frame_tree_node_id(); child->navigator()->GetController()->LoadURLWithParams(params); if (browser_side_navigation) { site = child->render_manager() ->speculative_frame_host() ->GetSiteInstance(); } else { site = child->render_manager()->pending_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); } EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), site); std::string tree = base::StringPrintf( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A (B %s)\n" " |--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/", cross_site_rfh_type.c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(tree, DepictFrameTree(root)); // Now that the verification is done, run the message loop and wait for the // navigation to complete. navigation_observer.Wait(); EXPECT_FALSE(child->render_manager()->pending_frame_host()); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(cross_site_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); } // Load another cross-site page into the same iframe. cross_site_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/title3.html"); { // Perform the same checks as the first cross-site navigation, since // there have been issues in subsequent cross-site navigations. Also ensure // that the SiteInstance has properly changed. // TODO(nasko): Once we have proper cleanup of resources, add code to // verify that the intermediate SiteInstance/RenderFrameHost have been // properly cleaned up. TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); TestFrameNavigationObserver navigation_observer(child); NavigationController::LoadURLParams params(cross_site_url); params.transition_type = PageTransitionFromInt(ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK); params.frame_tree_node_id = child->frame_tree_node_id(); child->navigator()->GetController()->LoadURLWithParams(params); SiteInstance* site2; if (browser_side_navigation) { site2 = child->render_manager() ->speculative_frame_host() ->GetSiteInstance(); } else { site2 = child->render_manager()->pending_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); } EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), site2); EXPECT_NE(site, site2); std::string tree = base::StringPrintf( " Site A ------------ proxies for B C\n" " |--Site A ------- proxies for B C\n" " +--Site B (C %s) -- proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/\n" " C = http://bar.com/", cross_site_rfh_type.c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(tree, DepictFrameTree(root)); navigation_observer.Wait(); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(cross_site_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_EQ(0U, child->child_count()); } } // Verify origin replication with an A-embed-B-embed-C-embed-A hierarchy. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, OriginReplication) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(b(c(a),b), a)")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B C\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A C\n" // tiptop_child " | |--Site C -- proxies for A B\n" // middle_child " | | +--Site A -- proxies for B C\n" // lowest_child " | +--Site B -- proxies for A C\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B C\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/\n" " C = http://c.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); std::string a_origin = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/").spec(); std::string b_origin = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("b.com", "/").spec(); std::string c_origin = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("c.com", "/").spec(); FrameTreeNode* tiptop_child = root->child_at(0); FrameTreeNode* middle_child = root->child_at(0)->child_at(0); FrameTreeNode* lowest_child = root->child_at(0)->child_at(0)->child_at(0); // Check that b.com frame's location.ancestorOrigins contains the correct // origin for the parent. The origin should have been replicated as part of // the ViewMsg_New message that created the parent's RenderFrameProxy in // b.com's process. int ancestor_origins_length = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( tiptop_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins.length);", &ancestor_origins_length)); EXPECT_EQ(1, ancestor_origins_length); std::string result; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( tiptop_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins[0]);", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(a_origin, result + "/"); // Check that c.com frame's location.ancestorOrigins contains the correct // origin for its two ancestors. The topmost parent origin should be // replicated as part of ViewMsg_New, and the middle frame (b.com's) origin // should be replicated as part of FrameMsg_NewFrameProxy sent for b.com's // frame in c.com's process. EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( middle_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins.length);", &ancestor_origins_length)); EXPECT_EQ(2, ancestor_origins_length); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( middle_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins[0]);", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(b_origin, result + "/"); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( middle_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins[1]);", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(a_origin, result + "/"); // Check that the nested a.com frame's location.ancestorOrigins contains the // correct origin for its three ancestors. EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( lowest_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins.length);", &ancestor_origins_length)); EXPECT_EQ(3, ancestor_origins_length); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( lowest_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins[0]);", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(c_origin, result + "/"); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( lowest_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins[1]);", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(b_origin, result + "/"); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( lowest_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins[2]);", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(a_origin, result + "/"); } // Check that iframe sandbox flags are replicated correctly. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, SandboxFlagsReplication) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/sandboxed_frames.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Navigate the second (sandboxed) subframe to a cross-site page with a // subframe. GURL foo_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/frame_tree/1-1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(1), foo_url); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForLoadStop(shell()->web_contents())); // We can't use a TestNavigationObserver to verify the URL here, // since the frame has children that may have clobbered it in the observer. EXPECT_EQ(foo_url, root->child_at(1)->current_url()); // Load cross-site page into subframe's subframe. ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_at(1)->child_count()); GURL bar_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(1)->child_at(0), bar_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(bar_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Opening a popup in the sandboxed foo.com iframe should fail. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE( ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool(root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "!window.open('data:text/html,dataurl'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(1u, Shell::windows().size()); // Opening a popup in a frame whose parent is sandboxed should also fail. // Here, bar.com frame's sandboxed parent frame is a remote frame in // bar.com's process. success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->child_at(1)->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "!window.open('data:text/html,dataurl'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(1u, Shell::windows().size()); // Same, but now try the case where bar.com frame's sandboxed parent is a // local frame in bar.com's process. success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->child_at(2)->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "!window.open('data:text/html,dataurl'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(1u, Shell::windows().size()); // Check that foo.com frame's location.ancestorOrigins contains the correct // origin for the parent, which should be unaffected by sandboxing. int ancestor_origins_length = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins.length);", &ancestor_origins_length)); EXPECT_EQ(1, ancestor_origins_length); std::string result; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins[0]);", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(result + "/", main_url.GetOrigin().spec()); // Now check location.ancestorOrigins for the bar.com frame. The middle frame // (foo.com's) origin should be unique, since that frame is sandboxed, and // the top frame should match |main_url|. FrameTreeNode* bottom_child = root->child_at(1)->child_at(0); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( bottom_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins.length);", &ancestor_origins_length)); EXPECT_EQ(2, ancestor_origins_length); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( bottom_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins[0]);", &result)); EXPECT_EQ("null", result); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( bottom_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins[1]);", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(main_url.GetOrigin().spec(), result + "/"); } // Check that dynamic updates to iframe sandbox flags are propagated correctly. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, DynamicSandboxFlags) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/page_with_two_frames.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); // Make sure first frame starts out at the correct cross-site page. EXPECT_EQ(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/title1.html"), root->child_at(0)->current_url()); // Navigate second frame to another cross-site page. GURL baz_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(1), baz_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(baz_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Both frames should not be sandboxed to start with. EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebSandboxFlags::None, root->child_at(0)->current_replication_state().sandbox_flags); EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebSandboxFlags::None, root->child_at(0)->effective_sandbox_flags()); EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebSandboxFlags::None, root->child_at(1)->current_replication_state().sandbox_flags); EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebSandboxFlags::None, root->child_at(1)->effective_sandbox_flags()); // Dynamically update sandbox flags for the first frame. EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "document.querySelector('iframe').sandbox=" "'allow-scripts');")); // Check that updated sandbox flags are propagated to browser process. // The new flags should be set in current_replication_state(), while // effective_sandbox_flags() should still reflect the old flags, because // sandbox flag updates take place only after navigations. "allow-scripts" // resets both SandboxFlags::Scripts and SandboxFlags::AutomaticFeatures bits // per blink::parseSandboxPolicy(). blink::WebSandboxFlags expected_flags = blink::WebSandboxFlags::All & ~blink::WebSandboxFlags::Scripts & ~blink::WebSandboxFlags::AutomaticFeatures; EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags, root->child_at(0)->current_replication_state().sandbox_flags); EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebSandboxFlags::None, root->child_at(0)->effective_sandbox_flags()); // Navigate the first frame to a page on the same site. The new sandbox // flags should take effect. GURL bar_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/frame_tree/2-4.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), bar_url); // (The new page has a subframe; wait for it to load as well.) ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForLoadStop(shell()->web_contents())); EXPECT_EQ(bar_url, root->child_at(0)->current_url()); ASSERT_EQ(1U, root->child_at(0)->child_count()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B C\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A C\n" " | +--Site B -- proxies for A C\n" " +--Site C ------- proxies for A B\n" "Where A =\n" " B = http://bar.com/\n" " C = http://baz.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Confirm that the browser process has updated the frame's current sandbox // flags. EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags, root->child_at(0)->current_replication_state().sandbox_flags); EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags, root->child_at(0)->effective_sandbox_flags()); // Opening a popup in the now-sandboxed frame should fail. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE( ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "!window.open('data:text/html,dataurl'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(1u, Shell::windows().size()); // Navigate the child of the now-sandboxed frame to a page on baz.com. The // child should inherit the latest sandbox flags from its parent frame, which // is currently a proxy in baz.com's renderer process. This checks that the // proxies of |root->child_at(0)| were also updated with the latest sandbox // flags. GURL baz_child_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/title2.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0)->child_at(0), baz_child_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(baz_child_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B C\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A C\n" " | +--Site C -- proxies for A B\n" " +--Site C ------- proxies for A B\n" "Where A =\n" " B = http://bar.com/\n" " C = http://baz.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Opening a popup in the child of a sandboxed frame should fail. success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->child_at(0)->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "!window.open('data:text/html,dataurl'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(1u, Shell::windows().size()); } // Check that dynamic updates to iframe sandbox flags are propagated correctly. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, DynamicSandboxFlagsRemoteToLocal) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/page_with_two_frames.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); // Make sure the two frames starts out at correct URLs. EXPECT_EQ(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/title1.html"), root->child_at(0)->current_url()); EXPECT_EQ(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/title1.html"), root->child_at(1)->current_url()); // Update the second frame's sandbox flags. EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[1].sandbox=" "'allow-scripts');")); // Check that the current sandbox flags are updated but the effective // sandbox flags are not. blink::WebSandboxFlags expected_flags = blink::WebSandboxFlags::All & ~blink::WebSandboxFlags::Scripts & ~blink::WebSandboxFlags::AutomaticFeatures; EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags, root->child_at(1)->current_replication_state().sandbox_flags); EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebSandboxFlags::None, root->child_at(1)->effective_sandbox_flags()); // Navigate the second subframe to a page on bar.com. This will trigger a // remote-to-local frame swap in bar.com's process. The target page has // another frame, so use TestFrameNavigationObserver to wait for all frames // to be loaded. TestFrameNavigationObserver frame_observer(root->child_at(1), 2); GURL bar_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "bar.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_one_frame.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(1), bar_url); frame_observer.Wait(); EXPECT_EQ(bar_url, root->child_at(1)->current_url()); ASSERT_EQ(1U, root->child_at(1)->child_count()); // Confirm that the browser process has updated the current sandbox flags. EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags, root->child_at(1)->current_replication_state().sandbox_flags); EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags, root->child_at(1)->effective_sandbox_flags()); // Opening a popup in the sandboxed second frame should fail. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE( ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool(root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "!window.open('data:text/html,dataurl'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(1u, Shell::windows().size()); // Make sure that the child frame inherits the sandbox flags of its // now-sandboxed parent frame. success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->child_at(1)->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "!window.open('data:text/html,dataurl'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(1u, Shell::windows().size()); } // Check that dynamic updates to iframe sandbox flags are propagated correctly. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, DynamicSandboxFlagsRendererInitiatedNavigation) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/page_with_one_frame.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); ASSERT_EQ(1U, root->child_count()); // Make sure the frame starts out at the correct cross-site page. EXPECT_EQ(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/title1.html"), root->child_at(0)->current_url()); // The frame should not be sandboxed to start with. EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebSandboxFlags::None, root->child_at(0)->current_replication_state().sandbox_flags); EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebSandboxFlags::None, root->child_at(0)->effective_sandbox_flags()); // Dynamically update the frame's sandbox flags. EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "document.querySelector('iframe').sandbox=" "'allow-scripts');")); // Check that updated sandbox flags are propagated to browser process. // The new flags should be set in current_replication_state(), while // effective_sandbox_flags() should still reflect the old flags, because // sandbox flag updates take place only after navigations. "allow-scripts" // resets both SandboxFlags::Scripts and SandboxFlags::AutomaticFeatures bits // per blink::parseSandboxPolicy(). blink::WebSandboxFlags expected_flags = blink::WebSandboxFlags::All & ~blink::WebSandboxFlags::Scripts & ~blink::WebSandboxFlags::AutomaticFeatures; EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags, root->child_at(0)->current_replication_state().sandbox_flags); EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebSandboxFlags::None, root->child_at(0)->effective_sandbox_flags()); // Perform a renderer-initiated same-site navigation in the first frame. The // new sandbox flags should take effect. TestFrameNavigationObserver frame_observer(root->child_at(0)); ASSERT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.location.href='/title2.html'")); frame_observer.Wait(); EXPECT_EQ(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/title2.html"), root->child_at(0)->current_url()); // Confirm that the browser process has updated the frame's current sandbox // flags. EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags, root->child_at(0)->current_replication_state().sandbox_flags); EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags, root->child_at(0)->effective_sandbox_flags()); // Opening a popup in the now-sandboxed frame should fail. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE( ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "!window.open('data:text/html,dataurl'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(1u, Shell::windows().size()); } // Verify that when a new child frame is added, the proxies created for it in // other SiteInstances have correct sandbox flags and origin. // // A A A // / / \ / \ . // B -> B A -> B A // \ . // B // // The test checks sandbox flags and origin for the proxy added in step 2, by // checking whether the grandchild frame added in step 3 sees proper sandbox // flags and origin for its (remote) parent. This wasn't addressed when // https://crbug.com/423587 was fixed. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, ProxiesForNewChildFramesHaveCorrectReplicationState) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/page_with_one_frame.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" "Where A =\n" " B = http://baz.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // In the root frame, add a new sandboxed local frame, which itself has a // child frame on baz.com. Wait for three RenderFrameHosts to be created: // the new sandboxed local frame, its child (while it's still local), and a // pending RFH when starting the cross-site navigation to baz.com. RenderFrameHostCreatedObserver frame_observer(shell()->web_contents(), 3); EXPECT_TRUE( ExecuteScript(root->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " addFrame('/frame_tree/page_with_one_frame.html'," " 'allow-scripts allow-same-origin'))")); frame_observer.Wait(); // Wait for the cross-site navigation to baz.com in the grandchild to finish. FrameTreeNode* bottom_child = root->child_at(1)->child_at(0); TestFrameNavigationObserver navigation_observer(bottom_child); navigation_observer.Wait(); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " +--Site B -- proxies for A\n" "Where A =\n" " B = http://baz.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Use location.ancestorOrigins to check that the grandchild on baz.com sees // correct origin for its parent. int ancestor_origins_length = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( bottom_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins.length);", &ancestor_origins_length)); EXPECT_EQ(2, ancestor_origins_length); std::string parent_origin; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( bottom_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(location.ancestorOrigins[0]);", &parent_origin)); EXPECT_EQ(main_url.GetOrigin().spec(), parent_origin + "/"); // Check that the sandbox flags in the browser process are correct. // "allow-scripts" resets both WebSandboxFlags::Scripts and // WebSandboxFlags::AutomaticFeatures bits per blink::parseSandboxPolicy(). blink::WebSandboxFlags expected_flags = blink::WebSandboxFlags::All & ~blink::WebSandboxFlags::Scripts & ~blink::WebSandboxFlags::AutomaticFeatures & ~blink::WebSandboxFlags::Origin; EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags, root->child_at(1)->current_replication_state().sandbox_flags); // The child of the sandboxed frame should've inherited sandbox flags, so it // should not be able to create popups. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE( ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool(bottom_child->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "!window.open('data:text/html,dataurl'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(1u, Shell::windows().size()); } // Verify that a child frame can retrieve the name property set by its parent. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, WindowNameReplication) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/2-4.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Load cross-site page into iframe. GURL frame_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/frame_tree/3-1.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), frame_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(frame_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Ensure that a new process is created for the subframe. EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); // Check that the window.name seen by the frame matches the name attribute // specified by its parent in the iframe tag. std::string result; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(window.name);", &result)); EXPECT_EQ("3-1-name", result); } // Verify that dynamic updates to a frame's window.name propagate to the // frame's proxies, so that the latest frame names can be used in navigations. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, DynamicWindowName) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/2-4.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Load cross-site page into iframe. GURL frame_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/frame_tree/3-1.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), frame_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(frame_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // Browser process should know the child frame's original window.name // specified in the iframe element. EXPECT_EQ(root->child_at(0)->frame_name(), "3-1-name"); // Update the child frame's window.name. EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "window.name = 'updated-name');")); // The change should propagate to the browser process. EXPECT_EQ(root->child_at(0)->frame_name(), "updated-name"); // The proxy in the parent process should also receive the updated name. // Check that it can reference the child frame by its new name. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE( ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool(shell()->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" "frames['updated-name'] == frames[0]);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); // Issue a renderer-initiated navigation from the root frame to the child // frame using the frame's name. Make sure correct frame is navigated. // // TODO(alexmos): When blink::createWindow is refactored to handle // RemoteFrames, this should also be tested via window.open(url, frame_name) // and a more complicated frame hierarchy (https://crbug.com/463742) TestFrameNavigationObserver frame_observer(root->child_at(0)); GURL foo_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/title1.html")); std::string script = base::StringPrintf( "window.domAutomationController.send(" "frames['updated-name'].location.href = '%s');", foo_url.spec().c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(shell()->web_contents(), script)); frame_observer.Wait(); EXPECT_EQ(foo_url, root->child_at(0)->current_url()); } // Verify that when a frame is navigated to a new origin, the origin update // propagates to the frame's proxies. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, OriginUpdatesReachProxies) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/page_with_two_frames.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" "Where A =\n" " B = http://bar.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Navigate second subframe to a baz.com. This should send an origin update // to the frame's proxy in the bar.com (first frame's) process. GURL frame_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/title2.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(1), frame_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(frame_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); // The first frame can't directly observe the second frame's origin with // JavaScript. Instead, try to navigate the second frame from the first // frame. This should fail with a console error message, which should // contain the second frame's updated origin (see blink::Frame::canNavigate). scoped_ptr<ConsoleObserverDelegate> console_delegate( new ConsoleObserverDelegate( shell()->web_contents(), "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to initiate navigation*")); shell()->web_contents()->SetDelegate(console_delegate.get()); // frames[1] can't be used due to a bug where RemoteFrames are created out of // order (https://crbug.com/478792). Instead, target second frame by name. EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript( root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " parent.frames['frame2'].location.href = 'data:text/html,foo');")); console_delegate->Wait(); std::string frame_origin = root->child_at(1)->current_replication_state().origin.Serialize(); EXPECT_EQ(frame_origin + "/", frame_url.GetOrigin().spec()); EXPECT_TRUE( base::MatchPattern(console_delegate->message(), "*" + frame_origin + "*")) << "Error message does not contain the frame's latest origin (" << frame_origin << ")"; } // Ensure that navigating subframes in --site-per-process mode properly fires // the DidStopLoading event on WebContentsObserver. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, CrossSiteDidStopLoading) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/site_per_process_main.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents())-> GetFrameTree()->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Load same-site page into iframe. FrameTreeNode* child = root->child_at(0); GURL http_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(child, http_url); EXPECT_EQ(http_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); // Load cross-site page into iframe. TestNavigationObserver nav_observer(shell()->web_contents(), 1); GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/title2.html"); NavigationController::LoadURLParams params(url); params.transition_type = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK; params.frame_tree_node_id = child->frame_tree_node_id(); child->navigator()->GetController()->LoadURLWithParams(params); nav_observer.Wait(); // Verify that the navigation succeeded and the expected URL was loaded. EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); } // Ensure that the renderer does not crash when navigating a frame that has a // sibling RemoteFrame. See https://crbug.com/426953. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, NavigateWithSiblingRemoteFrame) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/page_with_two_frames.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Make sure the first frame is out of process. ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); FrameTreeNode* node2 = root->child_at(0); EXPECT_NE(root->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(), node2->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); // Make sure the second frame is in the parent's process. FrameTreeNode* node3 = root->child_at(1); EXPECT_EQ(root->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(), node3->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); // Navigate the second iframe (node3) to a URL in its own process. GURL title_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/title2.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(node3, title_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(title_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_EQ(root->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(), node3->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); EXPECT_TRUE(node3->current_frame_host()->IsRenderFrameLive()); } // Verify that load events for iframe elements work when the child frame is // out-of-process. In such cases, the load event is forwarded from the child // frame to the parent frame via the browser process. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, LoadEventForwarding) { // Load a page with a cross-site frame. The parent page has an onload // handler in the iframe element that appends "LOADED" to the document title. { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_with_load_event.html")); base::string16 expected_title(base::UTF8ToUTF16("LOADED")); TitleWatcher title_watcher(shell()->web_contents(), expected_title); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); EXPECT_EQ(title_watcher.WaitAndGetTitle(), expected_title); } // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); // Load another cross-site page into the iframe and check that the load event // is fired. { GURL foo_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/title1.html")); base::string16 expected_title(base::UTF8ToUTF16("LOADEDLOADED")); TitleWatcher title_watcher(shell()->web_contents(), expected_title); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), foo_url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(foo_url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_EQ(title_watcher.WaitAndGetTitle(), expected_title); } } // Check that postMessage can be routed between cross-site iframes. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, SubframePostMessage) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "/frame_tree/page_with_post_message_frames.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); // Verify the frames start at correct URLs. First frame should be // same-site; second frame should be cross-site. GURL same_site_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/post_message.html")); EXPECT_EQ(same_site_url, root->child_at(0)->current_url()); GURL foo_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/post_message.html")); EXPECT_EQ(foo_url, root->child_at(1)->current_url()); EXPECT_NE(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(), root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()); // Send a message from first, same-site frame to second, cross-site frame. // Expect the second frame to reply back to the first frame. PostMessageAndWaitForReply(root->child_at(0), "postToSibling('subframe-msg','subframe2')", "\"done-subframe1\""); // Send a postMessage from second, cross-site frame to its parent. Expect // parent to send a reply to the frame. base::string16 expected_title(base::ASCIIToUTF16("subframe-msg")); TitleWatcher title_watcher(shell()->web_contents(), expected_title); PostMessageAndWaitForReply(root->child_at(1), "postToParent('subframe-msg')", "\"done-subframe2\""); EXPECT_EQ(expected_title, title_watcher.WaitAndGetTitle()); // Verify the total number of received messages for each subframe. First // frame should have one message (reply from second frame). Second frame // should have two messages (message from first frame and reply from parent). // Parent should have one message (from second frame). EXPECT_EQ(1, GetReceivedMessages(root->child_at(0))); EXPECT_EQ(2, GetReceivedMessages(root->child_at(1))); EXPECT_EQ(1, GetReceivedMessages(root)); } // Check that postMessage can be sent from a subframe on a cross-process opener // tab, and that its event.source points to a valid proxy. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, PostMessageWithSubframeOnOpenerChain) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "a.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_post_message_frames.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); ASSERT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); // Verify the initial state of the world. First frame should be same-site; // second frame should be cross-site. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Open a popup from the first subframe (so that popup's window.opener points // to the subframe) and navigate it to bar.com. ShellAddedObserver new_shell_observer; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "openPopup('about:blank');")); Shell* popup = new_shell_observer.GetShell(); GURL popup_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/post_message.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(popup, popup_url)); // From the popup, open another popup for baz.com. This will be used to // check that the whole opener chain is processed when creating proxies and // not just an immediate opener. ShellAddedObserver new_shell_observer2; EXPECT_TRUE( ExecuteScript(popup->web_contents(), "openPopup('about:blank');")); Shell* popup2 = new_shell_observer2.GetShell(); GURL popup2_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/post_message.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(popup2, popup2_url)); // Ensure that we've created proxies for SiteInstances of both popups (C, D) // in the main window's frame tree. EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B C D\n" " |--Site A ------- proxies for B C D\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A C D\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/\n" " C = http://bar.com/\n" " D = http://baz.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Check the first popup's frame tree as well. Note that it doesn't have a // proxy for foo.com, since foo.com can't reach the popup. It does have a // proxy for its opener a.com (which can reach it via the window.open // reference) and second popup (which can reach it via window.opener). FrameTreeNode* popup_root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(popup->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ( " Site C ------------ proxies for A D\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " C = http://bar.com/\n" " D = http://baz.com/", DepictFrameTree(popup_root)); // Send a message from first subframe on main page to the first popup and // wait for a reply back. The reply verifies that the proxy for the opener // tab's subframe is targeted properly. PostMessageAndWaitForReply(root->child_at(0), "postToPopup('subframe-msg')", "\"done-subframe1\""); // Send a postMessage from the popup to window.opener and ensure that it // reaches subframe1. This verifies that the subframe opener information // propagated to the popup's RenderFrame. Wait for subframe1 to send a reply // message to the popup. EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(popup->web_contents(), "window.name = 'popup';")); PostMessageAndWaitForReply(popup_root, "postToOpener('subframe-msg', '*')", "\"done-popup\""); // Second a postMessage from popup2 to window.opener.opener, which should // resolve to subframe1. This tests opener chains of length greater than 1. // As before, subframe1 will send a reply to popup2. FrameTreeNode* popup2_root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(popup2->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(popup2->web_contents(), "window.name = 'popup2';")); PostMessageAndWaitForReply(popup2_root, "postToOpenerOfOpener('subframe-msg', '*')", "\"done-popup2\""); // Verify the total number of received messages for each subframe: // - 3 for first subframe (two from first popup, one from second popup) // - 2 for popup (both from first subframe) // - 1 for popup2 (reply from first subframe) // - 0 for other frames EXPECT_EQ(0, GetReceivedMessages(root)); EXPECT_EQ(3, GetReceivedMessages(root->child_at(0))); EXPECT_EQ(0, GetReceivedMessages(root->child_at(1))); EXPECT_EQ(2, GetReceivedMessages(popup_root)); EXPECT_EQ(1, GetReceivedMessages(popup2_root)); } // Check that parent.frames[num] references correct sibling frames when the // parent is remote. See https://crbug.com/478792. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, IndexedFrameAccess) { // Start on a page with three same-site subframes. GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/frame_tree/top.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); ASSERT_EQ(3U, root->child_count()); FrameTreeNode* child0 = root->child_at(0); FrameTreeNode* child1 = root->child_at(1); FrameTreeNode* child2 = root->child_at(2); // Send each of the frames to a different site. Each new renderer will first // create proxies for the parent and two sibling subframes and then create // and insert the new RenderFrame into the frame tree. GURL b_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("b.com", "/post_message.html")); GURL c_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("c.com", "/post_message.html")); GURL d_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("d.com", "/post_message.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(child0, b_url); // TODO(alexmos): The calls to WaitForRenderFrameReady can be removed once // TestFrameNavigationObserver is fixed to use DidFinishLoad. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForRenderFrameReady(child0->current_frame_host())); NavigateFrameToURL(child1, c_url); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForRenderFrameReady(child1->current_frame_host())); NavigateFrameToURL(child2, d_url); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForRenderFrameReady(child2->current_frame_host())); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B C D\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A C D\n" " |--Site C ------- proxies for A B D\n" " +--Site D ------- proxies for A B C\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/\n" " C = http://c.com/\n" " D = http://d.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Check that each subframe sees itself at correct index in parent.frames. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( child0->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(window === parent.frames[0]);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( child1->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(window === parent.frames[1]);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( child2->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(window === parent.frames[2]);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); // Send a postMessage from B to parent.frames[1], which should go to C, and // wait for reply. PostMessageAndWaitForReply(child0, "postToSibling('subframe-msg', 1)", "\"done-1-1-name\""); // Send a postMessage from C to parent.frames[2], which should go to D, and // wait for reply. PostMessageAndWaitForReply(child1, "postToSibling('subframe-msg', 2)", "\"done-1-2-name\""); // Verify the total number of received messages for each subframe. EXPECT_EQ(1, GetReceivedMessages(child0)); EXPECT_EQ(2, GetReceivedMessages(child1)); EXPECT_EQ(1, GetReceivedMessages(child2)); } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, RFPHDestruction) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/site_per_process_main.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); TestNavigationObserver observer(shell()->web_contents()); // Load cross-site page into iframe. FrameTreeNode* child = root->child_at(0); GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/title2.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " |--Site A -- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for B\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for B\n" "Where A =\n" " B = http://foo.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Load another cross-site page. url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("bar.com", "/title3.html"); NavigateIframeToURL(shell()->web_contents(), "test", url); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for C\n" " |--Site C ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for C\n" " |--Site A -- proxies for C\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for C\n" " +--Site A -- proxies for C\n" "Where A =\n" " C = http://bar.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Navigate back to the parent's origin. url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/title1.html"); NavigateFrameToURL(child, url); EXPECT_EQ(url, observer.last_navigation_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(observer.last_navigation_succeeded()); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A\n" " |--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" " |--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" " +--Site A\n" "Where A =", DepictFrameTree(root)); } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, OpenPopupWithRemoteParent) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/site_per_process_main.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); // Navigate first child cross-site. GURL frame_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("b.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), frame_url); // Open a popup from the first child. Shell* new_shell = OpenPopup(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL), ""); EXPECT_TRUE(new_shell); // Check that the popup's opener is correct on both the browser and renderer // sides. FrameTreeNode* popup_root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(new_shell->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ(root->child_at(0), popup_root->opener()); std::string opener_url; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( popup_root->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(window.opener.location.href);", &opener_url)); EXPECT_EQ(frame_url.spec(), opener_url); // Now try the same with a cross-site popup and make sure it ends up in a new // process and with a correct opener. GURL popup_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("c.com", "/title2.html")); Shell* cross_site_popup = OpenPopup(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), popup_url, ""); EXPECT_TRUE(cross_site_popup); FrameTreeNode* cross_site_popup_root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(cross_site_popup->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ(cross_site_popup_root->current_url(), popup_url); EXPECT_NE(shell()->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance(), cross_site_popup->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance()); EXPECT_NE(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(), cross_site_popup->web_contents()->GetSiteInstance()); EXPECT_EQ(root->child_at(0), cross_site_popup_root->opener()); // Ensure the popup's window.opener points to the right subframe. Note that // we can't check the opener's location as above since it's cross-origin. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( cross_site_popup_root->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " window.opener === window.opener.top.frames[0]);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); } // Verify that named frames are discoverable from their opener's ancestors. // See https://crbug.com/511474. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, DiscoverNamedFrameFromAncestorOfOpener) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/site_per_process_main.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); // Navigate first child cross-site. GURL frame_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("b.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), frame_url); // Open a popup named "foo" from the first child. Shell* foo_shell = OpenPopup(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL), "foo"); EXPECT_TRUE(foo_shell); // Check that a proxy was created for the "foo" popup in a.com. FrameTreeNode* foo_root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(foo_shell->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); SiteInstance* site_instance_a = root->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); RenderFrameProxyHost* popup_rfph_for_a = foo_root->render_manager()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(site_instance_a); EXPECT_TRUE(popup_rfph_for_a); // Verify that the main frame can find the "foo" popup by name. If // window.open targets the correct frame, the "foo" popup's current URL // should be updated to |named_frame_url|. GURL named_frame_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("c.com", "/title2.html")); NavigateNamedFrame(shell()->web_contents(), named_frame_url, "foo"); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForLoadStop(foo_shell->web_contents())); EXPECT_EQ(named_frame_url, foo_root->current_url()); // Navigate the popup cross-site and ensure it's still reachable via // window.open from the main frame. GURL d_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("d.com", "/title3.html")); NavigateToURL(foo_shell, d_url); EXPECT_EQ(d_url, foo_root->current_url()); NavigateNamedFrame(shell()->web_contents(), named_frame_url, "foo"); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForLoadStop(foo_shell->web_contents())); EXPECT_EQ(named_frame_url, foo_root->current_url()); } // Similar to DiscoverNamedFrameFromAncestorOfOpener, but check that if a // window is created without a name and acquires window.name later, it will // still be discoverable from its opener's ancestors. Also, instead of using // an opener's ancestor, this test uses a popup with same origin as that // ancestor. See https://crbug.com/511474. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, DiscoverFrameAfterSettingWindowName) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/site_per_process_main.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url); // It is safe to obtain the root frame tree node here, as it doesn't change. FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); // Open a same-site popup from the main frame. GURL a_com_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/title3.html")); Shell* a_com_shell = OpenPopup(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), a_com_url, ""); EXPECT_TRUE(a_com_shell); // Navigate first child on main frame cross-site. GURL frame_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("b.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), frame_url); // Open an unnamed popup from the first child frame. Shell* foo_shell = OpenPopup(root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL), ""); EXPECT_TRUE(foo_shell); // There should be no proxy created for the "foo" popup in a.com, since // there's no way for the two a.com frames to access it yet. FrameTreeNode* foo_root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(foo_shell->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); SiteInstance* site_instance_a = root->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(); EXPECT_FALSE( foo_root->render_manager()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(site_instance_a)); // Set window.name in the popup's frame. EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(foo_shell->web_contents(), "window.name = 'foo'")); // A proxy for the popup should now exist in a.com. EXPECT_TRUE( foo_root->render_manager()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(site_instance_a)); // Verify that the a.com popup can now find the "foo" popup by name. GURL named_frame_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("c.com", "/title2.html")); NavigateNamedFrame(a_com_shell->web_contents(), named_frame_url, "foo"); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForLoadStop(foo_shell->web_contents())); EXPECT_EQ(named_frame_url, foo_root->current_url()); } // Check that frame opener updates work with subframes. Set up a window with a // popup and update openers for the popup's main frame and subframe to // subframes on first window, as follows: // // foo +---- bar // / \ | / \ . // bar foo <-+ bar foo // ^ | // +--------------------+ // // The sites are carefully set up so that both opener updates are cross-process // but still allowed by Blink's navigation checks. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, UpdateSubframeOpener) { GURL main_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "foo.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_two_frames.html"); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ(2U, root->child_count()); // From the top frame, open a popup and navigate it to a cross-site page with // two subframes. Shell* popup_shell = OpenPopup(shell()->web_contents(), GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL), "popup"); EXPECT_TRUE(popup_shell); GURL popup_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "bar.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_post_message_frames.html")); NavigateToURL(popup_shell, popup_url); FrameTreeNode* popup_root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(popup_shell->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ(2U, popup_root->child_count()); // Popup's opener should point to main frame to start with. EXPECT_EQ(root, popup_root->opener()); // Update the popup's opener to the second subframe on the main page (which // is same-origin with the top frame, i.e., foo.com). bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(!!window.open('','popup'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); // Check that updated opener propagated to the browser process and the // popup's bar.com process. EXPECT_EQ(root->child_at(1), popup_root->opener()); success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( popup_shell->web_contents(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " window.opener === window.opener.parent.frames['frame2']);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); // Now update opener on the popup's second subframe (foo.com) to the main // page's first subframe (bar.com). success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(!!window.open('','subframe2'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); // Check that updated opener propagated to the browser process and the // foo.com process. EXPECT_EQ(root->child_at(0), popup_root->child_at(1)->opener()); success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( popup_root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " window.opener === window.opener.parent.frames['frame1']);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); } // Check that when a subframe navigates to a new SiteInstance, the new // SiteInstance will get a proxy for the opener of subframe's parent. I.e., // accessing parent.opener from the subframe should still work after a // cross-process navigation. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, NavigatingSubframePreservesOpenerInParent) { GURL main_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/post_message.html"); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); // Open a popup with a cross-site page that has a subframe. GURL popup_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "b.com", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?b(b)")); Shell* popup_shell = OpenPopup(shell()->web_contents(), popup_url, "popup"); EXPECT_TRUE(popup_shell); FrameTreeNode* popup_root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(popup_shell->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ(1U, popup_root->child_count()); // Check that the popup's opener is correct in the browser process. EXPECT_EQ(root, popup_root->opener()); // Navigate popup's subframe to another site. GURL frame_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("c.com", "/post_message.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(popup_root->child_at(0), frame_url); EXPECT_TRUE( WaitForRenderFrameReady(popup_root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host())); // Check that the new subframe process still sees correct opener for its // parent by sending a postMessage to subframe's parent.opener. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( popup_root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(!!parent.opener);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); base::string16 expected_title = base::ASCIIToUTF16("msg"); TitleWatcher title_watcher(shell()->web_contents(), expected_title); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( popup_root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(postToOpenerOfParent('msg','*'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(expected_title, title_watcher.WaitAndGetTitle()); } // Check that if a subframe has an opener, that opener is preserved when the // subframe navigates cross-site. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, NavigateSubframeWithOpener) { GURL main_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "foo.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_two_frames.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" " +--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" "Where A = http://foo.com/\n" " B = http://bar.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Update the first (cross-site) subframe's opener to root frame. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(!!window.open('','frame1'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); // Check that updated opener propagated to the browser process and subframe's // process. EXPECT_EQ(root, root->child_at(0)->opener()); success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(window.opener === window.parent);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); // Navigate the subframe with opener to another site. GURL frame_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(0), frame_url); // Check that the subframe still sees correct opener in its new process. success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(window.opener === window.parent);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); // Navigate second subframe to a new site. Check that the proxy that's // created for the first subframe in the new SiteInstance has correct opener. GURL frame2_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("qux.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(root->child_at(1), frame2_url); success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->child_at(1)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " parent.frames['frame1'].opener === parent);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); } // Check that if a subframe has an opener, that opener is preserved when a new // RenderFrameProxy is created for that subframe in another renderer process. // Similar to NavigateSubframeWithOpener, but this test verifies the subframe // opener plumbing for FrameMsg_NewFrameProxy, whereas // NavigateSubframeWithOpener targets FrameMsg_NewFrame. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, NewRenderFrameProxyPreservesOpener) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("foo.com", "/post_message.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); // Open a popup with a cross-site page that has two subframes. GURL popup_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL( "bar.com", "/frame_tree/page_with_post_message_frames.html")); Shell* popup_shell = OpenPopup(shell()->web_contents(), popup_url, "popup"); EXPECT_TRUE(popup_shell); FrameTreeNode* popup_root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(popup_shell->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " |--Site A ------- proxies for B\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://bar.com/\n" " B = http://foo.com/", DepictFrameTree(popup_root)); // Update the popup's second subframe's opener to root frame. This is // allowed because that subframe is in the same foo.com SiteInstance as the // root frame. bool success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( root->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(!!window.open('','subframe2'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); // Check that the opener update propagated to the browser process and bar.com // process. EXPECT_EQ(root, popup_root->child_at(1)->opener()); success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( popup_root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " parent.frames['subframe2'].opener && " " parent.frames['subframe2'].opener === parent.opener);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); // Navigate the popup's first subframe to another site. GURL frame_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("baz.com", "/post_message.html")); NavigateFrameToURL(popup_root->child_at(0), frame_url); EXPECT_TRUE( WaitForRenderFrameReady(popup_root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host())); // Check that the second subframe's opener is still correct in the first // subframe's new process. Verify it both in JS and with a postMessage. success = false; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( popup_root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " parent.frames['subframe2'].opener && " " parent.frames['subframe2'].opener === parent.opener);", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); base::string16 expected_title = base::ASCIIToUTF16("msg"); TitleWatcher title_watcher(shell()->web_contents(), expected_title); EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( popup_root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host(), "window.domAutomationController.send(" " postToOpenerOfSibling('subframe2', 'msg', '*'));", &success)); EXPECT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(expected_title, title_watcher.WaitAndGetTitle()); } // Test for https://crbug.com/515302. Perform two navigations, A->B->A, and // delay the SwapOut ACK from the A->B navigation, so that the second B->A // navigation is initiated before the first page receives the SwapOut ACK. // Ensure that the RVH(A) that's pending deletion is not reused in that case. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, RenderViewHostPendingDeletionIsNotReused) { GURL a_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/title1.html")); NavigateToURL(shell(), a_url); FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh = root->current_frame_host(); RenderViewHostImpl* rvh = rfh->render_view_host(); RenderFrameDeletedObserver deleted_observer(rfh); // Install a BrowserMessageFilter to drop SwapOut ACK messages in A's // process. scoped_refptr<SwapoutACKMessageFilter> filter = new SwapoutACKMessageFilter(); rfh->GetProcess()->AddFilter(filter.get()); // Navigate to B. This must wait for DidCommitProvisionalLoad, as opposed to // DidStopLoading, since otherwise the SwapOut timer might call OnSwappedOut // and destroy |rvh| before its pending deletion status is checked. GURL b_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL("b.com", "/title2.html")); TestFrameNavigationObserver commit_observer(root); shell()->LoadURL(b_url); commit_observer.Wait(); // Since the SwapOut ACK for A->B is dropped, the first page's // RenderFrameHost and RenderViewHost should be pending deletion after the // last navigation. EXPECT_TRUE(root->render_manager()->IsPendingDeletion(rfh)); EXPECT_TRUE(rvh->is_pending_deletion()); // Wait for process A to exit so we can reinitialize it cleanly for the next // navigation. This can be removed once https://crbug.com/535246 is fixed. RenderProcessHostWatcher process_exit_observer( rvh->GetProcess(), RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT); process_exit_observer.Wait(); // Start a navigation back to A and check that the RenderViewHost wasn't // reused. TestNavigationObserver navigation_observer(shell()->web_contents()); shell()->LoadURL(a_url); RenderViewHostImpl* pending_rvh = root->render_manager()->pending_render_view_host(); EXPECT_EQ(rvh->GetSiteInstance(), pending_rvh->GetSiteInstance()); EXPECT_NE(rvh, pending_rvh); // Simulate that the dropped SwapOut ACK message arrives now on the original // RenderFrameHost, which should now get deleted. rfh->OnSwappedOut(); EXPECT_TRUE(deleted_observer.deleted()); // Make sure the last navigation finishes without crashing. navigation_observer.Wait(); } // Check that when a cross-process frame acquires focus, the old focused frame // loses focus and fires blur events. Starting on a page with a cross-site // subframe, simulate mouse clicks to switch focus from root frame to subframe // and then back to root frame. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, CrossProcessFocusChangeFiresBlurEvents) { GURL main_url( embedded_test_server()->GetURL("a.com", "/page_with_input_field.html")); EXPECT_TRUE(NavigateToURL(shell(), main_url)); FrameTreeNode* root = static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(shell()->web_contents()) ->GetFrameTree() ->root(); EXPECT_EQ( " Site A ------------ proxies for B\n" " +--Site B ------- proxies for A\n" "Where A = http://a.com/\n" " B = http://b.com/", DepictFrameTree(root)); // Focus the main frame's text field. The return value "input-focus" // indicates that the focus event was fired correctly. std::string result; EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScriptAndExtractString(shell()->web_contents(), "focusInputField()", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(result, "input-focus"); // The main frame should be focused. EXPECT_EQ(root, root->frame_tree()->GetFocusedFrame()); DOMMessageQueue msg_queue; // Click on the cross-process subframe. blink::WebMouseEvent mouse_event; mouse_event.type = blink::WebInputEvent::MouseDown; mouse_event.button = blink::WebPointerProperties::ButtonLeft; mouse_event.x = 1; mouse_event.y = 1; RenderWidgetHost* rwh_child = root->child_at(0)->current_frame_host()->GetRenderWidgetHost(); rwh_child->ForwardMouseEvent(mouse_event); // Check that the main frame lost focus and fired blur event on the input // text field. std::string status; while (msg_queue.WaitForMessage(&status)) { if (status == "\"input-blur\"") break; } // The subframe should now be focused. EXPECT_EQ(root->child_at(0), root->frame_tree()->GetFocusedFrame()); // Click on the root frame. shell()->web_contents()->GetRenderViewHost()->ForwardMouseEvent(mouse_event); // Check that the subframe lost focus and fired blur event on its // document's body. while (msg_queue.WaitForMessage(&status)) { if (status == "\"document-blur\"") break; } // The root frame should be focused again. EXPECT_EQ(root, root->frame_tree()->GetFocusedFrame()); } } // namespace content