// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/speech/speech_recognizer.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "content/browser/browser_main_loop.h" #include "content/browser/speech/audio_buffer.h" #include "content/browser/speech/google_one_shot_remote_engine.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/speech_recognition_event_listener.h" #include "content/public/common/speech_recognition_error.h" #include "content/public/common/speech_recognition_grammar.h" #include "content/public/common/speech_recognition_result.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h" using content::BrowserMainLoop; using content::BrowserThread; using content::SpeechRecognitionError; using content::SpeechRecognitionEventListener; using content::SpeechRecognitionGrammar; using content::SpeechRecognitionResult; using media::AudioInputController; using media::AudioManager; using media::AudioParameters; namespace { // The following constants are related to the volume level indicator shown in // the UI for recorded audio. // Multiplier used when new volume is greater than previous level. const float kUpSmoothingFactor = 1.0f; // Multiplier used when new volume is lesser than previous level. const float kDownSmoothingFactor = 0.7f; // RMS dB value of a maximum (unclipped) sine wave for int16 samples. const float kAudioMeterMaxDb = 90.31f; // This value corresponds to RMS dB for int16 with 6 most-significant-bits = 0. // Values lower than this will display as empty level-meter. const float kAudioMeterMinDb = 30.0f; const float kAudioMeterDbRange = kAudioMeterMaxDb - kAudioMeterMinDb; // Maximum level to draw to display unclipped meter. (1.0f displays clipping.) const float kAudioMeterRangeMaxUnclipped = 47.0f / 48.0f; // Returns true if more than 5% of the samples are at min or max value. bool DetectClipping(const speech::AudioChunk& chunk) { const int num_samples = chunk.NumSamples(); const int16* samples = chunk.SamplesData16(); const int kThreshold = num_samples / 20; int clipping_samples = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i) { if (samples[i] <= -32767 || samples[i] >= 32767) { if (++clipping_samples > kThreshold) return true; } } return false; } void KeepAudioControllerRefcountedForDtor(scoped_refptr) { } } // namespace namespace speech { const int SpeechRecognizer::kAudioSampleRate = 16000; const ChannelLayout SpeechRecognizer::kChannelLayout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO; const int SpeechRecognizer::kNumBitsPerAudioSample = 16; const int SpeechRecognizer::kNoSpeechTimeoutMs = 8000; const int SpeechRecognizer::kEndpointerEstimationTimeMs = 300; COMPILE_ASSERT(SpeechRecognizer::kNumBitsPerAudioSample % 8 == 0, kNumBitsPerAudioSample_must_be_a_multiple_of_8); SpeechRecognizer::SpeechRecognizer( SpeechRecognitionEventListener* listener, int session_id, bool is_single_shot, SpeechRecognitionEngine* engine) : listener_(listener), testing_audio_manager_(NULL), recognition_engine_(engine), endpointer_(kAudioSampleRate), session_id_(session_id), is_dispatching_event_(false), is_single_shot_(is_single_shot), state_(STATE_IDLE) { DCHECK(listener_ != NULL); DCHECK(recognition_engine_ != NULL); endpointer_.set_speech_input_complete_silence_length( base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond / 2); endpointer_.set_long_speech_input_complete_silence_length( base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond); endpointer_.set_long_speech_length(3 * base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond); endpointer_.StartSession(); recognition_engine_->set_delegate(this); } // ------- Methods that trigger Finite State Machine (FSM) events ------------ // NOTE:all the external events and requests should be enqueued (PostTask), even // if they come from the same (IO) thread, in order to preserve the relationship // of causality between events and avoid interleaved event processing due to // synchronous callbacks. void SpeechRecognizer::StartRecognition() { BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SpeechRecognizer::DispatchEvent, this, FSMEventArgs(EVENT_START))); } void SpeechRecognizer::AbortRecognition() { BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SpeechRecognizer::DispatchEvent, this, FSMEventArgs(EVENT_ABORT))); } void SpeechRecognizer::StopAudioCapture() { BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SpeechRecognizer::DispatchEvent, this, FSMEventArgs(EVENT_STOP_CAPTURE))); } bool SpeechRecognizer::IsActive() const { // Checking the FSM state from another thread (thus, while the FSM is // potentially concurrently evolving) is meaningless. DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); return state_ != STATE_IDLE; } bool SpeechRecognizer::IsCapturingAudio() const { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); // See IsActive(). const bool is_capturing_audio = state_ >= STATE_STARTING && state_ <= STATE_RECOGNIZING; DCHECK((is_capturing_audio && (audio_controller_.get() != NULL)) || (!is_capturing_audio && audio_controller_.get() == NULL)); return is_capturing_audio; } const SpeechRecognitionEngine& SpeechRecognizer::recognition_engine() const { return *(recognition_engine_.get()); } SpeechRecognizer::~SpeechRecognizer() { endpointer_.EndSession(); if (audio_controller_.get()) { audio_controller_->Close(base::Bind(&KeepAudioControllerRefcountedForDtor, audio_controller_)); } } // Invoked in the audio thread. void SpeechRecognizer::OnError(AudioInputController* controller, int error_code) { FSMEventArgs event_args(EVENT_AUDIO_ERROR); event_args.audio_error_code = error_code; BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SpeechRecognizer::DispatchEvent, this, event_args)); } void SpeechRecognizer::OnData(AudioInputController* controller, const uint8* data, uint32 size) { if (size == 0) // This could happen when audio capture stops and is normal. return; FSMEventArgs event_args(EVENT_AUDIO_DATA); event_args.audio_data = new AudioChunk(data, static_cast(size), kNumBitsPerAudioSample / 8); BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SpeechRecognizer::DispatchEvent, this, event_args)); } void SpeechRecognizer::OnAudioClosed(AudioInputController*) {} void SpeechRecognizer::OnSpeechRecognitionEngineResult( const content::SpeechRecognitionResult& result) { FSMEventArgs event_args(EVENT_ENGINE_RESULT); event_args.engine_result = result; BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SpeechRecognizer::DispatchEvent, this, event_args)); } void SpeechRecognizer::OnSpeechRecognitionEngineError( const content::SpeechRecognitionError& error) { FSMEventArgs event_args(EVENT_ENGINE_ERROR); event_args.engine_error = error; BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SpeechRecognizer::DispatchEvent, this, event_args)); } // ----------------------- Core FSM implementation --------------------------- // TODO(primiano): After the changes in the media package (r129173), this class // slightly violates the SpeechRecognitionEventListener interface contract. In // particular, it is not true anymore that this class can be freed after the // OnRecognitionEnd event, since the audio_controller_.Close() asynchronous // call can be still in progress after the end event. Currently, it does not // represent a problem for the browser itself, since refcounting protects us // against such race conditions. However, we should fix this in the next CLs. // For instance, tests are currently working just because the // TestAudioInputController is not closing asynchronously as the real controller // does, but they will become flaky if TestAudioInputController will be fixed. void SpeechRecognizer::DispatchEvent(const FSMEventArgs& event_args) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); DCHECK_LE(event_args.event, EVENT_MAX_VALUE); DCHECK_LE(state_, STATE_MAX_VALUE); // Event dispatching must be sequential, otherwise it will break all the rules // and the assumptions of the finite state automata model. DCHECK(!is_dispatching_event_); is_dispatching_event_ = true; // Guard against the delegate freeing us until we finish processing the event. scoped_refptr me(this); if (event_args.event == EVENT_AUDIO_DATA) { DCHECK(event_args.audio_data.get() != NULL); ProcessAudioPipeline(*event_args.audio_data); } // The audio pipeline must be processed before the event dispatch, otherwise // it would take actions according to the future state instead of the current. state_ = ExecuteTransitionAndGetNextState(event_args); is_dispatching_event_ = false; } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::ExecuteTransitionAndGetNextState( const FSMEventArgs& event_args) { const FSMEvent event = event_args.event; switch (state_) { case STATE_IDLE: switch (event) { // TODO(primiano): restore UNREACHABLE_CONDITION on EVENT_ABORT and // EVENT_STOP_CAPTURE below once speech input extensions are fixed. case EVENT_ABORT: return DoNothing(event_args); case EVENT_START: return StartRecording(event_args); case EVENT_STOP_CAPTURE: // Corner cases related to queued messages case EVENT_AUDIO_DATA: // being lately dispatched. case EVENT_ENGINE_RESULT: case EVENT_ENGINE_ERROR: case EVENT_AUDIO_ERROR: return DoNothing(event_args); } break; case STATE_STARTING: switch (event) { case EVENT_ABORT: return AbortWithError(event_args); case EVENT_START: return NotFeasible(event_args); case EVENT_STOP_CAPTURE: return AbortSilently(event_args); case EVENT_AUDIO_DATA: return StartRecognitionEngine(event_args); case EVENT_ENGINE_RESULT: return NotFeasible(event_args); case EVENT_ENGINE_ERROR: case EVENT_AUDIO_ERROR: return AbortWithError(event_args); } break; case STATE_ESTIMATING_ENVIRONMENT: switch (event) { case EVENT_ABORT: return AbortWithError(event_args); case EVENT_START: return NotFeasible(event_args); case EVENT_STOP_CAPTURE: return StopCaptureAndWaitForResult(event_args); case EVENT_AUDIO_DATA: return WaitEnvironmentEstimationCompletion(event_args); case EVENT_ENGINE_RESULT: return ProcessIntermediateResult(event_args); case EVENT_ENGINE_ERROR: case EVENT_AUDIO_ERROR: return AbortWithError(event_args); } break; case STATE_WAITING_FOR_SPEECH: switch (event) { case EVENT_ABORT: return AbortWithError(event_args); case EVENT_START: return NotFeasible(event_args); case EVENT_STOP_CAPTURE: return StopCaptureAndWaitForResult(event_args); case EVENT_AUDIO_DATA: return DetectUserSpeechOrTimeout(event_args); case EVENT_ENGINE_RESULT: return ProcessIntermediateResult(event_args); case EVENT_ENGINE_ERROR: case EVENT_AUDIO_ERROR: return AbortWithError(event_args); } break; case STATE_RECOGNIZING: switch (event) { case EVENT_ABORT: return AbortWithError(event_args); case EVENT_START: return NotFeasible(event_args); case EVENT_STOP_CAPTURE: return StopCaptureAndWaitForResult(event_args); case EVENT_AUDIO_DATA: return DetectEndOfSpeech(event_args); case EVENT_ENGINE_RESULT: return ProcessIntermediateResult(event_args); case EVENT_ENGINE_ERROR: case EVENT_AUDIO_ERROR: return AbortWithError(event_args); } break; case STATE_WAITING_FINAL_RESULT: switch (event) { case EVENT_ABORT: return AbortWithError(event_args); case EVENT_START: return NotFeasible(event_args); case EVENT_STOP_CAPTURE: case EVENT_AUDIO_DATA: return DoNothing(event_args); case EVENT_ENGINE_RESULT: return ProcessFinalResult(event_args); case EVENT_ENGINE_ERROR: case EVENT_AUDIO_ERROR: return AbortWithError(event_args); } break; } return NotFeasible(event_args); } // ----------- Contract for all the FSM evolution functions below ------------- // - Are guaranteed to be executed in the IO thread; // - Are guaranteed to be not reentrant (themselves and each other); // - event_args members are guaranteed to be stable during the call; // - The class won't be freed in the meanwhile due to callbacks; // - IsCapturingAudio() returns true if and only if audio_controller_ != NULL. // TODO(primiano): the audio pipeline is currently serial. However, the // clipper->endpointer->vumeter chain and the sr_engine could be parallelized. // We should profile the execution to see if it would be worth or not. void SpeechRecognizer::ProcessAudioPipeline(const AudioChunk& raw_audio) { const bool route_to_endpointer = state_ >= STATE_ESTIMATING_ENVIRONMENT && state_ <= STATE_RECOGNIZING; const bool route_to_sr_engine = route_to_endpointer; const bool route_to_vumeter = state_ >= STATE_WAITING_FOR_SPEECH && state_ <= STATE_RECOGNIZING; const bool clip_detected = DetectClipping(raw_audio); float rms = 0.0f; num_samples_recorded_ += raw_audio.NumSamples(); if (route_to_endpointer) endpointer_.ProcessAudio(raw_audio, &rms); if (route_to_vumeter) { DCHECK(route_to_endpointer); // Depends on endpointer due to |rms|. UpdateSignalAndNoiseLevels(rms, clip_detected); } if (route_to_sr_engine) { DCHECK(recognition_engine_.get() != NULL); recognition_engine_->TakeAudioChunk(raw_audio); } } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::StartRecording(const FSMEventArgs&) { DCHECK(recognition_engine_.get() != NULL); DCHECK(!IsCapturingAudio()); AudioManager* audio_manager = (testing_audio_manager_ != NULL) ? testing_audio_manager_ : BrowserMainLoop::GetAudioManager(); DCHECK(audio_manager != NULL); DVLOG(1) << "SpeechRecognizer starting audio capture."; num_samples_recorded_ = 0; audio_level_ = 0; listener_->OnRecognitionStart(session_id_); if (!audio_manager->HasAudioInputDevices()) { return Abort(SpeechRecognitionError( content::SPEECH_RECOGNITION_ERROR_AUDIO, content::SPEECH_AUDIO_ERROR_DETAILS_NO_MIC)); } if (audio_manager->IsRecordingInProcess()) { return Abort(SpeechRecognitionError( content::SPEECH_RECOGNITION_ERROR_AUDIO, content::SPEECH_AUDIO_ERROR_DETAILS_IN_USE)); } const int samples_per_packet = (kAudioSampleRate * recognition_engine_->GetDesiredAudioChunkDurationMs()) / 1000; AudioParameters params(AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR, kChannelLayout, kAudioSampleRate, kNumBitsPerAudioSample, samples_per_packet); audio_controller_ = AudioInputController::Create(audio_manager, this, params); if (audio_controller_.get() == NULL) { return Abort( SpeechRecognitionError(content::SPEECH_RECOGNITION_ERROR_AUDIO)); } // The endpointer needs to estimate the environment/background noise before // starting to treat the audio as user input. We wait in the state // ESTIMATING_ENVIRONMENT until such interval has elapsed before switching // to user input mode. endpointer_.SetEnvironmentEstimationMode(); audio_controller_->Record(); return STATE_STARTING; } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::StartRecognitionEngine(const FSMEventArgs& event_args) { // This is the first audio packet captured, so the recognition engine is // started and the delegate notified about the event. DCHECK(recognition_engine_.get() != NULL); recognition_engine_->StartRecognition(); listener_->OnAudioStart(session_id_); // This is a little hack, since TakeAudioChunk() is already called by // ProcessAudioPipeline(). It is the best tradeoff, unless we allow dropping // the first audio chunk captured after opening the audio device. recognition_engine_->TakeAudioChunk(*(event_args.audio_data)); return STATE_ESTIMATING_ENVIRONMENT; } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::WaitEnvironmentEstimationCompletion(const FSMEventArgs&) { DCHECK(endpointer_.IsEstimatingEnvironment()); if (GetElapsedTimeMs() >= kEndpointerEstimationTimeMs) { endpointer_.SetUserInputMode(); listener_->OnEnvironmentEstimationComplete(session_id_); return STATE_WAITING_FOR_SPEECH; } else { return STATE_ESTIMATING_ENVIRONMENT; } } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::DetectUserSpeechOrTimeout(const FSMEventArgs&) { if (endpointer_.DidStartReceivingSpeech()) { listener_->OnSoundStart(session_id_); return STATE_RECOGNIZING; } else if (GetElapsedTimeMs() >= kNoSpeechTimeoutMs) { return Abort( SpeechRecognitionError(content::SPEECH_RECOGNITION_ERROR_NO_SPEECH)); } return STATE_WAITING_FOR_SPEECH; } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::DetectEndOfSpeech(const FSMEventArgs& event_args) { // End-of-speech detection is performed only in one-shot mode. // TODO(primiano): What about introducing a longer timeout for continuous rec? if (is_single_shot_ && endpointer_.speech_input_complete()) return StopCaptureAndWaitForResult(event_args); return STATE_RECOGNIZING; } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::StopCaptureAndWaitForResult(const FSMEventArgs&) { DCHECK(state_ >= STATE_ESTIMATING_ENVIRONMENT && state_ <= STATE_RECOGNIZING); DVLOG(1) << "Concluding recognition"; CloseAudioControllerAsynchronously(); recognition_engine_->AudioChunksEnded(); if (state_ > STATE_WAITING_FOR_SPEECH) listener_->OnSoundEnd(session_id_); listener_->OnAudioEnd(session_id_); return STATE_WAITING_FINAL_RESULT; } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::AbortSilently(const FSMEventArgs& event_args) { DCHECK_NE(event_args.event, EVENT_AUDIO_ERROR); DCHECK_NE(event_args.event, EVENT_ENGINE_ERROR); return Abort( SpeechRecognitionError(content::SPEECH_RECOGNITION_ERROR_NONE)); } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::AbortWithError(const FSMEventArgs& event_args) { if (event_args.event == EVENT_AUDIO_ERROR) { return Abort( SpeechRecognitionError(content::SPEECH_RECOGNITION_ERROR_AUDIO)); } else if (event_args.event == EVENT_ENGINE_ERROR) { return Abort(event_args.engine_error); } return Abort( SpeechRecognitionError(content::SPEECH_RECOGNITION_ERROR_ABORTED)); } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::Abort( const SpeechRecognitionError& error) { if (IsCapturingAudio()) CloseAudioControllerAsynchronously(); DVLOG(1) << "SpeechRecognizer canceling recognition. "; // The recognition engine is initialized only after STATE_STARTING. if (state_ > STATE_STARTING) { DCHECK(recognition_engine_.get() != NULL); recognition_engine_->EndRecognition(); } if (state_ > STATE_WAITING_FOR_SPEECH && state_ < STATE_WAITING_FINAL_RESULT) listener_->OnSoundEnd(session_id_); if (state_ > STATE_STARTING && state_ < STATE_WAITING_FINAL_RESULT) listener_->OnAudioEnd(session_id_); if (error.code != content::SPEECH_RECOGNITION_ERROR_NONE) listener_->OnRecognitionError(session_id_, error); listener_->OnRecognitionEnd(session_id_); return STATE_IDLE; } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::ProcessIntermediateResult( const FSMEventArgs& event_args) { // Provisional results can occur only during continuous (non one-shot) mode. // If this check is reached it means that a continuous speech recognition // engine is being used for a one shot recognition. DCHECK_EQ(false, is_single_shot_); const SpeechRecognitionResult& result = event_args.engine_result; listener_->OnRecognitionResult(session_id_, result); return state_; } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::ProcessFinalResult(const FSMEventArgs& event_args) { const SpeechRecognitionResult& result = event_args.engine_result; if (result.is_provisional) { DCHECK(!is_single_shot_); listener_->OnRecognitionResult(session_id_, result); // We don't end the recognition if a provisional result is received in // STATE_WAITING_FINAL_RESULT. A definitive result will come next and will // end the recognition. return state_; } else { recognition_engine_->EndRecognition(); // We could receive an empty result (which we won't propagate further) // in the following (continuous) scenario: // 1. The caller start pushing audio and receives some results; // 2. A |StopAudioCapture| is issued later; // 3. The final audio frames captured in the interval ]1,2] do not lead to // any result (nor any error); // 4. The speech recognition engine, therefore, emits an empty result to // notify that the recognition is ended with no error, yet neither any // further result. if (result.hypotheses.size() > 0) listener_->OnRecognitionResult(session_id_, result); listener_->OnRecognitionEnd(session_id_); return STATE_IDLE; } } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::DoNothing(const FSMEventArgs&) const { return state_; // Just keep the current state. } SpeechRecognizer::FSMState SpeechRecognizer::NotFeasible(const FSMEventArgs& event_args) { NOTREACHED() << "Unfeasible event " << event_args.event << " in state " << state_; return state_; } void SpeechRecognizer::CloseAudioControllerAsynchronously() { DCHECK(IsCapturingAudio()); DVLOG(1) << "SpeechRecognizer closing audio controller."; // Issues a Close on the audio controller, passing an empty callback. The only // purpose of such callback is to keep the audio controller refcounted until // Close has completed (in the audio thread) and automatically destroy it // afterwards (upon return from OnAudioClosed). audio_controller_->Close(base::Bind(&SpeechRecognizer::OnAudioClosed, this, audio_controller_)); audio_controller_ = NULL; // The controller is still refcounted by Bind. } int SpeechRecognizer::GetElapsedTimeMs() const { return (num_samples_recorded_ * 1000) / kAudioSampleRate; } void SpeechRecognizer::UpdateSignalAndNoiseLevels(const float& rms, bool clip_detected) { // Calculate the input volume to display in the UI, smoothing towards the // new level. // TODO(primiano): Do we really need all this floating point arith here? // Perhaps it might be quite expensive on mobile. float level = (rms - kAudioMeterMinDb) / (kAudioMeterDbRange / kAudioMeterRangeMaxUnclipped); level = std::min(std::max(0.0f, level), kAudioMeterRangeMaxUnclipped); const float smoothing_factor = (level > audio_level_) ? kUpSmoothingFactor : kDownSmoothingFactor; audio_level_ += (level - audio_level_) * smoothing_factor; float noise_level = (endpointer_.NoiseLevelDb() - kAudioMeterMinDb) / (kAudioMeterDbRange / kAudioMeterRangeMaxUnclipped); noise_level = std::min(std::max(0.0f, noise_level), kAudioMeterRangeMaxUnclipped); listener_->OnAudioLevelsChange( session_id_, clip_detected ? 1.0f : audio_level_, noise_level); } void SpeechRecognizer::SetAudioManagerForTesting( AudioManager* audio_manager) { testing_audio_manager_ = audio_manager; } SpeechRecognizer::FSMEventArgs::FSMEventArgs(FSMEvent event_value) : event(event_value), audio_error_code(0), audio_data(NULL), engine_error(content::SPEECH_RECOGNITION_ERROR_NONE) { } SpeechRecognizer::FSMEventArgs::~FSMEventArgs() { } } // namespace speech