// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "content/browser/worker_host/worker_document_set.h"
#include "content/browser/worker_host/worker_storage_partition.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_child_process_host_delegate.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_child_process_host_iterator.h"
#include "content/public/common/process_type.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

namespace fileapi {
class FileSystemContext;
}  // namespace fileapi

namespace webkit_database {
class DatabaseTracker;
}  // namespace webkit_database

namespace content {
class BrowserChildProcessHostImpl;
class IndexedDBContextImpl;
class ResourceContext;
class SocketStreamDispatcherHost;
class WorkerServiceImpl;

// The WorkerProcessHost is the interface that represents the browser side of
// the browser <-> worker communication channel. There will be one
// WorkerProcessHost per worker process.  Currently each worker runs in its own
// process, but that may change.  However, we do assume (by storing a
// net::URLRequestContext) that a WorkerProcessHost serves a single
// BrowserContext.
class WorkerProcessHost : public BrowserChildProcessHostDelegate,
                          public IPC::Sender {
  // Contains information about each worker instance, needed to forward messages
  // between the renderer and worker processes.
  class WorkerInstance {
    WorkerInstance(const GURL& url,
                   const string16& name,
                   int worker_route_id,
                   int parent_process_id,
                   int64 main_resource_appcache_id,
                   ResourceContext* resource_context,
                   const WorkerStoragePartition& partition);
    // Used for pending instances. Rest of the parameters are ignored.
    WorkerInstance(const GURL& url,
                   bool shared,
                   const string16& name,
                   ResourceContext* resource_context,
                   const WorkerStoragePartition& partition);

    // Unique identifier for a worker client.
    typedef std::pair<WorkerMessageFilter*, int> FilterInfo;

    // APIs to manage the filter list for a given instance.
    void AddFilter(WorkerMessageFilter* filter, int route_id);
    void RemoveFilter(WorkerMessageFilter* filter, int route_id);
    void RemoveFilters(WorkerMessageFilter* filter);
    bool HasFilter(WorkerMessageFilter* filter, int route_id) const;
    bool RendererIsParent(int render_process_id, int render_view_id) const;
    int NumFilters() const { return filters_.size(); }
    // Returns the single filter (must only be one).
    FilterInfo GetFilter() const;

    typedef std::list<FilterInfo> FilterList;
    const FilterList& filters() const { return filters_; }

    // Checks if this WorkerInstance matches the passed url/name params
    // (per the comparison algorithm in the WebWorkers spec). This API only
    // applies to shared workers.
    bool Matches(
        const GURL& url,
        const string16& name,
        const WorkerStoragePartition& partition,
        ResourceContext* resource_context) const;

    // Shares the passed instance's WorkerDocumentSet with this instance. This
    // instance's current WorkerDocumentSet is dereferenced (and freed if this
    // is the only reference) as a result.
    void ShareDocumentSet(const WorkerInstance& instance) {
      worker_document_set_ = instance.worker_document_set_;

    // Accessors
    bool closed() const { return closed_; }
    void set_closed(bool closed) { closed_ = closed; }
    const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
    const string16 name() const { return name_; }
    int worker_route_id() const { return worker_route_id_; }
    int parent_process_id() const { return parent_process_id_; }
    int64 main_resource_appcache_id() const {
      return main_resource_appcache_id_;
    WorkerDocumentSet* worker_document_set() const {
      return worker_document_set_.get();
    ResourceContext* resource_context() const {
      return resource_context_;
    const WorkerStoragePartition& partition() const {
      return partition_;

    // Set of all filters (clients) associated with this worker.
    GURL url_;
    bool closed_;
    string16 name_;
    int worker_route_id_;
    int parent_process_id_;
    int64 main_resource_appcache_id_;
    FilterList filters_;
    scoped_refptr<WorkerDocumentSet> worker_document_set_;
    ResourceContext* const resource_context_;
    WorkerStoragePartition partition_;

  WorkerProcessHost(ResourceContext* resource_context,
                    const WorkerStoragePartition& partition);
  virtual ~WorkerProcessHost();

  // IPC::Sender implementation:
  virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* message) OVERRIDE;

  // Starts the process.  Returns true iff it succeeded.
  // |render_process_id| is the renderer process responsible for starting this
  // worker.
  bool Init(int render_process_id);

  // Creates a worker object in the process.
  void CreateWorker(const WorkerInstance& instance);

  // Returns true iff the given message from a renderer process was forwarded to
  // the worker.
  bool FilterMessage(const IPC::Message& message, WorkerMessageFilter* filter);

  void FilterShutdown(WorkerMessageFilter* filter);

  // Shuts down any shared workers that are no longer referenced by active
  // documents.
  void DocumentDetached(WorkerMessageFilter* filter,
                        unsigned long long document_id);

  // Terminates the given worker, i.e. based on a UI action.
  CONTENT_EXPORT void TerminateWorker(int worker_route_id);

  // Callers can reduce the WorkerProcess' priority.
  void SetBackgrounded(bool backgrounded);

  CONTENT_EXPORT const ChildProcessData& GetData();

  typedef std::list<WorkerInstance> Instances;
  const Instances& instances() const { return instances_; }

  ResourceContext* resource_context() const {
    return resource_context_;

  bool process_launched() const { return process_launched_; }

  friend class WorkerServiceImpl;

  Instances& mutable_instances() { return instances_; }

  // BrowserChildProcessHostDelegate implementation:
  virtual void OnProcessLaunched() OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;

  // Creates and adds the message filters.
  void CreateMessageFilters(int render_process_id);

  void OnWorkerContextClosed(int worker_route_id);
  void OnAllowDatabase(int worker_route_id,
                       const GURL& url,
                       const string16& name,
                       const string16& display_name,
                       unsigned long estimated_size,
                       bool* result);
  void OnAllowFileSystem(int worker_route_id,
                         const GURL& url,
                         bool* result);
  void OnAllowIndexedDB(int worker_route_id,
                        const GURL& url,
                        const string16& name,
                        bool* result);

  // Relays a message to the given endpoint.  Takes care of parsing the message
  // if it contains a message port and sending it a valid route id.
  void RelayMessage(const IPC::Message& message,
                    WorkerMessageFilter* filter,
                    int route_id);

  void ShutdownSocketStreamDispatcherHostIfNecessary();

  virtual bool CanShutdown() OVERRIDE;

  // Updates the title shown in the task manager.
  void UpdateTitle();

  // Return a vector of all the render process/render view IDs that use the
  // given worker.
  std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > GetRenderViewIDsForWorker(int route_id);

  Instances instances_;

  ResourceContext* const resource_context_;
  WorkerStoragePartition partition_;

  // A reference to the filter associated with this worker process.  We need to
  // keep this around since we'll use it when forward messages to the worker
  // process.
  scoped_refptr<WorkerMessageFilter> worker_message_filter_;

  scoped_ptr<BrowserChildProcessHostImpl> process_;
  bool process_launched_;

  scoped_refptr<SocketStreamDispatcherHost> socket_stream_dispatcher_host_;


class WorkerProcessHostIterator
    : public BrowserChildProcessHostTypeIterator<WorkerProcessHost> {
      : BrowserChildProcessHostTypeIterator<WorkerProcessHost>(
            PROCESS_TYPE_WORKER) {

}  // namespace content