// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/zygote_host_impl_linux.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/eintr_wrapper.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/global_descriptors_posix.h" #include "base/hash_tables.h" #include "base/linux_util.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/pickle.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/sys_info.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "crypto/nss_util.h" #include "content/common/chrome_descriptors.h" #include "content/common/font_config_ipc_linux.h" #include "content/common/pepper_plugin_registry.h" #include "content/common/sandbox_methods_linux.h" #include "content/common/seccomp_sandbox.h" #include "content/common/set_process_title.h" #include "content/common/unix_domain_socket_posix.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "content/public/common/main_function_params.h" #include "content/public/common/result_codes.h" #include "content/public/common/zygote_fork_delegate_linux.h" #include "skia/ext/SkFontHost_fontconfig_control.h" #include "unicode/timezone.h" #include "ipc/ipc_channel.h" #include "ipc/ipc_switches.h" #if defined(OS_LINUX) #include #include #include #else #include #endif #if defined(CHROMIUM_SELINUX) #include #include #endif // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxZygote static const int kBrowserDescriptor = 3; static const int kMagicSandboxIPCDescriptor = 5; static const int kZygoteIdDescriptor = 7; static bool g_suid_sandbox_active = false; #if defined(SECCOMP_SANDBOX) static int g_proc_fd = -1; #endif #if defined(CHROMIUM_SELINUX) static void SELinuxTransitionToTypeOrDie(const char* type) { security_context_t security_context; if (getcon(&security_context)) LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot get SELinux context"; context_t context = context_new(security_context); context_type_set(context, type); const int r = setcon(context_str(context)); context_free(context); freecon(security_context); if (r) { LOG(FATAL) << "dynamic transition to type '" << type << "' failed. " "(this binary has been built with SELinux support, but maybe " "the policies haven't been loaded into the kernel?)"; } } #endif // CHROMIUM_SELINUX // This is the object which implements the zygote. The ZygoteMain function, // which is called from ChromeMain, simply constructs one of these objects and // runs it. class Zygote { public: Zygote(int sandbox_flags, content::ZygoteForkDelegate* helper) : sandbox_flags_(sandbox_flags), helper_(helper), initial_uma_sample_(0), initial_uma_boundary_value_(0) { if (helper_) helper_->InitialUMA(&initial_uma_name_, &initial_uma_sample_, &initial_uma_boundary_value_); } bool ProcessRequests() { // A SOCK_SEQPACKET socket is installed in fd 3. We get commands from the // browser on it. // A SOCK_DGRAM is installed in fd 5. This is the sandbox IPC channel. // See http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxSandboxIPC // We need to accept SIGCHLD, even though our handler is a no-op because // otherwise we cannot wait on children. (According to POSIX 2001.) struct sigaction action; memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action)); action.sa_handler = SIGCHLDHandler; CHECK(sigaction(SIGCHLD, &action, NULL) == 0); if (g_suid_sandbox_active) { // Let the ZygoteHost know we are ready to go. // The receiving code is in content/browser/zygote_host_linux.cc. std::vector empty; bool r = UnixDomainSocket::SendMsg(kBrowserDescriptor, kZygoteMagic, sizeof(kZygoteMagic), empty); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) LOG_IF(WARNING, r) << "Sending zygote magic failed"; // Exit normally on chromeos because session manager may send SIGTERM // right after the process starts and it may fail to send zygote magic // number to browser process. if (!r) _exit(content::RESULT_CODE_NORMAL_EXIT); #else CHECK(r) << "Sending zygote magic failed"; #endif } for (;;) { // This function call can return multiple times, once per fork(). if (HandleRequestFromBrowser(kBrowserDescriptor)) return true; } } private: // See comment below, where sigaction is called. static void SIGCHLDHandler(int signal) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Requests from the browser... // Read and process a request from the browser. Returns true if we are in a // new process and thus need to unwind back into ChromeMain. bool HandleRequestFromBrowser(int fd) { std::vector fds; static const unsigned kMaxMessageLength = 2048; char buf[kMaxMessageLength]; const ssize_t len = UnixDomainSocket::RecvMsg(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), &fds); if (len == 0 || (len == -1 && errno == ECONNRESET)) { // EOF from the browser. We should die. _exit(0); return false; } if (len == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Error reading message from browser"; return false; } Pickle pickle(buf, len); void* iter = NULL; int kind; if (pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &kind)) { switch (kind) { case ZygoteHostImpl::kCmdFork: // This function call can return multiple times, once per fork(). return HandleForkRequest(fd, pickle, iter, fds); case ZygoteHostImpl::kCmdReap: if (!fds.empty()) break; HandleReapRequest(fd, pickle, iter); return false; case ZygoteHostImpl::kCmdGetTerminationStatus: if (!fds.empty()) break; HandleGetTerminationStatus(fd, pickle, iter); return false; case ZygoteHostImpl::kCmdGetSandboxStatus: HandleGetSandboxStatus(fd, pickle, iter); return false; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } LOG(WARNING) << "Error parsing message from browser"; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = fds.begin(); i != fds.end(); ++i) close(*i); return false; } void HandleReapRequest(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter) { base::ProcessId child; base::ProcessId actual_child; if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &child)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Error parsing reap request from browser"; return; } if (g_suid_sandbox_active) { actual_child = real_pids_to_sandbox_pids[child]; if (!actual_child) return; real_pids_to_sandbox_pids.erase(child); } else { actual_child = child; } base::EnsureProcessTerminated(actual_child); } void HandleGetTerminationStatus(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter) { base::ProcessHandle child; if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &child)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Error parsing GetTerminationStatus request " << "from browser"; return; } base::TerminationStatus status; int exit_code; if (g_suid_sandbox_active) child = real_pids_to_sandbox_pids[child]; if (child) { status = base::GetTerminationStatus(child, &exit_code); } else { // Assume that if we can't find the child in the sandbox, then // it terminated normally. status = base::TERMINATION_STATUS_NORMAL_TERMINATION; exit_code = content::RESULT_CODE_NORMAL_EXIT; } Pickle write_pickle; write_pickle.WriteInt(static_cast(status)); write_pickle.WriteInt(exit_code); ssize_t written = HANDLE_EINTR(write(fd, write_pickle.data(), write_pickle.size())); if (written != static_cast(write_pickle.size())) PLOG(ERROR) << "write"; } // This is equivalent to fork(), except that, when using the SUID // sandbox, it returns the real PID of the child process as it // appears outside the sandbox, rather than returning the PID inside // the sandbox. Optionally, it fills in uma_name et al with a report // the helper wants to make via UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION. int ForkWithRealPid(const std::string& process_type, std::vector& fds, const std::string& channel_switch, std::string* uma_name, int* uma_sample, int* uma_boundary_value) { const bool use_helper = (helper_ && helper_->CanHelp(process_type, uma_name, uma_sample, uma_boundary_value)); if (!(use_helper || g_suid_sandbox_active)) { return fork(); } int dummy_fd; ino_t dummy_inode; int pipe_fds[2] = { -1, -1 }; base::ProcessId pid = 0; dummy_fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (dummy_fd < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create dummy FD"; goto error; } if (!base::FileDescriptorGetInode(&dummy_inode, dummy_fd)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get inode for dummy FD"; goto error; } if (pipe(pipe_fds) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create pipe"; goto error; } if (use_helper) { fds.push_back(dummy_fd); fds.push_back(pipe_fds[0]); pid = helper_->Fork(fds); } else { pid = fork(); } if (pid < 0) { goto error; } else if (pid == 0) { // In the child process. close(pipe_fds[1]); base::ProcessId real_pid; // Wait until the parent process has discovered our PID. We // should not fork any child processes (which the seccomp // sandbox does) until then, because that can interfere with the // parent's discovery of our PID. if (!file_util::ReadFromFD(pipe_fds[0], reinterpret_cast(&real_pid), sizeof(real_pid))) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to synchronise with parent zygote process"; } if (real_pid <= 0) { LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid pid from parent zygote"; } #if defined(OS_LINUX) // Sandboxed processes need to send the global, non-namespaced PID when // setting up an IPC channel to their parent. IPC::Channel::SetGlobalPid(real_pid); #endif close(pipe_fds[0]); close(dummy_fd); return 0; } else { // In the parent process. close(dummy_fd); dummy_fd = -1; close(pipe_fds[0]); pipe_fds[0] = -1; base::ProcessId real_pid; if (g_suid_sandbox_active) { uint8_t reply_buf[512]; Pickle request; request.WriteInt(LinuxSandbox::METHOD_GET_CHILD_WITH_INODE); request.WriteUInt64(dummy_inode); const ssize_t r = UnixDomainSocket::SendRecvMsg( kMagicSandboxIPCDescriptor, reply_buf, sizeof(reply_buf), NULL, request); if (r == -1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get child process's real PID"; goto error; } Pickle reply(reinterpret_cast(reply_buf), r); void* iter = NULL; if (!reply.ReadInt(&iter, &real_pid)) goto error; if (real_pid <= 0) { // METHOD_GET_CHILD_WITH_INODE failed. Did the child die already? LOG(ERROR) << "METHOD_GET_CHILD_WITH_INODE failed"; goto error; } real_pids_to_sandbox_pids[real_pid] = pid; } if (use_helper) { real_pid = pid; if (!helper_->AckChild(pipe_fds[1], channel_switch)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to synchronise with zygote fork helper"; goto error; } } else { int written = HANDLE_EINTR(write(pipe_fds[1], &real_pid, sizeof(real_pid))); if (written != sizeof(real_pid)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to synchronise with child process"; goto error; } } close(pipe_fds[1]); return real_pid; } error: if (pid > 0) { if (waitpid(pid, NULL, WNOHANG) == -1) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to wait for process"; } if (dummy_fd >= 0) close(dummy_fd); if (pipe_fds[0] >= 0) close(pipe_fds[0]); if (pipe_fds[1] >= 0) close(pipe_fds[1]); return -1; } // Unpacks process type and arguments from |pickle| and forks a new process. // Returns -1 on error, otherwise returns twice, returning 0 to the child // process and the child process ID to the parent process, like fork(). base::ProcessId ReadArgsAndFork(const Pickle& pickle, void* iter, std::vector& fds, std::string* uma_name, int* uma_sample, int* uma_boundary_value) { std::vector args; int argc = 0; int numfds = 0; base::GlobalDescriptors::Mapping mapping; std::string process_type; std::string channel_id; const std::string channel_id_prefix = std::string("--") + switches::kProcessChannelID + std::string("="); if (!pickle.ReadString(&iter, &process_type)) return -1; if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &argc)) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { std::string arg; if (!pickle.ReadString(&iter, &arg)) return -1; args.push_back(arg); if (arg.compare(0, channel_id_prefix.length(), channel_id_prefix) == 0) channel_id = arg; } if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &numfds)) return -1; if (numfds != static_cast(fds.size())) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < numfds; ++i) { base::GlobalDescriptors::Key key; if (!pickle.ReadUInt32(&iter, &key)) return -1; mapping.push_back(std::make_pair(key, fds[i])); } mapping.push_back(std::make_pair( static_cast(kSandboxIPCChannel), kMagicSandboxIPCDescriptor)); // Returns twice, once per process. base::ProcessId child_pid = ForkWithRealPid(process_type, fds, channel_id, uma_name, uma_sample, uma_boundary_value); if (!child_pid) { // This is the child process. #if defined(SECCOMP_SANDBOX) if (SeccompSandboxEnabled() && g_proc_fd >= 0) { // Try to open /proc/self/maps as the seccomp sandbox needs access to it int proc_self_maps = openat(g_proc_fd, "self/maps", O_RDONLY); if (proc_self_maps >= 0) { SeccompSandboxSetProcSelfMaps(proc_self_maps); } else { PLOG(ERROR) << "openat(/proc/self/maps)"; } close(g_proc_fd); g_proc_fd = -1; } #endif close(kBrowserDescriptor); // our socket from the browser if (g_suid_sandbox_active) close(kZygoteIdDescriptor); // another socket from the browser base::GlobalDescriptors::GetInstance()->Reset(mapping); #if defined(CHROMIUM_SELINUX) SELinuxTransitionToTypeOrDie("chromium_renderer_t"); #endif // Reset the process-wide command line to our new command line. CommandLine::Reset(); CommandLine::Init(0, NULL); CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->InitFromArgv(args); // Update the process title. The argv was already cached by the call to // SetProcessTitleFromCommandLine in ChromeMain, so we can pass NULL here // (we don't have the original argv at this point). SetProcessTitleFromCommandLine(NULL); } else if (child_pid < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Zygote could not fork: process_type " << process_type << " numfds " << numfds << " child_pid " << child_pid; } return child_pid; } // Handle a 'fork' request from the browser: this means that the browser // wishes to start a new renderer. Returns true if we are in a new process, // otherwise writes the child_pid back to the browser via |fd|. Writes a // child_pid of -1 on error. bool HandleForkRequest(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter, std::vector& fds) { std::string uma_name; int uma_sample; int uma_boundary_value; base::ProcessId child_pid = ReadArgsAndFork(pickle, iter, fds, &uma_name, &uma_sample, &uma_boundary_value); if (child_pid == 0) return true; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = fds.begin(); i != fds.end(); ++i) close(*i); if (uma_name.empty()) { // There is no UMA report from this particular fork. // Use the initial UMA report if any, and clear that record for next time. // Note the swap method here is the efficient way to do this, since // we know uma_name is empty. uma_name.swap(initial_uma_name_); uma_sample = initial_uma_sample_; uma_boundary_value = initial_uma_boundary_value_; } // Must always send reply, as ZygoteHost blocks while waiting for it. Pickle reply_pickle; reply_pickle.WriteInt(child_pid); reply_pickle.WriteString(uma_name); if (!uma_name.empty()) { reply_pickle.WriteInt(uma_sample); reply_pickle.WriteInt(uma_boundary_value); } if (HANDLE_EINTR(write(fd, reply_pickle.data(), reply_pickle.size())) != static_cast (reply_pickle.size())) PLOG(ERROR) << "write"; return false; } bool HandleGetSandboxStatus(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter) { if (HANDLE_EINTR(write(fd, &sandbox_flags_, sizeof(sandbox_flags_)) != sizeof(sandbox_flags_))) { PLOG(ERROR) << "write"; } return false; } // In the SUID sandbox, we try to use a new PID namespace. Thus the PIDs // fork() returns are not the real PIDs, so we need to map the Real PIDS // into the sandbox PID namespace. typedef base::hash_map ProcessMap; ProcessMap real_pids_to_sandbox_pids; const int sandbox_flags_; content::ZygoteForkDelegate* helper_; // These might be set by helper_->InitialUMA. They supply a UMA // enumeration sample we should report on the first fork. std::string initial_uma_name_; int initial_uma_sample_; int initial_uma_boundary_value_; }; // With SELinux we can carve out a precise sandbox, so we don't have to play // with intercepting libc calls. #if !defined(CHROMIUM_SELINUX) static void ProxyLocaltimeCallToBrowser(time_t input, struct tm* output, char* timezone_out, size_t timezone_out_len) { Pickle request; request.WriteInt(LinuxSandbox::METHOD_LOCALTIME); request.WriteString( std::string(reinterpret_cast(&input), sizeof(input))); uint8_t reply_buf[512]; const ssize_t r = UnixDomainSocket::SendRecvMsg( kMagicSandboxIPCDescriptor, reply_buf, sizeof(reply_buf), NULL, request); if (r == -1) { memset(output, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); return; } Pickle reply(reinterpret_cast(reply_buf), r); void* iter = NULL; std::string result, timezone; if (!reply.ReadString(&iter, &result) || !reply.ReadString(&iter, &timezone) || result.size() != sizeof(struct tm)) { memset(output, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); return; } memcpy(output, result.data(), sizeof(struct tm)); if (timezone_out_len) { const size_t copy_len = std::min(timezone_out_len - 1, timezone.size()); memcpy(timezone_out, timezone.data(), copy_len); timezone_out[copy_len] = 0; output->tm_zone = timezone_out; } else { output->tm_zone = NULL; } } static bool g_am_zygote_or_renderer = false; // Sandbox interception of libc calls. // // Because we are running in a sandbox certain libc calls will fail (localtime // being the motivating example - it needs to read /etc/localtime). We need to // intercept these calls and proxy them to the browser. However, these calls // may come from us or from our libraries. In some cases we can't just change // our code. // // It's for these cases that we have the following setup: // // We define global functions for those functions which we wish to override. // Since we will be first in the dynamic resolution order, the dynamic linker // will point callers to our versions of these functions. However, we have the // same binary for both the browser and the renderers, which means that our // overrides will apply in the browser too. // // The global |g_am_zygote_or_renderer| is true iff we are in a zygote or // renderer process. It's set in ZygoteMain and inherited by the renderers when // they fork. (This means that it'll be incorrect for global constructor // functions and before ZygoteMain is called - beware). // // Our replacement functions can check this global and either proxy // the call to the browser over the sandbox IPC // (http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxSandboxIPC) or they can use // dlsym with RTLD_NEXT to resolve the symbol, ignoring any symbols in the // current module. // // Other avenues: // // Our first attempt involved some assembly to patch the GOT of the current // module. This worked, but was platform specific and doesn't catch the case // where a library makes a call rather than current module. // // We also considered patching the function in place, but this would again by // platform specific and the above technique seems to work well enough. typedef struct tm* (*LocaltimeFunction)(const time_t* timep); typedef struct tm* (*LocaltimeRFunction)(const time_t* timep, struct tm* result); static pthread_once_t g_libc_localtime_funcs_guard = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static LocaltimeFunction g_libc_localtime; static LocaltimeRFunction g_libc_localtime_r; static void InitLibcLocaltimeFunctions() { g_libc_localtime = reinterpret_cast( dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "localtime")); g_libc_localtime_r = reinterpret_cast( dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "localtime_r")); if (!g_libc_localtime || !g_libc_localtime_r) { // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=16800 // // Nvidia's libGL.so overrides dlsym for an unknown reason and replaces // it with a version which doesn't work. In this case we'll get a NULL // result. There's not a lot we can do at this point, so we just bodge it! LOG(ERROR) << "Your system is broken: dlsym doesn't work! This has been " "reported to be caused by Nvidia's libGL. You should expect" " time related functions to misbehave. " "http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=16800"; } if (!g_libc_localtime) g_libc_localtime = gmtime; if (!g_libc_localtime_r) g_libc_localtime_r = gmtime_r; } struct tm* localtime(const time_t* timep) { if (g_am_zygote_or_renderer) { static struct tm time_struct; static char timezone_string[64]; ProxyLocaltimeCallToBrowser(*timep, &time_struct, timezone_string, sizeof(timezone_string)); return &time_struct; } else { CHECK_EQ(0, pthread_once(&g_libc_localtime_funcs_guard, InitLibcLocaltimeFunctions)); return g_libc_localtime(timep); } } struct tm* localtime_r(const time_t* timep, struct tm* result) { if (g_am_zygote_or_renderer) { ProxyLocaltimeCallToBrowser(*timep, result, NULL, 0); return result; } else { CHECK_EQ(0, pthread_once(&g_libc_localtime_funcs_guard, InitLibcLocaltimeFunctions)); return g_libc_localtime_r(timep, result); } } #endif // !CHROMIUM_SELINUX // This function triggers the static and lazy construction of objects that need // to be created before imposing the sandbox. static void PreSandboxInit() { base::RandUint64(); base::SysInfo::MaxSharedMemorySize(); // ICU DateFormat class (used in base/time_format.cc) needs to get the // Olson timezone ID by accessing the zoneinfo files on disk. After // TimeZone::createDefault is called once here, the timezone ID is // cached and there's no more need to access the file system. scoped_ptr zone(icu::TimeZone::createDefault()); #if defined(USE_NSS) // NSS libraries are loaded before sandbox is activated. This is to allow // successful initialization of NSS which tries to load extra library files. crypto::LoadNSSLibraries(); #elif defined(USE_OPENSSL) // OpenSSL is intentionally not supported in the sandboxed processes, see // http://crbug.com/99163. If that ever changes we'll likely need to init // OpenSSL here (at least, load the library and error strings). #else // It's possible that another hypothetical crypto stack would not require // pre-sandbox init, but more likely this is just a build configuration error. #error Which SSL library are you using? #endif // Ensure access to the Pepper plugins before the sandbox is turned on. PepperPluginRegistry::PreloadModules(); } #if !defined(CHROMIUM_SELINUX) static bool EnterSandbox() { // The SUID sandbox sets this environment variable to a file descriptor // over which we can signal that we have completed our startup and can be // chrooted. const char* const sandbox_fd_string = getenv("SBX_D"); if (sandbox_fd_string) { // Use the SUID sandbox. This still allows the seccomp sandbox to // be enabled by the process later. g_suid_sandbox_active = true; char* endptr; const long fd_long = strtol(sandbox_fd_string, &endptr, 10); if (!*sandbox_fd_string || *endptr || fd_long < 0 || fd_long > INT_MAX) return false; const int fd = fd_long; PreSandboxInit(); static const char kMsgChrootMe = 'C'; static const char kMsgChrootSuccessful = 'O'; if (HANDLE_EINTR(write(fd, &kMsgChrootMe, 1)) != 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write to chroot pipe: " << errno; return false; } // We need to reap the chroot helper process in any event: wait(NULL); char reply; if (HANDLE_EINTR(read(fd, &reply, 1)) != 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read from chroot pipe: " << errno; return false; } if (reply != kMsgChrootSuccessful) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error code reply from chroot helper"; return false; } SkiaFontConfigSetImplementation( new FontConfigIPC(kMagicSandboxIPCDescriptor)); #if !defined(OS_OPENBSD) // Previously, we required that the binary be non-readable. This causes the // kernel to mark the process as non-dumpable at startup. The thinking was // that, although we were putting the renderers into a PID namespace (with // the SUID sandbox), they would nonetheless be in the /same/ PID // namespace. So they could ptrace each other unless they were non-dumpable. // // If the binary was readable, then there would be a window between process // startup and the point where we set the non-dumpable flag in which a // compromised renderer could ptrace attach. // // However, now that we have a zygote model, only the (trusted) zygote // exists at this point and we can set the non-dumpable flag which is // inherited by all our renderer children. // // Note: a non-dumpable process can't be debugged. To debug sandbox-related // issues, one can specify --allow-sandbox-debugging to let the process be // dumpable. const CommandLine& command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (!command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kAllowSandboxDebugging)) { prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set non-dumpable flag"; return false; } } #endif #if defined(SECCOMP_SANDBOX) } else if (SeccompSandboxEnabled()) { PreSandboxInit(); SkiaFontConfigSetImplementation( new FontConfigIPC(kMagicSandboxIPCDescriptor)); #endif } else { SkiaFontConfigUseDirectImplementation(); } return true; } #else // CHROMIUM_SELINUX static bool EnterSandbox() { PreSandboxInit(); SkiaFontConfigUseIPCImplementation(kMagicSandboxIPCDescriptor); return true; } #endif // CHROMIUM_SELINUX bool ZygoteMain(const content::MainFunctionParams& params, content::ZygoteForkDelegate* forkdelegate) { #if !defined(CHROMIUM_SELINUX) g_am_zygote_or_renderer = true; #endif #if defined(SECCOMP_SANDBOX) if (SeccompSandboxEnabled()) { // The seccomp sandbox needs access to files in /proc, which might be denied // after one of the other sandboxes have been started. So, obtain a suitable // file handle in advance. g_proc_fd = open("/proc", O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY); if (g_proc_fd < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "WARNING! Cannot access \"/proc\". Disabling seccomp " "sandboxing."; } } #endif // SECCOMP_SANDBOX if (forkdelegate != NULL) { VLOG(1) << "ZygoteMain: initializing fork delegate"; forkdelegate->Init(getenv("SBX_D") != NULL, // g_suid_sandbox_active, kBrowserDescriptor, kMagicSandboxIPCDescriptor); } else { VLOG(1) << "ZygoteMain: fork delegate is NULL"; } // Turn on the SELinux or SUID sandbox if (!EnterSandbox()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to enter sandbox. Fail safe abort. (errno: " << errno << ")"; return false; } int sandbox_flags = 0; if (getenv("SBX_D")) sandbox_flags |= ZygoteHostImpl::kSandboxSUID; if (getenv("SBX_PID_NS")) sandbox_flags |= ZygoteHostImpl::kSandboxPIDNS; if (getenv("SBX_NET_NS")) sandbox_flags |= ZygoteHostImpl::kSandboxNetNS; #if defined(SECCOMP_SANDBOX) // The seccomp sandbox will be turned on when the renderers start. But we can // already check if sufficient support is available so that we only need to // print one error message for the entire browser session. if (g_proc_fd >= 0 && SeccompSandboxEnabled()) { if (!SupportsSeccompSandbox(g_proc_fd)) { // There are a good number of users who cannot use the seccomp sandbox // (e.g. because their distribution does not enable seccomp mode by // default). While we would prefer to deny execution in this case, it // seems more realistic to continue in degraded mode. LOG(ERROR) << "WARNING! This machine lacks support needed for the " "Seccomp sandbox. Running renderers with Seccomp " "sandboxing disabled."; } else { VLOG(1) << "Enabling experimental Seccomp sandbox."; sandbox_flags |= ZygoteHostImpl::kSandboxSeccomp; } } #endif // SECCOMP_SANDBOX Zygote zygote(sandbox_flags, forkdelegate); // This function call can return multiple times, once per fork(). return zygote.ProcessRequests(); }