// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/child/np_channel_base.h" #include #include "base/auto_reset.h" #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "ipc/ipc_sync_message.h" #if defined(OS_POSIX) #include "ipc/ipc_channel_posix.h" #endif namespace content { typedef base::hash_map > ChannelMap; static base::LazyInstance::Leaky g_channels = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; typedef std::stack > NPChannelRefStack; static base::LazyInstance::Leaky g_lazy_channel_stack = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; NPChannelBase* NPChannelBase::GetChannel( const IPC::ChannelHandle& channel_handle, IPC::Channel::Mode mode, ChannelFactory factory, base::MessageLoopProxy* ipc_message_loop, bool create_pipe_now, base::WaitableEvent* shutdown_event) { scoped_refptr channel; std::string channel_key = channel_handle.name; ChannelMap::const_iterator iter = g_channels.Get().find(channel_key); if (iter == g_channels.Get().end()) { channel = factory(); } else { channel = iter->second; } DCHECK(channel.get() != NULL); if (!channel->channel_valid()) { channel->channel_handle_ = channel_handle; if (mode & IPC::Channel::MODE_SERVER_FLAG) { channel->channel_handle_.name = IPC::Channel::GenerateVerifiedChannelID(channel_key); } channel->mode_ = mode; if (channel->Init(ipc_message_loop, create_pipe_now, shutdown_event)) { g_channels.Get()[channel_key] = channel; } else { channel = NULL; } } return channel.get(); } void NPChannelBase::Broadcast(IPC::Message* message) { for (ChannelMap::iterator iter = g_channels.Get().begin(); iter != g_channels.Get().end(); ++iter) { iter->second->Send(new IPC::Message(*message)); } delete message; } NPChannelBase::NPChannelBase() : mode_(IPC::Channel::MODE_NONE), non_npobject_count_(0), peer_pid_(0), in_remove_route_(false), default_owner_(NULL), channel_valid_(false), in_unblock_dispatch_(0), send_unblocking_only_during_unblock_dispatch_(false) { } NPChannelBase::~NPChannelBase() { // TODO(wez): Establish why these would ever be non-empty at teardown. //DCHECK(npobject_listeners_.empty()); //DCHECK(proxy_map_.empty()); //DCHECK(stub_map_.empty()); DCHECK(owner_to_route_.empty()); DCHECK(route_to_owner_.empty()); } NPChannelBase* NPChannelBase::GetCurrentChannel() { return g_lazy_channel_stack.Pointer()->top().get(); } void NPChannelBase::CleanupChannels() { // Make a copy of the references as we can't iterate the map since items will // be removed from it as we clean them up. std::vector > channels; for (ChannelMap::const_iterator iter = g_channels.Get().begin(); iter != g_channels.Get().end(); ++iter) { channels.push_back(iter->second); } for (size_t i = 0; i < channels.size(); ++i) channels[i]->CleanUp(); // This will clean up channels added to the map for which subsequent // AddRoute wasn't called g_channels.Get().clear(); } NPObjectBase* NPChannelBase::GetNPObjectListenerForRoute(int route_id) { ListenerMap::iterator iter = npobject_listeners_.find(route_id); if (iter == npobject_listeners_.end()) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Invalid route id passed in:" << route_id; return NULL; } return iter->second; } base::WaitableEvent* NPChannelBase::GetModalDialogEvent(int render_view_id) { return NULL; } bool NPChannelBase::Init(base::MessageLoopProxy* ipc_message_loop, bool create_pipe_now, base::WaitableEvent* shutdown_event) { #if defined(OS_POSIX) // Attempting to initialize with an invalid channel handle. // See http://crbug.com/97285 for details. if (mode_ == IPC::Channel::MODE_CLIENT && -1 == channel_handle_.socket.fd) return false; #endif channel_.reset(new IPC::SyncChannel( channel_handle_, mode_, this, ipc_message_loop, create_pipe_now, shutdown_event)); #if defined(OS_POSIX) // Check the validity of fd for bug investigation. Remove after fixed. // See crbug.com/97285 for details. if (mode_ == IPC::Channel::MODE_SERVER) CHECK_NE(-1, channel_->GetClientFileDescriptor()); #endif channel_valid_ = true; return true; } bool NPChannelBase::Send(IPC::Message* message) { if (!channel_) { VLOG(1) << "Channel is NULL; dropping message"; delete message; return false; } if (send_unblocking_only_during_unblock_dispatch_ && in_unblock_dispatch_ == 0 && message->is_sync()) { message->set_unblock(false); } return channel_->Send(message); } int NPChannelBase::Count() { return static_cast(g_channels.Get().size()); } bool NPChannelBase::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { // This call might cause us to be deleted, so keep an extra reference to // ourself so that we can send the reply and decrement back in_dispatch_. g_lazy_channel_stack.Pointer()->push( scoped_refptr(this)); bool handled; if (message.should_unblock()) in_unblock_dispatch_++; if (message.routing_id() == MSG_ROUTING_CONTROL) { handled = OnControlMessageReceived(message); } else { handled = router_.RouteMessage(message); if (!handled && message.is_sync()) { // The listener has gone away, so we must respond or else the caller will // hang waiting for a reply. IPC::Message* reply = IPC::SyncMessage::GenerateReply(&message); reply->set_reply_error(); Send(reply); } } if (message.should_unblock()) in_unblock_dispatch_--; g_lazy_channel_stack.Pointer()->pop(); return handled; } void NPChannelBase::OnChannelConnected(int32 peer_pid) { peer_pid_ = peer_pid; } void NPChannelBase::AddRoute(int route_id, IPC::Listener* listener, NPObjectBase* npobject) { if (npobject) { npobject_listeners_[route_id] = npobject; } else { non_npobject_count_++; } router_.AddRoute(route_id, listener); } void NPChannelBase::RemoveRoute(int route_id) { router_.RemoveRoute(route_id); ListenerMap::iterator iter = npobject_listeners_.find(route_id); if (iter != npobject_listeners_.end()) { // This was an NPObject proxy or stub, it's not involved in the refcounting. // If this RemoveRoute call from the NPObject is a result of us calling // OnChannelError below, don't call erase() here because that'll corrupt // the iterator below. if (in_remove_route_) { iter->second = NULL; } else { npobject_listeners_.erase(iter); } return; } non_npobject_count_--; DCHECK(non_npobject_count_ >= 0); if (!non_npobject_count_) { base::AutoReset auto_reset_in_remove_route(&in_remove_route_, true); for (ListenerMap::iterator npobj_iter = npobject_listeners_.begin(); npobj_iter != npobject_listeners_.end(); ++npobj_iter) { if (npobj_iter->second) { npobj_iter->second->GetChannelListener()->OnChannelError(); } } for (ChannelMap::iterator iter = g_channels.Get().begin(); iter != g_channels.Get().end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second.get() == this) { g_channels.Get().erase(iter); return; } } NOTREACHED(); } } bool NPChannelBase::OnControlMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) { NOTREACHED() << "should override in subclass if you care about control messages"; return false; } void NPChannelBase::OnChannelError() { channel_valid_ = false; // TODO(shess): http://crbug.com/97285 // Once an error is seen on a channel, remap the channel to prevent // it from being vended again. Keep the channel in the map so // RemoveRoute() can clean things up correctly. for (ChannelMap::iterator iter = g_channels.Get().begin(); iter != g_channels.Get().end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second.get() == this) { // Insert new element before invalidating |iter|. g_channels.Get()[iter->first + "-error"] = iter->second; g_channels.Get().erase(iter); break; } } } void NPChannelBase::AddMappingForNPObjectProxy(int route_id, NPObject* object) { proxy_map_[route_id] = object; } void NPChannelBase::RemoveMappingForNPObjectProxy(int route_id) { proxy_map_.erase(route_id); } void NPChannelBase::AddMappingForNPObjectStub(int route_id, NPObject* object) { DCHECK(object != NULL); stub_map_[object] = route_id; } void NPChannelBase::RemoveMappingForNPObjectStub(int route_id, NPObject* object) { DCHECK(object != NULL); stub_map_.erase(object); } void NPChannelBase::AddMappingForNPObjectOwner(int route_id, struct _NPP* owner) { DCHECK(owner != NULL); route_to_owner_[route_id] = owner; owner_to_route_[owner] = route_id; } void NPChannelBase::SetDefaultNPObjectOwner(struct _NPP* owner) { DCHECK(owner != NULL); default_owner_ = owner; } void NPChannelBase::RemoveMappingForNPObjectOwner(int route_id) { DCHECK(route_to_owner_.find(route_id) != route_to_owner_.end()); owner_to_route_.erase(route_to_owner_[route_id]); route_to_owner_.erase(route_id); } NPObject* NPChannelBase::GetExistingNPObjectProxy(int route_id) { ProxyMap::iterator iter = proxy_map_.find(route_id); return iter != proxy_map_.end() ? iter->second : NULL; } int NPChannelBase::GetExistingRouteForNPObjectStub(NPObject* npobject) { StubMap::iterator iter = stub_map_.find(npobject); return iter != stub_map_.end() ? iter->second : MSG_ROUTING_NONE; } NPP NPChannelBase::GetExistingNPObjectOwner(int route_id) { RouteToOwnerMap::iterator iter = route_to_owner_.find(route_id); return iter != route_to_owner_.end() ? iter->second : default_owner_; } int NPChannelBase::GetExistingRouteForNPObjectOwner(NPP owner) { OwnerToRouteMap::iterator iter = owner_to_route_.find(owner); return iter != owner_to_route_.end() ? iter->second : MSG_ROUTING_NONE; } } // namespace content