// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/child/npapi/webplugin_ime_win.h" #include #include #include #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "content/child/npapi/plugin_instance.h" #include "content/common/plugin_constants_win.h" #pragma comment(lib, "imm32.lib") namespace content { // A critical section that prevents two or more plug-ins from accessing a // WebPluginIMEWin instance through our patch function. base::LazyInstance::Leaky g_webplugin_ime_lock = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; WebPluginIMEWin* WebPluginIMEWin::instance_ = NULL; WebPluginIMEWin::WebPluginIMEWin() : cursor_position_(0), delta_start_(0), composing_text_(false), support_ime_messages_(false), status_updated_(false), input_type_(1) { memset(result_clauses_, 0, sizeof(result_clauses_)); } WebPluginIMEWin::~WebPluginIMEWin() { } void WebPluginIMEWin::CompositionUpdated(const base::string16& text, std::vector clauses, std::vector target, int cursor_position) { // Send a WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION message when a user starts a composition. NPEvent np_event; if (!composing_text_) { composing_text_ = true; result_text_.clear(); np_event.event = WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION; np_event.wParam = 0; np_event.lParam = 0; events_.push_back(np_event); } // We can update the following values from this event: GCS_COMPSTR, // GCS_COMPATTR, GCSCOMPCLAUSE, GCS_CURSORPOS, and GCS_DELTASTART. We send a // WM_IME_COMPOSITION message to notify the list of updated values. np_event.event = WM_IME_COMPOSITION; np_event.wParam = 0; np_event.lParam = GCS_COMPSTR | GCS_COMPATTR | GCS_COMPCLAUSE | GCS_CURSORPOS | GCS_DELTASTART; events_.push_back(np_event); // Converts this event to the IMM32 data so we do not have to convert it every // time when a plug-in call an IMM32 function. composition_text_ = text; // Create the composition clauses returned when a plug-in calls // ImmGetCompositionString() with GCS_COMPCLAUSE. composition_clauses_.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < clauses.size(); ++i) composition_clauses_.push_back(clauses[i]); // Create the composition attributes used by GCS_COMPATTR. if (target.size() == 2) { composition_attributes_.assign(text.length(), ATTR_CONVERTED); for (int i = target[0]; i < target[1]; ++i) composition_attributes_[i] = ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED; } else { composition_attributes_.assign(text.length(), ATTR_INPUT); } cursor_position_ = cursor_position; delta_start_ = cursor_position; } void WebPluginIMEWin::CompositionCompleted(const base::string16& text) { composing_text_ = false; // We should update the following values when we finish a composition: // GCS_RESULTSTR, GCS_RESULTCLAUSE, GCS_CURSORPOS, and GCS_DELTASTART. We // send a WM_IME_COMPOSITION message to notify the list of updated values. NPEvent np_event; np_event.event = WM_IME_COMPOSITION; np_event.wParam = 0; np_event.lParam = GCS_CURSORPOS | GCS_DELTASTART | GCS_RESULTSTR | GCS_RESULTCLAUSE; events_.push_back(np_event); // We also send a WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION message after the final // WM_IME_COMPOSITION message (i.e. after finishing a composition). np_event.event = WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION; np_event.wParam = 0; np_event.lParam = 0; events_.push_back(np_event); // If the target plug-in does not seem to support IME messages, we send // each character in IME text with a WM_CHAR message so the plug-in can // insert the IME text. if (!support_ime_messages_) { np_event.event = WM_CHAR; np_event.wParam = 0; np_event.lParam = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < result_text_.length(); ++i) { np_event.wParam = result_text_[i]; events_.push_back(np_event); } } // Updated the result text and its clause. (Unlike composition clauses, a // result clause consists of only one region.) result_text_ = text; result_clauses_[0] = 0; result_clauses_[1] = result_text_.length(); cursor_position_ = result_clauses_[1]; delta_start_ = result_clauses_[1]; } bool WebPluginIMEWin::SendEvents(PluginInstance* instance) { // We allow the patch functions to access this WebPluginIMEWin instance only // while we send IME events to the plug-in. ScopedLock lock(this); bool ret = true; for (std::vector::iterator it = events_.begin(); it != events_.end(); ++it) { if (!instance->NPP_HandleEvent(&(*it))) ret = false; } events_.clear(); return ret; } bool WebPluginIMEWin::GetStatus(int* input_type, gfx::Rect* caret_rect) { *input_type = input_type_; *caret_rect = caret_rect_; return true; } // static FARPROC WebPluginIMEWin::GetProcAddress(LPCSTR name) { static const struct { const char* name; FARPROC function; } kImm32Functions[] = { { "ImmAssociateContextEx", reinterpret_cast(ImmAssociateContextEx) }, { "ImmGetCompositionStringW", reinterpret_cast(ImmGetCompositionStringW) }, { "ImmGetContext", reinterpret_cast(ImmGetContext) }, { "ImmReleaseContext", reinterpret_cast(ImmReleaseContext) }, { "ImmSetCandidateWindow", reinterpret_cast(ImmSetCandidateWindow) }, { "ImmSetOpenStatus", reinterpret_cast(ImmSetOpenStatus) }, }; for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kImm32Functions); ++i) { if (!lstrcmpiA(name, kImm32Functions[i].name)) return kImm32Functions[i].function; } return NULL; } void WebPluginIMEWin::Lock() { g_webplugin_ime_lock.Pointer()->Acquire(); instance_ = this; } void WebPluginIMEWin::Unlock() { instance_ = NULL; g_webplugin_ime_lock.Pointer()->Release(); } // static WebPluginIMEWin* WebPluginIMEWin::GetInstance(HIMC context) { return instance_ && context == reinterpret_cast(instance_) ? instance_ : NULL; } // static BOOL WINAPI WebPluginIMEWin::ImmAssociateContextEx(HWND window, HIMC context, DWORD flags) { WebPluginIMEWin* instance = GetInstance(context); if (!instance) return ::ImmAssociateContextEx(window, context, flags); int input_type = !context && !flags; instance->input_type_ = input_type; instance->status_updated_ = true; return TRUE; } // static LONG WINAPI WebPluginIMEWin::ImmGetCompositionStringW(HIMC context, DWORD index, LPVOID dst_data, DWORD dst_size) { WebPluginIMEWin* instance = GetInstance(context); if (!instance) return ::ImmGetCompositionStringW(context, index, dst_data, dst_size); const void* src_data = NULL; DWORD src_size = 0; switch (index) { case GCS_COMPSTR: src_data = instance->composition_text_.c_str(); src_size = instance->composition_text_.length() * sizeof(wchar_t); break; case GCS_COMPATTR: src_data = instance->composition_attributes_.c_str(); src_size = instance->composition_attributes_.length(); break; case GCS_COMPCLAUSE: src_data = &instance->composition_clauses_[0]; src_size = instance->composition_clauses_.size() * sizeof(uint32); break; case GCS_CURSORPOS: return instance->cursor_position_; case GCS_DELTASTART: return instance->delta_start_; case GCS_RESULTSTR: src_data = instance->result_text_.c_str(); src_size = instance->result_text_.length() * sizeof(wchar_t); break; case GCS_RESULTCLAUSE: src_data = &instance->result_clauses_[0]; src_size = sizeof(instance->result_clauses_); break; default: break; } if (!src_data || !src_size) return IMM_ERROR_NODATA; if (dst_size >= src_size) memcpy(dst_data, src_data, src_size); return src_size; } // static HIMC WINAPI WebPluginIMEWin::ImmGetContext(HWND window) { // Call the original ImmGetContext() function if the given window is the one // created in WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowedCreatePlugin(). (We attached IME // context only with the windows created in this function.) On the other hand, // some windowless plug-ins (such as Flash) call this function with a dummy // window handle. We return our dummy IME context for these plug-ins so they // can use our IME emulator. if (IsWindow(window)) { wchar_t name[128]; GetClassName(window, &name[0], arraysize(name)); if (!wcscmp(&name[0], kNativeWindowClassName)) return ::ImmGetContext(window); } WebPluginIMEWin* instance = instance_; if (instance) instance->support_ime_messages_ = true; return reinterpret_cast(instance); } // static BOOL WINAPI WebPluginIMEWin::ImmReleaseContext(HWND window, HIMC context) { if (!GetInstance(context)) return ::ImmReleaseContext(window, context); return TRUE; } // static BOOL WINAPI WebPluginIMEWin::ImmSetCandidateWindow(HIMC context, CANDIDATEFORM* candidate) { WebPluginIMEWin* instance = GetInstance(context); if (!instance) return ::ImmSetCandidateWindow(context, candidate); gfx::Rect caret_rect(candidate->rcArea); if ((candidate->dwStyle & CFS_EXCLUDE) && instance->caret_rect_ != caret_rect) { instance->caret_rect_ = caret_rect; instance->status_updated_ = true; } return TRUE; } // static BOOL WINAPI WebPluginIMEWin::ImmSetOpenStatus(HIMC context, BOOL open) { WebPluginIMEWin* instance = GetInstance(context); if (!instance) return ::ImmSetOpenStatus(context, open); int input_type = open ? 1 : 0; if (instance->input_type_ != input_type) { instance->input_type_ = input_type; instance->status_updated_ = true; } return TRUE; } } // namespace content