// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/common/child_process_host.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.h" #include "content/common/child_process_info.h" #include "content/common/child_process_messages.h" #include "content/public/common/content_paths.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "ipc/ipc_logging.h" #if defined(OS_LINUX) #include "base/linux_util.h" #endif // OS_LINUX #if defined(OS_MACOSX) namespace { // Given |path| identifying a Mac-style child process executable path, adjusts // it to correspond to |feature|. For a child process path such as // ".../Chromium Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium Helper", the transformed // path for feature "NP" would be // ".../Chromium Helper NP.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium Helper NP". The new // path is returned. FilePath TransformPathForFeature(const FilePath& path, const std::string& feature) { std::string basename = path.BaseName().value(); FilePath macos_path = path.DirName(); const char kMacOSName[] = "MacOS"; DCHECK_EQ(kMacOSName, macos_path.BaseName().value()); FilePath contents_path = macos_path.DirName(); const char kContentsName[] = "Contents"; DCHECK_EQ(kContentsName, contents_path.BaseName().value()); FilePath helper_app_path = contents_path.DirName(); const char kAppExtension[] = ".app"; std::string basename_app = basename; basename_app.append(kAppExtension); DCHECK_EQ(basename_app, helper_app_path.BaseName().value()); FilePath root_path = helper_app_path.DirName(); std::string new_basename = basename; new_basename.append(1, ' '); new_basename.append(feature); std::string new_basename_app = new_basename; new_basename_app.append(kAppExtension); FilePath new_path = root_path.Append(new_basename_app) .Append(kContentsName) .Append(kMacOSName) .Append(new_basename); return new_path; } } // namespace #endif // OS_MACOSX #if defined (OS_WIN) // Types used in PreCacheFont namespace { typedef std::vector<string16> FontNameVector; typedef std::map<int, FontNameVector> PidToFontNames; } #endif // OS_WIN ChildProcessHost::ChildProcessHost() : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(listener_(this)), opening_channel_(false) { } ChildProcessHost::~ChildProcessHost() { for (size_t i = 0; i < filters_.size(); ++i) { filters_[i]->OnChannelClosing(); filters_[i]->OnFilterRemoved(); } listener_.Shutdown(); } void ChildProcessHost::AddFilter(IPC::ChannelProxy::MessageFilter* filter) { filters_.push_back(filter); if (channel_.get()) filter->OnFilterAdded(channel_.get()); } // static FilePath ChildProcessHost::GetChildPath(int flags) { FilePath child_path; child_path = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValuePath( switches::kBrowserSubprocessPath); #if defined(OS_LINUX) // Use /proc/self/exe rather than our known binary path so updates // can't swap out the binary from underneath us. // When running under Valgrind, forking /proc/self/exe ends up forking the // Valgrind executable, which then crashes. However, it's almost safe to // assume that the updates won't happen while testing with Valgrind tools. if (child_path.empty() && flags & CHILD_ALLOW_SELF && !RunningOnValgrind()) child_path = FilePath("/proc/self/exe"); #endif // On most platforms, the child executable is the same as the current // executable. if (child_path.empty()) PathService::Get(content::CHILD_PROCESS_EXE, &child_path); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) DCHECK(!(flags & CHILD_NO_PIE && flags & CHILD_ALLOW_HEAP_EXECUTION)); // If needed, choose an executable with special flags set that inform the // kernel to enable or disable specific optional process-wide features. if (flags & CHILD_NO_PIE) { // "NP" is "No PIE". This results in Chromium Helper NP.app or // Google Chrome Helper NP.app. child_path = TransformPathForFeature(child_path, "NP"); } else if (flags & CHILD_ALLOW_HEAP_EXECUTION) { // "EH" is "Executable Heap". A non-executable heap is only available to // 32-bit processes on Mac OS X 10.7. Most code can and should run with a // non-executable heap, but the "EH" feature is provided to allow code // intolerant of a non-executable heap to work properly on 10.7. This // results in Chromium Helper EH.app or Google Chrome Helper EH.app. child_path = TransformPathForFeature(child_path, "EH"); } #endif return child_path; } #if defined(OS_WIN) ChildProcessHost::FontCache::CacheElement::CacheElement() : font_(NULL), dc_(NULL), ref_count_(0) { } ChildProcessHost::FontCache::CacheElement::~CacheElement() { if (font_) { DeleteObject(font_); } if (dc_) { DeleteDC(dc_); } } ChildProcessHost::FontCache::FontCache() { } ChildProcessHost::FontCache::~FontCache() { } // static ChildProcessHost::FontCache* ChildProcessHost::FontCache::GetInstance() { return Singleton<ChildProcessHost::FontCache>::get(); } void ChildProcessHost::FontCache::PreCacheFont(LOGFONT font, int process_id) { typedef std::map<string16, ChildProcessHost::FontCache::CacheElement> FontNameToElement; base::AutoLock lock(mutex_); // Fetch the font into memory. // No matter the font is cached or not, we load it to avoid GDI swapping out // that font file. HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); HFONT font_handle = CreateFontIndirect(&font); DCHECK(NULL != font_handle); HGDIOBJ old_font = SelectObject(hdc, font_handle); DCHECK(NULL != old_font); TEXTMETRIC tm; BOOL ret = GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm); DCHECK(ret); string16 font_name = font.lfFaceName; int ref_count_inc = 1; FontNameVector::iterator it = std::find(process_id_font_map_[process_id].begin(), process_id_font_map_[process_id].end(), font_name); if (it == process_id_font_map_[process_id].end()) { // Requested font is new to cache. process_id_font_map_[process_id].push_back(font_name); } else { ref_count_inc = 0; } if (cache_[font_name].ref_count_ == 0) { // Requested font is new to cache. cache_[font_name].ref_count_ = 1; } else { // Requested font is already in cache, release old handles. DeleteObject(cache_[font_name].font_); DeleteDC(cache_[font_name].dc_); } cache_[font_name].font_ = font_handle; cache_[font_name].dc_ = hdc; cache_[font_name].ref_count_ += ref_count_inc; } void ChildProcessHost::FontCache::ReleaseCachedFonts(int process_id) { typedef std::map<string16, ChildProcessHost::FontCache::CacheElement> FontNameToElement; base::AutoLock lock(mutex_); PidToFontNames::iterator it; it = process_id_font_map_.find(process_id); if (it == process_id_font_map_.end()) { return; } for (FontNameVector::iterator i = it->second.begin(), e = it->second.end(); i != e; ++i) { FontNameToElement::iterator element; element = cache_.find(*i); if (element != cache_.end()) { --((*element).second.ref_count_); } } process_id_font_map_.erase(it); for (FontNameToElement::iterator i = cache_.begin(); i != cache_.end(); ) { if (i->second.ref_count_ == 0) { cache_.erase(i++); } else { ++i; } } } // static void ChildProcessHost::PreCacheFont(LOGFONT font, int pid) { // If a child process is running in a sandbox, GetTextMetrics() // can sometimes fail. If a font has not been loaded // previously, GetTextMetrics() will try to load the font // from the font file. However, the sandboxed process does // not have permissions to access any font files and // the call fails. So we make the browser pre-load the // font for us by using a dummy call to GetTextMetrics of // the same font. // This means the browser process just loads the font into memory so that // when GDI attempt to query that font info in child process, it does not // need to load that file, hence no permission issues there. Therefore, // when a font is asked to be cached, we always recreates the font object // to avoid the case that an in-cache font is swapped out by GDI. ChildProcessHost::FontCache::GetInstance()->PreCacheFont(font, pid); } // static void ChildProcessHost::ReleaseCachedFonts(int pid) { // Release cached fonts that requested from a pid by decrementing the ref // count. When ref count is zero, the handles are released. ChildProcessHost::FontCache::GetInstance()->ReleaseCachedFonts(pid); } #endif // OS_WIN void ChildProcessHost::ForceShutdown() { Send(new ChildProcessMsg_Shutdown()); } bool ChildProcessHost::CreateChannel() { channel_id_ = ChildProcessInfo::GenerateRandomChannelID(this); channel_.reset(new IPC::Channel( channel_id_, IPC::Channel::MODE_SERVER, &listener_)); if (!channel_->Connect()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < filters_.size(); ++i) filters_[i]->OnFilterAdded(channel_.get()); // Make sure these messages get sent first. #if defined(IPC_MESSAGE_LOG_ENABLED) bool enabled = IPC::Logging::GetInstance()->Enabled(); Send(new ChildProcessMsg_SetIPCLoggingEnabled(enabled)); #endif Send(new ChildProcessMsg_AskBeforeShutdown()); opening_channel_ = true; return true; } bool ChildProcessHost::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) { return false; } void ChildProcessHost::OnChannelConnected(int32 peer_pid) { } void ChildProcessHost::OnChannelError() { } bool ChildProcessHost::Send(IPC::Message* message) { if (!channel_.get()) { delete message; return false; } return channel_->Send(message); } void ChildProcessHost::OnAllocateSharedMemory( uint32 buffer_size, base::ProcessHandle child_process_handle, base::SharedMemoryHandle* shared_memory_handle) { base::SharedMemory shared_buf; if (!shared_buf.CreateAndMapAnonymous(buffer_size)) { *shared_memory_handle = base::SharedMemory::NULLHandle(); NOTREACHED() << "Cannot map shared memory buffer"; return; } shared_buf.GiveToProcess(child_process_handle, shared_memory_handle); } void ChildProcessHost::OnChildDied() { delete this; } void ChildProcessHost::OnChildDisconnected() { OnChildDied(); } void ChildProcessHost::ShutdownStarted() { } ChildProcessHost::ListenerHook::ListenerHook(ChildProcessHost* host) : host_(host), peer_handle_(base::kNullProcessHandle) { } ChildProcessHost::ListenerHook::~ListenerHook() { base::CloseProcessHandle(peer_handle_); } void ChildProcessHost::ListenerHook::Shutdown() { host_ = NULL; } bool ChildProcessHost::ListenerHook::OnMessageReceived( const IPC::Message& msg) { if (!host_) return true; #ifdef IPC_MESSAGE_LOG_ENABLED IPC::Logging* logger = IPC::Logging::GetInstance(); if (msg.type() == IPC_LOGGING_ID) { logger->OnReceivedLoggingMessage(msg); return true; } if (logger->Enabled()) logger->OnPreDispatchMessage(msg); #endif bool handled = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < host_->filters_.size(); ++i) { if (host_->filters_[i]->OnMessageReceived(msg)) { handled = true; break; } } if (!handled) { bool msg_is_good = false; handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX(ListenerHook, msg, msg_is_good) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ChildProcessHostMsg_ShutdownRequest, OnShutdownRequest) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ChildProcessHostMsg_SyncAllocateSharedMemory, OnAllocateSharedMemory) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP_EX() if (!handled) handled = host_->OnMessageReceived(msg); } #ifdef IPC_MESSAGE_LOG_ENABLED if (logger->Enabled()) logger->OnPostDispatchMessage(msg, host_->channel_id_); #endif return handled; } void ChildProcessHost::ListenerHook::OnChannelConnected(int32 peer_pid) { if (!host_) return; if (!base::OpenProcessHandle(peer_pid, &peer_handle_)) { NOTREACHED(); } host_->opening_channel_ = false; host_->OnChannelConnected(peer_pid); for (size_t i = 0; i < host_->filters_.size(); ++i) host_->filters_[i]->OnChannelConnected(peer_pid); } void ChildProcessHost::ListenerHook::OnChannelError() { if (!host_) return; host_->opening_channel_ = false; host_->OnChannelError(); for (size_t i = 0; i < host_->filters_.size(); ++i) host_->filters_[i]->OnChannelError(); // This will delete host_, which will also destroy this! host_->OnChildDisconnected(); } bool ChildProcessHost::ListenerHook::Send(IPC::Message* message) { return host_->Send(message); } void ChildProcessHost::ListenerHook::OnAllocateSharedMemory( uint32 buffer_size, base::SharedMemoryHandle* handle) { ChildProcessHost::OnAllocateSharedMemory( buffer_size, peer_handle_, handle); } void ChildProcessHost::ListenerHook::OnShutdownRequest() { if (host_->CanShutdown()) host_->Send(new ChildProcessMsg_Shutdown()); }