// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/common/cursors/webcursor.h"

#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
#include "grit/webkit_resources.h"
#include "skia/ext/skia_utils_mac.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebCursorInfo.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebSize.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "ui/gfx/point_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size_conversions.h"

using blink::WebCursorInfo;
using blink::WebSize;

// Declare symbols that are part of the 10.7 SDK.
#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) || \

@interface NSCursor (LionSDKDeclarations)
+ (NSCursor*)IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout;

#endif  // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7

// Private interface to CoreCursor, as of Mac OS X 10.7. This is essentially the
// implementation of WKCursor in WebKitSystemInterface.

enum {
  kArrowCursor = 0,
  kIBeamCursor = 1,
  kMakeAliasCursor = 2,
  kOperationNotAllowedCursor = 3,
  kBusyButClickableCursor = 4,
  kCopyCursor = 5,
  kClosedHandCursor = 11,
  kOpenHandCursor = 12,
  kPointingHandCursor = 13,
  kCountingUpHandCursor = 14,
  kCountingDownHandCursor = 15,
  kCountingUpAndDownHandCursor = 16,
  kResizeLeftCursor = 17,
  kResizeRightCursor = 18,
  kResizeLeftRightCursor = 19,
  kCrosshairCursor = 20,
  kResizeUpCursor = 21,
  kResizeDownCursor = 22,
  kResizeUpDownCursor = 23,
  kContextualMenuCursor = 24,
  kDisappearingItemCursor = 25,
  kVerticalIBeamCursor = 26,
  kResizeEastCursor = 27,
  kResizeEastWestCursor = 28,
  kResizeNortheastCursor = 29,
  kResizeNortheastSouthwestCursor = 30,
  kResizeNorthCursor = 31,
  kResizeNorthSouthCursor = 32,
  kResizeNorthwestCursor = 33,
  kResizeNorthwestSoutheastCursor = 34,
  kResizeSoutheastCursor = 35,
  kResizeSouthCursor = 36,
  kResizeSouthwestCursor = 37,
  kResizeWestCursor = 38,
  kMoveCursor = 39,
  kHelpCursor = 40,  // Present on >= 10.7.3.
  kCellCursor = 41,  // Present on >= 10.7.3.
  kZoomInCursor = 42,  // Present on >= 10.7.3.
  kZoomOutCursor = 43  // Present on >= 10.7.3.
typedef long long CrCoreCursorType;

@interface CrCoreCursor : NSCursor {
  CrCoreCursorType type_;

+ (id)cursorWithType:(CrCoreCursorType)type;
- (id)initWithType:(CrCoreCursorType)type;
- (CrCoreCursorType)_coreCursorType;


@implementation CrCoreCursor

+ (id)cursorWithType:(CrCoreCursorType)type {
  NSCursor* cursor = [[CrCoreCursor alloc] initWithType:type];
  if ([cursor image])
    return [cursor autorelease];

  [cursor release];
  return nil;

- (id)initWithType:(CrCoreCursorType)type {
  if ((self = [super init])) {
    type_ = type;
  return self;

- (CrCoreCursorType)_coreCursorType {
  return type_;


namespace {

NSCursor* LoadCursor(int resource_id, int hotspot_x, int hotspot_y) {
  const gfx::Image& cursor_image =
  return [[[NSCursor alloc] initWithImage:cursor_image.ToNSImage()
                                                      hotspot_y)] autorelease];

// Gets a specified cursor from CoreCursor, falling back to loading it from the
// image cache if CoreCursor cannot provide it.
NSCursor* GetCoreCursorWithFallback(CrCoreCursorType type,
                                    int resource_id,
                                    int hotspot_x,
                                    int hotspot_y) {
  if (base::mac::IsOSLionOrLater()) {
    NSCursor* cursor = [CrCoreCursor cursorWithType:type];
    if (cursor)
      return cursor;

  return LoadCursor(resource_id, hotspot_x, hotspot_y);

NSCursor* CreateCustomCursor(const std::vector<char>& custom_data,
                             const gfx::Size& custom_size,
                             float custom_scale,
                             const gfx::Point& hotspot) {
  // If the data is missing, leave the backing transparent.
  void* data = NULL;
  size_t data_size = 0;
  if (!custom_data.empty()) {
    // This is safe since we're not going to draw into the context we're
    // creating.
    data = const_cast<char*>(&custom_data[0]);
    data_size = custom_data.size();

  // If the size is empty, use a 1x1 transparent image.
  gfx::Size size = custom_size;
  if (size.IsEmpty()) {
    size.SetSize(1, 1);
    data = NULL;

  SkBitmap bitmap;
  bitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, size.width(), size.height());
  if (data)
    memcpy(bitmap.getAddr32(0, 0), data, data_size);
    bitmap.eraseARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);

  // Convert from pixels to view units.
  if (custom_scale == 0)
    custom_scale = 1;
  NSSize dip_size = NSSizeFromCGSize(gfx::ToFlooredSize(
      gfx::ScaleSize(custom_size, 1 / custom_scale)).ToCGSize());
  NSPoint dip_hotspot = NSPointFromCGPoint(gfx::ToFlooredPoint(
      gfx::ScalePoint(hotspot, 1 / custom_scale)).ToCGPoint());

  // Both the image and its representation need to have the same size for
  // cursors to appear in high resolution on retina displays. Note that the
  // size of a representation is not the same as pixelsWide or pixelsHigh.
  NSImage* cursor_image = gfx::SkBitmapToNSImage(bitmap);
  [cursor_image setSize:dip_size];
  [[[cursor_image representations] objectAtIndex:0] setSize:dip_size];

  NSCursor* cursor = [[NSCursor alloc] initWithImage:cursor_image

  return [cursor autorelease];

}  // namespace

namespace content {

// Match Safari's cursor choices; see platform/mac/CursorMac.mm .
gfx::NativeCursor WebCursor::GetNativeCursor() {
  switch (type_) {
    case WebCursorInfo::TypePointer:
      return [NSCursor arrowCursor];
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeCross:
      return [NSCursor crosshairCursor];
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeHand:
      // If >= 10.7, the pointingHandCursor has a shadow so use it. Otherwise
      // use the custom one.
      if (base::mac::IsOSLionOrLater())
        return [NSCursor pointingHandCursor];
        return LoadCursor(IDR_LINK_CURSOR, 6, 1);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeIBeam:
      return [NSCursor IBeamCursor];
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeWait:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kBusyButClickableCursor,
                                       IDR_WAIT_CURSOR, 7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeHelp:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kHelpCursor,
                                       IDR_HELP_CURSOR, 8, 8);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeEastResize:
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeEastPanning:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeEastCursor,
                                       IDR_EAST_RESIZE_CURSOR, 14, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthResize:
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthPanning:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeNorthCursor,
                                       IDR_NORTH_RESIZE_CURSOR, 7, 1);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthEastResize:
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthEastPanning:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeNortheastCursor,
                                       IDR_NORTHEAST_RESIZE_CURSOR, 14, 1);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthWestResize:
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthWestPanning:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeNorthwestCursor,
                                       IDR_NORTHWEST_RESIZE_CURSOR, 0, 0);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeSouthResize:
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeSouthPanning:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeSouthCursor,
                                       IDR_SOUTH_RESIZE_CURSOR, 7, 14);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeSouthEastResize:
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeSouthEastPanning:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeSoutheastCursor,
                                       IDR_SOUTHEAST_RESIZE_CURSOR, 14, 14);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeSouthWestResize:
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeSouthWestPanning:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeSouthwestCursor,
                                       IDR_SOUTHWEST_RESIZE_CURSOR, 1, 14);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeWestResize:
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeWestPanning:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeWestCursor,
                                       IDR_WEST_RESIZE_CURSOR, 1, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthSouthResize:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeNorthSouthCursor,
                                       IDR_NORTHSOUTH_RESIZE_CURSOR, 7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeEastWestResize:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeEastWestCursor,
                                       IDR_EASTWEST_RESIZE_CURSOR, 7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthEastSouthWestResize:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeNortheastSouthwestCursor,
                                       7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthWestSouthEastResize:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kResizeNorthwestSoutheastCursor,
                                       7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeColumnResize:
      return [NSCursor resizeLeftRightCursor];
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeRowResize:
      return [NSCursor resizeUpDownCursor];
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeMiddlePanning:
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeMove:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kMoveCursor,
                                       IDR_MOVE_CURSOR, 7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeVerticalText:
      // IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout is >= 10.7.
      if ([NSCursor respondsToSelector:@selector(IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout)])
        return [NSCursor IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout];
        return LoadCursor(IDR_VERTICALTEXT_CURSOR, 7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeCell:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kCellCursor,
                                       IDR_CELL_CURSOR, 7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeContextMenu:
      return [NSCursor contextualMenuCursor];
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeAlias:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kMakeAliasCursor,
                                       IDR_ALIAS_CURSOR, 11, 3);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeProgress:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kBusyButClickableCursor,
                                       IDR_PROGRESS_CURSOR, 3, 2);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNoDrop:
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNotAllowed:
      return [NSCursor operationNotAllowedCursor];
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeCopy:
      return [NSCursor dragCopyCursor];
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeNone:
      return LoadCursor(IDR_NONE_CURSOR, 7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeZoomIn:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kZoomInCursor,
                                       IDR_ZOOMIN_CURSOR, 7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeZoomOut:
      return GetCoreCursorWithFallback(kZoomOutCursor,
                                       IDR_ZOOMOUT_CURSOR, 7, 7);
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeGrab:
      return [NSCursor openHandCursor];
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeGrabbing:
      return [NSCursor closedHandCursor];
    case WebCursorInfo::TypeCustom:
      return CreateCustomCursor(
          custom_data_, custom_size_, custom_scale_, hotspot_);
  return nil;

void WebCursor::InitFromNSCursor(NSCursor* cursor) {
  CursorInfo cursor_info;

  if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor arrowCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypePointer;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor IBeamCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeIBeam;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor crosshairCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeCross;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor pointingHandCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeHand;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor resizeLeftCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeWestResize;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor resizeRightCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeEastResize;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor resizeLeftRightCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeEastWestResize;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor resizeUpCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthResize;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor resizeDownCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeSouthResize;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor resizeUpDownCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeNorthSouthResize;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor openHandCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeGrab;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor closedHandCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeGrabbing;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor operationNotAllowedCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeNotAllowed;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor dragCopyCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeCopy;
  } else if ([cursor isEqual:[NSCursor contextualMenuCursor]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeContextMenu;
  } else if (
      [NSCursor respondsToSelector:@selector(IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout)] &&
      [cursor isEqual:[NSCursor IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout]]) {
    cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeVerticalText;
  } else {
    // Also handles the [NSCursor disappearingItemCursor] case. Quick-and-dirty
    // image conversion; TODO(avi): do better.
    CGImageRef cg_image = nil;
    NSImage* image = [cursor image];
    for (id rep in [image representations]) {
      if ([rep isKindOfClass:[NSBitmapImageRep class]]) {
        cg_image = [rep CGImage];

    if (cg_image) {
      cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypeCustom;
      NSPoint hot_spot = [cursor hotSpot];
      cursor_info.hotspot = gfx::Point(hot_spot.x, hot_spot.y);
      cursor_info.custom_image = gfx::CGImageToSkBitmap(cg_image);
    } else {
      cursor_info.type = WebCursorInfo::TypePointer;


void WebCursor::InitPlatformData() {

bool WebCursor::SerializePlatformData(Pickle* pickle) const {
  return true;

bool WebCursor::DeserializePlatformData(PickleIterator* iter) {
  return true;

bool WebCursor::IsPlatformDataEqual(const WebCursor& other) const {
  return true;

void WebCursor::CleanupPlatformData() {

void WebCursor::CopyPlatformData(const WebCursor& other) {

}  // namespace content