// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/common/gpu/gpu_memory_manager.h" #if defined(ENABLE_GPU) #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "content/common/gpu/gpu_command_buffer_stub.h" #include "content/common/gpu/gpu_memory_allocation.h" namespace { // These are predefined values (in bytes) for // GpuMemoryAllocation::gpuResourceSizeInBytes. Currently, the value is only // used to check if it is 0 or non-0. In the future, these values will not // come from constants, but rather will be distributed dynamically. enum { kResourceSizeNonHibernatedTab = 1, kResourceSizeHibernatedTab = 0 }; } GpuMemoryManager::GpuMemoryManager(GpuMemoryManagerClient* client, size_t max_surfaces_with_frontbuffer_soft_limit) : client_(client), manage_scheduled_(false), max_surfaces_with_frontbuffer_soft_limit_( max_surfaces_with_frontbuffer_soft_limit), weak_factory_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)) { } GpuMemoryManager::~GpuMemoryManager() { } bool GpuMemoryManager::StubWithSurfaceComparator::operator()( GpuCommandBufferStubBase* lhs, GpuCommandBufferStubBase* rhs) { DCHECK(lhs->has_surface_state() && rhs->has_surface_state()); const GpuCommandBufferStubBase::SurfaceState& lhs_ss = lhs->surface_state(); const GpuCommandBufferStubBase::SurfaceState& rhs_ss = rhs->surface_state(); if (lhs_ss.visible) return !rhs_ss.visible || (lhs_ss.last_used_time > rhs_ss.last_used_time); else return !rhs_ss.visible && (lhs_ss.last_used_time > rhs_ss.last_used_time); }; void GpuMemoryManager::ScheduleManage() { if (manage_scheduled_) return; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GpuMemoryManager::Manage, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); manage_scheduled_ = true; } // The current Manage algorithm simply classifies contexts (stubs) into // "foreground", "background", or "hibernated" categories. // For each of these three categories, there are predefined memory allocation // limits and front/backbuffer states. // // Stubs may or may not have a surfaces, and the rules are different for each. // // The rules for categorizing contexts with a surface are: // 1. Foreground: All visible surfaces. // * Must have both front and back buffer. // // 2. Background: Non visible surfaces, which have not surpassed the // max_surfaces_with_frontbuffer_soft_limit_ limit. // * Will have only a frontbuffer. // // 3. Hibernated: Non visible surfaces, which have surpassed the // max_surfaces_with_frontbuffer_soft_limit_ limit. // * Will not have either buffer. void GpuMemoryManager::Manage() { // Set up three allocation values for the three possible stub states const GpuMemoryAllocation all_buffers_allocation( kResourceSizeNonHibernatedTab, true, true); const GpuMemoryAllocation front_buffers_allocation( kResourceSizeNonHibernatedTab, true, false); const GpuMemoryAllocation no_buffers_allocation( kResourceSizeHibernatedTab, false, false); manage_scheduled_ = false; // Create stub lists by separating out the two types received from client std::vector stubs_with_surface; { std::vector stubs; client_->AppendAllCommandBufferStubs(stubs); for (std::vector::iterator it = stubs.begin(); it != stubs.end(); ++it) { GpuCommandBufferStubBase* stub = *it; if (stub->has_surface_state()) stubs_with_surface.push_back(stub); } } // Sort stubs with surface into {visibility,last_used_time} order using // custom comparator std::sort(stubs_with_surface.begin(), stubs_with_surface.end(), StubWithSurfaceComparator()); // Separate stubs with surfaces into three sets and send memory allocation std::set all_buffers, front_buffers, no_buffers; for (size_t i = 0; i < stubs_with_surface.size(); ++i) { GpuCommandBufferStubBase* stub = stubs_with_surface[i]; DCHECK(stub->has_surface_state()); if (stub->surface_state().visible) { all_buffers.insert(stub->surface_state().surface_id); stub->SendMemoryAllocationToProxy(all_buffers_allocation); } else if (i < max_surfaces_with_frontbuffer_soft_limit_) { front_buffers.insert(stub->surface_state().surface_id); stub->SendMemoryAllocationToProxy(front_buffers_allocation); } else { no_buffers.insert(stub->surface_state().surface_id); stub->SendMemoryAllocationToProxy(no_buffers_allocation); } } } #endif