// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/common/gpu/media/vaapi_wrapper.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" // Auto-generated for dlopen libva libraries #include "content/common/gpu/media/va_stubs.h" using content_common_gpu_media::kModuleVa; using content_common_gpu_media::InitializeStubs; using content_common_gpu_media::StubPathMap; // libva-x11 depends on libva, so dlopen libva-x11 is enough static const base::FilePath::CharType kVaLib[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("libva-x11.so.1"); #define LOG_VA_ERROR_AND_REPORT(va_error, err_msg) \ do { \ DVLOG(1) << err_msg \ << " VA error: " << vaErrorStr(va_error); \ report_error_to_uma_cb_.Run(); \ } while (0) #define VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_error, err_msg) \ do { \ if ((va_error) != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) \ LOG_VA_ERROR_AND_REPORT(va_error, err_msg); \ } while (0) #define VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_error, err_msg, ret) \ do { \ if ((va_error) != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { \ LOG_VA_ERROR_AND_REPORT(va_error, err_msg); \ return (ret); \ } \ } while (0) namespace content { // Maps Profile enum values to VaProfile values. static VAProfile ProfileToVAProfile( media::VideoCodecProfile profile, const std::vector& supported_profiles) { VAProfile va_profile = VAProfileNone; switch (profile) { case media::H264PROFILE_BASELINE: va_profile = VAProfileH264Baseline; break; case media::H264PROFILE_MAIN: va_profile = VAProfileH264Main; break; // TODO(posciak): See if we can/want support other variants // of media::H264PROFILE_HIGH*. case media::H264PROFILE_HIGH: va_profile = VAProfileH264High; break; default: break; } bool supported = std::find(supported_profiles.begin(), supported_profiles.end(), va_profile) != supported_profiles.end(); if (!supported && va_profile == VAProfileH264Baseline) { // crbug.com/345569: media::ProfileIDToVideoCodecProfile() currently strips // the information whether the profile is constrained or not, so we have no // way to know here. Try for baseline first, but if it is not supported, // try constrained baseline and hope this is what it actually is // (which in practice is true for a great majority of cases). if (std::find(supported_profiles.begin(), supported_profiles.end(), VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline) != supported_profiles.end()) { va_profile = VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline; DVLOG(1) << "Falling back to constrained baseline profile."; } } return va_profile; } VASurface::VASurface(VASurfaceID va_surface_id, const ReleaseCB& release_cb) : va_surface_id_(va_surface_id), release_cb_(release_cb) { DCHECK(!release_cb_.is_null()); } VASurface::~VASurface() { release_cb_.Run(va_surface_id_); } VaapiWrapper::VaapiWrapper() : va_display_(NULL), va_config_id_(VA_INVALID_ID), va_context_id_(VA_INVALID_ID) { } VaapiWrapper::~VaapiWrapper() { DestroyPendingBuffers(); DestroySurfaces(); Deinitialize(); } scoped_ptr VaapiWrapper::Create( media::VideoCodecProfile profile, Display* x_display, const base::Closure& report_error_to_uma_cb) { scoped_ptr vaapi_wrapper(new VaapiWrapper()); if (!vaapi_wrapper->Initialize(profile, x_display, report_error_to_uma_cb)) vaapi_wrapper.reset(); return vaapi_wrapper.Pass(); } void VaapiWrapper::TryToSetVADisplayAttributeToLocalGPU() { VADisplayAttribute item = {VADisplayAttribRenderMode, 1, // At least support '_LOCAL_OVERLAY'. -1, // The maximum possible support 'ALL'. VA_RENDER_MODE_LOCAL_GPU, VA_DISPLAY_ATTRIB_SETTABLE}; VAStatus va_res = vaSetDisplayAttributes(va_display_, &item, 1); if (va_res != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) DVLOG(2) << "vaSetDisplayAttributes unsupported, ignoring by default."; } bool VaapiWrapper::Initialize(media::VideoCodecProfile profile, Display* x_display, const base::Closure& report_error_to_uma_cb) { static bool vaapi_functions_initialized = PostSandboxInitialization(); if (!vaapi_functions_initialized) { DVLOG(1) << "Failed to initialize VAAPI libs"; return false; } report_error_to_uma_cb_ = report_error_to_uma_cb; base::AutoLock auto_lock(va_lock_); va_display_ = vaGetDisplay(x_display); if (!vaDisplayIsValid(va_display_)) { DVLOG(1) << "Could not get a valid VA display"; return false; } VAStatus va_res = vaInitialize(va_display_, &major_version_, &minor_version_); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "vaInitialize failed", false); DVLOG(1) << "VAAPI version: " << major_version_ << "." << minor_version_; if (VAAPIVersionLessThan(0, 34)) { DVLOG(1) << "VAAPI version < 0.34 is not supported."; return false; } // Query the driver for supported profiles. int max_profiles = vaMaxNumProfiles(va_display_); std::vector supported_profiles( base::checked_cast(max_profiles)); int num_supported_profiles; va_res = vaQueryConfigProfiles( va_display_, &supported_profiles[0], &num_supported_profiles); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "vaQueryConfigProfiles failed", false); if (num_supported_profiles < 0 || num_supported_profiles > max_profiles) { DVLOG(1) << "vaQueryConfigProfiles returned: " << num_supported_profiles; return false; } supported_profiles.resize(base::checked_cast(num_supported_profiles)); VAProfile va_profile = ProfileToVAProfile(profile, supported_profiles); if (va_profile == VAProfileNone) { DVLOG(1) << "Unsupported profile"; return false; } VAConfigAttrib attrib = {VAConfigAttribRTFormat, 0}; const VAEntrypoint kEntrypoint = VAEntrypointVLD; va_res = vaGetConfigAttributes(va_display_, va_profile, kEntrypoint, &attrib, 1); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "vaGetConfigAttributes failed", false); if (!(attrib.value & VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420)) { DVLOG(1) << "YUV420 not supported by this VAAPI implementation"; return false; } TryToSetVADisplayAttributeToLocalGPU(); va_res = vaCreateConfig(va_display_, va_profile, kEntrypoint, &attrib, 1, &va_config_id_); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "vaCreateConfig failed", false); return true; } void VaapiWrapper::Deinitialize() { base::AutoLock auto_lock(va_lock_); if (va_config_id_ != VA_INVALID_ID) { VAStatus va_res = vaDestroyConfig(va_display_, va_config_id_); VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_res, "vaDestroyConfig failed"); } if (va_display_) { VAStatus va_res = vaTerminate(va_display_); VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_res, "vaTerminate failed"); } va_config_id_ = VA_INVALID_ID; va_display_ = NULL; } bool VaapiWrapper::VAAPIVersionLessThan(int major, int minor) { return (major_version_ < major) || (major_version_ == major && minor_version_ < minor); } bool VaapiWrapper::CreateSurfaces(gfx::Size size, size_t num_surfaces, std::vector* va_surfaces) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(va_lock_); DVLOG(2) << "Creating " << num_surfaces << " surfaces"; DCHECK(va_surfaces->empty()); DCHECK(va_surface_ids_.empty()); va_surface_ids_.resize(num_surfaces); // Allocate surfaces in driver. VAStatus va_res = vaCreateSurfaces(va_display_, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, size.width(), size.height(), &va_surface_ids_[0], va_surface_ids_.size(), NULL, 0); VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_res, "vaCreateSurfaces failed"); if (va_res != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { va_surface_ids_.clear(); return false; } // And create a context associated with them. va_res = vaCreateContext(va_display_, va_config_id_, size.width(), size.height(), VA_PROGRESSIVE, &va_surface_ids_[0], va_surface_ids_.size(), &va_context_id_); VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_res, "vaCreateContext failed"); if (va_res != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DestroySurfaces(); return false; } *va_surfaces = va_surface_ids_; return true; } void VaapiWrapper::DestroySurfaces() { base::AutoLock auto_lock(va_lock_); DVLOG(2) << "Destroying " << va_surface_ids_.size() << " surfaces"; if (va_context_id_ != VA_INVALID_ID) { VAStatus va_res = vaDestroyContext(va_display_, va_context_id_); VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_res, "vaDestroyContext failed"); } if (!va_surface_ids_.empty()) { VAStatus va_res = vaDestroySurfaces(va_display_, &va_surface_ids_[0], va_surface_ids_.size()); VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_res, "vaDestroySurfaces failed"); } va_surface_ids_.clear(); va_context_id_ = VA_INVALID_ID; } bool VaapiWrapper::SubmitBuffer(VABufferType va_buffer_type, size_t size, void* buffer) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(va_lock_); VABufferID buffer_id; VAStatus va_res = vaCreateBuffer(va_display_, va_context_id_, va_buffer_type, size, 1, buffer, &buffer_id); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "Failed to create a VA buffer", false); switch (va_buffer_type) { case VASliceParameterBufferType: case VASliceDataBufferType: pending_slice_bufs_.push_back(buffer_id); break; default: pending_va_bufs_.push_back(buffer_id); break; } return true; } void VaapiWrapper::DestroyPendingBuffers() { base::AutoLock auto_lock(va_lock_); for (size_t i = 0; i < pending_va_bufs_.size(); ++i) { VAStatus va_res = vaDestroyBuffer(va_display_, pending_va_bufs_[i]); VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_res, "vaDestroyBuffer failed"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < pending_slice_bufs_.size(); ++i) { VAStatus va_res = vaDestroyBuffer(va_display_, pending_slice_bufs_[i]); VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_res, "vaDestroyBuffer failed"); } pending_va_bufs_.clear(); pending_slice_bufs_.clear(); } bool VaapiWrapper::SubmitDecode(VASurfaceID va_surface_id) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(va_lock_); DVLOG(4) << "Pending VA bufs to commit: " << pending_va_bufs_.size(); DVLOG(4) << "Pending slice bufs to commit: " << pending_slice_bufs_.size(); DVLOG(4) << "Decoding into VA surface " << va_surface_id; // Get ready to decode into surface. VAStatus va_res = vaBeginPicture(va_display_, va_context_id_, va_surface_id); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "vaBeginPicture failed", false); // Commit parameter and slice buffers. va_res = vaRenderPicture(va_display_, va_context_id_, &pending_va_bufs_[0], pending_va_bufs_.size()); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "vaRenderPicture for va_bufs failed", false); va_res = vaRenderPicture(va_display_, va_context_id_, &pending_slice_bufs_[0], pending_slice_bufs_.size()); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "vaRenderPicture for slices failed", false); // Instruct HW decoder to start processing committed buffers (decode this // picture). This does not block until the end of decode. va_res = vaEndPicture(va_display_, va_context_id_); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "vaEndPicture failed", false); return true; } bool VaapiWrapper::DecodeAndDestroyPendingBuffers(VASurfaceID va_surface_id) { bool result = SubmitDecode(va_surface_id); DestroyPendingBuffers(); return result; } bool VaapiWrapper::PutSurfaceIntoPixmap(VASurfaceID va_surface_id, Pixmap x_pixmap, gfx::Size dest_size) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(va_lock_); VAStatus va_res = vaSyncSurface(va_display_, va_surface_id); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "Failed syncing surface", false); // Put the data into an X Pixmap. va_res = vaPutSurface(va_display_, va_surface_id, x_pixmap, 0, 0, dest_size.width(), dest_size.height(), 0, 0, dest_size.width(), dest_size.height(), NULL, 0, 0); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "Failed putting decode surface to pixmap", false); return true; } bool VaapiWrapper::GetVaImageForTesting(VASurfaceID va_surface_id, VAImage* image, void** mem) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(va_lock_); VAStatus va_res = vaSyncSurface(va_display_, va_surface_id); VA_SUCCESS_OR_RETURN(va_res, "Failed syncing surface", false); // Derive a VAImage from the VASurface va_res = vaDeriveImage(va_display_, va_surface_id, image); VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_res, "vaDeriveImage failed"); if (va_res != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return false; // Map the VAImage into memory va_res = vaMapBuffer(va_display_, image->buf, mem); VA_LOG_ON_ERROR(va_res, "vaMapBuffer failed"); if (va_res == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return true; vaDestroyImage(va_display_, image->image_id); return false; } void VaapiWrapper::ReturnVaImageForTesting(VAImage* image) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(va_lock_); vaUnmapBuffer(va_display_, image->buf); vaDestroyImage(va_display_, image->image_id); } // static bool VaapiWrapper::PostSandboxInitialization() { StubPathMap paths; paths[kModuleVa].push_back(kVaLib); return InitializeStubs(paths); } } // namespace content