// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // The bulk of this file is support code; sorry about that. Here's an overview // to hopefully help readers of this code: // - RenderingHelper is charged with interacting with X11/{EGL/GLES2,GLX/GL} or // Win/EGL. // - ClientState is an enum for the state of the decode client used by the test. // - ClientStateNotification is a barrier abstraction that allows the test code // to be written sequentially and wait for the decode client to see certain // state transitions. // - GLRenderingVDAClient is a VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client implementation // - Finally actual TEST cases are at the bottom of this file, using the above // infrastructure. #include #include #include #include #include #include // Include gtest.h out of order because #define's Bool & None, which // gtest uses as struct names (inside a namespace). This means that // #include'ing gtest after anything that pulls in X.h fails to compile. // This is http://code.google.com/p/googletest/issues/detail?id=371 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "base/at_exit.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/md5.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h" #include "base/platform_file.h" #include "base/process/process.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/stringize_macros.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/threading/thread.h" #include "content/common/gpu/media/rendering_helper.h" #include "content/common/gpu/media/video_accelerator_unittest_helpers.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "content/common/gpu/media/dxva_video_decode_accelerator.h" #elif defined(OS_CHROMEOS) #if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARMEL) #include "content/common/gpu/media/exynos_video_decode_accelerator.h" #elif defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY) #include "content/common/gpu/media/vaapi_video_decode_accelerator.h" #include "content/common/gpu/media/vaapi_wrapper.h" #endif // ARCH_CPU_ARMEL #else #error The VideoAccelerator tests are not supported on this platform. #endif // OS_WIN using media::VideoDecodeAccelerator; namespace content { namespace { // Values optionally filled in from flags; see main() below. // The syntax of multiple test videos is: // test-video1;test-video2;test-video3 // where only the first video is required and other optional videos would be // decoded by concurrent decoders. // The syntax of each test-video is: // filename:width:height:numframes:numfragments:minFPSwithRender:minFPSnoRender // where only the first field is required. Value details: // - |filename| must be an h264 Annex B (NAL) stream or an IVF VP8 stream. // - |width| and |height| are in pixels. // - |numframes| is the number of picture frames in the file. // - |numfragments| NALU (h264) or frame (VP8) count in the stream. // - |minFPSwithRender| and |minFPSnoRender| are minimum frames/second speeds // expected to be achieved with and without rendering to the screen, resp. // (the latter tests just decode speed). // - |profile| is the media::VideoCodecProfile set during Initialization. // An empty value for a numeric field means "ignore". const base::FilePath::CharType* g_test_video_data = // FILE_PATH_LITERAL("test-25fps.vp8:320:240:250:250:50:175:11"); FILE_PATH_LITERAL("test-25fps.h264:320:240:250:258:50:175:1"); // The file path of the test output log. This is used to communicate the test // results to CrOS autotests. We can enable the log and specify the filename by // the "--output_log" switch. const base::FilePath::CharType* g_output_log = NULL; // The value is set by the switch "--rendering_fps". double g_rendering_fps = 0; // Disable rendering, the value is set by the switch "--disable_rendering". bool g_disable_rendering = false; // Magic constants for differentiating the reasons for NotifyResetDone being // called. enum ResetPoint { START_OF_STREAM_RESET = -3, MID_STREAM_RESET = -2, END_OF_STREAM_RESET = -1 }; const int kMaxResetAfterFrameNum = 100; const int kMaxFramesToDelayReuse = 64; const base::TimeDelta kReuseDelay = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1); // Simulate WebRTC and call VDA::Decode 30 times per second. const int kWebRtcDecodeCallsPerSecond = 30; struct TestVideoFile { explicit TestVideoFile(base::FilePath::StringType file_name) : file_name(file_name), width(-1), height(-1), num_frames(-1), num_fragments(-1), min_fps_render(-1), min_fps_no_render(-1), profile(-1), reset_after_frame_num(END_OF_STREAM_RESET) { } base::FilePath::StringType file_name; int width; int height; int num_frames; int num_fragments; int min_fps_render; int min_fps_no_render; int profile; int reset_after_frame_num; std::string data_str; }; // Presumed minimal display size. // We subtract one pixel from the width because some ARM chromebooks do not // support two fullscreen app running at the same time. See crbug.com/270064. const gfx::Size kThumbnailsDisplaySize(1366 - 1, 768); const gfx::Size kThumbnailsPageSize(1600, 1200); const gfx::Size kThumbnailSize(160, 120); const int kMD5StringLength = 32; // Read in golden MD5s for the thumbnailed rendering of this video void ReadGoldenThumbnailMD5s(const TestVideoFile* video_file, std::vector* md5_strings) { base::FilePath filepath(video_file->file_name); filepath = filepath.AddExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".md5")); std::string all_md5s; base::ReadFileToString(filepath, &all_md5s); base::SplitString(all_md5s, '\n', md5_strings); // Check these are legitimate MD5s. for (std::vector::iterator md5_string = md5_strings->begin(); md5_string != md5_strings->end(); ++md5_string) { // Ignore the empty string added by SplitString if (!md5_string->length()) continue; // Ignore comments if (md5_string->at(0) == '#') continue; CHECK_EQ(static_cast(md5_string->length()), kMD5StringLength) << *md5_string; bool hex_only = std::count_if(md5_string->begin(), md5_string->end(), isxdigit) == kMD5StringLength; CHECK(hex_only) << *md5_string; } CHECK_GE(md5_strings->size(), 1U) << all_md5s; } // State of the GLRenderingVDAClient below. Order matters here as the test // makes assumptions about it. enum ClientState { CS_CREATED = 0, CS_DECODER_SET = 1, CS_INITIALIZED = 2, CS_FLUSHING = 3, CS_FLUSHED = 4, CS_RESETTING = 5, CS_RESET = 6, CS_ERROR = 7, CS_DESTROYED = 8, CS_MAX, // Must be last entry. }; // A wrapper client that throttles the PictureReady callbacks to a given rate. // It may drops or queues frame to deliver them on time. class ThrottlingVDAClient : public VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client, public base::SupportsWeakPtr { public: // Callback invoked whan the picture is dropped and should be reused for // the decoder again. typedef base::Callback ReusePictureCB; ThrottlingVDAClient(VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client* client, double fps, ReusePictureCB reuse_picture_cb); virtual ~ThrottlingVDAClient(); // VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client implementation virtual void ProvidePictureBuffers(uint32 requested_num_of_buffers, const gfx::Size& dimensions, uint32 texture_target) OVERRIDE; virtual void DismissPictureBuffer(int32 picture_buffer_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void PictureReady(const media::Picture& picture) OVERRIDE; virtual void NotifyInitializeDone() OVERRIDE; virtual void NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer(int32 bitstream_buffer_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void NotifyFlushDone() OVERRIDE; virtual void NotifyResetDone() OVERRIDE; virtual void NotifyError(VideoDecodeAccelerator::Error error) OVERRIDE; int num_decoded_frames() { return num_decoded_frames_; } private: void CallClientPictureReady(int version); VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client* client_; ReusePictureCB reuse_picture_cb_; base::TimeTicks next_frame_delivered_time_; base::TimeDelta frame_duration_; int num_decoded_frames_; int stream_version_; std::deque pending_pictures_; DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(ThrottlingVDAClient); }; ThrottlingVDAClient::ThrottlingVDAClient(VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client* client, double fps, ReusePictureCB reuse_picture_cb) : client_(client), reuse_picture_cb_(reuse_picture_cb), num_decoded_frames_(0), stream_version_(0) { CHECK(client_); CHECK_GT(fps, 0); frame_duration_ = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1) / fps; } ThrottlingVDAClient::~ThrottlingVDAClient() {} void ThrottlingVDAClient::ProvidePictureBuffers(uint32 requested_num_of_buffers, const gfx::Size& dimensions, uint32 texture_target) { client_->ProvidePictureBuffers( requested_num_of_buffers, dimensions, texture_target); } void ThrottlingVDAClient::DismissPictureBuffer(int32 picture_buffer_id) { client_->DismissPictureBuffer(picture_buffer_id); } void ThrottlingVDAClient::PictureReady(const media::Picture& picture) { ++num_decoded_frames_; if (pending_pictures_.empty()) { base::TimeDelta delay = next_frame_delivered_time_.is_null() ? base::TimeDelta() : next_frame_delivered_time_ - base::TimeTicks::Now(); base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ThrottlingVDAClient::CallClientPictureReady, AsWeakPtr(), stream_version_), delay); } pending_pictures_.push_back(picture); } void ThrottlingVDAClient::CallClientPictureReady(int version) { // Just return if we have reset the decoder if (version != stream_version_) return; base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now(); if (next_frame_delivered_time_.is_null()) next_frame_delivered_time_ = now; if (next_frame_delivered_time_ + frame_duration_ < now) { // Too late, drop the frame reuse_picture_cb_.Run(pending_pictures_.front().picture_buffer_id()); } else { client_->PictureReady(pending_pictures_.front()); } pending_pictures_.pop_front(); next_frame_delivered_time_ += frame_duration_; if (!pending_pictures_.empty()) { base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ThrottlingVDAClient::CallClientPictureReady, AsWeakPtr(), stream_version_), next_frame_delivered_time_ - base::TimeTicks::Now()); } } void ThrottlingVDAClient::NotifyInitializeDone() { client_->NotifyInitializeDone(); } void ThrottlingVDAClient::NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer( int32 bitstream_buffer_id) { client_->NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer(bitstream_buffer_id); } void ThrottlingVDAClient::NotifyFlushDone() { if (!pending_pictures_.empty()) { base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ThrottlingVDAClient::NotifyFlushDone, base::Unretained(this)), next_frame_delivered_time_ - base::TimeTicks::Now()); return; } client_->NotifyFlushDone(); } void ThrottlingVDAClient::NotifyResetDone() { ++stream_version_; while (!pending_pictures_.empty()) { reuse_picture_cb_.Run(pending_pictures_.front().picture_buffer_id()); pending_pictures_.pop_front(); } next_frame_delivered_time_ = base::TimeTicks(); client_->NotifyResetDone(); } void ThrottlingVDAClient::NotifyError(VideoDecodeAccelerator::Error error) { client_->NotifyError(error); } // Client that can accept callbacks from a VideoDecodeAccelerator and is used by // the TESTs below. class GLRenderingVDAClient : public VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client, public base::SupportsWeakPtr { public: // Doesn't take ownership of |rendering_helper| or |note|, which must outlive // |*this|. // |num_play_throughs| indicates how many times to play through the video. // |reset_after_frame_num| can be a frame number >=0 indicating a mid-stream // Reset() should be done after that frame number is delivered, or // END_OF_STREAM_RESET to indicate no mid-stream Reset(). // |delete_decoder_state| indicates when the underlying decoder should be // Destroy()'d and deleted and can take values: N<0: delete after -N Decode() // calls have been made, N>=0 means interpret as ClientState. // Both |reset_after_frame_num| & |delete_decoder_state| apply only to the // last play-through (governed by |num_play_throughs|). // |rendering_fps| indicates the target rendering fps. 0 means no target fps // and it would render as fast as possible. // |suppress_rendering| indicates GL rendering is suppressed or not. // After |delay_reuse_after_frame_num| frame has been delivered, the client // will start delaying the call to ReusePictureBuffer() for kReuseDelay. // |decode_calls_per_second| is the number of VDA::Decode calls per second. // If |decode_calls_per_second| > 0, |num_in_flight_decodes| must be 1. GLRenderingVDAClient(RenderingHelper* rendering_helper, int rendering_window_id, ClientStateNotification* note, const std::string& encoded_data, int num_in_flight_decodes, int num_play_throughs, int reset_after_frame_num, int delete_decoder_state, int frame_width, int frame_height, int profile, double rendering_fps, bool suppress_rendering, int delay_reuse_after_frame_num, int decode_calls_per_second); virtual ~GLRenderingVDAClient(); void CreateAndStartDecoder(); // VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client implementation. // The heart of the Client. virtual void ProvidePictureBuffers(uint32 requested_num_of_buffers, const gfx::Size& dimensions, uint32 texture_target) OVERRIDE; virtual void DismissPictureBuffer(int32 picture_buffer_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void PictureReady(const media::Picture& picture) OVERRIDE; // Simple state changes. virtual void NotifyInitializeDone() OVERRIDE; virtual void NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer(int32 bitstream_buffer_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void NotifyFlushDone() OVERRIDE; virtual void NotifyResetDone() OVERRIDE; virtual void NotifyError(VideoDecodeAccelerator::Error error) OVERRIDE; void OutputFrameDeliveryTimes(base::PlatformFile output); void NotifyFrameDropped(int32 picture_buffer_id); // Simple getters for inspecting the state of the Client. int num_done_bitstream_buffers() { return num_done_bitstream_buffers_; } int num_skipped_fragments() { return num_skipped_fragments_; } int num_queued_fragments() { return num_queued_fragments_; } int num_decoded_frames(); double frames_per_second(); // Return the median of the decode time in milliseconds. int decode_time_median(); bool decoder_deleted() { return !decoder_.get(); } private: typedef std::map PictureBufferById; void SetState(ClientState new_state); // Delete the associated decoder helper. void DeleteDecoder(); // Compute & return the first encoded bytes (including a start frame) to send // to the decoder, starting at |start_pos| and returning one fragment. Skips // to the first decodable position. std::string GetBytesForFirstFragment(size_t start_pos, size_t* end_pos); // Compute & return the encoded bytes of next fragment to send to the decoder // (based on |start_pos|). std::string GetBytesForNextFragment(size_t start_pos, size_t* end_pos); // Helpers for GetBytesForNextFragment above. void GetBytesForNextNALU(size_t start_pos, size_t* end_pos); // For h.264. std::string GetBytesForNextFrame( size_t start_pos, size_t* end_pos); // For VP8. // Request decode of the next fragment in the encoded data. void DecodeNextFragment(); RenderingHelper* rendering_helper_; int rendering_window_id_; std::string encoded_data_; const int num_in_flight_decodes_; int outstanding_decodes_; size_t encoded_data_next_pos_to_decode_; int next_bitstream_buffer_id_; ClientStateNotification* note_; scoped_ptr decoder_; std::set outstanding_texture_ids_; int remaining_play_throughs_; int reset_after_frame_num_; int delete_decoder_state_; ClientState state_; int num_skipped_fragments_; int num_queued_fragments_; int num_decoded_frames_; int num_done_bitstream_buffers_; PictureBufferById picture_buffers_by_id_; base::TimeTicks initialize_done_ticks_; int profile_; GLenum texture_target_; bool suppress_rendering_; std::vector frame_delivery_times_; int delay_reuse_after_frame_num_; scoped_ptr throttling_client_; // A map from bitstream buffer id to the decode start time of the buffer. std::map decode_start_time_; // The decode time of all decoded frames. std::vector decode_time_; // The number of VDA::Decode calls per second. This is to simulate webrtc. int decode_calls_per_second_; DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(GLRenderingVDAClient); }; GLRenderingVDAClient::GLRenderingVDAClient( RenderingHelper* rendering_helper, int rendering_window_id, ClientStateNotification* note, const std::string& encoded_data, int num_in_flight_decodes, int num_play_throughs, int reset_after_frame_num, int delete_decoder_state, int frame_width, int frame_height, int profile, double rendering_fps, bool suppress_rendering, int delay_reuse_after_frame_num, int decode_calls_per_second) : rendering_helper_(rendering_helper), rendering_window_id_(rendering_window_id), encoded_data_(encoded_data), num_in_flight_decodes_(num_in_flight_decodes), outstanding_decodes_(0), encoded_data_next_pos_to_decode_(0), next_bitstream_buffer_id_(0), note_(note), remaining_play_throughs_(num_play_throughs), reset_after_frame_num_(reset_after_frame_num), delete_decoder_state_(delete_decoder_state), state_(CS_CREATED), num_skipped_fragments_(0), num_queued_fragments_(0), num_decoded_frames_(0), num_done_bitstream_buffers_(0), profile_(profile), texture_target_(0), suppress_rendering_(suppress_rendering), delay_reuse_after_frame_num_(delay_reuse_after_frame_num), decode_calls_per_second_(decode_calls_per_second) { CHECK_GT(num_in_flight_decodes, 0); CHECK_GT(num_play_throughs, 0); CHECK_GE(rendering_fps, 0); // |num_in_flight_decodes_| is unsupported if |decode_calls_per_second_| > 0. if (decode_calls_per_second_ > 0) CHECK_EQ(1, num_in_flight_decodes_); if (rendering_fps > 0) throttling_client_.reset(new ThrottlingVDAClient( this, rendering_fps, base::Bind(&GLRenderingVDAClient::NotifyFrameDropped, base::Unretained(this)))); } GLRenderingVDAClient::~GLRenderingVDAClient() { DeleteDecoder(); // Clean up in case of expected error. CHECK(decoder_deleted()); STLDeleteValues(&picture_buffers_by_id_); SetState(CS_DESTROYED); } static bool DoNothingReturnTrue() { return true; } void GLRenderingVDAClient::CreateAndStartDecoder() { CHECK(decoder_deleted()); CHECK(!decoder_.get()); VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client* client = this; base::WeakPtr weak_client = AsWeakPtr(); if (throttling_client_) { client = throttling_client_.get(); weak_client = throttling_client_->AsWeakPtr(); } #if defined(OS_WIN) decoder_.reset( new DXVAVideoDecodeAccelerator(client, base::Bind(&DoNothingReturnTrue))); #elif defined(OS_CHROMEOS) #if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARMEL) decoder_.reset(new ExynosVideoDecodeAccelerator( static_cast(rendering_helper_->GetGLDisplay()), client, weak_client, base::Bind(&DoNothingReturnTrue), base::MessageLoopProxy::current())); #elif defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY) decoder_.reset(new VaapiVideoDecodeAccelerator( static_cast(rendering_helper_->GetGLDisplay()), client, base::Bind(&DoNothingReturnTrue))); #endif // ARCH_CPU_ARMEL #endif // OS_WIN CHECK(decoder_.get()); SetState(CS_DECODER_SET); if (decoder_deleted()) return; // Configure the decoder. media::VideoCodecProfile profile = media::H264PROFILE_BASELINE; if (profile_ != -1) profile = static_cast(profile_); CHECK(decoder_->Initialize(profile)); } void GLRenderingVDAClient::ProvidePictureBuffers( uint32 requested_num_of_buffers, const gfx::Size& dimensions, uint32 texture_target) { if (decoder_deleted()) return; std::vector buffers; texture_target_ = texture_target; for (uint32 i = 0; i < requested_num_of_buffers; ++i) { uint32 id = picture_buffers_by_id_.size(); uint32 texture_id; base::WaitableEvent done(false, false); rendering_helper_->CreateTexture( rendering_window_id_, texture_target_, &texture_id, &done); done.Wait(); CHECK(outstanding_texture_ids_.insert(texture_id).second); media::PictureBuffer* buffer = new media::PictureBuffer(id, dimensions, texture_id); CHECK(picture_buffers_by_id_.insert(std::make_pair(id, buffer)).second); buffers.push_back(*buffer); } decoder_->AssignPictureBuffers(buffers); } void GLRenderingVDAClient::DismissPictureBuffer(int32 picture_buffer_id) { PictureBufferById::iterator it = picture_buffers_by_id_.find(picture_buffer_id); CHECK(it != picture_buffers_by_id_.end()); CHECK_EQ(outstanding_texture_ids_.erase(it->second->texture_id()), 1U); rendering_helper_->DeleteTexture(it->second->texture_id()); delete it->second; picture_buffers_by_id_.erase(it); } void GLRenderingVDAClient::PictureReady(const media::Picture& picture) { // We shouldn't be getting pictures delivered after Reset has completed. CHECK_LT(state_, CS_RESET); if (decoder_deleted()) return; base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now(); frame_delivery_times_.push_back(now); // Save the decode time of this picture. std::map::iterator it = decode_start_time_.find(picture.bitstream_buffer_id()); ASSERT_NE(decode_start_time_.end(), it); decode_time_.push_back(now - it->second); decode_start_time_.erase(it); CHECK_LE(picture.bitstream_buffer_id(), next_bitstream_buffer_id_); ++num_decoded_frames_; // Mid-stream reset applies only to the last play-through per constructor // comment. if (remaining_play_throughs_ == 1 && reset_after_frame_num_ == num_decoded_frames()) { reset_after_frame_num_ = MID_STREAM_RESET; decoder_->Reset(); // Re-start decoding from the beginning of the stream to avoid needing to // know how to find I-frames and so on in this test. encoded_data_next_pos_to_decode_ = 0; } media::PictureBuffer* picture_buffer = picture_buffers_by_id_[picture.picture_buffer_id()]; CHECK(picture_buffer); if (!suppress_rendering_) { rendering_helper_->RenderTexture(texture_target_, picture_buffer->texture_id()); } if (num_decoded_frames() > delay_reuse_after_frame_num_) { base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&VideoDecodeAccelerator::ReusePictureBuffer, decoder_->AsWeakPtr(), picture.picture_buffer_id()), kReuseDelay); } else { decoder_->ReusePictureBuffer(picture.picture_buffer_id()); } } void GLRenderingVDAClient::NotifyInitializeDone() { SetState(CS_INITIALIZED); initialize_done_ticks_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); if (reset_after_frame_num_ == START_OF_STREAM_RESET) { decoder_->Reset(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < num_in_flight_decodes_; ++i) DecodeNextFragment(); DCHECK_EQ(outstanding_decodes_, num_in_flight_decodes_); } void GLRenderingVDAClient::NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer( int32 bitstream_buffer_id) { // TODO(fischman): this test currently relies on this notification to make // forward progress during a Reset(). But the VDA::Reset() API doesn't // guarantee this, so stop relying on it (and remove the notifications from // VaapiVideoDecodeAccelerator::FinishReset()). ++num_done_bitstream_buffers_; --outstanding_decodes_; if (decode_calls_per_second_ == 0) DecodeNextFragment(); } void GLRenderingVDAClient::NotifyFlushDone() { if (decoder_deleted()) return; SetState(CS_FLUSHED); --remaining_play_throughs_; DCHECK_GE(remaining_play_throughs_, 0); if (decoder_deleted()) return; decoder_->Reset(); SetState(CS_RESETTING); } void GLRenderingVDAClient::NotifyResetDone() { if (decoder_deleted()) return; if (reset_after_frame_num_ == MID_STREAM_RESET) { reset_after_frame_num_ = END_OF_STREAM_RESET; DecodeNextFragment(); return; } else if (reset_after_frame_num_ == START_OF_STREAM_RESET) { reset_after_frame_num_ = END_OF_STREAM_RESET; for (int i = 0; i < num_in_flight_decodes_; ++i) DecodeNextFragment(); return; } if (remaining_play_throughs_) { encoded_data_next_pos_to_decode_ = 0; NotifyInitializeDone(); return; } SetState(CS_RESET); if (!decoder_deleted()) DeleteDecoder(); } void GLRenderingVDAClient::NotifyError(VideoDecodeAccelerator::Error error) { SetState(CS_ERROR); } void GLRenderingVDAClient::OutputFrameDeliveryTimes(base::PlatformFile output) { std::string s = base::StringPrintf("frame count: %" PRIuS "\n", frame_delivery_times_.size()); base::WritePlatformFileAtCurrentPos(output, s.data(), s.length()); base::TimeTicks t0 = initialize_done_ticks_; for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_delivery_times_.size(); ++i) { s = base::StringPrintf("frame %04" PRIuS ": %" PRId64 " us\n", i, (frame_delivery_times_[i] - t0).InMicroseconds()); t0 = frame_delivery_times_[i]; base::WritePlatformFileAtCurrentPos(output, s.data(), s.length()); } } void GLRenderingVDAClient::NotifyFrameDropped(int32 picture_buffer_id) { decoder_->ReusePictureBuffer(picture_buffer_id); } static bool LookingAtNAL(const std::string& encoded, size_t pos) { return encoded[pos] == 0 && encoded[pos + 1] == 0 && encoded[pos + 2] == 0 && encoded[pos + 3] == 1; } void GLRenderingVDAClient::SetState(ClientState new_state) { note_->Notify(new_state); state_ = new_state; if (!remaining_play_throughs_ && new_state == delete_decoder_state_) { CHECK(!decoder_deleted()); DeleteDecoder(); } } void GLRenderingVDAClient::DeleteDecoder() { if (decoder_deleted()) return; decoder_.release()->Destroy(); STLClearObject(&encoded_data_); for (std::set::iterator it = outstanding_texture_ids_.begin(); it != outstanding_texture_ids_.end(); ++it) { rendering_helper_->DeleteTexture(*it); } outstanding_texture_ids_.clear(); // Cascade through the rest of the states to simplify test code below. for (int i = state_ + 1; i < CS_MAX; ++i) SetState(static_cast(i)); } std::string GLRenderingVDAClient::GetBytesForFirstFragment( size_t start_pos, size_t* end_pos) { if (profile_ < media::H264PROFILE_MAX) { *end_pos = start_pos; while (*end_pos + 4 < encoded_data_.size()) { if ((encoded_data_[*end_pos + 4] & 0x1f) == 0x7) // SPS start frame return GetBytesForNextFragment(*end_pos, end_pos); GetBytesForNextNALU(*end_pos, end_pos); num_skipped_fragments_++; } *end_pos = start_pos; return std::string(); } DCHECK_LE(profile_, media::VP8PROFILE_MAX); return GetBytesForNextFragment(start_pos, end_pos); } std::string GLRenderingVDAClient::GetBytesForNextFragment( size_t start_pos, size_t* end_pos) { if (profile_ < media::H264PROFILE_MAX) { *end_pos = start_pos; GetBytesForNextNALU(*end_pos, end_pos); if (start_pos != *end_pos) { num_queued_fragments_++; } return encoded_data_.substr(start_pos, *end_pos - start_pos); } DCHECK_LE(profile_, media::VP8PROFILE_MAX); return GetBytesForNextFrame(start_pos, end_pos); } void GLRenderingVDAClient::GetBytesForNextNALU( size_t start_pos, size_t* end_pos) { *end_pos = start_pos; if (*end_pos + 4 > encoded_data_.size()) return; CHECK(LookingAtNAL(encoded_data_, start_pos)); *end_pos += 4; while (*end_pos + 4 <= encoded_data_.size() && !LookingAtNAL(encoded_data_, *end_pos)) { ++*end_pos; } if (*end_pos + 3 >= encoded_data_.size()) *end_pos = encoded_data_.size(); } std::string GLRenderingVDAClient::GetBytesForNextFrame( size_t start_pos, size_t* end_pos) { // Helpful description: http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=IVF std::string bytes; if (start_pos == 0) start_pos = 32; // Skip IVF header. *end_pos = start_pos; uint32 frame_size = *reinterpret_cast(&encoded_data_[*end_pos]); *end_pos += 12; // Skip frame header. bytes.append(encoded_data_.substr(*end_pos, frame_size)); *end_pos += frame_size; num_queued_fragments_++; return bytes; } void GLRenderingVDAClient::DecodeNextFragment() { if (decoder_deleted()) return; if (encoded_data_next_pos_to_decode_ == encoded_data_.size()) { if (outstanding_decodes_ == 0) { decoder_->Flush(); SetState(CS_FLUSHING); } return; } size_t end_pos; std::string next_fragment_bytes; if (encoded_data_next_pos_to_decode_ == 0) { next_fragment_bytes = GetBytesForFirstFragment(0, &end_pos); } else { next_fragment_bytes = GetBytesForNextFragment(encoded_data_next_pos_to_decode_, &end_pos); } size_t next_fragment_size = next_fragment_bytes.size(); // Populate the shared memory buffer w/ the fragment, duplicate its handle, // and hand it off to the decoder. base::SharedMemory shm; CHECK(shm.CreateAndMapAnonymous(next_fragment_size)); memcpy(shm.memory(), next_fragment_bytes.data(), next_fragment_size); base::SharedMemoryHandle dup_handle; CHECK(shm.ShareToProcess(base::Process::Current().handle(), &dup_handle)); media::BitstreamBuffer bitstream_buffer( next_bitstream_buffer_id_, dup_handle, next_fragment_size); decode_start_time_[next_bitstream_buffer_id_] = base::TimeTicks::Now(); // Mask against 30 bits, to avoid (undefined) wraparound on signed integer. next_bitstream_buffer_id_ = (next_bitstream_buffer_id_ + 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF; decoder_->Decode(bitstream_buffer); ++outstanding_decodes_; encoded_data_next_pos_to_decode_ = end_pos; if (!remaining_play_throughs_ && -delete_decoder_state_ == next_bitstream_buffer_id_) { DeleteDecoder(); } if (decode_calls_per_second_ > 0) { base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GLRenderingVDAClient::DecodeNextFragment, AsWeakPtr()), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1) / decode_calls_per_second_); } } int GLRenderingVDAClient::num_decoded_frames() { return throttling_client_ ? throttling_client_->num_decoded_frames() : num_decoded_frames_; } double GLRenderingVDAClient::frames_per_second() { base::TimeDelta delta = frame_delivery_times_.back() - initialize_done_ticks_; if (delta.InSecondsF() == 0) return 0; return num_decoded_frames() / delta.InSecondsF(); } int GLRenderingVDAClient::decode_time_median() { if (decode_time_.size() == 0) return 0; std::sort(decode_time_.begin(), decode_time_.end()); int index = decode_time_.size() / 2; if (decode_time_.size() % 2 != 0) return decode_time_[index].InMilliseconds(); return (decode_time_[index] + decode_time_[index - 1]).InMilliseconds() / 2; } class VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest(); virtual void SetUp(); virtual void TearDown(); // Parse |data| into its constituent parts, set the various output fields // accordingly, and read in video stream. CHECK-fails on unexpected or // missing required data. Unspecified optional fields are set to -1. void ParseAndReadTestVideoData(base::FilePath::StringType data, std::vector* test_video_files); // Update the parameters of |test_video_files| according to // |num_concurrent_decoders| and |reset_point|. Ex: the expected number of // frames should be adjusted if decoder is reset in the middle of the stream. void UpdateTestVideoFileParams( size_t num_concurrent_decoders, int reset_point, std::vector* test_video_files); void InitializeRenderingHelper(const RenderingHelperParams& helper_params); void CreateAndStartDecoder(GLRenderingVDAClient* client, ClientStateNotification* note); void WaitUntilDecodeFinish(ClientStateNotification* note); void WaitUntilIdle(); void OutputLogFile(const base::FilePath::CharType* log_path, const std::string& content); std::vector test_video_files_; RenderingHelper rendering_helper_; scoped_refptr rendering_loop_proxy_; private: base::Thread rendering_thread_; // Required for Thread to work. Not used otherwise. base::ShadowingAtExitManager at_exit_manager_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest); }; VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest::VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest() : rendering_thread_("GLRenderingVDAClientThread") {} void VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest::SetUp() { ParseAndReadTestVideoData(g_test_video_data, &test_video_files_); // Initialize the rendering thread. base::Thread::Options options; options.message_loop_type = base::MessageLoop::TYPE_DEFAULT; #if defined(OS_WIN) // For windows the decoding thread initializes the media foundation decoder // which uses COM. We need the thread to be a UI thread. options.message_loop_type = base::MessageLoop::TYPE_UI; #endif // OS_WIN rendering_thread_.StartWithOptions(options); rendering_loop_proxy_ = rendering_thread_.message_loop_proxy(); } void VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest::TearDown() { rendering_loop_proxy_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&STLDeleteElements >, &test_video_files_)); base::WaitableEvent done(false, false); rendering_loop_proxy_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&RenderingHelper::UnInitialize, base::Unretained(&rendering_helper_), &done)); done.Wait(); rendering_thread_.Stop(); } void VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest::ParseAndReadTestVideoData( base::FilePath::StringType data, std::vector* test_video_files) { std::vector entries; base::SplitString(data, ';', &entries); CHECK_GE(entries.size(), 1U) << data; for (size_t index = 0; index < entries.size(); ++index) { std::vector fields; base::SplitString(entries[index], ':', &fields); CHECK_GE(fields.size(), 1U) << entries[index]; CHECK_LE(fields.size(), 8U) << entries[index]; TestVideoFile* video_file = new TestVideoFile(fields[0]); if (!fields[1].empty()) CHECK(base::StringToInt(fields[1], &video_file->width)); if (!fields[2].empty()) CHECK(base::StringToInt(fields[2], &video_file->height)); if (!fields[3].empty()) CHECK(base::StringToInt(fields[3], &video_file->num_frames)); if (!fields[4].empty()) CHECK(base::StringToInt(fields[4], &video_file->num_fragments)); if (!fields[5].empty()) CHECK(base::StringToInt(fields[5], &video_file->min_fps_render)); if (!fields[6].empty()) CHECK(base::StringToInt(fields[6], &video_file->min_fps_no_render)); if (!fields[7].empty()) CHECK(base::StringToInt(fields[7], &video_file->profile)); // Read in the video data. base::FilePath filepath(video_file->file_name); CHECK(base::ReadFileToString(filepath, &video_file->data_str)) << "test_video_file: " << filepath.MaybeAsASCII(); test_video_files->push_back(video_file); } } void VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest::UpdateTestVideoFileParams( size_t num_concurrent_decoders, int reset_point, std::vector* test_video_files) { for (size_t i = 0; i < test_video_files->size(); i++) { TestVideoFile* video_file = (*test_video_files)[i]; if (video_file->num_frames > 0 && reset_point == MID_STREAM_RESET) { // Reset should not go beyond the last frame; reset after the first // frame for short videos. video_file->reset_after_frame_num = kMaxResetAfterFrameNum; if (video_file->num_frames <= kMaxResetAfterFrameNum) video_file->reset_after_frame_num = 1; video_file->num_frames += video_file->reset_after_frame_num; } if (video_file->min_fps_render != -1) video_file->min_fps_render /= num_concurrent_decoders; if (video_file->min_fps_no_render != -1) video_file->min_fps_no_render /= num_concurrent_decoders; } } void VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest::InitializeRenderingHelper( const RenderingHelperParams& helper_params) { base::WaitableEvent done(false, false); rendering_loop_proxy_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&RenderingHelper::Initialize, base::Unretained(&rendering_helper_), helper_params, &done)); done.Wait(); } void VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest::CreateAndStartDecoder( GLRenderingVDAClient* client, ClientStateNotification* note) { rendering_loop_proxy_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GLRenderingVDAClient::CreateAndStartDecoder, base::Unretained(client))); ASSERT_EQ(note->Wait(), CS_DECODER_SET); } void VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest::WaitUntilDecodeFinish( ClientStateNotification* note) { for (int i = 0; i < CS_MAX; i++) { if (note->Wait() == CS_DESTROYED) break; } } void VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest::WaitUntilIdle() { base::WaitableEvent done(false, false); rendering_loop_proxy_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&base::WaitableEvent::Signal, base::Unretained(&done))); done.Wait(); } void VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest::OutputLogFile( const base::FilePath::CharType* log_path, const std::string& content) { base::PlatformFile file = base::CreatePlatformFile( base::FilePath(log_path), base::PLATFORM_FILE_CREATE_ALWAYS | base::PLATFORM_FILE_WRITE, NULL, NULL); base::WritePlatformFileAtCurrentPos(file, content.data(), content.length()); base::ClosePlatformFile(file); } // Test parameters: // - Number of concurrent decoders. // - Number of concurrent in-flight Decode() calls per decoder. // - Number of play-throughs. // - reset_after_frame_num: see GLRenderingVDAClient ctor. // - delete_decoder_phase: see GLRenderingVDAClient ctor. // - whether to test slow rendering by delaying ReusePictureBuffer(). // - whether the video frames are rendered as thumbnails. class VideoDecodeAcceleratorParamTest : public VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest, public ::testing::WithParamInterface< Tuple7 > { }; // Helper so that gtest failures emit a more readable version of the tuple than // its byte representation. ::std::ostream& operator<<( ::std::ostream& os, const Tuple7& t) { return os << t.a << ", " << t.b << ", " << t.c << ", " << t.d << ", " << t.e << ", " << t.f << ", " << t.g; } // Wait for |note| to report a state and if it's not |expected_state| then // assert |client| has deleted its decoder. static void AssertWaitForStateOrDeleted( ClientStateNotification* note, GLRenderingVDAClient* client, ClientState expected_state) { ClientState state = note->Wait(); if (state == expected_state) return; ASSERT_TRUE(client->decoder_deleted()) << "Decoder not deleted but Wait() returned " << state << ", instead of " << expected_state; } // We assert a minimal number of concurrent decoders we expect to succeed. // Different platforms can support more concurrent decoders, so we don't assert // failure above this. enum { kMinSupportedNumConcurrentDecoders = 3 }; // Test the most straightforward case possible: data is decoded from a single // chunk and rendered to the screen. TEST_P(VideoDecodeAcceleratorParamTest, TestSimpleDecode) { const size_t num_concurrent_decoders = GetParam().a; const size_t num_in_flight_decodes = GetParam().b; const int num_play_throughs = GetParam().c; const int reset_point = GetParam().d; const int delete_decoder_state = GetParam().e; bool test_reuse_delay = GetParam().f; const bool render_as_thumbnails = GetParam().g; UpdateTestVideoFileParams( num_concurrent_decoders, reset_point, &test_video_files_); // Suppress GL rendering for all tests when the "--disable_rendering" is set. const bool suppress_rendering = g_disable_rendering; std::vector*> notes(num_concurrent_decoders, NULL); std::vector clients(num_concurrent_decoders, NULL); RenderingHelperParams helper_params; helper_params.num_windows = num_concurrent_decoders; helper_params.render_as_thumbnails = render_as_thumbnails; if (render_as_thumbnails) { // Only one decoder is supported with thumbnail rendering CHECK_EQ(num_concurrent_decoders, 1U); gfx::Size frame_size(test_video_files_[0]->width, test_video_files_[0]->height); helper_params.frame_dimensions.push_back(frame_size); helper_params.window_dimensions.push_back(kThumbnailsDisplaySize); helper_params.thumbnails_page_size = kThumbnailsPageSize; helper_params.thumbnail_size = kThumbnailSize; } else { for (size_t index = 0; index < test_video_files_.size(); ++index) { gfx::Size frame_size(test_video_files_[index]->width, test_video_files_[index]->height); helper_params.frame_dimensions.push_back(frame_size); helper_params.window_dimensions.push_back(frame_size); } } InitializeRenderingHelper(helper_params); // First kick off all the decoders. for (size_t index = 0; index < num_concurrent_decoders; ++index) { TestVideoFile* video_file = test_video_files_[index % test_video_files_.size()]; ClientStateNotification* note = new ClientStateNotification(); notes[index] = note; int delay_after_frame_num = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (test_reuse_delay && kMaxFramesToDelayReuse * 2 < video_file->num_frames) { delay_after_frame_num = video_file->num_frames - kMaxFramesToDelayReuse; } GLRenderingVDAClient* client = new GLRenderingVDAClient(&rendering_helper_, index, note, video_file->data_str, num_in_flight_decodes, num_play_throughs, video_file->reset_after_frame_num, delete_decoder_state, video_file->width, video_file->height, video_file->profile, g_rendering_fps, suppress_rendering, delay_after_frame_num, 0); clients[index] = client; CreateAndStartDecoder(client, note); } // Then wait for all the decodes to finish. // Only check performance & correctness later if we play through only once. bool skip_performance_and_correctness_checks = num_play_throughs > 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_concurrent_decoders; ++i) { ClientStateNotification* note = notes[i]; ClientState state = note->Wait(); if (state != CS_INITIALIZED) { skip_performance_and_correctness_checks = true; // We expect initialization to fail only when more than the supported // number of decoders is instantiated. Assert here that something else // didn't trigger failure. ASSERT_GT(num_concurrent_decoders, static_cast(kMinSupportedNumConcurrentDecoders)); continue; } ASSERT_EQ(state, CS_INITIALIZED); for (int n = 0; n < num_play_throughs; ++n) { // For play-throughs other than the first, we expect initialization to // succeed unconditionally. if (n > 0) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( AssertWaitForStateOrDeleted(note, clients[i], CS_INITIALIZED)); } // InitializeDone kicks off decoding inside the client, so we just need to // wait for Flush. ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( AssertWaitForStateOrDeleted(note, clients[i], CS_FLUSHING)); ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( AssertWaitForStateOrDeleted(note, clients[i], CS_FLUSHED)); // FlushDone requests Reset(). ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( AssertWaitForStateOrDeleted(note, clients[i], CS_RESETTING)); } ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( AssertWaitForStateOrDeleted(note, clients[i], CS_RESET)); // ResetDone requests Destroy(). ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( AssertWaitForStateOrDeleted(note, clients[i], CS_DESTROYED)); } // Finally assert that decoding went as expected. for (size_t i = 0; i < num_concurrent_decoders && !skip_performance_and_correctness_checks; ++i) { // We can only make performance/correctness assertions if the decoder was // allowed to finish. if (delete_decoder_state < CS_FLUSHED) continue; GLRenderingVDAClient* client = clients[i]; TestVideoFile* video_file = test_video_files_[i % test_video_files_.size()]; if (video_file->num_frames > 0) { // Expect the decoded frames may be more than the video frames as frames // could still be returned until resetting done. if (video_file->reset_after_frame_num > 0) EXPECT_GE(client->num_decoded_frames(), video_file->num_frames); else EXPECT_EQ(client->num_decoded_frames(), video_file->num_frames); } if (reset_point == END_OF_STREAM_RESET) { EXPECT_EQ(video_file->num_fragments, client->num_skipped_fragments() + client->num_queued_fragments()); EXPECT_EQ(client->num_done_bitstream_buffers(), client->num_queued_fragments()); } VLOG(0) << "Decoder " << i << " fps: " << client->frames_per_second(); if (!render_as_thumbnails) { int min_fps = suppress_rendering ? video_file->min_fps_no_render : video_file->min_fps_render; if (min_fps > 0 && !test_reuse_delay) EXPECT_GT(client->frames_per_second(), min_fps); } } if (render_as_thumbnails) { std::vector rgb; bool alpha_solid; base::WaitableEvent done(false, false); rendering_loop_proxy_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&RenderingHelper::GetThumbnailsAsRGB, base::Unretained(&rendering_helper_), &rgb, &alpha_solid, &done)); done.Wait(); std::vector golden_md5s; std::string md5_string = base::MD5String( base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast(&rgb[0]), rgb.size())); ReadGoldenThumbnailMD5s(test_video_files_[0], &golden_md5s); std::vector::iterator match = find(golden_md5s.begin(), golden_md5s.end(), md5_string); if (match == golden_md5s.end()) { // Convert raw RGB into PNG for export. std::vector png; gfx::PNGCodec::Encode(&rgb[0], gfx::PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, kThumbnailsPageSize, kThumbnailsPageSize.width() * 3, true, std::vector(), &png); LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown thumbnails MD5: " << md5_string; base::FilePath filepath(test_video_files_[0]->file_name); filepath = filepath.AddExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".bad_thumbnails")); filepath = filepath.AddExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".png")); int num_bytes = file_util::WriteFile(filepath, reinterpret_cast(&png[0]), png.size()); ASSERT_EQ(num_bytes, static_cast(png.size())); } ASSERT_NE(match, golden_md5s.end()); EXPECT_EQ(alpha_solid, true) << "RGBA frame had incorrect alpha"; } // Output the frame delivery time to file // We can only make performance/correctness assertions if the decoder was // allowed to finish. if (g_output_log != NULL && delete_decoder_state >= CS_FLUSHED) { base::PlatformFile output_file = base::CreatePlatformFile( base::FilePath(g_output_log), base::PLATFORM_FILE_CREATE_ALWAYS | base::PLATFORM_FILE_WRITE, NULL, NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_concurrent_decoders; ++i) { clients[i]->OutputFrameDeliveryTimes(output_file); } base::ClosePlatformFile(output_file); } rendering_loop_proxy_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&STLDeleteElements >, &clients)); rendering_loop_proxy_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&STLDeleteElements< std::vector*> >, ¬es)); WaitUntilIdle(); }; // Test that replay after EOS works fine. INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( ReplayAfterEOS, VideoDecodeAcceleratorParamTest, ::testing::Values( MakeTuple(1, 1, 4, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, false, false))); // This hangs on Exynos, preventing further testing and wasting test machine // time. // TODO(ihf): Enable again once http://crbug.com/269754 is fixed. #if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY) // Test that Reset() before the first Decode() works fine. INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( ResetBeforeDecode, VideoDecodeAcceleratorParamTest, ::testing::Values( MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, START_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, false, false))); #endif // ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY // Test that Reset() mid-stream works fine and doesn't affect decoding even when // Decode() calls are made during the reset. INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( MidStreamReset, VideoDecodeAcceleratorParamTest, ::testing::Values( MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, MID_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, false, false))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( SlowRendering, VideoDecodeAcceleratorParamTest, ::testing::Values( MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, true, false))); // Test that Destroy() mid-stream works fine (primarily this is testing that no // crashes occur). INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( TearDownTiming, VideoDecodeAcceleratorParamTest, ::testing::Values( MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_DECODER_SET, false, false), MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_INITIALIZED, false, false), MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_FLUSHING, false, false), MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_FLUSHED, false, false), MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESETTING, false, false), MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, false, false), MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, static_cast(-1), false, false), MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, static_cast(-10), false, false), MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, static_cast(-100), false, false))); // Test that decoding various variation works with multiple in-flight decodes. INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( DecodeVariations, VideoDecodeAcceleratorParamTest, ::testing::Values( MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, false, false), MakeTuple(1, 10, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, false, false), // Tests queuing. MakeTuple(1, 15, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, false, false))); // Find out how many concurrent decoders can go before we exhaust system // resources. INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( ResourceExhaustion, VideoDecodeAcceleratorParamTest, ::testing::Values( // +0 hack below to promote enum to int. MakeTuple(kMinSupportedNumConcurrentDecoders + 0, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, false, false), MakeTuple(kMinSupportedNumConcurrentDecoders + 1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, false, false))); // Thumbnailing test INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( Thumbnail, VideoDecodeAcceleratorParamTest, ::testing::Values( MakeTuple(1, 1, 1, END_OF_STREAM_RESET, CS_RESET, false, true))); // Measure the median of the decode time when VDA::Decode is called 30 times per // second. TEST_F(VideoDecodeAcceleratorTest, TestDecodeTimeMedian) { RenderingHelperParams helper_params; helper_params.num_windows = 1; helper_params.render_as_thumbnails = false; gfx::Size frame_size(test_video_files_[0]->width, test_video_files_[0]->height); helper_params.frame_dimensions.push_back(frame_size); helper_params.window_dimensions.push_back(frame_size); InitializeRenderingHelper(helper_params); ClientStateNotification* note = new ClientStateNotification(); GLRenderingVDAClient* client = new GLRenderingVDAClient(&rendering_helper_, 0, note, test_video_files_[0]->data_str, 1, 1, test_video_files_[0]->reset_after_frame_num, CS_RESET, test_video_files_[0]->width, test_video_files_[0]->height, test_video_files_[0]->profile, g_rendering_fps, true, std::numeric_limits::max(), kWebRtcDecodeCallsPerSecond); CreateAndStartDecoder(client, note); WaitUntilDecodeFinish(note); int decode_time_median = client->decode_time_median(); std::string output_string = base::StringPrintf("Decode time median: %d ms", decode_time_median); VLOG(0) << output_string; ASSERT_GT(decode_time_median, 0); if (g_output_log != NULL) OutputLogFile(g_output_log, output_string); rendering_loop_proxy_->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, client); rendering_loop_proxy_->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, note); WaitUntilIdle(); }; // TODO(fischman, vrk): add more tests! In particular: // - Test life-cycle: Seek/Stop/Pause/Play for a single decoder. // - Test alternate configurations // - Test failure conditions. // - Test frame size changes mid-stream } // namespace } // namespace content int main(int argc, char **argv) { testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); // Removes gtest-specific args. CommandLine::Init(argc, argv); // Needed to enable DVLOG through --vmodule. logging::LoggingSettings settings; settings.logging_dest = logging::LOG_TO_SYSTEM_DEBUG_LOG; settings.dcheck_state = logging::ENABLE_DCHECK_FOR_NON_OFFICIAL_RELEASE_BUILDS; CHECK(logging::InitLogging(settings)); CommandLine* cmd_line = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); DCHECK(cmd_line); CommandLine::SwitchMap switches = cmd_line->GetSwitches(); for (CommandLine::SwitchMap::const_iterator it = switches.begin(); it != switches.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "test_video_data") { content::g_test_video_data = it->second.c_str(); continue; } // TODO(wuchengli): remove frame_deliver_log after CrOS test get updated. // See http://crosreview.com/175426. if (it->first == "frame_delivery_log" || it->first == "output_log") { content::g_output_log = it->second.c_str(); continue; } if (it->first == "rendering_fps") { // On Windows, CommandLine::StringType is wstring. We need to convert // it to std::string first std::string input(it->second.begin(), it->second.end()); CHECK(base::StringToDouble(input, &content::g_rendering_fps)); continue; } if (it->first == "disable_rendering") { content::g_disable_rendering = true; continue; } if (it->first == "v" || it->first == "vmodule") continue; LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected switch: " << it->first << ":" << it->second; } base::ShadowingAtExitManager at_exit_manager; return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }