// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file contains URLFetcher, a wrapper around net::URLRequest that handles // low-level details like thread safety, ref counting, and incremental buffer // reading. This is useful for callers who simply want to get the data from a // URL and don't care about all the nitty-gritty details. // // NOTE(willchan): Only one "IO" thread is supported for URLFetcher. This is a // temporary situation. We will work on allowing support for multiple "io" // threads per process. #ifndef CONTENT_COMMON_NET_URL_FETCHER_IMPL_H_ #define CONTENT_COMMON_NET_URL_FETCHER_IMPL_H_ #pragma once #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "content/public/common/url_fetcher.h" namespace content { class URLFetcherFactory; } class CONTENT_EXPORT URLFetcherImpl : public content::URLFetcher{ public: // |url| is the URL to send the request to. // |request_type| is the type of request to make. // |d| the object that will receive the callback on fetch completion. URLFetcherImpl(const GURL& url, RequestType request_type, content::URLFetcherDelegate* d); virtual ~URLFetcherImpl(); // content::URLFetcher implementation: virtual void SetUploadData(const std::string& upload_content_type, const std::string& upload_content) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetChunkedUpload( const std::string& upload_content_type) OVERRIDE; virtual void AppendChunkToUpload(const std::string& data, bool is_last_chunk) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetLoadFlags(int load_flags) OVERRIDE; virtual int GetLoadFlags() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetReferrer(const std::string& referrer) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetExtraRequestHeaders( const std::string& extra_request_headers) OVERRIDE; virtual void GetExtraRequestHeaders( net::HttpRequestHeaders* headers) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetRequestContext( net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetAutomaticallyRetryOn5xx(bool retry) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetMaxRetries(int max_retries) OVERRIDE; virtual int GetMaxRetries() const OVERRIDE; virtual base::TimeDelta GetBackoffDelay() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SaveResponseToTemporaryFile( scoped_refptr file_message_loop_proxy) OVERRIDE; virtual net::HttpResponseHeaders* GetResponseHeaders() const OVERRIDE; virtual net::HostPortPair GetSocketAddress() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool WasFetchedViaProxy() const OVERRIDE; virtual void Start() OVERRIDE; virtual void StartWithRequestContextGetter( net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter) OVERRIDE; virtual const GURL& GetOriginalURL() const OVERRIDE; virtual const GURL& GetURL() const OVERRIDE; virtual const net::URLRequestStatus& GetStatus() const OVERRIDE; virtual int GetResponseCode() const OVERRIDE; virtual const net::ResponseCookies& GetCookies() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool FileErrorOccurred( base::PlatformFileError* out_error_code) const OVERRIDE; virtual void ReceivedContentWasMalformed() OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetResponseAsString( std::string* out_response_string) const OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetResponseAsFilePath( bool take_ownership, FilePath* out_response_path) const OVERRIDE; static void CancelAll(); protected: // How should the response be stored? enum ResponseDestinationType { STRING, // Default: In a std::string TEMP_FILE // Write to a temp file }; // Returns the delegate. content::URLFetcherDelegate* delegate() const; // Used by tests. const std::string& upload_data() const; // Used by tests. void set_was_fetched_via_proxy(bool flag); // Used by tests. void set_response_headers(scoped_refptr headers); private: friend class ScopedURLFetcherFactory; friend class TestURLFetcher; friend class URLFetcherTest; // Only used by URLFetcherTest, returns the number of URLFetcher::Core objects // actively running. static int GetNumFetcherCores(); static content::URLFetcherFactory* factory(); // Sets the factory used by the static method Create to create a URLFetcher. // URLFetcher does not take ownership of |factory|. A value of NULL results // in a URLFetcher being created directly. // // NOTE: for safety, this should only be used through ScopedURLFetcherFactory! static void set_factory(content::URLFetcherFactory* factory); class Core; scoped_refptr core_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(URLFetcherImpl); }; #endif // CONTENT_COMMON_NET_URL_FETCHER_IMPL_H_