// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/common/pepper_plugin_registry.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/native_library.h" #include "base/string_split.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "content/public/common/content_client.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_list.h" namespace { // Appends any plugins from the command line to the given vector. void ComputePluginsFromCommandLine( std::vector<content::PepperPluginInfo>* plugins) { bool out_of_process = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kPpapiOutOfProcess); const std::string value = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII( switches::kRegisterPepperPlugins); if (value.empty()) return; // FORMAT: // command-line = <plugin-entry> + *( LWS + "," + LWS + <plugin-entry> ) // plugin-entry = // <file-path> + // ["#" + <name> + ["#" + <description> + ["#" + <version>]]] + // *1( LWS + ";" + LWS + <mime-type> ) std::vector<std::string> modules; base::SplitString(value, ',', &modules); for (size_t i = 0; i < modules.size(); ++i) { std::vector<std::string> parts; base::SplitString(modules[i], ';', &parts); if (parts.size() < 2) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Required mime-type not found"; continue; } std::vector<std::string> name_parts; base::SplitString(parts[0], '#', &name_parts); content::PepperPluginInfo plugin; plugin.is_out_of_process = out_of_process; #if defined(OS_WIN) // This means we can't provide plugins from non-ASCII paths, but // since this switch is only for development I don't think that's // too awful. plugin.path = FilePath(ASCIIToUTF16(name_parts[0])); #else plugin.path = FilePath(name_parts[0]); #endif if (name_parts.size() > 1) plugin.name = name_parts[1]; if (name_parts.size() > 2) plugin.description = name_parts[2]; if (name_parts.size() > 3) plugin.version = name_parts[3]; for (size_t j = 1; j < parts.size(); ++j) { webkit::WebPluginMimeType mime_type(parts[j], std::string(), plugin.description); plugin.mime_types.push_back(mime_type); } plugins->push_back(plugin); } } } // namespace webkit::WebPluginInfo content::PepperPluginInfo::ToWebPluginInfo() const { webkit::WebPluginInfo info; info.type = is_out_of_process ? (is_sandboxed ? webkit::WebPluginInfo::PLUGIN_TYPE_PEPPER_OUT_OF_PROCESS : webkit::WebPluginInfo::PLUGIN_TYPE_PEPPER_UNSANDBOXED) : webkit::WebPluginInfo::PLUGIN_TYPE_PEPPER_IN_PROCESS; info.name = name.empty() ? path.BaseName().LossyDisplayName() : UTF8ToUTF16(name); info.path = path; info.version = ASCIIToUTF16(version); info.desc = ASCIIToUTF16(description); info.mime_types = mime_types; return info; } bool MakePepperPluginInfo(const webkit::WebPluginInfo& webplugin_info, content::PepperPluginInfo* pepper_info) { if (!webkit::IsPepperPlugin(webplugin_info)) return false; pepper_info->is_out_of_process = webkit::IsOutOfProcessPlugin(webplugin_info); pepper_info->is_sandboxed = webplugin_info.type != webkit::WebPluginInfo::PLUGIN_TYPE_PEPPER_UNSANDBOXED; pepper_info->path = FilePath(webplugin_info.path); pepper_info->name = UTF16ToASCII(webplugin_info.name); pepper_info->description = UTF16ToASCII(webplugin_info.desc); pepper_info->version = UTF16ToASCII(webplugin_info.version); pepper_info->mime_types = webplugin_info.mime_types; return true; } // static PepperPluginRegistry* PepperPluginRegistry::GetInstance() { static PepperPluginRegistry* registry = NULL; // This object leaks. It is a temporary hack to work around a crash. // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=63234 if (!registry) registry = new PepperPluginRegistry; return registry; } // static void PepperPluginRegistry::ComputeList( std::vector<content::PepperPluginInfo>* plugins) { content::GetContentClient()->AddPepperPlugins(plugins); ComputePluginsFromCommandLine(plugins); } // static void PepperPluginRegistry::PreloadModules() { std::vector<content::PepperPluginInfo> plugins; ComputeList(&plugins); for (size_t i = 0; i < plugins.size(); ++i) { if (!plugins[i].is_internal && plugins[i].is_sandboxed) { std::string error; base::NativeLibrary library = base::LoadNativeLibrary(plugins[i].path, &error); DLOG_IF(WARNING, !library) << "Unable to load plugin " << plugins[i].path.value() << " " << error; (void)library; // Prevent release-mode warning. } } } const content::PepperPluginInfo* PepperPluginRegistry::GetInfoForPlugin( const webkit::WebPluginInfo& info) { for (size_t i = 0; i < plugin_list_.size(); ++i) { if (info.path == plugin_list_[i].path) return &plugin_list_[i]; } // We did not find the plugin in our list. But wait! the plugin can also // be a latecomer, as it happens with pepper flash. This information // is actually in |info| and we can use it to construct it and add it to // the list. This same deal needs to be done in the browser side in // PluginService. content::PepperPluginInfo plugin; if (!MakePepperPluginInfo(info, &plugin)) return NULL; plugin_list_.push_back(plugin); return &plugin_list_[plugin_list_.size() - 1]; } webkit::ppapi::PluginModule* PepperPluginRegistry::GetLiveModule( const FilePath& path) { NonOwningModuleMap::iterator it = live_modules_.find(path); if (it == live_modules_.end()) return NULL; return it->second; } void PepperPluginRegistry::AddLiveModule(const FilePath& path, webkit::ppapi::PluginModule* module) { DCHECK(live_modules_.find(path) == live_modules_.end()); live_modules_[path] = module; } void PepperPluginRegistry::PluginModuleDead( webkit::ppapi::PluginModule* dead_module) { // DANGER: Don't dereference the dead_module pointer! It may be in the // process of being deleted. // Modules aren't destroyed very often and there are normally at most a // couple of them. So for now we just do a brute-force search. for (NonOwningModuleMap::iterator i = live_modules_.begin(); i != live_modules_.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == dead_module) { live_modules_.erase(i); return; } } NOTREACHED(); // Should have always found the module above. } PepperPluginRegistry::~PepperPluginRegistry() { // Explicitly clear all preloaded modules first. This will cause callbacks // to erase these modules from the live_modules_ list, and we don't want // that to happen implicitly out-of-order. preloaded_modules_.clear(); DCHECK(live_modules_.empty()); } PepperPluginRegistry::PepperPluginRegistry() { ComputeList(&plugin_list_); // Note that in each case, AddLiveModule must be called before completing // initialization. If we bail out (in the continue clauses) before saving // the initialized module, it will still try to unregister itself in its // destructor. for (size_t i = 0; i < plugin_list_.size(); i++) { const content::PepperPluginInfo& current = plugin_list_[i]; if (current.is_out_of_process) continue; // Out of process plugins need no special pre-initialization. scoped_refptr<webkit::ppapi::PluginModule> module = new webkit::ppapi::PluginModule(current.name, current.path, this); AddLiveModule(current.path, module); if (current.is_internal) { if (!module->InitAsInternalPlugin(current.internal_entry_points)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load pepper module: " << current.path.value(); continue; } } else { // Preload all external plugins we're not running out of process. if (!module->InitAsLibrary(current.path)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load pepper module: " << current.path.value(); continue; } } preloaded_modules_[current.path] = module; } }