// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/public/common/user_agent.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/sys_info.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "build/util/webkit_version.h" #if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX) #include #endif #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "base/win/windows_version.h" #endif namespace content { std::string GetWebKitVersion() { return base::StringPrintf("%d.%d (%s)", WEBKIT_VERSION_MAJOR, WEBKIT_VERSION_MINOR, WEBKIT_SVN_REVISION); } int GetWebKitMajorVersion() { return WEBKIT_VERSION_MAJOR; } int GetWebKitMinorVersion() { return WEBKIT_VERSION_MINOR; } std::string GetWebKitRevision() { return WEBKIT_SVN_REVISION; } std::string BuildOSCpuInfo() { std::string os_cpu; #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_CHROMEOS) ||\ defined(OS_ANDROID) int32_t os_major_version = 0; int32_t os_minor_version = 0; int32_t os_bugfix_version = 0; base::SysInfo::OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(&os_major_version, &os_minor_version, &os_bugfix_version); #endif #if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_ANDROID) // Should work on any Posix system. struct utsname unixinfo; uname(&unixinfo); std::string cputype; // special case for biarch systems if (strcmp(unixinfo.machine, "x86_64") == 0 && sizeof(void*) == sizeof(int32_t)) { // NOLINT cputype.assign("i686 (x86_64)"); } else { cputype.assign(unixinfo.machine); } #endif #if defined(OS_WIN) std::string architecture_token; base::win::OSInfo* os_info = base::win::OSInfo::GetInstance(); if (os_info->wow64_status() == base::win::OSInfo::WOW64_ENABLED) { architecture_token = "; WOW64"; } else { base::win::OSInfo::WindowsArchitecture windows_architecture = os_info->architecture(); if (windows_architecture == base::win::OSInfo::X64_ARCHITECTURE) architecture_token = "; Win64; x64"; else if (windows_architecture == base::win::OSInfo::IA64_ARCHITECTURE) architecture_token = "; Win64; IA64"; } #endif #if defined(OS_ANDROID) std::string android_version_str; base::StringAppendF( &android_version_str, "%d.%d", os_major_version, os_minor_version); if (os_bugfix_version != 0) base::StringAppendF(&android_version_str, ".%d", os_bugfix_version); std::string android_info_str; // Send information about the device. bool semicolon_inserted = false; std::string android_build_codename = base::SysInfo::GetAndroidBuildCodename(); std::string android_device_name = base::SysInfo::HardwareModelName(); if ("REL" == android_build_codename && android_device_name.size() > 0) { android_info_str += "; " + android_device_name; semicolon_inserted = true; } // Append the build ID. std::string android_build_id = base::SysInfo::GetAndroidBuildID(); if (android_build_id.size() > 0) { if (!semicolon_inserted) { android_info_str += ";"; } android_info_str += " Build/" + android_build_id; } #endif base::StringAppendF( &os_cpu, #if defined(OS_WIN) "Windows NT %d.%d%s", os_major_version, os_minor_version, architecture_token.c_str() #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) "Intel Mac OS X %d_%d_%d", os_major_version, os_minor_version, os_bugfix_version #elif defined(OS_CHROMEOS) "CrOS " "%s %d.%d.%d", cputype.c_str(), // e.g. i686 os_major_version, os_minor_version, os_bugfix_version #elif defined(OS_ANDROID) "Android %s%s", android_version_str.c_str(), android_info_str.c_str() #else "%s %s", unixinfo.sysname, // e.g. Linux cputype.c_str() // e.g. i686 #endif ); // NOLINT return os_cpu; } std::string getUserAgentPlatform() { return #if defined(OS_WIN) ""; #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) "Macintosh; "; #elif defined(USE_X11) || defined(USE_OZONE) "X11; "; // strange, but that's what Firefox uses #elif defined(OS_ANDROID) "Linux; "; #else "Unknown; "; #endif } std::string BuildUserAgentFromProduct(const std::string& product) { std::string os_info; base::StringAppendF( &os_info, "%s%s", getUserAgentPlatform().c_str(), BuildOSCpuInfo().c_str()); return BuildUserAgentFromOSAndProduct(os_info, product); } std::string BuildUserAgentFromProductAndExtraOSInfo( const std::string& product, const std::string& extra_os_info) { std::string os_info; base::StringAppendF( &os_info, "%s%s%s", getUserAgentPlatform().c_str(), BuildOSCpuInfo().c_str(), extra_os_info.c_str()); return BuildUserAgentFromOSAndProduct(os_info, product); } std::string BuildUserAgentFromOSAndProduct(const std::string& os_info, const std::string& product) { // Derived from Safari's UA string. // This is done to expose our product name in a manner that is maximally // compatible with Safari, we hope!! std::string user_agent; base::StringAppendF( &user_agent, "Mozilla/5.0 (%s) AppleWebKit/%d.%d (KHTML, like Gecko) %s Safari/%d.%d", os_info.c_str(), WEBKIT_VERSION_MAJOR, WEBKIT_VERSION_MINOR, product.c_str(), WEBKIT_VERSION_MAJOR, WEBKIT_VERSION_MINOR); return user_agent; } } // namespace content