// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // IPC messages for page rendering. // Multiply-included message file, hence no include guard. #include "base/memory/shared_memory.h" #include "base/process/process.h" #include "base/strings/string16.h" #include "cc/output/begin_frame_args.h" #include "cc/output/compositor_frame.h" #include "cc/output/compositor_frame_ack.h" #include "content/common/content_export.h" #include "content/common/content_param_traits.h" #include "content/common/cookie_data.h" #include "content/common/navigation_gesture.h" #include "content/common/pepper_renderer_instance_data.h" #include "content/common/view_message_enums.h" #include "content/common/webplugin_geometry.h" #include "content/port/common/input_event_ack_state.h" #include "content/public/common/common_param_traits.h" #include "content/public/common/favicon_url.h" #include "content/public/common/file_chooser_params.h" #include "content/public/common/menu_item.h" #include "content/public/common/page_state.h" #include "content/public/common/page_zoom.h" #include "content/public/common/referrer.h" #include "content/public/common/renderer_preferences.h" #include "content/public/common/stop_find_action.h" #include "content/public/common/three_d_api_types.h" #include "content/public/common/window_container_type.h" #include "content/common/date_time_suggestion.h" #include "ipc/ipc_channel_handle.h" #include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h" #include "ipc/ipc_platform_file.h" #include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h" #include "media/base/channel_layout.h" #include "media/base/media_log_event.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebFloatPoint.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebFloatRect.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebScreenInfo.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFindOptions.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebMediaPlayerAction.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPluginAction.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPopupType.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebTextDirection.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "ui/base/ime/text_input_mode.h" #include "ui/base/ime/text_input_type.h" #include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h" #include "ui/gfx/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/range/range.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect_f.h" #include "ui/gfx/vector2d.h" #include "ui/gfx/vector2d_f.h" #include "ui/shell_dialogs/selected_file_info.h" #if defined(OS_MACOSX) #include "content/common/mac/font_descriptor.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/mac/WebScrollbarTheme.h" #endif #undef IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT #define IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT CONTENT_EXPORT #define IPC_MESSAGE_START ViewMsgStart IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(AccessibilityMode) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(blink::WebMediaPlayerAction::Type) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(blink::WebPluginAction::Type) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(blink::WebPopupType) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(blink::WebTextDirection) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(WindowContainerType) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(content::FaviconURL::IconType) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(content::FileChooserParams::Mode) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(content::MenuItem::Type) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(content::NavigationGesture) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(content::PageZoom) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(content::RendererPreferencesHintingEnum) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(content::RendererPreferencesSubpixelRenderingEnum) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS_MAX_VALUE(content::TapMultipleTargetsStrategy, content::TAP_MULTIPLE_TARGETS_STRATEGY_MAX) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(content::StopFindAction) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(content::ThreeDAPIType) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(media::ChannelLayout) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(media::MediaLogEvent::Type) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS_MAX_VALUE(ui::TextInputMode, ui::TEXT_INPUT_MODE_MAX) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(ui::TextInputType) #if defined(OS_MACOSX) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(FontDescriptor) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(font_name) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(font_point_size) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() #endif IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(blink::WebFindOptions) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(forward) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(matchCase) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(findNext) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(blink::WebMediaPlayerAction) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(type) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(enable) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(blink::WebPluginAction) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(type) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(enable) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(blink::WebFloatPoint) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(x) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(y) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(blink::WebFloatRect) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(x) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(y) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(width) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(height) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(blink::WebScreenInfo) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(deviceScaleFactor) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(depth) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(depthPerComponent) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(isMonochrome) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(rect) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(availableRect) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(content::MenuItem) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(label) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(tool_tip) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(type) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(action) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(rtl) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(has_directional_override) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(enabled) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(checked) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(submenu) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(content::DateTimeSuggestion) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(value) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(localized_value) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(label) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(content::FaviconURL) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(icon_url) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(icon_type) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(icon_sizes) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(content::FileChooserParams) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(mode) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(title) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(default_file_name) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(accept_types) #if defined(OS_ANDROID) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(capture) #endif IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(content::PepperRendererInstanceData) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(render_process_id) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(render_frame_id) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(document_url) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(plugin_url) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(content::RendererPreferences) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(can_accept_load_drops) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(should_antialias_text) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(hinting) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(use_autohinter) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(use_bitmaps) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(subpixel_rendering) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(use_subpixel_positioning) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(focus_ring_color) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(thumb_active_color) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(thumb_inactive_color) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(track_color) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(active_selection_bg_color) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(active_selection_fg_color) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(inactive_selection_bg_color) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(inactive_selection_fg_color) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(browser_handles_non_local_top_level_requests) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(browser_handles_all_top_level_requests) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(caret_blink_interval) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(use_custom_colors) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(enable_referrers) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(enable_do_not_track) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(default_zoom_level) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(user_agent_override) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(accept_languages) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(report_frame_name_changes) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(touchpad_fling_profile) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(touchscreen_fling_profile) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(tap_multiple_targets_strategy) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(disable_client_blocked_error_page) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(plugin_fullscreen_allowed) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(content::CookieData) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(name) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(value) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(domain) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(path) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(expires) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(http_only) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(secure) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(session) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(content::WebPluginGeometry) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(window) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(window_rect) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(clip_rect) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(cutout_rects) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(rects_valid) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(visible) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(media::MediaLogEvent) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(id) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(type) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(params) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(time) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(ui::SelectedFileInfo) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(file_path) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(local_path) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(display_name) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params) // Routing ID of the view initiating the open. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, opener_id) // True if this open request came in the context of a user gesture. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, user_gesture) // Type of window requested. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(WindowContainerType, window_container_type) // The session storage namespace ID this view should use. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int64, session_storage_namespace_id) // The name of the resulting frame that should be created (empty if none // has been specified). IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(base::string16, frame_name) // The routing id of the frame initiating the open. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, opener_render_frame_id) // The URL of the frame initiating the open. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(GURL, opener_url) // The URL of the top frame containing the opener. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(GURL, opener_top_level_frame_url) // The security origin of the frame initiating the open. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(GURL, opener_security_origin) // Whether the opener will be suppressed in the new window, in which case // scripting the new window is not allowed. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, opener_suppressed) // Whether the window should be opened in the foreground, background, etc. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(WindowOpenDisposition, disposition) // The URL that will be loaded in the new window (empty if none has been // sepcified). IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(GURL, target_url) // The referrer that will be used to load |target_url| (empty if none has // been specified). IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(content::Referrer, referrer) // The window features to use for the new view. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(blink::WebWindowFeatures, features) // The additional window features to use for the new view. We pass these // separately from |features| above because we cannot serialize WebStrings // over IPC. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(std::vector, additional_features) IPC_STRUCT_END() IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker_Params) // URL for the worker script. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(GURL, url) // Name for a SharedWorker, otherwise empty string. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(base::string16, name) // Security policy used in the worker. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(base::string16, content_security_policy) // Security policy type used in the worker. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(blink::WebContentSecurityPolicyType, security_policy_type) // The ID of the parent document (unique within parent renderer). IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(unsigned long long, document_id) // RenderFrame routing id used to send messages back to the parent. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, render_frame_route_id) IPC_STRUCT_END() IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ViewHostMsg_DateTimeDialogValue_Params) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(ui::TextInputType, dialog_type) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(double, dialog_value) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(double, minimum) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(double, maximum) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(double, step) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(std::vector, suggestions) IPC_STRUCT_END() IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ViewHostMsg_SelectionBounds_Params) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Rect, anchor_rect) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(blink::WebTextDirection, anchor_dir) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Rect, focus_rect) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(blink::WebTextDirection, focus_dir) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, is_anchor_first) IPC_STRUCT_END() // This message is used for supporting popup menus on Mac OS X using native // Cocoa controls. The renderer sends us this message which we use to populate // the popup menu. IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ViewHostMsg_ShowPopup_Params) // Position on the screen. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Rect, bounds) // The height of each item in the menu. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, item_height) // The size of the font to use for those items. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(double, item_font_size) // The currently selected (displayed) item in the menu. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, selected_item) // The entire list of items in the popup menu. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(std::vector, popup_items) // Whether items should be right-aligned. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, right_aligned) // Whether this is a multi-select popup. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, allow_multiple_selection) IPC_STRUCT_END() IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ViewHostMsg_TextInputState_Params) // The type of input field IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(ui::TextInputType, type) // The value of the input field IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(std::string, value) // The cursor position of the current selection start, or the caret position // if nothing is selected IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, selection_start) // The cursor position of the current selection end, or the caret position // if nothing is selected IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, selection_end) // The start position of the current composition, or -1 if there is none IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, composition_start) // The end position of the current composition, or -1 if there is none IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, composition_end) // Whether or not inline composition can be performed for the current input. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, can_compose_inline) // Whether or not the IME should be shown as a result of this update. Even if // true, the IME will only be shown if the type is appropriate (e.g. not // TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE). IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, show_ime_if_needed) // Whether this change is originated from non-IME (e.g. Javascript, Autofill). IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, is_non_ime_change) IPC_STRUCT_END() IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Params) // The bitmap to be painted into the view at the locations specified by // update_rects. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(TransportDIB::Id, bitmap) // The position and size of the bitmap. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Rect, bitmap_rect) // The scroll delta. Only one of the delta components can be non-zero, and if // they are both zero, then it means there is no scrolling and the scroll_rect // is ignored. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Vector2d, scroll_delta) // The rectangular region to scroll. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Rect, scroll_rect) // The scroll offset of the render view. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Vector2d, scroll_offset) // The regions of the bitmap (in view coords) that contain updated pixels. // In the case of scrolling, this includes the scroll damage rect. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(std::vector, copy_rects) // The size of the RenderView when this message was generated. This is // included so the host knows how large the view is from the perspective of // the renderer process. This is necessary in case a resize operation is in // progress. If auto-resize is enabled, this should update the corresponding // view size. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Size, view_size) // New window locations for plugin child windows. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(std::vector, plugin_window_moves) // The following describes the various bits that may be set in flags: // // ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Flags::IS_RESIZE_ACK // Indicates that this is a response to a ViewMsg_Resize message. // // ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Flags::IS_RESTORE_ACK // Indicates that this is a response to a ViewMsg_WasShown message. // // ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Flags::IS_REPAINT_ACK // Indicates that this is a response to a ViewMsg_Repaint message. // // If flags is zero, then this message corresponds to an unsolicited paint // request by the render view. Any of the above bits may be set in flags, // which would indicate that this paint message is an ACK for multiple // request messages. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, flags) // Whether or not the renderer expects a ViewMsg_UpdateRect_ACK for this // update. True for 2D painting, but false for accelerated compositing. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, needs_ack) // All the above coordinates are in DIP. This is the scale factor needed // to convert them to pixels. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(float, scale_factor) // The latency information for the frame. Only valid when accelerated // compositing is disabled. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(std::vector, latency_info) IPC_STRUCT_END() IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ViewMsg_New_Params) // Renderer-wide preferences. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(content::RendererPreferences, renderer_preferences) // Preferences for this view. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(WebPreferences, web_preferences) // The ID of the view to be created. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int32, view_id) // The ID of the main frame hosted in the view. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int32, main_frame_routing_id) // The ID of the rendering surface. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int32, surface_id) // The session storage namespace ID this view should use. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int64, session_storage_namespace_id) // The name of the frame associated with this view (or empty if none). IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(base::string16, frame_name) // The route ID of the opener RenderView if we need to set one // (MSG_ROUTING_NONE otherwise). IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, opener_route_id) // Whether the RenderView should initially be swapped out. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, swapped_out) // Whether the RenderView should initially be hidden. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, hidden) // Whether the RenderView will never be visible. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, never_visible) // Whether the window associated with this view was created with an opener. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, window_was_created_with_opener) // The initial page ID to use for this view, which must be larger than any // existing navigation that might be loaded in the view. Page IDs are unique // to a view and are only updated by the renderer after this initial value. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int32, next_page_id) // The properties of the screen associated with the view. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(blink::WebScreenInfo, screen_info) // The accessibility mode of the renderer. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(AccessibilityMode, accessibility_mode) IPC_STRUCT_END() IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ViewMsg_PostMessage_Params) // The serialized script value. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(base::string16, data) // When sent to the browser, this is the routing ID of the source frame in // the source process. The browser replaces it with the routing ID of the // equivalent (swapped out) frame in the destination process. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, source_routing_id) // The origin of the source frame. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(base::string16, source_origin) // The origin for the message's target. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(base::string16, target_origin) // Information about the MessagePorts this message contains. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(std::vector, message_port_ids) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(std::vector, new_routing_ids) IPC_STRUCT_END() // Messages sent from the browser to the renderer. // Tells the renderer to cancel an opened date/time dialog. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_CancelDateTimeDialog) // Get all savable resource links from current webpage, include main // frame and sub-frame. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_GetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage, GURL /* url of page which is needed to save */) // Get html data by serializing all frames of current page with lists // which contain all resource links that have local copy. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_GetSerializedHtmlDataForCurrentPageWithLocalLinks, std::vector /* urls that have local copy */, std::vector /* paths of local copy */, base::FilePath /* local directory path */) // Tells the render side that a ViewHostMsg_LockMouse message has been // processed. |succeeded| indicates whether the mouse has been successfully // locked or not. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_LockMouse_ACK, bool /* succeeded */) // Tells the render side that the mouse has been unlocked. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_MouseLockLost) // Screen was rotated. Dispatched to the onorientationchange javascript API. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_OrientationChangeEvent, int /* orientation */) // Sent by the browser when the parameters for vsync alignment have changed. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_UpdateVSyncParameters, base::TimeTicks /* timebase */, base::TimeDelta /* interval */) // Set the top-level frame to the provided name. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetName, std::string /* frame_name */) // Sent to the RenderView when a new tab is swapped into an existing // tab and the histories need to be merged. The existing tab has a history of // |merged_history_length| which precedes the history of the new tab. All // page_ids >= |minimum_page_id| in the new tab are appended to the history. // // For example, suppose the history of page_ids in the new tab's RenderView // is [4 7 8]. This is merged into an existing tab with 3 history items, and // all pages in the new tab with page_id >= 7 are to be preserved. // The resulting page history is [-1 -1 -1 7 8]. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_SetHistoryLengthAndPrune, int, /* merge_history_length */ int32 /* minimum_page_id */) // Tells the renderer to create a new view. // This message is slightly different, the view it takes (via // ViewMsg_New_Params) is the view to create, the message itself is sent as a // non-view control message. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_New, ViewMsg_New_Params) // Reply in response to ViewHostMsg_ShowView or ViewHostMsg_ShowWidget. // similar to the new command, but used when the renderer created a view // first, and we need to update it. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK) // Sends updated preferences to the renderer. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetRendererPrefs, content::RendererPreferences) // This passes a set of webkit preferences down to the renderer. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_UpdateWebPreferences, WebPreferences) // Informs the renderer that the timezone has changed. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewMsg_TimezoneChange) // Tells the render view to close. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_Close) IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ViewMsg_Resize_Params) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(blink::WebScreenInfo, screen_info) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Size, new_size) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Size, physical_backing_size) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(float, overdraw_bottom_height) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(gfx::Rect, resizer_rect) IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, is_fullscreen) IPC_STRUCT_END() // Tells the render view to change its size. A ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect message // is generated in response provided new_size is not empty and not equal to // the view's current size. The generated ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect message will // have the IS_RESIZE_ACK flag set. It also receives the resizer rect so that // we don't have to fetch it every time WebKit asks for it. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Resize, ViewMsg_Resize_Params /* params */) // Tells the render view that the resize rect has changed. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ChangeResizeRect, gfx::Rect /* resizer_rect */) // Sent to inform the view that it was hidden. This allows it to reduce its // resource utilization. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_WasHidden) // Tells the render view that it is no longer hidden (see WasHidden), and the // render view is expected to respond with a full repaint if needs_repainting // is true. In that case, the generated ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect message will // have the IS_RESTORE_ACK flag set. If needs_repainting is false, then this // message does not trigger a message in response. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_WasShown, bool /* needs_repainting */) // Sent to inform the view that it was swapped out. This allows the process to // exit if no other views are using it. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_WasSwappedOut) // Tells the render view that a ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect message was processed. // This signals the render view that it can send another UpdateRect message. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_UpdateRect_ACK) // Tells the renderer to focus the first (last if reverse is true) focusable // node. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetInitialFocus, bool /* reverse */) // Sent to inform the renderer to invoke a context menu. // The parameter specifies the location in the render view's coordinates. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ShowContextMenu, gfx::Point /* location where menu should be shown */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_Stop) // Sent when the user wants to search for a word on the page (find in page). IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_Find, int /* request_id */, base::string16 /* search_text */, blink::WebFindOptions) // This message notifies the renderer that the user has closed the FindInPage // window (and what action to take regarding the selection). IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_StopFinding, content::StopFindAction /* action */) // Replaces a date time input field. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ReplaceDateTime, double /* dialog_value */) // Copies the image at location x, y to the clipboard (if there indeed is an // image at that location). IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_CopyImageAt, int /* x */, int /* y */) // Tells the renderer to perform the given action on the media player // located at the given point. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_MediaPlayerActionAt, gfx::Point, /* location */ blink::WebMediaPlayerAction) // Tells the renderer to perform the given action on the plugin located at // the given point. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_PluginActionAt, gfx::Point, /* location */ blink::WebPluginAction) // Posts a message from a frame in another process to the current renderer. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_PostMessageEvent, ViewMsg_PostMessage_Params) // Requests that the RenderView's main frame sets its opener to null. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_DisownOpener) // Change the zoom level for the current main frame. If the level actually // changes, a ViewHostMsg_DidZoomURL message will be sent back to the browser // telling it what url got zoomed and what its current zoom level is. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Zoom, content::PageZoom /* function */) // Set the zoom level for the current main frame. If the level actually // changes, a ViewHostMsg_DidZoomURL message will be sent back to the browser // telling it what url got zoomed and what its current zoom level is. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetZoomLevel, double /* zoom_level */) // Set the zoom level for a particular url that the renderer is in the // process of loading. This will be stored, to be used if the load commits // and ignored otherwise. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_SetZoomLevelForLoadingURL, GURL /* url */, double /* zoom_level */) // Set the zoom level for a particular url, so all render views // displaying this url can update their zoom levels to match. // If scheme is empty, then only host is used for matching. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewMsg_SetZoomLevelForCurrentURL, std::string /* scheme */, std::string /* host */, double /* zoom_level */) // Change encoding of page in the renderer. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetPageEncoding, std::string /*new encoding name*/) // Reset encoding of page in the renderer back to default. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ResetPageEncodingToDefault) // Used to tell a render view whether it should expose various bindings // that allow JS content extended privileges. See BindingsPolicy for valid // flag values. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_AllowBindings, int /* enabled_bindings_flags */) // Tell the renderer to add a property to the WebUI binding object. This // only works if we allowed WebUI bindings. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_SetWebUIProperty, std::string /* property_name */, std::string /* property_value_json */) // This message starts/stop monitoring the input method status of the focused // edit control of a renderer process. // Parameters // * is_active (bool) // Indicates if an input method is active in the browser process. // The possible actions when a renderer process receives this message are // listed below: // Value Action // true Start sending IPC message ViewHostMsg_ImeUpdateTextInputState // to notify the input method status of the focused edit control. // false Stop sending IPC message ViewHostMsg_ImeUpdateTextInputState. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetInputMethodActive, bool /* is_active */) // IME API oncandidatewindow* events for InputMethodContext. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_CandidateWindowShown) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_CandidateWindowUpdated) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_CandidateWindowHidden) // This message sends a string being composed with an input method. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4( ViewMsg_ImeSetComposition, base::string16, /* text */ std::vector, /* underlines */ int, /* selectiont_start */ int /* selection_end */) // This message confirms an ongoing composition. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_ImeConfirmComposition, base::string16 /* text */, gfx::Range /* replacement_range */, bool /* keep_selection */) // Used to notify the render-view that we have received a target URL. Used // to prevent target URLs spamming the browser. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_UpdateTargetURL_ACK) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_RunFileChooserResponse, std::vector) // Provides the results of directory enumeration. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_EnumerateDirectoryResponse, int /* request_id */, std::vector /* files_in_directory */) // When a renderer sends a ViewHostMsg_Focus to the browser process, // the browser has the option of sending a ViewMsg_CantFocus back to // the renderer. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_CantFocus) // Tells the renderer to suppress any further modal dialogs until it receives a // corresponding ViewMsg_SwapOut message. This ensures that no // PageGroupLoadDeferrer is on the stack for SwapOut. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_SuppressDialogsUntilSwapOut) // Instructs the renderer to close the current page, including running the // onunload event handler. // // Expects a ClosePage_ACK message when finished. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ClosePage) // Notifies the renderer about ui theme changes IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ThemeChanged) // Notifies the renderer that a paint is to be generated for the rectangle // passed in. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Repaint, gfx::Size /* The view size to be repainted */) // Notification that a move or resize renderer's containing window has // started. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_MoveOrResizeStarted) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_UpdateScreenRects, gfx::Rect /* view_screen_rect */, gfx::Rect /* window_screen_rect */) // Reply to ViewHostMsg_RequestMove, ViewHostMsg_ShowView, and // ViewHostMsg_ShowWidget to inform the renderer that the browser has // processed the move. The browser may have ignored the move, but it finished // processing. This is used because the renderer keeps a temporary cache of // the widget position while these asynchronous operations are in progress. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_Move_ACK) // Used to instruct the RenderView to send back updates to the preferred size. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_EnablePreferredSizeChangedMode) // Used to instruct the RenderView to automatically resize and send back // updates for the new size. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_EnableAutoResize, gfx::Size /* min_size */, gfx::Size /* max_size */) // Used to instruct the RenderView to disalbe automatically resize. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_DisableAutoResize, gfx::Size /* new_size */) // Changes the text direction of the currently selected input field (if any). IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetTextDirection, blink::WebTextDirection /* direction */) // Tells the renderer to clear the focused element (if any). IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ClearFocusedElement) // Make the RenderView transparent and render it onto a custom background. The // background will be tiled in both directions if it is not large enough. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetBackground, SkBitmap /* background */) // Used to tell the renderer not to add scrollbars with height and // width below a threshold. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_DisableScrollbarsForSmallWindows, gfx::Size /* disable_scrollbar_size_limit */) // Activate/deactivate the RenderView (i.e., set its controls' tint // accordingly, etc.). IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetActive, bool /* active */) // Response message to ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker. // Sent when the worker has started. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_WorkerCreated) // Sent when the worker failed to load the worker script. // In normal cases, this message is sent after ViewMsg_WorkerCreated is sent. // But if the shared worker of the same URL already exists and it has failed // to load the script, when the renderer send ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker before // the shared worker is killed only ViewMsg_WorkerScriptLoadFailed is sent. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_WorkerScriptLoadFailed) // Sent when the worker has connected. // This message is sent only if the worker successfully loaded the script. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_WorkerConnected) // Tells the renderer that the network state has changed and that // window.navigator.onLine should be updated for all WebViews. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_NetworkStateChanged, bool /* online */) // Reply to ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelToPpapiBroker // Tells the renderer that the channel to the broker has been created. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_PpapiBrokerChannelCreated, base::ProcessId /* broker_pid */, IPC::ChannelHandle /* handle */) // Reply to ViewHostMsg_RequestPpapiBrokerPermission. // Tells the renderer whether permission to access to PPAPI broker was granted // or not. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_PpapiBrokerPermissionResult, bool /* result */) // Tells the renderer to empty its plugin list cache, optional reloading // pages containing plugins. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_PurgePluginListCache, bool /* reload_pages */) // Used to instruct the RenderView to go into "view source" mode. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_EnableViewSourceMode) // Instructs the renderer to save the current page to MHTML. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_SavePageAsMHTML, int /* job_id */, IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* file handle */) // Temporary message to diagnose an unexpected condition in WebContentsImpl. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_TempCrashWithData, GURL /* data */) // Change the accessibility mode in the renderer process. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetAccessibilityMode, AccessibilityMode) // An acknowledge to ViewHostMsg_MultipleTargetsTouched to notify the renderer // process to release the magnified image. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ReleaseDisambiguationPopupDIB, TransportDIB::Handle /* DIB handle */) // Notifies the renderer that a snapshot has been retrieved. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_WindowSnapshotCompleted, int /* snapshot_id */, gfx::Size /* size */, std::vector /* png */) #if defined(OS_MACOSX) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS_MAX_VALUE(blink::ScrollerStyle, blink::ScrollerStyleOverlay); // Notification of a change in scrollbar appearance and/or behavior. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5(ViewMsg_UpdateScrollbarTheme, float /* initial_button_delay */, float /* autoscroll_button_delay */, bool /* jump_on_track_click */, blink::ScrollerStyle /* preferred_scroller_style */, bool /* redraw */) #endif #if defined(OS_ANDROID) // Tells the renderer to suspend/resume the webkit timers. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_SetWebKitSharedTimersSuspended, bool /* suspend */) // Sent when the browser wants the bounding boxes of the current find matches. // // If match rects are already cached on the browser side, |current_version| // should be the version number from the ViewHostMsg_FindMatchRects_Reply // they came in, so the renderer can tell if it needs to send updated rects. // Otherwise just pass -1 to always receive the list of rects. // // There must be an active search string (it is probably most useful to call // this immediately after a ViewHostMsg_Find_Reply message arrives with // final_update set to true). IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_FindMatchRects, int /* current_version */) // External popup menus. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_SelectPopupMenuItems, bool /* user canceled the popup */, std::vector /* selected indices */) // Notifies the renderer whether hiding/showing the top controls is enabled // and whether or not to animate to the proper state. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_UpdateTopControlsState, bool /* enable_hiding */, bool /* enable_showing */, bool /* animate */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ShowImeIfNeeded) // Sent by the browser when the renderer should generate a new frame. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_BeginFrame, cc::BeginFrameArgs /* args */) // Sent by the browser when an IME update that requires acknowledgement has been // processed on the browser side. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ImeEventAck) // Sent by the browser when we should pause video playback. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_PauseVideo); // Extracts the data at the given rect, returning it through the // ViewHostMsg_SmartClipDataExtracted IPC. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ExtractSmartClipData, gfx::Rect /* rect */) #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) // Let the RenderView know its window has changed visibility. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetWindowVisibility, bool /* visibile */) // Let the RenderView know its window's frame has changed. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_WindowFrameChanged, gfx::Rect /* window frame */, gfx::Rect /* content view frame */) // Message sent from the browser to the renderer when the user starts or stops // resizing the view. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetInLiveResize, bool /* enable */) // Tell the renderer that plugin IME has completed. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_PluginImeCompositionCompleted, base::string16 /* text */, int /* plugin_id */) // External popup menus. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SelectPopupMenuItem, int /* selected index, -1 means no selection */) #endif // Sent by the browser as a reply to ViewHostMsg_SwapCompositorFrame. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_SwapCompositorFrameAck, uint32 /* output_surface_id */, cc::CompositorFrameAck /* ack */) // Sent by browser to tell renderer compositor that some resources that were // given to the browser in a swap are not being used anymore. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_ReclaimCompositorResources, uint32 /* output_surface_id */, cc::CompositorFrameAck /* ack */) // Sent by the browser to ask the renderer for a snapshot of the current view. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Snapshot, gfx::Rect /* src_subrect */) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Messages sent from the renderer to the browser. // Sent by the renderer when it is creating a new window. The browser creates // a tab for it and responds with a ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK. If route_id is // MSG_ROUTING_NONE, the view couldn't be created. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_4(ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow, ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params, int /* route_id */, int /* main_frame_route_id */, int32 /* surface_id */, int64 /* cloned_session_storage_namespace_id */) // Similar to ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow, except used for sub-widgets, like // tag), and returns the signed public // key and challenge string. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(ViewHostMsg_Keygen, uint32 /* key size index */, std::string /* challenge string */, GURL /* URL of requestor */, std::string /* signed public key and challenge */) // Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser // cache |data| associated with |url|. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_DidGenerateCacheableMetadata, GURL /* url */, double /* expected_response_time */, std::vector /* data */) // Register a new handler for URL requests with the given scheme. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewHostMsg_RegisterProtocolHandler, std::string /* scheme */, GURL /* url */, base::string16 /* title */, bool /* user_gesture */) // Stores new inspector setting in the profile. // TODO(jam): this should be in the chrome module IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateInspectorSetting, std::string, /* key */ std::string /* value */) // Puts the browser into "tab fullscreen" mode for the sending renderer. // See the comment in chrome/browser/ui/browser.h for more details. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ToggleFullscreen, bool /* enter_fullscreen */) // Send back a string to be recorded by UserMetrics. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_UserMetricsRecordAction, std::string /* action */) // Notifies the browser that the page was or was not saved as MHTML. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_SavedPageAsMHTML, int /* job_id */, int64 /* size of the MHTML file, -1 if error */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_SendCurrentPageAllSavableResourceLinks, std::vector /* all savable resource links */, std::vector /* all referrers */, std::vector /* all frame links */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_SendSerializedHtmlData, GURL /* frame's url */, std::string /* data buffer */, int32 /* complete status */) // Notifies the browser of an event occurring in the media pipeline. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_MediaLogEvents, std::vector /* events */) // Requests to lock the mouse. Will result in a ViewMsg_LockMouse_ACK message // being sent back. // |privileged| is used by Pepper Flash. If this flag is set to true, we won't // pop up a bubble to ask for user permission or take mouse lock content into // account. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_LockMouse, bool /* user_gesture */, bool /* last_unlocked_by_target */, bool /* privileged */) // Requests to unlock the mouse. A ViewMsg_MouseLockLost message will be sent // whenever the mouse is unlocked (which may or may not be caused by // ViewHostMsg_UnlockMouse). IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_UnlockMouse) // Notifies that the initial empty document of a view has been accessed. // After this, it is no longer safe to show a pending navigation's URL without // making a URL spoof possible. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_DidAccessInitialDocument) // Notifies that multiple touch targets may have been pressed, and to show // the disambiguation popup. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_ShowDisambiguationPopup, gfx::Rect, /* Border of touched targets */ gfx::Size, /* Size of zoomed image */ TransportDIB::Id /* DIB of zoomed image */) // Sent by the renderer process to check whether client 3D APIs // (Pepper 3D, WebGL) are explicitly blocked. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(ViewHostMsg_Are3DAPIsBlocked, int /* render_view_id */, GURL /* top_origin_url */, content::ThreeDAPIType /* requester */, bool /* blocked */) // Sent by the renderer process to indicate that a context was lost by // client 3D content (Pepper 3D, WebGL) running on the page at the // given URL. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_DidLose3DContext, GURL /* top_origin_url */, content::ThreeDAPIType /* context_type */, int /* arb_robustness_status_code */) // Notifies the browser that document has parsed the body. This is used by the // ResourceScheduler as an indication that bandwidth contention won't block // first paint. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_WillInsertBody) // Notification that the urls for the favicon of a site has been determined. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateFaviconURL, int32 /* page_id */, std::vector /* candidates */) // Sent once a paint happens after the first non empty layout. In other words // after the page has painted something. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DidFirstVisuallyNonEmptyPaint, int /* page_id */) // Sent by the renderer to the browser to start a vibration with the given // duration. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_Vibrate, int64 /* milliseconds */) // Sent by the renderer to the browser to cancel the currently running // vibration, if there is one. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewHostMsg_CancelVibration) // Message sent from renderer to the browser when the element that is focused // has been touched. A bool is passed in this message which indicates if the // node is editable. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_FocusedNodeTouched, bool /* editable */) // Message sent from the renderer to the browser when an HTML form has failed // validation constraints. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_ShowValidationMessage, gfx::Rect /* anchor rectangle in root view coordinate */, base::string16 /* validation message */, base::string16 /* supplemental text */) // Message sent from the renderer to the browser when a HTML form validation // message should be hidden from view. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_HideValidationMessage) // Message sent from the renderer to the browser when the suggested co-ordinates // of the anchor for a HTML form validation message have changed. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_MoveValidationMessage, gfx::Rect /* anchor rectangle in root view coordinate */) #if defined(OS_ANDROID) // Response to ViewMsg_FindMatchRects. // // |version| will contain the current version number of the renderer's find // match list (incremented whenever they change), which should be passed in the // next call to ViewMsg_FindMatchRects. // // |rects| will either contain a list of the enclosing rects of all matches // found by the most recent Find operation, or will be empty if |version| is not // greater than the |current_version| passed to ViewMsg_FindMatchRects (hence // your locally cached rects should still be valid). The rect coords will be // custom normalized fractions of the document size. The rects will be sorted by // frame traversal order starting in the main frame, then by dom order. // // |active_rect| will contain the bounding box of the active find-in-page match // marker, in similarly normalized coords (or an empty rect if there isn't one). IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_FindMatchRects_Reply, int /* version */, std::vector /* rects */, gfx::RectF /* active_rect */) // Start an android intent with the given URI. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_StartContentIntent, GURL /* content_url */) // Message sent when the renderer changed the background color for the view. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DidChangeBodyBackgroundColor, uint32 /* bg_color */) // This message runs the MediaCodec for decoding audio for webaudio. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_RunWebAudioMediaCodec, base::SharedMemoryHandle /* encoded_data_handle */, base::FileDescriptor /* pcm_output */, uint32_t /* data_size*/) // Sent by renderer to request a ViewMsg_BeginFrame message for upcoming // display events. If |enabled| is true, the BeginFrame message will continue // to be be delivered until the notification is disabled. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_SetNeedsBeginFrame, bool /* enabled */) // Reply to the ViewMsg_ExtractSmartClipData message. // TODO(juhui24.lee@samsung.com): this should be changed to a vector of structs // instead of encoding the data as a string which is not allowed normally. Since // ths is only used in Android WebView, it's allowed temporarily. // http://crbug.com/330872 IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_SmartClipDataExtracted, base::string16) #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) // Request that the browser load a font into shared memory for us. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_3(ViewHostMsg_LoadFont, FontDescriptor /* font to load */, uint32 /* buffer size */, base::SharedMemoryHandle /* font data */, uint32 /* font id */) // Informs the browser that a plugin has gained or lost focus. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_PluginFocusChanged, bool, /* focused */ int /* plugin_id */) // Instructs the browser to start plugin IME. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_StartPluginIme) #elif defined(OS_WIN) // Request that the given font characters be loaded by the browser so it's // cached by the OS. Please see RenderMessageFilter::OnPreCacheFontCharacters // for details. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_0(ViewHostMsg_PreCacheFontCharacters, LOGFONT /* font_data */, base::string16 /* characters */) #endif #if defined(OS_POSIX) // On POSIX, we cannot allocated shared memory from within the sandbox, so // this call exists for the renderer to ask the browser to allocate memory // on its behalf. We return a file descriptor to the POSIX shared memory. // If the |cache_in_browser| flag is |true|, then a copy of the shmem is kept // by the browser, and it is the caller's repsonsibility to send a // ViewHostMsg_FreeTransportDIB message in order to release the cached shmem. // In all cases, the caller is responsible for deleting the resulting // TransportDIB. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_AllocTransportDIB, uint32_t, /* bytes requested */ bool, /* cache in the browser */ TransportDIB::Handle /* DIB */) // Since the browser keeps handles to the allocated transport DIBs, this // message is sent to tell the browser that it may release them when the // renderer is finished with them. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_FreeTransportDIB, TransportDIB::Id /* DIB id */) #endif #if defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(USE_AURA) // On Mac and Aura IME can request composition character bounds // synchronously (see crbug.com/120597). This IPC message sends the character // bounds after every composition change to always have correct bound info. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_ImeCompositionRangeChanged, gfx::Range /* composition range */, std::vector /* character bounds */) #endif // Adding a new message? Stick to the sort order above: first platform // independent ViewMsg, then ifdefs for platform specific ViewMsg, then platform // independent ViewHostMsg, then ifdefs for platform specific ViewHostMsg.