# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

  'variables': {
    'chromium_code': 1,  # Use higher warning level.
    'directxsdk_exists': '<!(python <(DEPTH)/build/dir_exists.py ../third_party/directxsdk)',
    'conditions': [
      ['inside_chromium_build==0', {
        'webkit_src_dir': '../../../..',
        'webkit_src_dir': '../third_party/WebKit',
  'target_defaults': {
    'defines': ['CONTENT_IMPLEMENTATION'],
    'conditions': [
      ['inside_chromium_build==0', {
        'dependencies': [
  'conditions': [
    ['inside_chromium_build==1', {
      'includes': [
    ['OS != "ios"', {
      'includes': [
    # In component mode, we build all of content as a single DLL.
    # However, in the static mode, we need to build content as multiple
    # targets in order to prevent dependencies from getting introduced
    # upstream unnecessarily (e.g., content_renderer depends on allocator
    # and chrome_exe depends on content_common but we don't want
    # chrome_exe to have to depend on allocator).
    ['component=="static_library"', {
      'target_defines': [
      'targets': [
          'target_name': 'content',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': [
          'conditions': [
            ['OS != "ios"', {
              'dependencies': [
          'target_name': 'content_app',
          'type': 'static_library',
          'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
          'includes': [
          'dependencies': [
          'target_name': 'content_browser',
          'type': 'static_library',
          'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
          'includes': [
          'dependencies': [
            'content_common', 'content_resources.gyp:content_resources',
          'target_name': 'content_common',
          'type': 'static_library',
          'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
          'includes': [
          'conditions': [
            ['OS != "ios"', {
              'dependencies': [
      'conditions': [
        ['OS != "ios"', {
          'targets': [
              'target_name': 'content_gpu',
              'type': 'static_library',
              'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
              'includes': [
              'dependencies': [
              'target_name': 'content_plugin',
              'type': 'static_library',
              'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
              'includes': [
              'dependencies': [
              'target_name': 'content_ppapi_plugin',
              'type': 'static_library',
              'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
              'includes': [
              'target_name': 'content_renderer',
              'type': 'static_library',
              'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
              'includes': [
              'dependencies': [
              'target_name': 'content_utility',
              'type': 'static_library',
              'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
              'includes': [
              'dependencies': [
              'target_name': 'content_worker',
              'type': 'static_library',
              'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
              'includes': [
              'dependencies': [
    {  # component != static_library
      'targets': [
          'target_name': 'content',
          'type': 'shared_library',
          'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
          'dependencies': [
          'conditions': [
            ['OS=="mac"', {
              'dependencies': [
          'includes': [
          'msvs_settings': {
            'VCLinkerTool': {
              'conditions': [
                ['incremental_chrome_dll==1', {
                  'UseLibraryDependencyInputs': "true",
          'target_name': 'content_app',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': ['content', 'content_browser'],
          'target_name': 'content_browser',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': ['content'],
          'target_name': 'content_common',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': ['content', 'content_resources.gyp:content_resources'],
          'target_name': 'content_gpu',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': ['content'],
          'target_name': 'content_plugin',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': ['content'],
          'target_name': 'content_ppapi_plugin',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': ['content'],
          'target_name': 'content_renderer',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': ['content'],
          'target_name': 'content_utility',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': ['content'],
          'target_name': 'content_worker',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': ['content'],
    ['OS == "android"', {
      'targets': [
          'target_name': 'common_aidl',
          'type': 'none',
          'variables': {
            'package_name': 'content',
            'aidl_interface_file': 'public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/common/common.aidl',
          'sources': [
          'includes': [ '../build/java_aidl.gypi' ],
          'target_name': 'content_java',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': [
          'variables': {
            'package_name': 'content',
            'java_in_dir': '../content/public/android/java',
            'has_java_resources': 1,
            'R_package': 'org.chromium.content',
            'R_package_relpath': 'org/chromium/content',
          'conditions': [
            ['android_build_type == 0', {
              'dependencies': [
          'includes': [ '../build/java.gypi' ],
          'target_name': 'page_transition_types_java',
          'type': 'none',
          'sources': [
          'variables': {
            'package_name': 'org.chromium.content.browser',
          'includes': [ '../build/android/java_cpp_template.gypi' ],
          'target_name': 'surface_texture_jni_headers',
          'type': 'none',
          'variables': {
            'jni_gen_dir': 'content',
            'input_java_class': 'android/graphics/SurfaceTexture.class',
            'input_jar_file': '<(android_sdk)/android.jar',
          'includes': [ '../build/jar_file_jni_generator.gypi' ],
          'target_name': 'surface_jni_headers',
          'type': 'none',
          'variables': {
            'jni_gen_dir': 'content',
            'input_java_class': 'android/view/Surface.class',
            'input_jar_file': '<(android_sdk)/android.jar',
          'includes': [ '../build/jar_file_jni_generator.gypi' ],
          'target_name': 'content_jni_headers',
          'type': 'none',
          'dependencies': [
          'includes': [ 'content_jni.gypi' ],
    }],  # OS == "android"