// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/gpu/gpu_child_thread.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/threading/worker_pool.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "content/child/child_process.h" #include "content/child/thread_safe_sender.h" #include "content/common/gpu/gpu_messages.h" #include "content/gpu/gpu_watchdog_thread.h" #include "content/public/common/content_client.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "gpu/config/gpu_info_collector.h" #include "ipc/ipc_channel_handle.h" #include "ipc/ipc_sync_message_filter.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_implementation.h" namespace content { namespace { static base::LazyInstance > g_thread_safe_sender = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; bool GpuProcessLogMessageHandler(int severity, const char* file, int line, size_t message_start, const std::string& str) { std::string header = str.substr(0, message_start); std::string message = str.substr(message_start); g_thread_safe_sender.Get()->Send(new GpuHostMsg_OnLogMessage( severity, header, message)); return false; } } // namespace GpuChildThread::GpuChildThread(GpuWatchdogThread* watchdog_thread, bool dead_on_arrival, const gpu::GPUInfo& gpu_info, const DeferredMessages& deferred_messages) : dead_on_arrival_(dead_on_arrival), gpu_info_(gpu_info), deferred_messages_(deferred_messages), in_browser_process_(false) { watchdog_thread_ = watchdog_thread; #if defined(OS_WIN) target_services_ = NULL; #endif g_thread_safe_sender.Get() = thread_safe_sender(); } GpuChildThread::GpuChildThread(const std::string& channel_id) : ChildThread(channel_id), dead_on_arrival_(false), in_browser_process_(true) { #if defined(OS_WIN) target_services_ = NULL; #endif DCHECK( CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kSingleProcess) || CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kInProcessGPU)); #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) // For single process and in-process GPU mode, we need to load and // initialize the GL implementation and locate the GL entry points here. // On Android, GLSurface::InitializeOneOff() is called from BrowserMainLoop // before getting here. crbug.com/326295 if (!gfx::GLSurface::InitializeOneOff()) VLOG(1) << "gfx::GLSurface::InitializeOneOff failed"; #endif g_thread_safe_sender.Get() = thread_safe_sender(); } GpuChildThread::~GpuChildThread() { } void GpuChildThread::Shutdown() { ChildThread::Shutdown(); logging::SetLogMessageHandler(NULL); } void GpuChildThread::Init(const base::Time& process_start_time) { process_start_time_ = process_start_time; } bool GpuChildThread::Send(IPC::Message* msg) { // The GPU process must never send a synchronous IPC message to the browser // process. This could result in deadlock. DCHECK(!msg->is_sync()); return ChildThread::Send(msg); } bool GpuChildThread::OnControlMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) { bool msg_is_ok = true; bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX(GpuChildThread, msg, msg_is_ok) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuMsg_Initialize, OnInitialize) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuMsg_CollectGraphicsInfo, OnCollectGraphicsInfo) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuMsg_GetVideoMemoryUsageStats, OnGetVideoMemoryUsageStats) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuMsg_Clean, OnClean) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuMsg_Crash, OnCrash) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuMsg_Hang, OnHang) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuMsg_DisableWatchdog, OnDisableWatchdog) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP_EX() if (handled) return true; return gpu_channel_manager_.get() && gpu_channel_manager_->OnMessageReceived(msg); } void GpuChildThread::OnInitialize() { // Record initialization only after collecting the GPU info because that can // take a significant amount of time. gpu_info_.initialization_time = base::Time::Now() - process_start_time_; Send(new GpuHostMsg_Initialized(!dead_on_arrival_, gpu_info_)); while (!deferred_messages_.empty()) { Send(deferred_messages_.front()); deferred_messages_.pop(); } if (dead_on_arrival_) { LOG(ERROR) << "Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization"; base::MessageLoop::current()->Quit(); return; } #if defined(OS_ANDROID) base::PlatformThread::SetThreadPriority( base::PlatformThread::CurrentHandle(), base::kThreadPriority_Display); #endif // We don't need to pipe log messages if we are running the GPU thread in // the browser process. if (!in_browser_process_) logging::SetLogMessageHandler(GpuProcessLogMessageHandler); // Defer creation of the render thread. This is to prevent it from handling // IPC messages before the sandbox has been enabled and all other necessary // initialization has succeeded. gpu_channel_manager_.reset( new GpuChannelManager(GetRouter(), watchdog_thread_.get(), ChildProcess::current()->io_message_loop_proxy(), ChildProcess::current()->GetShutDownEvent())); } void GpuChildThread::StopWatchdog() { if (watchdog_thread_.get()) { watchdog_thread_->Stop(); } } void GpuChildThread::OnCollectGraphicsInfo() { #if defined(OS_WIN) // GPU full info collection should only happen on un-sandboxed GPU process // or single process/in-process gpu mode on Windows. CommandLine* command_line = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); DCHECK(command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableGpuSandbox) || in_browser_process_); #endif // OS_WIN gpu::CollectInfoResult result = gpu::CollectContextGraphicsInfo(&gpu_info_); switch (result) { case gpu::kCollectInfoFatalFailure: LOG(ERROR) << "gpu::CollectGraphicsInfo failed (fatal)."; // TODO(piman): can we signal overall failure? break; case gpu::kCollectInfoNonFatalFailure: VLOG(1) << "gpu::CollectGraphicsInfo failed (non-fatal)."; break; case gpu::kCollectInfoSuccess: break; } GetContentClient()->SetGpuInfo(gpu_info_); #if defined(OS_WIN) // This is slow, but it's the only thing the unsandboxed GPU process does, // and GpuDataManager prevents us from sending multiple collecting requests, // so it's OK to be blocking. gpu::GetDxDiagnostics(&gpu_info_.dx_diagnostics); gpu_info_.finalized = true; #endif // OS_WIN Send(new GpuHostMsg_GraphicsInfoCollected(gpu_info_)); #if defined(OS_WIN) if (!in_browser_process_) { // The unsandboxed GPU process fulfilled its duty. Rest in peace. base::MessageLoop::current()->Quit(); } #endif // OS_WIN } void GpuChildThread::OnGetVideoMemoryUsageStats() { GPUVideoMemoryUsageStats video_memory_usage_stats; if (gpu_channel_manager_) gpu_channel_manager_->gpu_memory_manager()->GetVideoMemoryUsageStats( &video_memory_usage_stats); Send(new GpuHostMsg_VideoMemoryUsageStats(video_memory_usage_stats)); } void GpuChildThread::OnClean() { VLOG(1) << "GPU: Removing all contexts"; if (gpu_channel_manager_) gpu_channel_manager_->LoseAllContexts(); } void GpuChildThread::OnCrash() { VLOG(1) << "GPU: Simulating GPU crash"; // Good bye, cruel world. volatile int* it_s_the_end_of_the_world_as_we_know_it = NULL; *it_s_the_end_of_the_world_as_we_know_it = 0xdead; } void GpuChildThread::OnHang() { VLOG(1) << "GPU: Simulating GPU hang"; for (;;) { // Do not sleep here. The GPU watchdog timer tracks the amount of user // time this thread is using and it doesn't use much while calling Sleep. } } void GpuChildThread::OnDisableWatchdog() { VLOG(1) << "GPU: Disabling watchdog thread"; if (watchdog_thread_.get()) { // Disarm the watchdog before shutting down the message loop. This prevents // the future posting of tasks to the message loop. if (watchdog_thread_->message_loop()) watchdog_thread_->PostAcknowledge(); // Prevent rearming. watchdog_thread_->Stop(); } } } // namespace content