// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/plugin/webplugin_proxy.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/scoped_handle.h" #include "base/shared_memory.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "content/common/content_client.h" #include "content/common/plugin_messages.h" #include "content/plugin/npobject_proxy.h" #include "content/plugin/npobject_util.h" #include "content/plugin/plugin_channel.h" #include "content/plugin/plugin_thread.h" #include "skia/ext/platform_device.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebBindings.h" #include "ui/gfx/blit.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/webplugin_delegate_impl.h" #if defined(OS_MACOSX) #include "base/mac/mac_util.h" #include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h" #include "content/plugin/webplugin_accelerated_surface_proxy_mac.h" #endif #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "content/common/section_util_win.h" #include "ui/gfx/gdi_util.h" #endif #if defined(USE_X11) #include "ui/base/x/x11_util_internal.h" #endif using WebKit::WebBindings; using webkit::npapi::WebPluginResourceClient; #if defined(OS_MACOSX) using webkit::npapi::WebPluginAcceleratedSurface; #endif WebPluginProxy::WebPluginProxy( PluginChannel* channel, int route_id, const GURL& page_url, gfx::NativeViewId containing_window, int host_render_view_routing_id) : channel_(channel), route_id_(route_id), window_npobject_(NULL), plugin_element_(NULL), delegate_(NULL), waiting_for_paint_(false), containing_window_(containing_window), page_url_(page_url), transparent_(false), host_render_view_routing_id_(host_render_view_routing_id), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(runnable_method_factory_(this)) { #if defined(USE_X11) windowless_shm_pixmap_ = None; use_shm_pixmap_ = false; // If the X server supports SHM pixmaps // and the color depth and masks match, // then consider using SHM pixmaps for windowless plugin painting. Display* display = ui::GetXDisplay(); if (ui::QuerySharedMemorySupport(display) == ui::SHARED_MEMORY_PIXMAP && ui::BitsPerPixelForPixmapDepth( display, DefaultDepth(display, 0)) == 32) { Visual* vis = DefaultVisual(display, 0); if (vis->red_mask == 0xff0000 && vis->green_mask == 0xff00 && vis->blue_mask == 0xff) use_shm_pixmap_ = true; } #endif } WebPluginProxy::~WebPluginProxy() { #if defined(USE_X11) if (windowless_shm_pixmap_ != None) XFreePixmap(ui::GetXDisplay(), windowless_shm_pixmap_); #endif #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Destroy the surface early, since it may send messages during cleanup. if (accelerated_surface_.get()) accelerated_surface_.reset(); #endif } bool WebPluginProxy::Send(IPC::Message* msg) { return channel_->Send(msg); } void WebPluginProxy::SetWindow(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_SetWindow(route_id_, window)); } void WebPluginProxy::SetAcceptsInputEvents(bool accepts) { NOTREACHED(); } void WebPluginProxy::WillDestroyWindow(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window) { #if defined(OS_WIN) PluginThread::current()->Send( new PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginWindowDestroyed( window, ::GetParent(window))); #elif defined(USE_X11) // Nothing to do. #else NOTIMPLEMENTED(); #endif } #if defined(OS_WIN) void WebPluginProxy::SetWindowlessPumpEvent(HANDLE pump_messages_event) { HANDLE pump_messages_event_for_renderer = NULL; DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), pump_messages_event, channel_->renderer_handle(), &pump_messages_event_for_renderer, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); DCHECK(pump_messages_event_for_renderer != NULL); Send(new PluginHostMsg_SetWindowlessPumpEvent( route_id_, pump_messages_event_for_renderer)); } #endif void WebPluginProxy::CancelResource(unsigned long id) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_CancelResource(route_id_, id)); resource_clients_.erase(id); } void WebPluginProxy::Invalidate() { gfx::Rect rect(0, 0, delegate_->GetRect().width(), delegate_->GetRect().height()); InvalidateRect(rect); } void WebPluginProxy::InvalidateRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // If this is a Core Animation plugin, all we need to do is inform the // delegate. if (!windowless_context_.get()) { delegate_->PluginDidInvalidate(); return; } // Some plugins will send invalidates larger than their own rect when // offscreen, so constrain invalidates to the plugin rect. gfx::Rect plugin_rect = delegate_->GetRect(); plugin_rect.set_origin(gfx::Point(0, 0)); const gfx::Rect invalidate_rect(rect.Intersect(plugin_rect)); #else const gfx::Rect invalidate_rect(rect); #endif damaged_rect_ = damaged_rect_.Union(invalidate_rect); // Ignore NPN_InvalidateRect calls with empty rects. Also don't send an // invalidate if it's outside the clipping region, since if we did it won't // lead to a paint and we'll be stuck waiting forever for a DidPaint response. // // TODO(piman): There is a race condition here, because this test assumes // that when the paint actually occurs, the clip rect will not have changed. // This is not true because scrolling (or window resize) could occur and be // handled by the renderer before it receives the InvalidateRect message, // changing the clip rect and then not painting. if (damaged_rect_.IsEmpty() || !delegate_->GetClipRect().Intersects(damaged_rect_)) return; // Only send a single InvalidateRect message at a time. From DidPaint we // will dispatch an additional InvalidateRect message if necessary. if (!waiting_for_paint_) { waiting_for_paint_ = true; // Invalidates caused by calls to NPN_InvalidateRect/NPN_InvalidateRgn // need to be painted asynchronously as per the NPAPI spec. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, runnable_method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &WebPluginProxy::OnPaint, damaged_rect_)); damaged_rect_ = gfx::Rect(); } } NPObject* WebPluginProxy::GetWindowScriptNPObject() { if (window_npobject_) return WebBindings::retainObject(window_npobject_); int npobject_route_id = channel_->GenerateRouteID(); bool success = false; Send(new PluginHostMsg_GetWindowScriptNPObject( route_id_, npobject_route_id, &success)); if (!success) return NULL; window_npobject_ = NPObjectProxy::Create( channel_, npobject_route_id, containing_window_, page_url_); return window_npobject_; } NPObject* WebPluginProxy::GetPluginElement() { if (plugin_element_) return WebBindings::retainObject(plugin_element_); int npobject_route_id = channel_->GenerateRouteID(); bool success = false; Send(new PluginHostMsg_GetPluginElement(route_id_, npobject_route_id, &success)); if (!success) return NULL; plugin_element_ = NPObjectProxy::Create( channel_, npobject_route_id, containing_window_, page_url_); return plugin_element_; } void WebPluginProxy::SetCookie(const GURL& url, const GURL& first_party_for_cookies, const std::string& cookie) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_SetCookie(route_id_, url, first_party_for_cookies, cookie)); } std::string WebPluginProxy::GetCookies(const GURL& url, const GURL& first_party_for_cookies) { std::string cookies; Send(new PluginHostMsg_GetCookies(route_id_, url, first_party_for_cookies, &cookies)); return cookies; } void WebPluginProxy::OnMissingPluginStatus(int status) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_MissingPluginStatus(route_id_, status)); } WebPluginResourceClient* WebPluginProxy::GetResourceClient(int id) { ResourceClientMap::iterator iterator = resource_clients_.find(id); // The IPC messages which deal with streams are now asynchronous. It is // now possible to receive stream messages from the renderer for streams // which may have been cancelled by the plugin. if (iterator == resource_clients_.end()) { return NULL; } return iterator->second; } int WebPluginProxy::GetRendererId() { if (channel_.get()) return channel_->renderer_id(); return -1; } void WebPluginProxy::DidPaint() { // If we have an accumulated damaged rect, then check to see if we need to // send out another InvalidateRect message. waiting_for_paint_ = false; if (!damaged_rect_.IsEmpty()) InvalidateRect(damaged_rect_); } void WebPluginProxy::OnResourceCreated(int resource_id, WebPluginResourceClient* client) { DCHECK(resource_clients_.find(resource_id) == resource_clients_.end()); resource_clients_[resource_id] = client; } void WebPluginProxy::HandleURLRequest(const char* url, const char* method, const char* target, const char* buf, unsigned int len, int notify_id, bool popups_allowed, bool notify_redirects) { if (!target && (0 == base::strcasecmp(method, "GET"))) { // Please refer to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=366082 // for more details on this. if (delegate_->GetQuirks() & webkit::npapi::WebPluginDelegateImpl:: PLUGIN_QUIRK_BLOCK_NONSTANDARD_GETURL_REQUESTS) { GURL request_url(url); if (!request_url.SchemeIs("http") && !request_url.SchemeIs("https") && !request_url.SchemeIs("ftp")) { return; } } } PluginHostMsg_URLRequest_Params params; params.url = url; params.method = method; if (target) params.target = std::string(target); if (len) { params.buffer.resize(len); memcpy(¶ms.buffer.front(), buf, len); } params.notify_id = notify_id; params.popups_allowed = popups_allowed; params.notify_redirects = notify_redirects; Send(new PluginHostMsg_URLRequest(route_id_, params)); } void WebPluginProxy::Paint(const gfx::Rect& rect) { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) if (!windowless_context_.get()) return; #else if (!windowless_canvas_.get()) return; #endif // Clear the damaged area so that if the plugin doesn't paint there we won't // end up with the old values. gfx::Rect offset_rect = rect; offset_rect.Offset(delegate_->GetRect().origin()); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) CGContextSaveGState(windowless_context_); // It is possible for windowless_context_ to change during plugin painting // (since the plugin can make a synchronous call during paint event handling), // in which case we don't want to try to restore it later. Not an owning ref // since owning the ref without owning the shared backing memory doesn't make // sense, so this should only be used for pointer comparisons. CGContextRef saved_context_weak = windowless_context_.get(); if (background_context_.get()) { base::mac::ScopedCFTypeRef image( CGBitmapContextCreateImage(background_context_)); CGRect source_rect = rect.ToCGRect(); // Flip the rect we use to pull from the canvas, since it's upside-down. source_rect.origin.y = CGImageGetHeight(image) - rect.y() - rect.height(); base::mac::ScopedCFTypeRef sub_image( CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image, source_rect)); CGContextDrawImage(windowless_context_, rect.ToCGRect(), sub_image); } else if (transparent_) { CGContextClearRect(windowless_context_, rect.ToCGRect()); } CGContextClipToRect(windowless_context_, rect.ToCGRect()); delegate_->Paint(windowless_context_, rect); if (windowless_context_.get() == saved_context_weak) CGContextRestoreGState(windowless_context_); #else windowless_canvas_->save(); // The given clip rect is relative to the plugin coordinate system. SkRect sk_rect = { SkIntToScalar(rect.x()), SkIntToScalar(rect.y()), SkIntToScalar(rect.right()), SkIntToScalar(rect.bottom()) }; windowless_canvas_->clipRect(sk_rect); // Setup the background. if (background_canvas_.get()) { // When a background canvas is given, we're in transparent mode. This means // the plugin wants to have the image of the page in the canvas it's drawing // into (which is windowless_canvas_) so it can do blending. So we copy the // background bitmap into the windowless_canvas_. const SkBitmap& background_bitmap = background_canvas_->getTopPlatformDevice().accessBitmap(false); windowless_canvas_->drawBitmap(background_bitmap, 0, 0); } else { // In non-transparent mode, the plugin doesn't care what's underneath, so we // can just give it black. SkPaint black_fill_paint; black_fill_paint.setARGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); windowless_canvas_->drawPaint(black_fill_paint); } // Bring the windowless_canvas_ into the window coordinate system, which is // how the plugin expects to draw (since the windowless API was originally // designed just for scribbling over the web page). windowless_canvas_->translate(SkIntToScalar(-delegate_->GetRect().x()), SkIntToScalar(-delegate_->GetRect().y())); // Before we send the invalidate, paint so that renderer uses the updated // bitmap. delegate_->Paint(windowless_canvas_.get(), offset_rect); windowless_canvas_->restore(); #endif } void WebPluginProxy::UpdateGeometry( const gfx::Rect& window_rect, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect, const TransportDIB::Handle& windowless_buffer, const TransportDIB::Handle& background_buffer, bool transparent #if defined(OS_MACOSX) , int ack_key #endif ) { gfx::Rect old = delegate_->GetRect(); gfx::Rect old_clip_rect = delegate_->GetClipRect(); transparent_ = transparent; // Update the buffers before doing anything that could call into plugin code, // so that we don't process buffer changes out of order if plugins make // synchronous calls that lead to nested UpdateGeometry calls. if (TransportDIB::is_valid(windowless_buffer)) { // The plugin's rect changed, so now we have a new buffer to draw into. SetWindowlessBuffer(windowless_buffer, background_buffer, window_rect); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) delegate_->UpdateGeometryAndContext(window_rect, clip_rect, windowless_context_); #else delegate_->UpdateGeometry(window_rect, clip_rect); #endif // Send over any pending invalidates which occured when the plugin was // off screen. if (delegate_->IsWindowless() && !clip_rect.IsEmpty() && !damaged_rect_.IsEmpty()) { InvalidateRect(damaged_rect_); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // The renderer is expecting an ACK message if ack_key is not -1. if (ack_key != -1) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_UpdateGeometry_ACK(route_id_, ack_key)); } #endif } #if defined(OS_WIN) void WebPluginProxy::SetWindowlessBuffer( const TransportDIB::Handle& windowless_buffer, const TransportDIB::Handle& background_buffer, const gfx::Rect& window_rect) { // Create a canvas that will reference the shared bits. We have to handle // errors here since we're mapping a large amount of memory that may not fit // in our address space, or go wrong in some other way. windowless_canvas_.reset(new skia::PlatformCanvas); if (!windowless_canvas_->initialize( window_rect.width(), window_rect.height(), true, chrome::GetSectionFromProcess(windowless_buffer, channel_->renderer_handle(), false))) { windowless_canvas_.reset(); background_canvas_.reset(); return; } if (background_buffer) { background_canvas_.reset(new skia::PlatformCanvas); if (!background_canvas_->initialize( window_rect.width(), window_rect.height(), true, chrome::GetSectionFromProcess(background_buffer, channel_->renderer_handle(), false))) { windowless_canvas_.reset(); background_canvas_.reset(); return; } } } #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) void WebPluginProxy::SetWindowlessBuffer( const TransportDIB::Handle& windowless_buffer, const TransportDIB::Handle& background_buffer, const gfx::Rect& window_rect) { // Convert the shared memory handle to a handle that works in our process, // and then use that to create a CGContextRef. windowless_dib_.reset(TransportDIB::Map(windowless_buffer)); background_dib_.reset(TransportDIB::Map(background_buffer)); windowless_context_.reset(CGBitmapContextCreate( windowless_dib_->memory(), window_rect.width(), window_rect.height(), 8, 4 * window_rect.width(), base::mac::GetSystemColorSpace(), kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host)); CGContextTranslateCTM(windowless_context_, 0, window_rect.height()); CGContextScaleCTM(windowless_context_, 1, -1); if (background_dib_.get()) { background_context_.reset(CGBitmapContextCreate( background_dib_->memory(), window_rect.width(), window_rect.height(), 8, 4 * window_rect.width(), base::mac::GetSystemColorSpace(), kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host)); CGContextTranslateCTM(background_context_, 0, window_rect.height()); CGContextScaleCTM(background_context_, 1, -1); } } #elif defined(USE_X11) void WebPluginProxy::SetWindowlessBuffer( const TransportDIB::Handle& windowless_buffer, const TransportDIB::Handle& background_buffer, const gfx::Rect& window_rect) { int width = window_rect.width(); int height = window_rect.height(); windowless_dib_.reset(TransportDIB::Map(windowless_buffer)); if (windowless_dib_.get()) { windowless_canvas_.reset(windowless_dib_->GetPlatformCanvas(width, height)); } else { // This can happen if the renderer has already destroyed the TransportDIB // by the time we receive the handle, e.g. in case of multiple resizes. windowless_canvas_.reset(); } background_dib_.reset(TransportDIB::Map(background_buffer)); if (background_dib_.get()) { background_canvas_.reset(background_dib_->GetPlatformCanvas(width, height)); } else { background_canvas_.reset(); } // If SHM pixmaps support is available, create a SHM pixmap and // pass it to the delegate for windowless plugin painting. if (delegate_->IsWindowless() && use_shm_pixmap_ && windowless_dib_.get()) { Display* display = ui::GetXDisplay(); XID root_window = ui::GetX11RootWindow(); XShmSegmentInfo shminfo = {0}; if (windowless_shm_pixmap_ != None) XFreePixmap(display, windowless_shm_pixmap_); shminfo.shmseg = windowless_dib_->MapToX(display); // Create a shared memory pixmap based on the image buffer. windowless_shm_pixmap_ = XShmCreatePixmap(display, root_window, NULL, &shminfo, width, height, DefaultDepth(display, 0)); delegate_->SetWindowlessShmPixmap(windowless_shm_pixmap_); } } #endif void WebPluginProxy::CancelDocumentLoad() { Send(new PluginHostMsg_CancelDocumentLoad(route_id_)); } void WebPluginProxy::InitiateHTTPRangeRequest( const char* url, const char* range_info, int range_request_id) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_InitiateHTTPRangeRequest( route_id_, url, range_info, range_request_id)); } void WebPluginProxy::SetDeferResourceLoading(unsigned long resource_id, bool defer) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_DeferResourceLoading(route_id_, resource_id, defer)); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void WebPluginProxy::FocusChanged(bool focused) { IPC::Message* msg = new PluginHostMsg_FocusChanged(route_id_, focused); Send(msg); } void WebPluginProxy::StartIme() { IPC::Message* msg = new PluginHostMsg_StartIme(route_id_); // This message can be sent during event-handling, and needs to be delivered // within that context. msg->set_unblock(true); Send(msg); } void WebPluginProxy::BindFakePluginWindowHandle(bool opaque) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_BindFakePluginWindowHandle(route_id_, opaque)); } WebPluginAcceleratedSurface* WebPluginProxy::GetAcceleratedSurface() { if (!accelerated_surface_.get()) accelerated_surface_.reset(new WebPluginAcceleratedSurfaceProxy(this)); return accelerated_surface_.get(); } void WebPluginProxy::AcceleratedFrameBuffersDidSwap( gfx::PluginWindowHandle window, uint64 surface_id) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped( route_id_, window, surface_id)); } void WebPluginProxy::SetAcceleratedSurface( gfx::PluginWindowHandle window, const gfx::Size& size, uint64 accelerated_surface_identifier) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface( route_id_, window, size.width(), size.height(), accelerated_surface_identifier)); } void WebPluginProxy::SetAcceleratedDIB( gfx::PluginWindowHandle window, const gfx::Size& size, const TransportDIB::Handle& dib_handle) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetTransportDIB( route_id_, window, size.width(), size.height(), dib_handle)); } void WebPluginProxy::AllocSurfaceDIB(const size_t size, TransportDIB::Handle* dib_handle) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_AllocTransportDIB(route_id_, size, dib_handle)); } void WebPluginProxy::FreeSurfaceDIB(TransportDIB::Id dib_id) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_FreeTransportDIB(route_id_, dib_id)); } #endif void WebPluginProxy::OnPaint(const gfx::Rect& damaged_rect) { content::GetContentClient()->SetActiveURL(page_url_); Paint(damaged_rect); Send(new PluginHostMsg_InvalidateRect(route_id_, damaged_rect)); } bool WebPluginProxy::IsOffTheRecord() { return channel_->incognito(); } void WebPluginProxy::ResourceClientDeleted( WebPluginResourceClient* resource_client) { ResourceClientMap::iterator index = resource_clients_.begin(); while (index != resource_clients_.end()) { WebPluginResourceClient* client = (*index).second; if (client == resource_client) { resource_clients_.erase(index++); } else { index++; } } } void WebPluginProxy::URLRedirectResponse(bool allow, int resource_id) { Send(new PluginHostMsg_URLRedirectResponse(route_id_, allow, resource_id)); }