// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/renderer/gpu/renderer_gl_context.h" #include "base/debug/trace_event.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/singleton.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/shared_memory.h" #include "content/common/view_messages.h" #include "content/renderer/gpu/command_buffer_proxy.h" #include "content/renderer/gpu/gpu_channel_host.h" #include "content/renderer/gpu/gpu_video_service_host.h" #include "content/renderer/gpu/transport_texture_host.h" #include "content/renderer/gpu/transport_texture_service.h" #include "content/renderer/media/gles2_video_decode_context.h" #include "content/renderer/render_thread.h" #include "content/renderer/render_widget.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "ipc/ipc_channel_handle.h" #if defined(ENABLE_GPU) #include "gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_cmd_helper.h" #include "gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_implementation.h" #include "gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_lib.h" #include "gpu/command_buffer/common/constants.h" #include "gpu/GLES2/gles2_command_buffer.h" #endif // ENABLE_GPU namespace { const int32 kCommandBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; // TODO(kbr): make the transfer buffer size configurable via context // creation attributes. const int32 kTransferBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; const uint32 kMaxLatchesPerRenderer = 2048; const uint32 kInvalidLatchId = 0xffffffffu; // Singleton used to initialize and terminate the gles2 library. class GLES2Initializer { public: GLES2Initializer() { gles2::Initialize(); } ~GLES2Initializer() { gles2::Terminate(); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GLES2Initializer); }; // Shared memory allocator for latches. Creates a block of shared memory for // each renderer process. class LatchAllocator { public: static LatchAllocator* GetInstance(); static uint32 size() { return kMaxLatchesPerRenderer*sizeof(uint32); } static const uint32_t kFreeLatch = 0xffffffffu; LatchAllocator(); ~LatchAllocator(); base::SharedMemoryHandle handle() const { return shm_->handle(); } base::SharedMemory* shared_memory() { return shm_.get(); } bool AllocateLatch(uint32* latch_id); bool FreeLatch(uint32 latch_id); private: friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits; scoped_ptr shm_; // Pointer to mapped shared memory. volatile uint32* latches_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LatchAllocator); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// LatchAllocator implementation LatchAllocator* LatchAllocator::GetInstance() { return Singleton::get(); } LatchAllocator::LatchAllocator() { base::SharedMemoryHandle handle; RenderThread* render_thread = RenderThread::current(); if (!render_thread->Send( new ViewHostMsg_AllocateSharedMemoryBuffer(size(), &handle))) { NOTREACHED() << "failed to send sync IPC"; } if (!base::SharedMemory::IsHandleValid(handle)) { NOTREACHED() << "failed to create shared memory"; } // Handle is closed by the SharedMemory object below. This stops // base::FileDescriptor from closing it as well. #if defined(OS_POSIX) handle.auto_close = false; #endif shm_.reset(new base::SharedMemory(handle, false)); if (!shm_->Map(size())) { NOTREACHED() << "failed to map shared memory"; } latches_ = static_cast(shm_->memory()); // Mark all latches as unallocated. for (uint32 i = 0; i < kMaxLatchesPerRenderer; ++i) latches_[i] = kFreeLatch; } LatchAllocator::~LatchAllocator() { } bool LatchAllocator::AllocateLatch(uint32* latch_id) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < kMaxLatchesPerRenderer; ++i) { if (latches_[i] == kFreeLatch) { // mark latch as taken and blocked. // 0 means waiter will block, 1 means waiter will pass. latches_[i] = 0; *latch_id = i; return true; } } return false; } bool LatchAllocator::FreeLatch(uint32 latch_id) { if (latch_id < kMaxLatchesPerRenderer && latches_[latch_id] != kFreeLatch) { latches_[latch_id] = kFreeLatch; return true; } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static base::LazyInstance g_gles2_initializer( base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); } // namespace anonymous RendererGLContext::~RendererGLContext() { Destroy(); } RendererGLContext* RendererGLContext::CreateViewContext( GpuChannelHost* channel, gfx::PluginWindowHandle render_surface, int render_view_id, const char* allowed_extensions, const int32* attrib_list, const GURL& active_url) { #if defined(ENABLE_GPU) scoped_ptr context(new RendererGLContext(channel, NULL)); if (!context->Initialize( true, render_surface, render_view_id, gfx::Size(), allowed_extensions, attrib_list, active_url)) return NULL; return context.release(); #else return NULL; #endif } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void RendererGLContext::ResizeOnscreen(const gfx::Size& size) { DCHECK(size.width() > 0 && size.height() > 0); size_ = size; command_buffer_->SetWindowSize(size); } #endif RendererGLContext* RendererGLContext::CreateOffscreenContext( GpuChannelHost* channel, RendererGLContext* parent, const gfx::Size& size, const char* allowed_extensions, const int32* attrib_list, const GURL& active_url) { #if defined(ENABLE_GPU) scoped_ptr context(new RendererGLContext(channel, parent)); if (!context->Initialize( false, gfx::kNullPluginWindow, 0, size, allowed_extensions, attrib_list, active_url)) return NULL; return context.release(); #else return NULL; #endif } void RendererGLContext::ResizeOffscreen(const gfx::Size& size) { DCHECK(size.width() > 0 && size.height() > 0); if (size_ != size) { command_buffer_->ResizeOffscreenFrameBuffer(size); size_ = size; } } uint32 RendererGLContext::GetParentTextureId() { return parent_texture_id_; } uint32 RendererGLContext::CreateParentTexture(const gfx::Size& size) { // Allocate a texture ID with respect to the parent. if (parent_.get()) { if (!MakeCurrent(parent_.get())) return 0; uint32 texture_id = parent_->gles2_implementation_->MakeTextureId(); parent_->gles2_implementation_->BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id); parent_->gles2_implementation_->TexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); parent_->gles2_implementation_->TexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); parent_->gles2_implementation_->TexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); parent_->gles2_implementation_->TexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); parent_->gles2_implementation_->TexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, // mip level GL_RGBA, size.width(), size.height(), 0, // border GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); // Make sure that the parent texture's storage is allocated before we let // the caller attempt to use it. int32 token = parent_->gles2_helper_->InsertToken(); parent_->gles2_helper_->WaitForToken(token); return texture_id; } return 0; } void RendererGLContext::DeleteParentTexture(uint32 texture) { if (parent_.get()) { if (!MakeCurrent(parent_.get())) return; parent_->gles2_implementation_->DeleteTextures(1, &texture); } } void RendererGLContext::SetSwapBuffersCallback(Callback0::Type* callback) { swap_buffers_callback_.reset(callback); } void RendererGLContext::SetContextLostCallback(Callback0::Type* callback) { context_lost_callback_.reset(callback); } bool RendererGLContext::MakeCurrent(RendererGLContext* context) { if (context) { gles2::SetGLContext(context->gles2_implementation_); // Don't request latest error status from service. Just use the locally // cached information from the last flush. // TODO(apatrick): I'm not sure if this should actually change the // current context if it fails. For now it gets changed even if it fails // because making GL calls with a NULL context crashes. if (context->command_buffer_->GetLastState().error != gpu::error::kNoError) return false; } else { gles2::SetGLContext(NULL); } return true; } bool RendererGLContext::SwapBuffers() { TRACE_EVENT1("gpu", "RendererGLContext::SwapBuffers", "frame", frame_number_); frame_number_++; // Don't request latest error status from service. Just use the locally cached // information from the last flush. if (command_buffer_->GetLastState().error != gpu::error::kNoError) return false; gles2_implementation_->SwapBuffers(); return true; } media::VideoDecodeEngine* RendererGLContext::CreateVideoDecodeEngine() { return channel_->gpu_video_service_host()->CreateVideoDecoder( command_buffer_->route_id()); } media::VideoDecodeContext* RendererGLContext::CreateVideoDecodeContext( MessageLoop* message_loop, bool hardware_decoder) { return new Gles2VideoDecodeContext(message_loop, hardware_decoder, this); } scoped_refptr RendererGLContext::CreateTransportTextureHost() { return channel_->transport_texture_service()->CreateTransportTextureHost( this, command_buffer_->route_id()); } RendererGLContext::Error RendererGLContext::GetError() { gpu::CommandBuffer::State state = command_buffer_->GetState(); if (state.error == gpu::error::kNoError) { Error old_error = last_error_; last_error_ = SUCCESS; return old_error; } else { // All command buffer errors are unrecoverable. The error is treated as a // lost context: destroy the context and create another one. return CONTEXT_LOST; } } bool RendererGLContext::IsCommandBufferContextLost() { gpu::CommandBuffer::State state = command_buffer_->GetLastState(); return state.error == gpu::error::kLostContext; } CommandBufferProxy* RendererGLContext::GetCommandBufferProxy() { return command_buffer_; } // TODO(gman): Remove This void RendererGLContext::DisableShaderTranslation() { gles2_implementation_->CommandBufferEnableCHROMIUM( PEPPER3D_SKIP_GLSL_TRANSLATION); } gpu::gles2::GLES2Implementation* RendererGLContext::GetImplementation() { return gles2_implementation_; } RendererGLContext::RendererGLContext(GpuChannelHost* channel, RendererGLContext* parent) : channel_(channel), parent_(parent ? parent->AsWeakPtr() : base::WeakPtr()), parent_texture_id_(0), child_to_parent_latch_(kInvalidLatchId), parent_to_child_latch_(kInvalidLatchId), latch_transfer_buffer_id_(-1), command_buffer_(NULL), gles2_helper_(NULL), transfer_buffer_id_(-1), gles2_implementation_(NULL), last_error_(SUCCESS), frame_number_(0) { DCHECK(channel); } bool RendererGLContext::Initialize(bool onscreen, gfx::PluginWindowHandle render_surface, int render_view_id, const gfx::Size& size, const char* allowed_extensions, const int32* attrib_list, const GURL& active_url) { DCHECK(size.width() >= 0 && size.height() >= 0); TRACE_EVENT2("gpu", "RendererGLContext::Initialize", "on_screen", onscreen, "num_pixels", size.GetArea()); if (channel_->state() != GpuChannelHost::kConnected) return false; // Ensure the gles2 library is initialized first in a thread safe way. g_gles2_initializer.Get(); // Allocate a frame buffer ID with respect to the parent. if (parent_.get()) { // Flush any remaining commands in the parent context to make sure the // texture id accounting stays consistent. int32 token = parent_->gles2_helper_->InsertToken(); parent_->gles2_helper_->WaitForToken(token); parent_texture_id_ = parent_->gles2_implementation_->MakeTextureId(); } std::vector attribs; while (attrib_list) { int32 attrib = *attrib_list++; switch (attrib) { // Known attributes case ALPHA_SIZE: case BLUE_SIZE: case GREEN_SIZE: case RED_SIZE: case DEPTH_SIZE: case STENCIL_SIZE: case SAMPLES: case SAMPLE_BUFFERS: attribs.push_back(attrib); attribs.push_back(*attrib_list++); break; case NONE: attribs.push_back(attrib); attrib_list = NULL; break; default: last_error_ = BAD_ATTRIBUTE; attribs.push_back(NONE); attrib_list = NULL; break; } } // Create a proxy to a command buffer in the GPU process. if (onscreen) { if (render_surface == gfx::kNullPluginWindow) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid surface handle for onscreen context."; command_buffer_ = NULL; } else { command_buffer_ = channel_->CreateViewCommandBuffer( render_surface, render_view_id, allowed_extensions, attribs, active_url); } } else { CommandBufferProxy* parent_command_buffer = parent_.get() ? parent_->command_buffer_ : NULL; command_buffer_ = channel_->CreateOffscreenCommandBuffer( parent_command_buffer, size, allowed_extensions, attribs, parent_texture_id_, active_url); } if (!command_buffer_) { Destroy(); return false; } // Initiaize the command buffer. if (!command_buffer_->Initialize(kCommandBufferSize)) { Destroy(); return false; } command_buffer_->SetSwapBuffersCallback( NewCallback(this, &RendererGLContext::OnSwapBuffers)); command_buffer_->SetChannelErrorCallback( NewCallback(this, &RendererGLContext::OnContextLost)); // Create the GLES2 helper, which writes the command buffer protocol. gles2_helper_ = new gpu::gles2::GLES2CmdHelper(command_buffer_); if (!gles2_helper_->Initialize(kCommandBufferSize)) { Destroy(); return false; } // Create a transfer buffer used to copy resources between the renderer // process and the GPU process. transfer_buffer_id_ = command_buffer_->CreateTransferBuffer(kTransferBufferSize, gpu::kCommandBufferSharedMemoryId); if (transfer_buffer_id_ < 0) { Destroy(); return false; } // Map the buffer into the renderer process's address space. gpu::Buffer transfer_buffer = command_buffer_->GetTransferBuffer(transfer_buffer_id_); if (!transfer_buffer.ptr) { Destroy(); return false; } // Register transfer buffer so that the context can access latches. LatchAllocator* latch_shm = LatchAllocator::GetInstance(); latch_transfer_buffer_id_ = command_buffer_->RegisterTransferBuffer( latch_shm->shared_memory(), LatchAllocator::size(), gpu::kLatchSharedMemoryId); if (latch_transfer_buffer_id_ != gpu::kLatchSharedMemoryId) { Destroy(); return false; } // If this is a child context, setup latches for synchronization between child // and parent. if (parent_.get()) { if (!CreateLatch(&child_to_parent_latch_) || !CreateLatch(&parent_to_child_latch_)) { Destroy(); return false; } } // Create the object exposing the OpenGL API. gles2_implementation_ = new gpu::gles2::GLES2Implementation( gles2_helper_, transfer_buffer.size, transfer_buffer.ptr, transfer_buffer_id_, false); size_ = size; return true; } void RendererGLContext::Destroy() { if (parent_.get() && parent_texture_id_ != 0) { parent_->gles2_implementation_->FreeTextureId(parent_texture_id_); parent_texture_id_ = 0; } delete gles2_implementation_; gles2_implementation_ = NULL; if (child_to_parent_latch_ != kInvalidLatchId) { DestroyLatch(child_to_parent_latch_); child_to_parent_latch_ = kInvalidLatchId; } if (parent_to_child_latch_ != kInvalidLatchId) { DestroyLatch(parent_to_child_latch_); parent_to_child_latch_ = kInvalidLatchId; } if (command_buffer_ && latch_transfer_buffer_id_ != -1) { command_buffer_->DestroyTransferBuffer(latch_transfer_buffer_id_); latch_transfer_buffer_id_ = -1; } if (command_buffer_ && transfer_buffer_id_ != -1) { command_buffer_->DestroyTransferBuffer(transfer_buffer_id_); transfer_buffer_id_ = -1; } delete gles2_helper_; gles2_helper_ = NULL; if (channel_ && command_buffer_) { channel_->DestroyCommandBuffer(command_buffer_); command_buffer_ = NULL; } channel_ = NULL; } void RendererGLContext::OnSwapBuffers() { if (swap_buffers_callback_.get()) swap_buffers_callback_->Run(); } void RendererGLContext::OnContextLost() { if (context_lost_callback_.get()) context_lost_callback_->Run(); } bool RendererGLContext::CreateLatch(uint32* ret_latch) { return LatchAllocator::GetInstance()->AllocateLatch(ret_latch); } bool RendererGLContext::DestroyLatch(uint32 latch) { return LatchAllocator::GetInstance()->FreeLatch(latch); } bool RendererGLContext::GetParentToChildLatch(uint32* parent_to_child_latch) { if (parent_.get()) { *parent_to_child_latch = parent_to_child_latch_; return true; } return false; } bool RendererGLContext::GetChildToParentLatch(uint32* child_to_parent_latch) { if (parent_.get()) { *child_to_parent_latch = child_to_parent_latch_; return true; } return false; }