// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/renderer/media/media_stream_video_source.h" #include #include #include #include "base/debug/trace_event.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "content/child/child_process.h" #include "content/renderer/media/media_stream_constraints_util.h" #include "content/renderer/media/media_stream_video_track.h" #include "content/renderer/media/video_track_adapter.h" #include "media/base/bind_to_current_loop.h" namespace content { // Constraint keys. Specified by draft-alvestrand-constraints-resolution-00b const char MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinAspectRatio[] = "minAspectRatio"; const char MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxAspectRatio[] = "maxAspectRatio"; const char MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxWidth[] = "maxWidth"; const char MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinWidth[] = "minWidth"; const char MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxHeight[] = "maxHeight"; const char MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinHeight[] = "minHeight"; const char MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxFrameRate[] = "maxFrameRate"; const char MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinFrameRate[] = "minFrameRate"; const char* kSupportedConstraints[] = { MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxAspectRatio, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinAspectRatio, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxWidth, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinWidth, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxHeight, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinHeight, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxFrameRate, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinFrameRate, }; const int MediaStreamVideoSource::kDefaultWidth = 640; const int MediaStreamVideoSource::kDefaultHeight = 480; const int MediaStreamVideoSource::kDefaultFrameRate = 30; namespace { // Google-specific key prefix. Constraints with this prefix are ignored if they // are unknown. const char kGooglePrefix[] = "goog"; // Returns true if |constraint| has mandatory constraints. bool HasMandatoryConstraints(const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints) { blink::WebVector mandatory_constraints; constraints.getMandatoryConstraints(mandatory_constraints); return !mandatory_constraints.isEmpty(); } // Retrieve the desired max width and height from |constraints|. If not set, // the |desired_width| and |desired_height| are set to // std::numeric_limits::max(); // If either max width or height is set as a mandatory constraint, the optional // constraints are not checked. void GetDesiredMaxWidthAndHeight(const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints, int* desired_width, int* desired_height) { *desired_width = std::numeric_limits::max(); *desired_height = std::numeric_limits::max(); bool mandatory = GetMandatoryConstraintValueAsInteger( constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxWidth, desired_width); mandatory |= GetMandatoryConstraintValueAsInteger( constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxHeight, desired_height); if (mandatory) return; GetOptionalConstraintValueAsInteger(constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxWidth, desired_width); GetOptionalConstraintValueAsInteger(constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxHeight, desired_height); } // Retrieve the desired max and min aspect ratio from |constraints|. If not set, // the |min_aspect_ratio| is set to 0 and |max_aspect_ratio| is set to // std::numeric_limits::max(); // If either min or max aspect ratio is set as a mandatory constraint, the // optional constraints are not checked. void GetDesiredMinAndMaxAspectRatio( const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints, double* min_aspect_ratio, double* max_aspect_ratio) { *min_aspect_ratio = 0; *max_aspect_ratio = std::numeric_limits::max(); bool mandatory = GetMandatoryConstraintValueAsDouble( constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinAspectRatio, min_aspect_ratio); mandatory |= GetMandatoryConstraintValueAsDouble( constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxAspectRatio, max_aspect_ratio); if (mandatory) return; GetOptionalConstraintValueAsDouble( constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinAspectRatio, min_aspect_ratio); GetOptionalConstraintValueAsDouble( constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxAspectRatio, max_aspect_ratio); } // Returns true if |constraint| is fulfilled. |format| can be changed by a // constraint, e.g. the frame rate can be changed by setting maxFrameRate. bool UpdateFormatForConstraint( const blink::WebMediaConstraint& constraint, bool mandatory, media::VideoCaptureFormat* format) { DCHECK(format != NULL); if (!format->IsValid()) return false; std::string constraint_name = constraint.m_name.utf8(); std::string constraint_value = constraint.m_value.utf8(); if (constraint_name.find(kGooglePrefix) == 0) { // These are actually options, not constraints, so they can be satisfied // regardless of the format. return true; } if (constraint_name == MediaStreamSource::kSourceId) { // This is a constraint that doesn't affect the format. return true; } // Ignore Chrome specific Tab capture constraints. if (constraint_name == kMediaStreamSource || constraint_name == kMediaStreamSourceId) return true; if (constraint_name == MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinAspectRatio || constraint_name == MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxAspectRatio) { // These constraints are handled by cropping if the camera outputs the wrong // aspect ratio. double value; return base::StringToDouble(constraint_value, &value); } double value = 0.0; if (!base::StringToDouble(constraint_value, &value)) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Can't parse MediaStream constraint. Name:" << constraint_name << " Value:" << constraint_value; return false; } if (constraint_name == MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinWidth) { return (value <= format->frame_size.width()); } else if (constraint_name == MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxWidth) { return value > 0.0; } else if (constraint_name == MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinHeight) { return (value <= format->frame_size.height()); } else if (constraint_name == MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxHeight) { return value > 0.0; } else if (constraint_name == MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinFrameRate) { return (value > 0.0) && (value <= format->frame_rate); } else if (constraint_name == MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxFrameRate) { if (value <= 0.0) { // The frame rate is set by constraint. // Don't allow 0 as frame rate if it is a mandatory constraint. // Set the frame rate to 1 if it is not mandatory. if (mandatory) { return false; } else { value = 1.0; } } format->frame_rate = (format->frame_rate > value) ? value : format->frame_rate; return true; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Found unknown MediaStream constraint. Name:" << constraint_name << " Value:" << constraint_value; return false; } } // Removes media::VideoCaptureFormats from |formats| that don't meet // |constraint|. void FilterFormatsByConstraint( const blink::WebMediaConstraint& constraint, bool mandatory, media::VideoCaptureFormats* formats) { DVLOG(3) << "FilterFormatsByConstraint(" << "{ constraint.m_name = " << constraint.m_name.utf8() << " constraint.m_value = " << constraint.m_value.utf8() << " mandatory = " << mandatory << "})"; media::VideoCaptureFormats::iterator format_it = formats->begin(); while (format_it != formats->end()) { // Modify the format_it to fulfill the constraint if possible. // Delete it otherwise. if (!UpdateFormatForConstraint(constraint, mandatory, &(*format_it))) { format_it = formats->erase(format_it); } else { ++format_it; } } } // Returns the media::VideoCaptureFormats that matches |constraints|. media::VideoCaptureFormats FilterFormats( const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints, const media::VideoCaptureFormats& supported_formats, blink::WebString* unsatisfied_constraint) { if (constraints.isNull()) { return supported_formats; } double max_aspect_ratio; double min_aspect_ratio; GetDesiredMinAndMaxAspectRatio(constraints, &min_aspect_ratio, &max_aspect_ratio); if (min_aspect_ratio > max_aspect_ratio || max_aspect_ratio < 0.05f) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Wrong requested aspect ratio."; return media::VideoCaptureFormats(); } int min_width = 0; GetMandatoryConstraintValueAsInteger(constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinWidth, &min_width); int min_height = 0; GetMandatoryConstraintValueAsInteger(constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinHeight, &min_height); int max_width; int max_height; GetDesiredMaxWidthAndHeight(constraints, &max_width, &max_height); if (min_width > max_width || min_height > max_height) return media::VideoCaptureFormats(); double min_frame_rate = 0.0f; double max_frame_rate = 0.0f; if (GetConstraintValueAsDouble(constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMaxFrameRate, &max_frame_rate) && GetConstraintValueAsDouble(constraints, MediaStreamVideoSource::kMinFrameRate, &min_frame_rate)) { if (min_frame_rate > max_frame_rate) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Wrong requested frame rate."; return media::VideoCaptureFormats(); } } blink::WebVector mandatory; blink::WebVector optional; constraints.getMandatoryConstraints(mandatory); constraints.getOptionalConstraints(optional); media::VideoCaptureFormats candidates = supported_formats; for (size_t i = 0; i < mandatory.size(); ++i) { FilterFormatsByConstraint(mandatory[i], true, &candidates); if (candidates.empty()) { *unsatisfied_constraint = mandatory[i].m_name; return candidates; } } if (candidates.empty()) return candidates; // Ok - all mandatory checked and we still have candidates. // Let's try filtering using the optional constraints. The optional // constraints must be filtered in the order they occur in |optional|. // But if a constraint produce zero candidates, the constraint is ignored and // the next constraint is tested. // http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/getusermedia.html#idl-def-Constraints for (size_t i = 0; i < optional.size(); ++i) { media::VideoCaptureFormats current_candidates = candidates; FilterFormatsByConstraint(optional[i], false, ¤t_candidates); if (!current_candidates.empty()) { candidates = current_candidates; } } // We have done as good as we can to filter the supported resolutions. return candidates; } const media::VideoCaptureFormat& GetBestFormatBasedOnArea( const media::VideoCaptureFormats& formats, int area) { media::VideoCaptureFormats::const_iterator it = formats.begin(); media::VideoCaptureFormats::const_iterator best_it = formats.begin(); int best_diff = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (; it != formats.end(); ++it) { int diff = abs(area - it->frame_size.width() * it->frame_size.height()); if (diff < best_diff) { best_diff = diff; best_it = it; } } return *best_it; } // Find the format that best matches the default video size. // This algorithm is chosen since a resolution must be picked even if no // constraints are provided. We don't just select the maximum supported // resolution since higher resolutions cost more in terms of complexity and // many cameras have lower frame rate and have more noise in the image at // their maximum supported resolution. void GetBestCaptureFormat( const media::VideoCaptureFormats& formats, const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints, media::VideoCaptureFormat* capture_format) { DCHECK(!formats.empty()); int max_width; int max_height; GetDesiredMaxWidthAndHeight(constraints, &max_width, &max_height); *capture_format = GetBestFormatBasedOnArea( formats, std::min(max_width, MediaStreamVideoSource::kDefaultWidth) * std::min(max_height, MediaStreamVideoSource::kDefaultHeight)); } } // anonymous namespace // static MediaStreamVideoSource* MediaStreamVideoSource::GetVideoSource( const blink::WebMediaStreamSource& source) { return static_cast(source.extraData()); } // static bool MediaStreamVideoSource::IsConstraintSupported(const std::string& name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSupportedConstraints); ++i) { if (kSupportedConstraints[i] == name) return true; } return false; } MediaStreamVideoSource::MediaStreamVideoSource() : state_(NEW), muted_state_(false), track_adapter_(new VideoTrackAdapter( ChildProcess::current()->io_message_loop_proxy())), weak_factory_(this) { } MediaStreamVideoSource::~MediaStreamVideoSource() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); } void MediaStreamVideoSource::AddTrack( MediaStreamVideoTrack* track, const VideoCaptureDeliverFrameCB& frame_callback, const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints, const ConstraintsCallback& callback) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(!constraints.isNull()); DCHECK(std::find(tracks_.begin(), tracks_.end(), track) == tracks_.end()); tracks_.push_back(track); requested_constraints_.push_back( RequestedConstraints(track, frame_callback, constraints, callback)); switch (state_) { case NEW: { // Tab capture and Screen capture needs the maximum requested height // and width to decide on the resolution. int max_requested_width = 0; GetMandatoryConstraintValueAsInteger(constraints, kMaxWidth, &max_requested_width); int max_requested_height = 0; GetMandatoryConstraintValueAsInteger(constraints, kMaxHeight, &max_requested_height); double max_requested_frame_rate; if (!GetConstraintValueAsDouble(constraints, kMaxFrameRate, &max_requested_frame_rate)) { max_requested_frame_rate = kDefaultFrameRate; } state_ = RETRIEVING_CAPABILITIES; GetCurrentSupportedFormats( max_requested_width, max_requested_height, max_requested_frame_rate, base::Bind(&MediaStreamVideoSource::OnSupportedFormats, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); break; } case STARTING: case RETRIEVING_CAPABILITIES: { // The |callback| will be triggered once the source has started or // the capabilities have been retrieved. break; } case ENDED: case STARTED: { // Currently, reconfiguring the source is not supported. FinalizeAddTrack(); } } } void MediaStreamVideoSource::RemoveTrack(MediaStreamVideoTrack* video_track) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); std::vector::iterator it = std::find(tracks_.begin(), tracks_.end(), video_track); DCHECK(it != tracks_.end()); tracks_.erase(it); // Check if |video_track| is waiting for applying new constraints and remove // the request in that case. for (std::vector::iterator it = requested_constraints_.begin(); it != requested_constraints_.end(); ++it) { if (it->track == video_track) { requested_constraints_.erase(it); break; } } // Call |frame_adapter_->RemoveTrack| here even if adding the track has // failed and |frame_adapter_->AddCallback| has not been called. track_adapter_->RemoveTrack(video_track); if (tracks_.empty()) StopSource(); } const scoped_refptr& MediaStreamVideoSource::io_message_loop() const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); return track_adapter_->io_message_loop(); } void MediaStreamVideoSource::DoStopSource() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DVLOG(3) << "DoStopSource()"; if (state_ == ENDED) return; StopSourceImpl(); state_ = ENDED; SetReadyState(blink::WebMediaStreamSource::ReadyStateEnded); } void MediaStreamVideoSource::OnSupportedFormats( const media::VideoCaptureFormats& formats) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK_EQ(RETRIEVING_CAPABILITIES, state_); supported_formats_ = formats; if (!FindBestFormatWithConstraints(supported_formats_, ¤t_format_)) { SetReadyState(blink::WebMediaStreamSource::ReadyStateEnded); // This object can be deleted after calling FinalizeAddTrack. See comment // in the header file. FinalizeAddTrack(); return; } state_ = STARTING; DVLOG(3) << "Starting the capturer with" << " width = " << current_format_.frame_size.width() << " height = " << current_format_.frame_size.height() << " frame rate = " << current_format_.frame_rate << " pixel format = " << media::VideoCaptureFormat::PixelFormatToString( current_format_.pixel_format); media::VideoCaptureParams params; params.requested_format = current_format_; StartSourceImpl( params, base::Bind(&VideoTrackAdapter::DeliverFrameOnIO, track_adapter_)); } bool MediaStreamVideoSource::FindBestFormatWithConstraints( const media::VideoCaptureFormats& formats, media::VideoCaptureFormat* best_format) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // Find the first constraints that we can fulfill. for (std::vector::iterator request_it = requested_constraints_.begin(); request_it != requested_constraints_.end(); ++request_it) { const blink::WebMediaConstraints& requested_constraints = request_it->constraints; // If the source doesn't support capability enumeration it is still ok if // no mandatory constraints have been specified. That just means that // we will start with whatever format is native to the source. if (formats.empty() && !HasMandatoryConstraints(requested_constraints)) { *best_format = media::VideoCaptureFormat(); return true; } blink::WebString unsatisfied_constraint; media::VideoCaptureFormats filtered_formats = FilterFormats(requested_constraints, formats, &unsatisfied_constraint); if (filtered_formats.size() > 0) { // A request with constraints that can be fulfilled. GetBestCaptureFormat(filtered_formats, requested_constraints, best_format); return true; } } return false; } void MediaStreamVideoSource::OnStartDone(MediaStreamRequestResult result) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DVLOG(3) << "OnStartDone({result =" << result << "})"; if (result == MEDIA_DEVICE_OK) { DCHECK_EQ(STARTING, state_); state_ = STARTED; SetReadyState(blink::WebMediaStreamSource::ReadyStateLive); } else { StopSource(); } // This object can be deleted after calling FinalizeAddTrack. See comment in // the header file. FinalizeAddTrack(); } void MediaStreamVideoSource::FinalizeAddTrack() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); media::VideoCaptureFormats formats; formats.push_back(current_format_); std::vector callbacks; callbacks.swap(requested_constraints_); for (std::vector::iterator it = callbacks.begin(); it != callbacks.end(); ++it) { MediaStreamRequestResult result = MEDIA_DEVICE_OK; blink::WebString unsatisfied_constraint; if (HasMandatoryConstraints(it->constraints) && FilterFormats(it->constraints, formats, &unsatisfied_constraint).empty()) result = MEDIA_DEVICE_CONSTRAINT_NOT_SATISFIED; if (state_ != STARTED && result == MEDIA_DEVICE_OK) result = MEDIA_DEVICE_TRACK_START_FAILURE; if (result == MEDIA_DEVICE_OK) { int max_width; int max_height; GetDesiredMaxWidthAndHeight(it->constraints, &max_width, &max_height); double max_aspect_ratio; double min_aspect_ratio; GetDesiredMinAndMaxAspectRatio(it->constraints, &min_aspect_ratio, &max_aspect_ratio); double max_frame_rate = 0.0f; GetConstraintValueAsDouble(it->constraints, kMaxFrameRate, &max_frame_rate); VideoTrackAdapter::OnMutedCallback on_mute_callback = media::BindToCurrentLoop(base::Bind( &MediaStreamVideoSource::SetMutedState, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); track_adapter_->AddTrack(it->track, it->frame_callback, max_width, max_height, min_aspect_ratio, max_aspect_ratio, max_frame_rate, current_format_.frame_rate, on_mute_callback); } DVLOG(3) << "FinalizeAddTrack() result " << result; if (!it->callback.is_null()) { it->callback.Run(this, result, unsatisfied_constraint); } } } void MediaStreamVideoSource::SetReadyState( blink::WebMediaStreamSource::ReadyState state) { DVLOG(3) << "MediaStreamVideoSource::SetReadyState state " << state; DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); if (!owner().isNull()) { owner().setReadyState(state); } for (std::vector::iterator it = tracks_.begin(); it != tracks_.end(); ++it) { (*it)->OnReadyStateChanged(state); } } void MediaStreamVideoSource::SetMutedState(bool muted_state) { DVLOG(3) << "MediaStreamVideoSource::SetMutedState state=" << muted_state; DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // WebMediaStreamSource doesn't have a muted state, the tracks do. for (std::vector::iterator it = tracks_.begin(); it != tracks_.end(); ++it) { (*it)->SetMutedState(muted_state); } } MediaStreamVideoSource::RequestedConstraints::RequestedConstraints( MediaStreamVideoTrack* track, const VideoCaptureDeliverFrameCB& frame_callback, const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints, const ConstraintsCallback& callback) : track(track), frame_callback(frame_callback), constraints(constraints), callback(callback) { } MediaStreamVideoSource::RequestedConstraints::~RequestedConstraints() { } } // namespace content