// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/renderer/media/rtc_video_decoder.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/memory/singleton.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "media/base/data_buffer.h" #include "media/base/limits.h" #include "media/base/mock_filters.h" #include "media/base/test_helpers.h" #include "media/base/video_frame.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/media/base/videoframe.h" using ::testing::_; using ::testing::AnyNumber; using ::testing::DoAll; using ::testing::Message; using ::testing::Return; using ::testing::ReturnNull; using ::testing::SetArgumentPointee; using ::testing::StrictMock; using ::testing::WithArg; using ::testing::Invoke; using media::MockStatisticsCB; using media::MockVideoRenderer; using media::NewExpectedClosure; using media::NewExpectedStatusCB; using media::PipelineStatistics; using media::PIPELINE_OK; using media::StatisticsCB; namespace content { namespace { class NullVideoFrame : public cricket::VideoFrame { public: NullVideoFrame() {} virtual ~NullVideoFrame() {} virtual bool Reset(uint32 fourcc, int w, int h, int dw, int dh, uint8 *sample, size_t sample_size, size_t pixel_width, size_t pixel_height, int64 elapsed_time, int64 time_stamp, int rotation) OVERRIDE { return true; } virtual size_t GetWidth() const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual size_t GetHeight() const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual const uint8 *GetYPlane() const OVERRIDE { return NULL; } virtual const uint8 *GetUPlane() const OVERRIDE { return NULL; } virtual const uint8 *GetVPlane() const OVERRIDE { return NULL; } virtual uint8 *GetYPlane() OVERRIDE { return NULL; } virtual uint8 *GetUPlane() OVERRIDE { return NULL; } virtual uint8 *GetVPlane() OVERRIDE { return NULL; } virtual int32 GetYPitch() const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual int32 GetUPitch() const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual int32 GetVPitch() const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual size_t GetPixelWidth() const OVERRIDE { return 1; } virtual size_t GetPixelHeight() const OVERRIDE { return 1; } virtual int64 GetElapsedTime() const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual int64 GetTimeStamp() const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual void SetElapsedTime(int64 elapsed_time) OVERRIDE {} virtual void SetTimeStamp(int64 time_stamp) OVERRIDE {} virtual int GetRotation() const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual VideoFrame *Copy() const OVERRIDE { return NULL; } virtual bool MakeExclusive() OVERRIDE { return true; } virtual size_t CopyToBuffer(uint8 *buffer, size_t size) const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual size_t ConvertToRgbBuffer(uint32 to_fourcc, uint8 *buffer, size_t size, int stride_rgb) const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual void StretchToPlanes(uint8 *y, uint8 *u, uint8 *v, int32 pitchY, int32 pitchU, int32 pitchV, size_t width, size_t height, bool interpolate, bool crop) const OVERRIDE { } virtual size_t StretchToBuffer(size_t w, size_t h, uint8 *buffer, size_t size, bool interpolate, bool crop) const OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual void StretchToFrame(VideoFrame *target, bool interpolate, bool crop) const OVERRIDE { } virtual VideoFrame *Stretch(size_t w, size_t h, bool interpolate, bool crop) const OVERRIDE { return NULL; } protected: virtual VideoFrame* CreateEmptyFrame(int w, int h, size_t pixel_width, size_t pixel_height, int64 elapsed_time, int64 time_stamp) const OVERRIDE { return NULL; } }; class MockVideoTrack : public webrtc::VideoTrackInterface { public: static MockVideoTrack* Create() { return new talk_base::RefCountedObject(); } virtual std::string kind() const OVERRIDE { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return ""; } virtual std::string label() const OVERRIDE { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return ""; } virtual bool enabled() const OVERRIDE { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return false; } virtual TrackState state() const OVERRIDE { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return kEnded; } virtual bool set_enabled(bool enable) OVERRIDE { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return false; } virtual bool set_state(TrackState new_state) OVERRIDE { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return false; } virtual void RegisterObserver(webrtc::ObserverInterface* observer) OVERRIDE { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } virtual void UnregisterObserver( webrtc::ObserverInterface* observer) OVERRIDE { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } virtual webrtc::VideoSourceInterface* GetSource() const OVERRIDE { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; } MOCK_METHOD1(AddRenderer, void(webrtc::VideoRendererInterface* renderer)); MOCK_METHOD1(RemoveRenderer, void(webrtc::VideoRendererInterface* renderer)); virtual cricket::VideoRenderer* FrameInput() OVERRIDE { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; } protected: MockVideoTrack() {} ~MockVideoTrack() {} }; } // namespace class RTCVideoDecoderTest : public testing::Test { protected: static const int kWidth; static const int kHeight; static const PipelineStatistics kStatistics; RTCVideoDecoderTest() { } virtual ~RTCVideoDecoderTest() { } virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE { video_track_ = MockVideoTrack::Create(); decoder_ = new RTCVideoDecoder(message_loop_.message_loop_proxy(), message_loop_.message_loop_proxy(), video_track_); renderer_ = new MockVideoRenderer(); read_cb_ = base::Bind(&RTCVideoDecoderTest::FrameReady, base::Unretained(this)); DCHECK(decoder_); EXPECT_CALL(statistics_cb_, OnStatistics(_)) .Times(AnyNumber()); } virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE { if (decoder_->state_ == RTCVideoDecoder::kStopped) return; Stop(); } void InitializeDecoderSuccessfully() { EXPECT_CALL(*video_track_, AddRenderer(decoder_.get())); // Test successful initialization. decoder_->Initialize( NULL, NewExpectedStatusCB(PIPELINE_OK), NewStatisticsCB()); message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); } void Stop() { EXPECT_CALL(*video_track_, RemoveRenderer(decoder_.get())); decoder_->Stop(media::NewExpectedClosure()); message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(RTCVideoDecoder::kStopped, decoder_->state_); } StatisticsCB NewStatisticsCB() { return base::Bind(&MockStatisticsCB::OnStatistics, base::Unretained(&statistics_cb_)); } void RenderFrame() { NullVideoFrame video_frame; decoder_->RenderFrame(&video_frame); } MOCK_METHOD2(FrameReady, void(media::VideoDecoder::Status status, const scoped_refptr&)); // Fixture members. scoped_refptr video_track_; scoped_refptr decoder_; scoped_refptr renderer_; MockStatisticsCB statistics_cb_; MessageLoop message_loop_; media::VideoDecoder::ReadCB read_cb_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RTCVideoDecoderTest); }; const int RTCVideoDecoderTest::kWidth = 640; const int RTCVideoDecoderTest::kHeight = 480; const PipelineStatistics RTCVideoDecoderTest::kStatistics; MATCHER_P2(HasSize, width, height, "") { EXPECT_EQ(arg->coded_size().width(), width); EXPECT_EQ(arg->coded_size().height(), height); EXPECT_EQ(arg->visible_rect().x(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(arg->visible_rect().y(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(arg->visible_rect().width(), width); EXPECT_EQ(arg->visible_rect().height(), height); EXPECT_EQ(arg->natural_size().width(), width); EXPECT_EQ(arg->natural_size().height(), height); return (arg->coded_size().width() == width) && (arg->coded_size().height() == height) && (arg->visible_rect().x() == 0) && (arg->visible_rect().y() == 0) && (arg->visible_rect().width() == width) && (arg->visible_rect().height() == height) && (arg->natural_size().width() == width) && (arg->natural_size().height() == height); } TEST_F(RTCVideoDecoderTest, Initialize_Successful) { InitializeDecoderSuccessfully(); EXPECT_CALL(*this, FrameReady(media::VideoDecoder::kOk, HasSize(kWidth, kHeight))); decoder_->Read(read_cb_); RenderFrame(); } TEST_F(RTCVideoDecoderTest, DoReset) { InitializeDecoderSuccessfully(); EXPECT_CALL(*this, FrameReady(media::VideoDecoder::kOk, scoped_refptr())); decoder_->Read(read_cb_); decoder_->Reset(media::NewExpectedClosure()); message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(RTCVideoDecoder::kNormal, decoder_->state_); } TEST_F(RTCVideoDecoderTest, DoRenderFrame) { InitializeDecoderSuccessfully(); for (size_t i = 0; i < media::limits::kMaxVideoFrames; ++i) RenderFrame(); message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(RTCVideoDecoder::kNormal, decoder_->state_); } TEST_F(RTCVideoDecoderTest, DoSetSize) { InitializeDecoderSuccessfully(); EXPECT_CALL(*this, FrameReady(media::VideoDecoder::kOk, HasSize(kWidth, kHeight))); decoder_->Read(read_cb_); RenderFrame(); message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); int new_width = kWidth * 2; int new_height = kHeight * 2; decoder_->SetSize(new_width, new_height); EXPECT_CALL(*this, FrameReady(media::VideoDecoder::kOk, HasSize(new_width, new_height))); decoder_->Read(read_cb_); RenderFrame(); message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); } TEST_F(RTCVideoDecoderTest, ReadAndShutdown) { // Test all the Read requests can be fullfilled (which is needed in order to // teardown the pipeline) even when there's no input frame. InitializeDecoderSuccessfully(); EXPECT_CALL(*this, FrameReady(media::VideoDecoder::kOk, scoped_refptr())); decoder_->Read(read_cb_); Stop(); // Any read after stopping should be immediately satisfied. EXPECT_CALL(*this, FrameReady(media::VideoDecoder::kOk, scoped_refptr())); decoder_->Read(read_cb_); message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); } } // namespace content