// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/renderer/media/webrtc_audio_device_impl.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/win/windows_version.h" #include "content/renderer/media/audio_hardware.h" #include "content/renderer/render_thread_impl.h" #include "media/audio/audio_util.h" #include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h" #include "media/audio/sample_rates.h" using media::AudioParameters; static const int64 kMillisecondsBetweenProcessCalls = 5000; static const double kMaxVolumeLevel = 255.0; // Supported hardware sample rates for input and output sides. #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX) // media::GetAudioInput[Output]HardwareSampleRate() asks the audio layer // for its current sample rate (set by the user) on Windows and Mac OS X. // The listed rates below adds restrictions and WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Init() // will fail if the user selects any rate outside these ranges. static int kValidInputRates[] = {96000, 48000, 44100, 32000, 16000, 8000}; static int kValidOutputRates[] = {96000, 48000, 44100}; #elif defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_OPENBSD) // media::GetAudioInput[Output]HardwareSampleRate() is hardcoded to return // 48000 in both directions on Linux. static int kValidInputRates[] = {48000}; static int kValidOutputRates[] = {48000}; #endif namespace { // Helper enum used for histogramming buffer sizes expressed in number of // audio frames. This enumerator covers all supported sizes for all platforms. // Example: k480 <=> 480 audio frames <=> 10ms@48kHz. // TODO(henrika): can be moved to the media namespace if more clients need it. // TODO(henrika): add support for k80 as well. Will be listed as unexpected for // now. Very rare case though and most likeley only on Mac OS X. enum AudioFramesPerBuffer { k160, k320, k440, // WebRTC works internally with 440 audio frames at 44.1kHz. k480, k640, k880, k960, k1440, k1920, kUnexpectedAudioBufferSize // Must always be last! }; enum HistogramDirection { kAudioOutput, kAudioInput }; } // anonymous namespace // Helper method to convert integral values to their respective enum values // above, or kUnexpectedAudioBufferSize if no match exists. // TODO(henrika): add support for k80 as well given that 8000Hz input now has // been added. static AudioFramesPerBuffer AsAudioFramesPerBuffer(int frames_per_buffer) { switch (frames_per_buffer) { case 160: return k160; case 320: return k320; case 440: return k440; case 480: return k480; case 640: return k640; case 880: return k880; case 960: return k960; case 1440: return k1440; case 1920: return k1920; } return kUnexpectedAudioBufferSize; } // Helper method which adds histogram data to be uploaded as part of an // UMA logging event. Names: "WebRTC.Audio[Output|Input]SampleRate". static void AddHistogramSampleRate(HistogramDirection dir, int param) { media::AudioSampleRate asr = media::AsAudioSampleRate(param); if (asr != media::kUnexpectedAudioSampleRate) { if (dir == kAudioOutput) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("WebRTC.AudioOutputSampleRate", asr, media::kUnexpectedAudioSampleRate); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("WebRTC.AudioInputSampleRate", asr, media::kUnexpectedAudioSampleRate); } } else { // Report unexpected sample rates using a unique histogram name. if (dir == kAudioOutput) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("WebRTC.AudioOutputSampleRateUnexpected", param); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("WebRTC.AudioInputSampleRateUnexpected", param); } } } // Helper method which adds histogram data to be uploaded as part of an // UMA logging event. Names: "WebRTC.Audio[Output|Input]FramesPerBuffer". static void AddHistogramFramesPerBuffer(HistogramDirection dir, int param) { AudioFramesPerBuffer afpb = AsAudioFramesPerBuffer(param); if (afpb != kUnexpectedAudioBufferSize) { if (dir == kAudioOutput) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("WebRTC.AudioOutputFramesPerBuffer", afpb, kUnexpectedAudioBufferSize); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("WebRTC.AudioInputFramesPerBuffer", afpb, kUnexpectedAudioBufferSize); } } else { // Report unexpected sample rates using a unique histogram name. if (dir == kAudioOutput) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("WebRTC.AudioOutputFramesPerBufferUnexpected", param); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("WebRTC.AudioInputFramesPerBufferUnexpected", param); } } } WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl() : ref_count_(0), render_loop_(base::MessageLoopProxy::current()), audio_transport_callback_(NULL), input_delay_ms_(0), output_delay_ms_(0), last_error_(AudioDeviceModule::kAdmErrNone), last_process_time_(base::TimeTicks::Now()), session_id_(0), bytes_per_sample_(0), initialized_(false), playing_(false), recording_(false), agc_is_enabled_(false) { DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl()"; DCHECK(RenderThreadImpl::current()) << "WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl must be constructed on the render thread"; } WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::~WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl() { DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::~WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl()"; if (playing_) StopPlayout(); if (recording_) StopRecording(); if (initialized_) Terminate(); } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::AddRef() { return base::subtle::Barrier_AtomicIncrement(&ref_count_, 1); } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Release() { int ret = base::subtle::Barrier_AtomicIncrement(&ref_count_, -1); if (ret == 0) { delete this; } return ret; } int WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Render( const std::vector<float*>& audio_data, int number_of_frames, int audio_delay_milliseconds) { DCHECK_LE(number_of_frames, output_buffer_size()); { base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); // Store the reported audio delay locally. output_delay_ms_ = audio_delay_milliseconds; } const int channels = audio_data.size(); DCHECK_LE(channels, output_channels()); int samples_per_sec = output_sample_rate(); if (samples_per_sec == 44100) { // Even if the hardware runs at 44.1kHz, we use 44.0 internally. samples_per_sec = 44000; } int samples_per_10_msec = (samples_per_sec / 100); const int bytes_per_10_msec = channels * samples_per_10_msec * bytes_per_sample_; uint32_t num_audio_samples = 0; int accumulated_audio_samples = 0; char* audio_byte_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(output_buffer_.get()); // Get audio samples in blocks of 10 milliseconds from the registered // webrtc::AudioTransport source. Keep reading until our internal buffer // is full. while (accumulated_audio_samples < number_of_frames) { // Get 10ms and append output to temporary byte buffer. audio_transport_callback_->NeedMorePlayData(samples_per_10_msec, bytes_per_sample_, channels, samples_per_sec, audio_byte_buffer, num_audio_samples); accumulated_audio_samples += num_audio_samples; audio_byte_buffer += bytes_per_10_msec; } // Deinterleave each channel and convert to 32-bit floating-point // with nominal range -1.0 -> +1.0 to match the callback format. for (int channel_index = 0; channel_index < channels; ++channel_index) { media::DeinterleaveAudioChannel( output_buffer_.get(), audio_data[channel_index], channels, channel_index, bytes_per_sample_, number_of_frames); } return number_of_frames; } void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::OnRenderError() { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), ChildProcess::current()->io_message_loop()); // TODO(henrika): Implement error handling. LOG(ERROR) << "OnRenderError()"; } void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Capture(const std::vector<float*>& audio_data, int number_of_frames, int audio_delay_milliseconds, double volume) { DCHECK_LE(number_of_frames, input_buffer_size()); #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX) DCHECK_LE(volume, 1.0); #elif defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_OPENBSD) // We have a special situation on Linux where the microphone volume can be // "higher than maximum". The input volume slider in the sound preference // allows the user to set a scaling that is higher than 100%. It means that // even if the reported maximum levels is N, the actual microphone level can // go up to 1.5*N and that corresponds to a normalized |volume| of 1.5. DCHECK_LE(volume, 1.5); #endif int output_delay_ms = 0; { base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); // Store the reported audio delay locally. input_delay_ms_ = audio_delay_milliseconds; output_delay_ms = output_delay_ms_; } const int channels = audio_data.size(); DCHECK_LE(channels, input_channels()); uint32_t new_mic_level = 0; // Interleave, scale, and clip input to int and store result in // a local byte buffer. media::InterleaveFloatToInt(audio_data, input_buffer_.get(), number_of_frames, input_audio_parameters_.bits_per_sample() / 8); int samples_per_sec = input_sample_rate(); if (samples_per_sec == 44100) { // Even if the hardware runs at 44.1kHz, we use 44.0 internally. samples_per_sec = 44000; } const int samples_per_10_msec = (samples_per_sec / 100); const int bytes_per_10_msec = channels * samples_per_10_msec * bytes_per_sample_; int accumulated_audio_samples = 0; char* audio_byte_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(input_buffer_.get()); // Map internal volume range of [0.0, 1.0] into [0, 255] used by the // webrtc::VoiceEngine. uint32_t current_mic_level = static_cast<uint32_t>(volume * kMaxVolumeLevel); // Write audio samples in blocks of 10 milliseconds to the registered // webrtc::AudioTransport sink. Keep writing until our internal byte // buffer is empty. while (accumulated_audio_samples < number_of_frames) { // Deliver 10ms of recorded 16-bit linear PCM audio. audio_transport_callback_->RecordedDataIsAvailable( audio_byte_buffer, samples_per_10_msec, bytes_per_sample_, channels, samples_per_sec, input_delay_ms_ + output_delay_ms, 0, // TODO(henrika): |clock_drift| parameter is not utilized today. current_mic_level, new_mic_level); accumulated_audio_samples += samples_per_10_msec; audio_byte_buffer += bytes_per_10_msec; } // The AGC returns a non-zero microphone level if it has been decided // that a new level should be set. if (new_mic_level != 0) { // Use IPC and set the new level. Note that, it will take some time // before the new level is effective due to the IPC scheme. // During this time, |current_mic_level| will contain "non-valid" values // and it might reduce the AGC performance. Measurements on Windows 7 have // shown that we might receive old volume levels for one or two callbacks. SetMicrophoneVolume(new_mic_level); } } void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::OnCaptureError() { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), ChildProcess::current()->io_message_loop()); // TODO(henrika): Implement error handling. LOG(ERROR) << "OnCaptureError()"; } void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::OnDeviceStarted(const std::string& device_id) { DVLOG(1) << "OnDeviceStarted (device_id=" << device_id << ")"; // Empty string is an invalid device id. Do nothing if a valid device has // been started. Otherwise update the |recording_| state to false. if (!device_id.empty()) return; base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); if (recording_) recording_ = false; } void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::OnDeviceStopped() { DVLOG(1) << "OnDeviceStopped"; base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); if (recording_) recording_ = false; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::ChangeUniqueId(const int32_t id) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::TimeUntilNextProcess() { // Calculate the number of milliseconds until this module wants its // Process method to be called. base::TimeDelta delta_time = (base::TimeTicks::Now() - last_process_time_); int64 time_until_next = kMillisecondsBetweenProcessCalls - delta_time.InMilliseconds(); return static_cast<int32_t>(time_until_next); } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Process() { // TODO(henrika): it is possible to add functionality in this method, which // is called periodically. The idea is that we should call one of the methods // in the registered AudioDeviceObserver to inform the user about warnings // or error states. Leave it empty for now. last_process_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::ActiveAudioLayer(AudioLayer* audio_layer) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } webrtc::AudioDeviceModule::ErrorCode WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::LastError() const { return last_error_; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RegisterEventObserver( webrtc::AudioDeviceObserver* event_callback) { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RegisterEventObserver() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RegisterAudioCallback( webrtc::AudioTransport* audio_callback) { DVLOG(1) << "RegisterAudioCallback()"; if (playing_ || recording_) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to (de)register transport during active media"; return -1; } audio_transport_callback_ = audio_callback; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Init() { DVLOG(1) << "Init()"; if (!render_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { int32_t error = 0; base::WaitableEvent event(false, false); // Ensure that we call Init() from the main render thread since // the audio clients can only be created on this thread. render_loop_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::InitOnRenderThread, this, &error, &event)); event.Wait(); return error; } // Calling Init() multiple times in a row is OK. if (initialized_) return 0; DCHECK(!audio_input_device_); DCHECK(!audio_output_device_); DCHECK(!input_buffer_.get()); DCHECK(!output_buffer_.get()); // TODO(henrika): it could be possible to allow one of the directions (input // or output) to use a non-supported rate. As an example: if only the // output rate is OK, we could finalize Init() and only set up an AudioDevice. // Ask the browser for the default audio output hardware sample-rate. // This request is based on a synchronous IPC message. int out_sample_rate = audio_hardware::GetOutputSampleRate(); DVLOG(1) << "Audio output hardware sample rate: " << out_sample_rate; AddHistogramSampleRate(kAudioOutput, out_sample_rate); // Verify that the reported output hardware sample rate is supported // on the current platform. if (std::find(&kValidOutputRates[0], &kValidOutputRates[0] + arraysize(kValidOutputRates), out_sample_rate) == &kValidOutputRates[arraysize(kValidOutputRates)]) { DLOG(ERROR) << out_sample_rate << " is not a supported output rate."; return -1; } // Ask the browser for the default audio input hardware sample-rate. // This request is based on a synchronous IPC message. int in_sample_rate = audio_hardware::GetInputSampleRate(); DVLOG(1) << "Audio input hardware sample rate: " << in_sample_rate; AddHistogramSampleRate(kAudioInput, in_sample_rate); // Verify that the reported input hardware sample rate is supported // on the current platform. if (std::find(&kValidInputRates[0], &kValidInputRates[0] + arraysize(kValidInputRates), in_sample_rate) == &kValidInputRates[arraysize(kValidInputRates)]) { DLOG(ERROR) << in_sample_rate << " is not a supported input rate."; return -1; } // Ask the browser for the default number of audio input channels. // This request is based on a synchronous IPC message. ChannelLayout in_channel_layout = audio_hardware::GetInputChannelLayout(); DVLOG(1) << "Audio input hardware channels: " << in_channel_layout; ChannelLayout out_channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO; AudioParameters::Format in_format = AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR; int in_buffer_size = 0; int out_buffer_size = 0; // TODO(henrika): factor out all platform specific parts in separate // functions. Code is a bit messy right now. // Windows #if defined(OS_WIN) // Always use stereo rendering on Windows. out_channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO; DVLOG(1) << "Using AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY as input mode on Windows."; in_format = AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY; // Capture side: AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY is based on the Core Audio (WASAPI) // API which was introduced in Windows Vista. For lower Windows versions, // a callback-driven Wave implementation is used instead. An input buffer // size of 10ms works well for both these implementations. // Use different buffer sizes depending on the current hardware sample rate. if (in_sample_rate == 44100) { // We do run at 44.1kHz at the actual audio layer, but ask for frames // at 44.0kHz to ensure that we can feed them to the webrtc::VoiceEngine. in_buffer_size = 440; } else { in_buffer_size = (in_sample_rate / 100); DCHECK_EQ(in_buffer_size * 100, in_sample_rate) << "Sample rate not supported. Should have been caught in Init()."; } // Render side: AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY is based on the Core Audio (WASAPI) // API which was introduced in Windows Vista. For lower Windows versions, // a callback-driven Wave implementation is used instead. An output buffer // size of 10ms works well for WASAPI but 30ms is needed for Wave. // Use different buffer sizes depending on the current hardware sample rate. if (out_sample_rate == 96000 || out_sample_rate == 48000) { out_buffer_size = (out_sample_rate / 100); } else { // We do run at 44.1kHz at the actual audio layer, but ask for frames // at 44.0kHz to ensure that we can feed them to the webrtc::VoiceEngine. // TODO(henrika): figure out why we seem to need 20ms here for glitch- // free audio. out_buffer_size = 2 * 440; } // Windows XP and lower can't cope with 10 ms output buffer size. // It must be extended to 30 ms (60 ms will be used internally by WaveOut). if (!media::IsWASAPISupported()) { out_buffer_size = 3 * out_buffer_size; DLOG(WARNING) << "Extending the output buffer size by a factor of three " << "since Windows XP has been detected."; } // Mac OS X #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) out_channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO; DVLOG(1) << "Using AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY as input mode on Mac OS X."; in_format = AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY; // Capture side: AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY on Mac OS X is based on a callback- // driven Core Audio implementation. Tests have shown that 10ms is a suitable // frame size to use, both for 48kHz and 44.1kHz. // Use different buffer sizes depending on the current hardware sample rate. if (in_sample_rate == 44100) { // We do run at 44.1kHz at the actual audio layer, but ask for frames // at 44.0kHz to ensure that we can feed them to the webrtc::VoiceEngine. in_buffer_size = 440; } else { in_buffer_size = (in_sample_rate / 100); DCHECK_EQ(in_buffer_size * 100, in_sample_rate) << "Sample rate not supported. Should have been caught in Init()."; } // Render side: AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY on Mac OS X is based on a callback- // driven Core Audio implementation. Tests have shown that 10ms is a suitable // frame size to use, both for 48kHz and 44.1kHz. // Use different buffer sizes depending on the current hardware sample rate. if (out_sample_rate == 48000) { out_buffer_size = 480; } else { // We do run at 44.1kHz at the actual audio layer, but ask for frames // at 44.0kHz to ensure that we can feed them to the webrtc::VoiceEngine. out_buffer_size = 440; } // Linux #elif defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_OPENBSD) in_channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO; out_channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO; // Based on tests using the current ALSA implementation in Chrome, we have // found that the best combination is 20ms on the input side and 10ms on the // output side. // TODO(henrika): It might be possible to reduce the input buffer // size and reduce the delay even more. in_buffer_size = 2 * 480; out_buffer_size = 480; #else DLOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported platform"; return -1; #endif // Store utilized parameters to ensure that we can check them // after a successful initialization. output_audio_parameters_.Reset( AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY, out_channel_layout, out_sample_rate, 16, out_buffer_size); input_audio_parameters_.Reset( in_format, in_channel_layout, in_sample_rate, 16, in_buffer_size); // Create and configure the audio capturing client. audio_input_device_ = new AudioInputDevice( input_audio_parameters_, this, this); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("WebRTC.AudioOutputChannelLayout", out_channel_layout, CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MAX); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("WebRTC.AudioInputChannelLayout", in_channel_layout, CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MAX); AddHistogramFramesPerBuffer(kAudioOutput, out_buffer_size); AddHistogramFramesPerBuffer(kAudioInput, in_buffer_size); // Create and configure the audio rendering client. audio_output_device_ = new AudioDevice(output_audio_parameters_, this); DCHECK(audio_input_device_); DCHECK(audio_output_device_); // Allocate local audio buffers based on the parameters above. // It is assumed that each audio sample contains 16 bits and each // audio frame contains one or two audio samples depending on the // number of channels. input_buffer_.reset(new int16[input_buffer_size() * input_channels()]); output_buffer_.reset(new int16[output_buffer_size() * output_channels()]); DCHECK(input_buffer_.get()); DCHECK(output_buffer_.get()); bytes_per_sample_ = sizeof(*input_buffer_.get()); initialized_ = true; DVLOG(1) << "Capture parameters (size/channels/rate): (" << input_buffer_size() << "/" << input_channels() << "/" << input_sample_rate() << ")"; DVLOG(1) << "Render parameters (size/channels/rate): (" << output_buffer_size() << "/" << output_channels() << "/" << output_sample_rate() << ")"; return 0; } void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::InitOnRenderThread(int32_t* error, base::WaitableEvent* event) { DCHECK(render_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); *error = Init(); event->Signal(); } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Terminate() { DVLOG(1) << "Terminate()"; // Calling Terminate() multiple times in a row is OK. if (!initialized_) return 0; DCHECK(audio_input_device_); DCHECK(audio_output_device_); DCHECK(input_buffer_.get()); DCHECK(output_buffer_.get()); // Release all resources allocated in Init(). audio_input_device_ = NULL; audio_output_device_ = NULL; input_buffer_.reset(); output_buffer_.reset(); initialized_ = false; return 0; } bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Initialized() const { return initialized_; } int16_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::PlayoutDevices() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int16_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RecordingDevices() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::PlayoutDeviceName( uint16_t index, char name[webrtc::kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize], char guid[webrtc::kAdmMaxGuidSize]) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RecordingDeviceName( uint16_t index, char name[webrtc::kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize], char guid[webrtc::kAdmMaxGuidSize]) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetPlayoutDevice(uint16_t index) { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetPlayoutDevice() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetPlayoutDevice(WindowsDeviceType device) { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetPlayoutDevice() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetRecordingDevice(uint16_t index) { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetRecordingDevice() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetRecordingDevice(WindowsDeviceType device) { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetRecordingDevice() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::PlayoutIsAvailable(bool* available) { DVLOG(1) << "PlayoutIsAvailable()"; *available = (audio_output_device_ != NULL); return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::InitPlayout() { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::InitPlayout() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return 0; } bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::PlayoutIsInitialized() const { DVLOG(1) << "PlayoutIsInitialized()"; return (audio_output_device_ != NULL); } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RecordingIsAvailable(bool* available) { DVLOG(1) << "RecordingIsAvailable()"; *available = (audio_input_device_ != NULL); return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::InitRecording() { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::InitRecording() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return 0; } bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RecordingIsInitialized() const { DVLOG(1) << "RecordingIsInitialized()"; return (audio_input_device_ != NULL); } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StartPlayout() { DVLOG(1) << "StartPlayout()"; LOG_IF(ERROR, !audio_transport_callback_) << "Audio transport is missing"; if (!audio_transport_callback_) { return -1; } if (playing_) { // webrtc::VoiceEngine assumes that it is OK to call Start() twice and // that the call is ignored the second time. return 0; } start_render_time_ = base::Time::Now(); audio_output_device_->Start(); playing_ = true; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StopPlayout() { DVLOG(1) << "StopPlayout()"; if (!playing_) { // webrtc::VoiceEngine assumes that it is OK to call Stop() just in case. return 0; } // Add histogram data to be uploaded as part of an UMA logging event. // This histogram keeps track of total playout times. if (!start_render_time_.is_null()) { base::TimeDelta render_time = base::Time::Now() - start_render_time_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("WebRTC.AudioRenderTime", render_time); } audio_output_device_->Stop(); playing_ = false; return 0; } bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Playing() const { return playing_; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StartRecording() { DVLOG(1) << "StartRecording()"; LOG_IF(ERROR, !audio_transport_callback_) << "Audio transport is missing"; if (!audio_transport_callback_) { return -1; } if (session_id_ <= 0) { LOG(WARNING) << session_id_ << " is an invalid session id."; // TODO(xians): enable the return -1 when MediaStreamManager can handle // AudioInputDeviceManager. // return -1; } base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); if (recording_) { // webrtc::VoiceEngine assumes that it is OK to call Start() twice and // that the call is ignored the second time. return 0; } start_capture_time_ = base::Time::Now(); // Specify the session_id which is mapped to a certain device. audio_input_device_->SetDevice(session_id_); audio_input_device_->Start(); recording_ = true; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StopRecording() { DVLOG(1) << "StopRecording()"; { base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); if (!recording_) { // webrtc::VoiceEngine assumes that it is OK to call Stop() // more than once. return 0; } } // Add histogram data to be uploaded as part of an UMA logging event. // This histogram keeps track of total recording times. if (!start_capture_time_.is_null()) { base::TimeDelta capture_time = base::Time::Now() - start_capture_time_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("WebRTC.AudioCaptureTime", capture_time); } audio_input_device_->Stop(); base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); recording_ = false; return 0; } bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Recording() const { return recording_; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetAGC(bool enable) { DVLOG(1) << "SetAGC(enable=" << enable << ")"; // The current implementation does not support changing the AGC state while // recording. Using this approach simplifies the design and it is also // inline with the latest WebRTC standard. DCHECK(initialized_); DCHECK(!recording_) << "Unable to set AGC state while recording is active."; if (recording_) { return -1; } audio_input_device_->SetAutomaticGainControl(enable); agc_is_enabled_ = enable; return 0; } bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::AGC() const { // To reduce the usage of IPC messages, an internal AGC state is used. // TODO(henrika): investigate if there is a need for a "deeper" getter. return agc_is_enabled_; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetWaveOutVolume(uint16_t volume_left, uint16_t volume_right) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::WaveOutVolume( uint16_t* volume_left, uint16_t* volume_right) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SpeakerIsAvailable(bool* available) { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SpeakerIsAvailable() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; *available = true; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::InitSpeaker() { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::InitSpeaker() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return 0; } bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SpeakerIsInitialized() const { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SpeakerIsInitialized() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return true; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneIsAvailable(bool* available) { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneIsAvailable() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; *available = true; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::InitMicrophone() { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::InitMicrophone() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return 0; } bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneIsInitialized() const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return true; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SpeakerVolumeIsAvailable( bool* available) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetSpeakerVolume(uint32_t volume) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SpeakerVolume(uint32_t* volume) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MaxSpeakerVolume(uint32_t* max_volume) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MinSpeakerVolume(uint32_t* min_volume) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SpeakerVolumeStepSize( uint16_t* step_size) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneVolumeIsAvailable(bool* available) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t volume) { DVLOG(1) << "SetMicrophoneVolume(" << volume << ")"; if (volume > kMaxVolumeLevel) return -1; // WebRTC uses a range of [0, 255] to represent the level of the microphone // volume. The IPC channel between the renderer and browser process works // with doubles in the [0.0, 1.0] range and we have to compensate for that. double normalized_volume = static_cast<double>(volume / kMaxVolumeLevel); audio_input_device_->SetVolume(normalized_volume); return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneVolume(uint32_t* volume) const { // The microphone level is fed to this class using the Capture() callback // and this external API should not be used. Additional IPC messages are // required if support for this API is ever needed. NOTREACHED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MaxMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t* max_volume) const { *max_volume = kMaxVolumeLevel; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MinMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t* min_volume) const { *min_volume = 0; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneVolumeStepSize( uint16_t* step_size) const { NOTREACHED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SpeakerMuteIsAvailable(bool* available) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetSpeakerMute(bool enable) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SpeakerMute(bool* enabled) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneMuteIsAvailable( bool* available) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetMicrophoneMute(bool enable) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneMute(bool* enabled) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneBoostIsAvailable(bool* available) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetMicrophoneBoost(bool enable) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneBoost(bool* enabled) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StereoPlayoutIsAvailable(bool* available) const { DCHECK(initialized_) << "Init() must be called first."; *available = (output_channels() == 2); return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetStereoPlayout(bool enable) { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetStereoPlayout() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StereoPlayout(bool* enabled) const { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StereoPlayout() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StereoRecordingIsAvailable( bool* available) const { DCHECK(initialized_) << "Init() must be called first."; *available = (input_channels() == 2); return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetStereoRecording(bool enable) { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetStereoRecording() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StereoRecording(bool* enabled) const { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StereoRecording() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetRecordingChannel(const ChannelType channel) { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetRecordingChannel() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RecordingChannel(ChannelType* channel) const { DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RecordingChannel() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetPlayoutBuffer(const BufferType type, uint16_t size_ms) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::PlayoutBuffer(BufferType* type, uint16_t* size_ms) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::PlayoutDelay(uint16_t* delay_ms) const { // Report the cached output delay value. base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); *delay_ms = static_cast<uint16_t>(output_delay_ms_); return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RecordingDelay(uint16_t* delay_ms) const { // Report the cached output delay value. base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); *delay_ms = static_cast<uint16_t>(input_delay_ms_); return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::CPULoad(uint16_t* load) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StartRawOutputFileRecording( const char pcm_file_name_utf8[webrtc::kAdmMaxFileNameSize]) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StopRawOutputFileRecording() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StartRawInputFileRecording( const char pcm_file_name_utf8[webrtc::kAdmMaxFileNameSize]) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StopRawInputFileRecording() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetRecordingSampleRate( const uint32_t samples_per_sec) { // Sample rate should only be set at construction. NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RecordingSampleRate( uint32_t* samples_per_sec) const { // Returns the sample rate set at construction. *samples_per_sec = static_cast<uint32_t>(input_sample_rate()); return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetPlayoutSampleRate( const uint32_t samples_per_sec) { // Sample rate should only be set at construction. NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::PlayoutSampleRate( uint32_t* samples_per_sec) const { // Returns the sample rate set at construction. *samples_per_sec = static_cast<uint32_t>(output_sample_rate()); return 0; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::ResetAudioDevice() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetLoudspeakerStatus(bool enable) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::GetLoudspeakerStatus(bool* enabled) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return -1; } void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetSessionId(int session_id) { session_id_ = session_id; }