// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/renderer/media/webrtc_local_audio_renderer.h" #include "base/debug/trace_event.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "content/renderer/media/audio_device_factory.h" #include "content/renderer/media/webrtc_audio_capturer.h" #include "media/audio/audio_output_device.h" #include "media/base/audio_bus.h" #include "media/base/audio_fifo.h" namespace content { namespace { enum LocalRendererSinkStates { kSinkStarted = 0, kSinkNeverStarted, kSinkStatesMax // Must always be last! }; } // namespace // media::AudioRendererSink::RenderCallback implementation int WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Render( media::AudioBus* audio_bus, int audio_delay_milliseconds) { TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Render"); base::AutoLock auto_lock(thread_lock_); if (!playing_ || !volume_ || !loopback_fifo_) { audio_bus->Zero(); return 0; } // Provide data by reading from the FIFO if the FIFO contains enough // to fulfill the request. if (loopback_fifo_->frames() >= audio_bus->frames()) { loopback_fifo_->Consume(audio_bus, 0, audio_bus->frames()); } else { audio_bus->Zero(); // This warning is perfectly safe if it happens for the first audio // frames. It should not happen in a steady-state mode. DVLOG(2) << "loopback FIFO is empty"; } return audio_bus->frames(); } void WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::OnRenderError() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } // content::MediaStreamAudioSink implementation void WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::OnData(const int16* audio_data, int sample_rate, int number_of_channels, int number_of_frames) { DCHECK(capture_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::CaptureData"); base::AutoLock auto_lock(thread_lock_); if (!playing_ || !volume_ || !loopback_fifo_) return; // Push captured audio to FIFO so it can be read by a local sink. if (loopback_fifo_->frames() + number_of_frames <= loopback_fifo_->max_frames()) { scoped_ptr audio_source = media::AudioBus::Create( number_of_channels, number_of_frames); audio_source->FromInterleaved(audio_data, audio_source->frames(), sizeof(audio_data[0])); loopback_fifo_->Push(audio_source.get()); const base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now(); total_render_time_ += now - last_render_time_; last_render_time_ = now; } else { DVLOG(1) << "FIFO is full"; } } void WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::OnSetFormat( const media::AudioParameters& params) { DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::OnSetFormat()"; // If the source is restarted, we might have changed to another capture // thread. capture_thread_checker_.DetachFromThread(); DCHECK(capture_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); // Reset the |source_params_|, |sink_params_| and |loopback_fifo_| to match // the new format. { base::AutoLock auto_lock(thread_lock_); if (source_params_ == params) return; source_params_ = params; sink_params_.Reset(source_params_.format(), source_params_.channel_layout(), source_params_.channels(), source_params_.input_channels(), source_params_.sample_rate(), source_params_.bits_per_sample(), #if defined(OS_ANDROID) // On Android, input and output are using same sampling rate. In order to // achieve low latency mode, we need use buffer size suggested by // AudioManager for the sink paramters which will be used to decide // buffer size for shared memory buffer. frames_per_buffer_ #else 2 * source_params_.frames_per_buffer() #endif ); // TODO(henrika): we could add a more dynamic solution here but I prefer // a fixed size combined with bad audio at overflow. The alternative is // that we start to build up latency and that can be more difficult to // detect. Tests have shown that the FIFO never contains more than 2 or 3 // audio frames but I have selected a max size of ten buffers just // in case since these tests were performed on a 16 core, 64GB Win 7 // machine. We could also add some sort of error notifier in this area if // the FIFO overflows. loopback_fifo_.reset(new media::AudioFifo( params.channels(), 10 * params.frames_per_buffer())); } // Post a task on the main render thread to reconfigure the |sink_| with the // new format. message_loop_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::ReconfigureSink, this, params)); } // WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer implementation. WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer( const blink::WebMediaStreamTrack& audio_track, int source_render_view_id, int source_render_frame_id, int session_id, int frames_per_buffer) : audio_track_(audio_track), source_render_view_id_(source_render_view_id), source_render_frame_id_(source_render_frame_id), session_id_(session_id), message_loop_(base::MessageLoopProxy::current()), playing_(false), frames_per_buffer_(frames_per_buffer), volume_(0.0), sink_started_(false) { DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer()"; } WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::~WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); DCHECK(!sink_.get()); DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::~WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer()"; } void WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Start() { DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Start()"; DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); // We get audio data from |audio_track_|... MediaStreamAudioSink::AddToAudioTrack(this, audio_track_); // ...and |sink_| will get audio data from us. DCHECK(!sink_.get()); sink_ = AudioDeviceFactory::NewOutputDevice(source_render_view_id_, source_render_frame_id_); base::AutoLock auto_lock(thread_lock_); last_render_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); playing_ = false; } void WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Stop() { DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Stop()"; DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); { base::AutoLock auto_lock(thread_lock_); playing_ = false; loopback_fifo_.reset(); } // Stop the output audio stream, i.e, stop asking for data to render. // It is safer to call Stop() on the |sink_| to clean up the resources even // when the |sink_| is never started. if (sink_) { sink_->Stop(); sink_ = NULL; } if (!sink_started_) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Media.LocalRendererSinkStates", kSinkNeverStarted, kSinkStatesMax); } sink_started_ = false; // Ensure that the capturer stops feeding us with captured audio. MediaStreamAudioSink::RemoveFromAudioTrack(this, audio_track_); } void WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Play() { DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Play()"; DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (!sink_.get()) return; { base::AutoLock auto_lock(thread_lock_); // Resumes rendering by ensuring that WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Render() // now reads data from the local FIFO. playing_ = true; last_render_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); } // Note: If volume_ is currently muted, the |sink_| will not be started yet. MaybeStartSink(); } void WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Pause() { DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Pause()"; DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (!sink_.get()) return; base::AutoLock auto_lock(thread_lock_); // Temporarily suspends rendering audio. // WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::Render() will return early during this state // and only zeros will be provided to the active sink. playing_ = false; } void WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::SetVolume(float volume) { DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::SetVolume(" << volume << ")"; DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); { base::AutoLock auto_lock(thread_lock_); // Cache the volume. volume_ = volume; } // Lazily start the |sink_| when the local renderer is unmuted during // playing. MaybeStartSink(); if (sink_.get()) sink_->SetVolume(volume); } base::TimeDelta WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::GetCurrentRenderTime() const { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); base::AutoLock auto_lock(thread_lock_); if (!sink_.get()) return base::TimeDelta(); return total_render_time(); } bool WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::IsLocalRenderer() const { return true; } void WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::MaybeStartSink() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::MaybeStartSink()"; if (!sink_.get() || !source_params_.IsValid()) return; base::AutoLock auto_lock(thread_lock_); // Clear up the old data in the FIFO. loopback_fifo_->Clear(); if (!sink_params_.IsValid() || !playing_ || !volume_ || sink_started_) return; DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::MaybeStartSink() -- Starting sink_."; sink_->InitializeUnifiedStream(sink_params_, this, session_id_); sink_->Start(); sink_started_ = true; UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Media.LocalRendererSinkStates", kSinkStarted, kSinkStatesMax); } void WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::ReconfigureSink( const media::AudioParameters& params) { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer::ReconfigureSink()"; if (!sink_) return; // WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer has not yet been started. // Stop |sink_| and re-create a new one to be initialized with different audio // parameters. Then, invoke MaybeStartSink() to restart everything again. if (sink_started_) { sink_->Stop(); sink_started_ = false; } sink_ = AudioDeviceFactory::NewOutputDevice(source_render_view_id_, source_render_frame_id_); MaybeStartSink(); } } // namespace content