// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/renderer/npapi/webplugin_delegate_proxy.h" #include #include #include #include "base/auto_reset.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/process/process.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/version.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "cc/resources/shared_bitmap.h" #include "content/child/child_process.h" #include "content/child/child_shared_bitmap_manager.h" #include "content/child/npapi/npobject_proxy.h" #include "content/child/npapi/npobject_stub.h" #include "content/child/npapi/npobject_util.h" #include "content/child/npapi/webplugin_resource_client.h" #include "content/child/plugin_messages.h" #include "content/common/content_constants_internal.h" #include "content/common/cursors/webcursor.h" #include "content/common/frame_messages.h" #include "content/common/view_messages.h" #include "content/public/renderer/content_renderer_client.h" #include "content/renderer/npapi/plugin_channel_host.h" #include "content/renderer/npapi/webplugin_impl.h" #include "content/renderer/render_thread_impl.h" #include "content/renderer/render_view_impl.h" #include "content/renderer/sad_plugin.h" #include "ipc/ipc_channel_handle.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" #include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebDragData.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebString.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebBindings.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrame.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebView.h" #include "ui/gfx/blit.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" #include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h" #if defined(OS_POSIX) #include "ipc/ipc_channel_posix.h" #endif #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h" #include "content/public/common/sandbox_init.h" #endif using blink::WebBindings; using blink::WebCursorInfo; using blink::WebDragData; using blink::WebInputEvent; using blink::WebString; using blink::WebView; namespace content { namespace { class ScopedLogLevel { public: explicit ScopedLogLevel(int level); ~ScopedLogLevel(); private: int old_level_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedLogLevel); }; ScopedLogLevel::ScopedLogLevel(int level) : old_level_(logging::GetMinLogLevel()) { logging::SetMinLogLevel(level); } ScopedLogLevel::~ScopedLogLevel() { logging::SetMinLogLevel(old_level_); } } // namespace WebPluginDelegateProxy::WebPluginDelegateProxy( WebPluginImpl* plugin, const std::string& mime_type, const base::WeakPtr& render_view, RenderFrameImpl* render_frame) : render_view_(render_view), render_frame_(render_frame), plugin_(plugin), uses_shared_bitmaps_(true), #if defined(OS_MACOSX) uses_compositor_(false), #endif mime_type_(mime_type), instance_id_(MSG_ROUTING_NONE), npobject_(NULL), npp_(new NPP_t), sad_plugin_(NULL), invalidate_pending_(false), transparent_(false), front_buffer_index_(0), page_url_(render_view_->webview()->mainFrame()->document().url()) { } WebPluginDelegateProxy::~WebPluginDelegateProxy() { if (npobject_) WebBindings::releaseObject(npobject_); } WebPluginDelegateProxy::SharedBitmap::SharedBitmap() {} WebPluginDelegateProxy::SharedBitmap::~SharedBitmap() {} void WebPluginDelegateProxy::PluginDestroyed() { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Ensure that the renderer doesn't think the plugin still has focus. if (render_view_) render_view_->PluginFocusChanged(false, instance_id_); #endif if (render_view_.get()) render_view_->UnregisterPluginDelegate(this); if (channel_host_.get()) { Send(new PluginMsg_DestroyInstance(instance_id_)); // Must remove the route after sending the destroy message, rather than // before, since RemoveRoute can lead to all the outstanding NPObjects // being told the channel went away if this was the last instance. channel_host_->RemoveRoute(instance_id_); // Remove the mapping between our instance-Id and NPP identifiers, used by // the channel to track object ownership, before releasing it. channel_host_->RemoveMappingForNPObjectOwner(instance_id_); // Release the channel host now. If we are is the last reference to the // channel, this avoids a race where this renderer asks a new connection to // the same plugin between now and the time 'this' is actually deleted. // Destroying the channel host is what releases the channel name -> FD // association on POSIX, and if we ask for a new connection before it is // released, the plugin will give us a new FD, and we'll assert when trying // to associate it with the channel name. channel_host_ = NULL; } plugin_ = NULL; base::MessageLoop::current()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, this); } bool WebPluginDelegateProxy::Initialize( const GURL& url, const std::vector& arg_names, const std::vector& arg_values, bool load_manually) { // TODO(shess): Attempt to work around http://crbug.com/97285 and // http://crbug.com/141055 by retrying the connection. Reports seem // to indicate that the plugin hasn't crashed, and that the problem // is not 100% persistent. const size_t kAttempts = 2; bool result = false; scoped_refptr channel_host; int instance_id = 0; for (size_t attempt = 0; !result && attempt < kAttempts; attempt++) { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // TODO(shess): Debugging for http://crbug.com/97285 . See comment // in plugin_channel_host.cc. scoped_ptr > track_nested_removes( new base::AutoReset(PluginChannelHost::GetRemoveTrackingFlag(), true)); #endif IPC::ChannelHandle channel_handle; if (!RenderThreadImpl::current()->Send(new FrameHostMsg_OpenChannelToPlugin( render_frame_->GetRoutingID(), url, page_url_, mime_type_, &channel_handle, &info_))) { continue; } if (channel_handle.name.empty()) { // We got an invalid handle. Either the plugin couldn't be found (which // shouldn't happen, since if we got here the plugin should exist) or the // plugin crashed on initialization. if (!info_.path.empty()) { render_view_->GetMainRenderFrame()->PluginCrashed( info_.path, base::kNullProcessId); LOG(ERROR) << "Plugin crashed on start"; // Return true so that the plugin widget is created and we can paint the // crashed plugin there. return true; } LOG(ERROR) << "Plugin couldn't be found"; return false; } channel_host = PluginChannelHost::GetPluginChannelHost( channel_handle, ChildProcess::current()->io_task_runner()); if (!channel_host.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't get PluginChannelHost"; continue; } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) track_nested_removes.reset(); #endif { // TODO(bauerb): Debugging for http://crbug.com/141055. ScopedLogLevel log_level(-2); // Equivalent to --v=2 result = channel_host->Send(new PluginMsg_CreateInstance( mime_type_, &instance_id)); if (!result) { LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't send PluginMsg_CreateInstance"; continue; } } } // Failed too often, give up. if (!result) return false; channel_host_ = channel_host; instance_id_ = instance_id; channel_host_->AddRoute(instance_id_, this, NULL); // Inform the channel of the mapping between our instance-Id and dummy NPP // identifier, for use in object ownership tracking. channel_host_->AddMappingForNPObjectOwner(instance_id_, GetPluginNPP()); // Now tell the PluginInstance in the plugin process to initialize. PluginMsg_Init_Params params; params.url = url; params.page_url = page_url_; params.arg_names = arg_names; params.arg_values = arg_values; params.host_render_view_routing_id = render_view_->GetRoutingID(); params.load_manually = load_manually; result = false; Send(new PluginMsg_Init(instance_id_, params, &transparent_, &result)); if (!result) LOG(WARNING) << "PluginMsg_Init returned false"; render_view_->RegisterPluginDelegate(this); return result; } bool WebPluginDelegateProxy::Send(IPC::Message* msg) { if (!channel_host_.get()) { DLOG(WARNING) << "dropping message because channel host is null"; delete msg; return false; } return channel_host_->Send(msg); } bool WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) { GetContentClient()->SetActiveURL(page_url_); bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(WebPluginDelegateProxy, msg) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_InvalidateRect, OnInvalidateRect) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_GetWindowScriptNPObject, OnGetWindowScriptNPObject) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_GetPluginElement, OnGetPluginElement) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_ResolveProxy, OnResolveProxy) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_SetCookie, OnSetCookie) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_GetCookies, OnGetCookies) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_CancelDocumentLoad, OnCancelDocumentLoad) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_DidStartLoading, OnDidStartLoading) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_DidStopLoading, OnDidStopLoading) #if defined(OS_MACOSX) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_FocusChanged, OnFocusChanged); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_StartIme, OnStartIme); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_AcceleratedPluginEnabledRendering, OnAcceleratedPluginEnabledRendering) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_AcceleratedPluginAllocatedIOSurface, OnAcceleratedPluginAllocatedIOSurface) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PluginHostMsg_AcceleratedPluginSwappedIOSurface, OnAcceleratedPluginSwappedIOSurface) #endif IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() DCHECK(handled); return handled; } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnChannelError() { if (plugin_) { plugin_->Invalidate(); } if (channel_host_.get() && !channel_host_->expecting_shutdown()) { render_view_->GetMainRenderFrame()->PluginCrashed( info_.path, channel_host_->peer_pid()); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Ensure that the renderer doesn't think the plugin still has focus. if (render_view_) render_view_->PluginFocusChanged(false, instance_id_); #endif } static void CopySharedMemoryHandleForMessage( const base::SharedMemoryHandle& handle_in, base::SharedMemoryHandle* handle_out, base::ProcessId peer_pid) { #if defined(OS_POSIX) || defined(OS_WIN) *handle_out = base::SharedMemory::DuplicateHandle(handle_in); #else #error Shared memory copy not implemented. #endif } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::SendUpdateGeometry( bool bitmaps_changed) { if (!channel_host_.get()) return; PluginMsg_UpdateGeometry_Param param; param.window_rect = plugin_rect_; param.clip_rect = clip_rect_; param.windowless_buffer0 = base::SharedMemory::NULLHandle(); param.windowless_buffer1 = base::SharedMemory::NULLHandle(); param.windowless_buffer_index = back_buffer_index(); #if defined(OS_POSIX) // If we're using POSIX mmap'd TransportDIBs, sending the handle across // IPC establishes a new mapping rather than just sending a window ID, // so only do so if we've actually changed the shared memory bitmaps. if (bitmaps_changed) #endif { if (transport_stores_[0].bitmap) CopySharedMemoryHandleForMessage( transport_stores_[0].bitmap->shared_memory()->handle(), ¶m.windowless_buffer0, channel_host_->peer_pid()); if (transport_stores_[1].bitmap) CopySharedMemoryHandleForMessage( transport_stores_[1].bitmap->shared_memory()->handle(), ¶m.windowless_buffer1, channel_host_->peer_pid()); } IPC::Message* msg; #if defined(OS_WIN) if (UseSynchronousGeometryUpdates()) { msg = new PluginMsg_UpdateGeometrySync(instance_id_, param); } else // NOLINT #endif { msg = new PluginMsg_UpdateGeometry(instance_id_, param); msg->set_unblock(true); } Send(msg); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::UpdateGeometry(const gfx::Rect& window_rect, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect) { // window_rect becomes either a window in native windowing system // coords, or a backing buffer. In either case things will go bad // if the rectangle is very large. if (window_rect.width() < 0 || window_rect.width() > kMaxPluginSideLength || window_rect.height() < 0 || window_rect.height() > kMaxPluginSideLength || // We know this won't overflow due to above checks. static_cast(window_rect.width()) * static_cast(window_rect.height()) > kMaxPluginSize) { return; } plugin_rect_ = window_rect; clip_rect_ = clip_rect; bool bitmaps_changed = false; if (uses_shared_bitmaps_) { if (!front_buffer_canvas() || (window_rect.width() != front_buffer_canvas()->getBaseLayerSize().width() || window_rect.height() != front_buffer_canvas()->getBaseLayerSize().height())) { bitmaps_changed = true; // Create a shared memory section that the plugin paints into // asynchronously. ResetWindowlessBitmaps(); if (!window_rect.IsEmpty()) { if (!CreateSharedBitmap(&transport_stores_[0].bitmap, &transport_stores_[0].canvas) || !CreateSharedBitmap(&transport_stores_[1].bitmap, &transport_stores_[1].canvas)) { DCHECK(false); ResetWindowlessBitmaps(); return; } } } } SendUpdateGeometry(bitmaps_changed); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::ResetWindowlessBitmaps() { transport_stores_[0].bitmap.reset(); transport_stores_[1].bitmap.reset(); transport_stores_[0].canvas.clear(); transport_stores_[1].canvas.clear(); transport_store_painted_ = gfx::Rect(); front_buffer_diff_ = gfx::Rect(); } #if !defined(OS_WIN) static size_t BitmapSizeForPluginRect(const gfx::Rect& plugin_rect) { const size_t stride = skia::PlatformCanvasStrideForWidth(plugin_rect.width()); return stride * plugin_rect.height(); } bool WebPluginDelegateProxy::CreateLocalBitmap( std::vector* memory, skia::RefPtr* canvas) { const size_t size = BitmapSizeForPluginRect(plugin_rect_); memory->resize(size); if (memory->size() != size) return false; *canvas = skia::AdoptRef(skia::CreatePlatformCanvas( plugin_rect_.width(), plugin_rect_.height(), true, &((*memory)[0]), skia::CRASH_ON_FAILURE)); return true; } #endif bool WebPluginDelegateProxy::CreateSharedBitmap( scoped_ptr* memory, skia::RefPtr* canvas) { *memory = ChildThreadImpl::current() ->shared_bitmap_manager() ->AllocateSharedMemoryBitmap(plugin_rect_.size()); if (!memory->get()) return false; DCHECK((*memory)->shared_memory()); #if defined(OS_POSIX) *canvas = skia::AdoptRef(skia::CreatePlatformCanvas( plugin_rect_.width(), plugin_rect_.height(), true, (*memory)->pixels(), skia::RETURN_NULL_ON_FAILURE)); #else *canvas = skia::AdoptRef(skia::CreatePlatformCanvas( plugin_rect_.width(), plugin_rect_.height(), true, (*memory)->shared_memory()->handle().GetHandle(), skia::RETURN_NULL_ON_FAILURE)); #endif return !!canvas->get(); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::Paint(SkCanvas* canvas, const gfx::Rect& damaged_rect) { // Limit the damaged rectangle to whatever is contained inside the plugin // rectangle, as that's the rectangle that we'll actually draw. gfx::Rect rect = gfx::IntersectRects(damaged_rect, plugin_rect_); // If the plugin is no longer connected (channel crashed) draw a crashed // plugin bitmap if (!channel_host_.get() || !channel_host_->channel_valid()) { // Lazily load the sad plugin image. if (!sad_plugin_) sad_plugin_ = GetContentClient()->renderer()->GetSadPluginBitmap(); if (sad_plugin_) PaintSadPlugin(canvas, plugin_rect_, *sad_plugin_); return; } if (!uses_shared_bitmaps_) return; // We got a paint before the plugin's coordinates, so there's no buffer to // copy from. if (!front_buffer_canvas()) return; gfx::Rect offset_rect = rect; offset_rect.Offset(-plugin_rect_.x(), -plugin_rect_.y()); // transport_store_painted_ is really a bounding box, so in principle this // check could falsely indicate that we don't need to paint offset_rect, but // in practice it works fine. if (!transport_store_painted_.Contains(offset_rect)) { Send(new PluginMsg_Paint(instance_id_, offset_rect)); // Since the plugin is not blocked on the renderer in this context, there is // a chance that it will begin repainting the back-buffer before we complete // capturing the data. Buffer flipping would increase that risk because // geometry update is asynchronous, so we don't want to use buffer flipping // here. UpdateFrontBuffer(offset_rect, false); } const SkBitmap bitmap = skia::ReadPixels(front_buffer_canvas()); SkPaint paint; paint.setXfermodeMode( transparent_ ? SkXfermode::kSrcATop_Mode : SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode); SkRect src_rect = gfx::RectToSkRect(offset_rect); canvas->drawBitmapRect(bitmap, src_rect, gfx::RectToSkRect(rect), &paint); if (invalidate_pending_) { // Only send the PaintAck message if this paint is in response to an // invalidate from the plugin, since this message acts as an access token // to ensure only one process is using the shared bitmap at a time. invalidate_pending_ = false; Send(new PluginMsg_DidPaint(instance_id_)); } } NPObject* WebPluginDelegateProxy::GetPluginScriptableObject() { if (npobject_) return WebBindings::retainObject(npobject_); if (!channel_host_.get()) return NULL; int route_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE; Send(new PluginMsg_GetPluginScriptableObject(instance_id_, &route_id)); if (route_id == MSG_ROUTING_NONE) return NULL; if (!channel_host_.get()) return nullptr; npobject_ = NPObjectProxy::Create( channel_host_.get(), route_id, 0, page_url_, GetPluginNPP()); return WebBindings::retainObject(npobject_); } NPP WebPluginDelegateProxy::GetPluginNPP() { // Return a dummy NPP for WebKit to use to identify this plugin. return npp_.get(); } bool WebPluginDelegateProxy::GetFormValue(base::string16* value) { bool success = false; Send(new PluginMsg_GetFormValue(instance_id_, value, &success)); return success; } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::SetFocus(bool focused) { Send(new PluginMsg_SetFocus(instance_id_, focused)); } bool WebPluginDelegateProxy::HandleInputEvent( const WebInputEvent& event, WebCursor::CursorInfo* cursor_info) { bool handled = false; WebCursor cursor; Send(new PluginMsg_HandleInputEvent(instance_id_, &event, &handled, &cursor)); return handled; } int WebPluginDelegateProxy::GetProcessId() { return channel_host_->peer_pid(); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::SetContentAreaFocus(bool has_focus) { IPC::Message* msg = new PluginMsg_SetContentAreaFocus(instance_id_, has_focus); // Make sure focus events are delivered in the right order relative to // sync messages they might interact with (Paint, HandleEvent, etc.). msg->set_unblock(true); Send(msg); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void WebPluginDelegateProxy::SetWindowFocus(bool window_has_focus) { IPC::Message* msg = new PluginMsg_SetWindowFocus(instance_id_, window_has_focus); // Make sure focus events are delivered in the right order relative to // sync messages they might interact with (Paint, HandleEvent, etc.). msg->set_unblock(true); Send(msg); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::SetContainerVisibility(bool is_visible) { IPC::Message* msg; if (is_visible) { gfx::Rect window_frame = render_view_->GetWidget()->rootWindowRect(); gfx::Rect view_frame = render_view_->GetWidget()->windowRect(); blink::WebView* webview = render_view_->webview(); msg = new PluginMsg_ContainerShown(instance_id_, window_frame, view_frame, webview && webview->isActive()); } else { msg = new PluginMsg_ContainerHidden(instance_id_); } // Make sure visibility events are delivered in the right order relative to // sync messages they might interact with (Paint, HandleEvent, etc.). msg->set_unblock(true); Send(msg); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::WindowFrameChanged(gfx::Rect window_frame, gfx::Rect view_frame) { IPC::Message* msg = new PluginMsg_WindowFrameChanged(instance_id_, window_frame, view_frame); // Make sure frame events are delivered in the right order relative to // sync messages they might interact with (e.g., HandleEvent). msg->set_unblock(true); Send(msg); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::ImeCompositionCompleted(const base::string16& text, int plugin_id) { // If the message isn't intended for this plugin, there's nothing to do. if (instance_id_ != plugin_id) return; IPC::Message* msg = new PluginMsg_ImeCompositionCompleted(instance_id_, text); // Order relative to other key events is important. msg->set_unblock(true); Send(msg); } #endif // OS_MACOSX void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnInvalidateRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) { if (!plugin_) return; // Clip the invalidation rect to the plugin bounds; the plugin may have been // resized since the invalidate message was sent. gfx::Rect clipped_rect = gfx::IntersectRects(rect, gfx::Rect(plugin_rect_.size())); invalidate_pending_ = true; // The plugin is blocked on the renderer because the invalidate message it has // sent us is synchronous, so we can use buffer flipping here if the caller // allows it. UpdateFrontBuffer(clipped_rect, true); plugin_->InvalidateRect(clipped_rect); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnGetWindowScriptNPObject( int route_id, bool* success) { *success = false; NPObject* npobject = NULL; if (plugin_) npobject = plugin_->GetWindowScriptNPObject(); if (!npobject) return; // The stub will delete itself when the proxy tells it that it's released, or // otherwise when the channel is closed. new NPObjectStub(npobject, channel_host_.get(), route_id, 0, page_url_); *success = true; } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnResolveProxy(const GURL& url, bool* result, std::string* proxy_list) { *result = RenderThreadImpl::current()->ResolveProxy(url, proxy_list); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnGetPluginElement(int route_id, bool* success) { *success = false; NPObject* npobject = NULL; if (plugin_) npobject = plugin_->GetPluginElement(); if (!npobject) return; // The stub will delete itself when the proxy tells it that it's released, or // otherwise when the channel is closed. new NPObjectStub( npobject, channel_host_.get(), route_id, 0, page_url_); *success = true; } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnSetCookie(const GURL& url, const GURL& first_party_for_cookies, const std::string& cookie) { if (plugin_) plugin_->SetCookie(url, first_party_for_cookies, cookie); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnGetCookies(const GURL& url, const GURL& first_party_for_cookies, std::string* cookies) { DCHECK(cookies); if (plugin_) *cookies = plugin_->GetCookies(url, first_party_for_cookies); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::CopyFromBackBufferToFrontBuffer( const gfx::Rect& rect) { // Blitting the bits directly is much faster than going through CG, and since // the goal is just to move the raw pixels between two bitmaps with the same // pixel format (no compositing, color correction, etc.), it's safe. const size_t stride = skia::PlatformCanvasStrideForWidth(plugin_rect_.width()); const size_t chunk_size = 4 * rect.width(); DCHECK(back_buffer_bitmap() != NULL); uint8_t* source_data = back_buffer_bitmap()->pixels() + rect.y() * stride + 4 * rect.x(); DCHECK(front_buffer_bitmap() != NULL); uint8_t* target_data = front_buffer_bitmap()->pixels() + rect.y() * stride + 4 * rect.x(); for (int row = 0; row < rect.height(); ++row) { memcpy(target_data, source_data, chunk_size); source_data += stride; target_data += stride; } } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::UpdateFrontBuffer( const gfx::Rect& rect, bool allow_buffer_flipping) { if (!front_buffer_canvas()) { return; } #if defined(OS_WIN) // If SendUpdateGeometry() would block on the plugin process then we don't // want to use buffer flipping at all since it would add extra locking. // (Alternatively we could probably safely use async updates for buffer // flipping all the time since the size is not changing.) if (UseSynchronousGeometryUpdates()) { allow_buffer_flipping = false; } #endif // Plugin has just painted "rect" into the back-buffer, so the front-buffer // no longer holds the latest content for that rectangle. front_buffer_diff_.Subtract(rect); if (allow_buffer_flipping && front_buffer_diff_.IsEmpty()) { // Back-buffer contains the latest content for all areas; simply flip // the buffers. front_buffer_index_ = back_buffer_index(); SendUpdateGeometry(false); // The front-buffer now holds newer content for this region than the // back-buffer. front_buffer_diff_ = rect; } else { // Back-buffer contains the latest content for "rect" but the front-buffer // contains the latest content for some other areas (or buffer flipping not // allowed); fall back to copying the data. CopyFromBackBufferToFrontBuffer(rect); } transport_store_painted_.Union(rect); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnFocusChanged(bool focused) { if (render_view_) render_view_->PluginFocusChanged(focused, instance_id_); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnStartIme() { if (render_view_) render_view_->StartPluginIme(); } #endif void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnCancelDocumentLoad() { plugin_->CancelDocumentLoad(); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnDidStartLoading() { plugin_->DidStartLoading(); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnDidStopLoading() { plugin_->DidStopLoading(); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnAcceleratedPluginEnabledRendering() { uses_compositor_ = true; uses_shared_bitmaps_ = false; } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnAcceleratedPluginAllocatedIOSurface( int32_t width, int32_t height, uint32_t surface_id) { if (plugin_) plugin_->AcceleratedPluginAllocatedIOSurface(width, height, surface_id); } void WebPluginDelegateProxy::OnAcceleratedPluginSwappedIOSurface() { if (plugin_) plugin_->AcceleratedPluginSwappedIOSurface(); } #endif #if defined(OS_WIN) bool WebPluginDelegateProxy::UseSynchronousGeometryUpdates() { // Need to update geometry synchronously with WMP, otherwise if a site // scripts the plugin to start playing while it's in the middle of handling // an update geometry message, videos don't play. See urls in bug 20260. if (info_.name.find(base::ASCIIToUTF16("Windows Media Player")) != base::string16::npos) return true; // The move networks plugin needs to be informed of geometry updates // synchronously. std::vector::iterator index; for (index = info_.mime_types.begin(); index != info_.mime_types.end(); index++) { if (index->mime_type == "application/x-vnd.moveplayer.qm" || index->mime_type == "application/x-vnd.moveplay2.qm" || index->mime_type == "application/x-vnd.movenetworks.qm" || index->mime_type == "application/x-vnd.mnplayer.qm") { return true; } } return false; } #endif } // namespace content